Billy Burke Talks Leadership Values

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Genesis 26:18 tells us "Isaac dug again the wells of Abraham." [Narrator] In every generation, there have been revivals, massive moves of the Spirit that changed the course of history. In every revival, there were believers like you who chose to answer the call to become the one in their generation. Discover your call to be the one in your generation. We are about to take you face to face with history. So tell me about your meeting with Kathryn? She sent for you and you went to see her. [ Ms. Kuhlman ] "You know what you are supposed to do." I said, "But I don't know if I want to do that. [Laughs] I said, "I don't know Ms.Kuhlman if I want to do... I really don't and I don't appreciate you are pressuring me to do that." - Sure. - and she said, "Billy" and she told me she had to go somewhere so I was waiting there. Well Maggie came over to me and Maggie said, "I can't believe the way you were talking to Ms. Kuhlman"! - "I didn't say nothing wrong." So, she grabbed me. I had a tie, a skinny tie on. She grabbed my tie like this, seriously. She grabbed my tie and she pulled me until the other side of the room and she pushed me into a corner and she said, "Young man, you are rebellion". And she said, "That woman that helped you is trying to help you yet again." - Right. And she said, "If I was you, I would listen to every word that she is saying to you. You hear me?" - "Yes, yes. Yes, Ma'am." I mean nobody ever grabbed me by the tie! - Now you're sitting there in front of Kathryn Kuhlman and you've got all of this to weigh out. - I was very grateful I've never lost my gratitude for her I told her that. "I owe you everything." But I said, "But I just can't jump into what I think you're trying to get me jump into. - Which is the healing ministry." - She said, "I'm not trying to get you to jump into anything. but I tell you someone that is." [Chuckles] Oh my God!... - Great thanks. - Here we go again, you know. Because you feel helpless. You feel like you know, here's this power that just and you felt that power. There was never a time around her where you didn't feel it. She didn't turn this on. She walked in this. If she was in a department store, it was there. If she was in a restaurant, it was there so she never didn't have it. So that wasn't put on. Maybe a little bit of it coming onto a big stage obviously but I mean what exuded there, that inner man... As people today, it's the same thing today it's just again. I don't know. I can't separate that time from this time. You know the Glory is greater today and back then maybe fewer carried it. I don't know I hate to lift one up over another I don't like to do that but for me at that time, it was the best thing that I've ever experienced at that time and her words to me were, I said, "Well what do you want me to do, you say you want me to travel with you?" She says, "Billy I want you to be in the meetings" and she said, "I want you to go to school. You must go to school." I said, "Well why can't I just travel with you?" She said, "Have you believed for any milk in the refrigerator yet? Have you believed for one carton?" [Laughs] I said, "No." She said, "Where does the milk come from"? I said, "My grandfather buys it". - Exactly, exactly. She says, "You must believe for everything then you can come and follow me and be with me." I said, "Well I don't know long it's going to take". She said, "Exactly". She said, "I want you to go to school". So that was my journey. Then she pointed me to California to be with Pastor Wilkerson at the Melodyland. That's where that whole thing went. - Now tell our audience, you and I both know obviously Pastor Ralph Wilkerson, his involvement but give us a snapshot of Pastor Ralph at that time what Melodyland, what it carried at that particular time. - Oh my... Oh my, there is not enough time or words. To this day, I mean, again timing is everything for all of us. When I arrived at Melodyland in 1970, seventy-five, seventy-six, I've never seen a place like it. I don't know what to describe to you. That same atmosphere was there. You walked right into it. It was waiting for you, I mean... The first service I walked in, I was late. I got there I think at 10:30 and I got a seat down there at the front and there was already probably four or five hundred people at the altar. - Wow. - I said to the person. I said, "What are they doing here? - Well, he had an altar call. I said, "When did he preach?" She said, "No, he hasn't preached yet." I said, "How did he get this people up here if he didn't preach?" - He doesn't operate like that. She said, "He heard, this person they said he heard the Holy Spirit and these people here, "He'll be preaching. Don't worry, you'll get to hear his sermon" and I began to realize, wow. And the up is down here, back is front and front is back and I began to watch this man move as a pastor. See I understood her being separate in this church setting who didn't have any church that she was able to do that. I'd never seen a pastor have this huge congregation. I don't know what they were running, several thousand there, and to just have the abstract approach to hearing God with altar ministry. I sat there for three, four years and just watching and now he's become so dear to me. - Yes he is. He truly--what a giant in the faith. - Oh my, oh my. He's the one who brought her to the West Coast. - Right. - He opened up that door to the Shrine Auditorium. - Let's go back. I kind of skipped over something. I want to go back to when you're meeting with Kathryn there. Obviously you made a decision that you were going to do as she said. You were going to embrace this call. - Painfully. Because the high price that came to get my attention was the loss of my brother. So He didn't cause that but He used that. Clearly, I want to make that clear. He used that. God uses stuff, you know, I mean... I wish we could all be led by our obedience and our knowledge and all of that. It says, Psalm 32 "I want to guide you with my eye but if you refuse, I'll use the bit and the bridle." So I never learned about the bridle within the horse's mouth, the bit. How that little piece that big turns the big beast around. It's a little uncomfortable things. A bit doesn't kill you. It's just enough irritation to turn you so God says in Psalm 30, I believe it's 32: "I want to guide you with my eye" meaning "I want you to look that way and you go that way. I want you to look that way and you go that way. - So you made a decision. - I made a decision. - So here you find yourself at Melodyland with Pastor Ralph Wilkerson. You said three years you sat under... - Almost four. - Sat under his ministry, just watching. You were learning how he flowed. You are learning everything? - I didn't know that. I wasn't doing that for that reason. I was just captured. I was just captured by... the anointing, the Presence. I mean I am learning all that. I know it now. - Right. Looking back you can see that. - Looking back I was just so sponge. I was a sponge. I was just after something. I didn't know what. People would always say, "Are you a pastor, are you an evangelist? Which one of the five-fold are you?" And I'd say, "I don't know what I am." I didn't care at that moment. I just like I got to be in the next meeting. Every time those doors opened I was there. He had a Thursday morning miracle service-- every Thursday morning and probably about two thousand people would attend that. - Wow. - And that was just a continuation, it was, "This guy is just like Kathryn." - So now during this time were you still seeing Kathryn? Or in communication with her? - Oh she died. She had died, age 75... So when that happened I felt like, "Oh Lord, I never got to really"... You never think you thank somebody enough...You know how that is. I did but didn't think "Oh, I didn't do enough! Oh my gosh," and so I made attempts through the Foundation to get all that. I still have regrets and I still think I could have been better, behaved towards her. She just caught me in a transition. I was back here. I didn't really want to do this. God was chasing me through her. That's a good term. He was chasing me. He healed me through her, now He's chasing me through her and I didn't want to be caught. But I ran to somebody who had this whatever that was, the anointing and the Presence, whatever. I mean, she was able to say, "Do you remember? Do you remember the day? Do you remember that day?" And so I could not get away from that. If it was somebody who didn't know, it was not that convicting but the very person that was used had the data on me and she said, "You're supposed to be doing this very thing." I just, "Argh"...I just didn't want to hear it. But through the years I wouldn't even say her name. I would say this lady prayed for me. I would be in a lot of churches because a lot of the churches did not like her because she was so effective with church people. So people had to go outside the church get help. In the same thing if you study AA Allen's history as you are doing here, so many of these people, they didn't mean to create para-ministries but they weren't welcome in the four walls of the church. - Why do you think that is? - Well I think it boils down to basic David and Saul. You know, I think the biggest giant that David fought was jealousy and not Goliath. I think a lot of insecurities is in the pulpits. I think it's hard to defer to somebody else's gifting because the person that has a different gifting has to walk in that in such a way that the gifting is laid down and there is humility. I think there is all kind of maturation factors involved in that. I don't fully understand that. I just know that I see the same thing today that a lot of...a lot of field ministries aren't welcome in the church and a lot of it is some of it is maybe they don't fit with the church's vision. Some of it is there's insecurity and insecurities. Some of it is the field ministry is misappropriating some form of behavior... - Right. - Ethics or whatever. So there, it's a package. It's not really easy to call it. But I do know when miracles begin to happen, you have to be a very secure leader to allow someone in your church, when people begin to see supernatural stuff because supernatural stuff really captures the mind of people and that a pastor who doesn't move in the supernatural says, "How can I compete with that?" We shouldn't be thinking of that but you do. Now if you are secure, you don't. So there it all comes back to being secure in your grace, your gifting and understanding the person that you are allowing into your midst which we have it today. I mean it works. Brother Copeland: Look at the network he is in with Jesse, Creflo, Jerry. I mean they all complement one other. There is no striving. They all remain and they all talk about, "Hey Jerry said this and Brother Kenneth said that." See to me, that to me that's the first I've seen that kind of team work. I would hear Kenneth say, "Yea, Jerry was saying" and I'm thinking, "Hey, he's giving Jerry credit!" - Yes, that's unheard of... -Yes, he's giving Jerry credit! Wow! That's pretty amazing. And then I hear Jesse say yeah like Creflo said and I begin to think what is this? Well, that's the way it's suppose to work. And so that was one of the most refreshing things to me of movement of Revival is really honoring, you know honoring the deposit or the Grace that is in the other person. Because when someone honors you like that, it just makes you want to honor back. - That's right. That's true. - It's just amazing how this really works. - Let me ask you something. Kathryn Kuhlman made a statement and I've heard a few other ministers say that and then they never would expound. "You'll never know the cost I had to pay, what this ministry costs." - I know...[Chuckles] I know. Well number one, we have done a documentary on her now, ...our ministry. One is her spiritual side. One was is her practical side. But her spiritual side, she was very unwelcome in every place that she went. They burned her church down in Franklin. The foundation is still there. Second church... - Did you get that? They burned her church down. That's enough to deter you a little bit. - They came out and burned it down. Said, "Get out of here!" She stayed and they had another church built. She ended up barricaded in that church with thirteen of her leaders whether a break in the door down on that church so finally then she was invited to get out of that town. That's Franklin, PA. And comes to Pittsburgh to Carnegie Hall to the Music Hall and so she began, she realized my time here. Again, how do you handle? Was she chased out of town? or was God leading them into another place? All that. She ended up in Carnegie Music Hall. That's when the miracles really began to happen in Carnegie and she was packing out Carnegie Music Hall but the problem was people are complaining about the atmosphere there, the smell of tobacco, a public hall... - Yuh-uh, sure! - The pastor of First Presbyterian at that time, Bruce, he came to her and said, "Look, use my church. Bring your meetings downtown, use my church" and that's when that whole transition began to go downtown to 6th Avenue. That's where I really was introduced to her there at that Sixth Avenue Church. It's amazing how these things that God has for all of us, are time released. These people that He sends into your life and getting to know Brother Kenneth now I can't even say the value to that to me and you say, I say, "Why now?" That is my big question. I know seasons and cycles. I know revival, the season and cycles. All of our lives is filled with seasons and cycles. But it's still is intriguing to me like this happens but why now? You realize that He just has everything. We are part of a great plan. We are part of Jeremiah 29:11 and we are, we are! And it's just the sooner you surrender to that which was Kathryn's main message not healing. Her main message was never ever healing, ever! It was not even Holy Spirit. It was a surrendered life. It was woven in everything that she said. - A surrendered life. - I die, He lives. That was her message everywhere. So, part of that was her desire to be married and to have a family, to meet the right person and she did, in her mind. After the marriage thought that this can't work. So she had to lay that marriage down. Today, we would call that a divorce. And that took place and he was from the Lake Charles, Louisiana area and that whole thing to her was very, very emotionally hard for her. All along the way and I can't account for everything, I don't know everything. The bits and pieces that I knew from being around her or in her company, I will be happy to share that. But a lot of it, how do we understand that? The path that we are all on. How do we understand the path of Moses, the path of Joshua, Ezra's path? All of these paths...the Apostle Paul's path? The one thing we learn is if we stay true and faithful, grounded, trust. It's sometimes it's hard to know what you've allowed, or what He's allowed. Very fine lines between what He allowed to happen to me, and when His Father filtered. It's very interesting. - You know Pastor Billy, we have so many ministers watching, church leaders especially on the Believers Voice of Victory Network. I really feel in my spirit, that you need to speak right in that camera and you're encouraging some people today that have been in ministry and maybe fallen out or feel like they don't want to do that, maybe they are like running from their call that they know. - I was good at that, yea... - So just look at that camera and talk to people. - You know, I believe it was Elisha that lost his axe head. You know, he had been given a great gift, a great tool to--the servant, excuse me the servant that had lost the axe head and he was chopping down the trees to build a structure facility and the axe head came off which is the cutting edge, the cutting edge of your life, the cutting edge of your ministry. He came to Elisha and he said: "Alas, you know, my borrowed axe head", it was a borrowed instrument and he valued that what was lost and he valued enough to say,"I lost it over here." He valued it enough to say, "I need the help to recover it" and the prophet said, "Show me the vicinity of just exactly where you lost that." I just say to you, today, whatever you may have lost along the way--We lose vision. We lose passion. We lose purpose and we lose the why of why we're doing everything. It's so easy to be pulled into the Hoover bag where you are no longer cleaning up but now you're in the bag yourself. You are pulled into the machinery of ministry and it just gets to the place where you lose touch and you're preaching, you're reading the Word only to preach, you know, you're praying only to pray for people and you've lost communion, you lost contact, and when the vertical is gone then everything else begins to get dulled out and you reach for other people's stuff and there is no fresh water flowing through you. I want to say this to you: You can recover the axe head. If Elisha made that axe head float for that particular man, then He can make your axe head float to the top too. It's never too late for that. You know the gifts and the calling, they go on. They work, you know, whether you're working for God or not but that doesn't mean your heart. See for God to recapture what you want to get back into, hopefully you want to get back into that at some level irregardless of age, irregardless of personal failure, you know, irregardless of any of that thing. We are living in such a time now where all hands on deck are needed and you may be just the person who God is looking for to put fresh fire, to put a deposit, you know. I love the story of Elijah and on Mount Carmel where the wood was wet and he burned wet wood. Sometimes we get soaked along the way, sometimes our wood gets so water soaked with mistakes and our own agendas and ideologies and the anointing is nowhere around us and we are just going through the motions. His fire can fall on wet wood and bring back fire. That's my prayer for you. It's not to make it complicated. Just to begin today to, you know, call out to Him. Call out to Him, I mean, there is the Bible you can read, that maybe before you read the Bible, there is some form of mental and emotional connection you need to make. If you have somebody to call and go talk to and vent. Every living thing has waste and you know, you just go sit down and say, "Hey, I'm confessing my faults. There are so many options for you but the main option is: Do you desire? Do you have the desire? Maybe not the strength right now, maybe not the wisdom, maybe not the plan but does that still burn in you? "Yeah, I'd like to get back in the saddle again. I'd like to be preaching again. I'd like to be praying and touching people. I'd like to be making contact with people. I used to help people." I hear that a lot. "Pastor Billy, I used to really be involved." "Pastor Billy, I used to do what you're doing. I used to see miracles. I used it to, oh Pastor Billy, I don't know what's happened. I'm selling insurance now." Nothing wrong with selling insurance if that's what you're called to do. But once, you've touched the human hearts and you led people into eternity and you know, you get away from it for the wrong reasons... There's an effect on you. You realize you have stepped down. You haven't stepped up and you're aware of that. "Yea, but I failed God. I had a divorce." Well, you know divorce is not the unpardonable sin, thank God. Yea, it's a sin but you can recover from that. Yea, but my denomination well, then maybe then you have to go outside the boundaries of that denomination, you know to get that other opportunity that you need. Yea, but we're not supposed to get sick and I've had surgery and I fought cancer then you've been through something. Then you can help more people. The more you go through, the more you can help them, the more you identify with most of their needs. It's so important. If you haven't gone through anything, how can you help me? How can you help the average person? If you have no identification of pain or confusion or suffering of something? So count as a badge of honor, you've come through something, you're out on the other side of it. Maybe some have judged you for that. You know, but I wouldn't let that get you down. I would just say, "You know what? I'm going to rise back up again, I'm going to stand back up on my feet. I'm going to be like Paul. I bear on my body the marks of Jesus. You know, I bear the sufferings of Christ. You know, I know the power of His Resurrection. I am not going to be ashamed of the gospel or me his prisoner." See, Paul was so strong. He wouldn't let anything that happened to him come back as judgment because he would always say, "I don't understand everything and neither do you. One thing I know I've pressed for that mark, that mark of the prize of the high calling." Pastor, do you still want to go back and do this? I'm talking to ladies, I'm talking to ladies whose husbands have been unfaithful, that have left you outside of the ministry. That doesn't mean you're outside of the ministry forever. Don't let people determine your destiny. Destiny is not by chance. It's by choice and you need to say today "I am just going to rise up again and reach for that hem of His garment." That hem isn't just for healing. That hem is for strength, for energy for focus, to get back the fire. That's my prayer for you today is to get back that fire. Get back that fire by watching broadcasts like this, by getting into the right places where God's word is being preached, where you see demonstration of His power and wherever you can do that, just to get around that. Don't back away from that. That reminds me of that, that hurts me because it reminds me of where I used to be. Now, don't do that. You subject yourself to that and that may be the very thing that God's going to draw you back into it. He may be trying to resurrect desire, passion, vision, purpose. These could be your best years. These could be your best years what's right ahead of you. Yea! Because why? Because you have more experience of God's Grace of Him healing you because not you're good but because He's good. That sets you on a whole other level. When you ever realize, it's all about His goodness, not my goodness. Whenever you can begin to convey that to people because most people out there, listen to me most people out there want to get healed on merit. They want to get healed by what they've done, what they're doing, how much they pray, how much they do this, and that's where they base their worthiness and that's what's wrong with the whole system. We both know, we all know, that's coming into this great understanding of the Grace of God is because of His Goodness, not because of our goodness. It's because of His Faithfulness not because of our faithfulness. Today reach out right now, I am going to pray for you pastors, I'm going to pray right now, Father bless every leader watching this broadcast. Those that are weary, those that feel like they lost their axe head, they are going through the motions. They searched frantically for sermons to preach on Sunday morning. They don't know how to handle so many of the problems and there's money and there's building issues and there's so much that by the time they get to the pulpit, they're absolutely exhausted. God, I pray for a fresh revelation on how to micromanage and how to multitask, how to send in the right people to surround them with their vision. Send in every resource that they need. Give them back that desire. Give them "the fire shut up in their bones" as you gave Jeremiah. I pray for a bursting forth of the Gifts of the Spirit, a bursting forth of signs and wonders and miracles. I pray, Master, you even now begin to create such a desire. Oh my, such a desire that they would cry out to You, day and night, that they would begin to believe for the impossible, the demonstration through them, the demonstration through their people and all the finances they need to make it happen. I thank you for each one, in Jesus Name. Amen. ♪ [Music]
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 4,750
Rating: 4.7913041 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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