BFB 4: Today’s Very Special Episode

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Hey, Bell! What's up? What's your string attached to? Oh, hee hee, I prefer not to tell. I wanna find out! It's none of your business! I'm GONNA find out! - Hup! - Ack! [climbing sounds] Ding ding ding! Help alert! I need this Eraser off of me! Whoa, Belly? What's the ruckus? Eraser's climbing my string and I don't like it! You have a string? Huh... I never noticed. What's at the top? Liy, that's not important! Bell: Ack! I've found my next adventure! [climbing sounds] Ding dong ding dong! Somebody get these rascals down! I can certainly punch those weak rascals down for ya! Gee, thanks, Snowball. I knew I'd find someo— As long as YOU let me UP! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ♪ [intro] ♪ Rock, Paper, Scissors! Foldy: Aww, I lost! Stapy: Looks like I got a streak going! Marker: Can I join you guys? Foldy: Sure! You know how to play? Not yet. Foldy: That's fine. Stapy: That's lame. Foldy: Stapyyy! Foldy: Marker! Just throw a hand of Rock, Paper, or Scissors, and whoever silently farts the most air out while playing wins the game. I don't think that sounds right. Aw come on, Marker, let's just play! Okay... All: Rock, Paper, Scissors! Foldy: Marker, did you just point your finger out? That's an illegal move. Let's redo. All: Rock, Paper, Scissors! Foldy: Now you played a house? No good! All: Rock, Paper, Scissors! Foldy: Dodecadang it, don't tell me you played the hecatonicosahedroid. All: Rock, Paper, Scissors! Stapy: Marker! Foldy: Huh? Oh no! Stapy: Don't tell me. Foldy: Mmarker, you just played... Stapy: Don't you DARE tell me... You played Four! [Four noises] Marker: Wuauoah, oh my artist! Let's do Brake at Flake! ♪ Dadadadadada ♪ ♪ Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! ♪ ♪ at Stake! ♪ Team Ice Cube you lost last time get your feet over here! [thump] mmmDonut! Where's the rest of your teamh? They're all climbing Bell. [climbing sounds] Which I FRANKLY find very disrespectful to Bell. Thank you, Donut! There ain't a hole in your logic! Pssh, Donut, you are just a party pooper. Yeah! [high five sound] Whoa! [falling sound] AAaaaaa... ...aaaAA! [Four muffled] Four said, we got 20,254 votes! [screech] [scream] [smack] Uh, I, I mean, we got, *sniff*, 20,255 votes! [Four muffledly approves] Oh, hey, Four. I gotta tell you something. Yeah, you forgot to play the Cake at Stake song last time. You OWE IT to the viewers to make up for it and play it again now. [Four reluctantly mmhmms] ♪ Cake! ♪ ♪ Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! ♪ ♪ Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake! ♪ ♪ at Stake! ♪ Okay, so I know the one of us with the most votes will be eliminated, but who of us is safe? Bracelety: Ice Cube! Four (muffled): —is safe! Huh? Yeah, that doesn't make sense. Ice Cube's on team [eight names said at once], and we're not up for voting! X: Four meant Bomby is safe! X: And Barf Bag! Whoa! [struggle sound, relieved sound] [splash!] X: And Naily! [stab sound, Woody screaming] X: And Firey Jr! X: And Spongy! X: And Donut! [eating noise] I love cake! [nudge, gasp] [Four muffled] translated It's down to Bracelety and Gelatin! [barfy-sounding] Hurry up and tell us who's sa— oh. I hate my new voice. X: Gelatin survives! Aw [catch] yeah. I promise not to throw any more forks, people. X: Bracelety's out. Hold on, her name's not Ringy? Who woulda guessed? Wait, Ice Cube's chances of winning just increased? Oh yeah! Go Ice Cube! Ice Cube, you're my idol! I love you! Hooray! (...) Wow, Bracelety went out strong. It's clear = she didn't care about what others thought of her. Lightning, can you zap me? Wait, you WANT to be zapped? Yeah, 'cause the shock will travel up my string and zap all those climbers off! Well, if you say so! [zapping] [zapping] That's the biggest zaptation I've ever seen! [zapping] Like same yo. Today's episode is very special. And why is that? It's the "FOUR"th episode! Make-over me! In a drawing. Or a sculpture. Or however ya like. You have fifteen minutes! Four: Begin! Well done, [eight names said at once]. Four: Goes to show ya don't need frills to make a feast for the eyes! Book: More like, Taco doesn't need to be KILLED to be DECEASED in MY eyes. Lollipop: Ha, ha, ha. The truest things really are the funniest. What the heck was it really that bad?????? Teardrop's team already finished! Guys! Let's not waste time here. [inhale] Guys. Let's waste time here. [timer sounds] I'm so glad we listen to 8-Ball. Pen: heheHEHEhehe Hey Black Hole! Do you think you might be able to— Let me guess... "do the whole challenge for me?" Tree: You can't just turn off your ballpoint brain and ask this guy every time. A true winner does his research. [muttering] If you have a problem...ask black h... Black Hole, can you draw? BH: No, but I can form a ring of highly compressed gas, known as an accretion disk. Tree: Oh. Oh no! What's this! I... I think Lollipop's fork repellent... wasn't a repellent after all! That's not me! I'm not touching anything! [fork stabs Pillow] [fork hits bottle] [lots of forks hit them and make sounds when they do] [time slowing down sound] Snatch! ueh? Nice Cake-over, Beepsters! I wonder how you made it! [flashback sound] [sick noise] [David is making the sick noise] Oh, I'm sorry, David, master of baking. Sorry our cake doesn't meet your health codes! Bleh! Bleh! Bleh! Nickel: That is so gross! How can you have a cake without sprinkles? Four: Hmrg. Hrmrgrh. Pretty good. Eraser: Hey Four! Four: hrrmrgrg [ding, Four screams, gloop sounds] Eraser: We're ready to show you our— [squish] Team Free Food presents... the year's hottest look. Gasp! [delighted screech] [smack, Eraser screaming] Hey Four! Feast your eyes on this! Gelatin: It's your new look. It's made of abandoned trash we found lying around! Four: Crafty. And good! Team Death P.A.C.T.! What're we gonna do! If any one of us abandons, there won't be enough of us to block the forks! Four's gonna FRY us! Wait! Black Hole can suck up the forks! Pen (faintly): BLACK HOLE! BLACK HOLE! Black Holes aren't known for their sense of hearing. We're doomed! Go! Go tell him! What? But who's going to stay and block the fo— I will. Go, all of you! But... no! It only takes one person to go tell Black Hole to— Pillow: We're all at the limit. If one person leaves, you'll all face an excruciating death. Pillow, you can't be seriou— Just go! Okay, can you stop interrup— Go! Four: What dya think of roleplay? X: I don't like it. Bottle, Pen: Black Hole! Black Hole! People! Time is running out! TB: Golf Ball, we're just following orders! Bottle: So can you do it? Pen: Can you suck up the forks? BH: Arright, I'm on it. [relieved noises] GB: I got paper! Here are the markers! 8B: There are the crayons. GB: Uh, go down! 8B: Up. GB: Uh, up! 8B: Down. GB: Right! 8B: Left. GB: Left! 8B: Right. GB: Down! 8B: Up. GB: Up! 8B: Down. BH: Hang in there, Pillow! GB: [defeated sound] All: TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON TREASON I'm in what? [writing sounds] Done! Bell's string! Four: Mmm. Mm, I'm not sure what to think. Pen: I'm sure it's... the best one yet! Right, guys? [cheering sounds] [actually booing sounds] Hng, no! No! That wasn't the intended result!!! X: This is the WORST one yet! Team Better Name. Time's up! [swipe!] Four: If it's better than Death P.A.C.T., then you're safe. But if it's not... Then you'll be up for elimination! Four: [indecisive sounds] Four: Another Name than That barely wins! Death P.A.C.T., exactly one of you is going to go! (muttered) Not really a death pact is it then. Pen: It's an acronym! What? Better than ours?? X (muffled): Help! That's okay. I didn't like papier-mâché anyway. [Loser whimpering] [mean laughter] We almost lost! This is bad! We almost won! This is goo— No... we nearly lost, and... this is my fauhhlt! Gasp! 8-Ball! You're not a completely useless moronic dumb robot! 8B and RF: Thanks. 8B: I... I thought I was helping you... GB: WHAT! 8B (whimpering): Everything I said... it was in a sarcastic tone! I wanted to add some humor to lift the spirits of our team... *sniff* I don't have a favorite number... GB (with pity): Oh, 8-Ball... See, guys? Do you hear something? Blocky: Yeah... it sounded kinda like someone who disrespects people! I don't want to disrespect Grassy! Guys! Even 8-Ball HIMSELF sa— TV (using a TTS voice): Why are you talking? You're a machine. Four: Vote in the comments using the letter in square brackets under who deserves to be eliminated! Whoever gets the most votes will leave the show. Hi, Teardrop. Eggy: Even though my story might not be suuper interesting to you, I decided I'll tell it anyway. Eggy: So it all began when I was a baby egg... you know, an egg inside of an egg? Eggy: Egg-ception, if you will? It was very cozy, and at that moment, I realized: Eggy: I was pretty content! I had everything I needed. I didn't need to complain for more. So I thought, why shout? Why even say anything? Eggy: As you see, that's how I, as a small egg, never really spoke much and blablablah...
Channel: jacknjellify
Views: 11,323,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated show, bfdi, battle for dream island, long videos
Id: MiZ8V3NHwfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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