Big boys time! High cost deck! | Inscryption Kaycee's mod

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hello everybody so if you're again with another inscription casey's mod run now before i begin i want to point out that i'm not gonna do the every single challenge challenge run yet i'm gonna do it the moment casey's mod officially launches to the game you know instead of being in a better branch or whatever uh as a celebration i guess you know as a as an event that will happen at the same time when i say same time i mean it might have one day of a difference because i don't know when the game is gonna get launched and it's not like they're announcing that they're gonna launch it in three two one it's like it just happens so yeah let's go into a normal run though uh what should we go with i could go for i don't wanna go eggs i could go for expensive deck the dry expensive deck let's go with the second quote-unquote broken deck that exists in the game which is the expensive deck that's having been told i had a discussion with somebody about this i haven't been told that uh yeah it's completely broken let's not start with hook because i mean i i don't need it and let's do just a normal simple one as we always do ah gamer's uh game is for frozen games like what you want to go with expensive deck what now the thing is that the expensive deck is not as completely busted and broken as the one car stack because you cannot really control what you're gonna draw still you can't you you can't have a good control of always drawing the black code but other than that you will not have really good control over anything else i mean when i say you i mean i i guess ui same thing we together let's see what we get okay we got fuel mice right away which i really enjoy and also i would say elk first of all i will not get a single one cast again like yesterday but the difference is that we're gonna have the black code facilitate me being able to play a bunch of expensive units so it's not like we will have a a one cost 20 20 triple strike immortal thing we will most likely have an immortal black coat but other than that we will not have anything else that is like something insane or anything so i can go with field mice being able to play two of those with a black coat or even transfer it down to the moose bug so field mice is definitely happening by the way this is the nerfed fecanity oh in case you didn't know the moment uh you buy something it instantly gets transferred over here this is the nerf veconity so it's not gonna create infinite cards it's gonna only give us one card and and then it's gonna remove itself from the card so what should we go with raven rat king or elk or round queen i don't think i want to go ant queen honestly honestly honestly i think alex is a good choice i think elk is a good choice yeah i mean i don't really like it the thing is that i was even more wrong about sprinter so i said that's winter trash because you cannot recalculate where she's gonna play something so your unit is most likely gonna go and walk into death yeah it's actually worse because leshi does actually see the sprinter going off to the right so he does actually predictably play cards in the spot where the next round you will lose your elk so it's even worse than i thought it makes sense though makes sense you know when i hate something it makes sense that it's more trash than i even thought it was i'm i'm just making fun of all the people being with it anyway let's go with raven i guess two three flyer maybe does something maybe doesn't ratking gives us bone but i'm not gonna go into one run and ant queen gives us an ant but don't wanna really go into ants i can play end queen turn one and then turn two draw scroll and play the end after that actually if i achieve an infinite black code it's a good unit yeah let's go with end queen cancel that i get cancelled let's go left because i want to get rid of the moon transfer on the moose buck the moose buck is a better mould than the mall ever was that that could be like a start of a rhyme but i'm not a rapper and i'm also not good at rhyming things anyway in english so we're gonna continue random stuff swift says uh most likely flames most likely flames see what we get here okay we didn't draw it very good but we drew a decent let's go here into this which will give us obviously more grand hit one up we take two it's okay and now with the work grant on the field we will have a double kill power i really want to get obviously a cockroach if possible let's do two damage here i'm gonna do another two damage here we're obviously gonna see the glitch uh it's it's always making the glitch animation when you play this let's see it uh okay i guess i have seen it already on the save file so it doesn't happen twice i thought it happens every time you play field mess within the run but seems like it's only a one time thing for the whole save file uh i'm gonna reroll here let's see what we can get okay we've got the three clasps we obviously go for the three cards especially because this is one of the good ones blame um i guess damage yeah i guess forgot the t you could put greater we could put flame on greater white and then transfer the fuel mice on it although this is as always a dangerous car because it has underwater i could also put it on field wise honestly i think i want to just flame the great white ones and transfer the field mice onto it i think that's the most simple solution there here so let's just do that [Music] and we are off because five two is pretty decent most likely gonna go this path put some life on something i know we could have put the flame on the wood for candy but we all know that i'm not gonna play for candidates for what it is like and i i don't think anybody ever keeps the field mice as is you always want to play for kennedy on something else obviously i could put it on the goat but yeah we're gonna go for infinite lives on the goat i'm gonna go the more powerful route on that one no no he got hit how is it how did it happen that i drew two times the same thing as my opening hand like literally the same opening hand what are the chances i mean we we miss little here because that thing is gonna block us anyway i mean we we do get lethal we miss the money up heads off let's go this path two times i can choose all of my own please give me a cockroach cockroach cockroach easy that's that's how you get the cards you want by the way you just request them and it just happens let's continue uh live i would say let's put it on the ant queen yeah i'm not gonna transfer this anywhere the moose bug doesn't need more life than the seven and the great white doesn't need more life period although i could give two life to great weight just so that it doesn't die from by not sparia from spikes is there a chance that the great white will die from spikes yes but is it really gonna happen i mean i don't know you could just put on the moose buck making it the better tank that would be very simple let's just make a better thing i could also try to force to burn out the and yeah i didn't think about that i could have forcefully burned out the end of the deck let's see where we go are you kidding me this is three third time for the third time we literally drew the same deck okay this is the part of the video where i ask if somebody wants to calculate the chances of me drawing literally the exact same hand in the exact same order was it in the exact same order or was it one of the times the field match on the second spot on the end queen on the third spot i don't know i would like somebody to calculate that and black code was never the third card so that means the the free card system did not rust the black code we actually drew it randomly completely randomly completely completely randomly is what i meant randomly completely it's as if it's a spell doing [Music] some kind of harry potter randomly complete because i don't know let's go and easy win up i'm still gonna go for the totem doubles for them when you get out double totem it's a good chance to go for it another black goat oh uh i think i want to take it because right now i cannot transfer the cockroach onto it and later when i do transfer the cockroach onto it i can send the black coat off to the what is it called i can send the black coat off uh two bones to get eight bones so then i can even get a bone card although i'm not gonna get a bunker in the deck why did i do this it's okay it's not gonna be the end of the world here three items uh i mean i definitely want this but do i three items will i get another one the moose said like the chances are pretty slim i'm not pretty slim they're slim ish but uh the chance that i get this i can get a better sigil i can get best usual yeah there are sigils that we could get let's let's try to roll maybe for a birth schedule you know items is very strong don't get me wrong but the head is more rare to get like one out of six or something okay we didn't roll really that well that good sigils but this this works i mean it doesn't work for the goat maybe i made a mistake maybe i should have gone for the infinite items i would have had infinite items by the way because the goat would i would then try to chase down the head right you know what i made a mistake i should have gone for the infinite items classic stiff changing opinions all the time in within a millisecond oh well uh look at this well look at this the pack rat actually became a black coat literally almost the same thing literally on i mean literally almost doesn't make sense as a sentence let's go here no i'm sorry for that me calling out a big no but i should have played the black goat obviously and then the work grant why do i make mistakes like these it's okay though yeah blessy do you do you forget how ants work or did you think that i would kill the coyote and not kill the backland coyote like what what exactly was the plan like literally what was the plan last took damage here now that this goes off now we go with uh let's con let's try a squirrel so we have another ready we got little here it's gonna hammer slammer obviously let's see if i can get the shark instead of the moose as it would for the shark right now can you move the packing from there i guess not okay we did not draw what i needed but it doesn't really matter i'm gonna play the moose buck pop let's get out of this maybe shark ah we did not curse you gidem let's see if we can knock oh we drew the shark actually look at that wait look at that here and let's go oh look at this the moose buck became even more powerful it's a 49 because of the bite thing and now we're gonna even do a bunch of lethal damage here to get some money although i don't really need the money but let's not forget because this is casey's mod you can actually use the money to buy a knife so if i'm gonna get forced to go into a shop at least i can buy the the the snip knife i guess should also use the pliers to get rid of them what we can get i like gorilla boros for a transfer i like rubbers in general i mean strange a lot of us also let's go to boros let's go roboros it's one of those it's one of those it's incoming do you remember yesterday do you remember when yesterday when we played yesterday okay i at some point i at some point i read the devlogs and in one of the vlogs casey is like the stupid frequency combo with this is stupid let's rewrap here obviously no no how will i get rid of these cards i guess we can take wolverine and try to transfer it on something i did not want to have five this is really bad uh i guess to get the wolverine kingfisher on something on what no let's take wolverine ah really bad really bad we had six chances to not draw a one customer bonecast and we obviously failed on all of them let's go this path yeah i definitely would like to avoid that and i also oh i can flame the wolverine out of the deck i'm gonna choose this path to literally flame a card out of the deck i'm crazy did i go to the shop though on the other hand let's go this path and hope we don't lose by the way back at the clock obviously okay it's combining there i'm gonna burn the wolverine out of the deck at some point and obviously this is my starting hand but i'm lucky enough to have the [Music] i have the great white here five damage and we win let's go next fight yeah uh yesterday of course we could have had a shop right away after that but i don't know we're gonna go this path we're gonna go the safe path blood cost nope nope nope okay we're gonna re-roll here for the three cost as the only three cards there are only four cards one two three and bones so you should always rule if you don't find three cards here at the end of the day it's just gonna just be the same literally if it's not gonna be the three cast it's gonna be the same thing that already rerolled so let's hope painting is there nice come on give us a better system last time are you kidding me i guess we're gonna get this kind head is he a paint see a flame i'm not really chasing the paint honestly like that's not the thing i care about and of course we got hit by the downside of having a bone unit the bone unit counts as a one or zero quest unit so it doesn't actually force me to draw the thing i need anyway uh well i can't play anything so we're just gonna pliers and then next turn i can try why would i players pass take two damage here if i would like to break the great white the thing is yeah i will need to play the players i i think i'm also about playing the clock at the clock it's gonna move this kind of evolved that's why i want to play the clock to clock i want to make sure that this thing is not going to evolve right now so let's do this let's do this see this thing is mine pretty much now we're going to do the i don't even need to do this anymore yeah i don't need to do that anymore so we go here into here into hope now this is gonna block and backline kill the elk pawn clock at the clock is broken man by the way you should always use items when they actually make you win pretty much literally after you use them i'm gonna use the players here in a moment i'm gonna get rid of them get something better oh let's also get some money now the players might have saved us by the way at some point i need to get rid of the stupid bone cost card in the deck i don't see you getting rid of happening anywhere okay we're gonna go left there and burn i i don't need the the cloning i don't even have an insane car to clone anyway exquisite belts well we don't have exquisite faults over here at sift incorporated i mean it's not incorporated i think it's just okay we got to throw something out of the deck there so if the flame is not gonna work we're gonna flame it burn it over there where is it burn burn you can only try try twice on casey's mod okay would be nice if the flame would come first oh the cockroach is still in the deck this is not good this is not good man this is not good this is not looking good at all i'm thinking about drawing the squirrel and playing it here so that we instantly get hit by alpha to get the rewards to be a 2-2 and then next turn we draw a side deck card or where did that we lose this fight i don't see how we can win this fight at all um because if i kill the alpha first of all this fight has another card coming in yeah let's play the squirrel let's play the field mice right away i'm gonna try my fastest to control here what's happening here we're gonna take three of course the wolverines coming in of course the wolverine's coming in okay i can take two per turn we're gonna get rid of the raven egg because if i let the wolverine come in with toast [Applause] okay i have enough bones for a cockroach roboros which we're gonna obviously do um yeah we're gonna do that it's gonna give us two bones back anyway we're gonna play it here so that it dies then it comes back as a two-two backline attacks the wolverine which is gonna come in attack at once and then still not kill it yep everything's still going fine everything is under control i need to draw a real card to be able to sacrifice the squirrel or the cockroach we're about to take three two damage two damage that's manageable once again we're most likely gonna lose this so if i draw a squirrel i play the auroboros now two two kill the raven egg we to do damage on the left he does do damage to us no raven comes in we kill that we we lose the field mess by the way if we do this whole thing hm should i lose the fuel match right now should i kill the wolverine if i kill the wolverine we take two damage in the air and we lose yeah i cannot kill the wolverine i have to kill the raven egg so i draw a side the card it's a squirrel i plow this i i i play the i play the robots over here it kills this raven like we do to damage this raven egg kills my field mice okay after that yeah this is not happening i don't see how this is happening and i can't even play the cockroach here because it will kill the elf and then the wolverine will kill the cockroach i mean maybe that's what i have to do yeah that's what i have to do because then the field mice can kill the raven egg and the robots can control this lane yeah yeah yeah that's what we're gonna do let's go hop up oh oh that's dead this is dead let's go so now we also protect our field mice i mean not anymore obviously that gets buffed let's try a real card see what we get the wolverine very trash of course you would draw the wolverine what else would you draw um field mice or bravo neg dies dies we take two damage next turn my field mice dies because the weapon comes in would i not have drawn anything else yes okay this thing will evolve so we will die how many bones do i have i think i lost like one unit so i should have three i think it's three i cannot really see what i think i see like one is exactly on the on the on exactly behind this spot and you cannot see yeah it's like for half a second i see it so we have three if we do twin take four adjust the risk you know what squirrel we do two and take two awesome plus that and we get a bone out of this ah yes of course it's over because uh after the next turn i cannot draw two and do two actually i will be able to play the wolverine here to counter balance the balance let's do this it's so stupid man bone units i'm gonna fight this fight until we win this is my last score pretty much okay wolverine blocks that this blocks this okay i'm still forced to play the squirrels here actually i'm not pass we do do we take two my wolverine beats the other wolverine scoop thank you leshi thank you leshi i was winning anyway at the end but still that was really tedious okay we're gonna get another wait here i i'm starting to think i should just throw away the just throw away black coat or throw away the wolverine man we almost died from that thing if i throw away the goat i get eight bones and then i'm able to play the cockroach and the wolverine but the wolverine still has to get removed from the deck because i need to draw my my black coats like this has to not be in the deck for sure so wolverine has to go and black cockroach will get transferred so let's throw away the wolverine i know it's a 1 7 but it has to go flame damage nice okay we're gonna put damage on the other great white no i'm kidding let's put a bunch of damage on raven and if it dies it dies run the field much for that matter now let's do it on raven you're out oh he's here nice nice nice nice nice it's set to cost four three and now please game can you like just give me the thing i i just realized that because it's casey's mod now right now we're fighting the trapper i forgot that we were fighting them in different order and because i think most runs both runs we had it happened that they were in the normal order okay of course we drew the cockroach for our for our free unit that queen and great white i mean i can play add queen here it will block the hit yeah let's just play the end queen there i mean this should be a really easily manageable fight do one we take two i know that we will go up to do damage so so she is able to easily both of them are actually easily killing those and you can also go over now let the cockroach exist for now we're gonna play this on the end let's slopeless slow play this as much as possible the goat is here well well well look who came and look who's here okay now i can play the great white and now is a good chance to actually play the cockroach on the right it doesn't matter that the red heart is there let's uh the red heart will not do any damage whatsoever as long as i don't sacrifice anything so i i will just not sacrifice anything or i can just not care and play the great white that does five damage how does this exactly work the wide representative residual will be equal to the number of sacrifice made so it's either gonna be four if the goat counts okay we're not gonna risk this like at all and how can i not risk this at all pay the cockroach play the cockroach here that's how i don't risk this nice okay let's now see how much damage this thing is gonna have is it gonna be four or is it gonna be two let's do okay fair enough okay now the cockroach can become water because at this point we have one completely control the fight again i will take a hit here but it doesn't matter bullfrog is also not gonna matter i already have i'm ready to do five damage so we we already control like the match completely okay moosebug let's also play the cockroach here for free free whatever this is called ass the pelt belt health is what it's called hey very nice try to draw the goat nope easy win nice up i like that we don't have the ultimate combo active by the way let's see what we get are you kidding me leshi do you see what you're giving me and the most useless one of the most dangerous one from these actually here it it really doesn't matter with what we have right now that [ __ ] you crazy man you create did you see what you gave me man did you see what you gave me a 10-1 double strike here pass give me my money give me my money for the rest of the run [Music] although i think i already am super rich 41 yep i'm pretty rich yo up let's go okay so i need 100 of the time need need need to get a sacrifice shrine we are forced to pick the pack right here because the other twos do not fulfill the the forceful thing of either and to pass not a bone not a okay we found sacrifice if one sacrifice so and then i will see the removing carpet oh [Music] it's doing it on purpose man it's doing it on purpose i'm telling you it this is happening on purpose it seems like the game tries to force you into doing a a mixed run i guess but no that didn't happen yesterday maybe it's not on purpose anyway let's continue i'm gonna go throw away the the other thing i i wanted to throw away the goat though but i guess i'm gonna try to burn out the other goat or transfer it or something anyway this is obviously one turn win here you go did they say obviously you want to win why did i think that infinite black gold is gonna give me infinite units at the same time i'm i i don't know for some reason i thought that go what i don't know this is not a free win we're obviously gonna play the field match over here okay i should definitely try to force the item sigil a pass nice a gag since windows unless you play gags since when does less she play x here and that's going to be backlinking on the left side we do two we take one the field much dies what is this fight give me a good card please what oh we we are about to take for damage i was so prepared to sacrifice the field mines for something good and obviously that she played the rattler over there yeah i guess uh i guess we're gonna do the pliers do you think we're gonna lose first of all let's play the black coat here just to gain one more bone out of this pass and we take four damage oh this is not uh this is not recoverable we lost yeah we we cannot play anything yep obviously we cannot play anything us we take a loss man it's it's not it's not going well it's it's really not going well man it's not going good yep yep it's really not going well trapper force trapper here but there is a shop on the right yeah i'm gonna get like two knives if possible can i get like 10 knives i would like to get a few more knives please i guess not see the first shop pretty much who when items are two choices i think i want to go here sacrifice the second goat so i don't draw it and then it's 50 50 cockroach against black goat but at least the cockroach is gonna have eight bones at least we're always gonna have eight bones right in the start so it's something and then i will try somehow to remove the cockroach from the deck too but if it happens it happens it's like we're gonna go to right there and if i don't start with the coverage in my hand we're pretty much dead let's uh throw away as i said the black code number two as i don't want to draw it anymore at this point it's 50 50 if we draw the cockroach or the gag the this is called the the goat but as i said we have nine bones now so at least i can play the cockroach minimum twice of course we drew the cockroach of course we drew the thing i didn't want to draw but this is this is manageable we're gonna go here we're gonna go here then we're gonna go hobarty poverty here we're gonna go here and we're gonna play this again and we're gonna do this again now that itself already gave us enough and now i can play this and it's lethal as simple as that here we're gonna go shop to remove the rabbit pill from the deck and also get items because i don't have items i don't need to combine anything for sure and i also don't care about painter right now like what would i even paint so let's go this path let's see what we can get okay um everything is trash i can i can take the beaver and transfer the pack right onto it but for that to happen i can i have to first transfer the cockroach onto something else i can transfer the cockroach onto the pack rat and if i ever draw it by having the black coat and the pack right i can play both of them them again and again and again and get three items like a bunch of three items so let's actually do that here though i guess i will take this because it survives a hit i guess i take this because it's a riser hit or i can take red heart because it has infinite damage if i ever draw the black coat and the uroboros or or if i do the transfer here then i it will also have an infinite attack if i draw packrat goat or ruboros plus this thing otherwise this thing isn't really that good i couldn't go for 2k vulture no that's uh let's just go with montreal it's just a simple two two that at least survives a hit [Music] we're gonna get our items up uh oh i don't see sacrifice coming up at least i will have a forced sacrifice before the final boss do i need a black card i don't think i need the black code i mean i definitely don't need the black code let's get everything releases sigils yeah this is like the double event that means that there isn't anything more to go on here it's a guaranteed no sacrifice before the final boss of this area we drew the cockroach and the goat well that's not good that is actually not good can we even draw my material man this is the difference between the insane three cast deck and the obviously completely broken mantas god deck run i had a discussion with a person over at the modded another modded i think at the official discord server of this game i think not even not the modded one and the discussion was if it's better one of the two is better the the three cost for easy insta wins or the one cast mantis god instead wins and i mean we are we all know what the answer in my opinion is let's also play this do not take damage or to you know overkill money gain easy enough you're obviously gonna go left here because i want to be able to choose what i get hopefully it's not gonna be three cost at one cost okay we are already taking this oh i'm obviously not gonna rule let's go here so we are gonna use the at the very very last event you know what honestly i'm i'm really happy that this happened the way it did right the whole run was a normal run with me all the time nagging and being negative about the fact that i didn't get my super deck because that's my character in case you're the first time coming in this it's my character like i very often talk about the negatives and the positives okay i think i'm gonna take the beehive it's better than the eating thing or i can take insects and put the eating thing on the insects how many insects do i have i guess two yeah i think i'm gonna get the bee hive on the black coat so at least if i can use it to block let's take the beehive and put an okay i just realized something very important realize something very important in case you don't know the in cases mod they just changed the beehive thing so the beehive does have the sigils of the card that produced it right so theoretically the beehive the b from the beehive should also have the triple cost thing right if i don't drink good deck here we lose by the way oh no we lose we lose we lose we do actually lose because he's gonna play a straight up a shark next turn it's gonna be a straight up shark this is a hoof i didn't realize that this is a ball and this is also an extremely dangerous car to play but i have to play something i guess we play material plus cockroach like this combo works yeah and we're gonna try to we're gonna play the material over here so it will block the shark that will inevitably arrive at the next turn at the next turn on the next turn we're gonna do we're gonna go the we do to intake to approach here i could get lethal but the thing is that next turn the phase with the sharks is most likely gonna kill us if i get lethal right now actually it's definitely not gonna kill the material and this thing moves around all the time well if this thing dies i still get a b out of it and the cockroach will be back in my hand which i will be able to play and that will give us more damage let's let's actually try to win right away [Music] pass this will also give us a b can i hear this is really not good let's go real card nice nice nice nice nice nice nice so we go cockroach we go you don't even do anything we go over here and next turn we win because this thing is going to be able to block the hit from the from the shark and because the shark has underwater it will actually you know let us do for damage everything is calculated as always boom done win easy enough you see with whatever card we got in the starting run literally i just i think i just drew one card right where did i also draw the field noise i also drew the field my so i drew one two cards pretty much the field mice and one and one squirrel which i never used product nice okay the nice goes towards the fact that i don't want to have cards that cost the bones so let's go on malcolm as it's obviously a better card than horrock what do you mean obvious it's better guys product is like a 2 1 one five that will never see the light of death getting buffed we got the sacrifice man we got it we actually got the sacrifice let's go you know we got the broken build literally in front of the literally in front of the final fight uh let's put this i would say on the great white because bombs are gonna drop no we're gonna put on the pack right because i want infinite items the way i'm going to paint the boss crew i want to see what exactly happens when you paint the ship lights out one lightsaber too shiva mimi lemons could it be another chance to raid the waves upon the seven seas oh there is a alternate text too nice beaten down of the hatches okay imagine if this boss scaled every time you fight him it becomes harder and harder then when you lose it resets but then you would take like too long to actually be able to do this um okay i mean we we just play the moose block and there's that now we hope that the moose bug does not get cannonballed but if it if it does actually get handled then it is what it is i guess it's also pl i'm gonna keep the end quee i wanna i wanna experiment here let's play the smoke on the black coat and let the black goat and the black one's not gonna get hit there let's play the queen forget what i'm trying to experiment forget it i wanted to see if blackout gets hit if it will actually if the b is going to be immortal and also have triple blood which i will test by the fact that we can test it with the moose bug i don't need to experiment at all with a black coat because the experiment of black code would mean that we would lose a unit for no reason so you block this and then you also block this obviously you know we take two but we also have the block everything it does have the block everything but it does not have the move around okay so prepare to meet me cannonballs okay so it does get the sigil of the transferred sigil but it does not get the basil so that means that when the blackout gets hit it will create infinite bees nice so we we pretty much got all we want it's super over we won okay let's go for lethal nope let's go for lethal here what can i draw out of this give me a good card ah fan okay let's fly next item [Music] next item useless again until i draw my what i need effect pliers infinites infinite literally what i wanted give me this and now the point of no return is arriving let's see first of all get another item here because we're not bones i'm laughing okay we can get infinite items later so yesterday i read the devlogs uh and they said and i'm even gonna go back and look at it but this stupid fecaniti placero boros combo made an infinite uroboros and this is the reason why i'm going to nerf with a candidate um you realize that the actual combo is is happening with the black goat right you for candidity does not really combo with uroboros um fer candidate needs a gekko work so you have to have two rare cards for that combo to happen right but if if the thing that has immortality has a triple sack then you're okay obviously you could do the same combo with the other thing too but i understand what i'm what i'm getting at right you don't understand what i'm getting at i'm going to stop here the combo the boros i mean let's make it a 1010 just because why not and let's also get an item as i said just because why not okay i mean if it's going to be boulder maybe the why not part of that was actually a bit smarter here i obviously want to okay we got i i got what i wanted snip knife and uroboros nope first we're gonna get two items because i'm like i am like that bones are you kidding me what items are that useful man another paint why would i need items although this is an already one win because i'm look at this look at this that's that's why because i want to flex you know it's one of those times where leslie could just surrender but there isn't the code for it pass done phase 2 literally does nothing yar here get four free cards in preparation for the next fight yeah me should be riddled with vermin oh not it oh it did actually fire oh this guy actually summoned two more sema two more mall seamen and then literally killed one of them uh maybe maybe next time make it so that if you transition from act one to act two do not actually bombard the two spots actually do not play the mall man on the one of the two spots you're gonna bombard you know on your side i'm just saying but what i want to say something i want to say something else yesterday i got a squirrel a rabbit a mole and an opossum and today i got a pack rat and opossum so seems like this is also a bit randomized okay we're gonna go here i'm gonna go here and [Music] i mean we win anyway like yeah you know what i need to do i made a mistake i need to transfer uroboros over to the left how would i do that well the only way we know how to do things over here by literally killing off the other cards we used okay now let's now play roboros on the left what why did i do this i don't even know what i'm doing [Music] anyway i have to play rewards on the left because otherwise uh the the moment will actually survive and now we can actually play one last card which is gonna be the goat because it's mvp man it's mvp let's go actually that's stupid that was really stupid because the goat cannot get lethal ingenious my genius is infinite anyway uh let's get the mortal running here and let's bring the goat back in because i love it you're good but i've got your familiar trick [Music] does anybody know what i just saw i'm pretty sure nobody careful that's enough by the way he photoshot at the very end he's dancing man let me see you dance um first of all i'm thinking about getting no let's let's right away make everything sad okay so what i understand is now it will start attacking you know what super pain no it's not gonna start attacking roboros right only with the very left cannon is that how that works let's also get a boulder but let's win let's win let's let's stop this madness is it only gonna attack roboros yeah it's only gonna attack roboros well it is what it is it is what it is i guess the title is going to be here um you know what i actually want i want i want to have the pack rat in our finishing photo here we can be part of this too let's go great white is here okay i guess great white is gonna be part of the photo [Music] here we go now we're in the big leagues some sound effects are happening at the left what is happening i guess it tried to go down and then it went up again [Music] moose buckman are you kidding me right now 20 damage and news bug is three okay 23 i want to have the moose back on the left i want to have a very specific photo here [Music] okay first of all let's clean up ruboros i'm i'm i'm weird today i'm worried today i'm here today with what i'm doing in general i'm delaying for no reason what i'm you know the the easy win believe it what have you done i blew up the ship far well well where and when daniel mullins okay i think there is like a new dance here that the thing does the what is he called [Music] the lonely mage he does a new dance i haven't seen i think i i i like look up if he does another dance on other videos and yeah he does first of all he dubs and he does like this thing which isn't anything and then he does the two pose because that's his left thing and the spinny flip he does this again dabs again and then whoop he does the pirouette i guess the next thing he does i think i think this is twerking i think play with this pin and i just gonna do it again okay i'm not going to go through the text actually here because i don't want to make sure i'm going to make sure that we're not going to lose the the other hey does the classic dance yep oh with a split and we have seen this we have seen this but after this as far as i know after this let's do something new by the way let's also have the patrons here and we want to just disable them whenever he goes to the left so by the way thanks for the patreon support it's really helping and if you want to support me without you know being a patreon you can just drop a like it's it's really helping with algorithm and stuff so yeah that's like the easiest thing you could do to help us me ask me i mean it's the same thing i am multiple people i'm not and um yeah i think that's going to be it so if you enjoyed drop a like as i said helps out the channel what happens where's the i want more dances i have seen what that here it is is he like just hiding yeah this looks like hiding dance let's remove the pigeons for half a sec this is though i think this is working i think this here is working because he's sewing so showing us yeah this this is like he has his eyes closed i don't know what exactly we're seeing here but after that it's working for sure like this this is working i don't know why they like dabbing and twerking and he's even super happy about it diving and twerking i guess that's happened that happens when he has access to the internet man because if you remember at the end of the main game he gets access to the internet and he's like stimulation and he gets overloaded but uh yeah and flippity off the screen i don't think there is another dance yep i think that's it pretty much he's super heavy oh oh he does it even faster oh he did some moves guys he's with the music oh he's on sync he actually is in sync by the way all these sites you see there https blah blah blah and all those like these these i i can't i don't have a mouse in this by the way um yeah these the sights that you see are all for the arg and not all of them it's like they added a bunch of smoke and mirrors just so that you are not really easily able to find the real arg um you know sight i'm still waiting if there was going to be another last dance that i haven't seen but if he doesn't appear in the next let's say five let's say 10 seconds because the music changed doesn't appear in any way yeah that's it that was it for today i hope you guys enjoyed i i like the run i i first of all i definitely like the fact that although i was trying to go for the cheesy build of always having in my hand the goat it was nice once in a while being challenged and the thing i i liked even more is because my whole build was so lopsided like we had the cockroach and we had the goat and then the rest were high cost units if i didn't draw the goat because i tried to force it there was a chance i was gonna lose like a good thing i had some items there but at the end of the day everything worked out as you know i've played this game before and i know what i'm doing sometimes sometimes i mean i don't i don't see it appearing anymore but yeah i definitely like the run uh i would like to hear your opinions on this one too if you enjoyed the fact that you know we we beat the boss again i'm not sure what i'm gonna do with this maybe i'm gonna continue running like random runs on this because why not on the other hand i mean yeah i don't know i don't know and once again entry 11 which for some reason does not get unlocked if you uh go to the entries so once again no one will ever play this mod and other things are looking blah blah blah i never play this game well time to finish the squirrel fish challenge maybe i'll hit up comics land later other players play it and love it i should find different reasons to love it and even love it and it's perfections they make music and what even love its imperfections what i the discord discussions i'm having don't seem to actually go like that like most of the people do actually disagree on some things they don't actually like makes me feel like they work mattered by the way entry 11 as i said uh this is still bugged if we go with unlocks the vlog's 11 boom it is not here i don't know why so i said i bought it i was talking about the devlog in the run it's it's this one nope nope nope nope i can cancel that it's this no nope nope cancel that it's this one so i have my uroboros up to over a hundred thanks to the stupid broken fakandity sigil combo what is the combo you're talking about like put for candidate under boros and then but you need a card to you need to have a secondary card okay if you want to combo with literally one sigil it is literally immortality the thing i did okay i don't need to say it again the thing i did in this one i don't know if you want to say that you have a broken for candidate combo the only thing that happened you could that the only thing that this like sentence makes sense is either a you have a gek or b you have another card which is immortal that is a zero cost or something because obviously when i say gekko i also mean the other card right the the the zero cost in general you have any zero cost with a candidate or you have a candidate no boros and then and then another card that has immortality i mean it doesn't make sense like the kind of is not the way you do roboros infinite okay it's immortality you need to have something with immortality i guess if you put fecanity on the goat then yes yeah okay okay fair enough you can put the county of the goat but still i mean what anyway it's not for candidate man it's not for candidates ferguel d is not broken because of roboros combo the candidate is broken because of other stuff like combo and pretty much just create a broken card and then play that card one two three four five times in a row but uh yeah the uroboros was not the problem so casey man you're not a good coder i'm sorry but i'm sorry no no no no no no casey cancel that you are a good coder but you are not good at realizing what actually makes things broken and not because saying that the candidate is broken because roboros is more of the mark that you can even imagine anyway i'm talking to a fictional character here but whatever yeah that's going to be it so i hope you guys enjoyed i'm not sure what i'm going to do tomorrow for this but once again thanks for watching and see you guys around
Channel: Sifd
Views: 19,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, progress, progression, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Strong, Action, classes, Heroes, Guide, Learn, roguelite, roguelike, rpg, Inscryption, inscryption, inskription, Inskription, Inscription, Inskryption, Horror, Card game, Deck builder, deckbuilder, cardgame, card, cards, Progress, scary, mystery, horror, secrets, deathcard, puzzle, puzzles, challenge, challenges, inscription, mod, inscyption mod, inscyption modded, insdcription mod, Kayce's mod, endless, beta
Id: R2A6rnVxAsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 26sec (3206 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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