Beef Birria Queso Tacos with Consomé - Food Wishes

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[Music] hello this is chef john from with beef beer at queso tacos with consummate that's right i'm actually filming a super trendy recipe while it's still super trendy as this thing really is blowing up everywhere social media traditional media even the other secret media that i'm not supposed to mention and when you make these you're going to understand what all the fuss is about and to get started you're going to have to have made one batch of beef birya which by the way we just did a video for and as i explained in that i enjoy mine more as a thick stew versus the much more traditional brothy soupy version but either way no matter the viscosity the first thing we'll do is go ahead and pull that leftover beef out of the sauce then once that meat has been extracted to a plate we will simply set it aside and use that to stuff our tacos and then besides that the other thing we're going to need is that reserved fat that we skimmed off the top of our stew okay so our b fat and beef are ready to go well actually not quite yet what we're going to want to do is take a couple forks and we will shred this beef before we use it and of course how much you shred it's going to be up to you although personally i do prefer to shred mine fairly fine for the simple reason that when we eventually dip this into our consummate the finer the beef is shredded the better it absorbs the liquid and the wetter your taco will be so basically the longer you shred the more delicious consummate goes into your head and that's it once that shredded we'll go ahead and set it aside and then we'll move on to prepper consomme and for that we'll take whatever sauce cooking liquid we have left and we will add enough chicken or beef broth to thin it out to the texture we want and then we're also going to fortify this with some diced vegetables in my case carrots celery and cabbage and what we'll do is give that a stir and then we'll bring that up to a simmer on high heat at which point we can back the heat down to medium low and simply simmer this for about 20 minutes or so or until those vegetables are nice and tender and believe it or not that is pretty much it and while that's simmering one thing i like to do is take a spatula or a spoon and sort of wash down the sides with the hot liquid to release all that cooked on caramelized goodness which as you might know we refer to around here as side fond hashtag side fond and above and beyond cleaning the sides of the pot that will definitely also add a little more flavor and of course if you'd rather spend like 15 minutes scrubbing that in the sink go ahead but for me this just makes a lot more sense but anyway like i said we'll go ahead and let that simmer for about 20 minutes or until those veggies are nice and tender and it's as thin or thick as we want and no in case you went to culinary school this is not a classic consummate which according to the textbooks is supposed to be perfectly clear whereas this is the opposite of that but that's fine this is so amazing we're just gonna go with it and that's it we'll just go ahead and keep that hot over low heat while we move on to build our tacos and to do that we will put a couple teaspoons of that reserved fat in a skillet that we have set over medium heat and as soon as that melts we'll go ahead and toss in a couple corn tortillas and we'll go ahead and toss those around until they are well coated and as i was doing that i decided i needed a little more which reminds me the pros use about four times as much fat so trust me even though it looks like i'm using a lot i'm really not but of course use as much of that stuff as you want i mean you are after all the jackie gleason of your greason but to summarize you're definitely gonna want enough to coat both sides generously oh and also don't use tongs to flip these things because you're gonna tear them which i sort of did so i course corrected and grabbed a spatula and all we're going to do here over medium heat is give those an initial toasting just until they start to get a little bit golden brown okay ever so slightly and then as soon as that happens we'll go ahead and scatter over our cheese which in my case is some beautiful monterey jack and i'm definitely going for full coverage and of course we're going to grate that ourselves since it's so much better and cheaper and we should never under any circumstances buy it already shredded and then once our cheese is down we'll go ahead and top that with our beef okay as much as you want but don't forget we need to fold these things so don't go too crazy here but having said that i was still fairly generous and that's it once we've beefed our cheese we're gonna dip a ladle into our consummate and drizzle over about a tablespoon onto each taco which of course is going to add moisture to the beef but it's also going to help our tortilla remain flexible and foldable and that's it after the consummation we'll go ahead and add the last ingredients which is a big old spoon of diced white onions and freshly chopped cilantro so we'll go ahead and scatter a generous amount of that over each one at which point we will attempt to fold these in half and please do as i say and not as i just did do not press these too hard all right we don't want to squeeze out too much of that moisture although having said that it's not a huge deal because pretty much everything that leaks out is going to be reabsorbed back in as these toast and while these are cooking because they are fairly well stuffed if you have to push some of that beef and cheese back in go ahead all right that's just you tucking and then basically at this point these are done when you want them to be done okay what i do is just go ahead and flip them back and forth until those tortillas are as crispy and crusty as i want and then once we think we've gone far enough we'll go ahead and plate those up and then of course as promised we'll go ahead and ladle up some of that consummate which as you're about to see we're going to use as a dip and then classically our consummate will be garnished with some more white onions and cilantro and then just as importantly before we start enjoying this i definitely think we should squeeze some fresh lime juice over the top since that beautiful fruity and fragrant acidity is going to help us cut through all this fatty richness and that's it our beef birya queso tacos con consummae is ready to enjoy and by enjoy i mean dip soak and bite and that my friends on its own would be an amazing beef and cheese taco but when it's also being soaked in that amazingly flavorful super savory aromatic broth to say that takes it up to another level is definitely an understatement and i'm not exactly sure why but usually the consummate is only used as a dip but since i went through the effort of chopping and adding those vegetables i'm going to go ahead and grab a spoon and enjoy my consummate as a soup while i eat my tacos to me that just makes sense oh and the last thing i'll mention is that these tacos are normally made with two tortillas and like twice as much filling but i've never been a huge fan of the double tortilla taco so i much prefer to use two single tortillas and then just put like half the amount of ingredients in each at which point i'm able to enjoy two smaller more user-friendly tacos versus one much larger much much more messier one but anyway that's it my take on what is currently the world's trendiest taco as usual i'm not claiming this is authentic but i am claiming that it's amazing which is why i really do hope you give this a try soon so please follow the links below for the ingredient amounts a printable written recipe and much more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 369,274
Rating: 4.9425535 out of 5
Keywords: beef, birria, taco, Queso, Consomé, stew, Mexican, chili, chef, john, food, wishes, cooking, recipes, meat, goat, lamb
Id: 9rt-cgWx1dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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