Top 20 Best Bill Hader Impressions

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but enough talk let's go drink a milkshake shall we hey everyone i'm rebecca and welcome to watch mojo today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 bill hater impressions and you know something mr cohen i've never even heard of you your mother has you don't sass me with your liar mouth i never knew there were two lindsey buckinghams how did this happen you should let him talk man he would have told you makes zero difference i mean i mean no one cares for this list we're looking at the greatest impressions of celebrities and other famous figures by actor bill hader to be clear we will not be including any original characters by haters so you will not be seeing stefan here but don't worry they have a list of their own thank you thank you so much for joining us stefan connor percy it's nice to be here so if there are any hater impressions you are especially impressed with be sure to let us know about it in the comments all right let's get to it number 20 lauren michaels the creator and long-time producer of saturday night live as well as bill hader's boss for many years lauren michaels is known in many circles of the entertainment industry he's also frequently the subject of imitation by those who've worked for him laura michaels tried to help me after season four he went you know you can work here as long as you want hater does perhaps the best impression of the man while being interviewed on conan hater recounted an occasion when lauren spent a whole plane trip speaking to him non-stop as he drifted in and out of sleep you wake up and it's like and ray charles said they all owe me money you wake up and he's like that's how you grow blueberries in may hater also does a great bit where he imitates michael's habit of name dropping the cavalcade of celebrities he knows but instead of celebrities he name drops famous serial killers i went to kansas city um with alec and marcy to try to get btk killer off death row number 19. jack nicholson jack nicholson is one of the most famous actors out there and his very particular acting style and mannerisms make him the perfect subject for imitation as a guest on ellen bill hader does a spot on rendition of the actor you're gonna order a lemonade nade for me little child given the prompt of nicholson running a lemonade stand hater proceeds to mimic his squint and sinister grin and he absolutely nails the voice as he threatens a young customer should they fail to buy from him and if you don't order a lemonade for me you're gonna go right to hell slap a pair of sunglasses on him age him up a bit and you would swear he was nicholson himself number 18 seth rogen bill hader and seth rogen have worked together on more than a few occasions most famously in the 2007 comedy superbad naturally working around rogan has allowed hater to pick up on his voice and mannerisms hater has recounted several anecdotes about rogan including their time on superbad and times they've smoked pot together seth rogen said he's like smoking pot with you is like smokey pot with my dad cause i'm just like whoa we're smoking grass are you smoking grass guys we're smoking dope he'll usually throw in a quick impression of rogan somewhere in these stories but his imitation of him on ellen takes the cake in this one hater stays consistent with the amsterdam incident and imagines rogan reading his own on-brand version of puff the magic dragon puff the magic dragon uh huffed and puffed and then kept puffing and puff some more and then he like got some oreos with his friends number 17 star wars creatures bill hater loves star wars who doesn't while he did make it into the franchise itself brownie points if you know who he played he'd honed his vocalizations for years beforehand and it certainly paid off his best impressions from the franchise are of non-human creatures firstly he does a great job of the hut i could do job with the hutt dying you can do with the hot dying he's previously done his impression of the slug-like gangster on conan and has also busted it out in the movie it chapter 2 as part of an extended your mom joke she'll put her arm around me and she'll whisper to me we all get it but perhaps his most bizarre impression overall is that of a dying taunt on these domesticated hoth animals may smell bad inside and out but hater's impression is positively rosy buckle and then dying taunton [Music] number 16 barack obama fans of snl know of fred armisen's famous impression of barack obama however there are probably fewer people who know that bill hader's imitation of the former u.s president is scarily good while doing an interview with the hollywood reporter armisen and hater recount how while on set the two of them would do a bit that involved emulating obama i went down to i went down to venice beach we're in the 60s a band taught us that if we work hard we can break on through to the other side hater perfectly replicates the cadence of obama's voice and hearing his version of the politician in the bizarre scenarios the two comedians cooked up is a lot of fun take obama giving a speech about his time in los angeles or working on the set of two broke girls for example so you go and then you go and you two are on a date and you talk talk but you can't talk because then they have to pay you more so you have to pretend like you're talking there are few things more glorious than this number 15. henry winkler a veteran television actor henry winkler may have gotten his start as fonzie on happy days but he's pretty much the opposite of the over-the-top macho character in real life he also stars alongside bill hader on the show barry i'm trying not to overwhelm you barry i'm trying to give you the view from 10 000 feet before we dive in and break it down scene by scene given how closely they work together hater has managed to capture the essence of winkler quite well he's recounted winkler's continued shock of the dark content of barry on various talk shows and has managed to imitate his co-star's soft-spoken good-natured surprise perfectly incidentally hater's impression of winkler's impression of john travolta's hand acting is also fantastic is that meta enough for you john travolta in that he always uses his hands his hands are just so it's like they're only made to handle uh teacups like little teapot number 14 jim jordan in this cold open snl sketch bill hader plays jim jordan an ohio congressman involved in questioning donald trump's former attorney michael cohen who was played by guest star ben stiller mr chairman good afternoon to you blind piece of human trash hater plays up jordan's anger and increasing exasperation wonderfully although jordan doesn't have as distinct a voice as some of the other impressions on this list hater more than makes up for it with his body language and overall enthusiasm in the role i'm so angry i couldn't even wear a jacket today it says a lot about his skills that he manages to steal the scene away from ben stiller's dead on cohen impression number 13 james mason while many today probably aren't familiar with him james mason was a huge star in the mid-20th century the british actor had a very distinguished and suave voice with such expert play acting you make this very rumor theater bill hader reportedly did an impression of him during his saturday night live audition which he has recounted on several talk shows in the bit mason's trying to buy a dozen donuts with an expired gift certificate it's like i would like to buy a dozen donuts with this gifts devious and i'd also like your biggest bottle of you i'm sorry i see haters impression work is always so fun because of these weird scenarios he puts the celebrities in we hope that mason was able to get the bottle of yuhu at least number 12. john malkovich impressions of john malkovich are pretty rare the actor is so singular that it seems impossible to imitate him yet somehow bill hater not only manages it but does so spectacularly hater has actually done the impression to malkovich's face while interviewing the actor in an snl vinnie vidici sketch hello my name is john malkovich i don't sound anything like that no no you sound exactly like this can you imagine the guts that takes he's also busted out his malco as a guest on weekend update regardless of the circumstance hater captures the very particular way that malkovich emphasizes certain words as well as the intimidating aura he or at least his most famous characters exude i might enjoy watching them slowly grow frustrated as they realize olympic games don't take breaks for t-shirt cannons number 11. anthony scaramucci some say that anthony scaramucci was put on this earth just so hater could impersonate him and after seeing haters take on the mooch it's hard to disagree you it's me anthony scaramoche when watching scaramucci in interviews you get the impression that he kind of likes the sound of his own voice and hater grabs hold of this with both hands and when i hear my name three times i appear like a goomba beetlejuice wow well uh thanks for calling in mr scaramucci with a scrunched up face like he's just sucked on a lemon and constant imposing hand gestures hater channels all the foibles of the ex-white house director of communications and you know what haters hardly even exaggerating i think we're good bro no you're not good bro come on everybody loves to mooch number 10. arnold schwarzenegger here's an impression that everyone likes to think they can do but very few can actually pull off hater however has got the predator crushing muscle man down to a tee from his trademark groaning to his cigar waving and arnold just hung like he just hang out like with like with no shirt on like in boxers like smoking a cigar like playing chess and bugs are coming around they're like oh and of course his schnitzel anecdotes you know this is where we show a predator like i am because i would have schnitzel flown in for the casting crew i am and hader has done his research too famously acting as arnie's personal assistant on the set of collateral damage if his straight-up imitation of him wasn't enough to convince you of his austrian prowess then maybe his face-mapped re-enactment on jimmy kimmel will be hi bill remember me it's me remember wow oh that's scary number nine tom cruise to say this iconic actor is known for being a little over the top is a huge understatement just ask oprah what has happened to you during an interview on letterman hater recounts how cruz was trying to place him while filming on the set of tropic thunder in true tom cruise fashion hater starts off slowly with some intense squinting and pointing eventually escalating to loud wide-eyed applause and i did a seth rogen impression and it was like i did a magic trick tom cruise was like [Laughter] [Applause] which is to say hater's cruise impression probably hovers somewhere between the office scene from jerry maguire and any of the intense stares from the mission impossible franchise speaking of which we wonder if hater can do the run number eight prince philip from realistic to ridiculous next and a larger than life impression that's both inaccurate and offensive but in all the right ways put on some nice perfume har heels yeah it might be a necklace eye tassels and the like presenting the royal family is a gang of cockney thugs hater plays prince philip alongside fred armisen's queen elizabeth i beg your pardon your majesty but why are you two talking like that this is how we really talk love not so nice right but it gets the job done tony who at every chance tried to intimidate newly initiated members kate and pippa middleton whether it's his wildly inappropriate threats or his toothpick twirling mannerisms haters prince philip is a classic case of a caricature being more entertaining than the real thing no your majesty your secretary briefed me in all the royal etiquette not talking about salad forks love this ain't the princess diaries although hey for all we know the real phil could be a punk badass too my name's a queen and this is not a democracy john is in a riot in the streets number seven vincent price horror legend vincent price has always been a special kind of creepy his roller coaster of a persona can go from a jovial grin to an eerie scare in the blink of an eye when the minions of samhain come back guys i'm not fully up yet you gotta keep pressing the thing and haters over the top take on price is all the right kinds of dramatic sure he's got the slouched body language down but it's the squeaky voice that really sells it well that and the raven on his shoulder tonight prepare yourself for a night of spooks and scares as we have invited over some of our most famous friends for some tricks and also some treats not only is his impression spot on but seeing haters price trying to wrestle with inappropriate guests and keep his show family friendly as well as spooky is absolute gold let's wrap it up we have just partaken in a celebration foul where phantasms and race you wanna clear frame there just wanna wander the earthly plane in search of vengeance upon the living and guys i thought we had this thing fixed number six daniel day lewis daniel day lewis is an actor who disappears into his roles so any impression of him is bound to be specific and bill haters is no exception in this snl sketch he parodies day lewis's character daniel plainview from the film there will be blood i drink your milkshake i drink it up he literally acts out a famous metaphor from the film drinking people's milkshakes my straw goes across the room and i drink your milkshake i drink it up there are a ton of quotes lifted straight from the movie but haters imitation of plainview is positively uncanny and hilarious throughout good day old man i'm going to drink your milkshake no you're not go get your own milkshake it's every bit as delicious as those milkshakes in fact you might say we drink it up number five alan alda yeah hey what are you looking at but ed hey why don't you make like a tree and get out of here you know that that is a great line and that is so great the stuff you guys are doing with the 50s and everything out of all the impressions on this list haters take on alan alda has got to be the most accurate vocal mimicry by far just close your eyes and you put money on the fact that it was hawkeye pierce for mash himself hey you're looking a lot better than the last time i saw you how you feeling in the pink uh i wanted to leave you a note before i left i just didn't have the time i didn't even know you were gone i thought you were in the bathroom this is thanks to haters mastery of the thick bronx accent and the way in which aldo would stammer which became trademarks over the years but it's not just the voice hater even nails alda's renowned hand gestures and body language which is as he'd say terrific just terrific son your ego's writing checks your body can't cash you know that is a terrific line i feel like i understand everything about this movie just from the one line that's good writing you know i don't know about airplanes number four james carville hey how are you james i haven't found the bodies yet sir so i'm doing just fine all right our fourth entry is another politically charged impression and one that makes haters take on anthony scaramucci look like child's play political commentator james carville is known for his louisiana accent bald head and of course his sometimes controversial views now james you know while we have you here we haven't had a chance to ask what do you think of the republican candidates oh i think plenty about them and i laugh laughs and hater rolls all that into one in this spot on performance that sees him spoofing the ragin cajun democrat flawlessly okay so maybe hater focuses on the wild frantic side of carvel more than anything else with alligator anecdotes coming out of his ears one night newt and i go paddle boating on the potomac river now it doesn't matter why but i'm friends with some alligators but picture carvel on a whole bunch of caffeine and boom you've got bald hater number three keith morrison you know an impression is good when it gets the seal of approval from the person themselves we had just gotten married oh you liked it so you put a ring on it and hater got just that with keith morrison his impression of the true crime presenter from the show dateline has become legendary on snl with hater delivering a pitch-perfect version of morrison's seemingly morbid sense of intrigue when i walked into the convenience store i saw it was being held up oh no one of the robbers pointed his gun right at me [Music] and when the self-proclaimed dateline fanatic came face to face with morrison it only further highlighted just how accurate his take on the tv personality is he's the perfect master he's the master he is the master i don't know how you get better than keith morrison i knew he was gonna be here i knew he was gonna be here anyone can make getting so into gruesome crime stories okay then it's haters morrison no one tells a story like dateline or do they that's so rad number two al pacino there's a certain amount of anger frustration and high intensity that goes into an al pacino impression and pulling it off without looking like you're trying too hard ain't easy unless you're bill hater that is i was watching that and he was kind of like just totally into like the peripheral and like weird things so he was like oh wow we got some lights a couple of cameras [Laughter] from the way he drags out the ends of his sentences to his slow methodical head movements hater has perfected the enigmatic pacino personality ah you get shot walking your doggy you know it's good when you can tell he's in character even when he isn't saying anything but we guess the biggest part of selling it is making even the most boring story sound enthralling like spotting a cantaloupe in a kitchen if i walk into this kitchen and i see a cantaloupe on that table i will lose my mind before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one clint eastwood take every aspect of stereotypical clint eastwood impersonations throw them together and you get haters take on the movie god that is eastwood what's this commercial all right chrysler get a chrysler and get off my damn lawn let's see cold stare that could give you nightmares check gravelly spiteful voice that induces fearful goosebumps check i should know i'm batman high trousers that almost touch his chin check in these spoof snl chrysler adds hater not only sells the impression comically he even sells it cinematically think again is for little caesars pizza pizza just look at him from a distance that glare could be eastwood himself all he needs now is a smith wesson and a gran torino do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music] you
Views: 619,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Sitcom, Streaming, TV, bill hader, bill hader alan alda, bill hader best impressions, bill hader celebrity impressions, bill hader characters, bill hader comedy, bill hader funniest impressions, bill hader funny, bill hader impersonations, bill hader impressions, funny, impressions, list, mojo, saturday night live, snl, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, celebrity impressions, SNL Bill Hader, Bill Hader Ellen impressions, Best of Bill Hader, impressions of celebrities
Id: Dmyji9a-alE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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