ALL CARDS Tier List! | Inscryption Kaycee's Mod

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hello everybody c3 again and today i will be doing a to list on the cards of casey's mod now first of all before we begin happy new year i hope you had a great time and um yeah let's uh let's see the cards that we used the previous year and also maybe the following two so for the tier list itself let's begin with that we got the easy win uh obviously we're gonna throw in here whatever is giving us an easy win then we got useful here then we got usable i mean useful is just the card that is overall not gonna hamper you usable is a card that might hamper you might not depends on the deck and need the specific deck is are going to be cards that will need a specific deck to function on like you know ants etc otherwise they are trash then we got the car that are only good for the sigils otherwise they are trash and then we got the trash carts themselves now uh last time i did this to your list it was for the normal description and last time i did the two list it was considering that you don't transfer sigils off and the card themselves only rated without flames etc this time because on cases mod i'm gonna just take the whole experience into account i mean if you want to see the only the card rating you can see my previous tier list it has all the cards other than the tc smart card so this time i decided to you know have it as a with the gameplay included so for example if you would flame it if it would be good and if you sacrifice things if it's good that means that some cards will be in different positions but mostly most of the things are going to be the same i don't have a category for flaming good for flame because flaming is not really that powerful in cases modes you can only flame twice so yeah let's begin adder trash instantly i mean the explanation is going to be i'm going to try to do like quick explanation poison is not really as powerful as people think poisonous is good expect against some specific things it's good okay i don't disagree like against the moose bug against the mall man there are some a few things that it's good at but most of the time you want to have poisonous and a car that has like one or two attack because if your current has like three four five six attack you don't need poisons anymore if anything you want to have multi strikes etc so overall it's like uh um if if you have a weak card then you can give it poisonous so it does something but that means that you're trying to make a weak card useful so it's like it's like a trap you know you feel like oh it can insta kill something but it's not really that important to kill something mostly you want just to have damage so either poison it's trash and also it's a two cost one one i mean what is it gonna do it's gonna kill something and then it's gonna just do one damage to leshi and you have sacrificed two units to do that i prefer to have even a wolf even the wolf that is a 3-2 with 3 damage the wolf can kill almost anything i mean other than the mormon as i said in moose buck so anyway that's it with that alpha good sigils it is a good sigil but the card itself i mean i think five cost is a bit too expensive obviously if you're in a bone deck it does something but i mean you could say needs a specific deck but no i think it just has a good sigil and it's not even that powerful i mean a bunch of people would place it here but i myself would place it on has a good sigil and yeah maybe i'm gonna change things around later amalgam um it's uh it's usable it's usable it's a ducat33 it's like better than a wolf although as a rare i would say it's trash but i mean it also gets all the sigils all not the sigils all the totem buffs no matter what totem you have and an inscription in case is mod most of the time you will try to have a totem because it can be something good so overall it's usable amoeba trash i mean by trash because this sigil here can be anything and if you see my sigil rating tier list you will see that half these sigils are trash some of them are good but even if it gets a good sigil like triple strike it's still a one two so okay it's you could say it's usable yeah it's it's between trash and usable i mean i would say it's trash because of the fact that it's random and it's a rare i mean will you pick this for a real romance uh it's between here okay that's between here definitely not good sigils though uh this is definitely here i mean every single ad is going to be needs a specific deck otherwise they are obviously trash the bat i would say usable although i'm between trash and usable but a forecast for two one well with the same coin you should also have this here yeah i think those are here they are usable they're not complete trash and it's not that only the sigils are good on them ah they are usable although not the best cards neither useful nor easy if you add them to your deck it's not going to be the end of the world that's what usable means uh beaver is trash i mean let's be honest here it blocks two lanes in which you won't even want and half the fights are flyers so you will kill yourself with this beehive definitely a good sigil so i'm gonna say it's usable because even if you don't sack the sigil on something else it's a one cost zero two that sometimes get hit for once and for one damage and gives you a b which you can then play and have a double sack but even if it insta dies like if something does five damage to it and it dies you still get a b which you can sacrifice then so you don't lose any tempo right so you play a squirrel play the beehive then the opponent kills the beehive you get a b and then next turn you can draw a squirrel play the b beta scroll and then you have to sacrifice as if you didn't lose anything so it's a good time buyer because even even the mole when it dies you lose tempo because at that point you lose a unit on the board that you cannot use for a sacrifice while the beehive even if it blocks infinite damage and dies you still get the card out of it no matter what happens um this thing i would say usable it's between usable and trash the only reason i'm saying usable here is because if you put it on the very left lane it's a 4 3. so in case you don't know how this works is it has as much damage as uh the distance from the ding it has plus four now what no the four minus the distance has so if it's at the very left at the very first spot it does for damage second spot three three spot two and fourth spot one damage so as long as you have it in the first spot it's like a two cost four three which is insane stat wise and there isn't anything inherent negative on being on the first spot all right there is no downside on being on the very left so you just played on the very left and it's a cost for three i mean it's definitely better than a wolf or anything it's just positionally based bad and even in the second spot it's like a three three so even then it's at least an amalgam it's a good car it's a usable card and black goat is definitely good for its sigils it's it's definitely not a card that you would buff or anything it it does not i mean it's literally good for the sigil it has it isn't anything else otherwise you can also use it on the bonelord so it is a little bit better but once again it's good for the sigil so let's be honest here this is trash two cars two three uh i when it's a two cost i always wanted to not be defensive and be offensive this thing is defensive obviously tries to yell itself in and die not a good choice in my opinion and sometimes it might work out but i mean let's be honest here's trash this is also trash it might block a flyer here and there that might be useful but um no i still believe it's trash the bullfox definitely not a good card this is i would say usable i mean the moment you play it if it's in your starting hand it's a one cost two one which overall in the game does not exist there does not exist in this game one cost to one it's not a snap that's fairer and yeah the game also knows it and this is obviously a one cost two one and uh if you draw it later it might even be a one cost five one you never know how much it can have sometimes it's a zero one sometimes it's a one one okay okay but once again this thing especially with sigils like flying or there are some very good sigils that like multi-attack multi-strike anything that makes it easily survive and attack a bunch of times makes this a very good card really quickly it could be unuseful but the thing is that sometimes it backfires so i'm gonna say usable because yeah as i said sometimes it does backfire sometimes it locks you in for example if you have it in your starting hand and try to play it right away you might do damage but if you try to play anything else then it becomes a zero damage card right away so that's that cat i mean good sigils no i don't think the sigil is good it blocks your lane in and the cat itself is not really good because it literally blocked yourself and then you cannot use it i mean you can use it for some tactics like play a bunch of cards and turn and whatnot but in my opinion this is not a good card this is experience talking mostly not in fact like you feel that it's good right because it gives you infinite sacrifices but through experience and play the more you play you will realize that this is not that good of a residual especially because it's a zero one now uh child 13 is usable though because although it has the same thing at least this thing is attack that's the main problem with the cat you block your lane in and you cannot do anything at least this thing blocks your lane in but sometimes attacks in case you don't know how child 13 works when you try to sacrifice it it evolves into a two one and then when you try to sacrifice again it becomes a zero one again the sigil always stays and you can do that up to 13 times after that you pretty much burn the card and it dies but still um if you sacrifice just one card it's a two-one flyer whatever you played with it is mostly going to be like four damage turn one or maybe three damage to one or you can even play whole board and win right away um now the cat by the way has nine lives so if you try sacrifice night time it becomes like a super cat but you're not gonna do it you have to have an infinite something cockroach definitely only good for the sigils i mean forecast one one is pretty much trash but the decision itself is good so yeah that's it pretty much let's this is also only good for the sigils it's just the five cost one two i mean it's also usable let's let's go with usable because it joins from your hand like for free right so it's definitely a usable card but you don't really want to keep it right because if it's in your opening hand you have to somehow manipulate the board so you lose something so it joins for free but on the other hand sometimes you don't need to manipulate anything just drench for free and you get a free unit on the board that you can sacrifice later so overall it has its uses it's usable maybe it should be has its uses here that's the same thing um yeah coyote still usable it's a forecast two one i mean it's just fairly static that's it pretty much it's not complete trash because you might play a unit quote-unquote for free as you might not have any other bones outlets cuckoo easy win let's be honest sponsor an egg on the opponent field you can any sigil you give this thing it becomes insane instantly this is insane this is not this agile no that's not successful i mean i don't have any good signals here this is jill insane and and any good sigil on the cuckoo is an instagram any flame on the cougars ned starwin anything on the cuckoo's and instagram plays a plays an egg even if the opponent gets a raven out of the egg like if you have the cuckoo buff at all you don't even care that he got a raven sometimes the raven is even better for from whatever is coming in sometimes the opponent plays an alpha that might be buffing a bunch of things and you might have a problem you play the cuckoo you give him just the two attacking bird who cares so yeah cuckoo is an easy win it's an insane card by the way some cards are better for leshi than us just so you guys know for example alpha is a lot better on leshi than us okay sometimes it's really powerful on us but most of the time you know some the balance is not the same for all cards right so don't um tell me like what's if you said if you bring alpha and it's an easy win yeah for that she for us it's a loss dios is an easy trash what this does is uh creates two bells and then when you when the lashi kills one of the two bells this attacks it but the thing is that this sigil cannot get transferred off if they buffed it or patched it i wouldn't know but this is not a good card like a two cost two two barely started and then the belts you cannot even sacrifice them so you block yourself in you have to plan ahead and make the opponent hit the bell so you kill him but even if the opponent hits the belt and you kill him that does not mean that you did damage right that does not mean that the spawn that has a bell in it will then also kill something you then have to still play cards and still fill your board so it doesn't really achieve that much uh darwolf uh this darwolf itself is good for the sigil it's it's not really a playable card because it costs three it's insanely static so it it is really really good for the sigil like this is just insane but otherwise the card itself three costs three costs have to be i mean you could say usable but i'm gonna say it's just good for the sigil darwolf pup uh i would say it's useful because it's a two cast that evolves into this monstrosity and to do five that attacks twice if you flame this once is insane it's it's like you flame it once on attack it's an insta win if you flame it once or twice on defense it will almost be immortal because it's going to be two nine so this is a very good card it's not an easy win because it's a two cost so it has some you you have to be able to play it but otherwise it's like very powerful uh fun we're gonna go with trash actually it's usable definitely better than other trash things but to be honest this is trash like i never pick it if possible because it moves around that's the main problem moving around is not always good especially when you're playing challenge mode that you have to calculate every single thing and you cannot predict when lash is gonna play something that uh will join a random lane and then you're gonna lose it because this thing makes whatever it wants alongside that goes to the trash this is good for the sigils field mass is a really bad card on its own it's a two cost two two that for candidate is useless but the sigil is insane the fecanity sigil is insane making you uh whenever you play a card you get a copy of it in the hunt it's like awesome needs a deck because it's an ant i mean i don't really need to explain the ants gekk by the way i will just explain for half a second for the ants anybody that does know ants have as many damage as many ants you have on the field so as long as you don't have an ant deck they always have one attack each so that's why they're here gek is definitely useful not an easy win obviously it's a zero cost one one the good thing with a gag is that you can transfer sigils on it and then and that you can also uh sacrifice it really easily for example if it's in your starting hand you start with two sacrifices you know the the mandatory squirrel hand plus the gag is instant to sacrifice on your opening hand so gag is useful overall and you can buff it also very easily i mean you give it sigils you know great white i would say it's needs a specific deck you have to be able to play well with the same coin by the way darwolf also goes in the specific deck but i just have it here to differentiate like this could be here right let's have it like this so it makes more sense because these are definitely worse than good sigils so yeah the colors whatever anyway um as i said great white definitely goes needs a specific deck the deck being i have high cost cards that i play otherwise it's like useless you three cost is too much on this game to play if you don't have a deck that can handle three costs because most of the time you will be killing up your own stuff and we're talking about um casey's mod here which is a challenge mode so great white most of the time not a good choice obviously if you have like something like corpse maggots with you or something else that is really powering up the great white well then you are in the category of specific deck grizzly also joins the same thing specific deck otherwise it's a three cast i mean the card is nice and all but it's not really playable otherwise tirakwa eg raku nijirakwa i think also needs a specific deck although it is actually better than these right it should be somewhere around here like useful i would say but to be real this needs a specific deck okay you have to realize that it's supposed to be here on useful it could be here an easy win but it's either here or here or even here or even here depending on your deck right what this thing does what this card does is it transforms randomly into another card in your deck okay and when you play the card that is in your deck with the normal cost that card entails then it actually transforms into four one so if your deck is for example a bunch of one costs then it's like here because you play one cast and boom you get a four one repulsive repulsor means that nothing can attack it not side attacks math is good kind of attacking nothing can attack it flyers fly over it and hit you normally but nothing can actually damage this thing um straight up so for example great white does not attack it and then goes under water and you do four damage to the opponent for free so this is a very powerful card but if you have one costs if your deck has zero cost and it's even higher if your card has a bunch of two costs low then it's about here because i mean depends on the two cost if it's gonna if you're gonna sacrifice two units and use and you were about to get i don't know i don't know what you were about to get i can't really give an example here if amalgam it's pretty much the same it's a four one yeah well it's it's here if you have two costs on your deck if you have three cards in your deck then it's here because you will sacrifice three units and get a four one out of it i mean might as well get a grizzly it's the same thing almost so overall i would say it's uh needs a specific deck you know what let's put it on useful just because it's not an easy win it might actually kill you off because you might try to calculate something and it might screw you over and i think it's still in the specific deck i'm sorry i'm bouncing this around but the thing is like even if you have one costs example for example let me give you another example by the way i'm sticking to these cards a bit more because um you know they're a bit more unique and also from the case mod let's for example say you have a cuckoo i want to really put my like drive my point home let's say you have a coupon you play it it it they will actually spawn the egg we have i have experiment about this i know that it's a fact so the this card does actually anything that has to do with what joins the void for example if you play cuckoo or if you play a magpie it will draw you the card it will place the egg so let's say for example you play the cuckoo and it plays the egg places the egg and then this transforms into eg rock because this thing actually was the cuckoo okay now this thing has in front of it an egg and it's going to attack the egg especially if the cuckoo was like a three one and then this joins in the poor one and you might be okay i play the cuckoo i do three damage in the air when we win and then actually what happens is you play the cuckoo the cuckoo plays an egg the iraq appears it attacks the eeg raku appears it attacks the egg and you don't do three damage and then like unless she attacks and you lose your board or you lose the game or you have no idea why it might happen right so if you have cards that have a specific sigils that actually need to stay on the board for example cuckoo or for example direwolf or double strikes there are a bunch of cards that have sigils that you would like to stay on board then this card is not good so we're going to go with needs a specific deck that's my that's my decision kingfisher's trash you might say good sigils it doesn't have good sigils once in a while once in a while you might need an underwater flyer but otherwise it's like trash on its own it's not worth it to sacrifice a bunch of things on it i still believe it's trash and it's it's it tries to do one damage to leshi and then let's let you through right that's what it does player means i do one damn schleshy underwater means unless she does whatever he wants to us but at least we don't lose the kingfisher well if he comes in with a grizzly or whatever or with a great bike we'll toast if lashi comes in with a 33 or something we're a toast the kingfisher is not a good card it it's not where it started and um the sigils themselves are mostly a trap you should target to get more sigils that do damage or that do something specific like keep your cards alive or maybe multi-attack or give you free cast you you do not need sigils that just give you flying like at least i can attack the opponent whenever i want no that's not really that important in this game in my opinion hammer geiger goes to needs a specific deck i mean this literally means a specific deck it needs a bone deck plus a blood deck or an infinite deck or whatever this is a win more card if you are already winning and you have infinite sacrifice and infinite bones and anything blood and whatnot then lamborghini is insane it's gonna literally win you the game on the spot as if you wouldn't already but if you don't have infinite of anything then labor geiger is not really that good ammo guy or llama geiger i don't even know what the name is doesn't really matter long elk is uh trash it's a full con no it's not trash i mean if we're gonna have coyote up here i mean might as well put it here right it's a it's a forecast one two i still believe it's trash i mean it does kill something but then it moves to the right and then most likely dies because it will kill whatever's in front of it but then when it moves you have to calculate a bunch of things and i think longer was trash alongside the the addre and everything else here i mean i definitely prefer two one that at least does two damage and if i put the sigil on it it can do more things than having a four one two that moves around this moving around itself is like a downside so even if you put like sigils on it with multi-strike and whatnot it might kill everything with poisons etc etc but still it will start moving around and if if you try to you know if you are about to say yeah but you can pull the strike on it and whatnot yeah the same goes with coyote the same goes with everything that has a lot of damage if you put multi-strike on it it can clear a bunch of lanes it can even win you the game this thing does not even win you the game on its own magpie is usable it's usable because no matter what happens you can always choose to for two sacrifices to draw whatever card you want by the way i would say use full to be honest not even usable because as i said if your deck is like huge you just add a magpie to it and that means whenever you draw the magpie you could draw whatever you want even if it's two sacrifices the effect of doing whatever you want from your deck is so good because you can build up like one cost and same card that insta wins you the game and then you have a magpie to droid out of the deck and the magpie is never ever not usable because no matter what happens it is a two cost draw devil card you want so no matter how you look at it it's a two cost draw that we can't you want as i said for the fifth time now and um if you have one card that's insane like the cuckoo you can just sacrifice the mark by on the spot play the one cast that's insane and just win on the spot right there and then and there so magpie is really useful not an easy win but useful uh madness guard is an easy win obviously you can transfer it to whatever you want and when you can give buffs to it an easy win it's it's an extremely powerful card what are we talking about mantis is useful because it's a double strike it's not an easy win but it's in double strike so it's pretty useful i don't really need to explain things like that mealworm i would say is also useful now it's the sigil that's useful and it's also itself is useful like a two cost for zero for it's pretty much a free card two cost is not really that hard to play and uh because you have to sacrifice it it's pretty much a one cast theoretically so this is a useful card the sigil is also really powerful if you transferred something else if you don't know what the series does it does that if you sacrifice this card it transfers stats to the next unit that you sacrifice it for so if you sacrifice for example the mealworm for the mantis the man is going to be one three um that means you could flame the mealworm which i would not really suggest although you can flame it on defense which is a good choice but that also means that you can transfer the sigil on something else like for example a geck or for example something big like grizzly and then if you sacrifice the grizzly onto something else on the grizzly then you can transfer the stash pretty much or you can for example give it to this four three the main one this four three there are a bunch of cards that you can transfer this sigil on and then you can use it on something it it's useful and it also combos well with fecanity let's go with mirroring mirango it says trash this card i mean what's the point of it the idea is that it has three life for one cast so if something comes in it will most likely not kill it and then this thing will copy the stats and kill it it kills some very specific things like um i don't know the flyer where's the flyer i don't know remember what the flyers name like this thing here the vulture it kills the vulture in one shot but the thing is that if nothing is in front of it it cannot damage leshi so it's a full-on defensive card that tries to kill things and some things don't even die from it for example potupine doesn't die for it um there are some things that don't die from it right so overall i would not say it's really a good card yeah and the worst part is you cannot win with it and that's the main problem there that if you clear the board you it does zero damage to dashi so it's pretty useless man it's usable it's usable i wouldn't say it's useful but i would i would say it's useful i don't know i will say it's useful i would say it's useful change of plans i mean it gives you it gives you six damage blocking flyer or not doesn't care will block everything in if you flame it like once or twice in health it's insane if you give it a buff that makes it immortal with some kind of way it's still insane you literally cannot lose the game at some point if you just have like an eight if you have an eighth life mole man that is for example immortal like for example that has the cockroaches you're almost almost you cannot lose pretty much because eight life per round is really a lot and if you flame it even more if you give it like damage it's also very nice overall this is like a good unit it's not extremely powerful it's an easy win but it is a useful unit to have around and sex life is not little by the way and also you can do a trick with it that a lot of people might not think about you can play them all man block one or two hits for example take four damage on the mold man and then the next round sacrifice it for something better and start doing damage so you can use it as a buffer to just draw a card out of your deck for a turn you know mole well the mole is not really that good i'm gonna say it's trash i mean the same thing applies like the mole man but the thing is first of all it doesn't block flyers while flyers will most likely kill you against lashi and uh secondly it only has four health so there is a good chance that it will actually get one shot and then you will not be able to sacrifice for something else so i would say it's trash you could say it's maybe usable maybe usable i mean in comparison to the rest it is actually usable but the thing is i don't know i don't really like them all sometimes it's good sometimes it's not i'm gonna say it's trash um you you can disagree on this it's it's not really a card that anybody really cares about in my opinion uh moosebug is definitely trash although i'm gonna say needs a specific deck just because of the fact that i mean it's a three cost that doesn't really die that easily moving around is really bad but pushing your cards is not really always good you never know what might happen you might say yes if but i know how to use the card and i know how to use things around and blah blah blah blah yeah it's still random man if it actually decides to play something in the back line and you want to say like okay i have to do this and this and this survive well if your moose bug is in the wrong position at that point you're toast and then might be in a good position might actually do the blocks you want them to do but that's a really random you you cannot play moose back turn one and tell me that turn five you know how you're gonna use it it's completely random so i would say it's trash okay i would prefer glizzly and a great white every time of the day over a moose buck so moose back you stay there uh my turtle i would say trash i mean it's a two cars two two that doesn't really die in one shot but that's it it's a two cross two two if it was let's say it was a two cost two four would it be useful then if it was an elk without them moving around would it be useful like two cross two four without decision i think it does not i mean the upside with having this is that it can block a five damage or uh or for damn or poisonous that's it pretty much because otherwise it is literally an elk with them with uh with like it's an elk without moving around if if flash attacks is for one damage for two damage then it does in two turns like an elk if if leslie attacks it with one damage then it dies in three turns while the elk would die in four turrets if fleshy attacks it with three damage it dies in two turns like the elk and if unless she does four damage then it still dies in two turns while the elk will die faster and if it hits gets it with poisonous it still survives i mean maybe nah it's trash man it's trash and i don't know the sigil is defensive but it's not useful per se it just keeps your unit alive i mean it's literally worse than this thing not literally worse because at least your union stays alive but then you will lose it at the next round um i don't know it's like really bad card the only thing that this has by the way because i know it for a fact is if leslie tries to ding it with the prospector hammer thing that one shots units this will actually survive if it has the shield with that alone you might say it's usable but i would say no because that fight isn't even that hard so just being able to survive a ding hit from the prospector does not really mean anything blossom i would say it's usable because it's a two cost one one so it's like you can sacrifice it it's a unit that you can easily play for free it's not useful it's not easy win but it is usable you you can have it in your deck and it is going to do something uh maybe i should change this to let's make this not complete trash i think that makes more sense right so they differentiate a bit and it's also more thematically bound to what we actually do in this channel right which is call half the half of everything trash and the rest only five cards exist that are good that's how you win the game by the way by playing good cards imagine that oroboros obviously is uh an easy one let's be honest here i mean it needs a set it's it needs a little bit of setup right but you can say the thing the same thing for cook and mantis obviously you can say that cuckoo needs a little bit of setup it's not a setup it's not an insta one you have to flame it a bit you have to use a sigil something urabor is the same thing you don't have to flame it you don't have to use a sigil you don't have to use anything the only thing you have to do is sacrifice it like five or six times make it into a five five a six six a seven seven and if it's like a nine nine it's like an insta win if it's a 69 69 it's a meme win then it's nice too but overall overall uroboros is insane obviously it does not have its own tier like the last two list we have because now the stats reset after each run so it always starts as a one one which is not really good the two class one is not really good but the moment you bring it up to three three it will come into the power of amalgam which is not complete trash and if it's a four four or a five five i mean a two cost four four a two cost five five are you insane that's like very powerful and um yeah let's continue pack rat tirash we know you know i hate it maybe good sigils i hate it i hate the trash it's trash man i it's trash and there are so many better cities i mean would you compare getting an item with double attack fecanity immortality or maybe this yeah you could compare it with black code okay it stays in good schedules but good sigils is otherwise trash territory anyway so it is good sigils i will say that what it does it gives you like an item at random so the good thing is not that it gives you the item per se the good thing is that before you play it you use an item of your choice and that's the main that's how i think about the card all the time right so you shouldn't say like oh it could give you a clock or it could give you a squirrel no how i'm thinking it is before you play the pack rat you play for example squirrel so it's as if it's a packard plus a squirrel or it's a pacquiao a rat plus a um plus a rock or it's a pack right plus the fun or the pliers or whatever you use your worst item that you have and you play the pack rat so it's as if you you use an item for free quote-unquote and then you get a random item that you should think about how to use on the following fight because you should be winning if you use an item you should be winning most of the time anyway pearl slice trash needs a specific deck although it's pretty bad like i would say i mean obviously it's trash right anything anything in either specific deck is trash if it's not in its own deck i mean that's really obvious so what the powerslice does is if you have um a pelt in your deck and you play the pelt then it joins the fight and that's it pretty much it's a one one and that's it it's it's a forecast so if it's in your hand you cannot play it it joins your deck by the way it joins from the deck or the hand so if you have for example three peltlies in your deck or one in your hand and two in your deck and then you play a pelt then all of them join right away boom instantly on the board and they just fill the board but it's one one you can flame it obviously you can give it sigils you can make it powerful but the reason it's in a need specific deck is because if you do not have pelts in your deck then it does nothing right it has no ability it's a four cost one one and even if you have pelts in your deck if you don't draw the pelts and draw the pelt lice then it does nothing it's a four cost one one so you cannot really play it on its own you have to play it health and the thing is that's pretty much the only thing you can do with that for example let's think about this i have a deck which has three lice and five pelts and um i don't know whatever else like three cuckoos and a mantas god right i mean it's if we're talking about so you draw your hand and it's it has two peltlies and one pelt you play the pelt the potholes join and then you're like okay i got three peltlies on the board i'm doing three damage per turn maybe we can survive this for a few turns until i draw you know a better card because three three damage return is not a lot so let's and then you draw a card from a deck and guess what it's a pelt and then you draw another card from the deck and it's another pelt well you just died so the bad thing with this card is that it forces you to create a deck that you don't really want to create you you need to create a deck like that has like two or three pelts because you don't want to draw too many pelts but the thing is that if you only have two or three pelts there is a good chance that you're going to draw the pelt lice before the pulse and the perplex itself is not playable so it's screwing your deck up so much that's why i'm thinking about it being trash instead of being needed a specific deck but let's just say it needs a specific deck okay let's just say that that means and the deck by the way is like two or three pelts or in five peltlies or something you have to have a bunch of these to be able to do something out of it because you have to realize that every pelt it becomes more powerful with as many pedal players you have because if you have only one pile place it's complete trash like imagine having pelts on your deck just to be able to get a one one out of your neck like it's so bad i can't even explain it's it's as if you have a pelt in your deck just because you have a gag in your deck why would you do that why would you have a pelt in your deck just to draw the geck out of your deck right it's you know what let me give you an even better example is it is as if your pet belt has the magpie sigil and when you play it for some reason you decide to draw the gueck and play it why would you do that why would you ever use the magby sigil on a geck that's the same thing you use a magpie sigil to draw a pulplice out of your deck and play it on your board but the thing is that if it is in your hand normally you cannot play it it's it's so bad like it's i i cannot even explain how bad this is i i think i have given already too many examples here and we are i'm 33 minutes when we're blasting through this by the way like the last two list was an hour plus this is already 33 minutes uh porcupine trap no what you find is actually not complete trash the reason is because it's a one cost one two which is i mean it's okay it's not complete trash but it's okay i mean look at the the cards that we we consider useful and easy win it's a one one it's a one one it's a one one it's a one one it's a one one it's a one everything is a one one up here so this is the one two that has a decent sigil it's not complete this this usually is not complete trash it sometimes can block some things it can do some damage i mean it's like a baseline unit that does something and is not complete trash and by the way i prefer it over the bullfrog because the thing with flyers at least how i play is i let the flyers go through while i'll kill them so that i can control the board right sometimes some fights are really hard for me it's the hardest fight for me the way i play it is the where's the card again i forgot the name the the turkey vulture fight there is like a fight with the turkey vulture plus a mole man plus a mall i think but that fight is hard because the mole is blocking in damage right the trick with the flyers is to let them damage you while you kill them so you control the board and win the fight through time that's why bullfrog is bad because it suicides into flyers like i don't want to die from flyers i want the flyers to attack me and i want to kill the flyers on my own so i get free lanes to attack for free later so that's why bullfrog is good and punchpine is good um too uh bullfrog is bad and pogba is good because pokemon can kill a bunch of things in retaliation you can play portuguese in one it attacks for one damage and then when uh the elkhorn comes in it kills it when the when the wolf pop comes in it kills it whatever has one damage actually who cares about damage whatever has one life can come in the porch point and die from the pokemon retaliation damage so that's really good and this is also good like if you transfer it on the mall man you got a good card if you transfer it on the small man you got a good card so it's it's okay it's it's not completely trash that's the important part here uh let's continue popcorn i would say trash maybe good sigils maybe good essentials i don't know man it's like the two cost one three moves around the movies around parties that that i hate i'm gonna say trash no i'm i'm not gonna pander it to anybody i believe airport is trash because it moves around man i hate this thing and it's a two cost one three which is three life is okay but it's not one damage is really bad for a two cost and it attacks sideways which is good obviously but the thing is that because it moves around it can go into corner and do one damage and imagine doing one damage with your two costs right imagine having a two cost three three against the two cost one three that moves around this this is like you might see the double strike and say oh but double strike is insane if you transfer it on something else yeah but when you're moving around it's not really that powerful because you can go into a corner you can you lose your unit the trick with the double strike is that you can try to hide it behind the flyer or hide it behind the rock and then you can attack for free every single turn while obviously letting the flyer attack you but you still attack for free every turn while moving around while having double strike is extremely bad so i'm gonna say trash raccoon red vlogs trash uh actually you know what let's say good sigils or trash i did not experiment with raccoon enough i i played with it a bit okay this is the one card which i can accept criticism like yeah you have not used the card enough so you don't know how powerful it is this is the one card that i can agree that with the reason i have not used it a lot is because i realized it was trash pretty early what this does is um any card that you kill from leshi gives you a bone that's it pretty much you get bones from whatever you kill but the thing is it's a three cost one one so it's as if it's an opossum that's not complete trash you know what let's put it on not complete trash you pretty much pay one bone for the ability to steal bones from the opponents and um i mean the moment you kill a single enemy you get the bone back so theoretically it's as if it costed the same with the possum yeah i mean yeah yeah yeah let's be fair here let's be fair like from from balan's perspective alone i think it should be here and let's actually have them next to each other possum raccoon i think that's fair this year itself is not important you don't really need bone farming what you actually want to do in this game is either get an infinity to get bones or get the bone sigil on something like the the thing that's coming up next or um or have bones in an items or overall you do not get bones from this okay you get bones in other ways either with an infinite or with whatever other way if if you need this to get bones like if you're like oh no i need bones right now because i have a bone deck let's get the raccoon to achieve that no you're toast man i mean no you literally cannot do that obviously it is gonna give you bones but if you try to build a deck around the raccoon and killing things to get bones ah power to you rat king good sigils otherwise trash like two class two one is complete trash on its own but uh it has a good schedule you can use it let's have these next to each other let's have this first first of all and let's have the second and let's have this last yeah that makes sense more and this is in my opinion better so yeah the rat king it has a good sigil if you wear a bone deck you need it transferred something and get bombs that's it pretty much rattler i would say not complete trash it's a six cast which is not really easy to play but it's a three one so three three damage is really good and if you have the bonelord buff it's like an instant three one unit for free pretty much so it is actually on complete trash i could put it on useful but the thing is that if you're not a bone deck six bones are achievable but most of the time it's not really hard to achieve six bones okay but the thing is that most of the time the moment you get six bones you should be at the third round maybe fourth round right so you are either winning the game already or you are losing or you are losing right um i mean that's the only thing that can happen at the third to fourth turn you should know if you're winning or losing right first turn maybe not second turn maybe mod but the third the fourth turn unless she has played like a bunch of cards you have played a bunch of cards you should have a handle of what's happening and the rattler if you're winning you don't care about it if you're losing then then it's good i mean it's decent when you're losing because it's a three one that can maybe kill a loin but the thing is that if he has double lanes there is a good chance that it might kill something and then something is going to come in and kill it so it has its downside that way it's not useful that's why it is not complete trash ravening i would say useful actually i would say raven egg is useful we will slowly start filling up useful useful is not really the most important uh tier list here at the most i mean easy win is hard to get and useful is not hard to get in so raven egg i mean it's a one cost two three flyer let's be honest it has a downside of first turn doing nothing but a lot of times that downside is not really gonna matter sometimes it will matter to be honest sometimes you will lose because you're not fast enough but i mean otherwise most of the time it is actually useful card like a one cost two three flyer you can you can block in flyers you can block in molemance and do free damage and not moments moles you can attack over moles for free you can attack over rocks for free you can attack over enemy flyers for free to attack flare is decent raven not complete trash i mean the same reason for the raven egg but it's not the one cost pretty much but you get the damage out earlier so theoretically speaking like let's be honest here theoretically theoretically you've you could do first turn pass second turn dress squirrel play the raven right well the difference damage wise is the same the difference is that the raven would be played on the first turn at second turn you could play the you could still draw the squirrel and then use it for something else that's that's why this is useful and this is not complete trash right because the card itself is not really that bad but i i would say it might be trash but it's not complete trash because as i said at two attackers decent the two costs i don't know i'm really like between these but um yeah i i would say let's say it's not complete trash okay although although i i'm like between these two red heart complete trash this is completely trash this is a very bad card i don't know for some reason people there is like a community or something there were memes about the red heart i am not using the cards and whatnot and i think people think that this is a good card this first of all this is a win more card right let's let's first say what this does what this card does is it has as much damage as many sacrifices you did in the turn but the thing is that this number changes every turn so when you when your turn starts and this is on the board first of all let's let's go with the normal scenario right the normal scenario is you start your game you play this thing the third hard it's either a two-two because it has it's a two sacrificing and i don't know if it's visible so this thing is a two sacrifice unit has as much damage as the cards you sacrifice so the moment you play it it should be a two-two because you have sacrificed the unions to play it it might be a three-two because you might have sacrificed something else to play something else alongside it might be for two maybe you played a bunch of things okay let's say it's a two-two let let's just say the normal scenario it's a two-two i i even give you the benefit of a doubt answer three two right industry damage whatever next turn you play it's a zero two you start the round it's a zero two you have to have you have to sacrifice something on that on the second turn you play it otherwise it's a zero two forever so you have to sacrifice something every single turn otherwise it doesn't do anything and at the worst part it even moves around you can't even make sure that it's gonna stay in a lane that you can you know manipulate because if it was not moving around you could say okay the moment i play it i do five damage in the lane kill the whole lane second turn i don't care because it might stay at two zero life and then through it a turn i play another two three things and then it goes up to two or three damage again and and then i kill him right because if you clear two lanes then leslie will take at least one turn to play something and then the next one he will play something so if it did not move around you could manipulate it like that but because it's moving around now you you have to do a bunch of weird things like you you have to use this lane kill the whole lane and then next turn this moves to the right and then you use this and sacrifice it away so that you let them room but it will still attack this lane like no man the card is really bad it's extremely bad it's extremely bad that you have sacrifice this is a win more card and when more cards are not useful at all right because when will this be good this will be good when you have infinite sacrifice when you have a candidate or something and you sacrifice again and again and again again again and then you get like 20 damage on it but that's it that's the only time it's good at when you have an infinite and if you have an infant you're winning already so it's useless ringworm i wanted to analyze this because some of the new cards have you know a bunch of people have different opinions ringworm is trash because flame is trash at this point uh no flame is not trash but flame is a lot more a lot worse now you can only flame a unit twice on casey's mod instead of four times there is a good chance that the ringworm will not even burn out so it's going to be either a two one or a zero five which is also extremely bad and even if you kill the survivors once again you can only transfer two dams to the rest of your unions so it's trash river order um is on good sigils i got you right it's obviously complete trash it goes underwater yeah what underwater means i i i have said this like a million times but you have to understand underwater means that lashi has flying okay that's what underwater is underwater makes the opponent unit have flying that's why underwater and flying is bad for us but good for leshi okay because leshi does not need to kill your cards leshi does not need to control the board unless she just needs to beat you once she just wants to do five damage to you and win so he can use flyers to to um how's it called to pressure you right as long as she's using fliers and you lose life you have to be careful to not lose while she doesn't care she's like if you have flyers and beat me then so be it maybe next turn i beat you so flyers on your side is not good because you try to not lose even once while she doesn't care this thing makes leshi flyer and the thing is that underwater is also good for leshi for the same reason right because underwater makes lashi have flyers make no no makes leshi make your cards into flyers right so if she has a waterborne and you attack then your unit is as if it's a flyer unless she kills your unit and you don't want flyers to be honest because if you don't kill opponent's units you might lose the board and if you lose your board your toast because if you lose your board you cannot sacrifice units and you will have to try to draw squirrels and then from squirrels or cards and you will lose so much time so what is happening is that you want to kill the opponent boyd while you don't want to get hit on your real life right you don't also want to lose your life points you might say yes but you said sif that you want to keep your board alive while you kill she's bored isn't that what butterburn does no what watermelon does is on leshi's turn it is as if you don't have a void and that is what kills you most of the time if fleshy comes in with eight damage and all your units are waterborne you're gonna die sometimes you actually need to block and even let your units die to not lose so waterborne making letting damage through is as if you don't have a board which is extremely bad right and when you have flyers then that means you cannot kill ashy and then you're losing your board without being able to keep it alive so having flyers on your side and water boards on your side is bad while the same thing for leshi is good it's not a universal rule right sometimes there are exceptions if you have like 20 damage on a unit you can't have it in the waterborne obviously but still a grizzly might come in and kill you a white shark might come in a great white might come in and kill you because you have a river otter in the lane so yeah river is trash and i just wanted to indicate explain myself with waterborne flash because a lot of people feel like they're good cards like i can put a waterborne on my mantas god and then it is immortal first of all it's not immortal because it can die from porcupines okay that's why actually mortality is better than waterborne and secondly yeah and what you know what if if if you put waterborne on your mantis guard first of all might as well put flying on it and secondly might as well put immortality on it might as well put a function on it might as well put anything is better than water point anything man even evolving is better than waterborne i prefer my mantas got to become a 2-3 by evolving than going underwater and yeah the rant is over river snapper's trash doesn't even do anything to cause one six is trash uh skink is obviously useful because the tail gets the flame buffs the tail gets the sigil buffs the tail gets everything so this is a one cast two one that creates a tail that might be spiky that creates a tail that might be ferkanity might be immortal might give us blood might give us bones anything right whatever you put on the skin the tails get it gets it too even evolving everything you put flame on the skink you put two damage on the skin it's a three two while the flames the the the tails are zero two by the uh by r2 sorry that i'm mixing things up so the tail is a zero two right so when something attacks the skin it moves to the right leaves zero two behind most of the time it dies a lot of times it doesn't die but as i said if you put flame on the skink like imagine giving four life to this king this king is going to be one six and the tail is going to be zero six okay and you can sacrifice the tail if if the tail has immortality you can sacrifice the tail and then it joins your hand and then you can play it again for free because the tail costs zero if you put flame on the skink damage flame and it's a 3-2 the tail is a tutu if you put poisonous on it the tail sauce poisons if you put spikes the taylor spikes everything you put on the skin the tails gets it too and it's very powerful the skink is a very useful unit don't uh sleep on the skink by the ways king of doom coined the shift content skunk i thought it was trash okay but i would say it's not completely trash i i'm not using this guy a lot but you have to realize something first of all i'm not using it because it has your attack right that's the reason but it blocks in everything that has your attack one attack forever anything that has one attack it gets blocked in forever is it flyers is it units that are on board it doesn't matter second thing if something has two attack it takes it three turns to kill it because it goes back to one it it counts as completely match gods it count it does not die from three damage unit like amalgam it is good actually on the final fight with fleshy it it counters the amalgam and the man's god i mean it doesn't counter the amalgams amalgam but it completely comes from its gods so it is a good style unit and the sigil itself is not actually that bad um because the same rules apply on everything so if you're for example you give the skunk sorry if you give the skunk to the mall man or the skink but let's say the mole man which makes more sense then the mall man will survive so much more it will not die from poisonous it will not defermenting this also doesn't die from poisonous it has some very niche scenarios that is actually good but the thing is that those very neat scenarios are a lot like i know it does make sense niche scenarios and a lot of them do not make sense though those are like opposite things but the thing is that it is good and issuing is how can i explain it it is good against flyers it is good against poisonous it is good against one damage units but it's only good against those otherwise it doesn't do anything right it counters half what leishi does but it doesn't do anything with that countering right it's as if it's like um okay i kill your unit but my unit dies too actually just blocks and lanes right that's what it does it blocks in a lane and blocking lanes is good in this game because it buys you time to just focus on the other three lanes or the other two lanes depending on how many you blocked in that's why the cook is good too right because it blocks and lane in but the thing with a cuckoo why it's easy win and not it's complete trash is because the cuckoo blocks only lashes elaine in while the skunk also blocks your lane in at the same time but still it's a it's a decent unit i have to say uh it's not complete trash you see i also change your opinions once in a while sparrow to trash it's a one cost flyer that's a one damage i mean one damage flash or trash okay let's just go on but served you served the cuckoo blocks in opponent lanes guys slowed trash i mean it's a one cost one two without the sigil yeah i mean yeah larva i would say easy win i mean you might say useful but i would say easy win now why do i say easy win with strange larval although it takes three turns well because the larva might take three turns to evolve but you are a human and you can play the game right so you can plan ahead like just two turns ahead you just have to plan two turns ahead it's as simple as that and then you win right away you just play the strange larva hope or pray that it doesn't die or as people say calculate the following two turns and just win as simple as that it evolves first it evolves into a zero three again so it has two evolutions uh foreign but that doesn't know it evolves from a zero three to zero three and then after that it evolves again into a seven three flyer and at that point you're winning right away right because seven three flyer most of the time it will hit the back line and just kill uh no not the backline just gonna do seven damage lashing it's done and if you flame it like once it becomes so much more powerful if you give it live flame it's a zero five almost immortal it will definitely have time to evolve if it's a one three like if you flame it for damage one three or two three it it won't not only will it win you the game in two turrets but it will also buy you time for those two turns to arrive so this thing is very powerful with any single buff you could give it like if you give it flame buff or any like mantis anything immortality anything you give it it becomes so much more powerful this is a very powerful card uh by the way flaming these cards i mean you know what these cards are so bad that if you flame them you are already making mistakes like you could flame the kingfisher for damage but why don't you have any of these cards i mean if you don't have any of these cards then yeah obviously you can flame the kingfisher might as well flame the cat man it might as well flame the mall are we kidding right now if you don't have any of these cards to power up obviously you can flame whatever and tadpole this is actually a useful not an easy win a useful card it's not an easy win but because on its own like on its complete own it's it's trash right it's not trash it's it's this card goes under water so it doesn't die and then the next turn it it evolves instantly into a bullfrog so it's like a guaranteed bullfrog for free now the reason it's useful is because if you flame it or if you give it any buff that's useful it becomes extremely powerful really quickly because it's a zero cost right so it's as if it is a gek this this should be like next to a gig so it is as if it's a gak with the difference being that instead of being a one one it's a zero one on the first turn but then it evolves into one two with with uh with flyblocker which is bad but still it evolves into one two so it's almost the same with the geck the difference the big difference is that if you flame this or if you give it a good buff like mantis god plus flame or something you know because it needs damage flame otherwise it doesn't do anything really then it becomes a lot better than the gek because imagine that what is better a one one with let's say i flame them both twice this is a three one this is a two one right what's better a three one that attacks three lanes and pretty much once you get into the game or a two one that attacks three lanes pretty much wins you into the game and then goes underwater and when it comes up again it's a 3-2 that attacks all the lanes and also blocks flyers it's almost the same it's almost the same that's why it's next to each other turkey vulture i would say not complete trash it's an 8 cost which means you need to be able to somehow produce bones i mean if if you're at the fourth turn or the fifth turn and you have eight bones because of all the sacrifice you did then when the wheelchair comes in you should be winning the game at that point most of the time if you barely survive to the fifth turn then bringing in a 3-3 flyer will most likely win you the game but sometimes it might not so it's just not complete trash because it has a very good stat line the ability i don't care about it but the stand line is insane and if you flame it a bit it's all even better if you have the bonelord then it's really good like imagine starting with an 33 flyer all the time because you have eight points right away so it's not completely trash rightly needs a specific deck as simple as that definitely better than the puzzle it's definitely better than that too you guys can come in front here let's go like here so this is like an instrument uh ryuli well if you have a sacrifice deck or if you have uh what is this called if you have the sigil here the this thing the corpse magnet sigil then it's good as simple as that otherwise the trash you cannot play it it's a four card seven seven what can i say you either play it for free or with the black goat or with some kind of congo combo otherwise the trash nothing more to explain there warren this is actually useful yes it is this is uh pretty much like the black goat but the difference is that you can split the sacrifice what this does is the moment you play it you get a rabbit in your hand and rabbit is like a zero one it's as if it's a tadpole but without abilities right so this thing you play it for turn one you have this in hand and whatever else let's say this is your hand and this is a squirrel and this doesn't exist let's say this is your hand right and this is grill you play the squirrel you play the warren the one gives you a a rabbit you play the rabbit and then you sacrifice the warren on the skink for the skin and you sacrifice the rabbit for the raven egg and turn one you have a skink and a raven egg that's why this is good this can propel your first turn very quickly into pretty much the secondary and uh it also combos with two cars like you can even do it with a wolf pop like play the squirrel play the warren play the score the rabbit play the wolf pop turn one wolf pop turn two boom instantly got a two five with double attack you see that's the one is really powerful and any sigil you give it that has some kind of uh percussion like repercussion what re repeat repetition any any sigil you given that has a repetition like field mice or cockroach insta win like infinite bones infinite blood infinite a bunch of things you can get sacrifice out of it it's it's a decent card it's a very useful card that's why it's unusual wild ball wild bull wild bull hmm i guess not complete trash yeah as simple as that and while we're at it let's also bring the wolf over here those are just two cost three twos right the sigil is bad so i would say this this sigil makes it when it moves around this issue actually does this thing okay as you see it right it literally it moves around i can't even do it i guess yeah this is what it actually does um when it moves around it flings the previous card around like maybe this is more of a graphic like this is what it does every turn it moves around and flings the other card back to the other lane that's it pretty much i obviously hate moving around but it is what it is it's a cost 32 so it's not complete trash right it has its stats but it's bad wolf cup i mean useful obviously wolfgang is a pretty decent card it's it's a one cost one one it still does damage and then it evolves into a wolf which is a three two so it's a one cause three two if you give it anything like if you give a double attack triple attack flying sideways any anything you give it that has to do with being even more offensive it instantly becomes like easy win right the moment you give it something that's offensive you give it this it's op you give it this where is it give it this it's op you give it i mean offensive things right op op op op anything anything even flyer making this flyer is very powerful so it's a good unit wolverine good schedules i'm sorry it has a good sigil it's not insane it's not even a good sigil man i would say needs a specific deck i mean it's a [Music] okay what this thing does is when it kills a unit it gets its damage but you have to realize that so many things have to go right right i i have a run on the channel which uh actually went pretty well with the wolverine not the wolverine itself the sigil of the wolverine but um you have to realize that first of all it's a one-three if you blame it let's say you flame it okay and you make it through three or let's say you transfer it onto a man squad because that's the main example people think about when you think if it's a good card not transfer it onto mans god first of all first of all you should not think you should not always think like this is very good on man's god and on mantis and on direwolf and therefore it's good no guess what guys mantis god mantis and darwolf these sigils are already good on their own they don't need wolverine to be good at so you should never ever use a very good cards to try to think if another good card is good so let's begin with that but let's say it's on the mad squad um then the manta god will attack three times and if the mad god kills something then it will become a 2-1 okay i mean i could just flame it once and it would be a 2-1 and would even give us a free win right so this is like a pseudo flame for damage every time you kill something but the thing is that you have to kill something and you also have to not die right because the mantas god might die it might kill at least everything but then something comes in and kills it and then it's done you lose the damage as simple as that so there will be cases where this will be good like double strike definitely works good with it money's good definitely works good with it but otherwise it's not real that good i mean what do you what will you do with the sigil this schedule is useless on everything good look at this useless good useless useless useless not good useless good useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless useless i mean everything is useless man everything the sigil is really bad it's not really that good so yeah it's as if you flame a unit right on damage but only if it kills something and for it to kill something it has to line up correctly and even if it kills something and gets the flame still the black line might come and kill it right so i mean think of a bit like that your skin has one damage if you flame it once and it was a two one two two it would kill the wolf cub for example if two wolf cups are in front of it um is that even a good example i don't know let's say two gags are in front of this king skink is not a good example let's say the geck is yeah let's say the geckos and two wolf cubs are coming in you have the geck with the wolverine and two wolf clubs are coming in the geck kills something the the first one the first wolf pup right it becomes a two one and then the second wolf pop comes in and kills the gag the end now let's imagine the geck has a normal flaming adjusted to one it kills the first wolf pup and because of the two one damage it also goes the back line so both of them die so it's a 2-1 that killed both and it's still alive so it's like a worse flame it's it's a flame that only works if if you're lucky and you're powerful i don't know anyway um yeah we hit the hour mark obviously because that's a stiff channel classic staple um let's see if i would like to maybe re reorder some things is really doing even necessary i'm not sure if we're doing this even necessary most of the time i bring this like here i would say this is like a smidge better and everything else this stays here this goes a bit higher um this uh these i mean you know what reordering is not important right it's just the small things i i i don't need to reorder here i i explain myself you can realize on your own what i think is just as much better i mean the bats definitely not appear this might be a bit more higher this will take so much time if if like the way my mind works this will take like an hour plus so let's not reorder anything let's just i did whatever we were doing i did don't don't only this or you're doing matters okay the rest i haven't even thought about it forget it as it is it is as this right and this thing these two these two are this and this is ordered correctly the rest are not ordered correctly it doesn't matter so maybe these two are also ordered correctly so yeah that's going to be it um i hope you guys um agree or disagree i would like to hear some opinions first of all if you like the content drop like helps out the channel and also we'll make it so you see more of my videos and yeah as i said i uh i'm expecting to read some comments here i want to hear some opinions some hot takes maybe i am the person with the hot takes and uh i decided some things that you did not decide uh this tier list is not similar it's it's a bit similar i'm pretty sure with the previous one i had the previous one still stands maybe one or two cards i have a change opinion on but i'm not really sure most of the opinions i had of the previous two lists are the same but the previously list was also without flaming and without flames and without without transferring sigils without any of those things this one is more of that so yeah as i said that's my theory list hope you guys enjoyed also before i forget let's um yeah happy new year very important happy new year i hope you guys had a fun time yesterday night on new year's eve or maybe even today i don't know what over at your um city slash country you do when new year's eve or new year the day of the new year if people do something or i don't know i definitely had a great time and i also hope you did too and um yeah let's see what the new year will bring us um hopefully everything is going to continue going better and better good luck and have fun with your life guys i don't know what what to say what's a happy new year anyway that is going to be it for today once again thanks for watching and see you guys around
Channel: Sifd
Views: 100,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, progress, progression, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Strong, Action, classes, Heroes, Guide, Learn, roguelite, roguelike, rpg, Inscryption, inscryption, inskription, Inskription, Inscription, Inskryption, Horror, Card game, Deck builder, deckbuilder, cardgame, card, cards, Progress, scary, mystery, horror, secrets, deathcard, puzzle, puzzles, challenge, challenges, inscription, mod, inscyption mod, inscyption modded, insdcription mod, Kayce's mod, endless, beta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 3sec (3963 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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