Jay Leno's Garage Celebrates Black History Month [HOUR LONG EXTENDED]

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[Music] so do you do you have experience driving these no it's my first time i've never done it come on let's try this hill okay is it airbags in here you are the airbag that's not good at least i think it's what you do this manual was in russian let's see how fast we can go down the hill we can take it easy and warm up to it uh he just jumped right in no no no no this is where broncos fielder goes oh oh god let's go down here what's down here do you know the tramps i don't know the trails oh hold on oh god let's go swimming we definitely just almost died this thing is great you can really drive it over just about anything even with the bumping and sliding the sherp safely cradles you like a baby speaking of babies how's kevin doing oh [Applause] [Music] jay you cannot kill kevin hart oh sorry about that oh yeah here we go okay all right no hang on there you go okay this is me living my best life oh yeah here we go does it feel different yeah i mean you know i'm normally i have a steering wheel so on this one there's no steering wheel try that rock over there go over that way oh god it's good to have your hand on the controls yes that's a black people thing yeah things happen yeah yeah we do that it's all since my childhood oh there's the yellow one the other one that one hang on there you go you got a little more gaps i almost killed us doing good if i told you i offroad i almost took my shirt off oh yeah well i can't say i ever knew bessie's turning phil but i did get to meet her we met god almost 30 years ago when i was inducted into the motorcycle hall of fame and she was inducted also and that was really an honor and she was certainly more deserving of it than i was i was just the guy on tv who like motorcycles so publicity wise you know is kind of cool where she actually did it you know she was a true pioneer she broke down barriers she you know braved all the things african-americans went through in the 30s and as a woman i imagine they were sort of twice as bad for her so i think she was a real pioneer and certainly more deserving than i was of being inducted into the motorcycle hall of fame i'm up in the hills of malibu california it's almost like i'm riding with a 1936 harley-davidson knucklehead a knucklehead was a real milestone motorcycle for harley davidson it was their first bike with a production overhead valve v twin which was revolutionary back in the 1930s it was on a bike just like this that a woman named bessie stringfield made her name she was the first african-american woman to ride across the united states by herself and went on to complete eight solo cross-country trips i actually had a chance to meet her at the american motorcycle association exhibit back in 1990 it's a great american story and every year there's a group of ladies that gather to help honor her and they do these motorcycle rides from coast to coast up and down north south all across the united states we want to hear their story and bessie's story as well hi you guys hey how's it going how's everybody doing good great nice to see you guys yeah i was just looking at you i was like look at our bikes compared to that bike why are you driving the big fancy modern bikes man see this is what bessie would have driven she had a 61 like this true yeah yeah cool cool you all wrote out here so you do you do this what every year or every year is this the hardcore group the four and then you have stragglers you pick up that one yes we have a good core uh most of them are long distance riders we have some ladies that still like to camp out yeah they do tents and but you're a hotel i am the bessie stringfield tribute ride started a few years ago with just six members but as they spread bessie's inspirational story more and more women have joined the ride every year [Music] well good let's let's sit down let's go talk about bessie a little bit come on so how did this get when did you first hear about bessie i read the uh ama uh hall of fame had something on her and that she had been inducted so when i saw that i was intrigued and right looking at the bike i'm thinking cross country on that bike by yourself right yeah jim crow times right yeah you know that's a lot the time when most women didn't even drive cars right how did she get to the motorcycle bessie started riding it was a gift her first bike the indian was given as a gift at the age of 16. okay and then she started riding cross-country at the age of 19. wow and to pay for her trips she would do tricks at carnivals and do flat track racing so she was that skilled at writing oh yeah because i heard didn't i read she won a couple of events and then when they took the helmet on so she was a woman absolutely they wouldn't give it her they wouldn't give her the trophy you know we just take certain things for granted you want to get there you get your bike and you go but absolutely back in the 30s being a black woman when and a woman traveling by herself right we did an episode on our show about the green book oh yeah i saw that episode oh okay yeah yeah yeah and it was a place where black folks could travel around the country and be safe you could stay with other black folks hotels that were black only and that's what she did too that's what she meant we don't have to do that you know like i said i'm a hotel girl so i can walk straight through the front door right right you know be served and i have a problem you know but let me ask you i mean i still see discrimination with motorcycle riders oh yeah do you still get that being a black motorcycle rider and female yeah and female yes now how are guys with female writers are they do you still get some of that like what are you doing right is my husband around no you're not even okay yeah yeah guys are guys yes yeah but it's not close to what she went through i'm sure of it right so so this is why you do this absolutely how many folks you get for the ride right now we're up to 350. oh wow all females we have pet rallies where we teach the education of riding motorcycles and you know taking care of your bike the maintenance of it and you know we talk about things that empower women to be better well that's great i mean anything empowers young girls to kind of get out and do their do something different and do something different yeah that's great so you don't need a guy you can go riding true my uh rod name is curves curves yes if i was riding with you guys what are you thinking what would i be jake who jay cool you know that's not bad at all i was i used to be chinzo in high school so that's actually much better than chinzo so yeah that's right pretty cool so where do you go from here uh we're going to wisconsin would you like to go with us i can't go to wisconsin but i'll take a ride with you let's do it don't tell your husband i said you look cute in that helmet that's just between us okay [Music] [Music] i'm honored that they asked him to be a part of this that's why i brought this whole motorcycle between me and this motorcycle that's like 140 years the oldest guy on the oldest bike well that seems fake [Music] you never know how you're going to wind up in life you know bessie just like to ride motorcycles i bet she never had any dream that she turned into an icon for literally hundreds if not thousands of young african-american women as well as motorcyclists around the country [Music] come on fox get it i know you want to grab me an an oscar if you in the annapolis 500 i'm gonna be pissed and i'll tell you when to start turning keep going keep going whip it wow nailed it in one try how about that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes sir [Applause] and that's it good job bro nice [Applause] i'm a man [Music] [Music] all righty boss what's up next all right so jay it looks like you got this unlocked man i think it's time you go uh go ahead and try this course by yourself i'm gonna stand on the outside there jay why don't you hop up in the front seat so you guys can enjoy yourself walk out all right brother knock it out you're not abandoning the ship are you copy that leave me with the crazy man crazy indeed crazy all right you guys seat belts get it jake let's ride out to the honeycomb hide out [Music] oh let's see [Music] of course no car stun is complete without driving through a bunch of stacked up boxes that never seem to have anything in them [Music] [Music] well i think it's fair to say if the acting singing comedy thing doesn't work out for jamie don't always fall back on stunt driving good work brother fox thank you my friend [Music] i'm not racing you with a viper what the hell vipers know what no one has these day there's probably two in the world and you have both of them no i mean i'll race you but like a real world car cars that people drive cars that i drive like a minivan minivan a viper against a minivan no minivan against minivans yes all right a race to the race let's do it all right you dummies ain't buckled up see i bet you that leno he's not gonna do this y'all probably need crash helmets riding with jay okay here we go nice and easy huh apparently she shops for world war ii rations so how was soccer practice come on pick up the pace okay that's okay wasn't much it's like she's looking for a parking space i do not speed i'm a black woman speeding is not my thing and we are done look at that okay it's all good now let's see how leno does oh i should win this easy ready get set go oh lord [Music] i'll go ahead and get that card detailed good great [Laughter] i think i won that race oh that was fast you you ready to make some omelettes all right so so an egg broke it's not the end of the world okay let's let's see what's going on back here say you killed the kids what are you talking about the kids are dead jay did your father put the seat belt on the kids you didn't say anybody putting seat belts down you just do this i know somebody do you know no oh my god my poor baby somebody lost the arm the girl lost the arm jay this is not supposed to happen look at this this is a mess all right let's see the final tally wanda's time was 4 minutes 53 seconds with 10 broken eggs had a one second penalty of peace that gives her a final time of five minutes and three seconds my initial time was one minute 49 seconds without 400 broken eggs oh some kind of special 10 second lost limb penalty where'd that come from even heard of that and a final time of really 8 39 we call it a draw no we'll call it a win for me this is a win for me big win loser loser egg smasher dummy killer winner [Music] jb what's going on hey man what's going on now see the name of this episode is larger than life so he wanted somebody whose personality is larger life and whose car is large in life what is this 67 68 lincoln 68 lincoln i call uh the stinkin lincoln 68. now were you always a lincoln guy or was ever cadillac or always big cars i'm a big american car guy right right you know this kind of car i grew up in i was raised in north carolina you know moved to new york city when i was five years old and just to kind of call you ride down from new york to north carolina and the amount of fried chicken and wrapping an aluminum foil and that will be your trip you didn't have the money to pull over and eat at restaurants and stay at hotels you pack your dinner you pack your lunch you pack your breakfast and you put in a greasy paper bag and you drive down north carolina nine-hour trip whole family in there sometimes be five or six in the backseat so what was the first car when you made it cuz you're a big star now but when you first made it you're gonna get me one of those the lincoln is the car i always wanted this model or it didn't matter what year it was i really wanted a convertible and then i got reintroduced to the convertible lincoln by watching entourage all right right they had that nice one yeah i watched entourage every time the car would show up i said i was that car getting paid you know what i mean a car needs to be on on the credits you know you know that cost to be on the credits man [Music] i like what you've done blacking out the trim turning all the chrome sort of black gold was that your idea was that a customized idea the original car was white right you know he painted black the original owner then i looked at it again i said man i'm gonna go with detroit steel look so i said you know i'm gonna wrap this baby i'll wrap this baby and i said i want to keep the black moldings on it no it looks good it makes it a bit modern and a bit sinister looking sinister that's the word you know so this car is constantly evolving the car has evolved to what you see now this is actually really my dream car let me ask you a question how much did you tell your wife you have in this car [Laughter] you never told your wife no oh you you pull it back a little bit you're never telling me exactly yeah you leave a zero off you just leave it leaving zero off zero off everything now you wanted a few hat guys i know and you always look good in a hat when did the hat thing start i always loved hats man yeah my dad always wore shades yeah my dad always wore a hat isn't that something yeah what do you even buy do they have hat stores anymore jay i know the perfect place man i'm going to call a hat connoisseur yeah so you're going to get your head into it as well oh really man come on man come on a good hat must wrap the face the right way yeah you just wear any kind of hat what's it here this my spot right here baby i'm gonna show you what it means to be a hat man brother you can hang it out i gotta lay my baby down right quick [Music] daddy be back okay jay i'm gonna show you how to wear a hat i'm touring the east side of detroit with motown legend martha reeves in a car i picked out just for her so what was the last time you rode in a 65 mustang i have never ridden in a mustang wait you've never ridden in a mustang no this is my first time my first mustang ride so tell me about the early days you grew up here did you knock on barry gordy's door did he discover you well you know we used to have amateur shows all the time in the different theaters and i won an amateur contest oh okay yeah and the hits followed but while martha's career was flourishing jobs were moving out to the suburbs and social unrest was growing i remember a story were you on stage once when the riots broke out did that have i got that right right at this wonderful theater right here the fox theater right i was getting ready to sing and somebody beckoned me to the edge of the stage and i thought something was wrong with my dress i put on the wrong shoes or something but i could hear sirens and they said martin you've got to tell everybody to walk out of here calmly there's a riot that's broken out got a curfew everybody has to be home by nine and the armed guards are in the street in july of 1967 economic pressures the summer heat and long-running tensions between african-american residents and the police erupted in five days of violent riots imagine you've seen the city changed quite a bit since you were making the hits here huh oh yeah because of the rise a lot of things changed people moved and people went out of business yes and decided they'd take their business to the suburbs give you some perspective just how massive the exodus from detroit was between 1950 and 2010 the city lost about 1.1 million residents that's more people than in san jose california the ninth largest city in the u.s they left behind tens of thousands of abandoned buildings and the effects were devastating so what made you stay after so many folks left our job was to be an example you get over a crisis and you continue your life you can't run from reality but there were those like martha who stuck it out and helped turn things around this is heidelberg over here yes we're injuring heidelberg [Music] wow [Music] there's tyree [Music] we're gonna be on the highway yeah come on all right jay have you ever been on television oh this is a first for me yeah martha you ever been on television oh heidelberg television no this is the first you know this is really a big screen this high def stuff is unbelievable it likes the hands coming right at you come right at you let me turn the set off yeah turn it off [Music] hey hey hey mr tyler perry ladies and gentlemen hey how are you my old friend i'm good man good to see you well nothing like making an entrance huh yeah that's right that's right yeah you're lucky doing all right driving a rolls-royce this is a statement piece man a little different when you first came to town huh yeah yeah and my geo metroid yeah yeah how do you even fit in the gym would you head out the sunroof how did that work it was a convertible thank god oh is that right it was a convertible so what was the first car you bought my father gave me his band now this van was the tackiest van i used to think i was like oh man i'm doing it everybody's looking at this band it had a picture of the van painted on the side of the band with dollar signs coming out of the band with money coming out of the back of the van in the picture why what was that supposed to mean that we were rich oh i see it that's exactly what it means robbed me so do people think you were crazy but like oh boy he's going into show business why does he get a real job this isn't going to work i mean there was a lot of that oh yeah my mother my mother wanted me to go she's like listen just go down to the phone company making about three four hundred dollars a week get some benefits that is a good job that'll carry you through the rest of your life yeah fine and did you ever have a regular job i've had every job man i i worked so much i was selling used cars and uh bill collector and shining shoes now tell me about bill collector how would you don't strike me as i mean you're a big guy but you're not an intimidating guy he must have gotten sworn out by every possible combination of swear words yeah but you know the good thing about it it helped me deal with agents in hollywood yeah they helped me deal with agent hollywood so you can't out negotiate me in the contract that's so funny i can't stress how impressive tyler's rise has been as if writing directing producing and acting wasn't enough in 2015 tyler perry opened tyler perry studios in atlanta i mean who owns their own studio what made you get involved in the business side of it and what made you think you'd be good at it i didn't want to be in this business and have somebody else uh be in charge of my material my catalog what i'm doing how i'm doing when i wanted to do it for me freedom represented only my own studio now you've made atlanta sort of hollywood east for lack of a better word because your your studio is even bigger than warner brothers out here isn't that something yeah yeah i mean that's that's quite an accomplishment yeah 330 acres and 12 sound stages yeah and um still building really excited about it so what's next what's on the bucket list what do you want to do i'm just trying to be a good father man yeah just want to raise this kid right make sure he knows the value of of a dollar and who he is who is worth what his worth is and how hard i've worked you know know know about god and faith and just being a good person i just want to raise a good person [Music] so uh when do i get to drive this baby see it was my car i would say no problem ah maybe you could talk to him okay well let's go see the owner and see if he'll let me uh have a little whiz in it no i don't want you to take a whiz in it because that would be a bit of a problem all right all right see you in a minute all right [Music] hello mrs bond it's miss bond whatever so i hear there's a key to a car mastermind can i drive it a woman driving an aston martin i don't think so where are you going i'm going into here so could i get the keys no give me the keys give me the key wrong [Music] [Music] hey how was he he was on the fence but he gave me my own key good enough for me let's go my name is bond gina bond well you are what you drive that's what they say oh let's do it budget i don't know about you but i think she likes it i need to show the machine guns here this is a car that speaks of your place in the industry aw thank you you say you're a big star you should have a big car and they don't come much bigger than this it's good three tons of fun let's do it cam hop in all right this car seat seven for dinner for dinner for dinner comfortable back then yes sir i am so growing up what was the family car was there a car we didn't have a family didn't have family i had to get around we got around with public transportation oh right in the box main street chestnut street i hate that sound so that really inspired me to work my butt off because i always wanted a car and what was your first car my first my first car was a bmw a bmw yes i thought you're gonna say like a 78 chevy bmw i wanted to be like um i think it was kelly or donna from 902.1.0 that's funny what was the first car that impressed you were you going oh my god oh it was a raindrop a range rover okay yeah i just thought it looked like such a cool car it looked like luxury and it looked like sporty at the same time now you're a car girl i know you guys got the jag f-type that's a really fast car oh my god i can tell you like some of the most amazing moments of me driving was definitely in that car do you have any tickets i got one ticket in that car how fast are you going about 120 120 yeah and what happened oh i got a warning i got a warning i got a warning i'm warning 120. [Laughter] [Applause] did you use the car arizona rolling studios and when you're writing and composing would you do it in the car or would you just strictly do it in studio no no i do it in the car too i feel like i got some really good ideas or like it was always something going on on the street i just always felt like i could listen to it and catch a vibe in there right in there i think it's the best way to listen to music is this kind of air conditioning no nowhere encouraging wasn't invented until about 1940. so michael what came first football or cars which was cars oh cars came first cars came first that's why i played football so i could buy cars that's exactly the right answer that is you know exactly why i work now so many people say you can retire why are you working so hard they don't know that i love cars and cars are expensive and they're expensive what really got me in the cars was i grew up in germany the youngest of six and my brothers were all into cars my dad was in the car right when i was a kid he's had real to real of just sound the brakes yeah yeah yeah so we used to listen to that and in germany my brother's on the school bus great cars with gold buttons that's my car no that's my car i gotta beat you we're fighting over cars that we did not own that we could not afford to even put the gas in did you learn to drive in germany i learned to drive in germany so you could go 150 miles an hour autobahn and put the put the pedal down yeah yeah so tell me about that transition from football to tv was that hard it was fun and i found that it was something i enjoyed doing it was a lot easier to get beat up for a living and then it just kind of spun into other things so you've been able to be a kid your whole life basically absolutely yeah just play sports i'd go tv talk to pretty girls you had to grow up exactly exactly strahan may be a big kid but when it comes to giving back his heart is almost as big as his hands i love doing a lot of charity work the charity i stick with now is the saint jude how do you find a lot of these kids show your love of cars or hey yeah i actually have one of the kids i say jude yeah loves cars can we make her day maybe i think she'd love to see your collection bring her is she going to come see us today yeah oh cool if you don't mind i can class now what's her name her name is brooklyn oh that's kind of cool that's a cool name man i appreciate you being generous well let's go do it head back to the garage let's go [Music] [Applause] thank you for the ride yes brooklyn hey there she is there's your bummer yeah hello baby well i got a car that's just your size be perfect to go to school i love it can you see me yes yeah because you're nine feet tall the guy who just ripped his headphones off was the sound man i've got a jaguar that's just your size it's a 1959. whoa press the horn there you go hey brooklyn you know that car there was in the movie cars let's go look over here look over here that jeep is older than michael can you imagine how old do you think michael is 60 70 how old do you think he is 36. that's that's what i love how old do you think i am 36 36 yes so we look alike is what you say we look the same age well the fish and i are strapped into bmw's latest track inspired bmw m4 the 2015 model boasting 425 horsepower and 406 foot-pounds of torque let's give it a shot all right give me a thumbs up if you can hear me back there you got me jay yeah i got it you're gonna have to talk loud all right go ahead and start them up guys look at the start button there on the right press that okay jay can you hear me what is that can i say cuss words on your show yeah go right ahead oh no silly publicist no makeup artist just two celebrities going head-to-head pushing each other to the limit at least until the catered lunch arrive [Music] get a turn all right lawrence has to come off the corner put the power to it whoa bring it in stomp that brake hard all right very nice man good first run pull around and restage it jay you can take off wow i think he's been on one of these tracks before all right jay with a 33-11 quick right out of the box man nice job thanks leno you're making me look bad okay looks like i got the fish out of water but now i have to stay in front thank you thank you for talking me through that because you go faster you got to break sooner right not my rule i don't like it it's just not just how it is okay all right drive it like you don't go yeah now he's carrying some speed j on the launch if you brake torque kit yeah it doesn't like it you're better to just yeah i figured that out now yeah and it'll give you even a better launch yeah oh my god he's got a good time yeah man 37.579 fantastic man all right jay let it rip the stuff that you told me about breaking that seems to be the key to this not a little wide on that one oh come down oh 29 3 4 6. cool but we had a cone flying in the air two-second penalty on that one to check that might be a defective cone defective cone that's what it is [Music] well that was fun that was awesome we got to get a couple of these the car or the track both [Music] now does your wife get this or is this just oh that's herbie he's got this weird thing with the car i mean does she get it no now miles was a big car guy he had maseratis and lamborghini was he a little jealous when you got this car what do you think miles didn't know i had bought this car yeah so after the gig was over he look i'll give you a lift home i said oh thank you miles i'd love to but i drove my car here so we get downstairs miles looks in my car and says cute cute cute right because he was driving you know a maserati anyway i get in my car i pull up to him and his car light turns green i floor it miles floors it so when i get to the stoplight i have time to pull up a cigarette light it yeah it's gonna be cool wait for miles yeah and i'm like puffing them and then miles pulls up on the side and he says what the heck is that that's not exactly his words he had another word and i said it's an ac cobra mal said get rid of it i said why is it cause it's dangerous it's funny and then he cut right out that's funny what's rid of his strength and how many miles you got on it it's gotta have a couple hundred thousand miles a couple of hundred thousand and it was my daily car but then it stopped being my daily car when the value of it started going yeah and herbie really went out on a limb to get this thing back in 1962. he paid about six thousand dollars for it which was a lot of money but today it's worth an estimated two million now was there ever a point you were tempted to sell it like man i paid six thousand it's worth sixty thousand now i should get rid of it it was i almost sold it for ten thousand dollars one time wow i had no idea that this car would appreciate cars didn't appreciate backing up no for me it doesn't get any more bucket list than this driving through the hills of los angeles of one of the world's greatest musicians won the world's greatest cars still got it what a thrill that is oh thanks dave it is i mean it's two american icons the cobra and the hancock oh it's really great man i mean thanks for this well this cobra has a rhythm it does have a rhythm yeah it's got a heartbeat yeah i like that yeah i like that it's pretty cool see this your tesla's nothing out of a heartbeat that's right this blows herbie the love bug away well that was their goal when they designed it to blow herbie the love bug away you know what it is well is this the same car they use in all the james bond movies well yeah this is aston martin this is the latest one the db-11 this was in the last bond film pretty cool this is incredible come on let's put you inside and see let's do it let's do it oh my god look at that interior oh my god look at this wood right and suede yeah and leather oh my god look you know something don't have a play poker oh salesmen see you coming ready to go for a ride i'm ready man let's do it i'm ready you think i could uh trade in my minivan oh yeah yeah almost an even swap oh this is good oh man my butt feels good in this i don't want to hear about it oh that's purring like a kitten i always wonder what they meant by purring like a kid means a purse like a kitten [Music] i feel like bond man judy dench is in the truck so you grew up in flint michigan that's a car town right that's buick city new york city my dad worked for buick oh yeah yeah my grandmother worked for ac spark plug for over 45 years oh is that right yes wow yes that's all we knew i never even saw a foreign car until i moved to california oh is that right that's funny so did you want to be in football or in hollywood when you were a kid i was an artist painting drawing the whole thing i had an art scholarship to my university oh was that right yeah well i had a football scholarship but i actually thought i was going to be a special effects artist oh is that right yeah because once i saw star wars i was like this is it you know movies like aliens star wars all that i was really into that oh that's interesting but then a friend of mine invited me to an audition first thing i ever auditioned for i got oh okay i've lived like seven lives yeah so what's the next life what do you see i mean is it show business to stay or do would you want to be a full-time artist again and do all that or well you know i'm designing furniture now oh is that right i have a furniture line what kind of furniture it's all modern very modern and what's the first piece of furniture you sold or designed a sofa called the ibis sofa but it's really sleek and this is why i like this car no extraneous design no wings no screws no wings no spoilers cause design is all about simplicity cause you know making things simple is really hard right right just put your foot in and see what does all the way the floor [Laughter] well thanks for bringing a little extra energy to the show i really appreciated it oh i got you jay thank you so much man this is a dream come true for me so herbie the love bug is out herbie's done all right it's aston martin time for terry yes black bond that's right the black bond [Music] you know i'm gonna take you on my ferrari california top down top down let's go we got to it's california all right let's do it let's get to it [Music] now before we get going i just got to tell you this i have a lot of super cars and stuff but i'm not a fast driver i'm really like i'm about two miles an hour so everybody sees you i like the cruise really all right well let's cruise we're in california let's cruise between you and me i think nick misses the whole point of these supercars but hey to each his own who am i to say so what is your vision for this dealership what do you see happening i started it just because of my love for cars and all of my friends saying man can you do this to my car can you find me a car and i was like well this is a business and because you know it was costing me so much money to actually refurbish cars now i can get a car to where i'm really happy with it and then i can sell it right and make a profit sounded you hoping you could make a product yeah i'm hoping i got i got some cards i want to show you jay yeah yeah so what do you like doing more comedy or music because you're a good comic oh yeah honestly i'd probably say stand up it's i love music music is like a passion but stand up is how i start it and it's probably going to be how i finish they don't really allow you uh to be in your 40s and 50s rapping no you can't stand up you know i could be like don rickles that's right yeah and they say as you get older you get funnier well you got more life experiences to draw from you know it's hard when you're 19 years old yeah my first wife what how are you 19 years old what are you talking about exactly when i was 15 on stage all i could talk about was like roaches and like puberty and i was in i was still going through that like that was my whole set when did you feel you had made it or maybe you don't even feel anything i actually you know what i don't feel that way because there's so many things that i want to do yeah i mean that's really the key i don't think most successful people think they've made it that's why they keep going yeah so if you don't like to go fast in a supercar why a supercar uh cause girls like it girls like it there you go most honest answer yet thank you the girls give me well because no it's cuz girls like so what was the first car with a girl if you follow my drift ooh probably my my mother's car your mom's gone exactly did your mom know that probably not so she's gonna find out right now find out right now mom i am sorry i'm sorry you had to hear it this way sorry mom oh man look at this you remember this of course i grew up with this i love this a car i can actually sit in man off we go oh man this is great you know sunday we could put eight in here yeah we put four up here four in the back right right i wish you could pull up to my church you won't believe it if you were to do that right now today yeah all of those black guys will be out in the parking lot going is this a road master back in the day the policeman saw a black guy driving a nice car like this they were inquisitive for no reason whatsoever yeah just to bother the guy pull them over hey boy where you get this car from that's what the terminology was hey boy what car is this they had to keep the chauffeur's head in the back and put the head on so the policeman would not bother them judge let me ask you now what sort of encounters have you had man i was a kid in georgia my dad had the cadillac oh you had a cadillac the build cadillac there was a place called the halfway house we got out eating but we had to go around to the back yeah we got the nice cadillac out front yeah but the color folks the colors had to go around to the back all right pull up right in front of here now let me tell you about this place this is called jack's basket this is back in the day when all of the black entertainers were working bevel hills and they had no place to go yeah so somebody was smart enough open up this place and the entertainers would come here late at night they have the chicken and this is way before chicken and waffles it's probably just chicken and grits and grains and whatever but uh so the waffle came later waffle cake yeah which came first the chicken or the waffle so they played jazz here they had fun late tonight it was a place to hang can you imagine billy holliday duke ellington and all of those guys in here and they were the stars yeah greatest thing in the world man come on let's go to the next place [Music] george where are we going now we're going to a place now where a restaurant it was like the end of route 66 after people travel all over the country they got the law saying this this was a place there was a man named clifford clinton so this restaurant is called clipton's clifton crypton jesus first name of his last name this is clifton's wow clifton's open in 1935 was called a golden rule cafeteria because all customers were welcome regardless of their race or even their ability to pay for the food which is pretty amazing when you realize clifton's open in the middle of the great depression with its fantastic decor themed rooms taxidermied animals cliftons has been delighting customers for over 80 years and is one of the few green book listings still in operation today hey guys i'd like for you to meet sochi she's from the los angeles public library hi how are you so nice to meet you she has the real green book so the one you have is just a cheap knock-off reprint this is the actual one well this is one of the original green books dated 1952. so this is just the library binding but here's the real cover you can see some of the listings for los angeles here there are about 10 hotels listed so there really aren't that many it's remarkable clifton's is under restaurants yeah i was reading about mr clifton so he would publish this weekly little newsletter called food for thought and so it would include his philosophies and one week a customer had complained about having african-americans in the dining hall at the same time and so mr clifton published a letter in response explaining why he wanted to have the place open for all and how there was going to be a place for everyone i remember reading a time magazine it was an old issue and there was a letter to the editor the letter said this ridiculous notion of having negroes names capitalized must stop it seems to seem incomprehensible now it's amazing but that did happen a lot of bad things happen there used to be something called sun downtown that after the sun went down if you were still in town you'd be jailed or worse or worse wow it's all over the whole south and so when the blacks left the south they would go pretty much a straight line the people in georgia would go to new york and new jersey and before the green book those travelers they had to pack their own food they sometimes had to pack their own gasoline sleep in the cars if they didn't know of course safe place to stay i've done that and when you say the best food you ever had in your life what a shoe box your mom would have fried chicken she would have bologna and cheese and cookies and a piece of cake every african-american listening right now they're going like oh my god that food was so good it's the old school lunch box huh yeah it was wonderful well george had a lunch trunk it wasn't a lunch box it was a pretty good size you see how comedians can't get along we can't go three minutes without messing up a story we clearly love each other speaking of lunch let's go eat that's what this place is for now i agree with you and as the black people used to say back in the day good bread good meat good lord let's eat there you go how about that [Music] this is the shelby mustang the gt500 remember how the beatles really broke out in england in the 60s this was our beatles and it's just become an american tradition and i just thought i would get you out of the foreign jobs that's my dad calling and putting it's going to take some doing something in america how many horsepower do you think this has take a guess the sounds of that engine is going to be pretty large 760. wow what's that zero to 60. less than three and a half seconds can i go take a look of course go take a look wow oh look at that i love the interior can i sit inside that's beautiful wow well see the cool thing is this car has not been officially released to the public yet and i wanted to get someone who was not familiar with it to get an unbiased opinion you will be the first person outside of ford and their employees and the people who built this car to drive it well before you jay before me i have not driven it yet that's an opportunity i'm not going to pass a proper englishman and see what you think i'd love to well we've only got two seats dave so i'm sorry you'll have to buy for now get back to detroit somehow but listen uh we'll take good care of it he'll be fine you're sure gabe i'll see you later thank you yeah thanks ready to give it a shot absolutely all right let's do it [Music] it's got some power oh yeah power corrupts absolutely but it drives very nicely it does it's surprisingly smooth put your foot on see what it'll do what do you think impressive really impressive it's got a great sound it's a proper car it is a proper car so what was your very first car my very first car like i can answer that question with certainty my very first car was 28 at the time and it was a secondhand porsche targa oh very nice i loved that thing but no beater cars when you were in high school or anything i couldn't even afford to beat a car right i got my first success at the age of 27 and so the car i was able to buy was a pretty decent car and i guess you know that was uh my first taste of the american dream now what's the most foolish car purchase you've ever made a rolls royce wraith bulls right beautiful car but it was like driving a boat every time i took it out a massive thing completely senseless purchase but you have to do that that's how to be in a rock star exactly what is it matt ballen said that driver rolls royce because it's good for my voice we call this the all-american car the mustang the original 350 was designed by a korean gentleman john chun was his name he escaped from north korea went to south korea came to america went to art center college to be a designer and this is one of the fruits of his labor or a descendant of it you could say the american dream [Applause] you're in america you're finally driving an american car you eat hamburgers don't you yeah i eat hamburgers i eat hamburgers let's do it all right i think we'll make an american to you yet with my old friend fellow motorcyclist and comedian alonzo bowden not like a nice getaway in the beautiful brown hills surrounding los angeles this is my personal bike but we borrowed one for alonzo and it's his first time riding it how come lawrence fishburn gets to go on a racetrack in the bmw and i get to go on a dirt road in a euro i gotta make some movies better striker my friend [Laughter] what do you think i hate to admit it because if i tell you this is fun i don't know what you're going to put me on next but you know so many of the bikes is just about going crazy fast whereas this is the only motorcycle i've seen that only goes to a hundred i think if you can do a hundred on this thing you should win something let's see how it does on this track he's gotta be kidding we're not actually going on a motocross track on this thing jay leno has lost his mind what's on the other side well you feel like this thing's gonna tip over hey you okay jay you okay [Music] yeah i'm okay all right [Music] there we go we are cooking now oh man these things are a lot of fun aren't they man this is a blast as long as you don't flip over and kill yourself no that's all right you know we should let's try hill climbing all right let's see who can bring the other guy up the hill fastest all right ready jay one two three go there you go there you go there you go come on come on come on bring the big over here 20 53 a lot of wheel spin yeah any tips no i didn't know what i was doing i would start it think so ready set go [Music] very good wow wow much better very good oh i got 18 seconds now that's how you climb a hill i think you had more dead weight in the side car uh well that's that's true but so far you beat me every time on motorcycles i got to keep having you on the show until i beat you job security jack job security good job alonzo my friend that was great man this was great build the regression bulls strong yeah yeah whatever you just said this is beautiful i never get used to these cars let's take it for a spin you want to give it a shot let's hit a tree yes let's work hard enough in life kids you get to hit a tree with jay leno and lamborghini here we go you ready jay let's do it seat belt on my friend let's see we're gonna hit that tree but we're gonna live let's hit that tree are you kidding me did you ever see one of these in south africa growing up you would see one every three weeks if you were lucky it was still enough to stop everything right but you were a car kid growing up right yeah yeah my stepdad owned his own garage right i spent most of my life fixing cars servicing the cars did you think that's what you would do oh no i hated it more than anything in the world what did you hate about it are you kidding me i hate the oil yeah i hate the i hate the fingers like the little cuts there's always little cuts like this yeah look at you look at that look at that it looks like you're in a fight club yeah yeah it's like all these little it's just little cuts they're not really painful it's just tiny little cuts look at there's like a puppy's paw yeah exactly these hands are made for driving chains right but i will say this the one joy i have i'm sure you experience it when the car is fixed the drive afterwards yeah all right let's open this thing up come on we're in a lamborghini let's do it now see the thing i respect about you and seinfeld and i always have this discussion you respect the art form i mean you're a daily show and making personal appearances but you still find time to do stand-up because stand-up is the hardest of them all to do i don't find time to do stand-up i find time to do everything else stand up is why i'm here right right stand up is what teaches me to write a joke stand up is what connects me with human beings stand up is the only reason i've been able to travel the world stand up is how i got on the tonight show with jay leno yeah yeah like i respect what got me where i am i don't take it for granted i've always been a firm believer and love what you have and you will have what you love right right so so don't live your life going oh if i can get that then i will get no man just do what you're doing now right right so for me that standard i love stand up yeah and just loving stand up and respecting the craft has gotten me everywhere that i've ever dreamed of going or even beyond that yeah that's terrific no i think that's just great i think that's just great well trevor i never thought i enjoyed being a pastor as much as i have now this is really terrific well thank you sir talking comedy one of my favorite things with cars my other favorite thing so i know you've got a gig to get to and obviously you're going to get there very quickly thank you so much thank you mate great job i'm so thrilled we put you on the show back in 2009. can i tell you that was the greatest thing we ever did it's part of the reason i'm here today so i appreciate it we appreciate you thank you so much that's right kids jay leno he'll put you on his tv show and in a lamborghini don't ever forget that hey cnbc fans thanks for checking out our youtube channel here you'll find videos from all your favorite cnbc shows be sure to subscribe by clicking right here click on the videos around me and watch the latest from cnbc thanks for watching
Channel: CNBC Prime
Views: 37,368
Rating: 4.7265821 out of 5
Keywords: CNBC Prime, Money, cnbc, tv, television, cnbc tv, finance, cnbc money, cnbc finance, cnbc channel, cnbc television, business, cnbc business, Jay Leno's Garage, Jay Leno, Cars, Vintage Cars, Classic Cars, Super Cars, Sports Cars, Race Cars, Jay Lenos Garage, jay leno garage, leno garage, lenos garage, Black History Month, Black history month celebration, black history month cnbc, black history month jay leno, black history month JLG, Jamie Foxx, Martha Reeves, George Wallace
Id: 4wyxnZU3cRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 43sec (3643 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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