The Biggest Cheater In Goldeneye 007 Speedrunning History

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Interesting video, and I particularly appreciated the heartfelt appeal at the end.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/weeknightwizard 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Thought it was going to be gooses faked runs lmao

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Praydaythemice 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Why mercy is ever shown to cheaters, even to this day, is beyond me. If you do it once, you should be out for good.

EDIT: I rescind this opinion.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/73177138585296 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

TBH I feel like this just shows the need for stronger verification more than anything. If a cheater gets caught, instead of going "okay you're banned," they need to remove the offending runs and then up the rigor of proof so if that person tries again they can only do so through the new rules.

I said it elsewhere but you can't just simply 100% ban speedrunners who cheat, because several of them are incredibly good regardless and you can't literally ban them from speedrunning, just block their times from being "recognized" by... whoever. It's not like speedrunning is a "league" and you have to join in order to compete. Someone in their house with zero recording software at all could, in theory, blast apart records, it's just a matter of recognition.

The reason this is an issue is that let's say you get some cheater who's incredibly good but can't get a WR, so they splice a video or whatever. Now they're banned. A year later they put a video on YouTube that's irrefutably a WR, live feed of the controller inputs and maybe some witnesses, etc etc. Whatever you want to say.

What you've got now is a "leaderboard" that doesn't have that record on it, so someone has the "world record" of that category, but everyone's gonna know the banned dude is actually the record holder. Every video of the "official" record will be slammed with comments about how this other dude is the real best. What'll probably happen is that person on the leaderboard will want to "settle the debate" and get a better score than the banned person, meaning the banned person is effectively still on the leaderboards because their time is being treated like a barrier to overcome.

Like I said, this isn't boxing or baseball where banning someone removes them from competition entirely, it just removes them from having their scores posted on a website.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
helloyou absolute legends today we will take a look at one of these saddest stories in Goldeneye speedrunning history a story of one of the best players to play the game who eventually fell to the dark side and faked many runs eventually leading to his removal from the ranks thousands of hours sunk into the game by an extremely talented player wiped from the history books completely today we are going to examine the rise and fall of Henning Blom [Music] Hennig joined the goldeneye ranks in 2006 from the very beginning he was extremely active both in the game itself and in the community he posted regularly on the community message boards and quickly formed strong relationships with other members his competency in the game increased relatively quickly and he achieved his first tied world record a time of 55 seconds on archived secret agent in March of 2007 he continued making steady progress until late 2007 when he acquired an NTSC Nintendo 64 Henning being originally a pal player had been disadvantaged on many levels so it was not able to play at his full potential now with both regions at his disposal he really started to achieve some great times on December 28 2007 Henning achieved his first untied world record with a time of 1 minute and 27 seconds on surface to double agent this was an incredibly strong time and even now over 11 years later it has only been beaten by six players between 2008 and 2011 Henning continued to rise up the ranks and set impressive world records some of his more incredible times were his frigate untied which included a 1 minute flat on secret agent and a 106 on frigate double O agent in May of 2011 he also set a two second untied on Kevin's double O agent with a 133 by the end of 2011 Henning had reached his highest rank of fourth overall in both points and total time where he remained for the majority of 2012 now this is where the story gets interesting in November of 2012 another top player Ryan White noticed that something was wrong with Hennings frigate World Records there didn't seem to be anything obviously wrong with the runs themselves but the end cinema that is shown when the level is completed had a major discrepancy as you can see in this frigate and cinema bond is shown putting away a weapon the weapon that bond puts away actually changes depending on the weapon you are holding when you complete the level so if you are holding a PP seven bond will put away a PP seven the only time this will differ is when bond is not holding any weapons at all in which case to the end cinema will default to showing bond putting away a PP seven in Hennings frigate runs he finishes the level with no weapon equipped so in theory the end cinema should display bond putting away a PP 7 but in Hennings runs you can clearly see that he is putting away a phantom this was a problem the immediate conclusion one could make from this is that Henning used a gameshark or any cheat device to produce an end screen with a particular time and then spliced that end screen onto a run but on the fake run he accidentally forgot to finish the level with the same weapon equipped Ryan brought the issue up in several streams that were alive at the time and word quickly spread about the problem with Hennings runs the next day Henning made a post on the forums where he doubled down on the legitimacy of his runs he claimed that while he was not able to reproduce what happened his times were still completely real and he also claimed that he did not own a gameshark and that he hoped some technical experts could find out why this had happened despite being presented with glaringly obvious evidence that the runs were spliced people initially still thought the runs were legit with users suggesting things like Henning hit the a button on the last possible frame or that there was a problem with hangs Kart 12 hours later however Henning would post again this time with a shocking confession his 107 and 106 on frigate double O agent were indeed faked using a game shock he outlined specifically how he did it and advised his actual personal best was 108 he went on to say that his one minute on frigate secret agent was real but he decided to splice a different end screen onto it because it was a TN s now TN s stands for time not saved this happens when the objectives complete on the last possible frame in the fade-out you don't get the N cinema and the best time is not saved to the cart some runners don't like it when this happens so Hennings explanation is that he spliced a proper end screen onto his run to make it look better he also brought up a control secret agent time which was an old personal best but the interesting thing about this video was that one of the objectives that should always show up on screen didn't again the only real explanation of this is that he made a mistake and used a run which failed an objective to fake his video but he claimed he didn't know what happened and it must have been a glitch the reaction to Hennings confession was actually pretty tame and it didn't really seem like anything was going to happen in regards to a punishment or a consequence to the spliced runs in fact many people seemed intent to iterate just how cool of a guy Henning was and that he would surely be forgiven in time [Music] not everyone was satisfied though and a few days later Ryan White made another topic addressing the Hennig issue it brought up several points the first being the location of the real video of the one-minute TNS that Henning claims to have achieved on frigate secret-agent the second was the control time that had the missing objective complete message on screen and the third was Hennings single segment runs which were speedruns of the entire game on agent secret agent and double O agent in response Henning posted a video of a one-minute TNS on frigate secret agent he again denied the control the secret agent run was fake and that it was a glitch and that his single segment runs were all real but when a user examined the audio of the newly posted frigate video it showed that the video was again edited the audio track went from stereo to mono and the volume of the end screen was significantly reduced indicating that two videos had been spliced together two hours after this obvious video editing was exposed and in came out with yet again another confession this time he confessed to faking all of his frigate times along with the control secret agent time he denied that his single segment runs were fake though and claimed that he did not fake any other times still even after the continuous lies people did not want Henning removed from the ranks I quote completely removing Henning from the ranks is a terrible and spontaneous decision that goes against the best interest of everyone else who continues to speedrun and uphold the integrity of the game now in my opinion this makes no sense because if you want to uphold integrity you remove cheaters another player stated he faked some runs but he's clearly an extremely skilled player who deserves his times on the ranks now maybe if Henning had come completely clean after being exposed I may understand that point of view but this is a person who lied Malta time's once it was shown he had faked runs and on top of that he faked another video after his original fakes were uncovered it is insane to me the lengths that people were willing to go to ignore what was happening what did actually happen after Hennings most recent confession was that his times were temporarily removed and everyone was given a grace period to admit to any faked times that were uploaded to the ranks after the recent events there was a large push to have stricter rules in place to deal with cheaters and it was written into the proof policy that any fate proof would result in full removal but as an act of goodwill before these rules were put into place it was thought best to give players a chance to admit to any fate times and suffer a lighter punishment as have been the case up until this point no fake times were admitted during this period by any player including Henning and his times were reinstated to the ranks on the 1st of January 2013 it should also be pointed out that during November and December while Hennings times were temporarily removed all of his videos were examined very closely moving through 2013 it seems like the entire situation was done and dusted most people had moved on and Henning continued to play Goldeneye and even post new personal bests but in June there was yet another discrepancy found in one of his videos this time it was on surface to secret agent on Hennings world record of 49 seconds he finishes the level with a grenade equipped but you can clearly see bond holding a mine when he runs down the stairs this run actually turned out to likely be legitimate however as you can easily switch weapons in the fade-out if you are using the 2.2 or 2.4 control Styles even looking at the audio of the video it does seem as though nothing has been edited but the renewed interest in Henning did put the spotlight back on some of his other runs including his single segment World Records previously Hennings faked runs had been detected using discrepancies in the ensign and other obvious errors such as an objective not showing on screen but now his runs were being examined using expertise in audio and visual analysis to detect video editing on July 2nd Ryan White created a topic with the title Hennings agent run 1851 is fake inside this topic evidence was presented including irrefutable evidence that Hennings single-segment agent run had been edited the main piece of evidence were irregularities in the audio track that could never have happened normally several days after this topic was made Henning confessed to the proof moderators that his agents secret agent and double O agent single segment runs were all fakes as well as runs that weren't even considered to be fake including his statue agent time of 2:19 and his most recent control secret agent time of 409 this time Henning was finally removed from the ranks but surprisingly this decision wasn't unanimous and some people still wanted his other times to be ranked thankfully though most people agreed that this time a full removal was warranted Henning was removed on the 8th of July 2013 after having fake videos on the ranks for over two years Henning was a serial liar and cheater but it has to be said that he was unquestionably an extremely talented and gifted golden high speed runner it is such a shame that a player such as this felt the need to resort to these actions and completely destroy everything that he had worked years to achieve as another top player I am extremely saddened that his legitimate runs are not shown side by side with my own and while a zero tolerance policy is the only logical choice everyone loses when a player has their entire history erased Henning had the potential and ability to go down in history as one of the all-time greats and as time goes on and the respect for talented speedrunners increases his mistake will inevitably cost more and more aside from the obvious moral considerations the potential praise and admiration you may receive from a faked world record is never worth the risk of being caught especially if you are already a top player you should never derive your self-worth from the times that you achieve and while a healthy competitive drive is absolutely fine you should never take comparisons between you and other players to seriously set your own personal goals based on what you think you can achieve and as long as you strive for and put effort into being better than you were before you should be proud there should be no need to lie cheat or fake anything you ever do [Music] that is it for this video I hope you enjoyed it I hope you are having a fantastic day please subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Karl Jobst
Views: 1,144,879
Rating: 4.8980074 out of 5
Keywords: speedrunning, speedruns, speedrun, speedrunning cheater, speedrun cheat, biggest cheater, biggest cheater in speedrunning, n64, nintendo 64, speedrunning cringe, speedrunning fail, goldeneye 007, 007, james bond, karl jobst, cheated speedrun, speedrun history, speedlore, cheater caught, games done quick, gdq, billy mitchell, spliced speedrun, gaming history, video game cheaters caught, apollo legend
Id: 2S0lH6RLnEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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