Billy Mitchell Gets DESTROYED By Judge!

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hello you absolute legends billy mitchell is the gift that keeps on giving recently a video surfaced of our hero the greatest video game player of the century maybe even of all time appearing in court in relation to one of his lawsuits against twin galaxies the exchange that occurred between him and the judge was interesting to say the least i'm gonna be honest things were not looking promising the case seemed like it was surely on the brink of being dismissed billy mitchell was about to lose but of course billy mitchell always has a plan he showed up ready to fight and he pulled out every trick every technique and his execution was frame perfect dismissal was imminent but billy was about to turn it around all he needed to do was convince a judge to ignore his legal responsibilities luckily billy mitchell is a master negotiator and seeing him in action is a thing of beauty you're about to be taught a master class on persuasion so take out a pen and paper and get ready to learn but first i must warn you billy mitchell's tactics are unconventional they are risky some may even say childish and disingenuous but don't let the haters fool you billy mitchell is an expert in the ancient art of smooth talking admittedly though in this particular case he failed miserably the judge just wasn't buying any of it no matter how much billy pleaded and begged the judge refused to budge ultimately the judge did dismiss the case and billy on the verge of tears had to admit defeat in today's video we will take a look at this amazing footage you are about to see a failed con man attempt to woo a judge and fall flat on his face there is some really weird stuff in here and i know you are going to enjoy it [Music] in this video we are talking about the greatest video game player of all time but for a moment let's talk about the greatest video game of all time raid shadow legends you've probably never heard of this game before it has kind of flown under the radar but raid is a dark fantasy rpg with some of the best graphics you're going to see in a mobile game i've legitimately played raid way too much over the past two years i'm level 93 you can't fake that if you want to be cool like me use my links below to download raid to your mobile or pc here's a sneak peek at the first faction you'll meet the banner lords these guys are basically medieval knights which is probably my favorite time in history lately they've been getting dominated by the non-human racers like orcs and lizardmen but with a strong wise good-looking leader like yourself maybe they can turn things around my favorite battle lord is septimus he looks cool and is pretty much the hardest hitter in the game one of the best features in raid are the clans where you and other members can work together to take down the boss complete quests and earn benefits they've even added a new clan shop that gives you access to some really powerful items this month's also got new champions to collect from fragment and the doom tower and a load of events and competitions to take part in if you click on my link or scan my qr code you'll get an epic hero chinoru 200k silver one xp boost and one ancient shard so you can summon an awesome champion as soon as you start it's really that easy just click the link in the description and i'll see you in the game back in may i launched a gofundme for the victims of billy mitchell's lawsuits and i need to say a massive thank you to everyone that donated we even received a thirteen thousand dollar donation from adam clegg which is absolutely insane in total we raised over fifty thousand dollars and that money is already hard at work we organized an amazing lawyer for david race who is currently in the process of trying to get his lawsuit dismissed we are also in talks with the other defendants and will be ready to help as soon as it's needed personally i need to extend a ton of gratitude to notch the creator of minecraft who graciously offered to help me in my own defense of mitchell after my last video mitchell set his lawyer on me again this time demanding i pay three hundred thousand dollars or he was going to sue me i took it more seriously this time hiring my own lawyer and notch did come through and has been helping me with the bills when mitchell comes after me with frivolous legal action he is also going after my entire family who depend on me to support them and we are all extremely grateful now onto this amazing new video this is a recording of a hearing which took place in early june it was fought mitchell's defamation lawsuit against twin galaxies in florida which was for 10 million dollars this hearing was scheduled by the court because mitchell hadn't taken any action on this lawsuit in 10 months the reason he hadn't taken any action is because he was already busy suing them in california i don't know why he sued twin galaxies in two different states perhaps the florida lawsuit was just a backup in case he lost the one in california in any case he was given 60 days to either take action or at least show good cause as to why the case had seen no activity the critical thing about the hearing notice is that it says the lawsuit shall be dismissed if no action is taken or good cause shown five days prior to the hearing the words shall be are really important here because you can't argue your way out of it if you don't respond it's over billy mitchell didn't respond which makes the hearing even more bizarre because by the time the hearing came around it was a done deal the case was going to be dismissed there was nothing billy could do about it but for some crazy reason billy thought he could talk the judge out of doing what was legally required of him i don't know if it was delusion or just a lack of legal expertise but the reason i'm showing you this video is because of the obvious manipulation that billy mitchell employs to try and get his way so let's take a look let's see uh mr mitchell billy mitchell yes your honor i'm here uh yeah what case you're here for sir uh it's uh julia mitchell plaintiff that's myself versus twin galaxies i heard the gentleman speak earlier about your bow tie and i concur matter of fact i have a west point tie on myself thank you sir straight out of the gate you can see the manipulation tactics employed first he complements the judge on his bow tie which admittedly is fine but what he says next is very peculiar he goes out of his way to let the judge know that he is wearing a west point tie west point is the united states military academy but billy never attended west point or was in the military so why is he telling the judge about his west point tie his son definitely went to west point which is why billy has the tie in the first place but he never went the question i'm left asking is is he trying to imply that he was in the military i've spoken to a few people about this and some claim this is an attempt at stolen velo while others say it isn't i'm not from the us so i actually don't know how this is viewed but i do think it's more suspicious because he is intentionally pointing it out to the judge instead of just wearing it passively okay it's number 17. yes sir um i spoke with uh melanie griffith yesterday she was terrific i discovered this hearing i would have contacted sooner i discovered it in my junk mail and um the trouble that i faced is the entity twin galaxies the last time they filed a a real annual report was 2018 they allowed the corporation to go um inactive the address on pine island road nobody there would help in any way but i came to notice that a little over a month ago they suddenly became active they reinstated it on april 17th so i now believe that i won't have problem and if i don't get satisfaction um making contact there on pine island road then i'm told that i can serve them through the secretary of state there is a lot to unpack here but the first sentence is simply amazing and i will play it again a few times um i spoke with melanie griffith yesterday she was terrific i spoke with melanie griffith yesterday she was terrific i spoke with uh melanie griffith yesterday she was terrific i discovered this hearing i would have contacted sooner i spoke with melanie griffith yesterday she was terrific a completely random statement that has nothing to do with anything is never referenced again nor is it explained what it was said in the first place so who is melanie griffith and why is billy mitchell bringing her up here is my theory melanie griffith is a celebrity she is well past her heyday now but several decades ago she was an a-list actor by saying that he spoke with a celebrity yesterday i think that billy is trying to imply that he is an important person of high social stature did billy actually speak with melanie griffith the day before this hearing i have no idea but it's irrelevant to the hearing and telling the judge just shows how hilariously juvenile billy's thought processes i spoke with uh melanie griffith yesterday she was terrific i discovered this hearing i would have contacted sooner i discovered it in my junk mail and um next he states that he found the notice to the hearing in his junk mail which is why he didn't respond to it i don't believe this story at all the notice was given on march 18th and the hearing was on the fourth of june this is over two and a half months later so if billy's story is true it means that the hearing was sitting in his junk mail for over two months at which point it was miraculously discovered in the five days leading up to the hearing he then makes excuses as to why he couldn't take action against twin galaxies claiming that he couldn't find them all of this is bogus though the reality is that billy has been in constant contact with twin galaxies the entire time because he is engaged in an active lawsuit against them in california but he can't let the judge know that because then his excuse for having good cause gets destroyed so he lies and says that he couldn't reach them the problem is that the complaint was filed or the amended complaint was filed back in may 2020 and uh the notice of prosecution was filed in march 18 2021 and it required either record activity or um saving a good cause while the case should remain open to both well again the good the good hearing so but neither one has been filed okay um well the good cause is the fact that there was nowhere to serve they had allowed the company to go inactive and i believe they activated it again as i'm looking into sunbiz org in april because they saw that you had had the order on march 18th i think it was in preparation for that but luckily i did discover it and um if i could you know just have you consider that i will i will get it done as a matter of fact i'm in a position shortly where i'll actually get an attorney and i know attorneys give you less headaches in pro se no not necessarily okay here the judge is explaining to billy that the deadline has already passed notice how billy rudely interrupts the judge and it's because of this interruption that you can't hear the judge explain that good cause is needed to have been shown five days prior to the hearing also notice that at no point did the judge ask billy any questions or seek the information that billy is providing that's because it's useless the time for this discussion is over and billy's rants are simply wasting the judge's time um the problems are really realistically is that the rule requires that i dismiss the case in these circumstances and so i am going to dismiss the case i have to the the rule states says shall dismiss the case so i got to dismiss the case without prejudice if you get an attorney an attorney can file a motion um before the court i can address that motion okay without prejudice does it does it make a difference that it's that it would take it beyond the statute of limitations billy eventually asks about the statute of limitations in florida the statute of limitations for defamation is two years this means that you cannot sue someone for defamation for remarks made over two years prior the remarks that twin galaxies are being sued for occurred well over two years ago in 2018 so if this lawsuit is dismissed it's game over at least in florida does it make a difference that it's that it would take it beyond the statute of limitations and again i believe they've done this on purpose and that's why they allowed it to go inactive well it's yeah this see the the rule is designed for the plaintiff to uh keep the case active and moving because the plaintiff is seeking relief from the court so um you know it's been since last may well over a year so it is without prejudice and if you get an attorney your attorney will you know can do what he or she feels is necessary i apologize but the rule does state it's the case shall shall be dismissed okay but the statute of limitations would not come into play because of the without prejudice is that the case i can't tell you that because i'd be giving you legal advice if i did um talk to an attorney and and they can give you their thoughts okay um again i would just like to say for the record i uh we made every effort to contact them we went by the address there were people there there was no one who would help or give any information in any way and then suddenly here in april they went ahead and reinstated their corporation i believe again all this was done maliciously on their part you know i guess we can't look in their minds to know that but that's what i believe and um that's the position i'll pursue it from the amount of disrespect mitchell shows to the judge is really telling the judge has explained multiple times what was required and yet billy continues to waste his time by repeating the same rant over and over the judge is being extremely patient here i just being uh this is not what i expected to be honest i understand sorry sir um sorry sir okay very unhappy but have a good day sir look at that face he looks like a two-year-old sulking because you won't let them watch any more television this is a truly incredible peek into the mind of billy mitchell and the thing that shocks me is that this performance was done to a judge we have possible stolen valor name dropping a celebrity lying and giving fake excuses for why he didn't respond repeatedly interrupting and completely disregarding what the judge was saying fortunately the judge was unaffected by these ploys and the case was correctly dismissed billy mitchell claims to be a winner but i guess you can't win every time if you want to see the full unedited version i will put a link to the original youtube video where i found this thank you so much for watching you legends i hope you're having a fantastic day and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Karl Jobst
Views: 984,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9vVpo_H_SiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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