BFB 14: Don't Dig Straight Down

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Whoa... what IS this place? [gasp] ♪ intro ♪ Gelatin: Oh... my... GOSH! It's an inverted planet!!! Excuse yourself Gelatin, I believe the correct term is "Buried Forest, Deciduously Insulated". Donut: I've heard stories about these... but I never knew we lived so close to one! I bet ya can't catch me, Naily! I bet I can! Hee hoo! Aha! There's only one way off THIS tree! Looks like you're... NAILED! Catch me! Here I come! You can't catch me! Cannonball!!!... Gelatin, PLEASE don't use my barf to cush... Naily: cowABUNGA!!!! Barf Bag: Ouch! Naily, that REALLY hurt, and... Oh my S.A.P. I'm leaking! Are you gonna be okay? I mean, I dunno! I'm pretty sure I ALWAYS need liquid in me, or I'll... ...uhh..... You'll what?! nhnh ...feel... .....woooozyyy..... Oh no. [Gelatin and Naily frolicking offscreen] Hey could you two please stop running around? Nah. Huhhh!!!... Gelatin: Hey! I found something! I'm mad you killed Bubble, Flower! How can you talk?! You were about to IMPALE two whole teams! True. But, Bubble's life is special, and you know what you get for popping her? You instantly lose Flower Power. Please don't say that again. hHey, are we just digging in random directions? Pretty much. Shouldn't we dig towards the coordinates we heard from Grassy? You mean, 133, -82, -7.63? Hold on! That location isn't THAT way, it's THAT way! Oh really? Change of plans then! Wow Flowey! You really know your way around here! Yeah, it's one of the perks of being a plant. Gotta have a sense of direction to point our leaves to the sun, you know? You don't have leaves! Heh! I'm so glad your vomit got us out of that dungeon! It's just smooth sailing from here! I wouldn't be so sure about that, Nickel! Rocky's vomit isn't eroding as fast as we're FALLING!!! Whaddaya mean? [sound of acid stopping] [acid] [thick accent] If any one of us touches the acid, [thick accent] we'll disintegrate! I don't know why you're freaking out, Cloudy. [thick accent] Why not? Can't you fly? Your bandages are gone, remember? [thick accent] Oh. Right! [annoyed] Everybody, grab onto Cloudy! Yaaay! Hey Yellow Boy! You advertise for a massive department store, right? YUP! Does it sell emeralds? Yellow Face: No, but... We have these cheap, plastic, green toys! Great! Let's— Woah, hold it! I'm not sure Four would like to be cheated like that, ya know? Marker: But over a year ago, Marker: Four said that you don't need frills to make a feast for the eyes, so that means he's okay with trash. Oh. You're right. Let's turn them in then. Four: Nice emeralds. I love a team that commits FORGERY. [all scream] ...commits FOR GERYYeeam island! You really committed to winning Battle for Dream Island. Um... Four, does this mean... It means you completed the contest first! You win. Yaaay! Wugh! I'm getting super nauseous... hh guys too? No!!! You're just a weakling. Wait! I've felt this feeling before! ...we are— Oh my god it's a monster!!! [all scream] Hmm. Bossy Bot Golf Ball must be right overhead. You're kidding me! Bozo Brain hntddt... Golf Ball is up there? Seems like it. WE MUST TURN AROUND. Agreed. I HATE Bossy Bot Golf Ball. But why do we hate Golf Ball so much? ...And, why do we have so many nicknames for her? Don't ask. [bonk] Haah! That bonk noise means we've hit the emerald! Then let's GO return. It too. Four. Good plan. Everybody! Wall jump! Hahohahuphophohap (x7) Hey Four! Here's your emerald!~ Hey. Four. Here's your emerald. ue'! Wowowowowowow! A Better Name Than That, you're safe! Whoa! I'm glad that went sooo smoothly. nNever mind! Gulmp! UUUUuuuuᵤᵤᵤᵤ? What just happened? Can someone bring me in the loop? Oh hey thanks for the emerald. Me and my four teammates with arms were trying to grab one. [echoed] Four: Death P.A.C.T.ers, [echoed] Four: You have found an emerald, so you are safe. Hey! But they just took OUR emerald! They can't do that! Yeah that's cheating! Grassy thinks it's no big deal. Well Golf Ball thinks it's a big deal! Four! Want to hear a joke? Not really. Three. Ha! Hahha! Ha ha ha*cough* Golf Ball: There we go! Got it back! Okay I patched her up! Lemme listen. Well, Barf Bag's definitely unconscious now, Donut: but she's not dead! Yet. Donut, I told you I found something! Donut: Could it really be more important than your teammate's life? Well, maybe! It's a hot spring! An awesome place to chill, and, hey! We could also use it to refill Barf Bag! Oh wow, you're right! Donut: Bomby! You're the strongest one of us! Go fill her up! Barf Bag: Huh? Wwwwhere am I? Oh my bakery you're back, Barf Bag! Yup! Thanks for caring for me!~ I feel GREAT now!!! That's awesome! I feel REEEEALLY great!' Donut: Yah. I bet you do. No, you don't understand. I... feel... AMAAAAZING. Donut: Okay that's enough. Well. I think THIS calls for a celebration. Let's have fun in the pool! Agreed! CANNONBAAAALLLLLL! You mean... cannonSPIKE. Spongy: Huhu, I wanna cannonball too! Hup! Ahaha. Hah... hah... ...looks like you're having fun, Spongy! I feel so super fantastic!!! We've already heard that before, Barfy. I— Wait, hold on. I feel good because the water inside me is warm. Oh? Yup. This water is warm. Like, rreeeeally warm. Yeah! And it's super soothing! Barfie, what's your point? Donut, lakes don't get this hot without a reason! w We could be near a Firey Recovery Center maybe? Or... something worse? Like what? Time for cannoball number three! Uhuhuhuhuhu! Time for cannonball number four! I mean... we could be next to... a volcano! Hah, imagine that. Lol. You're joking, right? Tchyeah, of course! [all scream] No, of course NOT. Run!!! Up there! There's the hole we entered from! It's that high up?! Bomby, that ain't a problem. Huhh! See? I nailed that jump. Hoop! Unh! It's too steep! Oh. Well, Spongy's body has a lot of friction! Huh? Spongy. Run as high as you can, and flop onto the grass! Okay. Yaaay! Now Bomby, go run up that sponge! Easy!!! Woohoo! Okay Spongy, time to pull you up! [all struggling] Gosh, this is kinda difficult. Um, guys? It's getting really hot... That's enough! I'm not letting Spongy get used as a disposable tool once again! Huugh! Urwrlrlrwlrrrwwrlwrlwrrr.... hnhn! hh I always liked deep fried donuts! Gelatin, that's a little insensitive of you! Dark humor is the way some people cope with tragedy. There's no time for this we gotta run!!! Whoa, sunlight! That's right! The only escape from this cave system is overhead! But nobody here can fly... I can! I've got my private jet. Oh. Cool. Can we jump on? Uhhhhh sorry... this jet only has one seat. But isn't one Spongy seat enough for all four of us smaller ones? No. One seat is one seat. And, uhhh... this is what you get for not remembering me last episode. Oh that sucks, I was hoping we'd made up for that. The lava just entered this tunnel! We need to come up with a new plan. Fast! I will ignite myself! No Bomby!!! Now jump on top of me!!! Oh my S.A.P. Bomby... Uhhh... if you say so! Uh, guys? There isn't enough room up here. AAA [Gelatin and Barf Bag scream] —AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA [thick accent] We're going to make it outta here! ...AAAA you're gonna nail it AAAA... How did Naily end up in OUR tunnel? That makes no sense! It probably means nothing. But, i... is it just me, or... is it getting kinda hot in here? Oh no Cloudy, turn around, TURN AROUND! WAAAAAAA! Oh no, I forgot about the acid floor! I don't wanna be disintegrated! Cloudy, you gotta turn around! Oh no, I forgot about the lava ceiling! I don't wanna be scorched! Cloudy, you gotta turn around! [thick accent] Guys, we're trapped! [thick accent] The only way out of here is to get Rocky to barf more acid! But his stomach's empty! Well, heh, not if he gets a refill! Oh? Did I just hear you volunteer yourself to get eaten? What?! No!!! Alright Rocky, you heard 'im! Go chomp that Nickel! AAAAAaaaa... Bulleh! Yaaay! Ow! Hold on, what IS this? [Gelatin and Barf Bag screaming] Holy moly! We made it out alive, Gelly! Aw yeah! Thanks for the ride, SPONGY. I told you! There's only one seat!' Oh. My. Collagen! Gelatin: There's an emerald right next to Four! Gelatin: Let's go get it! Barf Bag: Yeah! Here! Impressive! You found an emerald before X did! Team Ice Cube is safe! What?! It happened again? Wait! Does that mean I can do the same thing? Here? Amazing! I'm blown away! Four: The Losers are safe! Unbelievable! Four: With 5 teams safe, it's down to Beep, [8 names said at once], and iance to get those last two emeralds! Um, guys? The lava level's still rising. Is this concerning? I think this is concerning. Did we seriously just pass up on an emerald just because Golf Ball was there? Yeah, but... don't sweat it. We might run into ANOTHER emerald! I doubt it. See? Like, there's one! Oh my cloud. [all scream] I need you guys to blow really hard again! [blowing really hard again] [all scream] We're almost at the surface, guys! If we keep digging up, we might be able to escape! I can sense it! I can feel it! I can smell the crisp autumn air— WHOA. Oh great. Ya feel that, SB? Yeah. I feel it alright. Golf Ball's overhead! We gotta turn around. We just have to. Hm. Is it me, or is it getting warm around here? Oh geez Golf Ball, I uhm um well um yknow uh I mean, I mean I think— No seriously. The temperature is ten standard deviations above normal! ...And all the grass around me just died. Well, you ARE pretty stinky, Golf Ball. You can't blame the grass for not wanting to put up with that. Yeah!!! Wait. I know the explanation! GB: A leaked lava chamber must be chasing an underground team. GB: They nearly broke the surface, GB: which brought the lava close enough to the grass to hear it to death. But this team clearly values avoiding me more than their own safety. That's highly unlikely. But there's more! GB: If I want this pathetic team to stay underground, GB: lose, and be put up for elimination, I must prevent them from ever breaking the surface again! Aha! The grass over there is starting to die! Not so fast, you dimwits! Dangit We'll have to try somewhere else. Where's next... where's next! You wanna make your next move there, you say? Well what if I say no!!! Ohhhh. So THIS is Golf Ball's idea of fun. [sigh] Yep. I think we're at the bottom of the world. Well I sure hope not, because then we can't escape the lava! Come on little one, help me dig! Alright, well if not little one, why not you, Woody? You have arms! Weeh wuhh. Hahah! Ha hah! Stopped you there! Golf Ball I think it's time to stop. You've done this 2763 times. Yes, and each of these 2763 dead patches of grass is a beauty! Just look at them all! Wait. Maybe they're trying to communicate with me. Yeah they're telling you to stop. Hm. They raise a very convincing argument. But it's not enough! I'll continue! Oh what a pain! Tell me about it. Guys! I can't belileve you're not helping me dig! The lava's only a few feet away! It's because it's a lost cause, Balloony. Now hold on, you're a nail! You should have a MUCH better chance at breaking through. [alarm sounds] [distant alarm sounds] Huh? There's an intruder sneaking into my underground factory! I need to go investigate! Four deserves THIS treasure! Here. You guys were pretty slow.. But that's okay. iance is safe. Our final two are [8 names said at once] and Beep! [smack] Ow! Huh? Book. What do you want? Okay, forget it. I was going to ask you about something, but clearly, you just want to brush me aside, like when you went to attend Match's dance party. Book: Wait wait wait it's different now! Is it? Book: Yeah. I don't wanna associate with Match... with FreeSmart ever again! I just wanna keep Ice Cube safe from that sort of behaviorr. How's that going? www... Well, And don't think I don't know who you were about to talk to. What's your problem with her anyway? What I saw last episode was NOT how a functional team acts. She keeps... abandoning— well, that's what I WAS on about, but that's not what I was gonna do just now! Then what WERE you doing? Well, maybe it's obvious, but that turmoil you saw in our team back then... was all because of me. This whole time, I thought I was creating the safe, healthy environment I always wanted... by standing up against Taco after she hurt us. But in the end, it only made the team worse for everyone in it. ...And now Ice Cube doesn't even WANT to be in it! So, the reason I'm here is, to try to ACTUALLY make things right! I just... don't know where to start. I actually know how you feel. It's hard to patch things up after you've hurt people, even once you learn that you should try! But in a situation like this, I think it's best to think about what THEY want, Pin: instead of what YOU want. Pin: Instead of trying to make them happy with YOU, Pin: you should just try to make them happy. Pin: I-is there anything your teammates want that you weren't letting them have? ...Freedom? Barf Bag: TAKE COVER EVERYBODY!!! iance! GET UP! Oh gag, now it's coming out of TWO holes! [all scream] Oh no!!! Lava shower! Book: Gotta protect Ice Cube... Book: ... AND TACO! Wait... what?! Gotta protect [8 names said at once] with my fork repellent! It's multipurpose! Losers! Follow us to safety! Losers? Where are— Oh my mint. How is there so much lava already?! Everyone's probably dead! Can't dwell on that. Gotta keep going! Haha! Not everyone's dead! [continued alarm sounds] Oh, I don't know what those sirens are for, but it doesn't matter, because the lava will kill us!!! UAAAAAAAOOO [thick accent] Hah haha! That's why it's nice to be short for once! [thick accent] Right, Rocky? Mm-hm! [thick accent] Woody though! [thick accent] You're medium height! [thick accent] Whoa! [thick accent] That's lucky, now he's the shortest of all of us! Enough comparing heights, now that I'm over half way through, let's actually try to break this wall. [banging] Who could these barbaric trespassers be? Hmm... [thick accent] AAAAAAA HMM... HMMMM!!! HmmMmMmMm Waagh!!! The lava will start flooding the floor! Head for the stairs! Also... I'm... sorry for stabbing you seven years ago. I didn't mean it. Uh, nhmm! Woah! Woody! Naily! You're alive? Yeah? That's awesome! But, why are you running down the stairs so fast? Lava's chasing us from above! Why are you running UP the stairs so fast? Because lava's chasing us from below!!! Oh shoot, um, Wuh wu-uh! Whoa! Deprecated garbage chute! We could try it, but it's all boarded up... No big deal, I LOVE breaking things! Toss me over! Coiny: Wheee! Grink! Gonk! Hng! Nn! I got it off guys! Wait, AAAAA! AAAAAAogrglgblbrgrblb... Whoa. Rest in peace, Coiny. That slot is too narrow! There's no way I could fit through! Me neither. But Woody, if you flip on your side, I think YOU could make it. Wuooh waa! Yeah Woody, looks like it's the end of the line for us. But YOU gotta keep go— We believe in you, Woody! I bet you'll find PARADISE at the end of the garbage chute! Wuh wWAAH! Wuh. I wish we could go with you too. But we just won't fit! I know you can do this. Sorry Woody, but the lava's getting close. There's no time left! We gotta throw you. Remember us, okay? [screaming] Wuh, Woboty? mMMMmMm, MMM! uUh! Yaaay! Beep found the last emerald! So [8 names said at once] is up for elimination! Spongy: Get off my plane! No. Lollipop: Oh no, my dear teammates. Lollipop: It appears THIS repellent can has run dry. [all scream] Vote in the comments using the letter in square brackets under who deserves to be eliminated! Whoever gets the most votes will leave the show! Hey Four! What! If all the emeralds were barely underground or inside your eyeball, then why is X still hurtling to the center of the earth? What a silly question. Why AM I doing this?
Channel: jacknjellify
Views: 15,888,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bfdi, animated show, long videos, battle for dream island, battle for bfdi, bfb, bfdia, idfb, minecraft, shovel, treasure hunt, emerald
Id: FDoY1zaWB4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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