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one last push okay three [Music] oh my gosh hi you're the cutest thing ever here [Music] see i told you i could build a birth to death in real life program okay but i thought you told me i was going to be adopting a baby you are but i just wanted to experience childbirth first why did you do this because i feel bad i betrayed you guys and i want to make it up to each of you one by one by having me do birth to death in real life just like roblox yes i know how much you love playing it and this program will feel just like real life i'm gonna have you adopt a baby and then take it from birth to death in real life are you sure this is a good idea maddie i look super stressed out inside this program well don't you wanna know well you'll have to wait to find out okay sam fam so it looks like i am adopting a baby and taking it from birth to death in real life make sure you are subscribed with notifications on in three two one comment below that you are part of the zamfam squad all right maddie i'm ready to go meet my adopted baby he's so cute she's so cute can you get maddie and connor i want to introduce her to them yeah do you want to meet my cousins we're about to meet rebecca's baby for the first time i'm gonna be your favorite no i'm gonna be her favorite no i am no settle down settle down rebecca's inside the program right now focus connor maddie yeah it's time to meet our new daughter really yeah come on in come on in read it oh my gosh we need to change that diaper you guys i love she's so cute she's so cute here here here what if i go like this like that she's quiet what's her name uh i don't know her name fam comment down below some baby names for girls we need to know these if we're gonna have a girl maddie i can't believe this is working you really did do birth to death in a program yes and look at how happy rebecca is with her baby you guys are aunties and uncles say hi hi she likes you are you a zam fan baby zam fan all right it's time for me to take the baby for some tests okay oh yeah yeah you love my hair he'll be back you'll be back uh maddie how long is rebecca gonna be in here isn't there a 30 minute time limit or she's gonna be in there forever true good point let me pull her out and we'll take her to the next stage of life three two one she's so cute adorable i know oh my gosh i wasn't emotional i didn't know i was gonna feel like that i adopted a baby a baby girl this is crazy okay that was okay though yeah no i mean that's weird i'm a mom but i'm excited from birth to death so what am i doing next what stage next you're going in with a toddler good luck with that oh man it's the toughest day get ready and you're going back in in three two one man you better know what you're doing don't worry my daughter are you my daughter hi mommy's here you got so much bigger since the last time i saw you and look we're twinning you want to take a picture no okay oh i see you have real food versus squishy food i'm gonna take that away from you because i need you to eat your strawberry you eat that one i'll eat this one come on with me let's keep going wait maddie why is this taking place in their house i mean it's a birth to death program i thought i would put it in the house well she better yeah she better not ruin anything in there i know it's a program but i'm still attached to this house come on [Music] hey okay having a toddler isn't that bad i heard that it's terrible but she's not terrible at all we're doing cute things i mean she's like my mini no no oh no oh my gosh she just wrote on the wall if we have a daughter she is never doing that match is chill oh wait oh no you can't color on walls this is really good but let's do something else can we take a photo okay rebecca is taking a photo i'm going to upload this to the game master network app for you vips so make sure you go check it out and can you smile one two three it's uploaded why don't we sleep you on the beanbag right here okay just gonna take a nap is it comfy it's comfy now just go to sleep okay close your eyes okay sam fam my daughter is the sweetest toddler ever i know she drew on the wall but that stuff happened she didn't know any better and now she's being a good girl and she's taking a nap something's going on what hey what are you doing you're supposed to be taking a nap did you earn all the snacks you didn't eat any did you we're good you were supposed to be taking a nap yeah enough yeah you can't have these i'm sorry we gotta put you back okay back to bed snap on the beanbag yep you gotta really take a nap this time okay close your eyes go to sleep go to sleep oh my gosh she did draw on the walls but that's very common and it could come off it's washable but you know what my daughter is a good well-behaved two-year-old were you like that as a little girl no i was a terror i was way worse than that so i'm just thankful my daughter is well behaved okay i'm ready to go okay rebecca get your head set on because i'm sending you back to detention oh no okay zamfam so it looks like i'm in a classroom at school but i don't know is that my daughter she looks upset oh no wait a second this looks very familiar this is when daniel sent us back to detention but it was evil daniel wait you're copying evil daniel's program this student artsy vision what okay maybe honey what's wrong what happened some kids bullied me what they bullied you for what for being the smartest kid in the class what if i was the smartest kid in class i would tell them you're obviously jealous what have they done to you when i tried to talk to them they ignored me they throwed me in the garbage what no not today right no okay oh the garbage can i've been there before it smells like it oh man honey why didn't you just tell me because i thought it would make it worse worse no no if someone is bullying you you need to tell a parent especially your mom that is not okay why was i called here to the principal's office because someone tried to cut my hair and i pushed them away someone tried to cut your hair here at school well at least my daughter's not the bull it's not even her fault she didn't do anything yeah why is she getting in trouble oh my god cannot believe this right now i'll talk to the principal and explain the situation because you are a good kid that is not your fault you are defending yourself rebecca i'm ready for you grab my hand we got this okay you know what i cannot believe that i am here right now when i just found out my daughter got pushed in a garment calm down okay you're right sorry about that thanks for having us well the reason why i brought you two into the office is because i saw her push a girl down the stairs all right maddie put me in i'm going in i'm gonna fix this no you're not going in why would you do this to rebecca are you kidding me rebecca has to go through every stage of birth to judge and bullying is a part of an eight-year-old's life i don't like it maddie this is not gonna happen when i have a kid she did push a girl down the stairs but that girl was about to cut her hair is that true yeah this is the first time i'm hearing about this well i guess you don't know the full story you are calling her the boy when in actuality they are bullying her every single day this is the first time i'm hearing about this did all of this happen to you yeah well we will definitely look into this a lot further there is a lot better ways for us to resolve any conflicts you can just talk to someone you can come talk to me my door is always open okay okay we do not stand for bullies at all hey maddie how long are you gonna keep her in here we're on a time limit right okay three two one where'd your mom go she does that a lot i am glad i am out of there i cannot believe that my daughter was bullied you guys that was so sad i didn't know how to deal with it the principal was right there's other ways to handle it but i feel like i have a lot to learn as a mom on how to react to my daughter being bullied okay rebecca you soaked up a lot of time in that one oh no okay well i have plenty of time and maddie's here to pull me out of the program so i'll be fine okay maddie where am i going next yeah what are the surprises this one is a surprise so get ready maddie where did you just put her in oh your favorite boys and crushes no i'm back at my house man birth to death in real life is a lot harder than i thought can i speak to you mom you're a teenager you were just getting bullied and now you're a teenager yes i'm a teenager that's kind of how growing up works you're right yes have a seat you're so much taller than i whoa of course you can talk to me i'm your mom i need to talk to you about something little serious so there's this boy that i like and he's really cute and kind wait wait you have a crush oh rebecca's talking to her daughter about crushes xantham comment down below how old were you when you had your first crush there's a program but i'm getting super attached right now i do not like the way this is going my friends including my crush asked me to go to the movies with them like a date yes like a first date kind of like a day my god first date absolutely not you know you're not old enough to date okay matt looks like program you acts just like the real you matt you're ruining everything while living underneath this house there is no dating obviously everybody knows that but everyone's doing it no one is doing it okay no sorry i'm how old are you now i'm 14. she's our team yeah she's 14 years old are you kidding me dad everyone's going no not everyone's going i was not invited hello he invited me and it's with all my friends everyone's doing it nope nope nope no no i think we should have some communication she's opening i'm communicating i could do this matt please let her go it looks like rebecca has a really good relationship with her daughter though hold on wait a second no foots down you're not going no wait that's a little dramatic mad look what you did i'm fixing it right now fixing more like destroying yeah it looks like rebecca has to fix it now matt i can't believe you oh that's a little dramatic she's a teenager [Applause] [Music] oh no now the daughter is running upstairs and rebecca has to fix this way to go back she should stay in her room upstairs that's a great idea matt let her date no this is part of growing up no no you have to learn to say no now i have to take care of this hey okay well things are not going well right now so i'm just gonna switch something up listen honey i'm gonna convince your dad to let you go on that date so you can go with your friends and your crush everything is gonna be okay what are you even talking about how'd you age her up two years don't worry about it daniel you got older go away i hate you oh i lied she does not have a good relationship with rebecca now why do you hate me you seriously don't remember remember what no one worked prom you were what did rebecca do at prom i was a chaperone yes and you did the worm i did the worm at your prom totally embarrassed me of course i would like to see that did you put that in the program i don't think i can pull it up i don't see it anywhere she is the best the worm but honestly she should probably not be doing the worm right now i'm so sorry look you know what that is something that i might do i sometimes get carried away at proms and like why do you even you know what just no wait don't flame the door all i want to do is burn this different dress down but you love prom this is a beautiful prom dress you look so good in it my boyfriend broke up with me at prom oh i feel bad for the daughter see manny this is why you should not date oh it's okay your boyfriend wait jared no jared was my first crush oscar's my boyfriend oh i'm sorry i'm getting the names confused he broke up with you at prom because i did the worm because you embarrassed me no i'm sorry but listen to me if this oscar the grouch broke up with you because of that then you don't want to be with a boy like that anyways and you deserve better okay trust me when i tell you one day you're gonna find the right guy and he's gonna be amazing and treat you the way you deserve to be treated and if this boy is going to break up with you because your mom does the worm on the dance floor then you know what let's take this dress and burn it yeah forget him that's burning tv his house yep maybe you i'll stay in the car i'll be your getaway just listen i am your mom and i always have your back and i want what's best for you and it makes me sad when you're hurt and i don't want you to be hurt okay okay i love you i love you too daughter oh not again she always does this ugh man the teenage years are rough once again just felt helpless like i felt so bad i mean my daughter just had her heart broken by a boy named oscar well i don't like but anyways i feel a little bit bad because i embarrassed her doing the worm if our daughter ever dates an oscar we're throwing him out okay yeah i guess i also learned that i should not be so weird all the time for my daughter's sake because she doesn't like when i'm weird but wait stay weird rebecca yeah that's true i actually stay weird yeah i know i'm gonna embarrass her maybe just don't do the war map problem okay maddie what is going on there's been no surprises whatsoever that's true we've seen new people this whole time right just wait you guys this one will have someone new don't be a liar i'm not lying okay where am i going you'll love this next one mom mom mom you put yourself in the program addie yeah i can be rebecca's daughter blonde hair brown eyes mom maddie i'm your mom yeah i mean it took you until me going away to college to figure that out you're going to college we're about to go to harvard we're going to be late you got into harvard my daughter maddie got into harvard you already knew this yes cause i'm your mom and i'm a proud mom because you are going to harvard harvard maddie you think you could get into harvard obviously i can't easy connor easy but maddie it's kind of weird do you want to be rebecca's daughter that means if she's your mom then i'm your dad oh i didn't think that one through okay so are we taking you to the airport no we've already been over this dad wants some father-daughter bonding experience so we're going on a road trip oh my gosh we're going on a road trip road tripping good thing it's just in a birth to death program what about me you're staying because you hate driving across country so this is goodbye this is goodbye really what's gonna happen are you gonna find a boyfriend in college i hope so okay i gotta go dad's gonna kill me bye honey bye mom have fun in college sam fam this birth to death in real life is so emotional i mean i've gone through a whole journey and now maddie is my daughter and she's going to college and i'm kind of sad about it i know this is just a program but maddie's lean i'm kind of sad damn fam whoa this might be a long road trip so be prepared skip through that hi mom you're back from college so soon i feel like i was just missing you and who is this this is my new boyfriend jared maddie looks like you finally got a boyfriend it's in a program not real life hi it's very nice to meet you nice to meet you jared boyfriend hey nice to meet you guys this is a very strong handshake yes hey we're so happy to have our daughter's boyfriend here at our house it's great to have you jared why don't we get to know you a little bit better ladies hang out in the kitchen jared you're with me in the dining room now oh looks like i'm gonna have a little one-on-one time with jared yeah it is on like donkey kong in hong kong playing ping pong while eating flan it's okay dad's a little aggressive but he's gonna find out that jared's a really nice guy right tell me all to hear about him right this way jared hey let's take a seat are you gonna sit down no i never sit down do not have eye contact with me at all right no do not look at my face i'm talking to your face and you're not gonna look at mine what are your intentions with my daughter i just wanna make sure she's happy and that she's whoever she wants to be and be successful and i just want to treat her right what's the craziest thing you've ever done i skipped class my freshman year i knew it strike one you only have two strikes and you're out two i took one away when you walked in that door oh no mom i finally have a good boyfriend i really hope that dad doesn't ruin this don't worry he's just trying to get to know him better okay but speaking of this new boyfriend what is he like he is super smart and he's really funny and he's so nice and he's really cute too i mean he's a good looking guy you guys are a really cute couple so how long have you guys been together we've been together for three years now what i missed so much i mean you just left for college i've told you about jared i forgot that what is your 50-year plan 50 years yeah do it look at my face i i want to own three companies i want to have a yacht i want to live in bourbon i want to marry your daughter have lots of babies that's it this is serious right now she's never brought a boy home before oh god you're diving in deep right now son so what does he do he's a biochemical engineer he really is smart really smart okay so it sounds like it's only good things right yeah i mean except for one little flaw what's that he might have another crush a crush who would he have a crush on jared jared you better not lie to me cause oh no next question do you have any kids no do you have any debts no but you went to harvard how did that work out yeah family money okay do you have a secret crush oh god i got it fine betty white betty white i found out a lot of secrets that this guy's been keeping what secrets why don't you explain who betty white is betty white yeah sorry really jared it's a childhood thing i thought we got past it we're getting past it okay let's get rebecca out and now look you guys you've upset maddie oh god where'd your wife go she seems mad and weak are you talking about my wife she just oh your days are your days are numbered maddie you put yourself as my daughter hey that was a big surprise okay well there might be more to come but rebecca we have to move faster running out of time okay put the headset on okay and here we go what is it you're my best friend this is about to happen for you you're about to get proposed to right now i think so wait what maddie no way you make me so happy and i can't oh mom okay keep going i'm sorry i'm so sorry i just want to spend the rest of my life with you will you marry me i'm sorry yes i can't believe this is happening wait the guy that is proposing to you haven't we seen him before i knew it it was not going to be jared sam comment down below have we seen this guy before my daughter is getting engaged sam pam oh my gosh we are getting you a manicure with that new ring that is gorgeous thank you i can't help it it's just like a lot i mean birth to death it's like i don't want to keep going pulling rebecca out in three two one emoji you can't yeah maddie i mean my daughter got engaged okay not to rush you but you have to go back in place right now okay and three two one rebecca it's your daughter's wedding day oh okay can you down the aisle yeah oh all right so this is my daughter's wedding day yeah it's your big day oh right right here sam fam this is my daughter's wedding day this is one of the most important experiences that anyone can have in their lifetime their wedding day is so special you guys remember mine it was so special oh my gosh my daughter's getting married wait maddie that dress looks really familiar is that aussie twin's dress sorry it's a pretty dress hang in there daniel okay whatever fine fine you designed the program i get it zamfam my daughter looks so beautiful today she is glowing and looks so happy looks like we're walking down the aisle together not awkward at all that was different than i thought it's your daughter's wedding day it's emotional what are you doing you're the officiant you have to marry them i'm the officiate what yes yeah okay we are gathered here on this special day to unite two souls one of them being my daughter the other being logan now i can say from experience that i have seen this girl blossomed from a baby earlier all the way up to here and it's all happened so fast literally i just blinked and now she's getting married you both deserve all the happiness in the world and now are the power invested in me i pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss your bride wait a second maddie it's just clicking with me you're getting married the last person i thought who would ever get married would be you oh really matt that's how you feel that's right yeah you think that's funny okay well watch this what you're not who oh who are you oh who's getting married now are you kidding me that's not my daughter okay let's take her back out let's take her back out wait just give it a little that was not funny at all i don't know what's going on i i i don't want to be here anymore now she can come out no oh man it's not funny it's not funny no way wait you're gonna make matt my daughter someone was being rude in real life okay well these have been some very monumental parts of life but we gotta keep going i'm ready to do this i want to go birth to death so let's go okay next stage of life coming up in three two one oh my gosh this is your son my grandson hi it's your grandma i'm your grandma that's a cute baby i'm not gonna lie i remember when i was holding you in the hospital it feels like it was just a couple hours ago [Music] and by the way you made a mess on your daddy's arm and he was so mad he would not change your diapers for like a month he'll never let me live that now is that my grandson yes it is you want to see grandpa oh he's saying no oh come on he definitely wants to see his grandpa you want to hold yeah okay grandpa's got you grandpa's got you okay what's wrong what's wrong what again are you kidding me no wait i got boots on again what is this with this family this better not happen in real life at all madonna knows i gotta go watch his mommy good job i can't believe i was a mom now i'm a grandma this is crazy i'm a grandma you made grandma so happy not funny at all not funny oh we have a grandson i'm a grandma this birth to death is moving fast yep and we don't have much time left so get the headset on what's taking her so long i know she's late for the party there you are rebecca what took you so long i'm sorry about that what are you guys doing here it's your daughter's retirement party oh my gosh maddie you just jumped to retirement this is kind of going fast how much time do we have left we are really short on time we only have a couple minutes don't leave her in there that long then maddie she can't get trapped i'm not going to she's retiring from google as the cto what my daughter was the cto of google cto google damn she's smart yeah okay you guys she's gonna be here inside what okay rebecca did you write the speech the speech yeah you're giving the speech today and give me the speech for her retirement party oh i definitely did two one surprise happy retirement oh my god this is for me this is beautiful thank you so proud of your daughter yes we are all proud of you speech oh yeah um everyone grab a class i would like to make a toast it seems like just yesterday you were getting bullied at school for being the smartest in the class but soon you went on to be valedictorian at harvard and now cto of google and you have a beautiful son i have a beautiful grandson so put your glasses up and cheers to happiness life changes and health cheers thank you excuse me are you okay yeah it's just like cough i've had for about a week wait that's a good cough sam fam do you think something is wrong with her okay let me get rebecca out what are you doing maddie no pulling her out right i'm just a little tired there goes mom again no oh my daughter is the cto of google whoa what was with that cop she's had a cold it's fine right yeah no yeah am i going back in you're going back in okay and hopefully rebecca's ready for this where is she she said meet her here where's she hello this is her no i'm i'm on my way what's she saying what's the phone call about she's fake just wait no no daughter daughter fine you're fine are you okay don't be shocked don't shut don't cry don't be shy i had a good life i'm ready to go no i don't want anymore i can't live without you yes yes yes i don't want you to go no choice oh my gosh she's in the hospital [Music] um you know what guys this is a little um harder than i thought it was going to be just leave everything as it is i'll be right back yeah yeah just keep watching i don't want you to go no what am i gonna do without you this must be hard for maddie i'm gonna go check on her real quick i'll be right back hey man this is so sad i don't want you no you know this is so hard to watch i can't watch it right now i can't only imagine what we're going through why would mattie create such a sad program for her to go through no you can't go i can't do this without my daughter i didn't think birth to death was going to be this hard she's at the cemetery now this is the death of birth to death it's happened too fast daddy maddie are you okay wait what are you doing connor pack your bags it's not over yet don't tell anyone okay this must be so hard for rebecca i don't know what to do i i can't take this anymore wait it says 10 seconds is that right maddie maddie bobby there's 10 maddie maddy there's only 10 seconds left she keeps a different system hold on i think i figured out okay come on come on come on daddy pull me out pull me out i don't want to be drowned in here where's maddie what do you mean where where's maddie what where's maddie what just happened hey she's not in her room at all where's connor what happened you guys you're with them they went upstairs
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 20,483,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birth to death, roblox brookhaven, rp, birth, death, pregnant, baby, newborn, teenager, mom, dad, college, boyfriend, engaged, wedding, marriage, rebecca zamolo, goodbye, emotional, matt and rebecca, rebecca, matt
Id: OMuMT1j1sFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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