Disgraced Gamer Billy Mitchell Accused of Extortion!

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Eh, I don't know if it's maintaining the dignity as he still agreed and will 98% likely be accepting the payment. Not that I don't see why he is doing it, but he's more or less still on their payroll.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/boredguy2022 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2022 🗫︎ replies

You can't maintain dignity when you sell or advertise a product like Raid Shadow Legends.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/TheWiseBeluga 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2022 🗫︎ replies

Putting anything but youtube ads on your video is undignified. People who don't want to see them use an adblocker, and anyone who would ever give the e-celeb money would simply whitelist the person. Putting a sponsor in there is saying "fuck you" to both.

Use Sponsorblock.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/TranneeTerminator900 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2022 🗫︎ replies

Nah, no dignity here. This shit sucks.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2022 🗫︎ replies

Thats because Karl Jobst actually play video games.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ismoketobaccoinabong 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello you absolute legends if you've been watching my channel for a while you'd know that when it comes to billy mitchell i am the world's biggest fan i love video games and billy mitchell is the greatest video game player of the century and probably of all time he starred yes that's right he had a starring role in the king of kong i struggle to believe anyone else will ever come close to the raw talent this man possesses everyone here is truly blessed to simply exist at the same time as this shining beacon of humanity now i know what some of you might be asking carl isn't this guy a proven cheater and con artist isn't he currently being sued for fraud hasn't it been shown time and time again that he is a compulsive liar well in response to those questions i have only one thing to say my feelings don't care about your facts sure technically the evidence is conclusive and yes technically there is literally no physical way he didn't cheat but at the same time analyzing evidence is a very tricky business you see billy mitchell has a deeper understanding of how things work so when you look at the evidence from his depth of knowledge it's actually everyone else that's cheating and he's the only one that's legit even if you didn't want to take billy's word there is no greater authority than the world's best donkey kong player it is true that basically every single top donkey kong player is in agreement that billy cheated but the current world record holder has shockingly been a billion mitchell supporter ever since he was exposed in fact he even wrote an analysis of billy's gameplay that billy is using in his current lawsuit against twin galaxies in order to prove that he is innocent having the number one ranked donkey kong player on his side was a huge win for billy but unfortunately for him recently everything has fallen apart not only has the current world record holder now publicly stated that billy mitchell did in fact use an emulator instead of official hardware which would be cheating but he is also now accusing him of extortion and is now working with the lawyer representing twin galaxies in the ongoing legal battle things are going from bad to worse for billy and in this video we will break down exactly what happened i really hope you enjoy [Music] in this video we are talking about the greatest video game player of all time but for a moment let's talk about the greatest video game of all time rage shadow legends raid shadow legends is a fantasy rpg that is basically the billy mitchell of video games indisputably the best raid has over 600 champions how many champions do you have one of my favorite champions is seal of the drakes she's a legendary champ that you get for free after 180 days she heals the entire team at the start of every turn and because i have two of them it pretty much makes my team unkillable this month is raid's three-year anniversary and alongside a bunch of events to celebrate raid has also finally introduced skins i'm secretly a bit emo so this is definitely my favorite now is the best time to start playing raid and if you click my link in the description or scan my qr code you'll get a free starter pack worth almost 40 dollars the pack contains three free champions and a bunch of xp brews the treasure will be waiting for you here again just click the link in the description and i will see you in the game since early 2018 it has been a well-known fact within the competitive donkey kong scene that billy mitchell cheated to achieve multiple world records most notably the score of 1 million and 47 000 which was featured in the documentary the king of kong this is why since early 2018 billy mitchell has been banned from both twin galaxies and also the donkey kong forum rankings which are considered the official rankings by top players while billy does manage to keep a small flock of loyal supporters that do still believe he didn't cheat within the donkey kong community itself he really doesn't have anyone on his side every single player i've ever spoken to understands that the evidence is irrefutable and it has been since the day it was discovered but what's fascinating is that there was one player who was always supportive of billy mitchell and this wasn't just any player it was the best player robbie lakeman is the current donkey kong world record holder with a score of 1 million 272 800 points since 2014 he has set 11 new world records far more than anyone else in history the next best is hank gin who set six world records between 2010 and 2012. there is a strong case to be made that robbie lakeman is the greatest donkey kong player of all time which is why it's so bizarre that for the past four years he has been rather outspoken in his support of billy mitchell robbie would voice his support across all social media platforms and often went head-to-head with billy detractors this has understandably caused some friction between robbie and the rest of the community which is a giant shame it seems clear to me and to the other players that there must have been something else going on behind the scenes for this kind of cognitive dissonance to occur if you think the evidence is clear to you then it's only more apparent to the donkey kong players who understand the game robbie also helped billy during the dispute over his world records on twin galaxies former world record holder wes copeland posted a spreadsheet showing that billy mitchell had excessive luck on his records not only did he have more blue barrel smashers which yield more points but the average amount of points that he got from barrels was above normal as well wes stated that this was evidence of splicing as it looked like billy or whoever was playing was repeating levels over and over until they got the luck they needed in response to this robbie wrote a four-page analysis arguing that it's plausible that you can get that amount of smashes in a real attempt his conclusion stated after reviewing billy's gameplay and reproducing similar games myself i can honestly say that this is legitimate gameplay i based this off of what i was able to create myself in such a short amount of time and watching billy play live at the donkey kong world championships i can attest that these tapes are of billy playing and that i do not see a reason why billy would need to even use maim or save states to film both games with this style of play robbie is obviously a smart dude because this conclusion is exactly what you would say if you didn't want to say anything of substance it's like that scene in the movie law abiding citizen where the suspect makes intentionally vague statements that the prosecutor interprets as a confession but upon closer inspection he didn't actually admit to anything at all let's analyze that conclusion a bit deeper he says that it's legitimate gameplay which is a generic term that doesn't really mean anything specifically and the gameplay itself was never the issue with billy's tapes it was the way the game drew on the screen that confirmed it was maim robbie states that the tapes were of barely playing which we already know he states that he doesn't see a reason why billy would need to even use maim this is not saying that he didn't use maim it's just saying that he doesn't see the reason it's a subtle difference but it's very telling not once in this conclusion did robbie say that the tapes were not maim and there is a good reason he didn't say that because it's false and he knew it which we will discover later now look at how billy spends this conclusion in his lawsuit which states during the investigation an individual named wes copeland who had posted a hostile comment about mitchell seven months earlier provided twin galaxies a mathematical analysis which alleged that mitchell edited the videotape of the records with save states a method of gameplay manipulation because according to copeland's math mitchell could not have been so lucky to achieve the scores twin galaxies made zero effort to fact check these allegations and the analysis was later proved entirely false by robert lakeman an eight time donkey kong world record holder lakeman concluded that mitchell played on legitimate arcade hardware there's a few things to unpack here first is the remark about wes's hostile comment in his exhibits he shows this post which reads the ref who verified these scores is not a credible witness and is a proven pathological liar remove both the dk and dk jr this post was in a topic talking about whether the donkey kong forum should remove billy's world record of 1.06 million points after the infamous board swap video which was recorded on the same day was shown to be fake this is before the evidence showing his world records were produced on maim was discovered the ref who wes calls a pathological liar is our good friend todd rogers nowhere in this post is there any hostility towards billy but that's the beauty of it simply stating that billy's score should be removed because the referee who verified it was a proven cheater and the only video evidence surrounding the score was shown to be fake is considered hostile billy mitchell has the thinnest skin i've ever seen if there is one world record he may legitimately have it's the highest amount of people ever blocked on twitter if you check his twitter page right now there is a real chance you're already blocked even if you've never said anything about billy in your entire life if you are not blocked by billy you are in an exclusive club i myself was blocked but luckily after billy sued me he unblocked me so that he could keep track of my tweets anyways back to the lawsuit it states that where's alleged that billy could not have been so lucky to achieve the scores but if you actually read the post that billy provided himself as evidence wes literally says that the information in the spreadsheet was purely circumstantial he clarifies that when this is combined with the other discoveries it is very compelling according to wes which is also in the same post provided by billy he had had the spreadsheet for around a year but again it was admittedly only circumstantial and he didn't take any action on it or even bring it up until the main evidence was unearthed you can start to see how billy will literally provide a screenshot of a post and then lie about what it says the lawsuit then states that robbie lakeman concluded that billy mitchell played on legitimate arcade hardware again it's just straight up lying about what robbie's conclusion was robbie's line saying that it was legitimate gameplay got turned into played on legitimate hardware but nowhere has robbie ever said that billy's tapes were played on official arcade hardware i'm not joking when i say that almost every paragraph in billy's lawsuit against twin galaxies contains multiple lies but the weird thing about this paragraph in particular is that it has nothing to do with twin galaxies remember this lawsuit is a defamation lawsuit against twin galaxies and as part of his argument billy is bringing up something that wes copeland said who isn't a part of twin galaxies at all and that twin galaxy's never used as part of their decision making so ultimately it's completely meaningless the only reason i'm talking about this now is because of an amazing turn of events that just happened over the past several months robbie's attitude towards billy began to change with his posts on social media showing a dramatic shift away from his support even so far as calling billy mitchell a fraud this all culminated in early march when robbie made a public post on the twin galaxies forum accusing billy mitchell of extortion he claimed that billy and his associate neil hernandez were trying to extort one of the witnesses by using sensitive information they had obtained robbie explains that he finally came to his senses about billy after he was hospitalized with covert and it seemed as though billy didn't care and was even laughing at him while he was there apparently it clicked in that moment that he was being used himself and decided that he'd had enough robbie concluded his post by saying from the beginning of this whole thing i didn't want to state an opinion on the matter because i just cared about the strategies bill used along with the numbers people said were too high proving wes wrong was fun i still stand by the numbers i presented and i stayed true to the idea that save states wouldn't be needed to finish those games i just didn't think someone would stoop so low as to extorting witnesses to get their way they also wanted to get some docu-series made about the whole story so it wouldn't surprise me if all the delays in court were just theater for more content we all know that video with him and the judge would be inserted into that and then find ways to use the court to do it more just my two cents on that but if there was a way to just get this all thrown out i would suggest twin galaxies and billy take that route before gamers look worse than they already do in the real world robbie kept the specific details of billy's extortion attempts private however he advised that he is now working with the twin galaxy's lawyer directly furthermore he finally publicly admitted that billy mitchell did in fact use maim obviously this is nothing new but this is devastating for billy's lawsuit one of his star witnesses the best donkey kong player in the world the player that billy himself was touting as an authority has now publicly stated that emulation was used to create those records things really can't get much worse from here billy already had zero percent chance of winning but somehow he has managed to lower those odds just a little bit more and the bad news doesn't end there back in october of last year billy mitchell appeared at music city multicon at this event he did one of the dumbest things he could have done his goal was to get a perfect game of pac-man at the event and by god he managed to do it [Music] [Music] and that is a perfect game he proclaimed the madman actually did it except he actually didn't do it i think billy is living in the past because he doesn't realize that nowadays people record everything according to the video the game wasn't perfect and it showed that he had died at some point and missed a key so the score came in 5090 points short this was proven by the world's best pac-man player david race so now we have footage of billy mitchell blatantly lying about achieving a perfect score in front of a crowd of people in order to deceive them this is really bad for his lawsuit as one of the cornerstones of his case is that his records were achieved in front of a crowd but now we can throw out every single witness testimony as they can no longer be trusted billy has proven that he's willing to lie and fake a score in front of witnesses he simply does not care and this makes any witness testimony unreliable this is the difference between the modern age of gaming and the good old days before the internet and before phones captured everything if they are willing to lie in front of a crowd of people who are all recording what is happening on their phones you can't even imagine the depth of lies that went on decades ago the difference is that now everything gets exposed whereas before they could keep up the charade for decades before getting caught i am closely watching all of the current lawsuits and i will give you further updates whenever anything noteworthy happens as always thank you so much for watching you legends i hope you are having a fantastic day and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Karl Jobst
Views: 856,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guinness world records, guinness gamer's edition, billy mitchell, karl jobst, guinness, video game cheating, biggest cheater, donkey kong, king of kong, steve weibe, twin galaxies, jace hall, arcade high scores, billy mitchell cheater, billy mitchell cheat, video game cheat, high scores cheat, twin galaxies lawsuit, billy mitchell cheated, billy mitchell lawsuit, pac-man, first perfect pac man, pac man
Id: 0QnKq9cuvN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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