Birth To Death of My Crush

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his birth to death of my first crush and it gets emotional moms together together always you've got this okay on the count of three I want you to push for me now one two three oh congratulations it's a beautiful girl look at her daughter Rebecca's beautiful oh my God make sure she's gonna be okay man easy easy no oh no I have to be there okay we have to go see my best friend okay man you've got this Chloe on the count of three ma'am I want you to push for me okay one two three pushing it's almost there almost there a little more congratulations Oliver Rebecca and Oliver were born on the same day they're gonna be best friends just like us we did it congratulations ladies thank you thank you one year old Happy First Birthday Rebecca and Oliver we are best friends and when you guys grow up we want you two to be best friends too yeah yeah Rebecca and the son had the same birthday well before we do cake and presents let's go to the bounce house we will be right there oh my gosh isn't this amazing okay Rebecca now before we go on the bounce house I have a special gift for you you want to see what it is wow it's a zamfam clip and when you get bigger I want you to wear it every day yes I love you now do you want to go play in your bounce house with Oliver let's go have fun [Music] I'm gonna go and take Oliver to the other one okay Rebecca and I are just gonna bounce a little longer here okay oh no oh no help dear Mom hey really really wake up Lily 9-1-1 ambulance my best friend isn't breathing I don't feel Rebecca Oliver just stay there okay your mom's gonna be okay Oliver Lily one week later Oliver uncle but just know that Rebecca and I will always be here for you she's always gonna be your best friend okay you guys hold on one sec heart the doctor said this dress makes it worse stay calm she was my best friend and now her son doesn't have a mother it's okay you guys old hey watch this hey nerdo think fast Rebecca okay forget her to turn her head well you guys should stop or are you gonna cry to your mommy is she too sick she's not sick she's fine well that's not what I heard [Music] hey Oliver oh here I think you dropped this Rebecca I made something for you oh thanks Jessica so stop bro you want to hang out sometime sure after practice got it it seems like everyone likes Oliver but not Rebecca hey Rebecca are you okay I'm fine oh hey Oliver check out my new comic book drawing oh Rebecca looks like you need a new eraser why would you want you to come why would you do that I didn't mean to the Box slipped out of my hand I literally saw you everyone knows if you mess with her you mess with me stop standing up for me I can stand up for myself well obviously you can I can you're not my brother don't compare your best friend and your brother stop that is enough Oliver Rebecca my office now [Music] come on principal Burger I'm sorry I'm late I was at a doctor's appointment for my heart it's okay I understand well Oliver and Rebecca were being very disruptive in class you want to explain yourselves Oliver Rebecca what's going on you're supposed to be best friends I was just standing up for her she was getting bullied I can stand up for my I don't need you to stand up for me call now Rebecca you know your mom has a weak heart I don't need to calm down you should just stop standing up for me relax Rebecca okay I'm trying to protect you you always get lonely I don't need to use oh no oh no what's wrong what's wrong Mara there's no pulse Oliver I need you to go call 9-1-1 right now Mom Mom I'm sorry it made your heart stop I didn't mean to I'm sorry Mom Mom [Music] I miss you so much Mom I know this is a very difficult time but for now we're gonna have you stay with your aunt okay and she's gonna she's gonna be there for you right now okay I'm sorry about your mom I know how it feels to lose a parent I know you do can I ask you something what's your dream when you grow older I don't know I haven't really thought about it what about you I think I want to grow old for someone and have a family that sounds like a good dream I would like that for myself too you know always makes me feel better a movie with junk food let's go this birth the death of My First Crush program is emotional and I haven't even met my crush yet well you have to start a family in order to pass this program start a family my crush be healed he better not be cuter than me Maddie 16 years old so remind me why are we here this is where we go every year to celebrate my mom's birthday you choose this place we've been going here since we were little we used to go with my mom until she passed away oh your mommy's dead too just like Oliver's so who do you live with I actually live with my aunt he's like how he lives with his uncle isn't it so nice there's zero rules yeah she's honestly super shook like a curfew and everything okay yes she's a little bit strict but she has good reason and it's gotten a lot looser since she's gotten sick yeah since the hospital super chill that's her first crush he's really cute really I thought she could do way better is she doing okay I know she has the same heart condition as your mom actually she's in the hospital right now they're running tests to see if it's gonna get worse but anyways let's cheers to this double day and your mom's birthday cheers so remind me how did you two meet so I was actually just looking for a rebound but then she makes a mean breakfast I thought you met her at Auto Body yeah it kind of grossed me out but then free oil change I like fixing cars I would never change my own oil unless Oliver loves girly girls so how'd you pull a baby like that well actually Oliver was prom King and I was homecoming queen so it was just like fake true love uh you know what I have to take this I am so sorry it's the hospital hello I'm gonna go check on her no it's not Ryan's job I'm just gonna finish eating and then okay I'll be right back mac and cheese so good here why is he eating her Crush should be checking on her right now have you tried that mac and cheese no well then you don't know okay yeah I'm in a quiet place what is it doctor what you mean there's nothing you could have done Rebecca and now I'm all alone hey you're not alone I'm here for you okay Oliver come on we have a movie to get to sorry yeah I need to excuse me you should go I'll be fine you sure yeah I'll call you later so any updates hi I'm so sorry I don't know what to do what do I think about it this way now it is a huge weight off of our shoulders and we can spend so much more time together two births and now three deaths this is so emotional I hope her crush doesn't die seriously no 21 years old you can do this you can do this just take deep breaths hey you wanted to talk yeah oh no please tell me you're not having another emotional breakdown about missing your mom it's not about my mom listen I think that hold on one sec hello you do yeah yeah yeah I'm here okay bye who's that it was Oliver he has something important he has to tell me you use your nice voice you totally have a Crusher Crush I totally saw that coming yeah right what no our moms were best friends we've grown up together I don't have a crush yeah friends who want to kiss each other that's not what this is about well Ben I brought you over because I want to have kids and a family and I want to get married and you don't want any of that we're not right for each other I'm breaking up with you what think about your mom she wanted kids and look at how she ended up that's what you want all right whatever oil change tone you think that you're the best that I can get let me show you something this is where I'm at right now this is where I'm headed enjoy your little crush Oliver he's not my crush I mean he is nice he's always been there for me and we have a lot of the same things in common but I don't like him oh my gosh I do like him and he's coming here and tell me something important what if he has a crush on me he's here oh my gosh have you gone to Rebecca we have a ton of new summer merch and we are doing a ton of giveaways and contests for subscribers so go check out and make sure to subscribe hey Oliver hey thanks for letting me stop by can I come in yeah of course I could tell you something I wanted to tell you something too do you mind if I go first okay sure you know what instead of telling you I should show you close your eyes keep them close Okay okay ready open them up we're engaged oh we wanted to invite you to our wedding this weekend wow wow that you're engaged in getting married this weekend that's fast yeah she wanted to move quickly so I mean when it's right it's right and who could be more perfect for Oliver than me no fiance do you want to go get some dinner yeah but can you give me a moment Rebecca wanted to tell me something okay I'll see you later Beyonce you're engaged yeah so you wanted to tell me something oh uh it wasn't important I I forgot it already how's Ryan he's invited too by the way we actually broke up oh no no it's okay I broke up with him we just we weren't right together see you at the wedding you bet it's gonna be fun I can't believe that I actually thought he would like me of course he's engaged I'm not gonna be able to complete this program well maybe this is one of those programs that you do not finish no you need to get back in there stop the wedding and marry your crush I can't force someone to like me you need to start a video back in there he doesn't love me he loves someone else maybe this isn't meant to be Oliver Rebecca hey I'm so happy you made it yeah big day yep anyways um this is for you it's from my mom she wanted me to give it to you when you found true love you know something borrowed something blue something old something new I hope it brings you good luck in the Life filled with happiness hey are you okay yeah yeah I'm good it just probably nerves or something well I'll see you out there see ya [Music] we have gathered here today to unite these two lovers are there any objections stop the wedding Rebecca he's not gonna stop the wedding I Now pronounce you husband and wife we now kiss the bride [Music] I can't what Oliver Oliver why did you leave your wedding I can't do it I can't marry her why I'm sick Rebecca what do you mean you're sick I have cancer it's not fair to her I don't know how much time I have left and I don't want to spend it with the wrong person well who's the right person I don't even know if they exist he has cancer what's she gonna do now listen Oliver this is a lot to take in and cancer is a very scary thing but a lot of people fight cancer and they're okay okay you just need to relax you know what why don't you go get changed get in pajamas and we'll have a movie night just like we used to junk food popcorn all of it and we watch funny movies okay forget about the cancer for one night okay forget about this I'll take care of everything just go home and I'll see you later okay you're a great friend Rebecca cancer it's gonna be okay it's gonna be fine all right catch three two one oh oh see I am telling you there is no problem that a movie and some junk food gets so you're right you're right this vanilla ice cream is so good you got something what yeah like yeah like Oliver can I ask you something you don't have to answer it but what made you want to ask Jessica to marry you honestly I always knew she wasn't right for me I don't know it just felt like something I was supposed to do you know my mom would have hated her can I ask you something when we were younger you said your dream was to grow old with someone have a family that's still true I mean like it's complicated yes I would love kids and a family why is it complicated why are you changing your mind because of you because of me you've been the only one there for me if I were to have a family I wouldn't want it with anyone else besides you I'm sorry I I have to go um thanks for the ice cream Oliver oh she just got dissed Maddie you know what that feels like right wow oh God Oliver I'm sorry I great why did I do that oh I just lost my best friend what are these follow the Roses who came into my room last night you have no idea the Almond Joy you bring to me this is my favorite candy bars [Music] this another note when I'm not with you I miss your scent I said vanilla I got you your favorite drink because I want you to be awake when I ask you this Ryan it was Ryan I knew that was her crush this whole time can I come in sure did all this yeah I was an idiot and I wanted to apologize you know how to do an apology I didn't know you had it in you I didn't know what flowers you liked so I got you these I realize that I care about you a lot and I do want to have a family with you I didn't know you knew my Starbucks order I don't that was just on the front doorstep what that was on the front doorstep so what do you say you want to start fresh roses what my favorite flower is roses we were together for three years and you still don't know that I can't get back together with you I'm sorry Oliver [Music] Rebecca hey look I'm sorry I left last night I was driving home and I realized there's something I needed to tell you what I've loved you since we were little kids will you marry me I know I can't promise you that we'd grow old together or have a family but you are my family yes yes [Music] we have gathered here today in an intimate ceremony of two best friends whose friendship turned into Love That Will Last in eternity Oliver and we now say your vows Rebecca I was looking for the perfect girl my whole life when she was in front of me the whole time I love you so much Oliver I knew from the second we were kids that I was meant to be with you it's not fate that our mothers were best friends I love you so much and no matter what happens I'll Always Love You by the power vested in me okay I'm sorry I'm sorry it's okay I Now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride [Music] pull an ambulance Oliver wake up wake up over pick up I'm sorry for ruining your wedding day Oliver you didn't ruin my wedding day and it's not my wedding day it's our wedding day and I still get to call you my husband it was perfect Oliver ma'am your blood results came in I'm sorry to tell you this but your cancer has progressed rapidly let's move to stage four how much time does he have around six months at the most what's up I'm sorry I'll give you guys a moment how are we gonna start a family if I'm just gonna die listen Oliver that's just a number when I married you I knew what I was getting into we're gonna fight this together one year I just got off the phone with the doctor and your white blood cell count is up the treatment is working you're gonna be okay it's amazing we're finally gonna get what you always wanted to grow old and have a family with someone well right now Oliver you just need to rest up and get your strength back I think I'm good enough to go get a glass of water just let me let me get that for you no no I can do it I can do it okay sure yeah yeah okay Oliver Oliver Oliver oh hello my husband just passed out I need someone to get here yes this has happened before his pulse I don't feel anything please please get here Oliver oh thank you you're killing me we're supposed to grow together [Music] oh no he died before they could start a family now she's not gonna pass the program we only saw this coming Oliver it's been a month since you've been gone and I miss you more and more each day every time I see a rose I think of you you're the only one that knew roses were my favorite flower and I don't know what I'm gonna do without you but I have some exciting news I want to show you something we're pregnant and it's gonna be a beautiful little boy and he's gonna be Oliver Junior and he's gonna look just like you and I promise to tell him all about his dad and how great he was thank you for giving me the family I always wanted and one day we will grow old together [Music] I did it I completed that oh Graham but Sam fam that was emotional if you have ever lost anyone comment below who it was and what they meant to you also make sure to click and watch this video right you were pregnant in the program [Music]
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 5,728,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birth, death, crush, emotional, birth to death, in real life, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie, dhar mann
Id: Gl6r_AY5ip0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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