Conman Sues Guinness World Records And Gets DESTROYED!

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hello you absolutely legends things haven't been going well lately for todd rogers aka mr activision aka toddzilla aka todd todgers for those of you that need a refresher on who todd rogers is he's an old has been retro gamer that claimed hundreds of video game world records spanning back to the early 80s in fact he even held the guinness world record for the longest lasting video game world record of all time this was a score of 5.51 seconds on the atari 2600 game dragster which he claimed to have achieved in 1982. todd had it all fame money women and most importantly of all video game world records but in 2017 it all came crashing down after a pesky speedrunner known as omnigamer looked deeply into dragster's code and discovered that todd's claimed score wasn't physically possible you just can't go that fast and no matter how much human element you inject into the equation it will never ever happen after a lengthy investigation by twin galaxies the video game high score authority todd rogers was banned from competition and all of his scores were removed guinness world records then followed suit stripping rogers of his most prized possession left with nothing rogers spiraled out of control and in an attempt to pressure guinness into giving his record back he sued them and twin galaxies for defamation but in a surprising turn of events guinness fought back and i describe it as surprising because when billy mitchell sued them for essentially the same thing they bent the knee so quickly that i swear the bottom of their leg snapped clean off this time guinness was serious and todd rogers got destroyed in today's video we will take a look at the todd rogers versus guinness and twin galaxy's lawsuit that has recently come to an end it was hilarious even todd's own lawyer ended up bailing but not before calling todd rogers a liar i really hope you enjoy now legends i have a very important question for you are you trimming downstairs if not i'll give you three quick 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anywhere near the credit he deserves in his gaming career he claims to have thousands of world records he even claims to be the first professional video gamer in history which is a funny claim because guinness world records whom these ancient gamers worship as the be-all and end-all says that the first pro-gamer was dennis fong todd has claimed a lot over the years and for most of his life people believed him without a second's hesitation but here's the extraordinary thing about todd of all of the world records and high scores he ever claimed he doesn't have proof for a single one i've spent years researching this guy and i can't find a single video or any piece of footage of him actually achieving a high score world record x twin galaxy's head referee robert mercek said the same thing stating after multiple requests spanning several years my request for proof was rebuffed at every turn the reason cited was always the same that the tapes were buried amidst hundreds of tapes and he had to find them then make copies and just did not have the time it's astonishing he got the credit he did but that just goes to show how powerful and corrupt twin galaxies was back in the day but i digress after his drags to score and many other scores were proven to be impossible todd was banned from twin galaxies and guinness stripped him of his awards then in january of 2020 todd sued both guinness and twin galaxies for defamation todd filed his complaint pro se which means he was representing himself and didn't have a lawyer the complaint was terribly written in a defamation lawsuit there are a few basics you need to establish you need to let the court know what the statements were you need to establish they were false and because todd rogers would be considered a public figure given that he labels himself as a well-known video game player he also needs to establish that the defendants made the statements with malice meaning that they knew the statements were false and made them anyway todd's filing did none of these things the only quote included was from guinness but he never established why it was defamatory and never stated any facts that would suggest guinness made it knowing it was false the best word to describe this complaint is dumb really really dumb it never had any chance of winning none whatsoever but that's not really the point lawsuits like this aren't designed to win they aren't supposed to have any merit this lawsuit had one purpose and one purpose only scare guinness and twin galaxies into giving him his record back todd rogers wasn't necessarily deluded in thinking this would work either billy mitchell threatened guinness in 2019 after they stripped him of his records and they did give them back it worked once so it had a pretty good shot of working a second time you also have to consider the fact that todd rogers and billy mitchell are close friends and todd would be very influenced by billy's actions todd's execution however was far worse unlike billy who fake as it may have been actually had video evidence todd has no evidence at all he didn't even have witnesses who would give their testimony backing up any of his scores and it wasn't just evidence that todd didn't have either he also lacks money and a good lawsuit requires capital as someone who is currently being sued and is also helping others with their lawsuits i'm very aware of how expensive lawyers are todd just can't afford a good lawyer or to pay for any of their time the end result is a plaintiff that submits their own poorly written complaint and has no idea what they are doing in florida court you have 120 days to serve defendants after a complaint has been filed until papers are served nothing happens and for those unaware the serving process is where the defendant is given the papers of the lawsuit in person to make sure they are aware they are being sued from the moment they are served they have 20 days to reply to the court with a defense todd didn't serve anyone ever and luckily for him historically courts have been really slack when it comes to proactively enforcing these rules so the lawsuit just sat there for months with nothing happening until september of 2020 where todd actually did find a lawyer who advised the court that he would be appearing on todd's behalf but again after that nothing happened months went by with no activity until april of 2021 at which time todd's lawyer filed an amended complaint which was basically just an update to the original filing it did add some extra information explaining why todd could sue guinness and twin galaxies in the state of florida but as far as the defamation claim and establishing malice goes it's added nothing here is where things start to get really interesting though even though no party had been served on the 24th of may guinness notified the court of the appearance of their lawyer despite not having being served they entered the lawsuit anyway which i find to be really strange but perhaps guinness deals with a lot of these lawsuits and to like to be proactive in any case a month later in june guinness filed a motion to dismiss a motion to dismiss is a plea to the judge to terminate the lawsuit before it goes to trial the motion was filed because todd's complaint failed to adequately establish why the florida court had jurisdiction over guinness world records and also because it didn't meet the basic requirements for a defamation claim the motion was very well written and it showed that guinness wasn't going to roll over this time the funniest thing though was the final paragraph it stated plaintiff has named the wrong guinness world records entity in the amended complaint plaintiff's allegations related to the 2019 guinness world records gamers edition however the 2019 guinness world records gamers edition was published by guinness world records limited an english company todd's lawyer didn't even put the correct company on the complaint generally a party has 10 days to reply to emotion if they want to argue against it but of course this takes time energy and money and todd's lawyer simply ignored it i mean what could he really say the motion made a slam dunk case as to why the lawsuit should be dismissed but unfortunately for todd his strategy of burying his head in the sand didn't work on the 30th of july the judge finally stepped in and dropped a bombshell the judge basically said this dude todd you filed this lawsuit in january of last year and you were supposed to serve the defendants over a year ago what are you doing bro also i've read the motion to dismiss and it's pretty good you just can't ignore it so therefore you have 10 days to serve all of the defendants and 10 days to reply to the motion to dismiss now i don't know for sure what happened between todd and his lawyer but evidently his lawyer panicked big time he said to himself holy guinness is a massive company with a lot of money they have a really good lawyer and there is no way i'm wasting my time defending this extremely stupid and baseless lawsuit so this is where i exit the vehicle but not before sabotaging the entire lawsuit by filing a voluntary dismissal which is where the plaintiff lets the court know it's ceasing all action and no longer wishes to proceed at this point the lawsuit was closed and given that todd was now outside of the statute of limitations this is where the story ends or does it no no it doesn't this is where the fun begins ten days after the case was closed todd's lawyer submits a motion to withdraw as counsel stating that the client insists upon taking action that the lawyer considers imprudent or with which the lawyer has a fundamental disagreement it also admits that the lawyer only took on the case because he thought that guinness and twin galaxies would settle but now that it was clear that guinness was hell-bent on defending he was no longer interested in representing todd in his ridiculous lawsuit several days after this todd himself wrote a letter to the judge claiming that the lawyer filed the dismissal without his consent he accused his lawyer of committing numerous errors including the infamous misspelling of his name which we all fondly remember being todd todgers he even said he was going to file a malpractice suit he asked the judge to reverse the dismissal so that todd could proceed with the lawsuit it appears as though todd was also panicking because he sent another letter to the judge a week later repeating his request to reopen the case several days later the judge responded saying dude todd you keep sending letters but you still have a lawyer representing you so i can't even accept them your lawyer did request to withdraw his counsel but he did it incorrectly so technically he's still your lawyer until i say otherwise in response to this order todd's lawyer filed a motion to reopen the case so that he could be relieved in the motion he called todd a liar saying that he filed the voluntary dismissal with todd's consent he then states that after this was filed todd changed his mind i'm gonna have to go ahead and believe the lawyer on this one todd rogers has been a compulsive liar for 40 years so i really doubt he's being truthful in his letters the judge granted the lawyer's motion ordering that the court reopened the case for the sole purpose of allowing the lawyer to withdraw the lawyer then submitted the motion to withdraw again which is now correct seeing as the case status is open this time the judge granted the emotion discharging todd's lawyer and ordering the case to be re-closed and this is where the story ends or does it no of course not todd wasn't going to give up that easily he was going to send more letters on september 27th he sent a letter saying the same thing as before and after several weeks with no response he sent another letter despite the fact that the lawsuit was closed the judge surprisingly did actually respond the judge said dude todd you still keep sending letters but the case was dismissed ages ago you have no idea what you were doing and the letters make no sense like we have procedures you need to follow you can't just write me letters and expect things to happen what's funny about todd's letters is that the judge says specifically not to send him letters remember the order the judge gave giving todd 10 days to reply to the guinness motion and to serve the defendants there was also another order included which demanded that all parties follow the correct procedures i'm guessing this was in response to todd not doing anything correctly for the entire duration of the lawsuit in any case the order from the judge included this guideline which states all applications to the court requesting relief in any form shall be made in writing in accordance with this order and in appropriate form pursuant to the florida rules of civil procedure and unless invited or directed by the court shall not be addressed or presented to the court in the form of a letter or the like for example if todd wanted to file a motion requesting an enlargement of time he should have used this form not write a letter and you know what is absolutely beautiful on the judge's final order denying todd's request to reopen the case he also misspells todd's name this time to todd rogues it really does seem like todd rogers just can't catch a break but let's be fair rogers is a hard name to spell and this is where the story ends or does it yes at least for now the case is closed todd is beyond the statute of limitations so he can't sue them again and he clearly has no idea what he is doing so he couldn't reopen the case even if it were possible if you want to know more about how todd rogers lied for 40 years about his dragster score i have a full video on it which i will link in the description as always thank you so much for watching you legends i hope you're having a fantastic day and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Karl Jobst
Views: 710,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guinness world records, guinness gamer's edition, billy mitchell, karl jobst, guinness, video game cheating, biggest cheater, donkey kong, king of kong, twin galaxies, jace hall, arcade high scores, billy mitchell cheater, billy mitchell cheat, video game cheat, high scores cheat, twin galaxies lawsuit, billy mitchell cheated, billy mitchell lawsuit, pac-man, first perfect pac man, pac man, todd rogers, dragster, con men, video games
Id: _0jBwIqu1vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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