BIRTH To DEATH of a GHOST In Minecraft!

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my name is athmal and this is my life as a minecraft ghost from birth to death watch as i'm born from a baby ghost to a grown happy haunt as we'll go through my entire undead life what adventures and spooks await me as i grow up let's find out boom did i spook you if so be sure to like and subscribe thanks [Music] what's happening it's about time i am come on now on the count of three one two three huh yes it's happening what's happening [Laughter] oh it's a beautiful moment hmm what should we call our little one i know i know oh do you like that one i'm so excited she's so cute she's so cute i need to go out and celebrate oh my beautiful daughter is part of this world okay oh he has the dad's zoomies i want to do that too went wait a minute i can do something like this okay this is not good um uh let me just uh put these out out you go out you go okay she spooked me she she's so scary it's all after being born oh she's gonna be a natural little ghost oh just imagine our little scaring genius [Music] we're yelling to let you know we're home but we're just asserting our dominance by just phasing through the walls wait what are you doing home so early i thought you guys were going out a little surprise what surprise is the pizza oh i hope it's ghost pizza because that's my favorite i want ghost pepperoni [Music] why did you get her because mom and dad love each other and they said yes [Music] oh [Music] no no i refuse you guys calling her special i bet you she didn't scare rabbit like i did only cried three times i'm going in my room [Music] son what did we say about you clipping up through the second floor i'm a ghost [Music] that dark it's fun i don't know what you're doing here i don't know why you're trying to ruin my life but i got my eye on you oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Laughter] [Applause] what's happening ah oh why everything looks so weird i don't like it did i hear another scare yeah that's our girl i'm so proud of you i like her oh you'll get along with your sister soon enough all pierce i love you you're so big now you grew up so quickly i love you too mom sweet peace [Music] you know what i'm a ghost i can do whatever i want to do you know what i'm going to just i'm going to disobey the rules okay okay where where did he go today where's that okay i think he told me to meet him over what why are you what are you doing out here what does it look like i'm doing i'm being a ghost i'm floating and stuff oh you're floating and everything too um but what if i what if i floated on over to mom and told my mom that you were speaking hey hey tell you what if if if you don't tell mom i'll give you this cookie all right you want this right here go get it i can't believe i got it a minute he tricked me daddy sayonara sucker well i'm gonna go find out where he wouldn't work wow i can't believe i found a real haunted house this is crazy that's a real life human oh i thought they were just in stories i gotta fight i gotta find pierce and his friend i got it oh there's pierce yeah and then i yeah and then then i went into the air and then i flew like this i went yeah and they were so scared yes your lame sister is here oh why are you here i thought you would go with the cookie huh enough for you no no no no no i got to tell you guys something i'll tell you something you gave her my cookie it was it was complicated all right i was gonna get into big trouble listen listen listen there is a human a real life human yeah a real children oh up here so you've been telling her human stories again apparently yeah yeah really funny really funny pierce let's get out of here your sister's lame yeah totally get just get out of her hair all right all right a gus let's just go i'm gonna go find a human and i'm gonna go prove that this this is a real thing okay all right let me go see if i can find that human again i really want to see the ghosts if they do exist i need to huh come on you're gonna love it what is this place mom school you're gonna love it you're gonna go to school oh you're going to school too pierce wait hold on yeah yeah it's right i i should be in school oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm older and and i'm going to school for the first why am i going to school the same time as her and why are we going to the same what's going on here all right have fun wait but that doesn't answer my question why was i in school to this point i don't know but come on let's go in let's go in okay seriously ian you know i could just phase back through the locker right get back in there what what what oh look who's here it's a baby yeah baby i'm not baby anymore i'm a big girl and look i'm super cute and i have a flower and i like coloring i like unicorns oh cookie oh this is an old cookie baby [Music] no i scared you guys i saw you shake no on the floor we are going to learn how to scare today just like i scared you people hang on hang on um i am already the best at scaring so um yeah we know why i need to be in school i think you have plenty to learn and i think what we can do is put your current skills to a test okay yep first day of school have tests of course come on follow along everyone line up all right we're here this is a human's house a real one oh are you scared so so teacher we just gotta we just gotta float in and stare whatever's in there right now easy you do have to scare the human but you can't use any of your ghost powers so no floating you have to scare him fair and scare okay it's like doing math without a calculator all right guys buddies miss back yeah i'm continuing with noise i'll team up with that back and i got this handled no problem fine yeah yeah we ain't got this even though we have to be in this lame form you guys got this now go find the steve all right come on let's go come on we gotta do it first let's go i don't think they're here stop you gotta scare the steve away come on we gotta go find it when you stop you're being allowed and trying to just wake him up until we sneak up on him she wasn't lying except salad there's there's no way there's no way they're just painting you gotta go scare you gotta go scare me [Applause] oh thank goodness obviously except for the one that i saw it's really cute but you know what it's okay huh very funny it's probably another human hmm [Music] [Music] oh boy oh we got you kids good we got you [Laughter] good job guys we decided again again dad you did this yeah oh he'll be fine guys where are we going come on come on come on come on [Music] he's [Music] i have taken us all to the scariest place in the entire world [Music] i thought there were books yeah books of terrifying the proportions they got the they got the words and sometimes they don't even got pictures in them [Music] why are you bringing us to this place zoey i could practice being our scariest ever you know yeah what's the matter you two scared yeah you're dead i mean i'm better scared than you guys what what come on guys let's go let's go hi let's see if you survive in the library now this place is kind of cool there's got to be real ghosts i saw that a few years ago come on something over here it's that human i keep telling you about this book doesn't have the info i mean come here now why why your face it's a real human look over there this book can help me that doesn't exist oh yeah just like you said in class huh i'm going i'm going away obviously the the humans are real i promise it's a real life [Laughter] uh [Music] i remember you yeah you were by my house a long time ago and you're not as scary no no i'm not trying to hurt you i'm just i want to learn more about you well can you let me and my friend go that would be great uh we don't know what this is but oh i'm sorry does the trap hurt no it just feels tickly yeah like goose pimples oh well let me get you guys out there who is this i didn't hurt them i promise you get away from my timer right now go you can't be hanging around humans like that dude you said they didn't exist honestly i didn't know they did but still i don't trust him just don't don't go talking to him anymore all right you can't tell me what to do i am a ghost and i am going to do what i want to do i'll get back here i hope she doesn't turn into a teenager anytime soon i can't believe you're a teenager already i'm sorry casey but our daughter is growing up too fast now you listen to me and you listen to me look very good missy i don't want you dating any human boys i don't want you dating any ghost boys i especially don't want you dating any kind of boys of the third dimension talk to the human boy right i told you i was gonna nope okay i'm sorry but i don't wanna hear your father cry about this oh [Music] it's the best part all right i'm sorry but we're gonna have to do this [Music] literally one foot above the floor at all times and you're going to stay on the floor from this point forward don't you attempt to face through there again what i don't know what you're talking about peters where did you go [Music] this is so cool wait a minute i've sent some familiar presents what is that these mods work i might be able to find her again listen listen okay so i really shouldn't be doing this but you know your brother pierce he knows that you've been following around that human and really wouldn't want me saying this but he's worried about you oh he's worried about me yes he thinks it's dangerous to be around a human and you know he he's just trying to be a good big brother and wants you to not get hurt so i'm doing what he's too afraid to and i'm just going to blow him up i will take care of all your worries and protect your sister don't worry and besides i i finally get to talk to you now i mean that's true i'm so glad that you're here [Applause] don't mind him he's just jealous you know what it's so great to meet you but i don't think that i can be your friend i'm sorry what but i feel like i've known you for so long it's fine don't worry i have to go it's the birthday no wait wait when when will i see you again i i don't know if you'll ever see maybe someday but but i i need to tell you something i'm kind of embarrassed to say this but i heard that if i kiss a ghost as pretty as you are that i'll be rich forever that is actually a super myth and that's not true i'm trying to be a romantic man wait a minute no i get it i get it i get it i do come let us share a kiss in the air yes i'll do it wow are you okay well you you humans are really strong when will i see you again hmm you know what i'll come back tomorrow okay okay i'll see you then bye bye [Music] this is so cool you humans are so smart you'll never have to deal with him when you're a human oh we could do anything we can finally oh we can touch each other that'd be great okay just turn into here lay down okay all right are you ready i'm ready here we go [Music] yes he would yeah yeah about that by the way it's my brother and his smelly friends what did you do to my skin those are solace yeah it's true we haven't spelled anything ever these two are really dumb yeah they're really really really really weird wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on let me let me take a look here um i'm a human yeah you're actually you're flesh and bones and hair is a human this cannot stand i'm sorry i don't i don't want to think yes hold on let me just you know what is here i think we know the right thing to do yep yep absolutely here we go what are you guys doing we'll see you soon [Music] uh this is my boyfriend aaron and uh nice speech erin oh hey yeah nice to meet you ah why did you get a stand-up ghost yeah why did you get there you guys are terrible what's up just leave these guys they're dumb exactly all right come on let's go make sure this machine doesn't do anything else [Music] to my dad the ugly one sorry
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,516,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: yZR8MUjf5rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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