Seth Rogen Full Interview - CONAN on TBS

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my guest tonight is an actor producer and writer who starred in the film super bad knocked up and the 40 year old virgin please welcome our good friend seth [Applause] [Music] rogen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow to be out very it's really good isn't it really good to have an audience it is wonderful it's it's so weird adjusting just think people without masks are the smart people now is what it's a really weird adjustment for me uh yeah it's i don't know what to i didn't know whether to shake your hands or not just now i don't know what to do we're in a weird moment we're sort of in between and so i always have a mask on me and i have put it on but then other people go like what are you doing i'm gonna take it off and then someone else might say put it back on no it's weird yeah i don't know whose hand to shake and some people are fist bumping a dude came up to me uh on the street and recognized me and i just found myself motorboating him i just didn't i did i just i just i don't know why i'm doing this i don't know it does keep the spray to a minimum yeah it's a very it's not a contagious area of your man breasts are you uh but i mean but it looks like i mean yes it's a very strange period but i think we're going to navigate our way oh yeah but i'm also filming a show right now and and what's weird is hollywood production has generally not adjusted to the fact that we are all vaccinated we are all still wearing our masks all day as we're filming and it mostly drives me crazy because i hate it when republicans are right about anything and i know that right now if a republican came to our set was like you're a bunch of like virtue signaling hollywood i'd be like you're right we are there's no need for these masks you think it's got yeah because they're still blocking people up into zones red zone blue zone yellow zone it's so meaningless yeah we're motorboating each other out here guys let's take the masks off you can't get a good motorboat with a mask on well i beg to disagree let's try it dude when i was a surgeon uh yeah you know i want to thank you because you were uh you're my first guest on the tbs show uh 11 years ago i was and uh very very nice to do it it's a long time ago now it was a long time ago yeah it is a it's a rare distinction in comedy to be someone's first guest on their second talk show actually it was my third that was your talk show yeah even conan's had 45 shows i know i was like this is the one 38 years [Laughter] it was a real honor honestly and i know you were literally telling me backstage how you don't like hearing this but i grew up watching your show um when i was i think 12 years old when uh it first came on so um you know things like the masturbating bear honestly were like the things i grew up uh obsessed with comedically and were truly like some of my favorite things and then i got older and i i got uh to be an actor and i got to be on the show and i remember the first time being backstage and meeting the masturbating bear and i was like honestly star struck like it was it was truly like meeting like tom hanks or something for the first time who incidentally also was masturbating i saw him yeah so it was a lot like meeting tom hanks yeah no i actually do like i pretend i kind of don't like it but i'm very happy when i when younger comedy people say oh i mean bill hader last night was saying he was whatever he was 15 16. and would watch it with his friends and really think this is so weird and their parents would hate it but they would like it and i thought oh that was nice we separated children from their parents exactly anyway yes not that i needed that done anyway it re it reaffirmed the wedge that was driven between me and my family yeah um yeah no my mother loves the masturbating bear oh good sign of class um you know i had a you know question for you uh which is you seem like a guy and i've known you for a long time um you seem like a guy who's i don't know relax centered like you know who you are yeah uh i'm going to have a lot of free time now for a while we're going to start something else up but i'm going to have some down time and i honestly i'm not even kidding i don't really know what to do with down time yeah i get that sense from you yeah really tell me yeah i do i mean i remember doing your live show in vancouver after and i remember being with you backstage we were just like what is happening right now like why are you doing this i demand i demanded that that i had all the time to like take some time off before we started the next thing i'm like no we're doing more shows all across the country and i think theaters yeah i needed to be medicated but it was still a lot of fun no it was a pleasure to play a part in your therapy but uh yeah i think you do have time on your hands i would suggest uh this is gonna be hilariously on brand try smoking a lot of weed for a long time i mean try it you seem like someone who doesn't smoke a lot of weed to me uh i don't smoke any weed and that's not a judgment i i am kind of uh uh lucid i enjoy my lucidity never a sentence i've even thought in my life but it's true like i'm not i am not well andy you you've known me a long time i've i it's not that i have any problem with people uh smoking pot i think it's actually you know a seems to be a fine herb uh but i enjoy it ever a sign you didn't smoke weed it's that you just called it a five it's a fine herb as i'm told but the couple of times i've tried it like it didn't nothing really happened well yeah and then i i think it metabolizes and becomes more orange pompadour but you but i know that you own a weed company so you might actually have you might be able to tell me maybe i was smoking the wrong stuff yeah you know i don't know i don't know what would you you know me what would you want me smoking okay i swear to god this is how this is how this is how lame i am for a second i thought he brought a birthday candle that is no birthday candy no don't smoke that now this will be a or do this will be a great weird show for all what is this what is it real what is it really what is weed i know it's weeds i didn't think it was pencil shaving but i'm curious like are you you were as a professor of weed telling me that this is the kind you think i should use i think you should take one hit of that weed one hit of that weed and i think you'll have a really good time okay yeah light i don't have a light do you have a light does anyone have a lighter yeah this is the kind of thing you do when you know it's over for you [Applause] oh what are they gonna do what are they gonna do to me i'm so nervous right now i know seriously [Applause] i really 120 people other ways either way i really don't know what to do all right all right tell me and then you just get ready okay yeah [Applause] [Laughter] all right i'll hold on to this right you better hold on to that when does this thing that's gonna happen happen uh well we'll wait a few minutes and see how you feel and then maybe you have a little bit more if you're uh still functional i'm driving a school bus in an hour yeah good right now people are going to be looking for anything i do and be like exactly like i'll do this and be like he's hot and i've been doing that for him for a long time i was complimenting you backstage i'm so happy with what just happened [Applause] i i'm actually i wasn't expecting any of this i'm not because i forgot i applied for a job at target i'm laughing way too long anyway wow yeah is it supposed to burn it kind of burns it's very much supposed to burn that's exactly any smoke inside your body right because i sucked it in right right okay all right i like how controlling i am about it i'm you know being like i'm like a narc that they to prove that he was not a narc it's true truck said it's like a tip some drugs yeah do you ever get wet conan that's what denzel asked in training date yeah yeah well when you have to explain a joke you know he's meaner because he's hot that's what happens to me i become don rickles um you wrote this book i was commenting you backstage you're going to be okay i am i'm so happy you wrote this book yearbook and and so many that's nice i do there's so many times i read someone's book and i have to read it because i gotta then interview them and maybe the the book's okay but it's not it's not something that i would necessarily talk about a lot and then what happens is i i get past it in the interview and i don't really touch on it that much i read your book and then uh you and i did the podcast and that's all i could talk about it was so good fantastic his book if you have not read his book thank you and you have this so many great stories but you wrote about working with snoop dogg i did a fantastic story thank you yeah um speaking of weed i was uh i we made a film called this is the end um around eight years ago uh in that film yeah there's a song that craig robinson uh sings called take your panties off which um i would argue has not aged well but we thought it would be fun uh if at the end of the movie there was like a more produced version of the song that was like a real song and then what if snoop dogg was on the song was what we thought and we asked snoop dogg and he's like i'll be in a song called take your panties off that doesn't seem like a stretch for snoop talk and so we met in the recording booth him and craig were there we were all smoking we'd snoop had a man who rolled joints for him that was his only job that was truly i can confirm that because the times i've been around snoop i have seen that happen yes he has a man who does that for him like that is a human's job which uh is honestly like if i wasn't a comedian what i would want to do with my life and so um he wrote his uh hook and he was performing and then um i was like you know be great snoopers if you could sing a verse uh on the song a rap um because i'm very cool that's what i called it could you sing a rap verse and uh he was like uh you know i wasn't planning on doing a verse i was just planning on singing the hook and i was like oh it'd be great uh if you could do the verse and he kind of puts his head down and he's like okay i'll do it and then he looks over at one of his guys who's standing by the door and he kind of narrows his gaze and he goes hey bring in the hose at which point um a man with a garden hose did not come into the room but instead around five women dressed like strippers came into the room um and they danced he they played the beat and they danced around for like 20 minutes as he wrote a verse on his blackberry um and as soon as he was done writing the verse he kind of with a wave of the hand like dismissed the hose and it flooded my head with questions [Laughter] like the weird thing he wasn't planning on writing a rap [Laughter] so if he needs his army of hoes to appear whenever he writes a wrap does he have them around just in case like that's what i couldn't believe yeah it's like he has an army of muse that he busses around in case someone's like hey can you write a wrap he's like yeah bring in the hose okay dance but that must be very expensive because not everyone's asking him to write raps all the time um where were they i didn't see them before this i didn't know i don't know where he was keeping that hot air hot air balloon yeah i think they travel in a hot air balloon he wants us down there set it down they release the they come down they repel in every time um and uh overall uh i shouldn't be saying ho is also something that uh i better probably just to make you you know just to make use of them he probably does it for emails and stuff yeah exactly two of them come in for an email for a tweet for a text just maybe one like okay you know but i did i was actually asked him once like why did you do that with the hose and he's like got to make sure it's bumping he has an answer irrefutable do you ever think what's fascinating to me about about your career and reading about your childhood is you there was a lot of things that you were interested in doing and you you had ambitions but you never dreamed probably that you would achieve the level that you have achieved no and so you've been now you're kind of a ceo more or less and and you're in meetings constantly and in demand people want to talk to you big big names yes want you in a meeting have you ever been in a meeting where you sort of stepped outside your body and thought i can't believe this person's talking to me oh all the time um but yeah the weirdest one um and uh i reference this in my book uh is uh tom cruise um and not and and not just tom cruise talking to me but actively uh trying to make me a scientologist how long ago how long ago was this um this was in i guess 2000 uh when we were filming knocked up so uh uh six or so was he going through that period was it kind of a difficult period where he was literally jumping on the opposite side on couches jumping on couches um married to katie holmes um viewed generally uh as a crazy person at this time um i don't think i'm uh exaggerating that and so uh judd apatow who i was working with got a call that tom cruise wanted to meet with us um and that he wanted to talk about comedy ideas and in my head i was like it's probably so he doesn't uh seem crazy which is a very smart uh strategy um and so we and am i also i was like does he want to make a scientologist you know and so um we went to his house and we're talking for several hours just about movies he has stories about stanley kubrick it was amazing and he wasn't bringing up scientology and honestly at first i was very insulted because i thought like am i not good enough yeah yes people what am i trap liver what do they want from me come on they got kirstie alley and not me come on [Laughter] what are we doing here what are we doing you know giovanni rabisi you know and so i'm so glad i'm medicated right now exactly we're all in a storm of trouble now people who will just beat the living one of these people is going to beat me up just so you it's going to happen so i was uh maybe tom cruise so i was at tom cruise's yeah and then finally he starts to bring up scientology and he's he's saying how uh the perception of scientology is not what uh it should be and that people have a real you know a bad idea of what it is and he i'll never he i'll never forget how he words he looked at me and judy goes if you just let me talk to you and tell you what scientology really was for like half an hour you would say no way man you would say no way that's what scientology is no way if you just gave me half an hour of your time and so there's a real moment where it's pressurized because he's waiting for us to say yes and i look over at judd and i'm like i'm not going to say yes because i genuinely don't think i'm strong enough to not become a scientist [Applause] tom cruise wants me to be one yeah i'm such a fan of this yeah i'm very easily influenced yeah as well i've i've filmed entire movies i look back on i'm like why how did that happen so you'd have done it you would have done it for sure would have done it but thank god judd was like no we don't want to talk about that and because of that i'm probably less successful now than i would be if i was a scientologist you'd be so much more successful i would be i'd be in this new top gun movie uh you know i have to say you have been a real uh you've been a gentleman to just you've been a great guy you came on the late night show um all through the years you've stopped by and when we needed uh we wanted someone to start off a show kick off a show or show up here towards the end you're always there and you're always hilarious and uh you're a mensch as i told you about it you did it's an honor honestly an honor to be here it's a joy of my career that i get to do things like this and uh that i get to see a real audience seth rogen ladies and gentlemen
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 550,583
Rating: 4.9082847 out of 5
Keywords: Conan O'Brien, Conan, Conan (TV Series), TBS (TV Channel), Team Coco
Id: uNOHeeXuGbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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