Fun vanilla-like mod! I got an insane rare! | Inscryption modded

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hello everybody sif3 again with another modded description act one run and today i will be playing the tank doom card expansion now what that does is um as far as i understand it's a mod that has cards that are very similar to the base game so let's see what this looks like maybe not that similar first thing i'm seeing a bunch of two double you know a bunch of double sigils here but still let's go through this parrot a one cost one one okay with flying okay by the way i like the symbol always gonna mention the symbol uh familiar the familiar will help with attacking when it's adjacent allies attack card okay so if once in a while the unit next to it damages the unit without killing it this will do one damage to lashi because it's a flyer helicon one cast one two with anti-fishing neon face down cuts to become face up when attacking now this is killing kingfishers pretty much hammerhead three cast two two with a double strike and waterboard i would say trash uh i mean it's a three it does for damage per on and it's also almost immortal so this is literally like the shark instead of doing four damage to the front it does two and two the problem with this is that the shark at least kills whatever is in front of it every round and then tries to do for damage this thing will let whatever is in front of it damage you forever and it will try to attack left and right uh coral one cast zero three that has bond when the creature among the still has an adjacent feature it will gain plus one attack and help depending on where it is so it's a one cost one it can be up to one cost one four otherwise it's a one cost zero three you should try to at least get it as a one three yeah this is decently started but if you transfer something else it will be even better especially the parent with uh help attacking if that's a two-two flyer is even better pigeon it's a one-bone one-one flyer that you cannot sacrifice though that's a good balancing part here um it's extremely powerful but at least you cannot sacrifice it because it only costs one bone nice i like it so so you're forced to use this as a unit that attacks you could nuts act swordfish two costs two two um underwater and the camera this usually attacks the card in q behind its initial target okay so this does two damage the back line and also to damage the front line uh as far as i know that's how it works uh this is a good two cost two costs two two might kill the background once in a while also just as damage also is pretty much immortal because the problem with two costs is that if you lose it then you're very weak tarantula i see the art here is completely different decent art nice art very good art very decent art nice art very nice art decent art what i mean it's also good i'm kidding the artist please don't uh five cast one three poison ah i don't think i'm gonna take it i can't even read what this is baskin porcupine bearskin bought you find an unskinned pony point the one cost one one the task repellent carbon messaging will leave something found when killed repelling the attacking creature into the back row right leave something following kill repelling the tank creature in the back row so it dies and the opponent goes send off to the back so next tune you can just play something in attack right away i guess i don't really like this i think i'm gonna go with parrot pelican pigeon like we already are flying built here like these three and i guess the coral actually no i like the swordfish like these three plus the swordfish that makes sense right like this is decent this is meh but i guess it's a one cast one two i could not go for the pelican go for the coral i'm not sure about the coral though actually let's go with the coral so let's go this th yeah let's forget the pelicans go parrot pigeon coral and swordfish swordfish and the pigeon's gonna be in this like for the rest of the game most likely like we're not gonna change the pigeon into anything i'm gonna even flame it maybe here i want to go for the squirrels honestly uh if the mod had a specific one i would go for the mods one but i want to go scroll just to maintain the you know the vanilla aspect of this thing uh i guess we go this path flames you know i guess we'll go for the flames uh to have choices of what we draw whereas i can just go nah let's go flames let's have at least one card that does a bit of damage like more than one ah by the way we might lose at the final fight but we're gonna see the shift already pre-meditated what is this point damage in the air right away are you crazy four damage right away what are we supposed to do throw the squirrel to block him throw this girl to block him the next turn well i have flyers and i can't even do anything next turn if i kill the coyote maybe we did something the crawl is not gonna i think we're gonna have to use an enemy uh let's skip this fight completely yep let's skip this fight get rid of the knife too i mean i don't really care about the knife anyway [Applause] if anything i want to get rid of it faster than a slower earlier than later as they say you know normally instead of saying faster than slower ah give me the kawaii let's uh let's already be able to test if we can have if any card has googly eyes on this mod as i know right now the only mod that has googly eyes is the zerg mod i i should play that thing again i like this regard let's continue here for now elks call use it wisely what does it do with bargain a car bearing the sigil will put a tooth on your opponent's side of the scale and plate but will put two tooths on your side when it dies and it costs two bones and gives you four blank squirrel the flags are all just a squirrel comply oh yeah it's one one flying okay i already don't like something with this small test the next fly will always find the corpse to put its eggs in oh this is extremely powerful we're gonna take this uh first thing i don't like here why is there a one cost one one that's also assistant and also one cost one one that does not do assistant the only thing i i i would say that the reason for that is that this thing is actually a squirrel thing and if you have the squirrel totem and have this then it does something i guess i'm gonna go for the flyers this is very powerful these sigils are very powerful and i just need a good card to actually use them with so i'm not gonna actually flame this the lie i would say we we we flame the pigeon or the parrot or the parrot you know that's let's uh let's flame the parrot i'm gonna make him a three one if he dies he dies i would say make him three one and if he dies that or i can go for the pigeon flame a bunch of times and if the pigeon dies then it dies otherwise i transfer the parrot on the pigeon and then i have this as the super pear the super pigeon and i will always be able to play the pigeon because it only costs one bone and if i have anything that i play and sacrifice just play the pigeon alongside it and then you we already got the combo going so yeah let's uh let's frame the pigeon let's make it into a three one [Music] and it's days oh this is a one bone three one and now i just need to answer and we will be very powerful in a moment another lead fight here let's hope he also doesn't play right away the installment scenario at least this time he has the my units try to die yep that is not a problem for us let's go with the crawl here i would say so we block the hit yep alpha's coming in oh honestly that wasn't let's go here now this is one that kills this and let's also play pjan which by the way i could have played previous turn p jones pop dead doesn't matter we go here and at this point we have one as the p jones does a bunch of damage and a parrot whoa did you see this did you see the play there the coral attacked parrot that one there slashing now the idea here is that the pigeon is gonna become this the sideways attack that we just saw and then whenever something survives we do three damage pelican and pelican will catch on water easily i don't care about waters rabbit the mom uh she always gives birth it's a two cost one five and tarantula that the trencher will kill all his praise i don't like any of those i mean at least this is a two card that gives you one of the two cards back and then you have one five on the board i guess decent i guess decent-ish let's re-roll maybe find something expensive to kaminsky come on man fly and this thing uh i mean these two are the same i guess that this thing drops a fly only logical explanation i really like these let's go with fly i prefer the fly the reason i'm not reading these uh like they are obviously the words is because i don't want to deal with the algorithm so yeah there's that let's go with evolving squirrels why not by the way why do i have the squirrel head i i don't why do i have the squirrel head i guess because i chose the squirrel uh yeah the only logical inspiration first of all i would like to go sacrifices but i'm not willing to go through this so let's go here yeah seems like if you choose the squirrel as your deck then you get the scroll head because like i i did not change a single one of my mods so i don't know why that happened anyway it doesn't really matter either though that's gonna move to the left so if i play the crawl here next turn i can attack that thing although the mold is gonna try to block really care i'll just play the quarrel here i could also play just squirrels and let them evolve and we take a hit it's okay let's go here i would say we just go left this is gonna be a fly in a moment i know that was a big fail oh oh we we made huge mistakes mistakes were made let's let's go with squirrel look at this look at this look at this tactics no no no no no no i'm about to make a mistake i was about to play squirrel here we got a squirrel here and this wood fish here yeah let's do this go scroll into swordfish until we do a backstab kill on the elk phone that's coming in well this just takes a hit but my creatures i don't know why unless she is spinning like that actually you're wiring like that fly is a flying unit we're gonna play this here math checks out that's blocked you take a hit and now we're winning and now now this is a win just yeah you concede i mean this was a win by the way i would have played the squirrel there this would jump over there kill the crawl yeah yeah yeah if i don't play anything here at all he yeah i just passed those both died then one i shouldn't even play anything after that see what we get egyptian cat egyptian cat has the ability to see the future two bones why yeah we take this no questions asked two bones to draw whatever i want yes please maybe just saying maybe yes please okay i will make the pigeon into a five one pigeon is okay uh you know what i think the time has come to try to burn the crawl out of the deck as simple as that and if it gets five damage then it gets five damage i still want to transfer the the parrot on the pigeon like the parrot is a one cast so i cannot play it instantly turn one while the pigeon if i play something else for example wow i just realized i only have bone costs how will i play oh man oh man panic mode is happening right now in my mind i mean these are free yeah i mean yeah just just try to burn the crawl out of the deck that's the plan right now burn the crawl out of the deck if it becomes a 4-3 then it's perfect you know what change of plans don't trust shift anymore don't trust left don't try it's a one class three three which it becomes a four three if i play something next to it and a four four if i play something on the other side that's the good thing with bad cards you can flame them until you feel like they're good and then you start flaming them well with the good cards you have already already lost them i was in the let's go with uh coral here and let him ding everything then the fly joints next round literally don't let you play anything at all the next turn try to play the swordfish swordfish could do that should i go for the quick win should i go for the quick win and i can keep the greater smoke in hand yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go with quick wins strand so we go here into this into this which should be a win one of the two things is going to be the fly the other yeah and then we have spot for the rest i don't need to explain anything else ding dies dies and i have the spot open you cancel that yep very nice drop there lashy very very very nice for us let's go with um just play the greater smoke do to damage this turn next turn you know what just play the squirrel now bloodhound i play this girl for now and now i'm gonna reduce the damage i'm doing right now but i'm gonna try to improve it next round pretty much the plan here is to now play this we're still winning we are no danger whatsoever oh no neither oh no [Music] pass pop up and we won oh no an adder let's continue i mean there was no uh huge plan there or anything reignite when something oh let's see let's see their rares let's see one car is it gonna be only high cost rares first one comes right away street platypus looks like a mix of three creatures well if it's a mix of three creatures why it doesn't have more tribes one cast one one poisonous and underwater it's insanely powerful if if you compare it with a either that's a two cost one one with poisonous it's a one caused with one one in poisonous and on one but i like it because it's a rare aluxi i thought it was extinct halluciano first of all one cost half your bones and damage and have your bones in damage and moves around and does not provide bones boneless yeah a car bearing this sigil gives no bones not through bone digger figure or death but through bone digger picker or i i don't know what it means but still we don't go with this and um the chameleon can hit far enemies with his tongue also adopts different colors a one cost two one with sniper and something else randomly okay this and this is extremely powerful uh i think i want to go with a plot the problem with the platypus is although it insta kills everything it also invites infinite damage and it doesn't do enough to you know keep us alive i think i'm gonna go with the chameleon platypus is just two sigils that people like and i don't literally and we go with chameleon here but if it had poison and it had death touch and underwater those sigils are good it would kill everything it would invite moose bugs to do three damage to you for free let's see here i would say let's try to lose so i would say we go this and as long as i draw a single bone a single okay we lost i like the flies i like the flies uh let's go sacrifice time send the parrot onto the pigeon making this thing attack with friends by the way there is like no chance whatsoever we draw the pigeon first ever because i have the quota the increased the better hand mod that says that as long as i don't have a bone unit as long as i don't start with bones it should not give us bones for uh in the opening hand as long as i draw one cos right so yeah this is the one cause that decided we drew so for a in case you don't know the first two cards if there is not a one cost then the third one is the first one cost whoa well not useless for us let's go with win instantly whoop whoop emilion does damage and another three from pigeon and we win that was the plan with the pigeon by the way anyway you know if the pigeon is in my starting head then one i play just one cast that should be also in my starting hand and then just instantly win i'm not sure if i should combine these with these here i'm not sure but yeah maybe i should combine the flies making them into two two flyers three three two two pliers make that like a bit smaller too let's go i guess this path otherwise i can go this path items nah let's go this path i i don't like this though [Music] are insects gonna give us another fly no that was a mistake that was a mistake that was a mistake i don't like poison i'm gonna go there and most likely try to get rid of it out of the deck i saw the start with the bone on the very left there lies join us shift literally combining cars that you shouldn't you should not combine um that sigil ever i don't even know why i did it should have gone left there maybe we could have found infinite squirrels yeah we could have found a bunch of things other than the thing i just made yep that was pretty much a mistake don't do that kids do not do that start with the egyptian cat and the tarantula and this is a rattler we're about to do damage and take the image that's how life goes bop we do three we take three i guess what if i somehow not do two we win on the spot though uh which is not possible otter is coming in uh oh panic panic um let's go with that's a problem um i guess i guess a real card and then i pop the scroll i'm trying here to see what's gonna happen if i draw a squirrel and i play it she on the left we do one damage and we take three next chain and then this moves this like this moves first this gets blocked here and then we only have to deal with those the cat is gonna kill the rattler honestly next turn and then uh the alpha's gonna come in and we're taking more damage the rattler is gonna draw us um the pigeon i would say i played here and we instantly win and actually the egyptian cut will be dead at that point this is not going well hmm i would say we draw this and see what we get and then we decide with the squirrel nice we won i'm sorry for this whole delay i'm trying to pre-calculate how exactly everything is gonna go if i draw a squirrel because if i draw a squirrel i know for a fact how everything is to go and then if i see that the plan is not going well i just go with real card no yeah yeah let's do this yeah okay done way less way less let's go sack i would say and send them what should i send i could sense wood fish on the coral as just simple as that send the sword bishop to the crew or send the tarantula off to the egyptian cat or the comedian tarantula on the comedian tarantula the egyptian all right russia's not such a bad choice man such a bad thing that we dropped there i think tarantula on the egyptian cat i think is the play so i have a one one that just just it's an easy poison kill a chameleon could definitely get something better yeah i think i want to transfer the swordstitch on the coral and the tarantula on the egyptian cut although yeah something like that and um yeah i'm gonna do that let's go transfer the poison out out of the deck out of the deck poison you're out only because it costs five bones by the way and i really cannot create bones in this deck like at all so let's go here the chameleon normally should not attack units it's a two one it should be doing two damage slash every round flame is coming up maybe i'm gonna flame something there all right now because i never start with one bone i will always draw either the chameleon or the coral thing oral reef that's the thing okay okay okay we'll go here what did we get fly blocker oh yes useless cannot be we take three we take two actually it's a real card uh let's play this here pass kill that we take one oh this has five blocker mistakes were made i did not think about the new squirrel [Music] uh you know what change of plans instead of losing the chameleon here for no reason actually wait the communion can kill both of those yeah let's um i just grilled here so it evolves ask kill both we take one damage pretty much and we lose the chameleon okay this will not kill that one for free here i don't know why i didn't play this play the poison cat draw this thing yep we went on the spot look how we win so we do whoop boop boop i'm pretty sure it's gonna work i trust my my instincts so this is gonna do three damage and then this is gonna attack here and then this is gonna do another three damage and my math is off well my math is off but the general idea is solid boop boop yeah exactly perfect and now this is nothing like that it's going to go under water so we're doing this like this do here the 16 energy drone actually does not because pigeon only attacks if um the swordfish will also yeah if their card is alive if the card behind is alive so the only way i can use that is if whatever is helping the pigeon is not killing anything polar bear while very strong when submerged but vulnerable outside of water what does that even mean this this has a whirling swordfish yeah this was expensive his enemies with his lungs void and the tarantula so first of all sword swordfish is gonna ju is gonna get transferred onto coral okay so that it kills the back line and also stays underwater while this is like insanely powerful you could also do it with a chameleon but um i know for a fact that pierce does not work with uh this with sniper what actually happens is that yeah it's yeah this is wrong i think this is wrong it's initial target yeah it says its initial target so even if you target on the left the this thing the pierce will kill whatever is in front of the comedian at the back so it it's not really that good so i'm going to transfer the short fish on the coral so i don't need the second swordfish i can't go over the bullet like that's right let's try it let's try this let's try this let's see what it was into playing a bit slow today but uh i'm thoughtful about it life so this goes on let's go with chameleon in life honestly this is gonna become underwater in a moment this doesn't need really life egyptian cat might need life now let's go for the chameleon for life i'm gonna try to make it the two five actually the one cost two three is really good let's keep it as a 2-3 i'm not willing to risk here i mean it's not like i'm showcasing me trying to y'all flames it's just flames by the way i'm still missing an achievement that says hook whatever the hooker hooked from you hook whatever this guy hooked away from you i'm i'm sift out of context guys join join the discord shift out of context i think it's the most fun part of the channel it's definitely gonna be there uh each wow chameleon is a god chameleon is a god what are you doing what are you doing he's a god let's go with squirrel into chameleon who is the god into just the greater smoke as simple as that pass damage yep [Music] and then we go and then we go up and there we go i'm having my fun here everything dies that's all we're all nice nice little deck over there and let's continue the lights out i like this mode right now it's it's very simple it has very simple abilities low cost it's it's very relaxing stay away from the bacteria why though it's a one bone cost one one with toxin a card bearing the sigil will inject toxin while it attacks that cause the target to wither away and strengthen we grow i don't know what this is i don't know how that works it's going to split the carbohydrate this is just plate create a copy on an open space on your side of the field oh so it's a one cost that's a one one that also is twice it's it's two one ones that both toxins so this is insanely powerful platypus again and porcupine pelt that's a strain felt i think it should be i it shouldn't be eaten it's a no cost zero two with spikes and when it dies it also kills whatever's opposing and this is extremely powerful but i want to go with the bacteria first of all to see how exactly toxin works and also to see how exactly split works and if split is insane we're going to transfer that scissor onto something else like we always do and then imagine one is normal and the other one is a bacteria well uh i don't want to go to actually i do want to go to the transfer i want to get rid of this root fish and put it on the coral coral should also be underwater by the way in general i think but bond yeah you know the coral has yeah i think you know honestly like coral as a bond thing makes sense because coral in general works with you know other fish being inside of it it's like the opposite of parasitic organism it's a it's a friendly organism i don't know what it's called exactly it's um what it's called it's uh i don't know synergistic synergistic organism i i don't know the word exactly oh no it's been so long oh we got the super polar bear well it's super and oh this is triple shack but useless and the elk skull with immortality so when it dies you lose to life and no we're gonna go with a immortal polar bell bear bell bear yeah i'm most likely gonna go sack but not guaranteed because if i start with a bone okay swordfish you're out um coral you are in yeah coral having backline insta killing also underwater is definitely helpful [Music] uh okay first of all i might use an item if i want to go to the left so right now i have to decide the following do i want what are my one costs my one costs are pigeon and bacteria if i go and get the thing that gives me one cost first of all what will i throw away um the fly that's insanely stupid and the bears are also stupid i want to combine the bears i want to throw the fly on the polar bear and then combine the polar bears and make them into a four six underwater evolving immortal joints for free flyer so that's definitely happening i also want to transfer the back to you with something else in general i don't really think yeah i'm okay with drawing either coral or chameleon in my starting hand those two are pretty decent cards so i i don't think i want to do that like at all the only thing that's gonna invite is bacteria and pigeon into my opening hands which i don't really want to invite that happening so we're gonna go items so i should use items here actually we have good items now this whole uh this whole discussion idea was for naught because i i'm not gonna use items with me squirrel chameleon he walked a million actually we can see what the bear does oh okay oh no no stinky fly this is like the death sentence the death sentence but we're gonna get through it with the comedian let's just be like this is that but we're gonna do it let's go pop nice now we take three boom yeah not nice let's go real card we go this into this into this one as it is immortal this will have one damage plus one from this this vulture is dead and we will take zero damage next turn i know for the fact that the mole will actually be a problem here because it will block the beer what is this so the underwater became if it dies something happens if he re-evolves into underwater i'm gonna hammer slammer it next time it devolves into this version a lot of polar bear yep let's draw here i'm gonna do two and take two from the flyer so i will normally attack the raven here us oh no how much left to have yeah i have to attack the raven here and i hope i don't i'm not moved to life right now [Music] oh we're dying okay now it's under water again we'll go here or go here i would say we go with polar bear on the right because i want to do damage this is that and then we do foreign take two nice very nice this gunk doesn't really care for a matter for us okay here i'm gonna hammerstein with the polar bear to see what exactly drops out of it okay this frozen away i wanna see what this what i don't get it okay well experiment was pale yeah it uh it was a complete fail let's uh let's continue am i missing something i guess i can hammer slam him again to see what i missed let's see it's not gonna be the same it's literally the same annoying man annoying makes the opponent have one more damage why i don't get i really don't get it doesn't matter though we're winning anyway and we do four we take two yeah the skunk now does damage no it doesn't i guess i guess the idea is that if it dies on the frost version you really get destroyed you lose i guess well seems like you lose let's go okay so the bella bear isn't something awesome like at all well we're gonna combine them anyway and if anything to flanders if i'm fast enough if i'm fast enough lucky enough here i would say let's go for three cars you know what if we go for the three cast i can put the fly on whatever the three cost is hammerhead yeah alright it's similar to the great white but it likes to attack on both sides yeah that that was very quickly understood the moment we saw the card let's go here but it's nice it's nice it's nice because it's it still keeps the concept of the card like the concept of the great white is still maintained okay we can see what how bacteria works with coral let's try to win right away if we're lucky enough so let's go here attack this play the bacteria it's awesome awesome awesome another carbon decision is played create a copy of an open space on your side of the field insane love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it obviously it's completely broken and busted but whatever love it love it love it love it this is insanely powerful should have gone for the bones i have i just another fly i guess not a fly i'm not going to ride them so let's go flame i see combination coming up and sacrifice gotta choose one of the two plus life okay if i go combination it's gonna be the two polar bears bears if i go sacrifice it's gonna be fly i fly on the hammerhead so at the end of the day nothing changes you know what just go if i go sacrifice i actually should go bacteria on the chameleon yeah let's do that bacteria on the chameleon no it's a two-five i'm okay with it two five chameleon bacteria on the chameleon i wanna see if it's gonna spawn a bunch of bacteria or actually five million and how awesome is that gonna be it's the comedian and it is evolving decent decent sigil to get we're about to take a million damage though and play the egyptian cat let's go with let me take a hit tick tick tick yeah i know i know now this is a three seven again honestly i think i want to like draw a scroll from here play the polar bear here this thing kills both of these polar bear kiss both of these this is going to do two damage just about two cares i'll just do it like that not be stingy with me using like cards this is also dead now uh f i can even play the girl here actually here not here but next uh you know what pigeon just like that we should be winning uh yeah i'm a pigeon i can do six damage right away you know what let's not actually win we can win next round with a huge difference in damage too [Music] unless you're gonna take a million damage next round be ready ass boop uh look i can either attack wherever or i can attack here and then the pigeon's gonna do the three damage tactics high tier tactics i'm kidding obviously let's go get the the forced item on us you know what i'm gonna take a rare here i'm okay i'm gonna take a rare because uh i wanna do i wanna go to the shop after this don't want to frost myself force myself to go to shop not really i can't see the deck i don't want to force myself into a shop i actually want to go to the sacrifice at the end yeah let's not force myself to shop change of plans as always as always as always uh i would say transfer the yeah let's transfer the back through on the committee and see what this looks like or just combine the two polar bears and do the transfer at the final fight now i'll do the transfer on this fight let's destroy gremora first forget the polar bears like who cares a million do it do it chameleon by the way i do realize that if this sigil works normally then it's completely busted with unkillable completely because this would one of them would when one dies it comes back to the hand and then you just play sacrifice two of the other four and just literally play a million of them again it's it's an infinite and it's an infinite full board instantly literally the moment you play the first you get four of them one dies it comes back to your hand you sacrifice two of the other four of the other three and uh instantly you get four again and also the ones you sacrifice come back to your hand and then that loops everything wrong would be nice if i had the time to do all that but there is no combination coming up on the following event i did rule the chameleon though so let's see what the chameleon looks like come on don't tell me it's gonna spawn bacteria let's go [Music] create a copy from no i'm completely disappointed it does work how it should though but i i'm i'm extremely disappointed i'm i'm my my fun is ruined my my day is ruined and i don't know what exactly the meme how the meme goes but you know my my disappointment is immeasurable and my day has been ruined that's how it goes let's go with uh right now i'm doing for damage would be nice if i could do more i can't play the hammerhead sacrifice one two three no it's not gonna do more damage i could not pass now that stops damaging uh go here boom i tell two one even even worse even worse yeah there are the evidence now we're gonna join oh so bad man so bad oh this is all the evolution again okay that's i guess lucky i'm not sure if it's like or not pigeon oh no pigeon is dead new i'm disappointed pigeon's gonna die i hope some things keep sustains alive please tell me that somehow the pigeon survives the bombardment why did i draw a real card should have drawn come okay we got one card live why is okay pidgeon at least the hammerhead survived okay i can play the hammerhead turn one depending on where you play she stops playing a million things man okay first of all i can play the hammerhead here and because the hammerhead goes underwater it will not die it will just do damage here and here and this is we're gonna take one damage every single turn but one damage is better than a bunch of things so i think i'm gonna play hammerhead here we take one damage each turn but it will do two and two and at some point i will pass through something the cannon is always gonna be on the left so yeah as simple as that this can also stay here yeah like let the chameleon take three four hits while we try to eat through the right so let's do that draw a real card play the real card play the hammerhead uh one two three [Music] play it here nice now play the cannon plate here eat the cannonball yep i hear i would say this and this attacks this so we go on the right and try to do damage to the right next turn we're winning anyway because three damage plus two damage is a win so cannon does attack here elder chameleon attacks here this is dead hammerhead attacks here too then next year we pretty much win yeah we don't want to even eat through that like at all us um wait a minute can we not win right now if i attack here for four damage with damage on this part i don't think we're gonna win this tune if i do that next turn you win guaranteed with this one yeah let's go for the guaranteed win instead of anything that is risky we're gonna go anti-risk today but see if the other thing would be less risky there is no less risky and worrisome is just risky let's go this was guaranteed no matter what happened the other one the other one maybe something could have gone wrong you never know i don't know actually that yeah the other plan was actually less risky because the left side would have had the dead revlon anyway didn't think about it we go with the bacteria because i liked it i loved it i didn't like it i loved it you just need to transfer immortality on the bacteria then and then you have literally infinite bacteria permanently do i have a mortality on something no this is this kind of transfer no if i had immortality on anything i would put in the bacteria then like only the base bacteria would have immortality but that doesn't matter because the base bacteria when it would die you could even sacrifice the base bacteria and then get the more bacteria sacrifice the base bacteria get more how awesome what an awesome card what an awesome card i don't know how to explain what an awesome let's go here we'll get the shop okay let's go here into this i could transfer the double strike onto something else instead of doing what i just did ah we're not losing here anyway this is over what an awesome card oh man the bacteria i don't know i i liked it i liked it i i really like it when some cards are extremely simple and powerful and they do something very unique like maybe the bacteria is a bit too strong i i do i can agree to that like bacteria is a bit too strong like one caused one one that also does toxin which i still i'm not sure what toxin does but we might see it now on this fight we got the rear here when i see a rare i mean none we didn't get a rare here maybe we're gonna see what what toxin does against the mole main here in the first fight maybe we start with opening hands having a material in it maybe we don't who knows are invigor yeah i'm ready to play ready to play the game we're ready to lose it all already do something something [Music] let's go you're hard yeah yeah i know through the flame and all without your hand even there's just like a little robot over there doing its bidding his bidding on the not super chameleon that i'm disappointed [Music] about i mean the chameleon has the same ability so i can test it with the chameleon i'm thinking if i should you know hook and win who can win or experiment i would say let's go experiment let's see how exactly toxin works i like how it flips from behind it uh yeah we go here oh toxin is he loses one life in one day image [Music] the sound effect is that i'm pretty disappointed so i need to do for damage this is dead the backline is also dead and then i'm gonna do two more and i'm gonna do one more so we go with whoop and whoop and whoop and whoa so this is that backman's dead two five nice i know i don't have a hand but it really doesn't matter for the fact that i can't draw whatever i want from the deck anyway let's go with uh let's go with the back t let's go with a bitchon what to go with i just realized that i lost my board uh um okay i guess we'd rather be john for the next round yeah fly's gonna join for free first i'm not gonna use the hammer i'm gonna try to play this as far as possible let's go with we try to eat through one of those because these two can attack anywhere wherever they want i would say this attacks here this attacks here and dies so i have an open spot here actually that's going to be the fly joining because kaminsia spikes okay you attack here you attack here the polar bear spikes this by the way if here if at this point i attacked here this attacked here this attack here in this attack here we would have soft locked if i didn't have the hammer imagine this these do not have targeting okay two damage two damage two damage one damage these are alive unless she brings us everything dies on our side and we lose but we have the flight wait a minute cheese tactics [Music] no chameleon you stupid thing no no chameleon is stupiding okay then you do damage yeah it's gonna be a fly the cheese tactics id did this role immortal or that thing ruled immortality i didn't even realize oh okay bad fish okay forget the cheese tactics cheese is not happening but now it rolled stinky okay very nice let's go here um we just pass well yeah the cheese tactic is still happening by the way master master moved to classic glitchy man well there wouldn't be cheese tactics actually there wouldn't even be a soft lock this thing would have hooked away one of my goals and then they would be able to play wait a minute that means like let she is extremely bad at this let's go with whatever here real card with a hammerhead it's gonna drain for free in case something goes wrong you go here you go here i guess we pass i want to play the vision though one blood vision you know what a million can i win let's kill this comedian off hammerhead joint free a bunch of things are happening i was winning anyway from the fly but you know safety first safety first as always as always safety safety first by the way today does the pigeon did they never help flame the pigeon i'm pretty sure people in the comments be like yeah sift we know we know you didn't have flame the pigeon we know we we are seeing this match we are on this we have seen that you did not actually not pigeon do it while other absurd from what to have oh from the chameleon oh no gonna last a while okay wait this thing has poisoned this right i want to see something i want to see something so if i remove fall order yeah this has permanently zero damage now like that sigil the the poison sigil makes the opponents lose one damage and one life so this has permanently zero damage now um yeah let's also hammer this like we don't need to wait around uh let's let's just in general just win i don't think i need to just do anything anymore should i go with the bacteria for the win or the coral maybe none of them maybe just do a pyjamas i'm gonna play with the mvps here so let's also have the coral in the mvp spot actually fly is good yeah hammerhead fly pigeon i like this i like this as a photo shoot yep yep attack attack this attacks for the hammerhead and then it's attack for its round and then the egyptian cat does the poison hit and it dies it wouldn't matter because the as you saw like at the very end it was permanently with zero damage so nothing really changes there we were broken as always the final fight is a joke the grimoire fight before it is a bit more powerful and i like the mod i mean it doesn't matter if something is is your heart what matters is showcasing things and this mod was very nice very fun i it was simple and clean that's what i like the song you know from kingdom hearts three but otherwise or one but otherwise like the one was actually also nice and i liked i like the fact that it really felt like vanilla although some abilities actually no most of everything felt like vanilla even even if you say yes bacteria didn't feel like vanilla no it did it was that one card that is unique it was um it was the mothman of vanilla it was it was the fecality of vanilla you know it was that broken thing and you couldn't even transfer it that's the play you could not transfer it so you could transfer it actually but it didn't chain into each other which is really nice uh actually you know balance wise because uh instance if thought one mana two five multiply boom we got the board but no it's it only multiplies without the base sigils so only bacteria can infinitely multiply um this um this mod is called tank doom so let's call it as it is tank doom so um so that people you know can search it up and find it and um yeah i think that is going to be it for today uh if you enjoyed the run as always drop a like helps out the channel also the algorithm and if you want to talk about anything like if you like the mod or not you know your opinions if it was a bit broken or a bit weak or if what cards you liked you know anything that you liked or did not like about the mod i would like to hear those comments you know you can comment down below i'm pretty sure a bunch of mod creators also come in the comment section and look what people say so mod creator if you're here to you can also comment and point out that you are the mod creator i will ping you and yeah i enjoyed the mod i like the feeling of simplicity i like the fact that for once rares actually were cheap um now the power level i mean that's debatable you can decide if something needs a nerf or a buff but i i i actually i was okay with the bacteria although i'm pretty sure that even if i flamed it like if i flame the damage yeah it would not get anything because the because the what is called the chameleon was a three five a two five or three five two five and when i transferred it when i multiplied it it created two one so even if you flame the bacteria it's only the base bacteria is gonna be three one the rest are going to be one ones so over five hundred you know whatever you flame it into so yeah the bacterium was actually balanced it was just a one cause that spawns for one cause and that's that it was pretty powerful and broken and it also had toxicity which was very powerful but still it's just one card you play it and it's done i mean then you put immortality on it and it's completely broken but whatever it doesn't matter it isn't all it's it is everything isn't about the bacteria what i have to say here is the mod felt really close to vanilla and that's what i liked the art felt close to vanilla the the cards felt close to vanilla you know simple cards simple abilities one ability maybe two with the second one being you know flyer or underwater because flyer and underwater are okay for secondary abilities what's not okay for such abilities most of the time is like a million things if if it has fergundity and also double strike or targeting and also double strike you know it's okay to have some of those cards but it's not okay to have all of those cards like every time and this one did not have that this mod was very simple only the support abilities were you know used as a second or third as a second ability and yeah i liked it i liked it i really liked the mod very close to vanilla congratulations i mean balance wise i don't know i honestly i didn't really feel the balance as i had a pretty powerful deck but in general it felt also vanilla like the balance so bravo bravo and yeah that's going to be today once again thanks for watching see you guys around
Channel: Sifd
Views: 31,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, progress, progression, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Strong, Action, classes, Heroes, Guide, Learn, roguelite, roguelike, rpg, Inscryption, inscryption, inskription, Inskription, Inscription, Inskryption, Horror, Card game, Deck builder, deckbuilder, cardgame, card, cards, Progress, scary, mystery, horror, secrets, deathcard, puzzle, puzzles, challenge, challenges, inscription, mod, inscyption mod, inscyption modded, insdcription mod, Kayce's mod, endless, beta
Id: kBXKm9KwgKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 9sec (3189 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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