BFDI:TPOT 6: The Great Goikian Bake-Off

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[Music] littlest Dragon you think you can stand in our way of gold prepare for cake our Mighty wizard perhaps you didn't notice your gold has already been stolen by our Thief nickel soon I'll become the new Queenie and now you will face our rats guys I think this Dragon needs help as a group healer I think I can send to him Carly something's wrong boring time to die dragon and then I throw Bonnie at the dragon okay let's see oh that's a four bombia's explosion killed you all and that's the end of our 38 week-long campaign just because you're our fighter doesn't give you permission to overrule everyone else let Bobby play Ben [Music] another game wasted God look at us huh oh hello who are you talking to are those Gamers hanging out in my head again out out get out GB reverse this now please reverse I can't hear you but I'm guessing you want to go back to normal did you say my name argue Emily not but I could use your help to reverse just not to regular size my shrinkatron only shrinks no reverse Ray included welcome back fam say you guys see that commotion over there oi oi what's happening folks free food inside the hotel oh are you talking about the meals made by our new hotel chefs it just smells so good who are these chefs we demand to know what that's clearly foreign x no way oh please once their show ended they decided to use their out of this world talents to cook up meals for the hotel inhabitants though maybe just this once I can get a bite no less phone as for the hotel guests only uh I'm food can I come in the kitchen you can't fool me living sandwich no maybe I have another solution okay [Music] [Music] welcome to cake and steak folks are you okay was closer to winning so the strongest team on Earth is up for elimination first just hurry up I really want to steal some food from four attacks that's my solution if you're safe I'll give you a slice of cake this time the cake is a folder of an attack plan to sneak past foreign X Cressy and snowball you are both safe with 8237 and 3465 votes respectively Robo flower and Bell you got 2951 and 2559 votes respectively [Music] ball eggy looks like a ball is finally being eliminated I'm not a ball oh then I guess a ball isn't being eliminated because basketball is safe with 2531 votes eggy's out with 2404 votes one last sentence eggy I will finally give the answer to if I came first or the chicken so basically you used your one sentence up bye eggie are you okay it's your turn Penny and GB you're safe with 6866 and 5462 votes yeah TV puffball and eraser you three are safe with 5233 5140 and 4796 votes respectively that's creative I run out of ideas bottom two time for a tennis ball who will leave [Music] only friends on this team tennis ball you must survive I require a supportive and loyalty member only one Alliance stays safe today and for both cake at Stakes the ball remains safe tennis ball with 4788 votes you are safe fries is out with 4750 votes no bubble activate the elimination prevention plan nope sorry give me some food and I'll give you some barf I'll distract foreign X briefly try and grab a snack for the two of us that's my watch and not my mouth for an ex it's play time you get five minutes [Music] no food allowed to any of you let that be a lesson to you and you and foreign [Music] and that's everyone back honestly I've wanted to eat that food for months but that's clearly not happening so today's challenge is to make me dinner at Sunset each team has to present me with one dinner dish you can make it steal it whatever just get it to me and I'll give them a ranking of one to ten the two worst dishes are up for elimination go and that dragon game sash has me feeling adventurous oh we should slay a dragon in real life but there's no dragons around here wait maybe there is we could go and slay that dragon and cook it for two's dinner tonight perfect and then let's go Quest they've got until dinner with no time to rest oh our team gets its own singer very cool our brave Heroes and nickels [Music] gosh they're off to slay a dragon let's just play this challenge safe and make a simple meal for two no Mom I sure like munchy crunchy Punchy scrunch goodness what you advertising yellow face one of the best selling cereals at the yellow Face store wowie wowie cereal sounds great let's make it our dish for two let's use yellow faces add powers to get the ingredients Joy have you ever needed oats rice weed at a big happy bowl to mix everything in I'll take those yay we're not wimps strongest team the rest of the teams are babies but I think we should take four head on and grab his lovely smelling food graphically powerful besides there's the lasers at the Lock of the door to deal with I thought you could just walk through the lasers robot flower being metal and all no no no no she's not the strongest metal though if someone ate a oil Berry then we could probably reflect the lasers everyone to my above ground Factory I should have one of golf Ball's bracelets that we can use to transport to yoyo land ah what are they planning get here we need a plan luckily I happen to know too very well and I know how to read between the lines remember when two said we should make them dinner well I think they want us to make them dinner you know put them in a soup or something and did someone say sandwich we could use this bread and trap two inside ooh let's make some traps to capture too yeah [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] last attempt hopefully this Leaf trap works if not I'm out of ideas TV search for the yummiest beloved Foods in the goiki region apparently the oil Berry comes in several varieties one of which being the dream berries they are apparently the tastiest berries found only here in the grasslands let's go unfortunately due to the giant bloodophil we had many moons ago most sources of them have been wiped out however we can use an advanced locator installed within me to find them movie and let's find the dream berries colder colder freezing cold oh Warner Warner Warner the spice looks pretty run down I guess gelatin moving on to other chains is left this one slightly abandoned a dirty kitchen is still a kitchen hot look a hundred chocolate balls I love these things do you reckon two would like them I hate thieves whatever there's other cooking supplies up here in the freezer here marker catch oh a fishy but it's dead we can't use this this is a weird connection for us I I know our mission statement is to prevent death but if this is already dead is there anything wrong with us using it to our advantage I I think thank you for your service fishy [Music] golf ball which is also where the buriest one dream Berry seems to have survived from the lobby infestation due to being a launched in this track your job I'm never to do your hourly Duty and stretch your hands into the Tidy crack to extract the berry immediately no squiggly squishy arm will fit in that crack luckily I have a backup idea I brought golf balls shrinkatron let's become smaller and we can fit right into the crack no Ben there is no reversal function we'll be impossibly small how on Earth will we undo this well I can still adjust my size I can go finds two to undo this finally something useful for you to do go now you know what never mind good luck yeah baby time over we need that very stat everyone let's link up and head into the crack hello TD oh an early submission let's have a look hold halt teardrop this is advertised as a hundred chocolate balls there's only 96 chocolate balls in here if they're not all included this is as good as garbage you'll have till the deadline to find those four choco balls good luck these things roll forever I wouldn't be surprised if one was all the way in the forest by now did anyone just see that chocolate ball zooming into the forest the team tricked to the forest no weapon inside they must climb that tall mountain Northeast quite the plight oh oh well I I mean pillow easily took out the dragon last episode we just figured it's all mountain right now like I said and they'll do it without one more silly question ah we may as well just do what they say so just not climb the mountain of the endless staircase [Music] why are we listening to this thing it's just wasting our time just not notice two sides of the mountain they could slide one looking Serene one left then pet surified [Music] and then they went down and then they went down the scary one fine last chance this better be helpful all done but the fizzy is still dead well we finished pretty quick maybe we do the Ultimate Death prevention undoing a death I remember when we were exploring golf balls Factory there were a bunch of nifty inventions down there Shirley golf ball has concocted something we can use on Mr fishy you okay tree yeah my head feels a little funny though anyone hear that [Music] chocolatey ball well we've got our Dream Berry but two snacks are better than one bug they're back for Revenge this bubble eat Us Alive look death act against heading over here tree has a treehouse built inside of him grab onto his leg and we'll climb up why is there another chocolate ball in here what is going on Snowball put on gb's transporting bracelet once you're in yoyo land grab a yoila berry and zap back here in snowball go leave or I'll blast you all everyone behind snowball hit us four what what stand down for mother's not how you treat yourself no laser can stop us now for still don't have a key huh I'm the only ones with keys so now point you fail Bill grassy grab X and make them give you the key you got it I'm impressive X run lame Come Back Our Heroes disheveled from the crazy slide Quest Venture deep through the forest to the Dragon's Nest but on the way they see a spike and they think it's quite funny so they jump on the spikes and despawn themselves no we're done following your singing demands we're over it and doing this our way now look let me use your quickie map looks like we're close anyway everyone prepare yourselves I I think it's a it's here love you buddy there you go rice it's all well and dandy but it's missing that extra is that a chocolate ball I spy with my little stick eyes Rocky my friend wanna grab that and Chuck it in the bowl for us [Music] can you please check to see if the vomit is tastable in the cereal I mean I mean it clearly is like you can see the vomit all over the cereal and everything I don't know what you want me to say no worries bottle go get that chocolate ball Frost if we can mix it into our vomit cereal it'll dilute the vomit and two won't taste it come back here chalky ah it's been hours surely tool walk into our Leaf trap soon nearly got you you little chocolate ball I'm stuck get this team that silly bottle our trap is ruined hey why don't we just hand in this prop of a sandwich to do just use that as our dinner better than nothing look where on Earth could X be let's see the roof you think found you no good to see you TD is this your chocolate how did it get onto the roof anyway this is yours TD bye bye bottle where are you did you get the chocolate lock down here I threw the ball back up but I guess it bounced away no so all we have is vomit cereal yummers guys we've got no chocolate we're gonna just have to go with the vomit cereal we may as well package this up and give it to two let's go go found anything to revive the fishy nothing in terms of the Revival machine yeah good tree yes my head just feels yucky and weird but I don't find a Time reversal Ray use it on marker see if it undoes his burns from earlier I feel younger by the second good as new fine it works use the Ray on our fishy friend and let's get out of this Factory already [Music] we're so good at this death preventing stuff we're literally undoing deaths now okay next time don't exclude puffball TV immediately I hate wasting time let's go ahead in our fish roll already ouchy bad fishy fishy nice we could do this we've been training for this die Dragon tell everyone I died in a really cool way hey a few more hits and we can grind them up for dragons too Far Games as a Healer to know this dragon's mad because it's in pain don't care bye Bobby no ouch cool Bobby do what you have to do I trust you for a second okay it must have swallowed this when it flew into the forest earlier but that's why he was so mad at us goodbye friend he should have killed him now we have no food to give to two for dinner we have cakes are made here he got kind of burnt so he should be tasty plus we have a chocolate ball to go on Dove well gotta work with what we've got let's go almost dinner time folks we're here nice uh tree you doing okay yeah I my head feels really funny that's it I apologize for my behavior you would have made things so much easier today thank you were you guys wrestling about in my head all day we brought in cake with a chocolate bar for decoration what did you kill him snowball here's the key scorcher [Music] perfect four I found napping gotta get better aim than that to do any damage four oh yeah what the what's going on here we made you dinner a two sandwich how delightful a two meal how delicious 10 out of 10. and I see you got all the chocolate balls yum some are dirty seven out of ten who's next oh we've got a dream Berry please enjoy hmm small a little Dusty and looks a little worse for wear but oh so delicious 8 out of ten great job folks have you ever wanted a cereal that tastes like vomit then have some vomitos you got it wow it really looks like vomit and tastes like vomit but I'm a sucker for themed food what'd you use to make it no tricks it's just actual vomit you made me eat vomit guys I don't know a one come on here's four index's yummy lunch oh the food was inside the bag I loved the whole thing though the bag might have actually been my favorite part nine out of ten you still have to eat our team member too we had a chocolate ball as decoration but apparently those weren't to share wait this is our friend cake I can't eat him guys might be a low score oh uh I'm sure he tastes so are you gonna finish that finally we're on to death packed again our fishy roll eat it eat it eat it well eat the Roll Part don't eat the fish we just brought it back to life wait the fish is alive ow everyone help too ah finally that took much longer than I expected no finally out again but anyway I don't appreciate being eaten by a fish so that's a two out of 10 for your dish meaning viewers the S and death pack together both up for elimination but you only get one vote total so vote for one of them to stay in the game make your one vote count hey viewers majority [Applause] are the S and death pack one remember watching this episode you reckon now that it's night time we could Rob for an ex's kitchen
Channel: jacknjellify
Views: 2,371,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bfdi, animated show, long videos, battle for dream island, battle for bfdi, bfb, bfdia, idfb
Id: yjuwsaz7x4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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