Big Culvert Pipe Installation

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good Monday morning everybody it's raining and again like it does every other day it seems like it's drizzling now we're going to attempt to work today it's too wet to do any other project so we got this little probably do it today probably a little bit a couple hours in the morning well there's an old pond right here they wanted to do away with there's a 30 inch pipe that's was clogged up failing they pumped it full of concrete and for some reason the I don't know what somebody did here they put this new pipe in way up here but he doesn't want any water out here so they put that in and now it's stays full of water they're trying to do away with the pond as it's more of a muscle and it discharges out over here and just pours down the slope will eventually erode all that out and wash it all out like it's already doing right there so what we're going to do today is there's the old farmhouse back there in the back there's a phone line they say there's about five or six of them but this is the one that's good seems like every time they get cut they run new line and evidently there's a lot of ABC in this pack and we're gonna locate this line I'm going to go get to 160 we're gonna take that tree down we're gonna dig this out and set a 30 foot stick a 48 inch aluminized steel pipe in here and that'll be big enough and adequate to carry all this water and not get clogged up and the last time the water went over to Road as you can see down there and washed it all out and some a havoc he had somebody come in here and pick new stone so he can use his driveway we're going to find this phone line and then hopefully the 1/60 will be here and we'll take some trees down and get this dug down let this water out slowly so it doesn't blow out a pond below it and you'll go get that fight and we'll get it shut in place evidently we have the world's deepest phone line because I'm down 16 inches through a solid rock dress and still haven't found it for about two feet wide here someone take the mini and pull this back right here just only where we've got it explosives we've got room to step down in there and dig down deeper I reckon so pull that back and we were only about hey three inches from it and see it right there hopefully that's the good one the only one I found was gonna hack that one act like that one's the good one it lines up with the mark he said there's four or five of them more of them in here but uh he wasn't worried about them he said he really wasn't worried about that one he said if we break it they put a new one in but uh we're gonna try to salvage it no need to rip up a line if you don't have to and I'm gonna wait on the 160 to get here take that tree down move this concrete go ahead and cut a ditch through here and let some water flow marking the I'm running down the side start letting something water out we found the right one now [Music] the matter [Music] lay back he said there's a bunch of old ones in here so I'm when I heard that one dead [Music] even I should probably leave it reason that it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hunting down beside I got to get all this blinged out [Music] three [Music] well go ahead and dig out on this side now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I come in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] technically I did find it others didn't break it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm cleaning up around that [Music] all right ready paranoia [Music] we'll let that go and bring it down and now we wait for the green didn't even break our wire right there right then tim was a good fodder we did good yeah we didn't hit the life stuff I didn't break that one and newly I don't know it's uh it's definitely chopped in half now but it was no good it was plenty deep enough it was plenty deep enough we'll let this drain down and I'll take another few inches out keep fitting it down then we'll Dam it up and get our pie plate in here so in the process of digging the trench we found I don't know if it was the old concrete or block I don't know what it is Oh mill damn farm damn or something but uh I scratched and beaten Claudette and couldn't get it to break free it's about two feet wide I need this trench to go down about probably six or eight more inches so I took the saw and cut some grooves in it and hopefully I'm taking the Machine and I've been antique now dirty as I've been all year Tim and see do what it's Tim's fault but I'm gonna see if I can call that and break some of that loose so I scratched and clawed and we've cut we cut slices all in there with the saw I got it down probably four to six inches maybe there's so much rebar in it we had to give up on that it was going to turn my bucket all to pieces trying to break that concrete so we got it down low enough there's not a whole lot of water left I can't reach that right there to knock it down but once it washes down it should be any water left out there and then we get a few big rains it should wash all that sediment down and fill that in and pretty much everything will be fine so I'm going to let this water run down a little bit more damn it up great in the bottom mount and go ahead and set this pipe in they're gonna wrap the chain around it found the center look it up [Music] [Music] [Music] what kind of nampara [Music] I get about [Music] I don't know I got a fancy hooking you brother fancy got a little dog even frost do it [Music] make pie [Music] water [Music] I'm sure it isn't Lauren all right than the pie [Music] hey I can I can walk it over there it's gonna go all over place when I go over just pile of dirt [Music] [Music] they just hold up on that phone line I'll slip it right under [Music] they deliver read the name on in there but out no not that one who tell them back and unhook it around the pot and I'll just pull it straight out [Music] I didn't push it with the bucket Fr [Music] [Music] we got the 30-foot [Music] [Music] at the nightmare can I can get the shovel at it [Music] five sin [Music] we got the five foot in and packed around the rest here [Music] you're tracking in you know put in put on it to get it possible you can tell anything happen get out we'll go ahead well I got it thing [Music] bring down there freak [Music] [Music] [Music] and pull that phone line up just take a little dirt under so when I pack it it doesn't break it [Music] [Music] five [Music] here holy stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a little more in here and and in the final [Music] mr. Bator pan [Music] [Music] thank you well now that I might do [Music] [Music] very bad [Music] [Music] we got [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] make through okay [Music] thank God [Music] mid wall over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and here we are all done Monday our morning of day 2 which is Tuesday got our pipe put in new stone put down all the concrete put around it and got it all packed in they say it's just the whole farm bad let's see if I jumped in here without falling water is coming out onto the dissipater up foot there's a stick in there and they can a kick up it's flowing right out right on down into the street they're got the concrete banged in here and mash down and pipe down here I put it around it good water flowing in that few rains that silt in and there should not be any more water out here and the road is done off to another one
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 488,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, farm, path, pond, overflow, drain, pipe, culvert, dump, truck, trucker, hauling, trailer, plastic, skid, steer, bobcat, loader, CTL
Id: i6x0snPUujE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 20sec (2300 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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