Big Family Farm | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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hi guys welcome back to my youtube channel and welcome back to another sims 4 speed building video or welcome to the channel if you are new here so in today's video i'm going to be building in the world of henford on bagley which is the world that we got from the expansion pack the sims 4 cottage live in and i'm going to be building a big family farm so this house is built on a 40 by 30 and it ended up having five bedrooms and three bathrooms which honestly surprised me because if you look at this a lot the actual house itself is only taking up like a small little portion of it the majority of the 40 by 30 is taken up by you know the driveway you've got some double garages you've also got like the farmer's fields and you know where you have your chickens and your llamas or your cow whatever your preference is and so the actual house itself is quite small i was really surprised when it ended up being five bedrooms but to be honest if you wanted to you could actually add in an extra bedroom because there is a little home office study area in this house as well so if you wanted a six bedroom then there is definitely room for it but getting on and actually talking about this field so this build fun life was actually a suggestion from one of you guys so currently as you're watching this video i am pre-recording this because i'm going to be on holiday so when you're watching this my my goal is to be either laying on a balcony somewhere eating back at chris i know that's very basic but honestly just there is no other there's no other mode like it that is one of the best things about going on holiday just sitting in the balcony after a day of just soaking in the sun or playing in the pool depending on what depending on what type of personality you are on holiday i'm definitely someone that likes to spend a lot of time in the pool and just anyway besides this point when you're watching this i'm gonna be on holiday and so i asked my discord the other day because if you're not aware by the way i do have a discord it's always linked i think it's like the first line of my description box so if you do want to join it feel free to it will be linked in the description box down below but i asked my discord the other day that i'm pre-recording and if anyone had any ideas or like build suggestions i have actually got like a separate channel for build suggestions as well so you don't even even if i don't ask you can always just pop in give a suggestion there's other different channels as well on the server i've got one for you guys to show your household to show your builds i've got one which is a new edition which is sims stories it's basically just a place where if you wanted to you could share your storylines and i think we've done it so i say i think i've had so much help from my mods because if my mods weren't about honestly the server would be very much lacking because i'm still very much a beginner when it comes to discord but my mods helped me set it up so i think it's so you can like create threads and then say if you want to tell like a storyline and then as you like progress throughout your game and like your family changes you can kind of like update your thread and you can just you can just share your storylines but yeah on my discord i have got a build suggestion channel so if you ever have any suggestions for me you can always just join the discord pop it in there i'll read it and i'll you know one day i might be actually able to build it or if i thought i'd build it that week i might build it that week but besides point get back to it in my general chats like the main chat i just said to people i was going away i need to pre-record and someone gave me a suggestion which was build something like a homey cozy family home now they did say maybe build it in granite falls but i i've realized that i haven't been in the world of penfold and bagley in what feels like forever i honestly can't remember the last time i built in this world and it's one of my favorite worlds in the game it's also based of england which i feel like we all know that's where i live that's where the first where i'm from and surprisingly i haven't built in this world for a long time and so i thought i'm going to take that concept i'm going to take the idea of building a cozy homey family home but i'm just going to build it in hanford on bagley and i'm going to make it for my safe hall because this house will be in my safe and so that's exactly what i did now like all the other households in my safe fault and all the houses that i built them i do have a story line in mind for a household that they'll be living here in my safe hall which i don't have anything like this household yet i don't think i'll talk about it in a second but it's nothing not too out of the ordinary don't get me wrong but it was just kind of like the concept of the family and how many family members live together and who they are in relation to one another i don't really have anything like this yet and so i'm quite excited about it but before i get on and talk about that i do just want to talk about what i'm doing right now so as you can see i built the main structure the build and now i'm going around and just playing around with the fencing trying to figure out how i want to lay out the build so over here there ends up being quite a big space for your sims to grow all their different oversized crops and their fruits and vegetables i did the ones that come from the cottage living expansion packing so if you do want to grow like oversized pumpkins or oversized watermelons whatever your preference is there is enough plots for you to have at least one of each oversized crop and then there is also spaces on them planters for like extra stuff like us know say your sims want to grow some like carrots or if they want to grow some flowers or herbs or something there is a plenty of space for your sims to grow whatever they want to and then there is also one animal shed now normally when i build farms i say normally i haven't actually done that many which surprised me but normally when i do family farms i like there to be one of each kind of thing so i want there to be at least one chicken coop i want there to be at least two animal sheds because i want there to be at least one cow and one llama or you could have two cows or two llamas but basically the way that the game works the animal shed you can only have one animal tied to it and so normally i like to place down two so you can have you know one of each but i just didn't in this bill because i didn't want it to seem too squished i didn't want to place it down just off the factory right you need to have a space for a cow and a space for armor if you wanted to you could 100 shift it around a bit and add in another animal shed because something that i've noticed through gameplay and also through building the cows and the llamas i don't actually care how much space they've got because if you've watched my japanese family farm which was the last farm that i built i basically made a custom animal shed so i did this whole like play about where you put the the animal shed into the basement and then you kind of create your own little animal shed yourself so then it matches the build that you wanted to build and then you know you can do it that way and so because of that i've come to realize that the cows and the llamas they don't actually care how much base they've got and so 100 there is room for a second animal shed if you do want to have one of each animal but i didn't want to place it in it just the fact of having to i feel like this farm is quite manageable now i remember when the cottage even first came out which is almost a year ago now which i can't believe that we haven't had an expansion pack within a whole entire year and you know what my luck i bet you as i'm doing this voiceover this week the sims team will announce something or so it might be coming and i don't know about it because i'm currently you know sunbathing or pretending to be a mermaid in swimming pool so i don't i don't know anything currently but i can't believe it's almost been a year since she got you living but when it first came out i remember i got my current household and they had one cow one llama they had like 20 odd chickens i also had a dog and a cat on the farm there was also one of every single type of oversized crop and i remember it was just so chaotic i remember the gameplay was so hard which sims 4 gameplay in terms of levels of difficulty the sims 4 is definitely the easiest out of all of the games in the previous franchise like the sims 3 and the sims 2 you actually have to get your sims to graft whereas if you're like in the sims 4 it's quite it's quite an easy ride it's quite easy whereas i remember when cottage even first came out to have one of every single type of animal to have about 20 chickens running all over the place and then you got like a dog and a cat as well i remember it was just soak and so i feel like with this farm you have space for i can't remember the amount of chickens you can have per coop i think it might be eight or possibly twelve i can't remember my head but you have enough space for a small amount of chickens you also have one animal shed and then you've got oversized cropped planters you don't have to use all of them if you don't want to but the option is there for you and so in terms of gameplay i feel like the house is really easy also the floor plan is super easy and i'm really happy with the way the floor plan turned out the way that i did the staircase is it's kind of like hidden now in a lot of my houses i like the staircase to be in the entrance hallway of the house because i like it so then you know where you are you seem to walk through the front door if they don't want to walk through the kitchen to go upstairs then they can just you know they're walking through the front door and they go straight upstairs i like it that way but with this house where i was imagining it was quite an older little english i want to say cottage but it's not really that small is it so this little old english house the staircase is in this little tiny corner down the hallway it's in the perfect placement i use you know when you can like twist and turn the stairs i twisted it so then it's kind of like the the bottom of the stairs are just coming out from one of the walls you would have seen it anyway but when we move on into the inside and i'll start furnishing you'll see it and in terms of navigating your way around this lot i just feel like it's super easy but anyway getting on and talking about what i'm doing right now so as you can see i have already started doing a little bit of landscaping now i could not have found a more perfect tree so this little area over here so you see this area that i'm just currently landscaping this ends up being the families more of like a personal garden and what i mean by that is obviously the whole entire lot is a farmer so a lot of the time the family gonna be spending quite a lot of their day outside attendance the animals tending to crops and whatnot but i still wanted there to be an outside space that wasn't necessarily devoted to the farm life i still wanted there to be somewhere where your sims would go and have a cup of tea of an evening because i put one of them little traditional tea sets out here there's also a barbecue area there's also like a little seating area i still wanted there to be somewhere where the family could go outside and spend time of an evening but it wasn't so much dedicated to like the farm life and i found this one tree from a live edit menu i i couldn't have found a more perfect tree the way that it bends around it basically creates like an archway of leaves something i do want to point out though is the one that i've used is from the get together live edit menu now i've used this tree a few times in previous different builds and the one thing that i find with it is there's different versions of this tree it's the exact same one but it'll be the same tree from like different expansion packs and i think we might have one from base game as well but if you want to do like a similar kind of landscape kind of thing maybe you want to also do a bit of an archway using the trees and archway in your own build one thing i would say is kind of like a bit of advice use the one that is from the get together expansion pack because i think we've got one from outdoor retreat but you know when you like place down an object or a bit of landscape into the game and it's got that kind of like barrier of how many tiles it's going to take up the one that we've got elsewhere in the menu i find that when you place it down it's got like 12 tiles around it and then if you want to get your sims to walk around it or nearby it they just like won't i think it's nice to do the blueprint of the item but basically if you place down the one that's not from the get together expansion pack and you're expecting your sims to walk underneath it it kind of is like a blockage and it won't work so yeah i just thought i'd mention that just in case you want to also use that tree that's kind of like a little archway i've used it before as an archer and it's just i just love it i just think it is so adorable but anyway getting on and actually talking about the sims that they're going to be living in this house my save file so the sims consist of a grandfather two brothers one of the brothers wives and then a child and then a toddler as well as a cat and a dog i mean obviously there's gonna be like a cow or a llama or something i'm not sure if i'm gonna make it so there's gonna be a cow or a llama by the way when i upload this house to the gallery which by the way i didn't realize at first i now know but at first i didn't realize that when you upload a farm that's got an animal shed and a chicken coop to the gallery that the animals transfer over to the gallery as well if you want to download this house and there's like a llama in it and you want to count feel free to delete the the farm animals and you know maybe name the chickens yourself and make them completely your own is completely up to you but a basically basic storyline of this household off one sim in particular now like i said the household consists of six sims it's a very full household and then we've got a dog and a cat but i was more so focusing the main structure of this storyline of one of the brothers the way that i'm trying to do my save file is i want there to be so many different families with so many different walks of life and i want there to be a lot of different generations and a lot of different legacies in my save but then amongst them i also want there to be a lot of single sims because you know when you create a sim in cass and then you move them into a house and then you know they get a job they get some friends eventually most people get their sims to find someone like find a love interest find a partner settle down get married and whatnot basically in my safe hall i want there to be a lot of different bachelors and bachelorettes so i wanted to be a lot of different single sims but i want all the different single sims to be from like different walks of life so you know i'm thinking it's single sims in the hospital career so if you want your sim to update a surgeon you can do i'm thinking it's single police people so if your sims want a partner that's maybe in the police department they can do so i just basically want there to be loads of different available sims for your sims 2 if they want to get married to and start a family of their mom with and i was based in the storyline of one of the brothers now you know i always said that there's going to be a grandfather two of the brothers and then one wife and then a child and a toddler i was thinking one of the brothers is happily married no they probably found their their partner may be at school maybe they met through doing a hobby that they both enjoy and eventually the the wife moved in to the family i don't want to say a state because it's not really that big of a housewarming estate but the family house they moved in and they're currently raising their two children here but i was thinking that there's going to be another brother but the other brother has yet to found someone you know they haven't found someone that they want to spend the rest of their life with and so they're going to be at this single farmer sim live in the world of hennepin bagley and i imagine that they quiet i imagine that they go to the pub quite a lot i imagine that every single like weekend every single friday or saturday night they're down i can't remember what it's called the gnome's arms i think it's called off top of my head the pub that's in that the world of hennepin berkeley i think it's in the finchwick village but i imagine them to be a little bit of a more playful sim i don't want to say i imagine them to be a bit of a ladslad but do you know the kind of sim that i'm talking about the type of personality i'm trying to say they've got a group of friends they often go down to the pub i imagine as well i was thinking of this story when i was filming this i was thinking that maybe they often go out overnight time and then they'll have to wake up early in the morning and then they'll like not even know what day it is what even the year is and then they'll have to go out into the farmer's field and i imagine that the brother that's married he's probably a little bit older as well and he's probably just you know just kind of jokes around with them saying like oh you shouldn't really be going out and stuff i just imagined him to be a bit of a bachelor basically but a bachelor but pharma version now i was also thinking when i was filming this that they could also possibly be another sibling of this household but not in this household so another family member who is going to be i was also thinking of a daughter so you know the grandfather so i imagine that they would have had two sons and then a daughter just because i'm saying it because you see this door just on the right hand side because i've now moved on the inside but in that room it ends up being the little home office study area and when i was furnishing it i basically i placed down a bed into the corner and i was thinking that possibly they have another sister or they have another brother that doesn't live in this house decided that they didn't want to have anything to do with it being a farmer you know they've been there they've done that they've they've shoveled the good amount of um of stuff from the animal shed and they're just it weren't that kind of thing and so they've moved out and they've got a different career doing something else and they will also be in my same file but when i was doing the home office i basically placed down a single bed into the corner and then i started off by layering loads of different boxes onto it to make it look like there's a single bird in there and it does get used but when it's not in use and no one's staying around it's just kind of like a storage place so everyone puts their suitcases there there's loads of different boxes maybe it's got loads of different tools for the animals or something but then when i was actually furnishing it i found some like new suitcases that we've got from the werewolf game pack and so i decided to scrap the single bed and then just place down some large suitcases there instead but there is definitely an idea that i had that there is another sibling of this household but they're just not in the household there they're going to be elsewhere in another world maybe they're in a waiter springs maybe they're in us windenburg or something they're just not going to be part of the the farm in life put it that way but in terms of the other household members i was more so thinking the wife of the household isn't going to be someone that's going to be very active in taking care of the animals now the way that i was kind of picturing it is both of the brothers they're kind of running the farm they're managing the farm they are going down to the fenwick village and they are selling all the crops the little produce store that they're doing all the farmery things it's a really bad description but they're doing all the farm-related hard craft basically i was thinking that the grandfather he was doing that at one point but where he's getting older he's kind of trying to take a little bit more time to do the things that he loves one of the things i imagine this grandfather loves by the way is it crocheting or like cross stitching so you'll notice that in a few different places as well as in their bedroom in this house i place down like loads of them little baskets so at the same kind of put them out and then to start cross stitching but i was imagining that they've just kind of taken a step back from farming they're letting their sons kind of take their lead with this one and so they just spend their days with their grandchildren and just crocheting and maybe they did you know a bit here and there they do the odd one or two things but in terms of the managing of the farm it's run by the two brothers but the wife of the household is more so the homemaker the sim that makes everyone at dinner of an evening makes you know does all the bacon looks after the children maybe makes lunches and maybe maybe tends for a few plants here and there maybe they really like grown flowers more so than growing crops and so there is some planters in the back garden as well as some other places in the lot so instead of having the overgrown crops maybe they favor tending to flowers instead of i don't know watermelons it was just that was the kind of idea that i've got so you know two brothers they both run the farm equally and then you've got their father who has kind of they've taken a step down they're kind of now starting to enjoy the later years of their life and then we have one wife who is going to be just kind of like the homemaker does the cooking does a clean and so on and so forth and then we just have the two children or a child and a toddler but you know still the children and they're just kids there's nothing really too much to them i find it really hard to give tim's personalities that are children and toddlers but yeah that was pretty much the overall storyline for the sims are going to be living in this house for my safe role but anyway getting on as you've seen and as i've already mentioned i've now moved on into the inside of this house and currently you can see that i'm going around and doing the kitchen this kitchen by the way is so easy for gameplay so i want to mention like all my houses i have already come in and i've already played the whole entire house funny enough only one thing didn't work and the one thing that didn't work was the umbrella stand which i find sometimes can be the case like whenever i come around to places in my house is nine times out of ten the majority of things work maybe it'll be like a case of one thing will be too close to one another or you know you just have to scoot it over a bit but the amount of times i've come around to playtest the house and i've gone to go and get my sim to choose no product because i feel like with every single hallway there needs to be a thermostat there needs to be an umbrella stand there needs to be like some kind of like coat rack or something but i basically place down the umbrella rack and the thermometer the thermostat into every single one of my hallways just because you know where they are that way if you want to make the house cooler or walmart you can do it you know where it is it's by the front door the same with umbrella when your sims walk out the front door i just feel like that's the the appropriate place for one but i feel like so many times the umbrella stand would just be too close to something and yeah that was the only thing that didn't work when it came around to protesting this house apart from that everything else in this house works absolutely fine so if you do want to download it you won't run into any problems but as well as the kitchen you would have seen that i've already done the hallway and then the dining room as well which kind of doubles up to be a hallway now i do want to mention that the piano as well that i i made using loads of different side table and stuff again that works if you're worried about that your sims will sit on it and they'll play the keyboard as if it is a tiny little piano if you saw my video last week where i built a huge family home using custom content in one of the little lounge seating area spaces i basically have a cc piano and it pretty much looks very similar to the one that i've made just using items that we've got in the game so just in case you're someone that plays on console or if you're someone that just plays completely vanilla and you don't play with any cc or mods in your game then that is a way to get a smaller little piano if you want one in the game because currently we only have a massive grand piano or i think we've got three massive grand pianos and then a keyboard there's like no middle ground and so that little side table method where you move objects two side tables onto each other and then murder keyboard in it's kind of like a little workaround but anyway getting back to what i'm doing right now so as you can see i'm currently going around and furnishing the living room lounge room situation i never know what to refer to this room as because you can honestly call a living room or a lounge room so many different things i used to and sometimes i still do i refer to a lounge as a front room even if it's at the back of the house for some it was just it was what i used to call a living room when i watched young group the front room even if it was at the back of the house it made no sense whatsoever but as you can see in here i tried to make it feel as cluttered and as lived in as i could possible where i was thinking that this house is probably a little bit of i don't want to say an heirloom but something that has been passed down for the generations of his family it's not exactly going to be the most well kept most clean most uncluttered place it's going to have loads of bits and pieces loads of bits and bobs from each generation it's going to accumulated a lot of stuff and i basically went through the debug menu and the live edit menu and pulled out anything and everything i feel like a farmer would probably have in their house so i pulled out i think one of the things was like feathers and then i pulled out some mounted fish in the wall and then i also pulled out a little retro tv because i imagine that space wasn't really going to be like a sitting room like this family they're farmers i really highly doubt that they're going to finish a day of working on the farm and they're not popping into the inside of this house and then sit down and watch a film to be honest when you get your sims to be a farmer that that's their life that is their hobbies that is their day job that is there's nothing there's no more time for anything else because it is so time consuming getting your sims to own a farmer so if anything i was thinking that that retro tv it's been sitting on the mental pace for for decades and maybe the grandfather of this household maybe every morning they switch on the news or they listen to what is currently happening within the world or maybe they just watch a cooking show or something like that i don't imagine them just sitting around that that tv and watch it as a family but in there as well i place down some feathers on the wall the feathers by the way if you're wondering are from the cats and dogs expansion pack if you're not aware you can actually get your simmers to it travel around the world of brunston bay and there's these little pile of feathers sometimes you can get dogs to go and like chase a flock of i think it's seagulls on the beach and then sometimes they'll drop basically these fevers your sims can collect them and then i think there's 12 in total of memory but you can basically pile them in and then they can kind of like build one statue but if you don't want to build the statue because sometimes some of the feathers are quite rare to find i find anyway in personal gameplay and so sometimes if you don't want to fast around with that you can just pull the feathers out and then when you pull them out and you place them onto wool they automatically go into a photo frame and there's one for loads of different types of birds like this one's for pigeons and crows and seagulls and there's even one for a parrot so there is a lot of different extra like photo decorations small decorations that you can find in the debug menu another decoration that i placed onto the wall and i'm just about to place one down into this home office as well is it some mountain fish so if you're not aware every single fish that we can get your sims to go and fish for you can find in the debug menu wall mounted because you know sometimes when you get your sims to go fishing and then sometimes i think the options is you can name the fish or you can mount it but if you get them mounted you can find them in the debug menu as well and so because this family are farmers and they do have a pond in their front garden forgot to mention that but you would have noticed it anyway in their front garden there is a little fishing pond and there is a fishing sign so your sims can go and find some new fish in there currently we have two different types of fishing signs in the game there's one which i'm not sure if it's a base game item or if it's a cottage living item because normally before we get an expansion pack or a game pack or any kind of major new pack into the game they'll normally be quite big base game update and they'll add in some features that weren't previously in the game so like for example you know when snow escape came out before that we didn't have platforms but then when that expansion pack was released we then got a base game update and then we was able to have platforms within the base game well basically we've got this fishing sign in the in the game somewhere i'm not sure if it's base game or cottage living or basically it's like a storage unit for your fish there's that type of sign or there's the regular signs that are around the world that your sims can go and fish at and they can find new collectible fish i place down one of the like the debug go fishing signs basically long story short your sims can go fishing in there so alongside you know tending for a llama or tending to a cow and chickens they can also go and find some fish but anyway getting back to what i'm doing right now so as you would have seen i finished off a lounge room and then i quickly did one of the bedrooms now the bedroom that you would have seen me already do was the grandfather's bedroom and then you would also just see me do the little home office where i was talking about the mountain fish and the feathers so i don't know if you noticed but that's when i tried to put in a single bed and then originally i was going to put these cardboard boxes the ones i was going to use were from the eco lifestyle expansion pack and they're kind of like storage units your sims can place things into them and then i was searching for suitcases because i know that we've got one bedside table which i think is from the parenthood game pack and it's basically what looks to be three different suitcases kind of like stacked upon one another i was gonna place that one onto the bed but then when i was searching for that i remembered that in the recent gamepad that we got the sims four werewolves we've got this new chest of drawers and it is these really big suitcases and it is too much it surprised me that it came with that build and buy for that pack because it doesn't really go with the whole thing but tell you what i appreciate it because it's just so perfect for spaces like a home office where you don't really know what to fill out with and you know maybe this this household like i said they've got a lot of stuff where's all their stuff and all their clutter gone for all the years it's probably in the suitcases in the home office but yeah in the home office you would have seen there's also like a little computer desk there is a desk in the lounge room as well but the lounge room desk is more so kind of like a writer's desk i was personally imagining maybe the child of the household they've got like a little diary or like a journal and they sit there of an evening every single day and just write about their life but anyway getting on as you can see i've now moved on to the upstairs portion of this house you'd have already seen me do one of the bathrooms like i've mentioned there is three in total so there is two upstairs and then there is one downstairs as well but currently as you can see i'm just going around and furnishing the first bedroom which is the toddler's room in here i'm so happy with the way this room turned out because i got to use a mixture of my favorite items that we put in the game which is towards like toddlers and children one of the things that is one of my favorite things i haven't used in quite a while is this wallpaper so the wallpaper is from the cottage living expansion pack and i remember when we first got this expansion bag i would use is left right and center every single toddler room every single child's room it is just so cutesy it's got these little tiny bunny rabbits on it's got like little mushrooms and pinecones and leaves and it's just it's very adorable and then also i've got to use this bed which is from the werewolves game pack this third is my favorite one that we've got for toddlers currently in the game but the thing is about it i love it because it's a little bit more rustic it's a little bit more worn down you know the duvo cover it looks like it's had so many different fabrics sewn to it over the years it looks like it's been torn up a bit i love it because of that but then also in the same token it's quite difficult to use because where it's so rustic and it's so to a particular style i feel like if he was building in say for instance i don't know like willow creek or new crest or even a waste of springs i feel like if you place down that bed into a toddler's room it's not going to make much sense but as i am building a farm it quite it went with it maybe maybe the grandfather of the household maybe that was their bed and it was like something that had been passed down through all the different generations or something i don't know it looks old it looks rugged and i just absolutely love it but also in that room you wouldn't notice i placed down one of them big foot teddy bears it's also a doll's house in the corner as a kid's toy box and then i think a bookcase but now as you can see i've now moved on to the next bedroom which is the kids room this bedroom the floor plan is so hickledy pickledy i was really struggling on how to furnish this room because originally when i was doing the floor plan so at the start of the video as always you would have seen me do the floor plan when i came in and i started doing the wallpaper in the forum which i always do off-camera i noticed how how big this room originally was and so then i decided to split it up so instead of just being one big room it's a little bit of a smaller bedroom but then the area that used to be in this bedroom is now one of the bathrooms but then when i did that i then just made this really weirdly shaped bedroom so you can see the amount of times that the balls will go out and then come back in again the amount of different bump outs in this room and just the overall shape of this room is very it's just a bit strange it's just a bit weird overall but i tried to make it work i tried to do my best this was if i'm being completely transparent with you this was my second attempt of trying to furnish this room so the first time that i came and i started furnishing it i put the bed alongside at this wall over here so you see where these white curtains are originally i placed on the bed there but the thing is when i did that i then had all this big empty space the rest of the bedroom and to be honest kids don't have that many things to do in the game i mean there's a doll's house there's a teddy bear there's what what how many bookcases can you put in a room to fit out there is not that much to do if you're a kid and so trying to fill it out and trying to make it feel homey and warm and cozy and not cold was really difficult but in the end i'm really happy the way it turned out so as you can see i decided to use some of these toys that we've got from the werewolf game pack now i sized some of them up one of them is this little shape in the corner you can see i place it down to chester drawers and then this other one i think it's meant to be a wolf but i basically sized up and then i moved objects onto the bed so then it looks like maybe it's the kid's favorite toy and maybe they sleep with it overnight time but then in the daytime they just leave at the end of the bed even though i feel like if you were to do that you'd probably leave it by your pillow but either way i didn't want it to be on the pillow when your sims go to sleep because like i've already said i've protested this whole entire house everything works fine the only one thing that i run into was funny enough an umbrella stand wasn't it wasn't it wasn't easily accessible but the the the wolf little baby wolf it would stay in place i just didn't want it to be next to the pillow and then when your sims go to sleep it'd be clipping into their head and it's just not very realistic so i decided to place it at the end of the bed but then now as you can see i've now moved on into the next bedroom which is the parent's bedroom or the parents to the toddler and the child because technically the grandfather in the household they're still a parent they're just a parent to two young adults but in this room i basically wanted it to be a little bit more a little bit more formal a little bit more put together than the next bedroom that you're gonna see so this is where one of the brothers who i reckon i reckon by the way this brother i reckon is probably going to one day hope to have this farm in their name because i feel like currently where is these two brothers that are kind of doing the same amount of work putting the same amount of effort into this farm i reckon that one day it's going to be like a case of who's going to get the farm one day when you know it's left to us in a wheel are we both going to share it or is one of us gonna take it over full time and i imagine that the older brother that is the parent they've probably got a little bit more authority they probably play a little bit more of a serious role in their farm life and so i imagine that their bedroom is gonna be a little bit more put together because they probably see themselves staying in that bedroom for probably the rest of their lives whereas this bedroom that i've now moved on to this is going to be the room up for the single farmer bachelor if you want to put it that way it's in here i didn't want it to be you know loads of different throw pillows and i didn't want it to be loads of i don't want to say like softer touches so you wouldn't notice in the previous bedroom the bed that i use it's from university it's a little bit fancy i also use this kind of like wedding bouquet looking plant it's like these white flowers it looks a little bit softer it looks a little bit i don't want to say it looks like it's got a feminine touch but it looks like it's got if you want to put it that way a little bit more of a feminine touch where there is a husband and a wife living in there whereas in the bedroom that you just see me do there's not really that there is you know there's folded shirts on the chest of jaws there's some cologne which i imagine you know every single night before the sim goes down to the pub they just pop a little bit of that on hoping that it's gonna attract another sim or something so i just wanted to show you that there's going to be a little bit more of a fancier room maybe it's also in terms of like their their mentality like kind of like their mental state and sense of one of them's a little bit more serious than the other the other one on their bedside table is you know it's it's nice flower displays it's nice little folded sheets inside of like a little rattan basket whereas everyone is aftershave and clothes that they have not yet put away but anyway now you can see i've now moved on into the last room of this house which is the double garage outside so in here it's basically a great space for you to place down all of them things that you'd like in a farm that can't really fit into the inside of the house and also it's just a bit weird to place into the outside so i say bit weird one of the things that i place into here is the recycling machine so you can see it just on the left hand side to be honest you probably could place that outside but i just feel like it's a bit of an iso and so i placed it into the double garage as well as this juice making station which we got from the eco lasso expansion pack and then also place down a candle making station as well as a woodworking table so in terms of activities in this room and between us in total in this whole entire house there's quite a lot going on there's a lot of different stuff there's a lot of different hobbies that your sims can pick up as well as being farmers well i mean i say that but i honestly i don't think there's gonna be any time because like i said being a farmer in this game if you've got multiple different chickens and you've got like a dog and a cat and then you've also got all these other animals it's quite time consuming so if your sims do happen to find a spare minute then they can definitely pick up a few good skills but if not then there's just a lot of stuff maybe there's a lot of stuff up for like the grandfather of the house i don't know they're in their later days they're they're just filling their time out with stuff that they like to do maybe the grandfather of this household likes to make some make some juice and also do a little bit of candle making like i said they do like cross stitching so that is one of their hobbies but anyway as you can see i've now moved on into the next space in the garage it's kind of like a little bump out off the garage and it's basically like a utility room so in this house as well there is a little wash top as well as a washing like hanging line but then i also wanted there to be just in case it's raining outside it seems like when i hang out there washing the rain i still wanted to be a washing machine and a tumble dryer somewhere in this house but apart from that i'm just gonna go around this room finish it off make some final touches and that is basically it so anyway guys i'm going to end this voiceover right here so as always you can download this build by the gallery my original id is jessica yt or you could search for the hashtag or just the hashtag jessicapi as always thank you guys so much for watching this video and as always if you do like my content then please do subscribe and hopefully i'll see you in my next sims 4 speed building video bye guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jessicapie
Views: 45,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 mansion, sims 4 house, sims 4 family home, sims 4 large family home, sims 4 family house, sims 4 save file, sims 4 generations, sims 4, sims 4 house building, jessicapie, jessicapieyt, sims 4 big family house, the sims, sims 4 generations house, sims 4 generations home, sims 4 new pack, farming, farm, sims 4 farm, sims 4 big family farm, sims 4 farmhouse, sims 4 farm build, sims 4 expansion packs, sims 4 huge family home, sims 4 cottage
Id: CZnkcrPiBUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 38sec (2318 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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