The Best Birria de Res and Consome | Birria Quesa Tacos

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hi guys and welcome back to my channel today I'm going to share with you guys how to make be Lia and also how I prepare some delicious gets a video so in case you guys don't know how I make this super easy and delicious recipe just stay tuned and I'll show you how already guys so let's get started with our ingredients so for this recipe we're going to need five pounds of chuck pot roast or lamb two large onions for roma tomatoes one bunch of cilantro 12 New Mexico chili pods 10 guajillo chili pods - chili Pasillas 5 chile de árbol 6 bay leaves 14 garlic cloves 5 cloves ginger a small piece of cinnamon stick 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds 1/2 a teaspoon of whole black pepper 2 teaspoons of oregano 2 teaspoons of whole cumin 2 teaspoons of thyme 1/4 of a cup of white vinegar and salt so these are ingredients now let's get started so first we're going to start by cutting our meat and I'm going to cut it into fourths and like I said you can use lamb because normally obedia is made out of lamb but we don't like lamb here so we're gonna use beef just cut your medium big chunks and then start placing them in your pot and make sure that your pot is deep enough so we can um add water and all of our ingredients just please for me them in and I'm going to add one whole onion 7 garlic cloves 2 bay leaves and salt you know we're going to fill it up with water and we're going to bring it to a boil and let it boil for about 2 hours so just make sure that all your meat is covered with water okay so just like that so I'm going to set it on medium-high heat so now we're just going to wait for two hours alright guys so it's been an hour and a half and this is what our meat should look like at this point we're just going to skim the surface over me over breath we'll just remove all that and now at this point we're also going to start working on our sauce alright so now we're just going to put in our chili pots we're just going to deep pop them in this eat them if you are sensitive to the chili just make sure you wear gloves so just open them and take out the seeds you could do the same thing for the chili at the air ball but I'm not going to I'm just going to leave it as it is in the chili they are about it's optional as well if you don't want you to really get to be super hot you can not add them [Applause] you know I my other pre Nvidia video you guys a lot of you have problems finding the Chile's that I use so this one I'm making it easier where you guys can all find the chili puffs that I'm using and if for some reason you cannot find the chili guajillo or the New Mexico Chili's you can replace them by using the Chile California in the Chile pasilla chili ancho can be a little hard to defeat them in these buttons just crack them open on top three so once we have all of our chilies we're just going to give them a quick rinse and then we're going to fill up our pot with water and we're going to bring them to a boil [Music] because I'm just going to set it on high heat and just going to wait for about 20 to 30 minutes or until our chilies have softened alright so while we wait for chili pot we're going to toast our sesame seeds all right on medium-high heat I'm going to place my medium frying pan and I'm going to add my sesame seeds and we're just going to cook them for about three to five minutes or until our see top turning like a yellow color alright so once our sesame seeds are toasted we're just going to remove them from the heat alright so for a cinnamon stick I'm just going to use about one inch of our cinnamon stick okay so just grow like I like to use my two fingers just like that that's how much I grabbed from the cinnamon stick so just cut that so that's how much we're going to use for our sauce and for our ginger same thing I'm going to use about one inch of our ginger okay so just grab it like that and we're going to peel it okay so once our Chili's are done we are ready to make our sauce alright so after 20 minutes your sheila's should look like this and they are done so at this point you want to remove the water and let them cool down for about 20 minutes alright so our blender we're going to add our Chile's [Music] along with our white vinegar sesame seeds a piece of ginger our four bay leaf in our small piece of cinnamon our cloves and black pepper oregano whole cumin thyme in our garlic seven garlic cloves and we're also going to add two cups of our of our beef broth so just make sure that you straining okay I'm just going to add a little bit of salt you don't want to have too much because you also remember that your breath and your meat have um salt so now we're just going to blend it until we have a super smooth sauce all right so now we are ready to pour it with our meat alright so coming back to our meat we're going to remove our onion and garlic cloves just try to remove them okay so now we're going to strain in arm or sauce and of course depending on your blender you know it depends if you have to strain your your chili all right so I recently got a new blender in this blender actually did a very good job blending on my chili so I'm just going to throw it all in and I'm just going to add a little bit of water to my blender cup so like that I can get all the the sealer okay so now we're just going to let them cook and you do want to try for salt and I think for me it's good and I'm very surprised with the blender because normally with the other one like I will have the pinky toes you know and we don't want that so now we're just going to let it come to a simmer for 20 minutes and then after that our videos should be done and then we can make our BT up quesadillas okay so after 20 minutes you want to check your meat and make sure that it is tender and it is done so soon as you you can see it's super soft now so it is done so now what we're going to do is we're going to trade off of course and we're going to pull it out so that we can let it cool down so we can shred it alright so out of this broth I'm going to remove about one cup and we're going to set it to the side okay and now for the rest of our broth we're going to strain it it's like that we can make our consomme sorry so just be careful doing this part and you can skip this step if you don't want to go through that extra process of straining your broth so once we have separated that I'm going to return it back to mine my pot okay just broth so now we're just going to boil our four tomatoes and once your tomatoes have completely cup we're going to blend them and add them to our broth okay so now you can grab your knife and start chopping your meat or you can do what I do and just shred your me I like to go through the fat so to me this is better it might seem like it's like a lot but I promise you guys that it is super easy and let me tell you that at the time it's worth it so by now our Tomatoes should be done so now we're going to blend them and like I said if you don't want to add the tomatoes that is fine you know but I'm showing you how to make that constant man that goes for the video for when you did when you dip your your taco or your um like I say you guys you don't if you don't want to make the console man you don't you can skip that step and you can just dip your on your taco in the broth in the chili prod it's gonna be just as delicious but I'm just showing you like one something okay so now we have our meat so let's work on our Tomatoes right so this is what your tomatoes should look like and now we're just going to add them in the blender I'm going to add just a little bit of salt so now we're just going to blend them into theirs until we have made a smooth tomato sauce already so once we have that we are ready to add it with our chili broth all right so come back to your brother and turn it on to medium-high now we're going to strain or broth unless your blender smashed everything for you like mine it's a once we begin to simmer we're going to add our meat so one your broth begins to simmer we're going to add our meat back [Music] now we're just going to let it simmer for about five minutes and that's basically our billion in consumer and now at this point you can start chopping your onion in your cilantro alright so here I'm already chopping my onion and cilantro and you're also going to want to shred your new cheese because we are making cassava Lea chuckles and the cheese I'm going to use is this one Oaxaca its Oaxaca cheese you can use whatever kind of cheese you like but this one is perfect for a kiss or the [Music] [Music] [Music] and so now we are ready to make a kiss of Vidya tacos so in a large frying pan I'm going to add a little bit of olive oil and we're going to set it on medium-high heat we're going to grab our 30s and the pony in the brothel we took out earlier we'll just dip it like that and just like for you all to be hot enough now we're just going to you just leave them in there for about a minute and then we're going to flip it over and then we're going to add the cheese and I'm just going to add a little bit cheese [Music] we're going to add our meat [Music] and then we can remove form our pack [Music] raise the one thing over tacos out we're going to add some cilantro and onion [Music] I'm lying and of course we have a constant manner you can place it in the middle that's what we're going to dip or kiss up tacos can also add some onion in cilantro and some more lime juice and of course if you have your chile de árbol oh so delicious so now we are ready to eat I already got enough for the best part the taste test I am ready let me grab my taco here so we have our taco and this is the messy food it's okay get messy cuz it's so white there grab your console man dip it and take a bite seriously it's super delicious it's worth it the best seriously the best everything is just delicious on point all right yes and there you have any my super easy and delicious ability I hope you guys have enjoyed watching this video and if you did please don't forget to give me a big thumbs up share it with your friends and family and if you recreate this recipe please don't forget to tag me on any of my social medias and if you need to my channel please hit that subscribe button so you guys can be part of our family thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in my next video bye oh yeah [Music] it is perfect except me even to finish her pecan the lover market around Mathematica cute origami elephant McAdoo as I'm moving my symmetrical cute origami Esper
Channel: Cooking Con Claudia
Views: 3,561,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: birria, birria tacos, beef birria tacos, street tacos, claudia regalado, birria de res, mexican food, como hacer birria, birria quesadillas, birria quesatacos, birria queso tacos, quesadilla, the best birria recipe, the best taco recipe, homemade tacos, homemade birria recipe, taco night, Birria de Res Consome, quesatacos de birria, quesataco, taco recipe, consome tacos, quesabirria tacos, easy birria recipe, LA MEJOR BIRRIA DE RES QUE PUEDES HACER EN CASA
Id: T-93hC2w-Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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