Bicycle Modeling Tutorial in Blender 2.93 | Polygon Runway

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[Music] hey everyone welcome to my new tutorial in today's video i want to show you how to create a simple stylized 3d bicycle pretty straightforward and simple thing i will be using several techniques to do this mostly curves and show you how to come up with simple bicycle structure and then optionally how to refine some of these details if you're new to the channel and you'd like to see short tutorials like this in the future please hit that subscribe button and the bell button to get notified when i release something new and if you enjoyed this video please leave that like it really helps the channel and if you're new to the world of 3d and blender and you want to become a 3d illustrator go and check out my courses that are carefully designed to teach you beginner and intermediate skills in quickest and most effective way for example with the new ultimate 3d bundle you can go from simple cubic designs all the way to full character illustration in matter of weeks so if you're interested please go check out the link in the description now let's jump right into empty blender file and before we actually start modeling we need some reference to get the proportions right basically you can just go ahead and google bike blueprint keywords i've put a link in the description for the blueprint i'm using here let's just go for a side view by pressing three on a numpad and now let's go to your folder and just drag and drop the image you downloaded right here and optionally we can press alt g to reset and i want to change the orientation of this blueprint because i want the front of the bike to be here so let's press s then y and 1 to flip it and let's just go to the object data properties and enable opacity and reduce to something really small so we basically just see the proportions and i'll enable side front so it's visible only from the front and disable it in perspective and optionally we can enable these toggles and disable the manipulation of this so that's for the blueprint and we can start modeling the bike right away optionally if you want you can just drag this up so the wheels are sitting on axis there and first i want to start by adding vertex you can do this by enabling extra objects in the add-ons and then you will have this single word option here or you can just add a plane tab in and press m and merge at center that will merge all of your vertices into single one that you can then move around with g whatever works for you and now let's press g and move this vertex right here this is where we'll start our modeling the reason why i'm starting with the vertex instead of curve directly i simply just like editing mesh more than curves in blender i think there are a lot of tools to help you shape those edges and vertices so that's why i always choose this approach and we can continue by extruding the single vertex so let's press e then y and extrude it right here and we can continue this way throughout the whole blueprint but keep in mind please that i don't want to just go and extrude this piece right here i want to duplicate that vertex and extrude once again and you will see why later when we convert the curves so let's press shift d to duplicate this vertex and i will just place it here and press e and extrude down towards the middle of this axis and i will do the same here so shift d to duplicate and e to extrude right here okay and now i will shift d once again place it right here and extrude towards here now here we can join these two so let's just drag a selection there let's press m and merge at center i think they could work together and then i will continue right here so press shift d and if you want to place it on the same place just right click to release and continue by extruding towards here and now i will continue extrusion by pressing e and dragging this down here or maybe even here and let's move this down tiny bit okay and let's press shift d on this one here right click to release and e to extrude down and here we can extrude multiple vertices to create this curvature right there so this is what we have here if you rotate this this doesn't look like much and some of these need to go to a separate object so i will take care of that right now because i want to mirror them later so let's press l over this one and l here and let's press b enter to separate them into a separate object and before we convert these two curves let's give them the mirror modifier and you know move them a little bit to the side so there's a space for wheels so let's add that mirror modifier here press a to select all and we can deselect these two press g then x and move them to the side like this okay that works fine so far we'll just need to eyeball the width here how much space do we actually need for the wheel i think we'll need more space here in the back so this one here can go a little bit closer maybe and now we can select this top vert right here press e then x and extrude it inside we don't need to auto merge here so i won't enable clipping and to create some of these curves and that's why i love the mesh modeling i can simply select the word press ctrl shift b and just bevel it like this and increase the number with the mouse wheel and i have a nice curve without like messing up things with bezier curves or something like that so i really enjoy working like this and i will do the same here to create a little curvature so let's press ctrl shift b and create a small curve here so this will be the base for our bicycle frame now before we convert this to curves let's edit the first object as well i want to bubble this connection down here so let's select this vertex [Music] and bevel it like this and you can optionally move it down tiny bit if you want okay works just fine so let's press a to select all let's go to object convert and the curve and now in the object data properties in the geometry section if you don't see it you can expand it like this you can just increase the depth i will do this by holding alt so i'm doing it for both objects like this let's check our reference something like this should work fine and obviously some of these parts are not so beveled so you can do this separately if you go into the edit mode of the curve and press alt s you will scale the radius as well so let's do it just for this section right here [Music] and scale it down tight a bit okay so that's the base for our bicycle frame and again we can now move this a little bit and here you can see why i chose to separate some of these vertices and why i duplicated them because when it's connected it can really like distort your mesh and if you just leave them separately like this it will nicely connect so that's the frame and let's continue with the second main thing and that would be the wheels so let's press shift a and let's add the circle and i want to leave this at 32 vertices so let's just tab in press r y and 90 degrees tab out and we'll place the middle of the wheel here of course and now we can tap back in and make this smaller just like that and now let's move it to the side tiny bit let's press g x and move it to the side and i want to add a mirror modifier here as well and this time i will enable clipping and just press e then x and extrude it towards the middle and alt click the other loop and press f to cover that and let's hold z to toggle x-ray if you don't have these extra pi menu activated in the preferences you can turn the x-ray right here as well and let's press i to insert this just like that and now i will extrude tiny bit inside and insert once more and now i want to just press x and delete faces alt click the loop and connect there so press e then x and connect so this will be a basic shape of our wheel now we can just bevel this let's alt click that loop and press ctrl b to bevel just like that and we can of course bevel this inside rim as well just a tiny bit so this will be a base for a wheel and now we'll need the middle part so let's hold shift s and choose cursor to select it and now let's press shift a and we'll just add the cylinder it should be enough and we can reduce this to a half so something like 16 and let's go into the edit mode press tab press s to scale r y 90 degrees and s and x to scale it out of course these parts will need to be refined and the way you refine them that will be totally up to you so far i will just block out these essential parts of the bike and then we can just dive into these separate parts to see if they can be or needs to be detailed at the scale we need this bike to work and now let's go and create the spoke patterns inside the wheel i think there are a lot of those i have no idea how many types of these patterns are there and what they do and how they do it basically i just want to create a simple pattern that looks like a bike wheel and the one that will be easiest to create for you so let's press shift a and let's add a circle and now i want to tab in press r by 90 degrees and let's scale this down so it kind of barely touches the ring there okay now press f and i to inset and let's make this smaller so it touches the middle and now we can press x and delete faces there and now what i want to do is to go to edge select by pressing 2 and ctrl alt click these loops so we select them all and now let's go to select and checker the select i want to select just every other of these and i will press p and enter to separate this into a separate object and now i will select the original circle press x and delete so this is what we are starting from and that's basically only the health but that's exactly what we need right now so let's tab in and i will again toggle x-ray remember you can do that right here and let's select these middle vertices and push them outside so press g then x and move them somewhere here okay now let's look from the side and actually it's visible here on the blueprint it's a little hard pattern to make out so i will simplify this for you basically we'll just need to spin this inside to better match that pattern and i think something like minus 60 degrees will be enough here and then we'll need to do similar thing on the other side so let's tab in let's press shift d to duplicate this right click to release in place and let's just press s x and minus one that will flip it on the other side and let's tab in first of all let's press a to select all and we'll need to rotate this so we fill these missing parts here so let's press r and by holding ctrl we can snap to angles and let's snap it right here and then we'll just select the middle part and we'll rotate to the other side so remember we rotate it 60 degrees so we'll now need to go 120 degrees in the opposite direction so let's press r 120 and confirm and basically that's it if you look at this i think it will pass just all right as a wheel spoke the last thing we need to do is to select both of those we can press ctrl j to join them into one object and let's go to object convert to curve and we can give them some thickness in the geometry section just like that and we have ourselves some wheel what i want to do right now is to select the wheel parts i think i got them all and just press alt d and y to duplicate them on the other side just like that and let's create some other parts of the geometry of the bike so we can finish with this we can use snapping to identify places where we need to continue so let's tab in here and select this bird and shift s cursor selected and we can now just add new mesh single word and extrude other parts of the bike just like this okay and here it's not visible very well but we'll need to finish and go into the mirror mode so let's rotate this now we'll press shift d right click to release and p enter to separate to another object you can see it here in the outliner so we can tab out select new one tab in and just start extruding so press e then x and extrude it outside we don't have the front reference so we'll need to eyeball this so after extruding to the side we can just extrude this shape right here [Music] just like this and now we can add a mirror modifier and enable that clipping that should be enough and additionally we can refine this part here so there's a little bit more geometry going on and now let's select this object once again and type in and let's snap the cursor right here and i'll press shift a and add a new single vert and then press e to extrude up and we'll have a place for the seat so let's move the cursor right there let's tab out and let's create the geometry for the seat so i will start with the plane let's make this just smaller and again i'm a little bit hazy on the bike details so please bear with me if i mess this up horrendously biking is not one of my free time activities so it will be probably up to you to make this properly so let's press a to select all and i will extrude it down and move it like this and this will make more sense when we add some subdivision so let's press ctrl 2 and probably this is not so bad okay i will go with this one here but add a little bit sharper shape down there by adding a loop cut and of course we'll probably don't need these bottom faces so let's just press x and delete them we can maybe make just go inside a little bit and of course later you can add solidify you can add some i don't know parts there like springs um whatever you need and now i want to create curves from the rest of this but here i need more geometry so let's press ctrl shift b on this vertex to bevel it so we have some actual curvature there and now we can tab out select all of these meshes and just go object convert to curve and adjust the bevel by holding alt so we are applying this to all of them and if you're worried about these holes at this point you can always just select any curve and enable field caps that will close this up for you same here as well and basically we are getting to really nice bicycle shape i think the rest will be probably just adding some mechanical parts that the bike needs and of course the pedals first of all we can drag this even lower maybe let's reset the cursor to world origin let's add a circle and i think 24 should be enough here r y 90 degrees in the edit mode let's scale it down and don't forget to tab out so we are moving the origin point as well and let's place it here and we'll press shift d and move the circle there as well if you want to be really precise you can always just select the cylinder hold shift s cursor to select it and then click the new circle and hold shift s and choose selection of the cursor so that will snap into the middle exactly now tab in and make this smaller and i don't want to like make the shifters and everything so i will make this just one speed bike just to keep things simple basically and here in the middle i want to snap the cursor there as well and add another cylinder there to close that shape up a little bit so r why 90 degrees and make this smaller just like that and there are multiple ways how to approach the pedals basically i will just reuse some of this geometry so let me type in press shift d to duplicate the circle right click to release b enter to separate and now i will make this smaller in place and extrude outside and let me do a small loop cut here [Music] just like this and i will extrude the bottom faces like that let me check the reference i think this length should be enough okay that'll do and now i can just add the plane make it smaller press g then z move it down somewhere here maybe let's look from the top we can press g then x move it to the side and scale it like this okay and if you want to make it a little bit more detailed you can of course like split it and then maybe insert these parts individually by pressing i repeatedly to create these openings like that and then maybe push this outside and let's hover press l and extrude this out so we have some pedal design here of course optionally we can bevel this part by pressing ctrl b on these edges there and by enabling auto merge and sliding these vertices by pressing g twice we can simplify this so we have quads there and this should later work with subdivision as well if you want it to work let's press j to join those okay um that's fine by me and to make it on the other side as well you can just press alt d and then sx minus one and s z minus one as well and this way you have the same object that's a link duplicate but you have it flipped on the other side and you can use it like that so let me rotate it a little bit so it looks a tiny better of course it will probably look better if we separated these pedals um from these shafts so basically they can properly rotate and this wouldn't work so fine with the bike but for the illustration purposes i think i will leave it just like this and continue with the rest of the bike of course there are some adjustments i need to make for example here i think we'll need to adjust the position of these i want to do this in x-ray so we select that one on the other side as well and i just noticed this part here got merged which i don't like so i want to get rid of the other side and just add a mirror modifier there we can do the same for front part but be careful here because if you just select these vertices and delete them you will see you will get a shape like this this is why i don't like to work with curves that much so instead of just like going on and figuring out how to break that cyclic curve and stuff like that i can just select these two words press right click and delete segment and then delete these so that will leave us with the right part of the curve we want and let's go back into the edit mode press l hovering over this part press x and delete vertices and now we can go on and add the mirror modifier this will make things simpler for us later of course and we can close this up a little bit better so i think we will need to drag this a little bit lower and overall i think uh we have a nice bicycle shape here of course there are a lot of things to do here if you want to add wheels and a chain so that's the bike so far of course there are a lot of details we can take care of here and there are a lot of ways how this can be finished so for example you can really dive into those details you know edit these elements split them extrude stuff whatever you want if you really want to get as close to a real bike as possible really depends how close you want to get with your camera when rendering this out if it's part of a larger scene or like a city diorama and you just need a small bike there place somewhere this level of detail is more than enough to accommodate if you want to make it smooth for example you can always just select some of these curves press ctrl 1 to add the subdivision surface right click shade smooth and you have yourself some some smooth bicycle parts so however you want to finish this it's all up to you basically if you had no problem getting to this point in this tutorial you should be pretty comfortable by editing your meshes you know and converting some of these curves to meshes if you want to detail them out creating these wheels a little bit of gears by the way if you enable extra objects add-on there are some gear meshes that you can use customize and stuff like that so that will be really helpful for the scene like this with the bike and finish up with some smaller details i will now fast forward through this process i will finish this up into like a small illustration as always and i will see you on the other side yes so do my my so that's the bike illustration for you i really hope you enjoyed this one if you did please leave that like and again if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe if you want to see more short tutorials like this in the future thank you all for watching and have a wonderful day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Polygon Runway
Views: 12,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 2.93, blender 2.93 tutorial, wheel modeling in blender, 3d wheel model, blender wheel tutorial, blender wheel modeling, spin tool, blender, 3d, tutorial, isometric, diorama, blender tutorial, low poly blender, illustration, isometric illustration tutorial, 3d illustration, 3d modeling, 3d modeling tutorial, blender modeling, blender modeling tutorial, modeling, modeling tutorial blender, 3d modeling software, blender bicycle tutorial, blender bicycle, bicycle 3d model
Id: 6g-iv_QJOjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 22sec (2242 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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