Kids Who Got Exposed On Tik Tok

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shine bright like a diamond ooh highlighter she does look like a diamond I have never seen that much highlighter I'm blinded by her face today we're reacting to kids that got Exposed on Tik Tok and there will be three levels each one gets more extreme let's start with level one I tried to grab his snacks oh he was not about it look that's like when Matt tries to take my snacks I'm like you better give it back oh that girl looks scary oh he's threatening a toddler what he's like you're not going to see anything but my back side that kid is traumatized for life oh this girl is clever I didn't have a phone when I was her age but she is trying to pretend like she's studying watching it the mom's like okay something's up but she did not figure it out so I guess you get a point for the kid but guess what someone's filming you so uh you might be grounded after this she's shooting a basket oh that's good oh that has totally happened to me doesn't feel good at all he thought it was a corn dog oh oh that is a weed I feel so bad I love that his parents were filming him he actually thought that was a hot tug well that's a life lesson he had to learn at a young age that kid is destroying a wall you are exposed if that was Z she would be grounded for life also how did he get that far before anyone found him When Auntie shows up without your Christmas gift he's looking all happy and cute I like the matching pajamas oh he just gave her a dirty look man nothing like getting shaded by a one-year-old Honestly though it's happened to me before it was Zade and it is not fun safe to say that was the end of our day out what's happening okay kids try to do this all the time they try to block the water when it comes up Zade loves these places oh but this kid seems clever oh oh no went right in his face sometimes you have to learn the hard way that was level one now we're moving on to level two and these are getting even more extreme so make sure you're subscribe right now do it or I'm exposing you for not subscribing this kid is playing darts how can a kid play darts that kid is so much better than me how I tried playing pickle ball with Z she could barely hold the paddle ooh a vacuum the kid is curious oh oh yep that happened that vacuum was terrifying imagine like looking at something it starts to suck your face off if the kid doesn't clean when they grow up they can point back to this video as their trauma babies fighting over their toys these siblings okay that girl is being dramatic she is purposely trying to get her brother in trouble that's what my little sister used to do to me he's not even pushing her that hard I love that that girl got exposed for being a drama queen she's a good actress though where is he going I mean toddlers are so cute he fits under the table oh it was all fun and games until he tried to jump why would you jump under a table things you have to learn when you're two o I would not mess with animals you know what this is where I feel like kids have to learn the hard way who's going to win this kid or this sheep and he just got headbutted wait but the kid went back have you learned nothing run away I opened the car door and saw this oh she so cute what is that throw up or is that something else it was their fruit pouch oh man I'm scared I give those to zes sometimes in the car and I might instantly regret it now I'm so glad she hasn't done that in my pink Jeep kids are funny oh this is a Play Place this looks fun but I don't know what they're doing oh my gosh and that is why they have a weight limit and you're supposed to be a kid that terrifies me that's why I don't like going into those things what if that happened to me the fact it broke so easy though like maybe kids shouldn't be playing there when you're one-year-old tells on herself how she's been getting out of her crib one time zadee tried to get out of her crib did not end well she is mad she does not want to go to sleep I always want to sleep I'd be like woohoo I have a crib peace and quiet she's doing it right in Fr you are exposing yourself on Tik Tok right now little one-year-old but honestly that one-year-old is pretty strong oh no and then they're stuck how oh yep yeah once the kids can escape the nights are change forever he tried to fly have we all not tried to fly with a cake you know it doesn't always end well but he's playing it off he's not even crying he's just like yeah no I'm good mom didn't hurt at all oh my gosh that's so good I don't want say he trying that though I caught my toddler red-handed and his reaction was priceless oh no I'm afraid toddlers can cause chaos oh they're just eating Pringles that's not so bad I think zadee would love some Pringles I don't think she's tried them yet this baby is just like in their element thriving off Pringles I love Pringles I love sour cream and onion comment below what your favorite flavor is H they don't even care look at that smile okay you're cute when a kid's that cute how are you supposed to get them in trouble my four-year-old stole my lipstick to bring to share day at preschool oh my gosh Zade loves my lipstick I give her this like fake chapstick to put on oh this could be Zade oh wow what color is it she's doing all over the face okay at least this girl's four zade's two and she tries to eat it eat my lipstick if it smells good oh man forget about it RP lipstick this kid is walking with what oh face plant what is she is that a leash is she having a fake dog is she okay get up little girl kids fall so hard and they're able to recover so fast if I fell like that I'd be sore for like a week oh my gosh poor baby Sam fam have any of you done this at home tried to like climb up on a floor spilled with oil but like that's what you get for putting oil all over the floor he can't escape he got caught in 4k oh this looks fun oh wow that kid went flying that actually looked kind of fun let's watch it again W okay raise your hand if you kind of want to try that slide still looks fun oh is that a llama there's one thing that you need to know about a llama and that kid just found it out that a llama spits they'll spit in your face oh look they're putting on a show or something this is cute oh they ran together okay honestly it's the older girl's fault you can't run back into it your little brother always follows you older sibling should know that oh this looks fun this is something I would do with zie look how cool that looks okay maybe not maybe that wasn't a good idea that was more of a parent fail like I blame the parents for that but you know what if it was a hot summer day you got to keep your kids entertained all right we are moving on to level three now and I cannot wait to watch these note to parents don't push buttons while your kids's in it what is that oh he's pushing the button oh that hit he went down that baby didn't stand a chance I mean they're in there because they can't sit up on their own I would have felt so bad if I did that to zie but you know what parents fail a lot okay it's going to happen she tried kicking things and throwing a fit and fell on her head that'll teach the kid not to throw a tantrum in a store real fast I'd be a little glad if that happened to Zade because then I know it would not happen again just riding a bike oh man I crashed hard when I was learning to ride a bike let's see oh he looked cute for the camera but he forgot about looking forward and seeing that table okay honestly though I ran into a wall on a bike so my crash was way worse than that okay we see a kid coming down what is going to happen what are they putting on that laundry detergent wow this kid is so bad why would they think are they trying to clean the carpet what is the point I'd be so mad as a parent they're just watching TV oh if they dump it on their brother's head wow he didn't even Flinch like he's not even even sorry about it you know what the carpets were probably dirty and he thought his brother was too just trying to clean them all up oh man this is how he throw a tantrum at a grocery store the kids's like I don't want to get in it I don't want to buy groceries so I'm just going to go for a ride wait the mom didn't even know that was pretty good I would give that kid a thumbs up if I was in a store and I saw him doing that kids are living large oh they're flipping oh gosh you guys why do these kids kind of have skills they're doing like front flips back flips in a pool of water that's how you take advantage of flooding on a rainy day Honestly though they look like they're having a great time I kind of want to join in bro is a menace no they put that on the mom do you know the ringing sound in your ears when that happens look they don't even care that kid is grounded for life oh this is cute this is a Tik Tok Trend oh face plant see family we actually did this Tik Tok when we went to Turks and caos [Music] know you lose he's about to kick it what's going to happen the other kid just straight up lost his turn for him this is just a life lesson you sadly have to learn at an arcade had to calm him down properly that kid is aggressive that's a fce water oh wow no to self never gives zadia a fce water especially when she's mad what it's like living with the terrible twos oh I'm in that right now he is throwing a tantrum you know sometimes you have to just laugh at it oh no 2 minutes later what's going to happen still throwing a tantum he fell asleep I can vouch zie will be so exhausted she'll be acting crazy and then yeah she does what he did she just falls asleep at least he can watch it when he gets older and laugh about it let me know which kid you thought was the funniest and watch this video coming up right after this
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo Shorts
Views: 391,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nkx8L74HnB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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