Bill Burr - Dealing With Death of A Loved One

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i have i have seen up i've not seen it in a long time because i'm uh i'm i get very emotional at sad things and the first and every [ __ ] pixar movie i was going you're not gonna [ __ ] get me again pixar the first five minutes of up i was like in i was inconsolable oh my god i forgot that i was mad at the movie it's like why did they put me through that it was such an adult an adult oh my god i i don't want to i don't want to ruin it for people but jesus the the two things that they hit upon well listen if someone hasn't seen up by this point that's the spoiler is kinda on them all right hit pause cause i'm gonna say it in three two one dude the fact that she she couldn't have kids oh and then she dies and then she dies oh it kills me and then you know michael jacquino who is just a brilliant composer does i actually got the sheet music for because i want to learn it on piano but this just beautiful like waltzy piece that walks you through their lives and they totally suck you in and you don't know you're about to get kicked in the stomach because you're just watching oh these two kids discover each other and they're both kind of quirky and then they grow up and they fall in love and they have this life together and then they can't have kids but they still have this wonderful life together and then and then they're in the hospital and she's dying and like what the [ __ ] [ __ ] you know and then you're just like tears are just streaming down your face i had to pause the movie i was like lydia i can't i need a day i need a day and then we can finish watching the movie tomorrow it [ __ ] read i did the opposite i just started yelling at the tv just going like the [ __ ] are we doing here this is a cartoon jesus christ am i watching a benefit am i at like are we eulogizing somebody it's just like that's but that's pixar that's the pixar way is that they sneak attack you with you know where it's just like fun fun fun [ __ ] you know uh brass knuckle to the heart and i have to tell you something like they nailed it too because when people die that's the way it is yeah the unfortunate thing that you learn when you get older is that you know people just just they're there and then they're not yeah and you and then you gotta wrestle with that and just carry that and and figure out what you're gonna do with that all right and um i think that that's what bothered me because it's like too really like pixar i know that this happens in life yeah i've been through this more times than i want to admit you know i keep a list i keep a list of all the people so i don't forget them that's okay i am i am up to like 40 comedians oh that's hard you know 10 11 12 i mean i lost i lost uh one of my great friends uh found out yesterday and then i i i found out today another guy one of my my drinking brief sort of drinking buddy he kind of came into our circle and then spun out um he's a little bit younger than us i just found out today he died and it was just you know and uh another thing too that sucks is like so many of the guys it's like if they just went to the doctor and got their freaking heart checked right like guys like you're not doing the maintenance you're not watching what you're eating and you just you don't want to go to the hot you don't want to go to the doctor because you don't want to get that bad news but it's just like is you know it's just it's i don't know it is and and and the only thing that you can really do is because there isn't anything you can do about it it's just that unfortunate part of life and our brains actually have a mechanism that protects us from really thinking too much about our own demise because then i think people would just never do anything otherwise these guys have all they can do to get their affairs in order they think they're going to get jinxed like it's a sports like i gotta keep sitting like this and then i'm gonna my team's gonna score a touchdown or i'm not gonna live and it was like um you know one of the admirable the things i admire about women is if there's anything that they feel is wrong they just go to the doctor oh my wife is like my wife is like that yeah my wife is like that and her doctor i started seeing her doctor when we got together and i and i go wow he really tests for everything and she goes yeah because you need to know and she's right but i found out i have high cholesterol i'm in good shape and i have genetically high cholesterol i never would have known if it hadn't been found yeah and then you end up being a ticking time bomb because i had to know i had a buddy mine like in the same shape as me same shape as me you would never would have known it it just dropped it's it's it's let's not talk about the see what pixar does pixar is a scourge i was i was singing the jungle book not like disney's any better no i'm talking about all my friends that have freaking dropped dead dude well i do have to say though uh spinning off of that i because i i i exercise you know three times a week um and something that still rings in my head many times when i get up on the treadmill or i go to start working out with something was an experience that i had with you i think in montreal it just for laughs maybe like i don't know eight or nine years ago whatever it was i was going down to the fitness room when you were leaving and i you held the door before me and i walked in you go as you walk away you go hey it's nice to see someone else who gives a [ __ ] you know like it and that really is an [ __ ] why couldn't i just say oh good morning chris no i'll tell you what i i made me laugh really hard and number two it stuck with me in a way that to you that was just a passing comment but to me there was a real acknowledgement of like hey you're making an effort on behalf of yourself and i acknowledge that i am too and so there was this little mini bonding moment and i still remember that phrase when i get up on the trend sometimes i go hey it's nice to see someone gives a [ __ ] and it makes me happy because it reminds me because when you do take positive steps for yourself whether it's going to the doctor to get checked up to make sure you're on top of stuff there is that subtle nod to yourself of like hey i'm worth it i'm taking this time i'm doing this thing for myself because i you know i don't hate myself completely and i i obviously i must care enough about myself that i'm gonna i'm gonna do this and i don't know it was to you it must have been a very passing comment but i i cherish it i love that comment okay as long as i didn't come off like the idiot i am
Channel: Bill Burr University
Views: 20,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bill burr, mmpc, podcast clips, bill burr advice, bill burr mmpc, id10t, chris hardwick, bill burr clips, bill burr clip, disney movie Up, up movie, pixar up, plot of up, comedy, dealing with death, loved one
Id: wuhYUyZm3wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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