BG3 EVEN MORE GAMEPLAY - Classes & Race CHANGES, Multiclassing, Illithid Powers, & How to Respec

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okay so this balder Skate 3 video is going to be the next in our Series where I'm gonna kind of go over things that I learned while playing the full version of the game and again with larion over the previous week and this video is going to be dedicated to character creation character progression class changes race changes multi-classing some tadpole changes you probably know some of this from wolfhearts video if you saw that but you might not know all of it so I'd urge you to stick it out and see if there are some things you don't quite know here so the first point that I want to make which I think is probably the most important point for the video is that your race is still the most important decision that you'll make during character creation not only does it have ramifications in terms of dialogue choices and the way that you're treated by other characters throughout the world because race is very much factored into what dialogue options you have it also factors into your itemization there are a lot of items in the game that will perform better depending on what race you're using them with probably didn't know that I'll get into that a bit more in my next video but also for the fact that you cannot change this about your character so some of you might be aware by now but the ability scores of your sub race are no longer tied to that sub race and instead the ability score points that you gain have been associated with the class that you choose so you're not going to lose ability points but instead you'll gain them depending on what class you choose and the way that's determined is like you know by the primary and secondary abilities of those classes so you know if you pick fighter you're going to get like strength Constitution so you'll get like two points of strength one point to Constitution something like that but you can also change these around like let's say you want to put some in a dexterity you want to be a dexterity fighter instead of a strength you can move them around so it's not fixed you're not going to lose those ability score points but they are no longer tied to your sub race so you might be thinking wait a minute Cass you just said that race is the most important choice but now you're saying ability scores are not tied to race so why is it so important because now I can just pick whatever race I want to play and I can be whatever class I want to play and that's true besides the points I made about dialogue options and itemization there's also a couple other things to factor in which are race features and this is something that you gain from picking a race that's not your ability score for instance you could gain dark vision which is super helpful in the shadowed lands super helpful on the underdark so that's a reason you might pick a race or maybe you want to play half work because you really like doing more crit damage you have like a crit focused build so that could be a reason to pick half work so there are other reasons to pick this besides that but the most important reason is because you cannot respect your race you're probably aware also that Baldur's Gate 3 does have a respect feature and this is done through the MPC Withers that you do meet in act one he's currently in the Early Access version of the game although the Respec option is not present that character actually once you gain him will allow you to respect for 100 gold in your camp and don't worry if you somehow happen to miss him on your playthrough and you didn't go into the runes where he is he will automatically be at your Camp after you progress far enough in the game so you cannot miss out on the opportunity to be able to respect and this character is also not killable so you can't like kill him and then you can never respect but the whole reason I mention that is because even though you can respect your class you could not change your race in the build that I played now I don't know if this is going to be how it is at the final final build of the game but from the version that we played you couldn't change your race so keep that in mind so when you're in character creation and you're thinking really hard about what to do you know don't worry so much about what class you take or what you know you put your ability score uh those are not as important as your race because that's not something that you can currently change and it sort of makes sense from a lower perspective why this might not be in the final version of the game right like if you make it through half the game as uh get Yankee and people treat you a certain way because you're a Geth Yankee and then suddenly halfway through the game you're not against Yankee anymore you've ticked a bunch of flags that now you untick and I think that might break some of the way the quests work because there are a lot of things that are tied to your race in this game so I think if you could change that you might have some problems I'm not 100 sure about that but that just kind of seems to make sense to me and another reason I bring up respecting is because at weather is the same NPC you can take your companion over there and talk to them and you can respect your companion and change their class if you like so like let's say maybe you love historian but you're playing a rogue you don't need another Rogue but you want to bring them along in your party you can just change them to something else like a fighter or a paladin or whatever you want to change them to so that really gives you the option to tailor your companions around you so you don't have to just choose your class based on like how it fits into your companions can actually change your companions to fit the class that you want to play now there is one negative to this from what I understand and that's that's some of the dialogues will not be present if you change the companion's class I think some of them are predicated on them being the specific class that they are so you might miss out on some dialogues so there is a negative point there that I I think may or may not change by launch I'm not 100 sure I'll definitely give you this information in our companion guides at launch when I know for sure which way it is or not but you might want to take that into consideration as well and also Withers you can hire hirelings there's one of each class currently there so maybe you murder hope with all your companions but now you're deciding oh man the game's really hard and I need a companion what do I do can't bring them back from the dead uh you can go hire hire links there as well or maybe you want to make like an all fighter party or something you can hire a fighter and change some of your companions with fighter or something like that so there are hirelings there that you can use that don't have like quest lines that are just there to kind of fill in your party if for some reason you made a lot of mistakes or you you know decide that you want to do something a little bit different and another dimension of the respect and one of the reasons I think it's absolutely brilliant that you can race back in this game is multi-classing right because multi-classing is in the full version of the game and generally speaking you're not recommended to multi-class in d t because you can do it incorrectly and you can actually make your character weaker significantly than if you didn't for instance if you hit Level five as most martial classes you get a second attack but if you took like four levels of fighter and then one level of something else you missed that extra attack by taking a different class so you would probably in most cases want to get to level five as a fighter and then take another level of whatever class you want so you don't miss out on that but it's really nuanced right because if you're a level three fighter for instance and then you take another level of another class you can multi-class just fine because you're not missing out on that extra attack at level four but then when you get to level five you might want to respect and then go all fighter to get that extra attack and what that respect does is it allows you to multi-class for parts of the game and change your multi-class and experiment with multi-classing depending on what level you are because it makes sense in some cases to be multi-classed at certain levels and it makes sense to not be multi-class past a certain point so you can kind of float back and forth between those which is not something you can typically do in DND that you'll have the freedom to do in this game I will obviously be going into multi-classing into own video and giving you guys some suggestions on you know how things work there but also I'll be touching upon this a lot more in each class guide at how I think you might multi-class them if you're going to do it and another reason I think respecting lends itself really well to Baldur's Gate 3 is that there are more than double defeats there were in Early Access to choose from so players are going to want to mess around and choose some of these before it seemed like you know ability score Improvement was just the way to go and the majority of cases but now there is a lot to play around with and the decisions are not quite as black and white for instance Savage attacker has been added to the game which makes it so that when you attack with a melee weapon that you roll your damage die twice and you take the higher the two values every time you deal damage with a melee weapon this is phenomenal for getting maximum damage when you roll right because your average is going to be higher when you are rolling your damage roll so this is a phenomenal feat for a melee build and it's going to make their choice a bit harder in terms of like what they want to pick feat wise another really cool one is war caster which gives you advantage on saving throws to maintain your concentration so this is really great for like a melee build that uses Buffs of some kind maybe like a hybrid build or maybe like a cleric or Paladin that can buff itself and then go toe-to-toe with enemies maybe like a Drew Etc so if you're ever worried like well I really like buffing but then what's the point if I run in mainly combat and get range down and hit by all these enemies not gonna be able to maintain my concentration now you have much much higher chance of that happening and that's really fun for those builds so they're gonna have to be you know there's people are gonna have to make some tough choices about whether they want to do ability score Improvement or some of these feeds compared to Early Access where I think the choice was a lot more black and white so another big change and I don't know if this was revealed at panel from Hell or not because honestly that whole thing was a blur wolfhard and I were sitting in the audience you know watching that and laughing and blushing and you know there was uh there were some moments in that if you saw that and uh I kind of can't remember everything that was shown there but one thing I'm pretty sure wasn't revealed is the way the tadpole works in the game at live launch now if you've been playing Early Access at all then you know that you can use your tadpole in dialogue conversations with other characters that have tadpoles just sort of like telepathically tell them what you want them to do and you can use it to manipulate characters you know throughout the game using your Authority Etc and that is still present in the game the full version but instead of like every time you do this and you go back to your camp and you have a dialogue with this mysterious person in your dreams uh who by the way spoiler return your ears away for five seconds if you don't want to hear this this is your warning this character is called the guardian and you will actually meet this character in the real world in act two so you'll learn more about them there anyways back to the important points that's changed a bit in the full version of the game in the full version of the game you don't have these flashbacks that are happening in cam with this character now there are tons of things that happen in Camp and I don't want to go into what all those are but these are not happening with the use of your tadpole instead what's happening that's a major change is that you're collecting these tadpoles from these individuals as you slay them or interact with them and you can sort of insert these tadpoles into your head from a new panel that gives you special powers before the more you used your tadpole and conversations and had these dialogues the more Powers you would gain but now you can choose the powers that you want and there are some doozies in there too for instance being able to roll your attack die twice on the character you attack for the first time that's pretty huge or once per rest turning your regular attack into a Critical Strike by using your reaction there are a lot of different things that you can gain and it's kind of like a For Better or Worse it's kind of like a passive skill tree and it's not exactly a skill tree I don't know exactly how to describe it to you guys but just in imagine like an inner ring of passive and active skills that then as you put points into you can expand into an outer ring and then as you put points into those then you can select you know even more from the outer ring in each kind of quadrant so like if you're kind of going in the Northwest Quadrant if you keep progressing that way you'll be able to select once on outer and outer rings but if you're not going that way then you will like you'll only be able to select the kind of Direction general direction you're going out or an outer so this gives you even more abilities to use and allows you further character customization of the game and actually talk to larion kind of like about about why this was implemented this way and they simply told me that it was to add more character progression to your character because you know as you're progressing through the game you get these level up slower and slower and they still want you to feel like your character was growing so those are really the main things when it comes to your character progression in the game and like the way your character will develop and it's changed a bit since early access but I will say that I from playing Early Access I did not think itemization would have such a big impact on the way that your character plays in combat and the way you build your character and in my next video I'm going to talk about some specific items that I found in my playthrough some game changers I think and you know kind of dive into that so if you've been wanting to know like what sort of items and magic items can you get in this game and how powerful are they stay tuned for that video that's going to probably be tomorrow and I'm really going to dive into like why I think the itemization of Baldur's Gate 3 is phenomenal and how it really adds to the gameplay of the game so what do you guys think of this information I know some of this was revealed already at the panel From Hell from Wolf Arts video what did you guys think of what I said did you guys know all this already is some of this news to you let me know in the comments below [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 168,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 classes, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 races, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 character creation, baldurs gate 3 all classes, baulders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 races and classes, baldurs gate 3 mutliclass, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 best races, baldurs gate 3 tadpole, baldurs gate 3 tadpole powers, BG3, BG3 Classes, BG3 Races, BG3 Multiclassing, Baldur's Gate 3 Multiclassing, Illithid Powers
Id: rSHgtd2JALk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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