BFDI:TPOT 4: Gardening Zero

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Nickel: Pillow! What's going on, here? I'm teaching Cake and Book how to play "Yoyle Chess." Yeah Nickel, it's really REALLY fun to play! Here, when this game ends, you can play me next! Uh, wait--I thought I was next in line! Nickel: Oh, sure, that would be fun. But then--why are we playing on TOP OF THIS LIFE-THREATENING ROLLER COASTER!? Yellow Face: He HE! Time for some fun! Oh, um, I don't know why we're here. Pillow was just about to explain to us... She is the expert. Cake: Yeah, Pillow--why do we have to play-- Pillow: CAR! TEHEHEHEHEHE! [Nickel screams] Whew! That was so scary! Yoyle Chess sure is an exhilarating game! Say, where did Nickel go? Pillow: He questioned the rules of "Yoyle Chess." Nobody questions the rules of "Yoyle Chess." If you say so, Pillow--WHA? Why are ALL MY PIECES SUDDENLY ON THE WEAKEST SQUARES?! Cake: Pillow, are you sure you put the pieces back in the right places-- Pillow: CAR! [Nickel screams, then grunts.] OOH! Awesome! I've been meaning to buy a juicy gumball from this gumball machine, but I couldn't afford it until now! I'm rich! I'M RICH! I'm RIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCH-- [Intro begins] [Intro music] [Muffled] So in case you forgot, last time, our seven teams tried making their best amusement park rides! [Muffled] The S! and Team8s ended up with the lowest ratings with zero out of ten. [Muffled] So they're both up for elimination! Whichever members on each team got the fewest viewer votes will leave the battle for the Power of Two! Two, spit out that gum! It's time to be a respectable host! [Chewing] Oh, I guess... [Chewing] You have a good point! There, now that'll never be a problem we'll have to deal with ever again! Ooh, I have a good idea! Let's do Cake at Stake on The S! stage we built last time! Two: That's a lovely idea, Bottle! We must do that! Everyone, welcome to the grand opening of-- --the new Cake at Stake stage! Alrighty then, S-ers! Let's get on stage! [Record scratch] That's a terrible idea, Bottle! We mustn't do that! [Sad music] Wha--why--why not? Clock: How are your tears flowing INSIDE the bottle? Don't cry, Bottle, it's simple! The reason you can't come on stage yet because Team8s technically did worse than your team because you at least built a stage, and they didn't make anything! So as a punishment, they're gonna lose a member first! Oh! That makes sense! Anyway Two, let's give the Team8s the best Cake at Stake ceremony ever! Let's do it. Gramophone, we've been training for this for weeks! It's time for you to shine now. HIT IT! ♫ Hey Two! ♫ ♫ When you bake a cake ♫ ♫ Decorate and take it to the players who are safe ♫ ♫ That's how you know it's Cake at Stake ♫ ♫ Cake At Stake ♫ Oh, wow! I'm loving that new Cake at Stake jingle, Two! Thanks, Barfy! I figured new stage, new song! Also, this episode's cakes are delicious burritos! They're smart, creative, not overly dramatic, they'll listen to your problems, and they love writing! Gaty: What impressive burritos! Pin: How are you all being so optimistic right now? Our team is in danger! One of us will be exterminated! But don't worry, Pin! Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger! And also I'm speaking right now because statistics show whoever speaks right before Two announces the votes has the highest chance of getting cake first. Pin: E-- Two: PIN IS SAFE with 4,762 votes. Donut: Seriously?! Also safe are Coiny, Barf Bag, Gaty, and Needle! Oh no, Donut! It looks like FATE has caught up to us!'s either you or I leaving today. And the answer is that, well, Saw, you're out. You fell a few votes short of Donut. Aww... that's not GREAT! I'll always cherish building that restaurant with you guys. But Two, just curious, how many votes was I short of Donut by? Perhaps... Eight? Two: Yeah, actually. It's exactly eight. What is going on? "The S!", you're up for elimination next. Just like Team8s, whichever one of you got the fewest votes is eliminated. It's so awesome to finally be on stage! Yellow Face! You just spoke, so you're safe with 8,744 votes. So is Winner, Rocky, Clock and Bottle! Hehe, soggy burritos! My favorite concoction! Well it's down to just you and me, Ice Cube! Water based contestants have it so hard these days! Yeah! It's probably because you evaporate too easily! Just stop doing that! Two: Shhh! Fries, you're made with obscene amounts of oil, so you're not much better! Two: Anyway, the person eliminated is... Two: Cloudy. Two: You came 900 votes short of Ice Cube, which means, you're gone, like a puff of smoke. Aw man, I'm sad I wasn't able to stay longer... But, I'm happy I was at least able to collect so many nice memories with this team, though. Cloudy: Bye everyone. Bye, indeed! The S!: Holy cow! Man, it's a real bummer that Saw's gone! I agree! It was really fun getting to know her, she had a sharp wit! Yeah! #TeamSharp! And one time, Saw and I even smelled this Funny Plant together. It was the best! Maybe we could use this plant as a shrine to remember her memory then! That's a great idea! Yeah, even more so because, I know of species of flower has 3 lives. I learned that in gardening class. [Cake screams] Teeheee! Chase the gum! [Popping sound] [Loud thud] Teehee, gum bubble! Here I come! [Loud thud] No! My soggy burrito concoction! NO! My friend Saw! She isn't dead, y'know? She's only eliminated. Oh, yeah. No big deal, then. Yes big deal! That was last specimen of the 'Funny Plant' alive on this planet! Now that we've made the species go extinct, we've ruined the biodiversity of Goiky! No need to worry, Fanny! They are actually 7 specimen of the Funny Plants still alive now in different biomes across the universe. Unfortunately, they're all down to their last life! So they desperately need protection, which is why today's challenge is to pick a biome out of a hat and then protect that biome's Funny Plant! What biome did you get, Marker? Jungle! Hmmm... it shouldn't be too hard to protect a flower in a jungle! Yeah, and we're experts at preventing death these days! Yeah! Snowy Tundra! Just like me! Snow tundra? How can flower grow in that? Oh no...we're doomed! You peeked inside the hat, did you, Snowball? ...maybe. Figures. Let's see what we got! "Outer space?" Winner: This isn't good! Ice Cube: Wha? Team8s, we are going--to Yoyleland? Whoa! I'm feeling deja vu! Ooh, but it'll be my first time there! Let's take a look...oh! I hope you guys got enough water stored up because our Funny Plant is in the desert! Awesome! We can play Yoyle Chess by the cacti! That's against Yoyle Chess rules! My team, we're going to the biome of--eh--Davidland? Aw, seriously? Hahaha! Don't say that, it's already bringing back horrifying memories from my past! I didn't know Davidland was a biome! I just figured it was like, a congregation? [Loud boom] Um, Two? How are we going to get to our biomes? Good question. I definitely don't want to tire your little leggies out. So last week I commissioned Golf Ball to build these bracelets! Wow! Last time helmets and this time bracelets? You're really getting into wearable tech! I sure am! A silly bracelet? How's this going to help my team get to Yoyleland? Two: Try it on! Whoa! Purple grass? Yellow sky? There's no way I'm...I'm actually in Yoyleland! Gaty, remember when I told you this was my lifelong travel destination? Well, we're finally here! Wait, Gaty? Gaty? Where are you? Oh no, don't tell me I got lost! HELP! Pin: OMPF! Just take off the bracelet if you want to come home, Barf Bag. Oh, I see. Oh. Hey Golf Ball, would you like to be invited to my brand new shape hater club? Where'd she go? So teams, use Golf Ball's bracelets to teleport to your biome, and then protect your funny plant at all costs! First two teams whose plants die will be up for elimination! Also, if you kill any of the seven funny plants yourself, your team automatically loses! GO! Hey Two, thanks for picking a challenge that protects plant life. You're welcome Treeyee! We botanical contestants appreciate it. Grassy: Like Grassy! Tree: Yeah! And Robot Flower! Y--uh, yeah? I--actually don't know if you count... Enough squabbling! Now it's time to get going! Huh? Ugh-- Well, I guess I fit right in here. Thanks for joining me here, team. Sure thing! Just like me, jungles are so cool! I HATE JUNGLES! Agree to disagree! Wow, this jungle has so many exotic plants, vines, orchids, and cherries. Oh hi, hi! It's me, "Cherry Jr. the orphan!" Surprising. I thought the jungle was too humid for cherry trees to grow! It is! That's why I'm an orphan! And there's the funny plant we need to protect. Oh my cloud, it's so cute! [Zap] Lightning: Oh geez, whoops! Ouchie, ouchie! I'm transforming into Lightning Cherry! My sensors detect that the funny plant is down to 15% health. Oh my acorn... so soon and our precious baby is already nearly dead. I know. I'm really sorry that happened. I HATE YOU BEING HERE IN THE JUNGLE! Fanny's right! Lightning, no hard feelings but, our team would be better off preventing death if you stayed back home. Wait, no! I'm sure I can be more careful! Marker: I agree! Lightning: No, no, no--NO NO! He's gone! Haha! I'm right in my element! Ugh, I can't believe we have to protect this flimsy flower in the frigid cold just because of Snowball's dumb ego! Ego? You're--you're the "eggo!" Eggy's right. This flower's vitals are falling as we speak. Is there anything we can do to warm it up? Oh, I know! Sound waves generate heat and I'm a master of making sound! Good idea. Do it! Yeah! Let's do it, girl! Warm up! Warm up! Every petal shred the ice! Warm up! Warm up! Get up toasty hot and nice! Warm up! Warm up! Every petal shred the ice! It's working! It's WORKING! Keep it up Bell! Hmm... I'm gonna move my truck piece- It's not called a truck piece, it's called a Freesmart supervan. Freesmart supervan. I'll move! Ha HAH! Right into my trap! Are you guys seriously playing Yoyle Chess when we have this funny plant to protect? Yoyle Chess is fun. Babysitting a plant is not fun! No, Pillow. Nickel is right. Thank you! This plant is getting really dry... Let's split up and search across the desert for water! Good plan, Price Tag! So, um--Tennis bro? Where's Golf girl? She... already used her bracelet to get to Davidland. Then let's put on our bracelets and join her there! Uh.. actually Puffball. What's wrong? Because you caused such a havoc last time with your deadly rollercoaster, Golf Ball instructed me to...ban you from participating this time.. But I still want to help! Sorry Puffball, it's just protocol. But to you other Are You Okayers, equip your bracelets and let's head off to Davidland! Hey bud, your team left you behind too? Yeaaaaaah. They must have a thing against us flying contestants. Puffball: Maybe they do! Clock: Team S! Let's head off to outer space! Yeah! Clock: Oh, but uh...not you Ice Cube. You're made of water so you might sublimate in a vacuum. Better stay here on Earth. Wha? Sorry Icy. It's for your own safety. Wow Ice Cube, you too? These teams are abandoning their members left and right. I want revenge! It's okay to feel that way Ice Cube. At least the three of us understand what it feels like. [Singing] Warm warm warm! You still stay toasty and healthy! Warm warm warm, you will stay toasty and healthy! Keep going Bell! This funny plant looks like its almost at full health! Grow big and strong plant! Grow...big and strong... Team members? Where are you? Oh great. Bell lost her bracelet, she's gone. We gotta get her back! Can we give her a call with Touch-Tone telephone? Maybe their landline connection can work across biome borders! I don't think so Robot Flower. I love Touch-Tone's aesthetic, but Bell doesn't strike me as the type of girl to be wired up all the time. Basketball: And our funny plant is already starting to freeze again. We need a plan B. But, it's so desolate here! What objects on this mountain could even be used to generate heat?! I suddenly have an idea in mind! I'm...Grassy...? Yeah! We're in space now! Whoa! I never would have guessed that we'd get these nifty space pods! That's awesome, because look! That super-distant Quasar is about to shoot a deadly gamma ray in our direction! [Loud laser sound] Hehehehe! See, because of the protective space pod, that just tickled. Take that, Quasar! Ugh...uh...I don't know, Bottle. Gamma ray bursts make me feel a little nauseous... Oh no! Rocky too! [Vomit noise] Now he's drowning! Rocky drowning IS sad news, but our Funny Plant thriving in space is happy news! Whoa, look at the earth! I can see Yoyleland from here! I wonder, what's going on down there? Well Team8s, here we are, at the glorious expanse of Yoyleland! Gasp! The world's famous Yoyle bush! And what's this? A ripe Yoyleberry? Prime for plucking? Wait, Barf Bag, don't-- Don't worry Needle, I wasn't gonna eat it. Besides, it's worth more than it's weight in gold to collectors, so I'll just save it as a souvenir! But Barf Bag, the only collector who wants it that badly isn't here with us anymore, so he can't even buy it from you. Wait, who are you---oh, right. Anyway Team8-ers, here's our funny plant! The cool thing is Yoyle soil is very fertile, so the Funny Plant should have no problem thriving here! Fascinating! I can see it growing in real time! OMB! Wow, Pin! Between this and your knowledge of Yoyleseeds, you seem to know a lot about plants! Yeah! I'm just obsessed with reading about Yoyle biology! Well, Are You Okayers, we're back in the depths of Davidland! I remember it well! So do I! Well, it's my first time here and I'm kind of spooked! I remember David from season one but why are these Davids so much bigger? Silly Pen! Most Davids are this size. The David we saw way back then was simply a smaller variant of the species! OMTBF! I found our Funny Plant that we have to save--but why is it close to one of the Davids' legs? Wh--Wait, this is actually a serious problem! TV, calculate the reverberation rate of a large-sized David saying "Aw, seriously". Oh no, 2,763 reverberation units? That's so bad! How tragic! No I actually have no clue what that means. Is that a big deal? Yes, it's a big deal, Fries! Remember the Davids will say "Aw seriously" if you provoke them, which you did last time. It's about time, Davids are the most annoying creatures I have ever laid my eyes upon. Davids: Aw, seriously? When we were a mile up, their "Aw, seriouslies" sounded at a moderate volume. But here on ground level, it will sound so loud, it'll probably rupture all our eardrums! And worse, the reverberation will destroy the funny plant! Haha! You finished each other's sentences! This is serious, Eraser! It means we can't utter a single insult to the Davids, or else they'll hear, and we'll lose this challenge! Oh no! You mean I can't even say that the Davids look like absolute--- No! You can't say that! Haha! That reminds me of the time I was thinking of going up to a David and--- Golf Ball: NO! Don't worry, Golf Ball! I know exactly what you mean. I shouldn't say the fact that Davids are truly--- Tennis Ball, HELP! Oh, yes! Doing my duty! [Ominous sounds] Phew! Oh hey, Bomby! What's up? Hey there! I have an idea. Are you cool with dying for this challenge? Bomby: Sure! Naily: YAY! Whooooah! Oh my gosh! Yeah! Cactuses have water inside! Welcome back, Naily! Funny plant, time to quench your thirst! Yay! I nailed it! I found a fancy water bottle. It was in the side of an abandoned van. Awesome! Well, I found an even fancier water bottle in the side of an even more abandoned van! You sure did! Wait, what--you can talk? I sure can! And it's not an even more abandoned van, it's my home sweet mobile home! Nickel: Got it! Hey, uhhh--can I pour your innards on this funny plant? We need to win this challenge! Oh sure! I've always wanted to use my sparkling water for something useful, so go ahead. Thanks, talking water bottle! No problem, Nickel! I didn't find any water, but I'm a motivational quote pamphlet, so I looked up a few inspiring words to say to the plant... Book: "It's hard to beat a plant who never gives up growing!" No way, that worked! So that means we've got everybody except, uhh...Bomby? I exploded him intentionally. Oh, that's fair. Wait, and Cake! Uh oh, umm...I hope we reminded Cake to avoid that ancient Yellow Face skeleton that died in BFDIA, 10 years ago. Oh my word! What?! We definitely didn't remind him about that! This is my first time caring about this skeleton! [Loud boom] Cake: Where is it? I can't find any water! Maybe there's some behind here? Cake: No. Hmmm.... Where could it be, where could it be? So, what do we do now? Wanna play charades? Not really. I still want to convince my team I can contribute! I mean, I agree, but what can either of us really do? Don't you still have your jungle bracelet? This thing? Oh yeah, I do. I guess when Marker pulled it off my arm, both me and the bracelet got sent home! So why don't you put it back on again and help your team compete? Uh, I dunno. They meant to kick me out, and I don't want to over-insist too much. Like, I wouldn't want to attend a party I wasn't invited to, you know? Well, I would. [Puffball munch] Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why are you coming for my bracelet? This is mine! Come on, TPOT's more fun when we get to shake it up! You don't want to go to the jungle, so I will! That doesn't warrant stealing though! [Puffball munch] Hey! [Puffball munch] Stop it! [Puffball munch] Hey! [Puffball munch] Stop it! Huh, I gotta be smarter about this. Oh! Bell: Huh? [Bell screams] Puffball: Let's ride my rollercoaster, Bell! I hate rollercoasters though! It'll be fun! Bell: I'm scared! [Bell screaming] Huh? Hey! WAAH?! What is that thing? It's Puffball. She's not a Death P.A.C.T. Again member though! I'm here on behalf of my team, Are You Okay. I'M NOT! And I'm here to kill your funny plant!! Well, you might as well give up now, Puffball, because we are the masters at preventing death! Say hello to the castle of the funny plant! It is impermeable to all the dangers of the rainforest. From alligators! To falling trees! To snakes! To hurricane winds! To fish monsters! To floods! Death P.A.C.T Again: [Gasp] Why didn't we consider that Puffball can just, fly? I HATE THE ABILITY TO FLY! Death P.A.C.T Again: GET OUT OF THERE, PUFFBALL! STOP IT, PUFFBALL! WE'RE GOING TO GETCHA! Death P.A.C.T Again: YOU BETTER LEAVE THERE IMMEDIATELY! THIS IS OUR TERRITORY, PB! GET OUT! Black Hole, you're our only flying contestant. You have to fly in there and pull Puffball out! If you say so! Y'know what? I shouldn't get any closer. I could risk sucking up Puffball, and, others--that kills people, so, no good. Black Hole's could we lose sight of our main mission, preventing death! Well, that may be your strange mantra, but it's not mine! Time for me to eat this silly plant! Remote: But, Puffball! Puffball: What now? Don't you remember Two's rule that if you kill any of the seven funny plants, your team loses? Oh, you're right! I actually forgot about that. Haha! Black Hole couldn't stop you, but Two's arbitrary rule could! There must still be a way to do something sneaky... Give up, PB! There is not! I've got it! Hey! Ice Cube! Wha? Come with me to the jungle! I've got to! You're back so soon? [Ice Cube screams] Why would you do that? Puffball: Here's the answer, Remote. Your funny plant is now absorbing water from Ice Cube's body instead of the soil! Puffball: She is quickly shriveling up and may die in mere minutes! So the decision is yours. Puffball: Snip your funny plant to halt the absorption or let Ice Cube wither away into nothingness. You did say your team was all about preventing death. Dang! She's clever! Okay, my job here is done. Bye! I'm back with a spoonful of water I found! It was on top of an ancient Yellow Face skeleton hiding in the shade! Here you go, Funny Plant! Wait--Cake! No! Huh? Price Tag? What's wrong? Cake, don't you know? Any water that touches Yellow Face's skeleton is... CURSED! What?! I HAD NO IDEA! It's okay though! We can repair the pieces back together! No, you actually can't! Just Not: [Scream] Two, how did you get here? The desert is our biome. I have a color-changing bracelet so I can teleport to whichever biome I want to! Ooo! That's actually pretty neat! Yeah, it is! Golf Ball's inventions are always so nifty! But the sad news is that your team, Just Not, is the first to let your funny plant die, so you're all up for elimination. Just Not: [Scream] Aw man, I'm so sorry team! This is all my fault... No, Cake, don't say that! It's partly on us BFDIA-ers for not reminding you about that Yellow Face skeleton. Also, whoa! Pillow, when did I go from 5 points ahead of you in Yoyle Chess to 30 points behind?! That's just one of the consequences of getting cursed by Yellow Face's skeleton. Yeah! How's our funny plant now, Basketball? Nice and toasty? I mean, it is at a healthy temperature, but I don't feel comfortable with Grassy being on fire right now! Guys, our funny plant is sucking up Ice Cube's water! She'll die soon! And then we'll be responsible for her death through negligence! Um, Grassy's bracelet is nearly completely charred! Do we know what happens when a bracelet gets destroyed? Ha, I bet it'll be fine. When things are set ablaze, they're usually still fine. Why don't we just pull Ice Cube out? Remember Remote, the walls of our castle are indestructible. If you want to try climbing them, be my guest! Hup! That was pretty easy. Nice Job! Now try pulling Ice Cube out! Exerting 110% from battery! [Electronic failure noise] I can't do it! Puffball really pushed Ice Cube in deep. I don't know Eggy, this whole burning teammate situation is making me nervous. Why don't we just take Ice Cube's bracelet off? No that won't work! She'll be 3 feet underground, and will noclip into the bedrock below, killing her! If Grassy's bracelet really is about to collapse into ashes, I really have no idea what'll happen! Maybe we do have to decide between letting our funny plant slowly kill Ice Cube... Which we absolutely cannot allow! ...or killing our funny plant to save Ice Cube! Um, guys? If this Grassy thing fails, do we have a Plan C? Hmm... I got nothing. What about you Robot Flower? You're the same species as the funny plant. Got any backup plans? Well, according to Tree, I'm actually NOT the same species. What say you Black Hole? A contestant life is more worth than a plant life. [Sigh] We just gotta let the plant go. But that violates Two's rules. And we'll lose the challenge. Remote. Don't forget! Our death prevention supersedes any little challenge. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Agreed, but how can we kill the plant? We need to snip it somehow. Hey, team?! Grassy's bracelet really is on its last legs now! It's about to crumble! I've got it! I'll go back to our homeland, and get Two's scissors! Oh yeah, I remember those, go get 'em Marker! [Snatch sound effect] THREE, TWO, ONE! AHHH! IT'S SO HOT! Grassy: AHHH! I'M ON FIRE! Marker: AHHH--OW-AHHHH! MUST. GET. THE. SCISSORS. TO. MY. TEAMM! WAA...oooo... Wow, nice job Marker. You got the scissors in the nick of time! Yes! Now let's snip this funny plant and save Ice Cube! [Snatch sound effect] Funny plant, it's time to DIE! Ice Cube: Wha? Remote: Icy, are you in pain now? Ice Cube: No! So you're perfectly comfortable? Ice Cube: Yeah! Remote: Hooray! We prevented death. But Death P.A.C.T. Again, one thing you did not prevent is elimination! Because you killed your funny plant, one of your members will leave the show. Sorry, guys. That was a necessary sacrifice. Yes, a necessary sacrifice. Yes, a necessary sacrifice. None of you noticed that MARKER IS ON FIRE!!! What the forest?! Wowsers! I better get out of here! Viewers! There are two teams up for elimination! But you only get one vote total, so vote one contestant you want to have saved! The contestant with the fewest votes on Just Not and the contestant with the fewest votes on Death P.A.C.T. Again, will both be eliminated! Make your one vote count! Hello viewers of TPOT 4, thank you for watching the episode! It's me Cary! Y'know, I'm one of the Huang brothers, along with Michael. Um, this is the first BFDI episode I've written in a little while, so it's fun to try it out. It was a little longer than I expected! Um, it's really rainy outside right now. Gotta film outside where it's lively! Hence, the Outside Lands hoodie. Um, but with that being said, I hope you a had a fun time watching it and I'll see you in TPOT 5! Ok, now that there's no source of heat, our funny plant will die. Figures. Davids smell like boogers. Golf Ball: GASP! What? It's true! [Rumbling] Are You Okay: [Scream] David: AW, SERIOUSLY?! Are You Okay: Woah, ahh! Ooo! [Vomit sounds] Uh oh, did Rocky just barf a second time? He sure did! What's wrong with that? Well, pressurized vomit could act as a lens! So, what's the issue with that? Well, if there's another Gamma Ray burst, the lens can refract it in any number of unpredictable ways. Funny you say that, because I can see the quasar jiggling up again! Oh no. And now our funny plant is dead! Whoa! What happening? Gaty: Oh, Donut, it's simple. A Gamma Ray burst came from 2,763 light years away, got refracted by Rocky's vomit-- Gaty: --went right through your mouth and vaporized our funny plant. But, you made it through unscathed! Oh...duh! It's so obvious now that you say it! And now all the funny plants are dead! Hooray! In one episode of TPOT, we managed to set a rainforest on fire, and cause the complete extinction of a critically-endangered species of funny plant! Aren't I managing TPOT so well? I'm managing it so well! Anyway, see you next episode!
Channel: jacknjellify
Views: 3,284,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bfdi, animated show, long videos, battle for dream island, battle for bfdi, bfb, bfdia, idfb
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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