Bible Prophecy Q & A With Pastor Jack Hibbs | VISION Calvary Chapel | Pastor Garid Beeler

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[Applause] I'm so proud of you to see this going on is incredible well you know uh Jack this means so much uh on a personal level and so much more because uh when I was about 25 years old I don't know if you remember this or not uh he was actually the heavy hitter that came to my college camp so when we first did a retreat you came up to uh Twin Peaks and you guest spoke you blessed all those college kids and that was in 2005 and the Lord has been so faithful to use you like a big brother in my life for a lot of years and then a couple years later after that you've spoke for me on Monday nights uh it was fantastic in 2010 I I don't know if you remember this as well when we I don't know if any of you remember especially the men when we used to do our men's conferences at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in Irvine here the very first one I ever had the opportunity to speak at uh was Pastor Chuck asked me to give the gospel message and uh shared the gospel I felt like I was completely the odd man out because it was every Original Gangster Calvary Chapel guy that was there uh you know there was Chuck Smith and David Rosales and Raul Reese and Mike McIntosh I think Skip heitzig was there all these guys that you know that we have grown to love over the years and you were coming up right after me I remember this and so I I shared the Lord blessed it people gave their life to the Lord and then as I'm walking off stage it just so happened to be Jack Jack grabs me this is 2010. he grabs me by the shirt almost a little uncomfortably I was like whoa you know but he grabs him by the shirt got my attention and he said don't you ever forget what the Lord did here today and that is something that has stuck with me for a very long time and so on our opening night just as you've been a big brother in the Lord and an encouragement from close distance and a far distance it's wonderful to have you here tonight so thank you well I'm I'm honored and thrilled to hear of this and you mentioned Pastor Chuck and that just the way that he was and you're you mentioned how you want to make sure that your flock gets that Calvary Chapel Spirit from from the guys right that's correct and what's amazing about Chuck is you had your conversations with him um some of you may or may not know this but when our home fellowship group was just exploding in Chino Hills I had my career as actually not far from here at Baxter in biomedical research and I loved my job but we started this home Bible study and it just took off crazy and um I told Pastor Chuck I I said Pastor Chuck you need to do something because this home Bible study has just exploded and and so we we need a pastor and um so he said okay I'll look I'll look into that and so um there are a couple of pastors Like Richard simiano and a few others I'll take it I'll take it and that didn't happen and so nothing happened at all and I'm wondering what's going on and so I called up Pastor Chuck and I said that we need a pastor so I need to talk to you and he goes well come at lunch time notice how my voice changed come at lunch time and so I went there at lunch time almost lunch time and I sat down I told him what was going on and this is for those of you who don't know Calvary Chapel this is the spirit of coverage level Chuck it was a man of few words he listened a lot and and sometimes he had a look on his face when you couldn't tell if he was listening though right at all because he would be looking somewhere and I'm wondering what's he looking at it's like should I be seeing some Epiphany right now or something and so I'm telling them about all this and God's doing this and God's doing this but Chuck we need a pastor and this is exactly what happened so if I was special Chuck behind his desk and you're me he gets up he just gets up and he walks over and he just goes Lord we just asked you to bless what's going on at Chino Hills and he walks out of his office and so I'm waiting and I'm waiting and his secretary opens the door and she was can I help you and I said well I'm waiting for Pastor Chuck to come back we are in a conversation and she said no he went home now for real he went home and two weeks later I got an ordination certificate I didn't even know I got her ordained wow but that's the spirit of Calvary Chapel that's the some if people are wondering you know well is it a denomination it actually is not a denomination and I love the vision of what you're going to be doing by uh introducing some within your flock who are not familiar that this is a work of God that God started in the late 60s that continues to this day listen for those who are willing and open to let the Holy Spirit be in charge and that was what Chuck always taught us is that it's God's business his church and we're just here to serve he lets us in on what he's doing and so I am so honored and excited to see what's going on with you throughout all these years I want to say this publicly there's been no drama with you there's been no no listen there's been no uh scandals there's been no none of that stuff and in a world that we live in today that is a that's priceless uh because the very few Pastors make it to the end it's a very very high casualty rate of calling but if we just let God do this then it will be well with your soul and with this body of Believers Amen to that we're thrilled yeah thanks you know Pastor Jack's joined uh tonight by his amazing wife Lisa yes 43 years yeah 43 years it's so nice to have you here tonight Lisa thank you for uh coming out for this and tell us a little bit about your family uh you know we mentioned Lisa you guys have been married 43 years grandkids kids all of it you have three grandkids uh 12 down to about I think he's six uh two boys uh one girl two daughters uh uh one locally that works with us in real life uh which has been a really tremendous thing um and then we have our youngest daughter she's up in Northern California her husband is pastoring a church up in Northern California doing amazing so yeah awesome now there's a lot of how many of you have seen the Jesus Revolution film yeah a lot of you with a lot of I mean it's a very moving film and it really sparked a lot of uh I think uh Revival in some in some ways now tell us about how you came to know the Lord how you uh Found Jesus and then how you landed up in Ministry yeah it was a Monday night I had I had no plans of going to Costa Mesa I had never been churched in my life no church experience wound up stumbling into a Monday night at Costa Mesa Greg Laurie was teaching it was as you can imagine completely packed out crazy and um so I was in the almost in the very back middle aisle to the right side almost to the back never forget it and it was noisy and there was so many people my age 19 ish right and just it was wild it was amazing and the music and people I'm looking around uh because my intentions that night were to go to a party in Newport Beach uh on and so that's and it was like amazing and this guy there was back in those days everybody had afros right even the white guys had afros and there is a guy there's a white guy playing the piano with a beard his hair was flying everywhere and he had no shoes on I remember this and he was dragging his feet across the piano keys a few times crowd was going nuts and I thought what am I what is this and then this hippie comes out by the name of Greg Laurie bell bottoms and Hang Ten shirt and he said let's give Keith Green a thanks tonight and everyone went crazy and I'm going never heard of the guy Greg preached the gospel that night I actually had that message on cassette no way wow that's amazing and that message was called how to inherit hell from Revelation chapter 20 verse 11. and Greg Laurie went down the steps on how to get to hell and I was only missing a few steps I was well on my way and I got so convicted I was just sweaty convicted I mean the spirit of God convicted me I knew I was in trouble I was terrified I went forward and God got a hold of me that night um it was it was just that and you know the the rest of it um someday we'll have to put it down on video or or tape or something to the glory of God because um the God was amazing the things that I thought I needed and wanted in life Jesus did all that and more in a way that I could never have planned not only just my salvation but about a year or half or after that meeting Lisa who was a wonderful follower of Jesus at the you know did I met her and just the whole thing along the way the the calling I'm just so grateful I'm grateful for Pastor Chuck and how he I mean he just showed us how to lean on the word and not on people and so good about that just if you have Jesus's approval you're all right amen and it was just sweet and it's still sweet it's sweet still yeah yeah no I heard this rumor about how you got started in Ministry though have any involvement with kids classes yeah tell me about that yeah I love that I actually missed that if I could do anything it would be what happened with that can you give me can you share that story I was uh Lisa by the way at that time Lisa was working for Pastor Chuck I was doing the five-year-olds at Calvary Costa Mesa you were in children's ministry yeah yeah it was the best ever and so fast forwarding when the when when when Chuck said you need to you know you guys moved to Chino Hills you need to do a home Bible study I mean Chuck Smith told us you need to do a home Bible study so at that point when we officially became a home Bible study we were the furthest Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa home Bible study 33 miles away and um it was just it was just amazing because he was so encouraging and the thing was this I Chuck I can't do this I can't do this and he goes you you teach the five-year-olds right yeah if you can teach five if you can teach five-year-olds you can teach adults that's what he said he said that so it's like oh okay well we'll see but yeah so if there's any of you out there want to be a pastor one day oh yeah we have some openings in our five-year-old's class no that's a good idea you can see Wendy at the info table that's a great story it's actually a that's actually a good idea that's a good place to find Pastors in children's ministry yeah can he keep the attention of kids yeah yeah they're a tough crowd yeah you can do that the problem is a lot of those kids were more mature than I was and it made it sometimes challenging but yeah well I said well the reason why we're here tonight is not only to uh kind of prime the pump for our study in Revelation that's going to be taking place uh in the near future not only to give you a little introduction to who we are as a church a little bit of Our Roots so to speak Our Heritage but also to kind of get you guys as the church all on the same page with what's happening in the world around us and so we're going to be taking the next several weeks with our special guests to look at current affairs uh we're going to be looking at what's happening around the world what's happening with the church things you should be aware of and questions that we're going to be handling tonight the format of this uh this evening is going to be question based and I am sure with the amount of questions that we have received that it's going to cover a very broad you know group of people that you've probably wondered uh the same exact thing I like to open up with First Timothy chapter four Paul writes to Timothy he says now the spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith given heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons speaking lies in hypocrisy and then he goes on to say having their own conscience seared as with a hot iron it's been very deceptive where there are those that are pastors social media influencers those that have a title of Christian or fall even under the the umbrella of Christian podcaster or whatever it might be uh the it's there's a danger there because of maybe an amount of followers that you think that what they're saying is actually biblical when in fact it actually is not and there have been a lot of people that have been LED astray by very popular influencers that call themselves Christians but they've done a tremendous disservice to people and that's exactly what I think Paul is warning Timothy about and so the first question I'd like to lead off for you Pastor Jack is this and this will probably bring us all home together here with all that is currently happening in the world how has the last two years prepared the world for the last days wow where do you begin um number one and and by the way no order of priority I mean you can arrange this anyway you'd like to but the narrative the conversational narrative the distribution of Truth has been exposed in such a way where you do not know now any longer who's telling the truth frankly about anything it doesn't matter now when people say when they announce to all of us a few years ago the experts are saying we all knew something was wrong when and when so to speak on Monday the experts said one thing and the same expert said something different on Thursday and you knew at that moment then there are no experts when they can't agree with one another or they're changing their minds truth was sacrificed in the last several years because of fear truth was thrown along the Wayside because of the just this Onslaught you mentioned that verse I would expand it this way it's not only deception in the area of so-called Christian ministers but as the spirit expressly says in the last days there'd be the Advent of these doctrines of demons telling lies in hypocrisy spiritual deception I now see that not only in regards to spiritual matters but I think that we were demonically deceived and government leaders were demonically deceived all around the world and so there has been this permeation I think of a demonic influence where people don't know what's true they don't know what to do that leads to confusion and fear and all of these things were written down in the Bible in advance not to take advantage of it but to say this I thank God that my Bible anticipated the days that we're in because when the when these days hit us and as you said people were LED astray by people who were going astray I think that has caused so many people to either a leave depart apostasy which the Bible says has to come anyway and B draw closer to Jesus we watched people by the thousands tens of thousands we during covid we baptized 3014 people it's amazing praise the Lord during that time people were coming to Christ people were fearful and a lot of people had to get our staff together because we were just going 24 7. and I'm I love our staff and so I want them to do really well I'm always concerned about their welfare and I'm just looking at them and they're they're dog tired but they won't quit because you know it is you're it's God's moving so you don't miss anything but the whole thing was that um the Lord is moving in the midst of where the world was crippled the Lord is moving so I I told our staff we're meeting so many people from different churches they never even heard the word being born again and they went to churches and so we became a foster Church to people and we just can like you do we just give truth and so this is a time where we need to just keep staying true to the word the world's going to move around us this doesn't move this doesn't change and it's a firm foundation we're safe that's right you know it seemed like everybody got a free pass to not go to church during covet you know and and and then it what ended up happening is that some people completely walked away from the Lord but the people that remained they were the cream of the crop it seemed it seemed like the Lord's strengthened that which remained he strengthened the church you knew exactly who was going to be following the Lord and who was going to be going off the Wayside and I think the church was Stronger like the true church was Stronger through all of that and what a what a blessing for you to be able to just be yielded to the Lord and to be able to say Lord here we are use us as you seem fit and he blessed that and I think that leads us to our next question is what do you think is causing the church to no longer hold fast to the word of God and do you think because of that it is priming the pump for the arrival of the Antichrist so when the church is not fulfilling its role what do you think is causing churches to no longer teach the word of God yeah first of all that is actually something that you can qualify and that is there are seminaries there are Bible colleges that are producing Ministers of the Gospel that do not believe in the inerrancy of scripture number one thing a lot of a lot of universities and seminaries are teaching today that much of the Bible in here is a poetic this part we don't know if it's inspired or not all of these they've attacked the word of God and so your your graduating men and women into missionary Ministry and into Pulpit Ministry that these people are not sure what is exactly true in the Bible we know for a fact that is happening the result of it is you've got somebody teaching the word of God where I believe the holy spirit will not occupy a Pulpit when the man approaches the pulpit and he's not sure about this word what happens well some people just get religious they just go there every Sunday and there are some people who I believe are God's sheep who know his voice and follow him and they will eventually leave that kind of a setting they'll get up and walk out why because their their soul is starving they know they're not being fed why they belong to the Lord and Jesus said my sheep hear my voice they'll follow me and so he'll lead them to pastures where where the word is being offered up and and given to them but we're watching right now and I mean this in a good way everybody we're watching right now a huge divide take place don't cry about it I know it may be emotional maybe for some maybe you have friends that once walked with Jesus walked with you with Jesus and they're no longer walking don't cry about it pray for them by all means but know this God is preparing if you have any doubts about Jesus coming back soon that should evaporate he is so cleaning up his church he's preparing her he's getting her ready and remember that there are people that you and I know that when something like covet hit I mean let's be honest if you remove the media imagine if you didn't have TV during covet and how peaceful your life would have been no really I'm not saying covet wasn't real of course it was real and now we're getting a lot of facts about it right now right the point is this though people gave up and walked away pray for them but this is part of the process of God preparing his bride and so um don't worry don't worry Jesus knows exactly what he's doing yeah and it's true and we have to be reminded that so good Jack because Jesus said I build my church and the Gates of Hell will not Prevail against it can I get an amen in the house on that Amen to that uh but as Pastor Jack was sharing you know you you might have a a big platform you might have a lot of resources but if the holy spirit is not there that is not what you want in a church the word of God is living it's powerful it's sharper than any two-edged sword it pierces to the innermost recesses of our hearts and it's so important and you know funny thing early on in Ministry uh one night on a Monday night I was just about to give an invitation for people to come forward and we had a complete power outage for like five blocks it would it was literally like all of it the whole main sanctuary was gone the internet feed was gone the radio feed was cut all the lights people were a little bit panicking you know like what just happened and we actually have some people that were doing follow-up counseling that are here with our church now but one particular uh woman went back after the invitation because we what we did is I yelled as loud as I could yeah hey if you want to give your life to Jesus we had a guy that played his acoustic guitar sang acapella and we had just a tremendous response that's right to the to the invitation that night but the point that I'm making is one of the girls that went in the back was meeting with one of our follow-up counselors and true story she said I was sitting there in the audience listening to what was being said and I said Lord if you're real then show me and the moment she prayed that it went and the Lord taught me something that night because it's nice to have microphones and lighting and all of these things but that doesn't mean anything if you don't have the Living Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit and so here's what the Lord taught me that night the lights went off but the power stayed on and that was the Holy Spirit that's great and that was a really cool thing I love it so to segue into the church being the Salt and Light of this Earth we're going to hit some pretty hot topics tonight and I think that's okay because we probably have all thought about those things one in particular uh this question that came in do you think the push with the transgender movement and this is a sensitive thing you know but do you think it has larger spiritual implications number one I believe the origins of it is demonic the spirit it's not going to graduate to a spiritual issue it began as a spiritual issue so people might get so caught up in the physical drama of it regarding their family or grandchild or children whatever it might be just know this that the human is under attack something it's almost as though a switch was thrown two or three years ago would you agree we're like like something happened a clock started and know this if you know your Bible and if you know the history of the way the enemy Works he goes after children he always has and so I believe this whole thing is part of the doctrines of demons remember the word doctor means teaching the teaching of demons well we know their agendas to destroy Humanity they hate us because God loves us and so um I think it's satanic in origin that's why we need to be careful that we don't get too emotionally involved in the argument knowing that behind that individual or that individual making the argument are demonic forces that they're probably not even aware of but if today what's going on today in our schools for example so I just heard it tonight we have you guys might have seen this on the news if not you're going to hear more of this on the news uh Jessica Tapia she goes to our church and she has filed a national lawsuit uh over the situation where she was just fired from being a school teacher because she would not comply with the school district's requirement for her this is in writing by the way they actually wrote a turn to email it's unbelievable they just lost their minds and they said we want you we are telling you now to lie to the parents because parents don't know what's best for their kids she refused that and now it's on national news Tucker Carlson's carrying this story it's going to be a very very big deal what's what's the point um because part of the conversation was um in fact even this morning on uh Newsmax I believe it was I was being interviewed on this topic and they were asking the question you know Pastor Jack what do you think about this where a kid cannot get an aspirin at school but the the but there have been school districts where kids have been actually allowed to um to be damaged physically damaged in in the name of this whatever you want to call it where was this 10 years ago where was it five years ago where was it a hundred years ago this is demonic children under attack and parents need to fight for their Children's Welfare like never before I'm concerned in some areas that it might be too late but I can't think like that I can't let that invade me I have to fight we have to fight for what is right what do we know Pastor because God said what's right and I'm just submitting to you that when we hear the LBGTQ transgenderism it is an attack against what God said that I have made Mankind in my image male and female I have created them and we're seeing an onslaught of demonic forces that in my opinion have not been seen since the days of Noah and that should wake all of us up but please parents School teachers God bless you Christian School teachers you're on the front lines I mean way more than what Garrett and I are experiencing you're dealing with some incredible pressures and so um it's until if God grants us the mercy and Grace if we stand up and push back against wickedness God will see that God will hear that he'll respond to that in second Corinthians Paul commanded the Corinthians this is amazing passage I think it's uh 10 verse 6. always get it mixed up at my age 10 chapter 10 verses he says by your obedience punish all Disobedience and by doing so you fulfill your obedience to Christ when's the last time you heard a sermon on that verse it means stand righteously even if it's up against the school board or the governor or the mayor or the the police chief who's who's doing evil we're supposed to draw the line we're the ones that are supposed to maintain righteousness until Christ returns and so that's a that's a long answer to a very very yeah we don't wrestle against flesh and blood no way I think so often you can get caught up in the external and not realize that there's a spiritual battle that needs to be fought on our knees where prayer the effect of fervent prayer of a righteous man and woman veils women together it avails much and we need to do that I mean Christians you need to be putting your armor on every day you know Pastor Jack and I were talking about it earlier just how as a discipline you're getting up and you're praying and you're reading the word of God that's not just for pastors we need everyone that names the name of Jesus as Savior to be doing that you know because often you know if you've noticed Satan's kind of like a big bully he he wants to intimidate you and often Christians in the church you can feel like we're overwhelmed by the evil that's out there and you think to yourself where do I even begin what can I even do and this question came in and it just said uh Pastor Jack what advice would you give to a Christian when they're looking at the evils of the world and they feel like they can't do anything about it first of all you need to grab that thought and bring it under the Captivity of Christ because you can do everything about it you said it a moment ago number one you pray so ask yourself whoever asked that question you got to ask yourself this am I praying like I ought to be praying number two am I speaking up we are commanded to be Salt and Light it's not an option that's our marching orders Christian listen we're going to be judged as Christians in heaven before Jesus do you know that right we all must stand before the bema seat of Christ it has nothing to do with Heaven or Hell your judgment my judgment took place at the cross but you and I will be judged before the Lord Jesus regarding our faithfulness to what he gave us to do so you want to ask yourself am I being faithful to what I have influence over now you have to ask yourself that question I can't answer for you Garrett cannot answer for you are you am I influencing for Christ's sake people with the with the area in which you've given me God am I faithful the second thing is this Lord and this is a tough one I struggled with this for years until like the last five years and then I got my answer I always struggled Lord um if I'm really going to be like you if I'm supposed to be like you if I'm ever going to get near you you made it really clear that they're gonna hate you first before they hate you know me so if but being hated by the world is something that's been promised to the believer and yet at the same time Jesus was the most loving person that's ever graced the Earth but he was the most hated who do you know nope well listen when somebody slams their finger in the door they don't use your name they curse the name of Jesus isn't that nobody screams Mohammed when they dropped a hammer on their foot they're right it's Jesus he was he was the most loving but he was the most hated and he said you're going to be hated because they hated me first so I really had a struggle with this because you can't go around and have people you make people hate you that's ridiculous if you're obnoxious then you probably deserve it but so my whole struggle is Lord how am I going to know if I'm ever even being close to being like you and then situations began to happen where marriage was under attack so I stood up for marriage and then people said no you know what babies can be aborted so I sued the state of California and sued the governor which we just won that lawsuit by the way and and I found out I was hated and then it began to make sense wrapping it up this way do what Jesus says obey him your life your life will be blessed and you'll be hated and you got to be okay with that because the type of people who hate you could be a badge of honor okay so don't go be obnoxious be like Jesus that's all you have to do is go be like Jesus and um that will fortify you I mean I think that will really Galvanize your spine yeah I agree Winston Churchill it's funny because it made me think of this Winston Churchill said this to that effect he said he said you have enemies good it means at some point in your life you stood up for something yeah and it's true and if your enemies are those that are evil or that are against God you're identifying with who your savior is and when you stand before the Lord you'll hear him say Well done good and faithful servant enter into the joy of the Lord yeah for us to be faithful one yeah we're we're to be faithful to that thing he's called us to do so well I'm not I'm not like Billy Graham you're not supposed to be like Billy Graham what has he given you to be faithful to that's what you're supposed to be working on and there is no one that can do better than you what God's created you to do yeah I can't do it he can't do it no one else can do it you have to do it and in light of that as we kind of segue into the latter part of this evening we're going to be talking a little bit about some things happening in this world uh in light of what is happening with the world economic Forum you talked about this I think last week how is it getting things ready for one world order the world economic Forum uh is an interesting group of power Brokers because it's not a governmental agency it's what's known as an NGO a non-government agency it's internationally recognized by the fact of its influence founded by Klaus Schwab um who has very bizarre uh Global dominance uh aspirations he believes in a Global Currency he believes and no borders he believes that the entire world should come under one one system of control and he has figured out a way that the world economic Forum gets all of these speakers from all over the world to talk and for some really bizarre reason all world leaders go and bankers and movers and shakers Apple Google Amazon all of them gather together once a year in Davos Switzerland and they actually create and you can read it by the way it's online they create policy and then what happens is Presidents and kings and prime ministers go back home to their countries Watch What Happens and they Implement what they got out of Davos regardless of your government Parliament your your United States it's irrelevant of the senate or the Congress it's a bizarre system that bypasses all other governmental authorities on Earth and they come out listen they come out of it with one voice they're trying to resurrect going back to pre-babel Days Tower of Babel yeah Genesis 11. Genesis 11 and so that's what they're doing and they've been very effective at it so some of you that are investors or you have retirement programs you should look at your uh already on your statements very small print it's in the fine print they've already introduced I know Chase Morgan Stanley uh BlackRock you should see what they say there about ESG they they have they have is a rating program in your life that's connected with the world economic forum and they know you personally your Investments who you invest with and how you spend your money and they're they're giving you an ESG rating and that ESG rating puts you in a category of of where you fall into the world uh actually the world are you an A B C or D and for example if you spend your money on conservative things if you tithe if you are a Christian there's a category for you you have a rating and this is all have been dreamed of by the world economic Forum uh it is Paving the way for the Advent of the Antichrist they have already announced we need a central leader we really need a leader and um so they're waiting they're waiting and Jesus made it very clear when you begin to see these things so the Bible if you don't know the Bible talks about a coming world Empire that will be eventually eventually headed up by one guy remember it starts out without that one guy it's a group of ten ten brokers uh that will control the operations in this world economically uh who knows what other ways but the Bible says Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation tells us that out of the ten there'll be four that are prominent out of the four one will arise and put down three he will come out of obscurity and he will deceive the world by peace and prosperity Daniel said everybody wants peace and prosperity this guy is going to bring it so personally the next thing that I would expect to see if I would like to look into some Christian crystal ball I would expect uh a lot of military destabilization in other words wars and rumors of wars I I would expect some some of that stuff to take place to bring this man onto the world saying because America make no mistake about it my my goodness if you're in Japan right now Singapore Thai uh Taiwan um Philippines you are now terrified because those countries knew that the United States would protect them and we've made it very clear recently we will not be protecting them so for example Japan is scrambling to get ready because China China is going to try something dumb and I wouldn't be surprised if when China's tries something that Russia will try something because it's pretty sure bet that the U.S is going to do nothing we're spent we're absolutely broke I mean you put money numerically economically on paper Americans are technically the poorest people on on on the planet he said how can you say that when there's guys running around in Africa with a spear and a rabbit in his underwear here's the big difference the guy owns his spear that's his rabbit and no one's going to take his underwear in the United States who owns your house who owns your car who owns your debts and we're in deep trouble yeah yeah interesting now what about technology you know for those of you that watch the Left Behind movies in the 1980s and people were getting barcodes on their foreheads you're like I don't know if that's actually gonna be the way it goes down uh but nowadays you know you can have a microscopic chip that has all of your information your your driver's license your medical records if you have a vaccine passport or if you can sell or you can buy or whatever how is the advancement of Technology played into this globalization process wow last night communion at church last night and I had a plan I was going to show the latest news on this very topic and I wound up not doing it because God had a different plan for the evening the night was too sweet I couldn't do it here's here's what I avoided I don't know if some of you are familiar with DARPA but DARPA had one of their spokesman out recently and she demoed what DARPA now is beginning to implement she had it on her arm it was on her right arm on the inside of her forearm and it was just below the surface of her skin it's basically electronic tattoo and you have options and she's going on about how fantastic it is watch this you can have it in such a way where nobody can see it or you can actually have designer versions of it they can be it can be a rose it can be a dragon it could be a name or nothing at all and she's very happily talking about it on this panel of technology and then she showed you the next thing that DARPA has now developed and um it is a a little tiny tiny uh I'll call it a pill the size of um maybe a couple of grains of sand I like you know like rice maybe half of a grain of rice and you swallow that pill and it's covered in protein but the moment the the electrolytes hit the pill it begins an electronic transmission it begins to transmit electronically uh based on your own electrical power source of your heart and your cardiovascular system and she is boasting how a person will have absolute constant uh immediate identification and it's listen to this it's not just their thumb or their eye it's she said it's their entire body she said nobody will be able to impersonate you nobody will be able to rob you nobody can be you but you because this pill Maps you electronically sends that data back to your bank and it's got your body's signature to where if anybody tries something it immediately intervenes because it's not you and so the guy asked the question so then what are you she said we are a walking living breathing antenna transmitted and receiving this is DARPA this is a United States government uh funded project and I was going to show that last night because it's breaking news and the technology world uh check it out darpa's latest development on um subcutaneous uh chipping or identification it's it's amazing so how do you think this is going to factor in I mean it seems like it makes sense for the mark of the beast eventually I mean it just seems so convenient it's not only convenient don't you want to stop human trafficking yep don't you want to stop drug Runners don't you want to secure the borders don't you want to stop fraud don't you want to stop all of these things that are going on technically if you think about it having somebody receive identifications a really good idea it's a great idea because if you go and use that type of a system then you know who you're dealing with you can identify people immediately but you dry up the the cash flow of things it's numeric now Revelation 13 tells us that when this man that we call the Antichrist comes on the scene he will cause all all both small and great rich and poor to receive a Mark or a number now this is fascinating it tells you what the number is the number 666 so wait a minute if everybody has the same number then how does that work and I'm beginning to believe now that the number 666 is more of a prefix that will be added on to a person's already intact identity it may very well be that your bank may say we're being we're being destroyed by these fraudulent operations we need you to get this chip so think for a moment you say I'd never do that I understand that but I remember look I'm so old I remember when people freaked out when a credit card had a magnetic strip on the back people went crazy this is the mark of the beast no it's not Market the Beast and oh by the way the coveted vaccine was not the mark of the beast did you know some people said that that's not the mark of the beast for people who receive the mark of the beast uh by the way you don't have to you should accept Jesus Christ now as Lord and savior he died on the cross for your sins by the way if the Rapture were to happen in the next five minutes you should know this he died on the cross for your sins you can't save yourself it's impossible that's why God sent his son to die on the cross he rose again from the dead the third day and you are to put your trust in him for what he did for you because you can't save yourself you and I were sinners but he's the Savior okay so listen if you reject that message and the Rapture takes place imagine if the Rapture happened tonight um the Bible tells us that people who accept the mark they're very happy about it they're going to get in line for it they're going to pledge allegiance to this guy I mean who would get in line to do such a thing unless they believe that oh this is such a good thing so for the church we're to be looking up we're to be ready I say all that to say this technology May Advance before the Rapture takes place but just because technology advances doesn't mean you've woken up some one morning and you accidentally accepted the mark of the beast that's not going to happen you will willfully well I hope you don't but they will willfully pledge allegiance to this man that's coming just make sure it's not you that's doing the pledging of the religions yeah absolutely and there's a lot of churches that won't touch the Book of Revelation with a 10-foot pole they won't talk about end times prophecy we called it in the church eschatology like what does the Bible say about the end times uh it's important for the church to to know what's going on and with the Rapture of the church too you know for some of you that may be here as Pastor Jack already shared and you're like well you know I'll get right with God later you know when things start to unfold a little bit more right before the Rapture of the church maybe you've heard that one I I know I have right before you know that that happens I'll give my life to the lord it's gonna happen in a twinkling of an eye it's gonna happen so fast where the church is going to be caught up that you're not going to be able to say God forgot oh Lord and it's too late it's too late and so if you've been maybe backslidden you've walked away from the Lord or maybe you're here and you don't know what first thing about Jesus but you know that you've sinned you know you've done wrong things then there's going to be an opportunity for you to receive Jesus and be ready for the things ahead the Lord laid it out for us in his word in Revelation what was going to happen and Only God who was outside of time with that foreknowledge part of who he is as God can let us know in advance what is exactly going to happen and so as we have just a few more minutes for a couple more questions jack in your opinion what are the major pieces left of the puzzle before Christ's return do you have anything that you're waiting on or that you're looking at right now with the information that's heading down your pipeline yeah regarding the Rapture uh and you use the proper term eschatology 27 to 33 percent of the entire Bible is eschatological which means it speaks about future events so regarding the Gathering of the church to Christ which is in Latin called the rapture we call it the catching up there's nothing that can there's no warning for that there's no uh there's nothing in scripture that says oh watch for this and then you'll know no the Rapture is imminent the imminent doctrine of the Rapture it's the second coming at the end of the tribulation period that is very well documented there's so there's over 300 events that have to take place before the second coming happens there's no event that has to take place before the Rapture happens having said that I would not be surprised if we are still here I'm expecting to see a continued decline of the United States and its power we've got to stop being a global we will give up on being a global influence I think Lincoln was correct we will implode from within Abraham Lincoln will will collapse from within Bible prophecy makes that pretty clear that when Israel is attacked right the the whole world says to the invading forces of Russia and those surrounding Muslim nations mentioned in Ezekiel all that the world says is why are you attacking them that means that's a very weak America we're not going to help them think of that so I would expect to see on my news if the Rapture doesn't happen I would expect to see uh the the wars more you know the increasing of Wars I would expect to see Russia to attack Israel because Ezekiel 38 says so that's never happened and um the Bible says that in that moment when that happens God God will move um but put put nothing in front of the Rapture in fact listen to this this is this is very controversial what I'm about to read to you so all of you listen to this this is second Thessalonians 2. this is remember this first Thessalonians was written about the Rapture second Thessalonians is written about the second coming this is very unnerving and when the Lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and Destroy what the brightness of his coming this Lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power signs and lying wonders wow and with all unrighteousness here it is listen everybody and with all unrighteous deception among those who are perishing because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved for that reason God will send them strong delusion so that they will believe the lie that's terrifying I have news for you Scholars argue about what that means they argue because they say wait a minute is there hope for somebody who knows the gospel now and then the Rapture happens and then they realize oh okay I guess they were right I'm going to believe now it sounds like they had the opportunity they knew the gospel they could even preach it but that verse is very unnerving because those who knew it and refused it like Noah get into the ark God shut the door those who play with the gospel and don't accept it it seems as though that if the Rapture were to happen God will send them strong delusion because they did not receive the love of the truth when they had the chance that is a terrifying thought there seems to be a period of time where somebody who can hear it now like tonight and say I'll think about it next week that's I mean you've got better odds in Vegas than to mess with your life that way it's terrifying I wonder if tonight as we wrap this up I'm wondering if tonight there are some of you that are here that maybe are not walking with the Lord or at one time we're walking with the Lord and you've walked away from him everything that you've heard tonight has been based in biblical truth the word is very clear Jesus is coming again for his church we're seeing it the wars the rumors of the wars the tech is there the the behind the scenes move for globalization uh one world ruler One World Currency one world religion all of it it's all happening this is not the time to be messing around this is not the time to have one foot in and one foot out and wonder all y'all get right with God you know later no the Bible says that we've all sinned and we've all fall short of the glory of God but guess what God demonstrates his own love towards you and that while you were a sinner Christ died for you God was not caught off guard by any sins that you committed he wasn't up in heaven thinking man you really you know took me by surprise with that sin no he knew every sin you would ever commit before you were even born and he still sent his only son to die for you all of this means nothing if you don't act upon it there's a call to action here for the church to truly be the church the light of the world the salt if the salt loses its savior how shall it then be seasoned it's good for nothing but to be thrown out and Trampled Under Foot by men and I'll tell you right now Satan wants to trample the church under his foot but Jesus said I build my church and the Gates of Hell will not Prevail against it are you there church tonight [Applause] because that's where we're at and this I hope has got you a little bit excited for the great savior that we serve a little more excited about the things that are happening in this world we don't have anything to be afraid of you know the Lord told us fear not I'll never leave you I'll never forsake you he even said in this world you have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world that's you the church but for those of you that have compromised for those of you that maybe knew what you were doing and decide to Veer off I truly believe with all my heart that God brought you here for a reason and yes it is hot in here tonight but it's a lot harder hotter in the alternative to where Heaven is but tonight all joking aside if you have walked away from the Lord and you want to recommit your life to Jesus tonight you can you're not too far gone you're not so deep in it that God's not deeper still to lift you up out of it if you don't know anything about what it means to have your sins forgiven just understand this there is a God in heaven who loves you he created you for a purpose he knew that you would sin he sent his only son Jesus to die on the cross for you because the wages of sin is death but the gift of life is eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord and so what I'm going to ask is that you would please join with me and close your eyes and bow your head and then just really simply if tonight you know that you need to get right with the Lord if tonight you don't want to be one of those that are left behind you don't want to be one of those who had their chance but blew it you can have Assurance of Salvation tonight and so if you're here and you're a follower of Jesus I'm going to ask that you would please intercede that you would storm the gates of hell that you would start praying and interceding on behalf of those men and women that are here tonight that need a touch from their savior and again with every eye close and head bowed if you at one point were walking with the Lord and you've realized man I need to get right with the Lord and you've been convicted in your heart understand God doesn't guilt-trip you he's not trying to push you away from him he's convicting you he's drawing you he loves you he desires that you might be forgiven and have a right relationship with him and so with every eye close and head bowed I'm going to speak first to those in the church and just say it starts with you and if you need to recommit your life to Jesus tonight with every eye closed and every head bowed would you just raise your hand and say yes that's me I need to recommit my life to Jesus tonight would you hold your hand up so I can see it nobody should be looking around but if that's you maybe you grew up in a Christian home maybe you used to go to church or whatever it might be just hold your hand up and I'm going to lead you in a prayer of rededicating your life to Christ just raise your hand and church be praying and also tonight if you're here and you've never put your faith in Jesus and you know hey I've done wrong things we all have the Bible says that we've all sinned and we've all fallen short of God's glory if you like to be forgiven of your tent then I'm going to ask you as well just raise your hand say yes that's me and I'm going to lead you in that prayer tonight anybody else at all just raise your hand for those of you that are watching live online right now if the Lord has spoken to you and you're like Lord I want to be right with you then I'm going to lead you in this very simple prayer and I'm going to ask that you mean it in your heart and repeat it after me and say dear heavenly father we know that I've sinned but I ask that you would forgive me of my sin and fill me with your Holy Spirit I thank you that you love me even knowing everything about me and I thank you that you sent Jesus to die on the cross for my sins would you fill me with your love would you fill me with your joy and would you fill me with your peace and give me your strength that I may be who you've created me to be for I give you my life today in Jesus name and father we thank you Lord for the work that you have done here tonight we thank you Lord for those that have made that confession or that recommitment we ask Lord that you bless them and help them Lord to grow now and move forward in their relationship with you and Lord we ask that your hand would be upon your church whether it's in Irvine whether it's in Chino Hills whether it's some other place around the world it's your church the people are your people and the work that takes place is your work and when you work no one can hinder it thank you Father for that so Lord as we worship you as Lord we just have this call to action tonight Lord I ask that even these last words that maybe Pastor Jack would would share Lord just as a call to action for our church Lord that we would not just be hearers of your word doers also and we ask these things in Jesus name and all God's people say amen let's stand I'm going to ask Pastor Jack Jack if you could just call to action last encouragement for the church to continue to fight the good fight Church time is running out Jesus said that the days are going to get darker and darker he said there's going to come a time that no man can work so Now's the Time you want to make sure that your life is dependent upon the holy spirit and that you make a difference in the world around you number one with your family husbands and wives if you need reconciliation do it now look around your home look around make sure that your kids know the Lord reach out to the area that you can if it's your neighbors whatever the case might be let them know about Jesus they're scared they're nervous they act like they're not but you have the answer Paul the Apostle said that within us in these Earthen vessels is the actual treasure referring to the gospel to share that the world is looking to put their faith in something and everything that they can't put their faith in will fail them except the very truth of the Gospel that you have so stand strong don't worry don't let fear encroach upon your life that's a tactic of the enemy you and I have Heaven awaiting and in the meantime we're to be busy about our father's business and be faithful and I want to pray this father I thank you Lord for Garrett and this family and this church God we pray right now for this building Lord whatever you want to do with it I'll ask this father that you would deliver this entire Place into the hands of this work dear Lord God that you would cause this place not to be big enough father that your Holy Spirit would seize this place and Lord from this place there would emanate out the move of the holy spirit that nobody can explain that it's an impossible thing for people to figure out that there are those within the epicenter that emanates out from this place in their homes tonight they have no idea that in the next week or two or a month or year that they're going to be deciding we need a church we need to seek God lord wake them up out of their sleep show them Father the condition of their souls that people would run to this place knock on the door and say what must I do to be saved we pray for California God's such a unique rare place in all of the world and tremendous spiritual history in this state like no other God from the days of father Sarah preaching the gospel to the Native Indians of California to the move of revivals from Azusa Street to the Jesus Revolution God and so much more we pray Lord God that you would take this state back not to make it political we don't care about political parties to take it back this way God that the enemy that has invaded our streets with violence and drugs and harm Lord that you would cause your love to rescue people to bring them out this is our time to seize those that are hurting and lost by the truth and the love of almighty God fill us with your Holy Spirit bless this church and Lord may they stand may we stand before you in history to be able to report thank you God thank you and may this work be said of well done thou good and faithful servants in Jesus name amen amen and so tonight after service in the cafe we have some refreshments and things we love to meet with you connect with you meet other people in the church find out more about what's happening in the City of Irvine but I'd like to share something very special may the Lord bless you may keep you it may cause his face to shine upon you may it be gracious unto you may lift up his Spirit upon you his countenance and give you peace in Jesus name let's Worship the Lord and have a wonderful night thank you for coming out [Applause]
Channel: VISION: Calvary Chapel
Views: 347,212
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Keywords: bible study for beginners, bible study lessons, bible study, bible study with me, greg laurie, how to study the bible, new testament, calvary chapel, Vision City Church, christian youtuber, vision city, church online bible study, bible study online, calvary chapel association, prophecy, end times, spiritual growth, spiritual health, online bible study, bible youtuber, garid beeler, great park, irvine, Jack Hibbs, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, Revelation
Id: zXPmqt0qT-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 13sec (3913 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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