Bill Burr, Jay Leno, And A 1965 Buick Riviera GS | Jay Lenoโ€™s Garage

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so jay stole the tonight show from letterman and now is stealing comedians in cars from seinfeld?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 28 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kjvlv ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Bill and Nia have only been married for four years? I've been listening to the podcast for a few years now, and I don't ever remember him mentioning a wedding, so I figured they'd been married for longer than I'd been listening.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Oh boy! Awesome to see Bill in a dope whip

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/anf1313 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Am I the only one who cannot fucking stand Jay Leno?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/LYFE0DFYA ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That was a great watch.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/tehcoma ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Why doesn't anyone comment on how fucking weird Jay Leno looks?

Jay Leno looks like someone from SNL with prosthetics on impersonating Jay Leno in a sketch.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Discremio ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 20 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
this episode is all about living the dream in fact there are two dreams happening here the first stream is the mclaren this is the 570s 562 horsepower really fast really luxurious an amazing car that's doing amazingly well [Applause] [Music] before 2000 mclaren was really just a race car company they didn't build production vehicles and that was mclaren's dream to build well a car like this they have a whole range of supercars now let's see what this thing will do when i was 16 years old if you had told me i'll tell you what you when you get to be a grown-up you'll be able to call up any car company you want and they'll send cars to your garage for you to drive that you could film for your tv show but i think that happen no that's why this is called living the dream but the best part is that i can help make other people's car dreams come true so i'm going to meet up with fellow boston comic bill burr and let him take his dream car for a ride but first as always we eat it's a good hot dog this is delicious i grew up in the north shore and over my house you grew up where the south shore when i was really young i'm out of that's what i love about boston everything is north shore south shore italian irish any way that they can divide people you know for a guy from the south shore bill burr pretty funny guy he does stand up he's got his own animated show he's like hearing a guy ramble about everything from corned beef to automobiles check out his monday morning podcast no you don't with your face okay i understand liposuction they screw that up you can put on a shirt right there's no shirt for your face i remember not getting much encouragement when i started out when i was a master which was right no you get no encouragement yeah i majored in like communications with a focus on radio and that was just to get over mike fright i knew i was going to be a comedian i remember like the butcher at the meat store my mother mentioned i was so embarrassed like yeah he's majoring in radio he wants to become a radio broadcaster and the guy's sitting there with his bloody apron he's just going like i don't know everybody wants to be the staff you never work lenny's on the turnpike or any of the sandys in beverly or any of those places that were around how old do you think i am i started out in comedy clubs where people came out to actually see the comedy oh no no you had it easy well my first two gigs were easy my third gig that was the first time i ever went up and bombed it the first time i told the joke and got nothing yeah and you feel like that sonic wave of nothing just hit you right in the chest hits you right in your dream i like to say i had a lot of those nights like i remember walking out of a club be like yeah the show wasn't that good man that red-headed kid sucked and then then to play on a loop i'd be like you know you know we used to run into the bathroom after show sit on the john shut the door just to get reviews i would never do that which is annoying but i would never do at least you got an honest review of the show did you ever have that feeling uh on the road that dark feeling of am i gonna be the guy that doesn't make it oh yeah everybody does yeah i still have that feeling i'm a huge believer in low self-esteem i actually know what you mean yeah only actors and criminals have high self-esteem when you have low self-esteem you you don't assume you're the smartest person in the room that's why i work all the time like i got a house with a pool i haven't been in the pool in 25 years every time i walk towards the pool i get that says what you doing now where you sit in the pool you're a big beverly hills guy now we've got nothing to do you got nothing broken around here you get a good time to say no i don't you're right i gotta go fix this i can't go but it's your voice yep you know that's the voice i hear when i walk towards my pool yeah what do you think you're better than us what do you gotta get in it and what do you gotta train it what are you gonna make i think there's a healthy paranoia if you grew up in the massachusetts era because for so many people it didn't work out now let me ask you about cars were you a car guy growing up i was a car guy but it really uh kind of exploded once i moved out here i just got into them and i was obsessed with them i started buying books and then i found this 68 ford f-100 with the short bed right three on the column which i had never driven it had drum brakes all the way around no power steering i would come home and i would actually be tired from driving the car and stepping on the brakes and i now have power steering on it just because well because there's no place to park out here and i was literally like i'd be out of breath trying to like park this thing let's say you're back in canton mass can't mess you're 16 what would be the cool car to drive uh the buick riviera 1965 was like that two-door mean looking car i love the clam shell yeah the clam shell opens on the buick the headlight oh yeah right like the four lights to me when i was a kid that was luxurious that you could afford you know extra lights on your car to me that just meant that you were like this really rich guy well i'll tell you what i got something i think you're gonna get kick out of this i know you're gonna have something nice i know i own every car no no no you could literally clog up the 405 alone i want you it's your car collection what's your impression on this come on let's go out i doubt i'm going to be disappointed come on we'll take a look okay i thought you'd get a kick out of this oh no way 65 buick riviera grand sport oh my god it's beautiful it is beautiful isn't it [Music] it's gorgeous this is one of the meanest looking cars ever made and of course you had the clamshell well you got to see how the headlights work though hang on i got to see this oh my god that's so cool it's got 425 horsepower it's that's 401 buick with the two four barrel carburetors two four belt what did this thing get per gallon like six miles uh it's what they call a hybrid it runs on gas and we step on it it runs on even more gas it's the prototype yeah prototype hybrid this is gorgeous i can tell you right now i'm not cool enough to drive this car so the only way i could ever drive this car is if i got on your show well that's what i was thinking yeah i was thinking you're really not cool enough to drive this car you're not going to get an argument from me right right well let's do it come on okay this is killer man [Music] the turning radius on this thing is [Music] hilarious i love the way it rides i'm not a speed guy right i like more just like cruising around this car is like a cigar where even if you didn't accomplish anything you feel like you didn't right right look at this guy jaywalking i'm not letting you go i'm driving in buick i'm killing it in life that's right if i had a chevy i let him go exactly is your wife in the cars at all no it doesn't get it yes she is you know what car she wants what this is how cool my wife is her dream car yeah is the car sharon stone's character drove in casino it's a 1975 i believe cocaine white mercedes 450 sl that's funny that's what she wants cocaine cocaine white what are you married what four years now yeah four years i'm 37. 37 years in yeah good lord can you just go out and buy a car and come home with and not have to clear it with her no that's requirement you can just come home like what i'm jay leno i bought a car she can buy whatever she wants too so it's fine i don't tell her no she does but see she she spends it on humanitarian stuff like isn't that annoying coming home with some shiny selfish thing for you and she's out there saving whales that's what i mean like you're trying to make me feel bad that's funny this car is me man it's the perfect size this is your kind of car this is it it's called living the dream that's what you're doing that's right so what do you folks think of this were they surprised how successful with them no they say that they're proud of me and they like what i'm doing but uh my mother's really good about keeping your feet on the ground like my brother one time called my mother up he was golfing that day said mom i had an eagle on on the fifth hole she goes oh yeah what'd you do on the other ones right back it's true well every time they started the track show why is the tonight show with jay leno when i started it was the night show starring jay leno and my mother being some scandal go oh starring jaylen oh like you missed a big shot starring jaylen oh like he's the whole program like there's no music like there's no comedians the next week it was at night that's why you changed it yeah oh the mothers they're brutal yeah oh yeah instead of scottish mothers oh bill thanks a lot my friend no worries someday you're gonna get yourself a 65 riff i can see it well you know what i'm sold on the buick product yeah 52 years later some sales take a little longer than other hey cnbc fans thanks for checking out our youtube channel here you'll find videos from all your favorite cnbc shows be sure to subscribe by clicking right here click on the videos around me and watch the latest from cnbc thanks for watching
Channel: CNBC Prime
Views: 651,069
Rating: 4.9085674 out of 5
Keywords: CNBC Prime, CNBC, Jay Leno's Garage, Jay Leno, Cars, Jay Leno Cars, Car Reviews, Vintage Cars, Classic Cars, Super Cars, Sports Cars, Race Cars, Restored Cars, Jay Lenos Garage, jay leno garage, lenos garage, jay leno garage tour, 1965 Buick Riviera GS, 1965 Buick Riviera, 1965 buick riviera jay leno, 1965 buick riviera drive, 1965 buick riviera for sale, jay lenos garage bill burr, Buick Riviera, jay leno garage cnbc, Buick Riviera GS on JLG, jay leno bill burr, buick
Id: sNsT2Lo0YYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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