Quick Garden and Trees Tutorial in Blender 2.83

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[Music] hey everyone welcome to my new video i wanted to make a really quick video on how i create the trees and how i approach creating trees and the grass for my scenes because a lot of you were asking for that and there are multiple ways how to do this and apart from just putting some low poly blob somewhere and calling it a tree you can go about it in a semi-realistic way like you can see on the scene here so that's something i want to show you today and if you're new to the channel and you want to see more tutorials like this um in the future hit that subscribe button and the bell button to get notified when i release something new and generally if you like to see more short content like this in the future hit that like button that'll help me uh to see that you really like this so let's get to it and let's create some garden scene so within the empty blender file let's just start by defining our scene so create a plane shift a plane and now i'll scale it for time so tab in press s 4 to scale it four times now i will extrude this a little bit and now i will extrude this a little bit to define our diorama scope something like this and we can subdivide this so right click subdivide and we can do this few times you could also modify it here but i find it quicker like that so i think this should be enough for a start and now i want to modify the height of this but i don't want to affect any other vertices so go to the face select by pressing three click this one here let's switch back to the vertex select and press h to hide it and now we can just select some of these vertices enable proportional editing by pressing o press g z and grab them out and with mouse wheel we can affect the falloff scale like this so just slight bumps here so we can see it's not straight terrain and now we can switch this to the random and mess it up a little bit here and there so it looks like a ground little bit something like this not everywhere um there will be grass covering the ground anyway so i think something like this should work and now we can select all and press ctrl t to triangulate and that will be our terrain and now we'll prepare some particle objects for the grass and the trees so let's press shift a add a plane and let's move it aside so press g then y and move it here and now i want to go into the edit mode so press tab let's press s x and scale it like this so it's rectangular now switch off the proportional editing by pressing o and i want to make two loop cuts so ctrl r and make two loop cuts here right click to release and now select these two vertices and scale them on the x-axis something like this and here a little bit more and maybe we can select this one and move it here so this will be our very low poly leaf and if you want you can merge these vertices i like to keep it like this so it looks a little bit around it from afar maybe even more and now select this face in the middle so press three select it press g and z and drag it up a little bit so there's slight curvature and now if you look from the side you can see origin point is here in the middle so press a g y and move it here so the leaf starts at the origin point tab out and let's call this leaf so we can reference it later and yeah just move this aside a little bit now create a new plane let's move it here press tab and scale it on the x so this will be our grass blade now this will be very simple so ctrl r for one loop cut here one for vertex select select these two vertices and press m and that's a new command in blender 2.83 it switched from alt m to m and it's command for merging and we can switch this at center now we can modify this as well from the side select all move this to origin point i will enable x-ray by holding z and if you can't find the x-ray option um you can find it right here okay so this will be our grass blade and i want to move it a little bit more here so it's more like this something like that and let's call this grass blade and move it somewhere here and we can select both of these press m new collection and call these particles we don't need to see them and we can disable them here so they are not in the way now select the terrain press period on numpad focus here and now we'll create some trees so shift right click right here and let's create a single word if you don't see that option here you need to enable extra objects add-on and now let's look from the front by pressing one on the numpad and be sure you have the vertex select active and then start extruding some tree like this and this should be fairly simple don't make too much complicated shape of the tree i think something like this should work just fine and now we'll need to move it um in some other directions as well so just play with it a little bit in 3d and move those branches okay something like this should work maybe we need some more vertices here so ctrl r create a cut there and move it here a little bit like this okay tab out and now i will go to the modifiers tab and add and add the skin modifier so here it is and this will look depending on your scale of the scene so tab into the edit mode select all vertices and with ctrl a you can reduce the size here to something like this and now select the bottom one enable proportional editing but don't forget to switch back to smooth and reduce the falloff okay and now press ctrl a and by adjusting the falloff you can make the three ticker like this okay i think this should work so tab out now i will toggle off the x-ray now let's press ctrl to add a subdivision modifier and you can see it rounded um our tree down here so look from the front going to the edit mode select the bottom vertex and just press e and extrude this down a little bit and you can additionally press ctrl a to make it wider down there like this and i don't like the shape of this here so i will add a loop cut there okay so let's say this is r3 now with the subdivision modifier and the last thing i want to do is to add the decimal modifier so we'll simplify the geometry a little bit so it's not that so it's not that uniform and now drag and hold the ratio and push it down a little bit to something you like maybe something like this 0.4 looks fine to me okay i don't want to create a lot of these long triangles so go easy on the decimal modifier and this is basically a base for our poly3 we can now scale it up a little bit and now it's time to create the crown and that's like the easiest thing to do it will be made out of uh just a few ico spheres um with particle system there so shift right click somewhere here press shift a let's add the icosphere and now we don't need to modify anything just go here to the object properties and let's switch the viewport display to wire or bounce whatever works for you so i will switch this to wire maybe and now go to the particle system create a new one and right here i want to modify the frame start to zero and the ends to zero so we have all the particles at once here and now go to the physics tab and disable the physics so select none so they don't fall off if you accidentally play the animation or something and now if we go to the render section you can switch the halo to object and select our particle object and in this case it'll be leaf so click the leaf you can see we have our leaf objects there and now let's uncheck the show emitter this will ensure that while rendering the emitter so the atmosphere itself won't be visible at all and only leaves will be visible and if we go back to the source of the emission we can switch from faces to volume and that's something i really want to do and you can see there are leaves inside the sphere and now let's just reduce the number to something more reasonable let's say 500 and we'll see how it looks okay and now if we go to the render section again you can adjust the scale of these leaves so maybe we can go even lower than 500 something like this like 400 and now let's add some scale randomness there and check the rotation and i forgot to mention you could see that when i made these particles i made them pointing in the y direction in the edit mode so this is their z axis and that's the best way to approach creating a particle because if you check the rotation they'll get aligned based on their y direction so let's now randomize the rotation a little bit and you can go full random and full randomized face so it's really messed up here and now i can just switch back to the textured mode and we'll switch the material preview and let's add the material to that icosphere and let's call that transparent so we got a little nicer ev preview and down here we can check alpha clip and we can bring down the alpha okay and now if you select the leaf and create a new material for that you will see you can see only leaves in the ev and right now is just about alt d to duplicate this ecosphere and create some additional leaves here like this okay and if you go back to the particle settings and play with the number of particles you can easily adjust the number for all of those so depending on the scale of your illustration um you might want to modify this some more so let's leave it to something like 300 and now it looks a little bit uniform so we can press r twice and just rotate this a little bit here and there so we get different rotation for different parts of the tree and now select all of this shift click the three press ctrl p and parent keep transformation and now we have three that we can duplicate and move around the scene as much as we want so go back to the solid so now let's just create a quick rock i'll add a cube let's move it here let's disable the particles now i will subdivide this with control 1 and apply the modifier go into 8 mode scale it down and choose a bisect tool to carve out a nice rock so something like this okay this will do for now so we can now move the rock and hold ctrl to snap it but i want to switch this to face so when we're holding control we are snapping like this and now i'll create just a little pathway from these rocks so let me press r twice so we have this flat face pointing upside and move it down like this a little bit and then press g and shift z to move it about and now i will just press alt d to duplicate this several times to create some kind of pathway this should work nicely and now i can just press shift bracket with selected the tree press alt d shift z and duplicate one more tree now select the parent object and let's modify it and move it about okay and now we'll add some grass so select the terrain object go into the edit mode pick up the select tool and now select only few vertices like this and we'll create a vertex group for them so in the object data tab let's create a new group and let's call this grass and let's click assign okay that's it and now go to the particle settings create a new particle settings and again you can choose from the emitter and hair and i find the hair option better if you want to create more realistic grass there are more options how to do like the clunking and the roughness of the of the hair and everything um but for a simple local grass like this where you need to just distribute it over some object um the amateur is very quick and easy to use so let's modify the start and end of the frame and let's disable those physics okay like this and down here we want to go to the vertex groups and assign grass vertex groups to density and length so we have the objects only here and now in render tab we can switch to the object select our grass blade here and adjust the scale like this and some scale randomness so they are not the same size and if you check the rotation you can now randomize the rotation don't go too wild because it's too scruffy then so something like this and you can modify and randomize the face so they are not pointing to every direction and now we can switch to the weight painting mode so go here and switch the way pain and now you can see how you can reduce the weight use f to change the radius and just unpaint some of these leaves if you want and vice versa if you add some weight you can add some new here and there so that's something i really want to do here but first let me go to the edit mode and select just these vertices tab out and now enable the paint mask so we are now painting only here so they'll be very useful and we can add some weight here to create some more blades there but i don't want to go much to the edge because it could create these grass leaves on the side there which we don't want okay i'm quite satisfied with this so far so let's go back to the object mode and we can go up and increase the number and maybe play with the scale a little bit more okay and right now i want to create a little fans here so shift right click add a plane and now tab in press r x 90 degrees move it up a little bit scale it on the x axis like this okay and let's select this one this edge on the top right click subdivide and drag this new vertex out and let's extrude the whole thing and now we can add an array modifier let's set two for an offset and let's adjust the number like this maybe we need to make this a little bit smaller something like that and now on the same place just add another plane tab in rotate on the x-axis scale on the z and move it up let's look from the front and i will move it here select these two vertices grab them and move them here okay like that and i will shift d and duplicate this select all and extrude a little bit okay and now i'll just select all going to the eight mode and press shift n so i have the normals correct and we can now move on and add some lighting first of all let's create our camera and i will use the isocam add-on you can find the link in the description and now i will create the game isocam here and switch the resolution to something more like 43 ratio let's press g then z and move this up a little bit so it's centered a little bit better now reset the cursor so shift s cursor to world origin shift a add a plane now press s to scale it up so it fills the background now we can switch to the material preview and with the background selected we can create a new material let's call that background and yeah let's set it to something blue for now and for the ground we can create the ground material and let's set this to green like this maybe a little bit yellow in there let's select the rock create the rock material [Music] let's darken this and maybe add some warm tones like that now for the tree just some brownish darker color and let's go up with the roughness and we can have a wide material for the fence here as well okay and now if we enable the particles collection we can select the grass blade add the ground material duplicate this and maybe make it a little bit darker like that and use the same for the leaf like that okay so that's our little garden now we'll add some lighting so let me disable particles again select the collection and now let's press shift a and add the sunlight let's drag it up and we'll enable scene lights and scene world and now hold period switch to 3d cursor rx 45 degrees and rz 45 degrees so we have light pointing in this direction now let's add some strength to that so something like 4 and make it warmer like that okay and let's add some area light so they'll create some ambient lighting for us i'll rotate this minus 45 degrees and 45 on z so we are facing from behind and let's make this really strong orange color and let's add something like 500 or even 1000 watts to that and i think some orange color would be nice for the background here something like this so it's a little summer theme here and maybe we can add another tree here as well and now i think we'll need to reduce the sunlight strength because that was maybe too much and now press ctrl b to limit the view and we'll switch to cycles gpu and i will enable viewport denoising the new feature in 2.83 and let's preview this as rendered so yeah i think this looks okay and now if you go to the color management you can bring up the exposure a little bit and change the contrast okay so i've played around with this a little bit more and this is the finished scene i've just modified the weight painting for the grass a little bit added some more grass strands modified the green colors on the ground and on the leaves here and on the grass particles and basically just played around with the lighting some more you can see there's really stronger orange light here and then added some of that blue ambience to the world lighting so it creates this nice effect so if we preview the render i think this looks really nice so um yeah this is the final scene and this will be probably the final render and i hope you enjoyed this and again if you're new to the channel please hit that subscribe button and the bell button if you want to get notified when i release tutorials like this and thank you all for watching and have a wonderful day [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Polygon Runway
Views: 90,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, tutorial, isometric, blender tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial, low poly tutorial, low poly tutorial blender, low poly blender, illustration, isometric illustration tutorial, low poly, 3d illustration, 3d illustration tutorial, 3d modeling, 3d modeling tutorial, blender modeling, blender modeling tutorial, modeling, modeling tutorial blender, 3d modeling software, low poly art, low poly tree, low poly grass, low poly garden, blender tree, blender particles, blender 3d
Id: AO45Q_rgw8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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