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[Music] the animosity that the chiffon has for mankind goes back to the creation of other medicine and actually even before that we know that before a loss penalty Allah created mankind the jinn were already in existence the jinn were created before mankind and when the jinn were created the existence and scholars say he was like a very long time before perhaps even thousands of years before the creation of mankind I lost Pantoja de created the jinn and amongst the jinn there was one particular jinn who was very very pious and his piety reached such a high level that a lost palitana raised him up to come live with the angels and worship allah spanha to allah with the angels and our belief as muslims is that the shape on that the devil that's Satan that it please wasn't an angel and this comes from Christian theology our belief as Allah must pound to out a sense count I mean a jinn he was one of the jinn he please was from the jinn so Allah raised this one jin-hee beliefs the shape on to come live with the Angels and now for thousands upon thousands and thousands of years he please worships Allah and is considered amongst the most pious amongst all of the jinn and he remained like that for a very long time until Allah Japan Allah to Allah created the body of other money's Sena and we know watch Matata took clay from different parts of the earth and created the body of how the body sanam but initially life was not blown into the body about the body center so it's just the body and he pleased now he witnesses this he sees that Allah has created this new creation and actually even the Angels they remarked they said added ji no fee have my office Adobe Hawaii could deema they said to a Lost Planet on this little baccarat they say they say will you place therein meaning upon earth a creation that will cause corruption and spill blood now according to most of the scholars of seal what they're talking about here is are the Djinn what they're saying here is that you create a lost mine that I created a creation similar to mankind the Djinn meaning similar in the sense that they were given free will and what did they do the majority of them they caused corruption and they spilled blood by the way side note some scholars say that this ayah doesn't necessarily refer to the gym right we know that there is very possible that there were creations other there's their creations other than the creation of mankind right so for example the whole issue of dinosaurs it's always like this is this controversial thing there's no content is no controversy in Islam we believe other my dataset on was the first amongst the creation of mankind but does that mean there weren't any creation of a Lost Planet Allah upon earth before that no it doesn't mean that right and some scholars and this isn't what some of the modern-day scholars they hold opinion as well that it is possible that when the angel said that will you create or you place a creation there in that will cause corruption in spilled blood it's not necessarily that they're referring to the jinn it's possible that they could be referring to a creation which is about to blow your mind right now okay it's possible that they're a creation which was similar to mankind but was not mankind so perhaps they looked like men they were similar in their appearance to mankind but they weren't mankind so for us as Muslims it is possible that before other mighty Saddam was created there was a creation that was similar to mankind even in their form but they weren't mankind yes other matters and I'm without a doubt I want to clarify this don't misquote me on this yes without a doubt there are they Saddam is the first creation amongst mankind but it is possible there was a creation similar to mankind before that Krishna allahu ta âlâ column right anyway a lost man that created the money center and now it least looks upon Adam and he's starting to wonder now why why would Allah create this other creation for thousands of years it please looks at himself as the best how in his mind he thinks themselves there are two main creations ever lost mentality there are the Angels and there is the gym he thinks to himself as for the angels there's no comparison between me and them because they don't have free will so whatever goodness they do that's how Allah created them so there's no comparison between me and the angels then there's me and the jinn and amongst the jinn I'm the best in other words I'm the best of the best right there's no other creation in Allah has not created another creation that is as good as me now imagine living upon that for thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years you know there's celebrities who get popular and after just like a couple years they feel like super entitled right just a couple years a couple of years they're in the spotlight they got it they get a lot of attention everyone loves them and all that kind of stuff and then they begin to feel entitled in just a couple years imagine living for thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years where you're just like the best of the best and all of a sudden a law creates a new creation and now at least begins to think what if he turns out to be better than me and so now he's looking at he's looking at Adam and some narration of the press that I mentioned that he starts to go around the Matt he said I'm like he goes around and around he goes through him and he's a constant like observing him and so it beliefs actually becomes obsessed with other bodies he cannot deal with the fact that his title may be taking and this festers for a while these feelings of jealousy and envy and actually the proper way of describing this is actually hi said the concept of hi said in Islam is when you see something that someone else has and not only do you want it for yourself you want that person to not have it and that is what is truly dangerous and that is what Elyse was suffering from you know the scholars they discussed this issue what was the first sin that at least committed they say was it hasit or was it arrogance a lot of scholars say arrogance some scholars say it was actually jealousy and björk peasant and i hold the opinion that was actually has said that it all began with Hess's it began with that extreme jealousy where he couldn't stand that perhaps other and he said I may turn out to be a creation better than him and this is how he's feeling now and he hasn't said anything no one's talked to him he hasn't spoken out about this it's just all happening in his heart until a Lazcano tiara blows life into Adam alayhi Salaam and we know at that point a Lost Planet Allah orders the angels and at least to make sajdah to adam Elisha right this is by the way not a sense that I worship this is a sense de of respect this is a sense that of Honor Lost Planet analysis what up ilana bani adam' we have indeed honored the children of Adam the creation of adam alayhis-salam is honored and a lost pantera created Adam with his own hands as opposed to the jinn there are many ways in which most plants are honored is an ominous creation also the fact that Allah spent at I told the angels to make sensitive means that Allah honored adam alayhis-salam even above the angels and sometimes we don't realize this as mankind when we do base ourselves when we disobey allah spano to Allah when we put ourselves in these types of situations when we are like I said debasing ourselves we don't realize that Allah has given us honor and we ourselves we take away our honors but Allah honored the children of Adam at a Center and so a lost panel a to Allah gives the command and we see this mention in many places in the Quran for example so the Deaf verse 50 Allah sponsor Allah says what is going on in Marah you got this do duly Adam and we said to the Angels make such that to Adam and Elyse is standing there he's included within the angels he's included within this command the command comes down and I want you to actually imagine what this looks like a lost panatela internal thought mentions faster than manna iike to cool new whom Ajmer only a law says that the angels and Allah uses the letter fat here fat by the Arabic means immediately right I lost my tie doesn't say thumb such said you do you didn't say well sir I do not and then or after that or sometime no that means immediately immediately the the Angels they go into such that now this gathering of angels is more amazing than we can even comprehend but I'm gonna try and give you a visual imagine the angels standing in front of a las Panama Tejada the angels are absolutely beautiful beings right we know that they are more beautiful than we can imagine we know that the Angels are actually also very large beings for example the props I send them when he saw the angel debride in his original form in his true form the first Adam says I looked up in the sky and the horizon was covered by just one of the wings of the angel Jubilee there are narrations that mention president said that if you were to travel if a person a a someone who's proficient at riding horses if they were to travel the distance of a day and a night on the on horseback they would not cover the distance of the wingspan of an angel can you imagine this dude he's just like writing and writing and writing for a full to 24 hours he's going and he cannot cover the distance of a wingspan from one tip to the other can do it another narration mentions ten days and ten nights to handle of these huge majestic beautiful all inspiring beings are standing in front of almost pantheon and they're lined up perfect rows there's not a single inch not a single millimeter that one angels in front of the other right in terms of the row and it's not just five rows or ten rows or 20 rows or 30 rows it's as far as your eye can see it's angels all right you look out and I don't know if you've ever been in a situation like that where you look out and like your eyesight just stops at a certain point there's only as far as you can see and then it's just all blurry and gone after that it would be like that but in the distance of just be angels this type of gathering I mean and Allah Subhan Allah Allah gives the command to make sajda and the Angels immediately fall into sister-in-law sponte rsfsr than America to couldn't new home Adam era we not only do they make sajda they make such that all together at the same time in that beautiful scene and in that harmony everyone has fallen into such de philosophie Nevada says please accept for a please he's the only one left standing imagine how strange that what luck everyone falls into sized up and there's one dude who is left standing how odd would that look I lost my daughter says is stuck but he became arrogant what can I mean not carefully he became arrogant and he became amongst the disbelievers at that time and now he is asked by a wasp ana tejada allah ma Monica and tested anima Lima shut up to be a day or in another verse Paloma Monica test you that is about took what has stopped you from making such that when I have commanded you to do so and we hear the excuse of him please Paula enough a girl min he says I am better than him said you created me from fire and you created him from clay so couple things here number one it beliefs was the first person to use his own reasoning to reject a commandment from Allah span wa'ta'ala number two Elise was actually the first racist he was the first the she upon was the first races he was the first person to look at his creation and look at his physical attributes and say because of my the way I was created I am better than this person right he said because I've been created from fire I'm better than Adam and he's been created from clay in actuality we as Muslims we know that the principle is in a Karama Kumar in the law he taught me that the most noble amongst you are who the Arab the Americans Pakistanis the Egyptians who's the most noble amongst mankind who who is it what gives you nobility kept wha in a coma coma in the lie at Arkham the most noble amongst you are those who have the most tough one and you know what that is fair because sucka wot can be attained by anyone regardless of the color of your skin regardless of your background regardless of your gender regardless of where you're from regardless of your economic status none of it matters because Sukhois is an even playing field and so Allah says don't think anything but your tuck while your piety raises you up Indian status it please didn't understand he was the first person to reject the commandment of Allah Spadina [Music] you [Music]
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 1,735,954
Rating: 4.8507843 out of 5
Keywords: Allah, Reminder, merciful, servant, themercifulservant, islamic, jinn series, who is the devil, story of iblis, story of the devil, who is satan, iblees, iblis, jinn, djinn, mercifulservant
Id: R071YdRgLQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2016
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