BINOMIAL PAIRS QUIZ | Useful & Important Phrases

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hey everyone welcome to today's lesson my name is wes the channel is interactive english and in case this happens to be your first time here please say hello in the comments in the chat i just love hearing from you guys tell me where you're from but the channel is all about just trying to help you improve your english skills and today i have well it's a vocabulary lesson we're going to be talking about some very common and useful phrases that i think you hear in just everyday english and we're going to be doing a little bit of a quiz that's what i've turned this into so that you can participate this is after all interactive english so i want you guys you can write your answer in the comments in the chat and as we go through this i'll try to give some some shout outs as you as well so today's topic we're going to be talking about binomial pairs that's what we're going to be focused on what i will do is i will link up here um some a playlist to some lessons that i've already done on binomial pairs all of the phrases that we're going to look at from today's quiz are are taken from some of those lessons right now i think i've done three different lessons on binomial pairs so you can check those out it's good to kind of practice reinforce what you've already learned and that's really what this is all about hopefully maybe you've seen those lessons and this is a good refresher to see how much you remember and if some of these are new if this is the first time that you're going to be practicing and learning some of these phrases that's also great the more exposure you get the better that you're just going to build your vocabulary learn new phrases and improve your skills so i think it's important the first thing that we talk about if we're talking about binomial pairs is just understanding what what is a binomial pair we're talking about an expression that contains two words that are joined by a conjunction and the conjunction is usually and or or those are the two conjunctions that are often going to combine the two words that is not always the case but most of the time it is and or or that's going to connect these two words and that is what we call a binomial pair and i'm i i know that when we go through this and you see some of the phrases i'm pretty sure you're going to recognize some of them and be like oh okay yes i've heard of this phrase before i've i've i've seen it you maybe you know it as well then that's great um but these like i said these are kind of common phrases that you can use in in everyday conversation so let's begin with this we're going to start a little easier it's going to start well i think it's going to be a little easier and then it'll get more and more difficult as we go through it so the first part uh that i have is just a multiple choice so here is the binomial pair loud and clear so you see those two words loud clear it's joined by the conjunction and and we get the phrase loud and clear what do you think it means write your write your answers in the chat if you're watching this later write your answers in the comments it's good use it like it's a piece of paper and if you want to if you want to practice even a little more write a sentence using this uh this binomial pair and if i see a sentence that i like i i will read that uh out loud if you want to to practice a little more so loud and clear is it a easily understandable b too noisy or c able to know what will happen overwhelmingly all right you guys are rocking this uh excellent um lolly gotrudas great to see some members takayo good job also some some speak up students juliana perfect so rose said yes it's a piece of cake excellent yes this one i think is a little easy this first part is going to be a little easier um the answer is a it means that something is clear and easily understandable so this is a little bit of an introduction to binomial pairs giving you the multiple choice and i i think just to give you some context for this it would be like i'm giving you some instructions telling you what we're going to do oh we're doing a quiz the first part is binomial pairs and this is what we're going to do do you understand you could just say loud and clear that tells me yes i understand what you're saying loud and clear or maybe people would um ask if you if you can hear somebody like oh can you hear me do you understand what i'm saying and you could respond loud and clear so i'll also try to give you some examples as to how you may use some of these phrases the next binomial pair give or take so here again we have those two words give take they're going to be combined using that conjunction or and we get the phrase give or take all right what do you think uh the answers getting some good sentences uh um from me like abdul rasheed your lessons are loud and clear excellent um i understand you loud and clear thank you lolly those are great examples for loud and clear so give or take is it does it mean a undetermined b usually c approximately and i as i was doing this i felt like ah this is going to be too easy because i think giving you the meaning uh it was actually hard to try to think of other answers to include that might be a little tricky so everyone yes was overwhelmingly saying the correct answer um the answer is c all right if you're talking about give or take it means approximately so in this case you're you're going to be talking about like typically a number or an amount and if you're trying to say approximately you would say give or take plus or minus some unknown amount often i think people are going to maybe use this at the end of a sentence and i might say um how many uh like how many people live in your city or live in your town you might well maybe you know a hundred thousand give or take so when you when you put give or take at the end of it it's telling the other person that oh you're you're kind of you're just approximating you're you're guessing as to how much so again we're talking about an amount uh or some number and if you say that and then follow it with give or take then we know okay you're just saying approximately that's just kind of a close guess the next binomial pair not not all of these are going to be multiple choice as well um all or nothing right again we got two words connected by that conjunction or what do you think uh it means um hadia-san has a good sentence i live five kilometers away from the subway give or take um yeah all right excellent that works that you're it's approximately five kilometers um what do you think all or nothing a do completely be leave unfinished or c non-negotiable and i think often to again give you a little context for this because um maybe it's not the full meaning that i'm giving you i will show it to you it's when you're kind of talking about something people will most use most often use it as just the sentence like it's all or nothing all right it's all or nothing and typically you're talking to somebody about something that you might well you're you're maybe planning to do and you say well we're either it's it's all or nothing why they're going to do all of it or we're not going to do any of it so in that case all right the answer would really be a all right you're talking about doing something completely um so i i know i thought maybe some of you put c like maybe thrown off like non-negotiable i guess again depending on the context maybe that would work i told you i had some trouble trying to think of some other uh possible answers that might be a little tricky but the most important thing is that you understand the meaning of it you're either doing something completely or not at all and then you would say like oh it's all or nothing why they're going to do all of it or none of it and people could say it's all or nothing so again this is the most important part a or c i guess again in a context you could say maybe non-negotiable it's all or nothing um the next one and this is the last multiple choice that i have for you um ins and outs what does that this mean and are we talking about the detailed facts of something are we talking about an ever-changing situation or just saying something from a different point of view if you haven't noticed i think before i pinned a comment in the chat from yesterday and well maybe i don't want to give it away but you guys can see it right there i said i'm going to teach you the ins and outs of these different binomial pairs and i think that kind of is a bit of a hint it kind of gives it away i think this is a binomial pair you may often use with the verb like teach or learn something teach learn or know you know the ins and outs of something or you're going to learn the ins and outs or i'm going to teach you the ins and outs which all of you most of you said a yes we're talking about the the detailed or complicated facts of some situation or something and you know the ins and outs um so yeah i hope i want to teach you the ins and outs of these binomial pairs i want to teach you the details the complicated facts the different ways that you can use them or that you may hear them being used um so this is the first part uh which i think you guys did pretty well it was multiple choice now i want to switch it on you and what i'm doing is for the next part i'm going to give you a sentence with part of the binomial pair and i want you to complete it complete the binomial pair with the unknown word so let's look at the first one and again you could write the word in the chat or the comments and then i'll i'll tell you what the meaning is and probably you might you could probably guess what the meaning is based on the context so here is the first sentence right here the team didn't cheat they won the match fair and so this is a binomial pair what word would you use to complete this sentence what do you think doing this quiz lesson complete this sentence with a the binomial pair and then i'm going to tell you the binomial pair and i will also give you the meaning just as a review reminder of what it is uh great job excellent uh sleepwalker anastasia zanat lali the the binomial pair is fair and square so if you say that something is fair and square it means that it is done honestly according to the rules and often i think that you would talk about you might use it in the context of winning and you would say that oh we won fair and square that there was no cheating that you won honestly you won fair and square i think that is a common sentence that people might use this binomial pair with if you're saying that well we won fair and square or it was fair and square the match was fair and square it was done honestly then there's uh the next phrase excellent great job awesome gertrudis uh vicky awesome uh yeah lolli grave a great example i beat you fair and square i won fair and square excellent great example this one there's no uh there's no real damage to the furniture just imagine there's some furniture and i'm telling you there's no real damage to the furniture there's just a little um and tear so maybe this is also pretty easy since i'm kind of giving you giving you part of the binomial pair so there's no um and tear this is another expression that i think is yeah i think it's pretty useful especially depending on the context if you're talking about well especially in this situation uh excellent uh gertrudis lolly uh mary dennis wear and tear that is the binomial pair wear and tear refers to damage or depreciation resulting from ordinary use the situation in which i think this would be commonly used is if you perhaps rent an apartment and you're signing some type of agreement and typically in the contract it would say like you know you cannot break or destroy the property but normal wear and tear is acceptable because this is talking about just ordinary use and over time things kind of well maybe they don't get damaged but they depreciate and you could say that's just normal wear and tear or if you're going to sell a car and somebody asks you oh is there anything wrong with the car and you say no there's just normal wear and tear just normal depreciation from use over time normal wear and tear great job on that one here's the next one that i have for you it was dangerous driving back home in that storm i'm just glad we're back home safe and what expression what binomial pair am i talking about in this so you know the situation it was dangerous some dangerous situation uh about there was some storm outside and i could say i'm just glad we're back home safe and what do you what do you think so i think and i told you uh these expressions are very common so i think you probably have heard of them before and perhaps maybe i hope to be jogging your memory a little bit or or you've just seen these previous lessons about binomial pairs and you just remember the information because you guys are awesome so excellent um lolli gettrudis uh saya ambil the the binomial pair is safe and sound so really instead of saying safe because it kind of means the same thing you're safe from danger or and free from any kind of injury or harm and you would just kind of just use the expression safe and sound and i don't know why i tend to think people associate home as being safe and sound and that's why i used it in that example saying well we're back home safe and sound or i just want to know that you made it back safe and sound i think i hope that all of you guys right now are safe and sound uh we have of course this the pandemic that's going on and i hope that all of you are safe and sound that is a way that i could use this so one more i have one more um i have more questions but one more like this where i want you to complete the binomial pair and here is the next one i hope that all of you have been improving your english by leaps and what what word would can finish that one um leaps and all right what do you think uh and this is true i i think i mentioned this in the last video lesson that uh uh i've talked to you about i hope that you all improve your english by leaps and what all right um okay so excellent all right you guys did a great job doing a great job on this one too mary flavio uh sohana sleepwalker getrudis the the binomial pair is leaps and bounds and i'm going to throw by before that and what this means is just very uh very quickly i think i'm gonna add to that instead of just saying uh like quickly because leaps and bounds does not also it doesn't just have to mean quickly it could just mean like to a great degree so if i say like i hope you're improving your english by leaps and bounds i'm saying like to a great degree basically saying that i hope you're improving your english a lot so it doesn't always just have to be about speed like very quickly but by leaps and bounds like quick but by a great degree as well i think i should have added that in there which is why i'm telling you now so yes they're not we're improving by leaps and bounds i'm happy to hear that remember uh to include buy so that's why i put it here typically i'd say that that you could also just think of this as part of the binomial pair by leaps and bounds all right now what i want to do and we'll see i think this part is going to be more difficult but who knows you guys have been rocking this quiz so far uh what i'm going to do is i'm going to give you the meaning i'm not going to tell you the binomial pair i want you to tell me the phrase tell me the phrase that that matches this meaning because now you're familiar with what a binomial pair is you understand it two words connected that are often connected by and or or so hopefully that uh that makes it easier so the first one we're talking about the advantages and disadvantages of something what that is the meaning that is the meaning of which binomial pair what phrase has this meaning and this is one that i feel like i've i don't know i tend to use a lot especially in the the speak up class that i have we talk about different topics and maybe i present a situation and i would use this uh this binomial pair uh quite often so i think this one is one that well i feel like i say like you probably see it a lot i know i see it a lot because i just told you i use it quite often and yes excellent uh lolly maria uh gertrudis jacqueline takayo kim pros and cons so if you're referring to the pros and cons the advantages would be the pros the disadvantages would be the cons and i told you as a teacher i think if we're if i'm trying to present a situation and especially for discussion and have other people share their thoughts and opinions i would ask like what do you think what here's the situation what are some of the pros and cons and then we would talk about these advantages and disadvantages the pros and cons the next one is maybe i don't know if this would be easy or difficult but the the meaning is when you are at a point you reach a point that you will not tolerate the situation anymore and you might get angry and lose your patience and you would say that you are okay you are and that well here's the meaning you're just you can't tolerate anymore and you would use this binomial pair and to give you in case uh i feel like one person would get it and then everybody's oh yes i was i was gonna say to give you a little hint this binomial pair is often followed by the preposition of so you are um of something and excellent the the answer is sick and tired all right great job lali katrudas sid saya hadi when you're sick and tired of something because i told you you're you're often going to follow it with of when you're sick and tired of something it's like when you're you're like i said you're at that point you can't tolerate it anymore um i'm sick and tired of my boss telling us to work late i'm sick and tired of it so i think you could probably always think of things at work that you are sick and tired of um so this is this is a good phrase because i think there are many things that apply to this where you're just like i can't take it anymore um juliana full to the head uh yeah so uh uh natalia says fed up with yeah it's very similar to that that phrasal word if you're fed up with something you're at that point i can't take it anymore you're sick and tired of it the next one i'll give you a little hint for this one as well if you can't think of it um we're talking about a small amount at a time and gradual what would you say um a small amount at a time something that's gradual and you would say and i'll give you a moment to think about it before i give you that hint and then we'll see again i think you guys could probably uh get this think of a situation uh if i instead of saying like well you i'm improving you're improving your english gradually or you're improving a small amount at a time what would you say all right okay uh excellent uh on got the one yeah they're actually now that you guys throw some in there uh there are some other ones that you could use the one that uh yes lolli not the the one that i'm thinking of and then i'll address some of the others that you had mentioned little by little the hint that i was gonna give you which i now realize i forgot was going to say that this binomial pair uses by so we're not using and or or that's not always the case with some binomial pairs there will be other words so we're connecting little by little we're talking about one like just gradually it's it's slowly um improving and you could say little by little let me some of you put um a few others let me address some of that slow and steady slow and steady is another binomial pair and i think that one would also uh that fits that context if you're talking about gradually you could say slow and steady there's a famous expression when you think of the the tortoise and the hair that story slow and steady wins the race that you keep moving forward uh slow and steady another one that people had talked about was step by step i think that one could also apply as well that you're doing something step by step i think step by step to me means more like one at a time that you're focusing you're doing one thing before moving on to the next thing so in a way um you could it has somewhat of a similar meaning but if i think of like the situation the example that i gave you like you're improving little by little you could i think step by step um you could use that but at the same time i think step by step mostly think is like more instructions kind of that you know what you need to be doing we're doing it step by step um i think of like um some situation in which maybe you need to kind of follow one order and you're just doing it one at a time you're doing it step by step um or like even in a relationship people might say like um how are things going in your relationship and you say yeah we're taking it step by step we're just moving along one thing at a time step by step uh then there's this one right here i'm i'm hoping i'm hoping one will be a little more difficult for you guys these are we're talking about instructions and warnings about what you should and should not do in a particular situation i say situation or time i forgot to put that word in there that little that bottom part right there that's a slight typo uh so we're talking instructions and warnings about what you should and should not do in a particular time in a particular situation or time what uh what binomial pair has this meaning okay so you guys got that um all right yes great job lali namrata anpan flavio dipan uh dipanjan oh mary thank you uh thank you so much for the super chat awesome i jumped in awesome i really appreciate that uh the answer we're talking about do's and don'ts okay so do's and don'ts if you're telling somebody okay instructions this is what you should do this is what you shouldn't do you would describe this these are the do's and don'ts and i think you would often hear people use like the do's and don'ts perhaps like at um some situation at work or or even in a classroom like i might be telling new students about well these are the rules of the classroom like these you know the do's and the don'ts so in some context some situation where you're trying to tell somebody about the things they should do or the things they should not do you're basically giving that person the do's and don'ts you're providing them with the do's and don'ts which is very important a very useful uh binomial pair um one that i think is could be used in a variety of situations so i hope that again this was review from some of those previous lessons i will uh link that up here if you'd like to go through and actually watch those lessons as well as learn more binomial pairs i suggest that you go guys go check that out but you guys did overwhelmingly uh incredible today i'm very impressed round of applause great job uh but i appreciate you joining me i hope that maybe you learned some new expressions these are rather informal expressions that you could use in just casual english also want to mention if you guys like what we do want to show us some love you can sponsor support our channel there are links in the description down below if you'd like to become a member or a patron uh so many i've seen some members in here today lolly gettrudis patrons like takayo um or uh even with those super chats like mary mary docma big shout out to you thank you so much uh i really appreciate it all of it kind of helps uh keep this going uh also saw vicky in here today another member uh really appreciate your guys love and support so i again this is good practice these quizzes it's also a good way for it to be a little more interactive that i can talk to you guys a little bit say your names if you're giving the correct answer sorry if i if i couldn't get to everyone um kind of scrolls through quickly but i hope that you all enjoy um the rest of your weekend thank you guys so much for joining me and i hope that you all have a wonderful week thanks uh good to see you uh just give some quick more shout outs uh hello nuria zanat thank you lolly good to see you as always shwana glad you enjoyed the lesson hi esther gatrudes juliana another speak up student excellent thanks for joining us juliana uh sleepwalker kim abu namrata hope uh thank you guys and
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 9,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, live english lesson, english lesson, american english, english practice lesson, learn american english, english vocabulary lesson, learn vocabulary, english vocabulary, advanced vocabulary, learn english vocabulary, learn advanced vocabulary, binomail pairs in english, learn binomial pairs in english, english binomial pairs, useful english expressions, useful english phrases, common english phrases, english quiz
Id: uEs_Vby87kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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