Farm Kid Learns How To Drive Skid Steer

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[Music] it is finally a beautiful spring day here it's not gloomy it's not rainy it's not even windy it's just a beautiful 37 degrees with a fair amount of sunshine that keeps coming and going Jim and I got a whole bunch done in the shop today I ran to town got a pile of parks here and some dog food and we're gonna get a bunch more in the shop right now I got to run down and meet with our agronomist to put together our chemistry and seed plans not that we don't already have that figured out we've got all our supplies bought we've purchased them in December now we just need to go through stuff put it in the individual fields and come up with a really strategic plan as far as what seed is going to go the best where how much nutrients each field needs for the fields that have not been fertilized yet and really come up with an agronomic plan so that we know exactly what we want to do on each field during the spring and then of course as I've mentioned the last couple of years the weather will come in and can completely mess that up for us and then all the plans go out the window and we just get done whatever we can get done as fast as we possibly can Jim left me I'm all alone again here but we got a whole bunch done on this truck to the point where I even wash the windows and there's not really much more that I hate than washing windows it's kind of like cooking and eating I absolutely hate cooking I despise it with a passion but I sure love eating I got impatient tried to go before I had air pressure trailer brakes are still stuck now we're moving now that we got these two trucks ready and the third one is still in the shop having a bottom end put in it we're getting new rings and bearings put in that one so that's going to be a bit yet but we do have some corn to haul probably next week the way things are looking so we've gone through those those are good to go I got the Thunder Creek fuel trailer all hooked up I'm gonna unhook it now and they're gonna come put fuel in it tomorrow the service truck is done we got the tire fixed on that thing that's ready to go a rock picker and tractor there's something I'm going to show you on that in a minute here Thunder is all cleaned up she will be back for this spring again I'm gonna bring it up in front of the other shop here and tomorrow it's gonna get filled with diesel we got a truck coming anyway so as long as he's going to be here I figure we'll fill this thing separately rather than filling it out of our tape one-handed operation come on ah that was exhausting you might be wondering how the battery stays charged up on this thing well you got a handy-dandy solar panel on top you never have to worry about it it's a beautiful thing we should install solar panels on our tractors and semis so here's what's holding me up on this I've got this hitch sitting on here but instead of being like this what I need is a second arm to come up from here and go over the top which is called the hammer strap that way this pin goes in it's a lot more secure because it's it's sort of clevis clamped in between two there I'll show you hang on this piece right here this is what I need it's also what I have what I don't have are the bolts to go through it luckily the parts manager at the local John Deere dealer lives one mile from here so when he gets done with work he's going to swing some bolts by that way I'll be able to put this on and finish hooking that machine up and then we'll have the rock picker all ready to go not that we're gonna be able to drive on the fields for like three weeks but when it's sunny out I get all revved up like it's time to go we got to go we got to go we got to go even though we got a lot of time kids what are you doing do you just wake up from a nap a lot of yawn and where you sleep it in the sunshine I don't blame you I just got this photo from someone who works at one of our local Deere dealers I wonder what that means how whatever I got another semi coming gotta load some beans right now as you can tell I haven't cleaned these windows for a while heck of a nice day I'm looking for more suggestions I'd love to put a giant American flag on top of this grain leg and I want it to be big which means whatever I mounted on has to be strong and then of course I'd have to put a light on there because I'm not gonna climb up that thing every night and take it down but there's a highway that runs one mile up here I want people to be able to see that thing day and night if anybody has any suggestions as far as what you've done maybe in that situation or a company that builds up a kit that would work well or I know let me know what you guys have seen maybe somebody's got a better idea cuz I'm just thinking like somehow or another building a setup a contraption to put an aluminum standard flagpole in but maybe someone's got a better idea than that let me know time to take a quick very important break now you were taking a nap I know you were some quick jalapeno beef sticks now I gotta head down to the basement to the podcast studio for a quick interview on someone else's podcast the compound needs to be cleaned Becky G Mitchell one hour later and it got gloomy out again could be worse [Music] one truck loaded but since they brought both of them here at the same time we'll just go to this second one straight out of the leg that way I don't have to load the cart began to do it and the journeyer parts guy dropped off by both while I was loading so that's nice [Music] do more down I'm done loading trucks for the day and we're running up against darkness and I'm supposed to get in the house according to some of the people that live in there but first onyx wants us kids to your lesson all right onyx victory doughnut here we go oh you got Adam donuts to the left man you're a circle tracker all right onyx once you got the skid-steer entirely down when do you think this will be open for business by testing sir it's only so it's a private it's a private testing facility yep another day another truck we built this drain leg in about 2007 or 2008 it moves about 7,000 bushels an hour so we can load a truck or a green card in this case pretty dang fast we've that empty trucks come in here sometimes and load them up in about six to eight minutes and we'll get them in and out that quickly before we have the trade link we had to pull out of one bin at a time with the 8 inch unload we use 10 or 13 inch auger to pull that up and load the truck it took about 25 minutes to load up own semi load compared to how we can do it now and about eight minutes would probably be the average if you're if you're trying to push it run in these two augers on being just taking me about Kens I love this part another big advantage to having the grain leg is that we're able to pull for more than one grain bin at a time so if you have two different qualities of grain you can blend them off to hopefully make a better quality because the lower quality grains will get doc from the end-user whether it's an ethanol plant or an elevator where a feed mill like these are going to right now they don't want a poor quality grain so instead of getting docked for having poor quality grain if we have that situation which a lot of farmers do a lot of the time we certainly have in the past you can blend that off with a higher quality grain and get a much more consistent grain that everybody's happy with without taking the dockets from the end user more money time to get some equipment back in here for the day but in the mean time something has absolutely annihilated the battery on my cell phone I'm not sure what it is but it went from 100 to 2 percent in I can't like it went from 100 percent down to 2 percent since I woke up 3 hours ago and I've hardly been on the thing oh I left a mess [Applause] I'm working on getting the bench really good and clean here and I noticed we've got a couple things here hopefully just filled up with random stuff that we're not sure where it goes or what to do with it we have some 5-gallon pails full of this sort of thing underneath the bench in the other shop I'm guessing some other farms out there have that same situation I've also got this one pesky jug of exhaust fluid that's been on the bench since last harvest when we had the 780 out here I want to get rid of it because it's just sitting on the bench so I'm really hoping the 61 75 will take a couple gallons nope she's full not gonna take it all look at that half gallon left well that's frustrating I guess I should have just left it in the box and yes I did feel the skid-steer as well so that's completely full that's all we have that takes this stuff you know what I've got a 100 gallon tank on this trailer that's only half full what am I thinking there we go now we're empty he's really hoping the top with a shot right off of there that was gonna be fun I had the smell of a freshly break cleaned bench in the morning and the boss came to help me alright ILA let's go up with this hammer strap hitch on eventually hopefully let me see him are they good ones those are real good ones we'll wash those up later nope I'm gonna need both hands it seems a little long I suppose the reason this one is long because I decided to forego the little latch and spring deal that goes on top to lock pins in but I don't have another large metric bolt that size so this is going to do and I'm gonna scrape my knuckles on that every time I hook something up and I'm gonna hate myself for it now I can complete the task of hooking this thing fully up and being done with it Diesel's here all right let's see how we did it guessing so I got those ones both correct but they're backwards and I need to slow them way way down so number one flow excuse me flow number two is also correct even directionally but it definitely needs to be slowed down a little jumpy and number three is correct okay we're all hooked up here I've got these handy-dandy little dealio tutors I'll call them that go on these hoses to mark these hoses so that I know where they go so that I don't get number one and two mixed up which I didn't do it this time but I do frequently we got onyx over here practicing his skid loader skills all right she's gonna haul the leftover ones back to the shop I'll make sure he steers clear I like okay I like you can go he can see you okay you head through honest keep and watch 200 I let you lost your load you lost the load got a load you back up okay there you go you're all good they're beautiful pretty simple just a little plastic spiral that goes on the big ones were a little tough on my cold fingers but if you're not a millennial that probably won't be an issue you know we're we're sensitive hey you want to take me down to Glenwood to go get that 95/60 sometime in the next hour everyone take admit and acknowledge how upset she is because I told her I wouldn't buy her a new tractor toy when we go get that tractor he used to break my heart if I had to say no and then she would just ask again and I'd say yes but as any parent knows eventually you get used to that a couple of nice-looking machines at 370 and a 410 hmm that'd be fun to run sometime they tricked us again Becky it's not ready it was ready it threw some codes and I'm not willing to take it home that way or it's gonna throw codes at me and I'll have to bring it back live and learn guess I'll just go back to work without the big horse and I won't pull the digger out or field cultivator [Music] Jim has come out to join me he decided he wanted to come have some fun with this thing this afternoon and the sunshine has come out had to take a quick break to unload a couple more boxes a seed we get two boxes there from one of the neighbors of a different varieties so that means all of our corn seed is in now we're still waiting on some beans just a few boxes of beans yet to go but Onix got a little more practice with the skins here so he's getting pretty good at it now he wants to just head off and go do some solo runs again kids in there toys the planter is pretty dusty so you know what that means right I can work on dirty equipment and dusty stuff but why would I choose to do that when I can just rinse it off in 15 minutes I mean I prefer to work on clean stuff like most human beings speaking of clean I may as well let that drip off and clean up a little bit more in the shop hi ila hi Rhiannon ionics I feel like I should address the fire extinguisher issue that several people pointed out when I brought these boxes a seed in here in a previous video yes I did cover up a fire extinguisher back there that we did now not get to but I'm gonna take you on a quick fire extinguisher tour of just this shop so if you look back here there is a fire extinguisher right there you come over this way there's another fire extinguisher right at that door right there we keep an extinguisher right at the corner right there we keep a big one right there under the bench there's a fire extinguisher next to this door and there's a fire extinguisher right there by the pressure washer that's seven right one two three four five wait wait one two three four five six yes seven seven fire extinguishers in one building here 72 by 120 building I am never more than 30 feet away from a fire extinguisher so covering one up back here we're gonna be okay [Music] so now that I've got the floor really nice and clean inside the shop what I like to do is pull this planter through all this mud and back it straight into there immediately so that I can cover the floors with as much gravel as possible it takes all seventy-two feet of this shop to be able to back this thing in when it's folded up so I can't do it when I've got seed totes stacked back here but my plan is to get some hoses hooked up and be able to unfold it and then I can back the whole thing in but if that doesn't happen then I'll just move it over either into the yard or into the shed and get it over here a different day these things are absolute hydraulic plumbing and electrical nightmares there's so many different things to control on a corn planter it's it's crazy what it's come to but it's also part of what makes them fun all right here we go you know what I'm gonna just just do this the easy way there we go much easier I've still got a bit of a rat's nest and some loose ends to tie up here as well as in here pay no attention to the mess going on here [Music]
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 438,213
Rating: 4.9548292 out of 5
Keywords: kid drives tractor, kids on the farm, farm, mn millennial farmer, tractors, millennial farmer, farming, big tractors, welker farms, planting corn, farm equipment, john deere machinery, farm work, farm machinery, Farm Kid Learns How To Drive Skid Steer, how to drive skid steer, how to drive skid steer loader, how to drive skidder, how to drive skid loader, how to drive tractor, millennium farmer, farmer, off the husk, millennial farmer equipment, funny, millennial farmer funny
Id: w98DfACBaXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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