RAINBOW FRIENDS Chapter 2: The Story So Far... (Cartoon Animation)

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my fellow lookies the time is near we have been the subjects of Red's torment and experiments for far too long but now now it is our time to break free destroy the confines of our prison wreck the very lab that trapped you but most important of all get your revenge let them know we're coming for them we need to send a message that they should run while they can let's put on a show oh no I have a bad feeling about this time to go investigate it's like someone barbecue the entire park with all this smoke what's going on where is everybody not that I can see anyway smells like it came from that way it is that oh guess it's my lucky day hey what's going on put me out of here jeez it's usually hazy in here but that's just for dramatic effect this feels like a big much but I get the feeling this wasn't an accident I'm gonna take a breather I gotta get some fresh air while I can I should stay down here or maybe this vet will leave inside and I can get into the air conditioning wait till some Wind Blows through and clears the air ah light are you so strong next this is disgusting this smog is so thick if I wasn't already blind it would be impossible to see Drew I'm assuming I gotta find a way inside I can't keep breathing in all this smoke just have to get to a door what's this what's happening who's there oh what are you thank you how did this happen the fireworks they could burn down the whole park what kind of monster would do that other than me it couldn't have been you you're so small don't even have hands there would have to be a lot more where that came from ah so it was you how did you escape I've got to get to Higher Ground ha good luck getting up here you can climb if you don't have arms well I guess there is straight the numbers after all look I don't know what it is if you want can we just talk about this in a civilized manner ah someone help me I thought it was a corner red what the heck is going on why are all the lookies so mad I know as much as you do when I saw those fireworks burst I immediately took cover then I heard screams and thought I needed to get over my fears and save the day but I didn't realize that meant I'd be helping you trust me they're going to defeat these evil minions you'll need my help see they kidnap the others we have to follow them I don't know about that Brandon we can't have this Punk overrun by this is a freaks we need to free my money makers and the rainbow friends let's set things right we must restore the natural order all right if you say so don't worry guys and girl Red's here to save the day per usual per usual you're the one normally getting us into these Messes in the first place look who came out to play if it isn't the Evil Genius himself and me indeed the very same giant lookie you created it and abandoned is this your doing impressive is it not I managed to band together all the lookies all the subjects of your torment and create an army to take revenge but now lookies are so tiny and their brains are even smaller it was actually much easier than you'd think you use the lookies as your guinea pigs experimental treatments ray guns transformative Potions all tested on us before you tried them out on your precious rainbow friends of course I wasn't about to risk the lives of my greatest Creations so We Were Expendable well yes but one day you had an idea these rounds are far too small to do any tests on if I want any accuracy so I'm going to try and did an idea of that for a while and if it goes wrong no big loss right let's see what this baby can do you practically ground Us in some experimental chemicals we fear for our lives until something beautiful happened I was born the giant lookie a successor last now what can I do with you but as I was merged from several lookies I have the Consciousness and the brain of several lookies somehow I could feel all their pain and through telepathy I could speak to them all my brothers why are we doomed to a life of Torment my fellow lookies the time is near our time to take action yes that is incredible I managed to create something so smart it will even have leaving a hive mind one could say that attack foreign but how do we do that look of course if there's one thing these orbs like it's their sweets and here too looks like they had some extra fireworks from the explosion maybe we can use it absolutely come on I got a plan all right I have a Scottish spun out they couldn't have gotten far and once we captured them again this time have no mercy we will get our revenge if it's the last thing we huh is that cake I love cake as if today couldn't get any better wait that's not a candle thank you yes yellow we did it the hive mind is broken now they're all faultless of the minions again just as they should be huh you missed me how would it be so sure about that if I were you huh what's that beeping noise that's not good thank you my Nest it's destroyed mark my words read sooner or later you're gonna pay for this what the what's happening there my propeller stopping no battery I must have forgot to charge it last night all right thank goodness for this moon bounce or else I could have seriously gotten hurt oh red no please just wait almost finished just a little bit more where where am I I'm inside the ferris wheel and all the other rainbow friends are here too what are you up to ready whatever it is I won't let you get away with it yeah we'll find a way to break out of these restraints eventually when we do you're done for buddy when all of you quit your endless yammering at last it's complete my latest weapon is finally operational rainbow friends base your eyes on the most dangerous weapon I've made to date the baby we're just kidding that you're in super menacing perfect did blue just turn into an egg just how young are you making us what's wrong with you you say right now friends this all started just the other day when I had an epiphany of sorts you see all those years ago when I turn you into monsters I thought it would be good for business I figured you'd all be a big hit I thought the opportunity to come see real life rainbow friends would bring audiences here in droves I was wrong in fact just the opposite people were terrified of us they called us monsters and soon after we were forced to shut down but that's where the Epiphany comes in you see I finally realized the laps in my original plan people didn't come to the play place wanted to see scary monsters the game wanted to see things that are cute and so if I could find a way to make all of you cute again we'd be right back in business look red you don't want to do this you think you can handle six young ones running around don't you feel like you'll have your hands full ah money perhaps sorry right there friends but it's about time you all had a chance to get back in touch with your inner child red you've gotta listen to me seriously you don't want to do this children are a whole lot of work wait come on catch my little ones yes yes my experiment it worked it really worked I made you all adorable again and now that that's over let's get back to business okay let's talk about iPads for the Rio I think we should focus on marketing first do signage new designs of paper everyone should know how cute and tiny you all are now it will be expensive sure but you got to spend money to make money and what the babies where did you go ah well no one said being a parent will be easy it's time to get a Wrangle the opposite of babies foreign babies are any of you in here cyan what do you think you're doing you can't chew on that it's dangerous give that back to me give it to me just let go Siam I said just let's go I am get back here just give up already come to your Uncle Randy a nice try cyan but you are quite as strong as your oldest self maybe in a couple years that trick will work baby blue baby blue are you in here I could have sworn I saw you crawl off in this general direction where did that just come from hey take it easy come on baby blue climb down now I'll give you a Cookie doesn't that sound nice a big old cookie yes yes very funny baby blue now get down from there gotcha let's try to stay away from perilously High Falls from now on okay all right just two babies left now they've got to be around here somewhere huh baby green there you are what do you think you're doing don't steal it baby cream look what you did now you made a mess who's going to clean this up what the baby green where'd you go hey get back here no no rain baby green hey you're not old enough to drive you don't even knows about to take a permit test baby green I demand you pull that card over this instance what did you just say to me how dare you Ah that's it no more Mr Nice Guy come over huh you think that's funny huh Uncle Red's got you now I tracked down all of you babies except one who just turned that on baby yellow get down from that control panel don't touch any of those buttons you hear me well what do you think you're doing oh why I ought to you but that Ferris wheel spins back down I spent all of you to remain in the carriage you understand me any babies that leave the character will be put in time out eternally oh that's not good now get over me you ankle biter and stop it baby green you're making a mess oh yeah very funny baby blue but you won't be laughing for long your baby's better I'm typing right this second in a row oh now who this parenting thing is hard I'm all out of threats wait get it what do you think you're doing don't touch that it's very dangerous but put that down you don't know how to use that baby yellow foreign come on come on I got it there we go it's ought to help me find someone or help someone find me hey you hey you gotta hurt me I'm the an old friend of rats a friend of red yes from back in the day no friend Everette is a friend of mine wait no I was lying that sounds a little too convenient I think you're just trying to save your own skin no really red is actually my mortal enemy Immortal enemy hmm you see red and I were business partners once you have this Grand idea to build a theme park he called it the rainbow friends play place it's not like the one you know today no this was Far bigger and better we were young we had dreams I was the engineer in charge of making rides and he was in charge of Designing the cute little characters to draw on the kids we each had our role and we stuck to it until are you sure we need all that stuff what do you mean all that stuff that's what makes the ride work you see what I'm doing right now huh it's so the car doesn't fly off the tracks last thing we need is that kind of a lawsuit look at this we don't have the money for all this we can't possibly make these rides work with these Current Designs red these designs already have the bare minimum see this is how our roller coasters work this this happen if we cut corners I'm sure you're being dramatic just say what you can do otherwise we may need to make some changes around here red would do anything for money even endangering people I was pretty close to backing out of the Partnership if I'd known red was like that in the beginning I wouldn't have agreed to work with him and then it all came crashing down all right and voila our very first animatronic but it's more than just a robot you see I combined my science and yours my science you stole my blueprints I borrowed them I thought we were Partners what's mine is yours and all that my blueprints without the proper wiring could be really dangerous red you shouldn't be tampering with them like this oh please you're just jealous I actually finished one of my designs what happened to not being able to afford these things huh you can't afford basic safety measures but you've got the time and resources to build this monster it's dangerous red all your ideas are it's a harmless animatronic look if you touch it it just for me produce something I didn't know this could happen I don't know how to stop it now it's loose look what you did this is what happens when you don't think red you don't know what you're doing you know what fine if you think I'm such an idiot maybe you shouldn't work with me sounds great to me I'm out of here and I'm taking my designs with me Oh no you're not remember everything you create becomes my intellectual property I was enraged all my work stolen right out from under me there was nothing I could do but storm out keep it you just screw it up anyways is going to regret that I try to take my mind off it to forget and remind myself there's no way red could succeed without me until one day I saw something that made me angrier than I'd ever been before Furious and right then I knew I had to get my revenge I can tell you that hasn't changed very much his experiments only got more and more dangerous he turned us into these mascot monsters looks like you ruined both our lives you want to get revenge on red I'm in well well well if it isn't my old business partner you look like you've been doing well don't play with me red I'm here to give you what you deserve oh someone mad I didn't need them the best Geniuses work alone you helped me realize that you know red it's time for you to pay hmm well good luck with that you can deal with my little friend first see you on the other side you have to run you don't have to tell me twice Ken let the thing catch us I don't want to become spider food that's not all that would happen I should know I thought all that stuff was behind me I had to deal with red beating me at our game the rainbow friends play place was a reality and I got no credit I just tried to forget the past and everything that happened with my old friend I had to clear my head and enjoy my trip I was going camping with my little nephew and that is why you never eat extra hot breakfast tacos before a morning hike I'll go Bob you're so funny tell another oh Uncle Bob what was that hmm I don't know I'll go check it out be careful careful little did I know my past was going to come back and haunt me hello is anybody there it bit me hard and it's poisonous venom gave me total paralysis what's happening to me I can't move poop I'm Uncle Bob I could feel the weight of my head get heavier and heavier I wanted to help my poor scared nephew but I could only muster the one word run he thought I passed away I don't blame him with how I looked that cursed spider did quite the number on me I haven't seen him since finally I woke up in my dizzy state I stumbled around looking for a way out the spider's venom made me forget the path out I was lost for hours but eventually I found my way out and that's when I saw it Oddworld and knew I needed to break in my life was never going to be safe with red and that spider still around I'm here to end this for good we really better not get carpet I won't not again we can lose them in there ah this is perfect I could blow this thing Sky High hey help me that spider's gonna be here any second cut me free I don't think so huh I've got what I needed with this dynamite I'm gonna blow up all of odd world what my plan all along was to destroy this place and everyone in it sorry cyan you're just collateral damage you you use me you're no better than red I never said I was bye now all right spider find him the technician couldn't have gotten far red he's gonna blow up odd world I know that you fool why do you think I was trying to stop him you release Zion at once we have to find him and stop him before it's too late you're too late I break the ride with enough Dynamite who I'm Oddworld off the face of the Earth all I need to do is detonate it how are we supposed to get up there wait I've got an idea yellow we need some help here what's up yeah get away from me what are you doing let me go let me go if you insist you can't escape me you two just accept your fate orange what are you talking about and why do you look like that look like what perfect the best version of myself oh no a dead end what are we gonna do you're going to hold still and play nice what's happening what did you do smell a thing I can't fly and oh my God where are my arms so it does work maybe I got a little bit of Red's Evil Genius when we swapped after all either way I'm finished with YouTube I've got work to do another bigger fish to fry yellow come on we have to chase him how are you so calm right now we've switched places or something oh wow yeah you're right but that means I can fly all right propellers don't fail me now you know that's harder than it looks respect yellow but we gotta figure out these new bodies and hurry to catch orange who knows what his grand plan might be follow me that was orange it looks kind of like him yeah yeah enough is he wearing red slap coat I sure am I've been searching for you too wow orange why do you look so bulbous yeah you look crazy me crazy that doesn't sound like me watch where you put in that thing what's going on what's going on is that I'm going to blast these very powerful shock waves and swap your bodies what run for it you can't get away from me that easily over here blue the exit this way go enjoy your new life you're welcome boys thank me later I'm trying now you look like me I do I'm so huge and bulky and fat okay okay I get it you think I want to be all thin and wiry like you my super strength is all gone and it makes me way less huggable we gotta hunt down Orange this way I'm too round to fit maybe try to avoid events for a while okay big guy whoa you guys got all messed up too no time to talk look can you fly now go get him let's try way I think I got this I got you orange you underestimated my flying abilities you're mine better luck next time dinosaur girl no worries thanks a lot noodle arms I'm sorry I tried I keep forgetting I'm in this new super weak body now hey we have to find Orange and reverse this somehow it's too dangerous he's beating us at every turn but you know who can help us red where is he though orange probably stowed him away somewhere of course wait I got a scent it's locked wait I know another entrance do you think I could fit in there no any more training I could get used to this super strong stuff but I like my dents better guys you've got to see this red water cyan what happened to you what happened to all of you my experiment worked but it appears to have gone all wrong what experiment is this your fault it seems like the type of thing that would be your fault well well let's not jump to conclusions it wasn't my intention for the reversal guns to be used this way you see I created the reversal guns to swap consciousnesses I didn't mean to literally reverse your bodies it was supposed to transfer mines and originally I was going to use it on orange to swap him with you no you idiot to swap his Consciousness into a computer you see I wanted to back up all your thoughts and memories in case something ever happened I mean that we all want to live forever not really but I guess orange wasn't interested in my archival desires and he fought back I still managed to shoot him but in the process it appears I bought myself a sweat ah no look what you've done whoa this is crazy you were gonna do this to me with a computer it was while you're around good to preserve you for the rest of time and that's all I can remember you're able to be struck by another blast you can reverse the reverse but you better do it fast because there's only so long but all the events become permanent minutes we can't live like this we have to find Orange as fast as we can yellow can you sniff them I don't really know his scent smell red since they swamp bodies they should be pretty similar this way you said he was here I was just following my nose and we all know none of you can scale this fast enough Unless somehow cyan can manage to get herself off the ground please science you've got to try if you can lift me all the way up there lift you I could barely fly alone I Believe In You cyan we have to try all right here goes nothing it's no use I'm not strong enough to get started don't call me that oh to the left other left no I can't hang on much longer drop me right here then perhaps you're not the failures I thought you were maybe I should keep you around you know if you two had showed up I wouldn't have had to take such drastic measures what do you mean us too oh didn't red tell you why are you doing this you say orange I'm going to store your mind and soul in this computer but why as you know the rainbow friends family has increased by two that's two more miles to feed and we cannot deny they're both rather reptilian so so you are too and frankly we don't need three dinosaurs around yellow and Cyan are testing well with children basically to cut course I'm going to put you in storage for a little storage think of it as a long nap that might not end that sounds an awful lot like dying to me well I guess you'll find that orange I had no idea no idea you were trying to replace me we weren't we're just like you we didn't come by choice we're supposed to be friends here it's in our name you can't take what happened out on us Red's the Real Enemy well if I can't get rid of Fred I may as well get rid of you you have to do this you know me I'm your friend don't why do you do that some of us are trying to sleep right purple oh my God somebody killed him attention very bad friends something horrible has happened our dear friend purple has been attacked and murdered what that's awful I have no idea who the perpetrator is but until further notice I'm putting oddwelt in full lockdown we're the only ones in here so it had to be one of us and one of you it sounds like he's just trying to cover his own hide I bet he did it we gotta go find purple to investigate and pay our respects poor purple I knew it I smell red all over him wait did you see this does red even have teeth or mouth at all sure he does probably it's more likely he took some new monster robot after him that does sound like him we have to investigate before something else no we lost him I'll keep following Ascent but what if we catch him and he kills us too well you can hide if you're gonna be such a baby well I'll hang up by the fence in case he tries to sneak around that way maybe I can jump out and surprise attack if I see him sure so scary what happened to purple hopefully no one can find me in here if they come looking too soon who's there I can hear you don't come any closer let me go let me go oh my God I can see green but who's attacking him you better stop this whoever you are green green hang in there do you know who attacked you I couldn't see him obviously didn't you you were here too I was in the vent I could barely see through the mist and you didn't come out and stop it green Zion did you see anything I saw red at least looked like red then it must have been I'm sorry I was too late you said you saw red I did and I can smell a stench all over green then I guess it was him something feels wrong bite marks look so so I don't think it was red with those teeth it must have been orange I am telling you it was red you don't believe me go look for yourself well fine go get murdered see how that turns out see that looks suspicious I'll show cyan the truth this is orange I know what you did ah you stay away from me uranium Paris stops here I know what you did what that's crazy you don't have any proof that's what you think I'm on to you just slow down and orange get back here what the me or uh don't tease me not a chance you killed my friends our friends red how could you yeah you caught me oh no I've got you now looks like you've got two choices find me or save your friends and I'll help you you really thought I was the murderer you think I'm the only one with teeth around here what about cyan it couldn't be she's never at the scene of the crime oh no all right and how did you get here so fast I heard you screaming I came to follow you two and what's going on did you catch the mail right how would he have gotten all the way over there what are you talking about I've been knocked up in my office terrified this whole time in the bite marks oh my God I know who did it who oh finally figured it out huh Siam you think you'll get away that easy what are you doing you do it Ron why are you still have to still have nuts yellow just listen No Way fine we'll do it the hard way I can't believe she would do this to our friends to me hey get down here or I'll Take You Down let's go it's my breath good luck escaping on foot why do you want to hurt me I thought we were friends I thought we were closer than any of the others yellow that's exactly why I did this you and I are the noobs no one really gets us yet I went searching through Red's love for something to help me teach them what we're all about and I found this poison the label said it was only temporary but that if transferred through a bike wound it would knock the victim unconscious by Framing red I could create a common enemy between us all and make us closer I mean I think I did a pretty good DIY job in my disguise if I do say so myself so put on my costume and went on my hunting spree but you yellow I know you're on my side I'm doing this for us ever hurt you unless you refuse to join me then I might make things a bit more difficult come on yellow help sister out no way oh there we go there's gotta be an antidote somewhere there sprinkle on wounds wreaking Consciousness I can do that but how do I stop what did I tell you you should have just joined me here I come what are you doing do you have a Death Wish sorry cyan I did I didn't want to have to do this but you gave me no choice all right oh man what is that thing I know I should have stuck into this place I've gotta find somewhere to hide fast foreign hello is anybody in here what the what's this what are you you're so round it's so adorable oh what in the world are you guys doing in here all alone shouldn't someone be looking after you let's go huh okay okay I'll do whatever you want yeah are you in here I heard some commotion earlier and what the Diane what what are you doing we don't have to kill the humans that break in here we just have to scare them off you know that but what the heck are these little things now lookies saying what are you doing I swear blue if you've even one finger on them I'll hurray I'm sorry blue I don't know what came over me I guess I was just being overly protective what's going on it all started a couple days ago I was walking through Red's lab when all of a sudden I found these adorable little bug-eyed creatures someone had talked ready to toss them in the initerator who would do with such an awful thing I couldn't let that happen to them so I did the only thing I could do I helped him Break Free and hit him at odd world where I hoped they'd be safe and from that point on I swore to take care of the lookies and protect them from anyone who would seek to do them any harm I guess you could say I became a guardian sound kind of crazy but I guess I just really care for the little guys you know wow you're a hero cyan well isn't that just adorable science typed into their motherly instincts either one never thought I'd see the day red what are you doing here and how did you find us how you silly girl you what you let me write to them some mother you are wrong with you how could you possibly choose to hurt such adorable innocent little creatures the lookies may be adorable I'll give you that but I can assure you they are anything but innocent when I set out to create the lookies my girl wasn't for them to be just cute it was for them to be smart just like me my own personal intelligence Hive an army of kindness around Geniuses I even decided to forego designing their bodies I figured it they went very mobile they'd have no way of escaping me but Escape wasn't the problem the problem was they were little medicines to me in my lab they were downright evil constantly destroying all my lab equipment and adding me in the process as soon as I let my guard down they had my transformation machine spinning more and more out by the minutes it was quickly spiraling out of control foreign come on Blue time to be a hero I promise oh come on just hold still stop squirming around what was that what did you just do with me sorry cyan but I figured it never worked mother like yourself could do some rest hope you like sleeping ass sleeping gas uh you can't keep that sweet dreams I am now then where was I hey so long rainbow friends taking the lookies hello you had one job I'm sorry those little goobers were slippery he took my babies we can't let anything happen to them we'll get them back saying I promise you one way or another we're gonna get them back at last I could finally read the world of these adorable tiny monstrosities it's time for me to end this once and for all not if I have anything to say about it well well well look who decided to show up for the funeral cyan you may want to look away for this part it could get kind of gruesome this is your last warning red step away from the lookies or else but this is already over I got the lookies right where I want them and as for you so just go down to sit back and watch hello lemon go red it was nice knowing you what the where did they just go looking for these uh yeah I don't think so what kind of Uncle would that make me in fact I think it's about time we free these little guys don't you agree now blue don't Focus be free no that's it did you have been a thought in my size but too long now you leave me no other choice if I can't throw the hookies into the incinerator then I'll have to bring the incinerator to the lookies come here lookies come for your mama come on you can do it still and die already oh get off don't bite me fight the shackles yes that's it press the button and let me go I like you fool you thought you could stop me I credit you I credit all of you and now I'm going to destroy all of you now foreign you think you can pick on the lookies just because they're smaller than you she they are little brats some but that's who they and now you're going to pay for all the pain you've got a science guy from here hello well is is that you uh guys come on this isn't funny thank you that's a good thing I'm fast whatever this thing is it's gonna have a hard time keeping up with me this thing's huge got a speed demon I gotta hide oh god there okay now I just need to stay quiet there's no way it'll find me in here what the what's that noise it's head they're using it like some kind of detecting device is is it gone oh yeah wait please don't do anything guy I just don't want any trouble enough I'm not here to listen to your pathetic pleading I'm here because I need to get my revenge hey you're not a giant you're not that much bigger than me we can get it happens okay you're tough you're tough look I I don't know what's going on but maybe I can help you help me out huh no one could help me out not after what was done to me you see not too long ago I was just an ordinary girl I spent most of my days hiking with my best friend searching for lost treasures dreaming of one day of striking rich but that's when everything changed what is it boy did you find something over here oh boy I don't know what it is but I've got a good feeling about today if it is an old magnic head and her pathetic puff find anything good today couple pennies Maybe hey that's mine give it back what this oh I better go find it see you around oh it's totally busted I'll never find any treasure oh what's this some kind of gemstone it's beautiful that gemstone changed my life from that point on I was a somebody later that day I sold the gemstone for more money than I had ever even dreamed of and I used that money to find myself a bunch of fancy new treasure hunting equipment and the entire park I found the gemstone in four safe measures but it didn't remain a park for much longer my investment wound up paying for itself 10 times over we found massive deposits of strange cyan ore suddenly all my dreams had come true I was filthy rich but I'd soon come to learn a devastating truth money can't buy everything the vet told me he had come down with an incredibly rare illness suddenly my best friend only had a month to live and there was nothing I could do about it please assert there has to be some kind of surgery or something that can help him I'm afraid not his condition is incredibly rare and incurable I'm sorry but this isn't about money there's just nothing I can do it was a dead end but I wouldn't give up that easily without the Vets help I didn't have many options so admittedly I turned my focus to some more unscrupulous back channels but no matter who I asked all roads LED back to the very same place a place of rumor to be performing some of the world's most cutting-edge controversial surgeries thanks I had to go see for myself I broke in late one night and wandered the abandoned fun house unsure what or who I was truly looking for hello is anybody here and eventually I found someone or should I say someone found me oh how silly of me for a second I thought you were real oh I made a break for it seeing one of you Monsters made me forget the entire reason I had even shown up at this terrifying place but as I desperately searched for the exit I wound up finding something else aren't you please I came because I need your help and why would I help you because I can make it worth your while he was greedy just like I was and I used that to my advantage red and I got to work on a design for my dog's new body but it wasn't going to be just any old body we were designing him something entirely new a body that would make my boy the perfect companion for detection and excavation a much needed upgrade but unfortunately all of our nights of hard work would end up going to waste the doctor's estimate of a month wound up being two weeks my best friend was gone so I went back to red and explained to him what had happened to my boy the body he was designing was no longer needed and I wanted my gem back yeah swell fine let me go grab it then to this day I don't know what I was thinking what kind of fool would just go back to that horrifying place just to get that gym back my error ended up being a fatal one wait no I woke up strapped to an operating table you've done to me I've merely given you an upgrade I'm sorry friend but I couldn't afford to see you leave with my precious Jewel wait come back here and that's why I'm here to finally get my revenge on red wait wait wait wait hold on you want to get revenge on red why don't you just start with that silly I'd love to help you get revenge on red you would of course nobody here likes red not after all the Terrible Things he's done to us let me help you Siam with your speed and mind together red doesn't stand a chance you know what I like the sound of that foreign of Terror in this place is done red Now give me back my gemstone oh well if it isn't my magnet at creation Siam fancy seeing you back here but it looks like you found yourself a friend you'll make the city harder than it has to be read just give her back the gemstone well I must say you make a compelling argument Orange but I think I'll hold on to it a bit longer hey there you leave us no choice let's do it the hard way you may be vast but my neck suit is even faster it's lunch time I'm happy this instant you foul Beast this is disgusting time to finish this for my best friend now I can get back to work me back my gym Rider there was never a part of the deal red well you weren't very specific when we were discussing things oh my head wait I have an idea time to finish this stand still so long Siam I'll be taking this
Channel: GameToons
Views: 127,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -KOaMQsxmi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 13sec (3493 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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