Battle for B.F.B. - Season 4b (All Episodes)

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hey gelatin how do you like our new home I would say it's pretty rad the grass here is softer than before and if you squish it with your feet in the right way it makes a cool squeaky sound watch um what about you lollipop feeling comfortable I was until you showed up that's mean voters you'd better take note of this says the person who got eliminated for inflating our teammate to death thank you for standing up for me it's just my duty to protect any sphere on a cylinder man you guys just high five oh no high fives only High fours I only count one one is still not far this is so dumb four can you just tell us what's going on with the competition so many of us are very confused uh agreed Ruby put your times tables away four clarification please um hello four they seem unresponsive step aside Taco I know what four needs right now four what's wrong you look depressed oh I don't know I just don't know what I am why are my co-host is then let's go to the wait what four did you just ask where your co-host is four you've told X to leave you and we know exactly where he is yeah right now he's playing patty cake with two because they're best buds now you mean you can bring him back well maybe I'm not sure if you did would bring back the space [Music] [Music] I have assembled you here tonight to retrieve X yeah I never agreed to that foreign [Music] answer wise is and will always call story but what if I add back the original BFDI as a prize thank you now I feel like it how do I start wow there's 14 of you why don't I split you into two two teams of seven based on whether you're colored closer to Four Color or X color oh darn looks like I've been judged by the color of my food coloring once again perhaps I should use this Paint Bucket to change my color then I could avoid being on the same team as Bologna's ruthless murderer so I eggs colored huh I never thought of it that way but I guess I am who else is with me oh yes it's season one's winner I can feel winning strategies from him and block he's here too awesome he can carry out my assassination missions and no way losers on my team too his super Fame can help me get sales for my new fashion line can you be quiet I like my new team so much better than ions hey Thor can I name my lovely team now that'll be a future contest oh Ruby I don't know if I like our new Four Color team why not you've got me and tears will never say a bad thing about you that's true but she's here too oh her you two never got over your awkward Frenemy face ah no but why don't we resolve it now oh I'm just so worried hey look at the bright side of things at least you're not on the same team as blocky who's murdered you 2763 times that is nice but hold on harm you and him both red wait you're right hey or why am I on a different team from blocky when we're both red what do you want to be on the same team quit so whichever team gets X back to me wings and the other team is up for elimination oh no woody scared that we'll never be able to get eggs new comrades we need not fear our team is ex-colored so we're sure to win and how do you know cuboid see that spot of saliva on the ground my poison oh no loser that's just stay with me x marks the spot x marks the spot by the laws of nature X must come here on his own to mark this very spot sounds like pseudoscience to me leave sir how are we gonna get X by using our image okay bye bubble you got any ideas loyal bubs I got an idea right before her unforgivable elimination our Mystic Alliance leader pencil gifted me her most prized possession urging me not to open it until the star is aligned I have safely guarded this treasure for many moons until snatch well let's use it [Music] free smart Superman let's get in foreign why don't we just drive around the hills lollipop you're hurting my brain I don't know what around means also why do you bring that paint bucket with us none of your business [Music] so I think you're a great leader but this x marks the spot thing isn't working oh man is doubting me um if you believe it'll work then it'll work oh okay I'll believe harder then [Applause] [Music] Yo Taco we both have Rotting Flesh in our heads why don't we form an alliance an alliance flower that strategy might have worked on me nine years ago but today you can't win me over that easily come on hold on what's this with you in rotten flesh oh flower I can explain you have six petals now now you have four hour nine yeah yeah you are come back to me when you can keep your story a little more consistent [Music] we're here to take X back okay who's getting out to grab X I thought you volunteered too no I said I was gonna stab point me to do it no you're too fragile oh for blob sakes where's teardrop going [Music] X is the kindest host of the three we've seen by far I hardly remember meeting the pulsating cyborg box but I'm confident X is nicer than even him eggs was fair for me when Paul Looney typed you'd better not dig our precious eggs from us hey guys don't fear why don't we just glue x to the ground that doesn't sound fun well coiny don't you know the contact with glue can damage your skin well it damages your skin indeed hey whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger besides I bought some glue that's certified to be gentle on numeric membranes but where is it Switcheroo we can too got it now X will get to keep hosting our show so long you for Fanatics and next time stick to your own lame host who I hate quick throw out the lasso [Applause] I hate lassos but bye silly boy I have valued our time together guys we forgot teardrop oh shoot you're right I'm telling you loser your ex marks the spot strategy is utter nonsense [Music] spot with orange paints it was my strategy that worked when your team wins the other team with the four colored contestants loses and I'm so happy you're back are you it depends how good are you at patty cake I'm super proud yay then I'm happy as well thank you get into your job we're going shopping oh I guess now we gotta head all the way back just look at at the Silver Lining more bonding time for new friends do I have to remind you that you killed me one time did you know we have already lost the challenge I may be sweet but my news is not if you like what you just saw then it's time to subscribe to this channel so you can see new episodes when they come out hey spongy nice to be back that's awesome now I don't normally do this but here's a welcome back gift whoa team it's a friendship bracelet try it on [Music] material let me get that down on paper [Music] [Music] you look amazing spongy ah [Music] but today you can't win me over that easily talk out why spongy and not me no raging flower lamps elimination time what didn't the other team lose [Music] [Music] you disappointed my own color Last Time by losing the contest shame whichever team ever got the fewest bones will leave the show I thought it was whoever got the most votes well we're changing it up and what you promised me no more screeching oh nice sorry Molly oh she's not working out maybe she needs more pattern more comforting bats eggs will reveal the six of you who are safe one by one that's my job oh I'm so nervous bubble it's pronounced nervous say it with me nervous there you go um leafy got the most votes from fans at 11 000 out of the total fifty one thousand yay I'd like to thank my family and friends who supported me along the way and fiery and outrageous your prize is this duct tape hey hmm teardrop who cannot talk is safe and lollipop who also cannot talk is also safe ooh and jelly are safe hooray now I'm not neuervous anymore that's not fair you know what bubble accents they can challenge oh no I'm feeling so much pressure again this is not good sorry mommy did I do a No-No again balloon Ruby what if you will be eliminated today leaving us with our final 13. who's it gonna be well tell us already I don't like all this waiting uh I could wait longer [Music] oh all right bye you guys I enjoyed my stay now suck me up for wow um there aren't any empty spots left in the exit well in that case where are you going to send me where can I send you here whoa this is kind of spooky oh well goodbye fellow contestants oh oh here I go for where are you sending balloon boy I hope he'll be okay he's going to BRB oh he's going to be right back that's a relief in the meantime hi guys I missed the elimination baloney can you give me a recap Bubble look up so this means you got eliminated yeah this is awkward take her down [Applause] [Music] young till hives of righteousness must not waste energy fighting unless it's in a fairly mediated competition each team has a brick Tower to protect and another to destroy I think I see some rocks you can use but yeah the first team to get their Tower knocks down loses you really awake for that one huh yes okay four colored friendos we're down one member from the other team so if we want to win we'll have to put our heads together nice time I tried that I died I say we impersonate and infiltrate their Tower doesn't stand a chance if we can get inside it good plan but who do we impersonate it can't be Loser last time I impersonated him I got arrested and put on probation oh I know just the person guess whose merch I bought when we went shopping it's so cozy in this new tower I agree more makes me so proud who Could That Be oh it's me flower no bubble your bubble yeah bubs why didn't you think they believed that you have to talk The Flower Way like this what what lollipop you're trying to trick us too it's me flower oh my gosh flower the worst thing just happened bubble and lollipop try to impersonate you wow some people are just so vicious what right there he's impersonating me too nice try imposter but I know my friend flower when I see her wait fiery considers me a friend whoever you are your flower costume isn't very convincing where'd you buy these petals gelatins fake housing no no shop there I pick a more fashionable store than that but you bought them at a store huh your little stick is over bub or should I say Dora blocky help me out toss this rock into the other team's Tower whatever you say foreign well that was a try at least hey maybe you shouldn't have given me the world's heaviest Rock the other team stole our idea three two one toss more like muscle smaller team flower I thought we signed a truce to the insulting war of 19. quit blabbering and help me push these rocks [Applause] thank you oh gosh um X you can move out of the way we're falling behind where's lollipop or bubble or even gelatin we're back yeah gelatin's still undercover great job team you guys are back so fast and I bet jealous is destroying the other team's Tower super well flower you gotta be kidding me you're not doing any work neither is your deodorant I got a new plants loser what are you doing that's my favorite oh what's this [Music] firing got anything sharp well I found this coiny slapping glove from years ago and it's kind of sharp perfect now watch this [Music] okay ex-colored friends climb up here across the bridge we can destroy the other Tower isn't that a wonderful plan yeah it's just my duty to give you guys the best possible look they're coming all right anyone on our team got the guts to go across first Woody you wanna do it that sounds like a yes to me go who's next Who's Next Torah what are you doing here ow for battle's sake teapot contestants do not belong in this battle arena no Don't Look Down Woody just look for forward is safety [Music] [Music] whatever I do whoa that was crazy am I the only one left on this thing that's a no from me please please don't fall off [Music] hey leavester what are you waiting for go do your thing go fight um oh um this is a little weird isn't it oh but I would like to pass I don't like fighting there's no time for passing Force clock is almost up what if we Face Fight that's not gonna cut it leafy's fake fighting in real fighting look the same to me look I'm doing jumping jacks cool right not cool at all this roof could use a remodel but it's doable who built this wait this is not doable oh my God [Music] I'm punching firing I'm punching fighting no you're punching the air see he's retreating in fear wait why is he retreating whoa [Music] ah [Music] time's up the four colored team's Tower was significantly shortened however the excellent no longer exists because the S color team doesn't they are the Have Nots all right [Music] hello lollipop get in buddy about time you showed up all right pop pop don't call me that the radio is broken so I just thought I'd sing for you driving with my friend this is so much fun enough of that no more singing today tomorrow ever I hate it hey leafy come on in hi Woody with my friends get me out of here somebody help with my friend why won't they stop singing la la oh my sugar the radio it's back on so you guys don't have to sing anymore we can listen to actual music I guess [Music] you might stop driving over X's guarding yeah you've already trampled his aloe vera plant 73 times that was mean 73 times we've driven over the same spot 73 times yeah we got home hours ago I just drove in circles so we could have more sing-along time with leafy wasn't it so much fun so much bonding and I saw in the back mirror that you [Music] [Music] four and I have brought you here today for a public service announcement you need to respect my aloe vera more and that means okay we'll respect it more but don't we have to do cake at stake oh oh he is right you know Michelle must go on oh all right last time so whichever of you got the fewest ones will leave BFB if you're safe come pick up your prize from this table hold on spongy where's your friendship bracelet go the one I gave you anyway first contestant safe is fiery wow [Music] it's down to blocky and spongy the two original returners I parked you blocky I would support you spongy but I don't see you wearing any friendship Pride oh yeah this guy is a butler oh spongy I'm sad to see you go I'll make sure your spaceship is taking good care of my what your spaceship one you wrote to avoid the lava Apocalypse Now is when you do your snap thing oh right it's really it's really important that you guys know that the spaceship isn't able to nice knowing you old pal are you actually trying to grow aloe vera yeah well I should let you know aloe vera can't grow in this bio ah why not too little Sun oh so that's why they're still so small I always thought it was for a different reason gotcha now four eggs well I wanna help my co-host now so that's this week's challenge oh I'm still super confuzzled YouTube shall improve the Sun so Alex's crafts can grow better hold up improve the Sun what the meat does that mean that means whatever you do to the Sun that helps excess aloe vera grow you'll win points now the opposite and you lose points oh okay a glamor has the most points at the end wins no guys I remember from season one spongy spaceship might have a super speed mode laser that we can use to fire at the sun let's plan I'll help you look for it I as fiery's friend will follow too Woody you wanna go in there too wait where's Woody he's still in the air after you kicked him oh man I kind of miss the little guy maybe you should be a little gentler on him then anyway come on let's see what's inside spongy's ship okay girls what's our plan how do we even get to the sun why must we do the sun's bidding I say the Sun comes to us that doesn't work that way well we might not be able to reach the Sun but we can alter its Rays what are you saying roopster I'm a lens [Music] oh my gardenia Ruby you're a genius someone uh teardrop go tell four about this Ma oh wow really wow I'm doing your right plus one point for the half cup minus two points for the half Ruby [Applause] [Music] please foreign why not isn't Mischief like your thing well I used to be in the spotlight a lot back before your time I had the show called International hey guys for a break suspend the fiery Recovery Center above the lake whoa whoa lucky you're a funny doer you do funny things how about we do stuff instead of sitting around and reminiscing about it [Music] I remember that one time I reminisced in fact the viewers are getting so bored I'm even making shadow puppets to entertain them so you're saying I should do more funny doings yes I'm saying that you I found it now press it not yet first we need a drum roll we do yeah [Music] how do you know so much about aloe vera oh I'd be happy to answer it helps keep my skin hydrated so I don't pop from dryness check it out oh well I'm happy to hear it works for you what about you pipsqueak why do you want to grow aloe vera you got an answer so now you must give an answer um um answer only do it if you're comfortable no I can answer I just gotta think about how to word it see I see yes bfb3 oh my oh my and he burned you what a monster don't worry X I'll avenge you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] maybe the sun's too hot now yeah I think sounds like he's hurting maybe we should help him I think you guys should and I've got just the antidote to help him [Music] now we know what to do [Music] we gotta use ice to shrink the Sun [Music] hey guys where did we even find this spaceship it's made of cardboard I don't know I think a friend donated it to me well which friend hmm don't remember probably not important for a friend of the reason watch them burn slowly and painfully get out [Music] this program was brought to you my block is funny Doors International we wanted to tell them my ship isn't able to resist Heat s what are you doing here wow is accidents are solved my problems are not solved and it's all because [Music] solar members will be up for elimination and the one who gets the feeling supposed to be saved will be eliminated [Music] four there is still something very wrong with this situation wow really yeah well I can be next month oh man um guys how are we able to breathe in outer space if there's these open windows I wonder what outer space tastes like yeah it's covered by plastic wrap Ruby oh that's a relief man I really want to know what space tastes like though whoa cool we get to be in space again it's just as tranquil as I remember it meaning not very tranquil why would you say that Lolly the last time you were in space you got obliterated by a laser not true you have to be more eco-friendly I mean oh okay maybe I did get obliterated by a laser but getting obliterated by a laser raising backpack really yeah actually it's pretty comfortable let me show you see didn't that feel nice I got it um Taste of the worldly skeleton you'd better keep your tongue in there what did you say there's no air oh I'm not gonna last much [Music] more air is an app that brings you more thrilling experiences especially when you are done here [Music] [Music] everywhere oh no yeah and let's first ever Kick-Ass takeover video call um Bubble is safe Sally's teardrop family and lollipop [Applause] [Music] well how was the experience was it cozy if you call excruciating pain cozy it's an alliance member's duty to give other members air [Music] care to give me some air no straw needed are [Music] is back to being a Hidden Gem please please please can you stay in the game please please no but it was only by 96 spoons when the real be gone we're down to the final 11. where is everyone we're playing some people died welcome back then uh X are you okay well that wasn't a no so I guess we can ignore it no ax what do you propose right now just help me get colder please okay for today's challenge you'll have to make the sun colder the half cots are in space they have a huge Advantage I'm sorry then I ask you what if I said yes I would ignore you yes well I have to commend you for you are anything but a liar tacos right we do have the upper hand tell me why we can't just dump this bucket out the window and win the challenge I mean we are already here a dazzling getaway destination if you ask me guys we can make sun Angels now to gelatin don't you know if you make a sun angel it'll burn into the Sun and project onto Earth gelatin why did you think that information would slow me down anyone full y haven't you taken Sun lessons before everyone knows that I don't know anything about what you're going to say as I was saying everyone knows that I don't know either everyone knows that once ice touches the sun we will destroy the outermost layer and sink right through oh guys I think teardrops said they wanted to pour the ice just tell us if you don't want to be the one to pour the ice otherwise you can be the one to do it okay I guess teardrop is doing it let's get out of here no way guys we start [Music] Ed oh literally nothing happened they did nothing oh wait four ask me if I have landed on the Sun have you landed on the sun I have not it's a lesson for you oh I just did nothing my guardian is ruined and I'm burning probably cause we burn up in the Sun hey what's happening this particular spot is actually pretty cool one point for half cost there are points now if x says there are points there are boys every time someone helps kill him down their team wins a point and if you hurt X let's just say something bad happens does that mean we just lose points [Music] yeah don't worry guys let's just reflect the heat back with this mirror I'm burning blocky that made the sun even hotter X is dying looks like my mission is done minus one point for the Have Nots wait guys I have an idea the sun only shines during the day we gotta find a way to make it nighttime that doesn't make the sun colder though hey I think we'll get the points if we just make X colder if we all run really fast in place the Earth will rotate super fast and we'll Dodge the sun it's worth a shot okay everyone run on the spot in three two one run as fast as you can whoa that worked phew Banks have-nots I was in serious pain there you earned 13 points or 13. guys not now leafy we're doing nothing I can't see X anymore the sun's no longer warming him up the Earth must have rotated by too many people running quickly in place we learned that in Earth class enough about these classes wait will that help them win the challenge if x isn't hot from the sun we need to get the sun back to burning X so their plan doesn't work quick everyone click and reposition the Sun in the sky [Music] it's working it's working you know why else this nighttime Breeze is nice I could use some light again just so tending to the Garden is easier oh wow thanks have Cuts 21 points for you 21 we only got 13 last time minus three points to the have-nots for being mean what I'm on fire again my name is minus seven points if you don't want to burn Stop Standing directly in the Sun [Music] for the have-knots for being men [Music] they're being very annoying today do you drop your water if you sat on the sun wouldn't you like cool it down bubbles don't have brains but even I think this is a ridiculous plan don't you feel the breeze bubble I feel like I could just fly away whoa why don't you it's just a feeling bubble for what it's worth I think this is working I'm not dripping onto the floor anymore is that what this purple goop on the surface is yes it is please don't make a big deal about this oh 90 points for the half Cuts now back to watering my plants [Music] see if it was like one degree warmer though they just got 90 points they have a huge lead on us let's try and get the sun one degree warmer fiery wait where is fiery then you still on the song you never burned up the Sun but that's 2.6 000 miles away oh blocky darling it is way further than that yeah what's up you guys need something I'm not really just saying hi what no we need to tell him what do you let me talk to him fiery you need to sink yourself into the sun somehow make the sun hotter for X again well how do I get inside the sun ah this is exhausting almost too much to work for one day oh I know hey have cots who should I say have uh cry babies what how could you say that to us you know we have feelings too right I say we smack him right into the sun true true lollipop it's 800 Degrees harder minus 800 no 8 000 points for the half cut okay we got the other team to lose points but now it's boiling hot blocky do something you got it now allow me to make fun of the Sun big son you're uh pretty lame [Music] a thousand points for the Hat not okay for this is ridiculous we're gaining and losing points for no reason hey everybody I've been keeping this yes six points for being a fly guy yep okay guys there are no rules whatever let's just try doing anything we can think of then I put racing stripes on every side of this ice cube no it's back to normal minus seven thousand points we put a bunch of clouds together in the sky not enough light anymore now you've done it it's 8 546 points if we all spit from the Sun it'll rain down onto Earth cooling it and giving the plants a drink oh that's disgusting minus six thousand points for being gross I put a block around all of the earth and now we're all inside and how is this better at all minus 8 422 points what if we minus how about minus [Music] minus [Music] oh wow we're back that's because time's up yeah great job everyone is [Music] 95 million points so what you're saying is we all did awesome and I have nots have minus 100 million points and I'm still on fire hmm it's a long shot but what if we just poured an ice bucket on x yay I feel great to win what that's all it took congratulations half times for saving X from Bernie because I have nots didn't do that because they have less points they're up for elimination [Applause] what a beautiful garden yeah X you've done a magnificent job I know I'm very happy with myself how long do I have to stay in here I've been here all night quiet you you can leave in maybe two and a half to three weeks or so that's it to the job hey flower what are you doing up there maybe don't you see I'm the garden now save yourself oh yeah um weird way of saying hi but uh hey Bubba would you like to eat this new dessert I cooked sure what is it jello looks delicious wait oh my dear collagen I taste Something Fishy um I knew it is it the cannibalism ulterior motives why admit it bubble you came here with that Jello because you wanted something else from me it's time for you to spell the truth correct you see after Ruby was eliminated last episode I fell pretty alone on this team I just want some new friends oh bubble you don't have to worry as long as you're on this team you'll never be alone because you got teardrop she still doesn't talk oh he was talking about you oh so you think teardrop is less worth your friendship then give her a dose of what you think about that no no no no no no no no [Music] no no [Music] only if you stop dancing like that don't worry for fiery only meant it sarcastically right fiery right fiery yes that's exactly right awesome well six of you lost the last challenge whoever you got the Feeling spells will leave the show oh my Gardener Ruby who said I was beautiful and would send me a really weird song got eliminated last time despite getting more vote in one episode than the entire first season of BFDI what's your point flower well if you or I want to survive this elimination we need more votes than the entire first season and I I just don't think I can muster that well I know I can I got my supporters loser I'm your biggest fan please accept my fan mail is pretty impressive I told you it was true I have a message to tell you what is it [Music] [Music] oh my gordita I'm gonna take this back yeah ax stuff your fingers quick all right [Music] promote my fashion line from the BRB please what a bozo box I'm glad I'm the only Cube left now blocky with loser gum we have bmp's final time I only count nine of us here about 21st chapter need a tale of beans because um you like beans then buy your kind of beans 25 oh no no no no no no now is not the time to show us an ad ma don't you understand that is the 21st contest yellow fans Incorporated cause for all still with ads for their products over the years with some not so legal snoping I have discovered the location of yellow faces to Warehouse which has over a million products in this contest three people from each team all the Shoppers will go to the warehouse and buy gifts for the other two the receivers next we'll measure how satisfy the receivers are with their gifts and whichever team achieves highest satisfaction wins so first decide who's gonna shop for gifts and who's gonna receive gifts all right have-notters who wants to be a gift receiver raise your hand High okay we got flower and really nobody else Plucky Woody's been raising his hand the whole time no he's been doing this wimpy stick which is way more wimpy Rocky now you're just being a jerk it's okay Woody you can be a gift receiver Joy I know you literally assassinated me a few minutes ago but do you want to be snipers together [Music] bonding time with another water-based specimen yeesh now that's a weird way to say it we need one more swiper though hmm leafy and Lolly both act really weird around me so gelatin you should shop with us oh I wanted to be a gift receiver my gift haul for my last birthday June 29th is already getting boring I need some new gizmos new gizmos you say why not try out my patented Fork repellent oh yeah you and yellow face are selling competing products now I suppose this might get interesting no more talking who knows how it's gonna work yellow faces Warehouse is 2763 miles away so I'm gonna get there the Shoppers must arrive in this high speed Express train get in looks like we get to go on an adventure Taco yeah I guess this could be pretty exciting whatever plans for you gift receivers you can just sit on this bench and wait um no thanks lucky I heard you call Woody wimpy earlier that's not okay but it was true and only women support other wimps why have you been so standoffish lately have not hmm it's because Woody got his way huh what do you mean you don't like that you've gotta stop defining your successes on how much others fail dude stop that may have worked in the past but it won't work in a team setting like ours yo stop trying to psychoanalyze my mind it's creepy [Music] now we're climbing a mountain and now we're here hop out everyone whoa this place is big like big big I wonder if yellowface is here to give us a tour of the place no fiery yellow faces busy competing for teapot hmm I guess we're free to go in alone then [Music] whoa there's so many products in here four wasn't lying when he said millions wow so this is where my sleep paralysis demon takes me in my dreams what so when I ordered a Bible Transformer from yellowface all those years ago this must have been where it came from all right bubble and Friends it was a blast riding that Express train with you three but we're on different teams so we must depart now oh okay uh you guys are a little weird but uh goodbye surely that's not noise so we need gifts for Woody and flower what do you guys think Woody would like definitely the super spiky glove to the face locky that's an awful idea only say this and meat tenderizer Enthusiast would buy that remember blocky we're a team so try to pick what's in Woody's best interests because that's also what's in your best interests fine don't go I'll sing those Forks sorry I just couldn't resist uh do you think Lolly would like these well she did start that company that sells Fork repellent and noisy or spray that stuff on herself and every day oh so yeah oh I don't think she likes those things very much let's get her a bunch of spoons so smart so uh guys how's your day been who's excited to receive their presents yeah it's going all right but I'm not a fan of how cramped this pot feels oh perfect timing to test out my satisfaction detector all right two out of ten what about flower you guys what's she into hmm extremely receptive to bugs so maybe we could get her in this package of 10 million bug larva what no she has an extremely bad reception of bugs not a good one well I remember flowers that she was trying to promote her fashion line so how about this bag of glitter she could use to spice up her clothes even more wow that was actually a good idea I'm proud of you blocky do you think this is enough for lollipop oh almost wait where'd teardrop go there what you got there teardrop niceness level detector oh a gift for leafy perfect our work here is done but that's just a random number generator whatever I think we can head back to four with our gifts oh Woody remember the time I told you there's a life out there to enjoy so enjoy it well since then I've learned that sometimes you're just not in the right mind state to enjoy the things you used to enjoy but that's natural and okay things will get better eventually even if they're not perfect right now OH police that's so cheesy I would laugh but I suppose I should be nicer to my fellow BFB mates so I'll respect it want some Fork repellent oh my Gardener is that the fourth propellant from the yellow face brand that's yeah no this comes from the far superior lollipop brand which many Studies have shown is much good er do you think Woody would like this bucket I like bucket no that won't work Woody's deathly afraid of the color gray wait really yeah we discovered that before you joined the show it was a tumultuous time hmm alright what about this bubble blowing starter kit but definitely not woody is petrified of bubbles too wow you guys know a lot more about Woody's history than me it seems oh how about this cardboard box that's perfect Woody gets scared by lots of things so if he ever feels that way he can just hide inside this thing and it should calm his nerves hey that's pretty thoughtful of you guys this could really help Woody overcome his fears huh yeah I'm proud of you guys for putting yourself in Woody's shoes yeah yeah whatever let's just get back home why does this say don't purple open inside whoa what is that thing I'm trying to figure it out maybe if we can find a latch to open whoa gelatin that could be dangerous watch out don't worry I'm being careful okay let's get out of here come back please give your gift to their recipients and I'll measure how much they like their gifts with my handy dandy satisfaction detector well not show off oh okay hey leifster accept this gift a bowling ball I mean it's a cool sport and all but I've had mixed experiences with the game no leafy it's a noiseness detector shake it oh I see hooray it says I'm nice I'm evil girl hooray how kind hey I'm so mad wow cool that is so wrong dang no day no Day no yes this is what I like to see eight out of ten flower allow us to present our offering to the floral Queen this floral Queen expects expect only the higher the hyards of quality oh my dirt glitter I can act decorations to all my fashiony things [Music] great gift choice 10 out of 10. here gift for me how generous if it were not for the fact that you were obligated to do this to further your own self-interest in the game just open it all right oh wow spoon I love spoon spoon good spoon shiny very shiny and sparkly and useful hold on does this spoon say made in yellow faces Warehouse that company makes horrendous products do you hear that potential customer base lollipop Incorporated products are far more valuable in comparison three out of ten darn it I knew that would be a problem sounds I have caught satisfaction ratings at up to 11 points but have nots have already secured ten points but they're waiting on their final gift for Woody we got this in the bag blocky you chose the gift so you get to deliver it all right foreign Woody it's a cardboard shelter if you ever see something you're scared of you could use it to um uh you could bro inside of it to hide and uh calm yourself so you're a less scared of whoever you were scared of [Music] zero out of ten actual flip oh my God you cry baby you just made us lose the challenge what what baby you shouldn't have treated him like one woody don't worry I understand the struggle you're going through bubble this discussion doesn't involve you I'm so confused though I thought that gift could help him all right sure whatever but Woody I was just trying to help you out couldn't you at least appreciate that maybe you guys need to reassess what value you think what he contributes to your team he's not just a dead weight you know yeah I agree with lollipop here even if she has corporate interest to make louder judgment yo customer base don't listen to the gelatin the candy ball might have a point what do you mean I think you were too nice on Woody that's the problem no it's not meanness is the key to defeating your enemies no flower taco and I tried super hard to find the perfect gift for the Woody in our heads but the Woody in our heads was kind of insulting to the Woody in reality how are you saying there's a little witty living in my head right now how you doing little buddy blocky's right you just gotta try harder next time placing them one point behind the half cost 11 points so they are up for elimination for the second time in a row [Music] hey fiery wanna try my new glitter infused fashion line all right wow you look so radiant [Music] [Music] ah isn't it great to be on such a winning streak have cots I feel bad for those loser Have Nots having to sleep outside in the cold and facing all the wild weather while we sit back in luxury good point Lolly we should invite the have-nots team over with us duh on second thought there's not enough room in here for them I think there's plenty enough room okay let me rephrase what I said haha they're outside but it wouldn't it be the nice thing to do to let them in we don't need to share what we won with them maybe you can go join them outside if you wish all right then bye you guys bubble leafy's gone let's pull [Music] all of you today while X and I are getting ready for cake and steak protect the prize and make sure no one takes it sure for that's fine well I wasn't opposed to doing it before but now that taco wants us to help I'll make it worth your while my prize is Donuts diary which I stole from loser before he left I have to go help us untwist his knobs I'll be right back I don't understand what's so cool about this diary anyways it's the most prized treasure on Earth but if you don't get it you don't get it say flower I was thinking back to the Rotting Flesh Alliance idea you mentioned maybe we could give it another shot no hello Have Nots be give Taco a message from me dear Taco I would rather be in an alliance with acts than be in an alliance with you uh okay uh Taco flower says flower what made you change your mind lady make yourself useful and talk to Taco so I don't have to you know what flower I'm not going to we should be nicer around our friend Taco oh leafy you consider me a friend of course it doesn't matter that we're on opposite teams we're both still awesome let's play jump rope together was only upset because he turned down my first offer I wish I could jump rope too hey guys good news the diary we're meant to be looking after when missing wait that's bad news sorry let me restart hey guys bad news oh geez do you think four is gonna be mad Donuts diary is super cool okay everyone I'm back I'll just take Donuts diary in where is it guys I want it back Donuts diary is super cool I don't know where it is if I can't have it all to myself who cares I don't care I want it back whoa four I'll help you get it back what are you doing here you're on the other team can a girl have a fun time with people on both sides of the competition but four is right where did the book go who could have taken it huh Woody's gone that's a little suspicious don't you think Ah that's sad I know I was gonna get a price no matter what and I wanted to read a page or two of that juicy diary you know what since the diary is gone X and I can just take back our pot and break it into pieces working what no it's become part of my identities we're doing things a little different I would like to start with a speech what is this some kind of apology for why you ate all our cake last time and didn't give us any someone said you sung some weird song to distract us no uh anyway I'm just gonna throw that speech away for no reason moving on we received 56 990 bulbs all of your received at least 10 000 votes um first for BFDI like contestant with the lowest amount of votes to received 10 565 vows on the opposite side of the coin Woody you received the most votes with 14 450 votes here's your piece of the pot more votes than me of this team listen up [Music] Rocky received the second mouse with 10 735 votes thank you are you sure you don't have Donuts diary back there and do I have to keep this thing now actually yeah you have to keep it always oh well I guess I will then hurry up and read my vote not yet flower because sorry we got the third most with 10 674 rounds flower I really like this broken piece of pottery I might keep it too you better not flower Taco you are the bottom too what the bottom two with flower enjoy your zero votes Taco for already said we all got ten thousand votes flower how close were the votes for [Music] one one one one one one hundred one one vote one of you will be leaving the game because you received one less vote than the other one that's less than four oh wow less than four that's crazy I didn't realize that stacking up to four won't give you any bonus points it was worth a shot for today's Monumental moment why don't we head out to the BRB to see where one of you will be heading this Garden is really well made I must say [Music] follow [Music] one of me I was about to enter one of these cages here and joined the previously eliminated contestants in their spinning Journey it's time to read the votes you received 10 560. [Music] bye votes flower survives receiving 10 566 votes flower stays in the game just barely oh my Gardener that was close let's let's party Taco oh oh oh no I'm so sorry so sorry I have to go in this thing oh my word goodbye Taco bye blocky now it's time for you all to be taken somewhere new huh where are we looks like some kind of courtroom one of you is guilty for taking Donuts diary and I'm going to get to the bottom of it huh welcome Jerry to the first ever bfp court case part is now in session [Music] [Music] I would love to believe your innocent Woody but the truth is any of you have nots could have committed the crime wait so all we're doing is exposing which contestant committed the crime what's stopping us from just sitting in soil okay how about this uh oh tonight's challenge can be in my court case that's it of course you have one hour to find out which member of the have not stalled out of diary One By One The have-nots will come up and tell their story on what they were doing at the scene of the crime and the half costs have to serve as a jury discussing who they think is guilty if you find the guilty have-notter then the haircuts with immunity but if they accuse the wrong member of being guilty or they run out of time then the half carts lose and will be up for elimination and I'm gonna be the sun actually that's what I'll be doing oh then I'll Stand By and offer moral support yay okay half court do you guys mind if I ask the questions knock yourself out teardrop I found the perfect activity for you since you don't speak how though you use this typewriter and just keep a document of everything that goes down here today alrighty for firstly we wanted to start with you explain the context of the Croy easy I went up to the Have Nots gave them Specific Instructions to protect the diary came back moments later and I was gone that's awfully suspicious you came back so quickly I think about interesting I oh here sorry I murdered her we're gonna need a new question to ask her oh my turn gelatin do you want to do it fine I call blocky to the stand what why me you pull pranks seems like the obvious conclusion true completely Fair okay blocky tell me where you were when the diary disappeared well it was earlier today I was on my way to jet flying class hey is this where I can learn to fly a jet it sure is that's why they call me jet flying Ruby okay well that whole thing is clearly a lie you guys got pranked French bro so funny you hear that blocky blogs blood for a funny break commit perjury by wasting everyone's time with made-up stories so they got no closure to solving the cut you get it now zip it you getting all this teardrop all this juicy info will help us figure out who the true Thief is wow you typed so fast I'm proud of you no further questions Lolly you can ask the next ones hmm uh Woody I guess come on up to the stand it's okay Woody I don't think it's you who stole the diary I just wanted to make sure we heard from everyone oh wow no way we can't understand any of this wow um I guess I can translate it from the beginning Woody it was earlier today and I was on my way to jet flying class yep good one no way the first time we can understand what you're saying and you pranked some nice going Woody seriously though where were you like usual I was just going about my day when evil scary four shows protect my diary or I will eat all of you I was worried about the book getting stolen it was a very scary book but due to my past I know how important it is for things to stay with the respectful owners theft is not okay and then leave me no one who stole everything came over I was scared she was going to steal Me Maybe I was freaking out but I had to be brave and play it cool I just stood perfectly still and try not to let her bother me but then maybe brought out these terrifying long things I think they were snakes and tried slinging them around with the taco I was shocked snakes are horrifying well that's made my bravery juice run low I wanted to solve the book that mystery because I know it hurts to have something you treasure it from you but I'm no Superman so I needed to relax and return to Safety First I ran to my place of comfort until four called us for cake and steak interesting thank you very much didn't know leafy was there now that's suspicious don't be ridiculous Lolly sit down I'll ask the questions I told fiery to the stairs no surprise there not this again these two used to be best friends correct I wasn't around yet but from what I've gathered fiery won an island didn't let leafy in so leafy stole it and they have barely spoken since other than fiery recovering them a couple years back fascinating I just realized we're the only ones left that weren't there when all that happened you know with seven experienced veterans against us two newbies we should think about teaming up if we want to survive I'm cool with that time for a newbie Alliance handshake follow that was great but also kind of weird we both knew what to do exactly in unison that was also weird you both thought that was appropriate to do in a courtroom Levy continue thanks your foreigner like your foreigner like you're like your otter but with four just a joke that joke alone should be enough to get you imprisoned fiery explain where you were during The Disappearance of the Diary gladly it was actually leafy that stole the diary by the way yeah just wait till you hear this I was hanging out to see what flower and taco we're talking about I don't understand flour what's so cool about this diary anyways oh I don't know ah you suck and I hate you so I decided to interrupt and try to help them settle their differences guys guys there's no need to argue the diary could be both awesome and lame I personally feel indifferent to it who really cares wait a second who is this and I am going to steal this diary me Lily and that was it leafy still Dream Island the diary Levy stole the diary four I would like to talk to fiery in private right now ah that's not necessary I want you to do that if you call me your Foreigner again I actually really like that oh okay sure I can do that oh so oh like right now you're a foreigner can I talk to fiery outside in private you sure can thank you for asking so nicely all right leafy what is it yeah leafy what is it I wanted to talk to fiery in private I know I just wasn't interested in being in the quarter many longer so I used you guys as an excuse to leave goodbye bye X lovely talking to you as for you fiery what was that about what your story is a lie I was there I came to the hair now so checking on what you guys were up to you never got in between the argument of flower and taco I didn't say any of that nonsense you lied don't tell me you stole the diary is that why you lied [Music] fiery why would you do that because you still Dream Island from me you stole the diary didn't you flower nope yeah you did no I didn't yeah yeah are you managing to keep up with this teardrop what you made a comic how is this even possible teardrops pirate Adventure have you been doing this instead of writing about the case whoa calm down teardrop I'm just having to read oh you've got radioactive Powers that's cool oh you killed me with them that's cool you stole Donuts Tyree because I sold dream island that doesn't make any sense we battled for two years to wait Dream Island and you just took it away from me you didn't let me in so what leafy he couldn't have just waited to have a talk about it you went straight to the announcer instead and then we competed again and I didn't get a prize and now we're competing for what some weird a BFB thing that I might not even win based on the votes Woody and blocky got more than me Blackie did I have no chance I'm never gonna win anything because of you so I took this so what I deserve to have something everyone was saying they wanted this diary I wanted it I deserve to have something everyone wants it's only fair there I thought you didn't care what when we flew away together on the hang glider you said to me I realized what I wanted most wasn't Dream Island it was you your friendship I thought I was more important to you than Dream Island and all of this or why have you been distancing yourself from me what's the point they were going to crush you Levy I still care about you but I was still upset you hurt my feelings leafy and you never apologized when I lost control of the hang glider do you know how to steer this thing for me I uh I don't think so hold on leafy we're going down crashed and everyone found us people leafy is over there I realized they were just chasing you if I just walked off it'd be easier to just not do anything and pretend I didn't care about you anymore and over time it was easier to just forget and try to move on than try to talk again no one likes you and I've just been upset you stole everything from me and never apologized fiery I don't know what to say I made a mistake I was angry and upset I wasn't thinking right you didn't deserve losing your prize he wanted fair and square I'm sorry for doing that but please fiery take it from someone who knows don't steal something for petty reasons don't make the same mistake I did just give this diary back uh but now they're all gonna know I did this you're gonna have to hand me in to win the challenge and uh I'm gonna be voted out now everyone's gonna be mad at me I'm used to it fiery if you go and return the diary I'll just say I took it this whole mess is my fault it's the least I can do you'd really do that for me of course fiery getting eliminated is no big fuss but losing a friendship is and I'm really sorry about how everything went down between us well hopefully we can have a bright future hug sure when I think back on this moment I'll forget that last part just admit you stole the diary flower okay yeah pick me why not then you'll lose so go ahead hey I know a threat when I see one but I don't know how to respond to one this might take some time hello time for my story are you a grape who is this I was on my way to Great flying class nice costume Rocky you annoying thing you fell for one of my hilarious pranks this program was brought you my block is funny doing International were sentenced to 2763 years in prison okay and there it is back to normal I caught you oh no I'm heading back to four I gotta get back to that cart room as soon as possible four I found out who took the diary okay did you just scan my brain no I'm sure did hooray remember to keep my secrets anyway now I know which of you stole the diary and you will receive a punishment from me later as for the challenge we're coming up on the one hour mark so I'll have the half cut issue their official judgment on host all the diary now hello I'm back for recover leafy hooray hello everyone guys I have something to confess I stole the diary it was me what stealing again wow leafy new low we only have only has before the true owner of this courtroom this covers were here so time's up half course what's your final answer uh I guess we gotta go with leafy teardrops documenting of the case didn't really help so uh leafy final answer all right then so have cons you have found the defendant leafy guilty of theft of donuts juicy diary if leafy was the true Thief your team wins but if she's not but have nots win instead let's expose the truth [Music] well that's wrong huh why did you lie to us did you purposefully want to lose the challenge my bad really weird of you to do leafy sorry well because we don't have a high enough budget to build a jail the unknown guilty individual goes free I would be scared everyone there's a criminal among you oh my gosh gelatin we gotta activate the elimination prevention plan what do you mean the contest is wrapping up we newbies need more screen time go do a funny dance on camera or something oh right gelatin and lollipop gelatin and lollipop gelatin and lollipop [Music] he's the diary by the way it was returned earlier I know I scans your brain what a fiery flower bloggy you do still deserve cake for surviving the elimination so here's your equal shares of donuts diary and the half cups lose the challenge for failing to make the correct guess as to who stole the diary itself all right fiery I won't tell anyone you'll stole the diary but you still need to be punished you need to clean the entire Railway it's looking kind of gross what like the entire track it's thousands of miles long yep good luck with that I guess I better get started then hey fiery do you need some help but thanks Levy that'd be great stop hugging each other oh my gordita you guys blocky just released 58 pages of donuts Diary online oh yeah time to read up [Music] hey friends I'm finally ready to present my new fashion line glitter for your face the glitter that's infused into the fabric can repel vomit they're horrendous that's so ugly it's giving me nightmares even though I'm still awake did you just say it's okay how dare you [Music] hey you lollipop we gotta talk what's wrong do you value me as a teammate slash friend why of course I do bubble your bubbly personality always blows me away then how come you didn't even notice when four killed me well you see of all people it was leafy who asked for to bring me back ah yes you see I was planning on waiting till your birthday to recover you like a happy birthday gift so when's my birthday I was gonna ask as soon as you became available hey leafy check out my cool new sweater but I thought you said it gave you nightmares even while you were awake foreign look what happened to blocky you you suck at steak [Music] [Music] so have cut team you guys lost last time so wish every one of you cut the fewest boats is eliminated but why are you all wearing that ugly sweater actually crew it's no use telling him why she's already on her way agreed what do you mean well I'm still confused but anyway leafy is the first one safe with the record 28 401 votes oil change but X where's four on they're over there shh oh my collagen why is our precious four in prison maybe it's because he's guilty of monitoring one of your friends oh wait I don't remember any of my friends getting murdered let's get back to this area Sarah teardrop safe next votes collagen lollipop our newbie alliances screwed it's either us or bubble getting out the bubbles Untouchable she got the most votes last time oh no nothing's wrong huh bubbles out oh no oh huh it's her she's here the fashion queen has arrived to right this wrong she will spread the glittery truth of her sweater Empire and rid this planet of theaters wait I still don't under [Music] Neath [Music] ears they bleed plants have blood oh okay four we can hear you what do you want contestants for the crime of trespassing into my courtroom I didn't own oh it was for that not the murder murder I thought my call ah whatever team you gotta save me when several team breaks me out of this jail wins in for a lemonade gal okay half-notters Follow My Lead ah no thanks I'd rather not get my hands dirty with mods how Woody scared of heights don't worry if you fall I'll catch you oh on second inspection me catching you wouldn't turn out so well would it all right team we're already falling behind we gotta brainstorm ideas swizzling oh no no no no we do not have time for your pirate Adventure fantasies Lolly don't be so harsh teardrops an aspiring comic book artist tools needed for breaking prison bars 12-inch titanium lock cutter butane blowtorch 8-inch garden shears why this is actually quite useful uh oh a lock cutter where are we gonna get our hands on one of those you seriously don't know the answer to that question you were there jelly boy [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] yellow faces Warehouse huh yep okay team let's write Four's high speed Express train to get there ah what happened here oh hey guys sorry for the mess last week four asked me to clean the railway but when I got close the train burst into flames it's okay fiery mistakes happen it's not okay now we gotta walk to yellowface's Warehouse no we don't we can ride the 200 year old steam train the what yeah gelatin go right there well let's get in Barbie wanna come with nah I gotta stay loyal to my team but next time for sure whoa hey guys down below watch out for this boxing glove [Applause] [Music] whoa Woody that's wicked cool [Applause] [Music] oh no friends there's a loop to load coming up I think we'll be all right yeah leavester if you stay in your seat you should be fine [Music] that was so scary I even heard teardrops scream why are you playing at me okay let's put a roof on so that doesn't happen again I'm gonna use this clip to make sure the roof stays in place [Music] wow that worked leafy you're a lifesaver oh man that's the last of the boxing gloves I can't climb that we're stuck I know Bucky why don't you fall off and what land on some trampoline and bounce back even higher I mean maybe oh huh maybe that would work flower can you put a trampoline right below us I guess [Music] and the sweater's getting itchy I agree you know we are miles away from flower now she has no way of knowing if we take off this garbage huh you're right ah fresh air no more itchy bits yay yay teardrop we don't have to wear this hideous uniform [Music] s [Applause] I'm gonna bounce this is yellowface's Warehouse yeah this is it how pitifully neglected and mold-infested customers should obviously choose the competitors brand well hi for one I'm excited to go inside um before you do I gotta warn you there's a suspicious purple box that probably has something dangerous in it and well uh we should really be sure to avoid it when we step inside okay okay [Music] that's what you get for disrespecting my fashion brand uh oh oh no that's the box I was warning you about oh gelatin I know you're overwhelmed but it's okay in fact two drops already getting what she needs yeah but now I'm about to eat you all oh dear these purple monsters be crazy purple faces running so fast we can't escape him we're gonna be wait I remember flower telling us that these sweaters can repel vomit how is that going to help well even if we get eaten purple faces stomach acid won't digest Us in the mush hooray but first we got a ball up thank you ex appetizing yummy whoa I've actually protected from the acid but now what I can't move my limbs all right guys without the trampoline our best bet is to boing off the highest boxing gloves you got it but where's flower oh yeah it's smelling kind of weird in here personally I'm fond of the fragrance just the right level of Tangy and bitter what are you doing here wait where are we guys we've been in here for seven hours the have-nots are gonna win any moment now yeah that's not good any clever ideas fellow newbie oh that's me uh can we try punching our way out no can do these purple monsters have the most impenetrable skin in the universe uh well then in that case I'm drawing a blank [Music] are you mad tear Dorp if you pierce my sweater pod the acid will spill in here and I'll die [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop that hey not me no oh no more [Music] oh my collagen not my turn [Music] now I hear something sounds like gelatin just screamed to death gotta recover him uh Hey Ford what's up strange weather we're having huh whatever hold up this whole time These Bars were just cardboard tubes covered in metal paint oh my gum job I'm seeing thank you dear gelatin you've given me my freedom back I will be forever grateful for your heroic deed yeah what because of gelatin the half Cuts were able to free four from their jail cell so that means to have nuts or up for elimination and wish every one of them gets the fewest votes from you viewers is eliminated oh man too bad we lost well Woody you're bouncing on boxing glove strategy was pretty legit yeah [Music] oh my bubble blower flower sweater is so thick and fluffy it's protecting me from popping flower flower flower why have you been kicking people so much lately that's awfully rude of you wow all right I was a bit harsh it's just Distributing my own fashion line has been a lifelong dream of mine so it really hurt to see everyone bashing it William I like your sweaters wow really [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I still don't understand why you're desperately trying to make a new show blocky's funny doing just on Hiatus because of the perjury stuff so we're just trying to get a new show Greenland well a podcast just sounds lame okay now you get out flower come back yeah well that's why you're here I'm curious as to how you are flower honestly blocky pretty bad oh we're both not exactly vote to save magnets either of us could be eliminated today so I'm kind of stressing out hello why are you even listening that was a funny prank cause I didn't listen to you right it's a prank podcast [Laughter] flowers right Woody that idea sucked we need to think of a new show but pranks are the only thing I know hey over here what's that coming from the bush have nots come on in here guys oh okay okay uh so we're just I guess we're all going into the bush now wait for me guys they have nuts welcome to cake at Steak did you get permission purple face did you get permission to do cake at stake let's just say yes I did okay so you clearly didn't bye there's a stick this stick can be blocky for elimination anyway time to make this feel like a normal kick at stake I thought I'd sing a song Can't get steak it's the time [Music] fighting if we get out we fly into the sky and spin in circles for months and it's super high up too oh geez did I give you permission to interrupt me no okay then back to my song and in fact I'll start from the beginning where is everybody never mind let's get on with this super quickly we got a total of 57 729 votes sorry you're asleep with 17 899 votes yay where's my cake we keep not getting any lately uh we don't have time for this here have a member of the half courts who hates teardrop bye teardrop come out here now or else I'm gonna be mad buddy is safe with 17 054 votes he is Lollipop uh where are we right now please ask questions later it's between flour and stick I just know I'm out yeah you're out sorry no oh my gosh I played the whole season wanting to redeem myself I got out first last time and I got another chance but I still came up short I wanted to prove everyone wrong again round 24 again I'm so humiliated oh sorry stick what oh wait your flower began you confused with stick for a second oh no no no flower you're safe with 11 547 votes stick got 11 229 votes another close battle no way I [Music] from oats of my mouth thanks for ruining the moment purpley head no worries oh wait that wasn't a genuine thank you was it and what did you call me you're all still in here what happened sorry blocky you're out of the game what but I'm like the star of the show it'll be all right Woody just make sure to pull some pranks while I'm gone whoa wait a second I was on my way to jet flying class good one [Music] if anyone else is suited to do pranks around here it's you Woody I may be out of the game but I think I found the new star of my show hey guys for a break go Woody now go up to examine someone's fashion line oh another interested customer are you planning on getting anything Woody what'll it be you want all of this oh by the way my biggest sale yet and destroy it all oh I see you're putting it down there for later is he coming back he's not coming back pretty funny this program was brought to you by blocky presents what is funny doings International and what's going on where is everyone uh they're around I guess I don't know wait tear drop what are you doing uh teardrop there you all are hiding from me are you four purple face did the cake and steak and I got the least votes so I'm out of the game herbal Vegas did what just beat me up already fine whatever make me proud Woody oh give me a second I'm just gonna be spawn purple face for doing cake at stake okay I'm back I'm angry the elimination got taken away from me I want my big moment for the episode so I've decided to make a big announcement final seven reaching the final seven means a new stage in the battle you're meeting [Music] hooray congratulations final seven there are no longer teams you'll be competing for individual immunity we're close to the end of the game now right thanks for taking my other big piece of news ah we took your news come over here purple face just a second everyone I'm despawning purple face again [Music] okay I'm back I'm really bummed out you all took my big moments the cake at stick and the merge announcement someone decided to be selfish you all have to cheer me up today's challenge is to throw me a party you always be given a patch of ground and a wall to decorate and put cool things on you have one hour to put together the best party on earth and the creators of the best pool parties will win immunity plus an additional twist will be announced later and another twist for the episode I'll be judging them now yeah oh okay never mind that twist is not happening I'll just say it now well Twisters that the winning player gets to give another player immunity too how anyway party time and now it's time for the intro flower go behind me so you can use your hand and lift it into the air ah okay then [Music] [Music] have you guys seen teardrop she's been kind of violent lately huh no I haven't seen her I'll let you know if I do what are you thinking of doing for the party lollipop I don't believe in this disingenuous forced celebration I might make a terrible one-on purpose how about you hmm just something with a lot of numbers everywhere I guess I'm struggling to think of what Ford would even enjoy celebrating like if this was a party for me I'd love some good cheesecake maybe a game of musical chairs and there'd have to be Forks everywhere for sure right but would four like any of that yeah probably not I might just hmm go with a different angle maybe four would appreciate me making a party for the right hand friend ax what are you gonna do teardrop oh gelatin just letting you know teardrop is right there right here next to us she's right there been there the whole time I think yep thanks lollipop to be honest like I know we've had a back and forth banter but like you drew me getting killed in your pirate comic and then you actually killed me inside purple face and then you just whip me into that bush I'm just feeling a bit uncomfortable right now can you just leave me alone for a bit thanks TD ah I feel kind of bad for her hey fiery not now leafy we're talking uh all right then hey leafy if you want to hang out with me I'm planning to go to my four pedal steak shop to get some party supplies uh sure flower let's do it where are you guys off to no honestly fiery like why didn't you stand up for me back there I know I apologize for all that happened but you never apologized to me for ignoring me for years and you're still contributing to that you know oh leafy I didn't even think about it I know I'll talk to you later all right Woody you're filling in for the role of Blocky now I'm trying to make a disaster of a party for four so I need a suggestion on the worst music I could possibly play for the event hello great idea Woody purple face I need your beautiful singing voice for a party I'm throwing sounds great how far away is your store anyway flower well it's not exactly the most successful store when they say location matters and unfortunately it's pretty difficult to get to but here we are at the quicksand of death uh what are we doing here going inside come on in leafy let's go wait what X I need to know what are your favorite things like hobbies and stuff hmm I like cool and I guess not hey flower what's underneath this pit oh the 1000 foot Drop of Doom do you like this banner I made for the party Woody it says happy Halloween it's the wrong time of year for it might even wear a costume too say what are you making whatever that means I'm sure it's great good luck Woody finally we're at the bottom no what we just need to cross the 50 mile tightrope and then we'll be at the shop hey fiery I'm all done with my x-themed party how's yours going hmm I think I'm gonna end up losing a challenge and uh I think that's okay I uh really want to win immunity but I wanted to do something nice for leafy I'm just making her a gift instead really for leafy did something happen between YouTube back in the courthouse because we never did find out who stole the diary nothing major I just feel like Leaf he's been trying really hard and her efforts should be rewarded I mean if you can forgive her I guess I've got nothing to be mad at need a hand making the gift thank you yes you can do a test run of it finally we're here I kind of expected a mega store not a stand I know leafy it's not the most expensive store and it might be in a bad location but it's something I'm passionate about and I care about it a lot so it's worth it to me hey boss what do you need today not too much just some supplies for a party oh I have some party supplies here's some no thank you and some more yeah thanks that should be good ah you want more here's some more this is weird oh you want more here's some supplies more more way up enough this is good but we don't want the party to be good we want it to be great here's some more oh my gosh leafy let's get out of here wait let me come with you leafy flower and Rusty coin I'm the third of our funny Trio we'll go down in history lay back on so purple face how's the song coming along I'm trying to rehearse my song in peace seriously how annoying wow you're very rude perfect for this party then time is Maryland up oh we're back quickly V don't make your party then there isn't any time I'll just help you with yours okay lazy if I win the challenge I'll give you the extra immunity thanks flower just toss the boxes at the wall the decorations will automatically attach it'll be good enough whoa you weren't lying flower that looks great all right everyone time to see the parties you all made for me we'll start with you gelatin let's see your party for me you got it for my party I decided to make one for x well the parties are meant to be for me I thought I'd think outside the box a little so I made a very basket heavy party to appeal to X you drink out of mini baskets the seats are baskets I didn't really have much to work with how lovely of you to make a party for x and you use things that X loves too what a sweet party zero out of ten because the party was meant to be for me all right fiery how about your party for my party I decided to make a Ferris wheel with a fun special part it has a lava Ball but once half a rotation has gone around it triggers the ferris wheel to drop water down instead and then it switches back and forth every time half a rotation has gone around that way leafy and I can both ride on the ferris wheel together I hope you like it Lizzy wow fiery what a wonderful gift I'm sorry I pushed you away for so long just because I was mad didn't give me permission to be mean and called to you thank you for saying that fiery and this Paris will truly means a lot to me wanna go for a ride sir wait where that has nothing to do with me I know I didn't focus on winning the immunity two out of ten the ferris wheel is cool I guess how about you leaving show me your party before you go off and ride this thing oh I didn't make one sorry you're a foreigner I just helped flower make her party bye leafy gets a zero out of ten so that's three parties out of seven so far and none of them were made with me and mine much has not improved my mood at all honey let's see your party oh you want me to translate for you okay I can do that hey guys Woody here for a prank when it's someone's party throw a party for someone else entirely in this case I made a party for purple face there's posters of purple face everywhere sweater can and best of all additional sweaters he can wear when he stretches his last one Beyond repair oh my gosh so you did retrieve them from the bottom of the cliff but Ray Miss party has nothing foreign likes at all pretty funny this program was brought to you by blocky presents what is funny doing's International so I hated that but I guess I do find purple face kind of funny so one out of ten for you flowers show me your party okay I actually did one for you for it's a bit basic I guess but with my good friend leafy I was able to decorate the wall with some beautiful party supplies there's tons of glitter and best of all all the supplies repel vomit in case purple face comes as I guess why not so much of your merchandise repel vomit whatever I appreciate it it's a party for me so you'll get a 5 out of 10. pretty okay teardrop you're up and this clearly isn't for me again I'm sorry gelatin oh there's cheesecake my favorite no way musical chairs so rad Forks oh my goodness and you made a comic for me too gelatin spacewalk whoa this is so cool thank you so much to your job I know I was mad earlier I like messing around with you let's just keep it at being silly and not violence all right buddy hooray thank you so much teardrop and you guys stop using your parties as a way to fix your own personal conflicts and just base your lives around me please one out of ten for teardrop right now flower is guaranteed immunity due to having the top result with one contestant left fiery could come second with his Ferris wheel unless lollipop was able to top it fat chance take a look at this for happy Halloween buddy oh wait I've got a costume prepared I am the scribble girl what do you think I've also got uh I don't even want to admit to buying this stuff a bunch of yellow face Warehouse spoons I use them to decorate the party and finally I had purple face prepare you a song take it away purpley [Music] I love you so much you are such a cool little number and your face is kind of weird shoes so far did I come in last or what yeah you came last in the losing competition because you win 10 out of 10. how did you know my favorite holiday was Halloween and that song was so good I do have a weird face thank you so much lollipop you'll save the day and I feel great I feel like I could fly for hours hooray what so lollipop and flower you'll have one immunity and now for the twist lollipops since you won you can choose one other player to have immunity I'm gonna have to keep my newbie Alliance in the game gelatin you get immunity buddy thanks so much lollipop which means that fiery leafy teardropping Woody I up for elimination [Music] guys a new episode of Woody's funny doings came out [Music] here is we've been on this Ferris wheel for like eight hours now wow really to be honest I feel like I can stay up here forever me too take this out [Music] Woody what have you done ready this program was brought to you by blocky presents what is funny doing is international I knew he'd be great at it that was pretty legit oh my tree it's flowers announcer Crusher ow I sure hope flower turned off The Voice enabled pulverize command s and that's why my prank could have been so perfect Woody it made everyone laugh and no one got hurt wouldn't you agree that's what all pranks should do woody don't gulp Woody it makes you look suspicious it's break at flake did I just get slapped by this wiry looking two pixel wide snaps like a twink noodle arm [Music] all right you final seven contestants you know how it goes whichever one of you got the fewest phones from viewers will be exterminated lollipop flower and gelatin had immunity so they're safe that's cool but where's our prize for being safe and why are you standing way up high on Fieri's Ferris wheel stand and skulls finally stand has this handy dispenser that I can use to dispense your prize which is either water or lava refreshing ew I'm ultra soggy now the water didn't wash off the scribble on my face next leave me unsafe with 13 243 votes hey four leafy died yeah right before Woody gulped seems kinda sus to me okay I'll bring leafy back and can't drop is also safe with 13 070 votes oh my collagen congrats teardrop so it sounds a fiery and Woody Who's Gonna Leave the show hmm sorry is eliminated at 12 705 votes fire is dead oh man Fireball I'm so sad I caused you to not get the prize you desperately wanted twice now both in episode 25 too don't worry about that I don't care about no island or no BFB screen I'm just glad we're on good terms again really yeah for sure definitely awesome wait what gelatin you're not supposed to be in this conversation oh no he can be in it yay oh no what my arm is getting tired bye fiery bye leaving I wonder where the new stairs leave yells your eyes flower they lean into the archaic Temple all right how did you not notice that flower anyway a quiet whisper has spoken in my ear that wait what did you say hey loves inside the arcade Temple you are harmless by this but for our cursed yeah that's that's what a quiet whisper told me also did you just say that four is cursed well I sure ain't saying you blessed time to despawn you anyway each of you must go into the temple find one totem and return it to me if it's cursed you'll be up for elimination go oh my come drop it's so spacious in here and moist moist meaning this Temple might be soaked with vomit what ew no how could you looks like my vomit repelling sweater will come in handy anyone else want to buy one no ah fine [Music] oh it will be your tour guide for this Temple oh how can you claim to be an expert of this Temple if you've been locked in a box for eight years our purple Allegiance is over didn't know we even had one okay follow me into the side room welcome to this room it's called the rectangularly brownish room yeah I'm not putting up with that drivel for another minute I'll take my alliance sidekick thingy with me too ooh so we're going rogue I suppose this sounds awesome but first let me add teardrop to our Squad he's a homie I do appreciate those who walk the walk instead of talking the talk so yes this Temple was built in a year 2763. I just lost half of my clientele oh my God in here it's so sad shall we continue the tour oh sure all right okay right this way then Feast your eyes now we are entering room number three which experts have named the well the slightly smaller rectangularly brownish room looks like lots of vines grow here snatch the totem's mine now here's my totally knockers totem for that totem is obviously filled with vomit which means gelatin not only are you cursed with evil spirits for a thousand years okay that's the end of my tour thanks for listening but purpley head what you only showed us three rooms so that's only one percent of the temple according to my map [Music] why don't you just save these totems as a thank you for coming and get out of the Temple OMG it's my friend house leafy and Woody nice totems wait then balls come from purple face wins purple faces the most cursed creature on the planet you two are definitely up for elimination so water droplet gelatin tells me you're quite an awesome go with the flow kind of person we should use osmosis to absorb you into our alliance [Music] oh great andamel Shrine these things bore me oh I think that symbol means one of these totems is blessed and the other one is cursed [Music] whoa teardrop are you trying to figure out which one is blessed maybe we shouldn't even if you do figure out which is which then what how do we decide which one of us deserves the good totem and who deserves the bad one you are doing your analysis work quite swimmingly and that's great but if we know which is which deciding who gets the curse totem could tear our new alliance apart you know [Music] yes yes let's pick the totems randomly fate only you can determine our destinies got mine whoa wow what a graceful entry anyway teardrop you got the blessing totem and lollipop you got the curse he told him whatever it was what fate decreed oh what's that Woody wants to know who's still left in the temple it's that monstrosity who wears those ugly sweaters [Music] um where's flower what's taking her so long I want to go home already okay here is my totem four it took me forever to find it flower please this is a rock so this rock is identical to the hundreds of rocks surrounding the entrance uh so how did that thank you 73 days to find ah well this rock is technically not cursed so you're safe hopefully hooray hello why are the number of customers for my temple tour I guess I need to start advertising more laughs ew gross another ad for a temple tour blocked [Music] for your next prank Woody how about no I didn't even describe one yet Woody but if you're not enjoying doing pranks anymore you don't have to keep doing them if pranks aren't completely your thing we can find something else for you to do yeah and now it's time to talk about me it began ironically but I've actually started to love this Scribble of mine and I'm thinking of adding some more spanking of scribbles I gave myself one two what do you think looks bad time for cake at sake we we get a thousand one hundred eight phones We're Going Back to Basics with some regular cake today carrot cake for winning immunity flower and Teardrop get some cake carrot cake first safe is scribble girl with 12 860 votes here's your cake this girl is cursed from the Temple of Doom I'm going nearer I'm out of here that was odd well I'm seeing if it happens again with the second highest vote getter leafy who received 12 747 rounds throwing us at cursed individuals come back cake buddy you're telling us that Temple actually cursed us get over yourself being cursed probably has some advantages we're down to the bottom two gelatin and Woody skeleton is safe with 10 658 violence already got 9843 about so goodbye Woody what sorry to hear that woodster perhaps you can figure out your next non-prank Endeavor in the BRB until we meet again farewell [Applause] I just uh remembered leafy did this and I wanted to have an emotional moment too Woody as the final half-notters in the competition we've been on a Crazy Rap why that was rude I was just wanting to true you were just wanting to that's your whole story right flower anyway moving on for I want my cake I mean I doubt this will work but okay here oh so gelatin are you surprised that happened so no I I mean yes stop looking angrily at me please stop it did I see you crack a smile I guess not we're down to the final five folks don't you mean final six I absolutely didn't mean that no what are you talking about there's six of us left excuse me what and how on Earth are you uh the audience favorite profiley I've been one of the gang forever right guys uh yeah profiley uh do any of you actually remember profiley at all nope not at all what wait but think back on all our funny adventures hey announcer imagine this during a contest get it it's like a tiebreaker wow that's a good bun thank you please don't steal it I'd hate for that to become a phrase you were known for whatever so the winner is either fiery or leafy um what about me announcer reefer found sorry oh whoops profiley you nearly won but fell just short of the win really no haha seriously though up this is unpleasant I'm sorry but you received a total of zero votes oh well that's great no it's not oh let me correct what I said oh well that's terrible that's better I got it I can roll like a wheel you're covered in ooze and donuts got a hole and I am a ray of sunshine and you all love hanging out with me uh so what's our name we lose a whole bunch uh can you also find a way to fit in the rainbow thing I said coiny what this isn't funny well if you don't like it you can go eliminate yourself this might not be an appropriate time to do this but is it the idea of the rainbow thing hello don't worry guys I can burn the bugs hey what's going on the bugs are fireproof oh yeah well how will they respond to my flamethrower I'm so cool with my flamethrower very cool profiley but they're immune to fire so they will probably do nothing we just lost over half our contestants for is the show gonna be okay thank you what are you talking about we just Advanced to the Final 14 of BFB uh move the camera over hey I'm here you know I can't wait to compete alongside my friends we're gonna make cookies oh what's that Woody wants to know who's still left in the temple it's it's that monstrosity who wears those ugly sweaters guys they're never gonna find the other blessed totem because I already found it all that's left in there are rocks hmm so you're the reason we are awaiting the 73 days for flower to find a rock actually that was still largely my fault oh wait I didn't sound great there if you've been here the whole time why don't I remember you at all I am kind of forgettable but for my old chum I'm even in the intro here take a look [Music] here well I guess profile he is a contestant after all so we're down to the final six what they joined at the final six that's preposterous flower in the first season didn't you rejoin at final six never mind I actually have a deep admiration for this feat well anyway today we were talking at the same time okay okay so on today's challenge sorry I like singing like that it's fun wanna try now I'll be right back and so we have a problem there's profiling contestant is getting on my nerves immediately just throw a really hard challenge for her they'll probably lose since they've never won a challenge before right then they'll just be voted out I knew I wrote convert you for a good reason you're a true blue friend I'm not blue no are you gonna despawn me again contestants for today's challenge you must climb to the peak of the tallest mountain in the valley you almost heard me the challenge is actually to dig the deepest hole ever never mind and actually to destroy these bugs already gone my friend did it all myself never mind is to look the most like a leaf I win this isn't working at all sorry profiley I'm sure you're a legitimate contestant but it's not gonna fly with me today and you're annoying so I'm sorry you're coming sixth place overall thanks for playing that's not fair for you have to respect the votes profiling didn't get the least votes they got no votes ever actually well I feel bad for ignoring them for so long gang I say we throw profiley their very own party to make it up to them yeah you're thrown at my party I'm trying to get seven of you to throw me one and only two of you did and yes lollipop's party was the best party of all time wasn't on purpose you're not helping none of you have any respect for me and I'm fed up with all of it 40 of my contestants left for someone they knew for like five minutes and the ones on stage still Donuts diary you don't even help me out of jail until I make it a challenge and now ah you're gonna throw a party for profiley immediately you'll never do these things for me so we're going to make this simple profiley is out of the game but this isn't how they're leaving today's challenge is for you all to eliminate your friend instead take profiley over to the BRB which is over there and take them all the way to the top my contestant that gets to the top of x's ammo bear regarding next to the BRB with profile E3 Wing immunity I can handle getting them into a cage from there and what if we refuse to get rid of our profiley buddies when I'll put you all up for elimination now well you heard him profiling it's time to go the teardrop come back we need to think of a way to get insanely High into the air if only we still had that cardboard ship blocky made I think it's still on the sun according to my sun facts book cardboard boxes remain permanently on sun-like surfaces so it'll likely still be there if we had that ship we could just scoop up profiley and Chuck them up to the garden with ease good idea scribbly four kick us into the sun we need no explanation necessary whatever I guess oh see you guys later then teardrop give me profiley leafy my friends call me profiley call me profile picture okay wait excuse me I meant every word thanks for taking them this far TD now I'll take them up to the garden and win immunity I'm the only one left who hasn't received immunity I deserve it this round don't be selfish Terra you had immunity last time everyone deserves it sometime and this time it should be me I guess we're off then bye leafy buy profile picture I never made it here before looks pretty oh yeah I mean once you've been to the sun once you kind of get it so I'm over it but good news the cardboard ship is still here intact cake what's your plan Leaf sir two drops just running up the side of the BRB with profiley so we need to snatch it away from them say do you still carry around those sun facts books oh as a matter of fact they do I actually wrote them myself don't tell anyone but it's full of lies weird but anyway any chance you have an Earth facts book too you know it all yours buddy great okay uh where are the maps uh where are here a map of the pillory ruins can it be about here we can too yes it worked oh [Music] um I thought you said you were a good driver no no there's a very simple explanation I lied to you is that supposed to make me feel better yeah it's not supposed to make you feel anything but hey what's the worst that could happen we crash ah don't be ridiculous [Music] thank you okay never mind that might have gone badly oh really what on Earth is going on up there weird you should just give me immunity so I won't cause any more damage [Music] oh it was worth a shot oh I know hey X we have a little Bond after I made that party for you right well lots of people throw parties for me actually I have one in an hour too oh whoa do you want to do me a favor and snap profiley up to the BRB for me if you can show me profile he receive the least votes and finally ah hello my favorite little teardrop care to him profiley to me very fair my friend after all you brought them all the way here you deserve to continue on do I have a say in any of this well the rest of you guys are half Cuts so I guess it's me against the world we're going down TD well that was short-lived good afternoon lollipop hello leafy finally I'm free from teardrops clutches here's a voting chart showing profile he had zero votes in total X well that certainly will not do thank you for showing me gelatin uh oh I'm heading off again oh no you here we go sharks they're all too high good luck teardrop I can't believe this is where it ends a perfect zero vote game and for what an instant elimination but it doesn't have to be in vain I'm one step closer to winning the season if you just let me hold on a little longer oh hello lollipop and leafy you're crazy seeing you two up here this is ours flower this immunity is for the Nubia Alliance hope you understand it's someone who's not cursed let's go help them get off me TT this is my victory yeah get off our non-cursed friend flower what's going on here we've come to save you quick flower grab onto me you're safe with me now now we have to remove these others wait I need to hold on to profiling for them ready a few weird cakes at stake are the reason I Lose I'm gonna be furious now she blames us I have half a mind to drop her actually we don't have Minds at all oh okay bye flower well looks like they're all gone then and now that you're freed up I just have to get you to this platform I let X's magic Pig fiery from me I'm not letting it take an immunity from me too ah yes gotcha and leafy wins the immunity for getting herself and profiling onto the aloe vera Garden next to the brain hey but I'm the one that got profile be flying up there I got X to send them up is this your argument for why you should win but you cheated uh no we've probably gone we're back to the final fight but now we're heading to the final since leafy is safe gelatin flower teardrop and lollipop are now up for elimination hey far I think you need more contestants to join the show I'm here to play me too look at me I'm ready to star in some great clips and get it clip and anyway I'm ready to star in some great clips for this season you people are all too weird please leave we're not going anywhere I think there's too many fans on the pillory ruins now for think about purpley head too other people keep interrupting the game nowadays true okay then bfp gang here's a boss everyone get on we're leaving everybody say your final goodbyes to the pillory ruins goodbye Skies of pink white let me come with him with you now [Music] yeah and I'm coming too okay I mean uh I'm not tagging along because I'm evil I just want to come with everyone to hang out with them but there's no happy tagging along la la la la I could try making one I guess all right n a a three a two a [Music] one's evil again driving is so fun we've been driving for five weeks now without a single thing smashing into the window oh please let me in the bus it's it's sweltering out here not on your life probably I'm sick of you interfering with hosting duties and challenges when you're not meant to well then I have an easy solution let's make it so I'm meant to it I could be a brand new co-host now I already have eggs the best pillowhouse money can buy am I meant to be getting paid now but boy I sure do get tired of co-hosting all by myself what you don't know anything one time you actually left the courtroom mid challenge because you were born yeah I am great you're right and greatness needs a co-host verbally you can be my co-host I've inherited BFDI it's my show I understand what's going on here sorry I get it I'm too awesome I'd be too good at being a co-host and you're scared I'd be better than you is this reverse psychology because working okay purple face you can be a co-cala host what make yourself useful and get all those pesky bugs off the roof you've got it this might take a while time for your cake at stake my little contestants of joy we got 42 595 votes whichever one of you got the least votes is eliminated from BFB leafy one immunity so she's safe Coco host I need a prize Pronto yes some little bug friends for you I could have gotten a cake or something I'm a host Hill remember stay tuned to talk now here's your book little leafy Lulu thanks I don't want this teardrop got one one two two two votes and flower cut one one one one one two votes here are your books hey my bug looks like four oh googly and Wiggly I don't think that is a compliment uh lollipop what does it mean when we're the bottom two little jelly friend it means one of us is leaving wait oh no what wait oh no this can't be the end of our alliance I'm afraid it is buddy I have a syringe I have a scribble stop bragging whoever's eliminated should use a syringe to transfer the coloring to the other person oh great idea that means no matter what the spirit of our alliance lives on I just thought it would look cool but okay and the last is it me flower no you are already safe I know I just liked hearing it gelatin is safe with 10 577 votes lollipop leaves only receiving 9684 votes well I guess it's time for the scribble girl to be scribbled out keep the alliance proud old buddy regardless of what place we came in getting to the final five with you was an honor great work too tear drop I noticed when I hugged you guys your smiles turned to frowns how weird [Music] [Music] foreign well there's no point delaying the inevitable number boy hosty guy how are you gonna send me to the BRB hmm where do you think the BRB is no idea we've been driving for weeks probably hundreds of miles away from here point-ted scribble girl I don't know that way purple face blow it lollipop so she moves horizontally you got its furry Foster [Music] um I guess I'm off then um if I don't end up at the BRB please recover me bye you know I really began to like naily at the end there that was lollipop okay I guess I wasn't paying as much attention as I thought I don't blame you I can barely focus in this heat seriously why is it so absurdly hot all of a sudden because I'm you guys like my jokes I'm thinking of doing stand down I would come and watch your act for thank you X gotta be honest I wouldn't no chance well then no thank you for you I'd see if my calendar was free but I wouldn't be prioritizing it what are you on screen anyway yes I get it I'll work on some other jokes also it's hot because we're entering the world's largest oven there you go now you guys should be able to survive in the oven without burning to death but remember X's magic is keeping you at room temperature or I guess I'm in temperature you can still burn yourself inside the oven on the walls you might die so be careful thanks sex you're always looking out for us contestants I was just looking out for you all too what the can you use that magic on me X um I don't know who you are but uh okay thanks X you're always looking out for us contestants and random people who show up you're such a good host I'm a good host too and here we are everyone doesn't it smell nice no I agree with gelatin who are you you're not white I'm sick of your attitudes guys this is a fun little trip you guys have never been here before well except for teardrop and she's so happy to be back oh I see she hates it instead if you guys hate the oven that can be today's challenge now the entrance is gone and now it's time it didn't work Ford why'd you do that because today's challenge is to escape from the world's largest oven the first contestant to get out wins I've made the door slightly ajar so there's a guaranteed way out but I don't care how you'll get out if you can find any way out then you win very cool but I'm getting claustrophobic can you snap the hosts out of the oven please everything wait you forgot me inside trust me that was not a mistake get me out of here or else are you what never mind this is awesome yay oh my Gardener this oven is huge what do you guys plan to do wait you forgot to drag me away too oh I see I'm not invited over there what's up TD yeah I like working with you too teardrop oh you want to work with leafy too oh do you want her to join our alliance oh really TD yeah I think that's a great idea actually hooray that's all right little teaser this is great the three of us can all gang up on her then she'll have no chance and then we all go to the next round easy leafy just let me into the alliance hooray that makes no sense why would you glad it's all settled yay oh there's a mysterious door over there gelatin let's go see what's behind it sounds good wait for me guys well I guess that just leaves us where do you think we should go Alliance member yeah that seems like a good place to start oh nice it led to a fun little room we should get out of here I know from experience like getting stuck in a small room with nothing to do is no laughing matter yeah we need to get out of here right now oh you I'm closing the door to stop even more vandals from walking in did you check to make sure we could get out of here first MiFi you can't see if a door is locked before closing it you have to test after it's closed time to test bad news guys the door is clearly locked wait the door is locked somebody help us TD Are we almost up to the baking tray ow for pedal's sake it's okay guys nobody panic let's just look around for a key all that's in here is this box I already checked onto it there's no key or anything there darn I guess we're stuck here if only we didn't go into this tiny room leafy hey it could have been an elevator to the top of the oven you don't know we could be out there winning immunity right now if only lollipop was still in the game she'd know what to do well sometimes different is good I don't know Lollipop being gone is like if suddenly one day your voice sounded different wouldn't that be weird yeah TD Are we almost stopped to the baking tray such a long ladder and what under my eyes to see me teardrop look it's a it's a it's uh in an oven for some reason okay TT I know we don't really know each other well but it's time for the becoming best friends Montage let's go penguin my bestie in front of everyone it's me NTD she's my best friend we'll be best friends from now until the end there you are TD for some reason you keep running away from me but I knew you'd be in the second hand utility star I knew you'd be here because I checked every other shop first but anyway I made us best friend shirts what do you think oh don't worry about the size difference it's just because I drew myself first you are an equal part of this friendship here put it on monster anyway the latter only went to this baking tray we still need to find our way to the top did you find any supplies in here oh a grappling gun rope and a coat hanger we can use those to climb our way out you're a genius TD I guess we have to kill time so uh anyone want to share a story of theirs while we wait anyone who I've got one whoa hopefully I can escape this box someday not the greatest story okay well I was stuck in a box for eight years so lots of my stories are box related oh well I love dollar moments together guys can you use that magic on me X I don't know who you are I agree with gelatin who are you we need to get out of here right now oh you seriously who are you go away please one of my fave stories was just today when I added flour to our alliance so nice honestly leafy it didn't seem that nice it seemed like you wanted us to think you were being nice but it was just pointless excuse me gelatin I'll have you know I'm number one on the niceness chart where is your number 56 I know more about this stuff than you do what are these rankings the ones that you made they're still rankings TD's newest comic had a part where you try to force her to give you an immunity is that true honest but it's just I hadn't won an immunity yet this season I haven't won immunity yet will you give me immunity this round well it's different we're so close to the end classically sir hey I am nice okay I'm nice I am nice you two can fight about this later we need to get out of here right no oh I'm going to start eating people again I just wish there was something under this but wait purple head there's a key under the box dude oh yeah when I said I looked onto the box I lied I just couldn't be bothered to look under it but that's cool we found the key outs what is your problem it was nice going to a mall again after living in a ruined City for most of the year it was nice being part of modern society for a little bit all right TD just remember to aim it very carefully we want to end up on the upper tray and [Music] TD be careful glad the key worked thank goodness we're all out of that room now we just need to find our way out of the entire oven I still can't believe you said I was mean gelatin I didn't say that leafy just that sometimes your niceness seems a bit fake is all oh yeah well with a mean person do this yes they would and now that they're gone seriously who was that CRT person where did she come from unclear regardless how is trying to throw her out the top of the exit not at the door I tried to be nice whatever leafy look you throwing CRT at the oven door chipped it a little bit if we keep throwing stuff we can break the door and walk right out good idea gelatin let's try it maybe gelatin was too squishy for that to work how about you purple man no all right the crack didn't grow I'm gonna need more solid objects but where to find them go up here huh don't mind if I do my gosh TD or even higher than when we were hanging on to profiley how are you not scared right now oh or here already so now what tear dropping on the top of the door is just over there wait you're letting me go across you're letting me win I've never had a bond like this before thank you so much TD I can't believe I'm so close to the final three there was so much trash at that mall time to throw put the crack got bigger it's working thanks TD alright final three let's do this Mountain TD a problem with the contraption I'm weighing it down in the middle I'm stuck wait TD no huh you betrayed me didn't you teardrop dead over here [Applause] dressing Justin all right one more object ought to do it good yay my exit has been made now time to win immunity and Teardrop wins immunity into the final three due to not exiting the oven first and also dying gelatin leafy and flour are up for elimination thanks everyone for coming to my stand-up show so anyway airplane food what is it oh what's next bus food Boo don't Bill me I can see everyone perfectly so it's much router to do in an intimate setting boo you know what I'm gonna take the booze as a compliment ah now I see the bows have stopped oh is anyone else hearing that yeah what do you think it is I don't know probably nothing nothing can go wrong X you got this hey [Music] so what do I look perfect said about nothing possibly going wrong I gotcha bye for now purpley boy nice try little buddy recovering isn't an easy thing to learn overnight can you please just respawn the cocoa house I told you if you want the purple one back you have to do it yourself you know sorry that's being so willy-nilly silly with the new Coco host is making me nervous really how so well I have this really faint memory that long ago someone really powerful hated the idea of competitions having three holes what that's crazy I think you're making that up no for real apparently too many hosts is a sign that the structure of a competition is falling apart I mean girls got a point well we've been relocating a lot lately and there was that whole profiley Fiasco whoa that's true but still so unpowerful flower that sounds silly it's a message but what does it say come outside that's not scary at all weird so the roof break break that they want us to meet them outside what is going on ooh maybe someone wanted to make a grand entrance the only one around here who was allowed to make a grand entrance is me hello who's out there also I have no respect for this forced grand entrance act you're trying to pull off one because I'm jealous you came up with the idea first and two I'll think of a second Point later so come on out put a rest assured regardless of who it is I will not have any sort of reaction hey guys I'm back [Music] [Music] leafy hello box man where have you been my friend we can talk about that later I want to know what happened to my show over it in your absence and I might say I've done an amazing job well you might say that but you'd be wrong oh yeah [Music] yeah okay X you quit hosting for around 40 contestants quit the game there is a purple nuisance that you can't get rid of people keep interfering with the show you even let one of them join the game you've lost all control I asked for only one thing so technically we came out on top there whatever good thing I'm back now so final four it's time for cake at stake excuse me what anyway Final Four be careful ouch don't do that again be careful with him he's right he's fragile I would know I've been please don't do it okay eggs I need ideas and I need them quickly um okay how about a big building like a hotel but for food so we had a random idea I need an idea for the announcer stuff going on there's announcer stuff going on whoops I should pay attention more he's taking his show back if he takes it that's three years of work down the drain okay four I think I have a sneaky idea up my sleeve I think it's Flawless hey announcer go away now dork sorry for calling you a dork I'm just trying to sound forceful no I'm staying okay for I didn't want to have to resort to this but I have one final idea and what's that Panic this isn't helping not helping okay wait how about this you did it amazing work okay purpley dude get rid of the announcer thing do your worst I've got the wing formula right here I'll get rid of the announcer with a simple freestyle rap drop a beat gelatin doing purple face and I'm here to say goodbye whoa where'd you send him IDK oh is that some like box somewhere that you named after an acronym no I just don't know where he went oop okay see how easy it was to get rid of the purple thing four trust me he'll be back but look it doesn't matter but announcer was right we've lost all control four it'll be okay but in the end the show is mine so it's time for you to leave you can't make this show without me wanna bet just watch this I'll be a constant presence yo yoner get rid of me oh what's this blue dirt guys don't eat the dirt it's not worth it what just happened what happened is I swallowed blue dirt it wasn't good when I asked what happened I was referring to my friend seeking into the ears new dirt eating thing you did I'm angry well final four it's time for cake at steak but also since I missed most of this season I want to introduce a new twist we are bringing teams back you'll all be one team of four fighting for individual immunity because I want to feel included in this season this decision is all mine that's weird but I dig it since we're all part of the alliance lollipop founded we should pay tribute to her let's call our team the Newbie Alliance [Music] very good newbie Alliance but before one of you is eliminated I would like to show purple face how a real host performs a theme song Hit It [Music] welcome everybody to cake at stake after this Ceremony this Alliance will break but you are not to worry as the rest of you will be in the finals and that will mean the game will be in the finals wait did you just run finals with finals today's cake is a gold medal you'll get a gold medal if you are safe teardrop 1 immunity last round so she gets a gold medal fling Dear John gelatin is safe with 19 293 votes here's your gold medal thank you speaker wait why is my gold medal cut in half I only had two gold medals so I had to make do now it's down to flower and leafy oh Deja Vu oh my gosh flower how could this happen to us I better not get out at the final four again I'm not against buddy you against Vickery eat well good for me because flour is safe with 14 462 votes leafy is eliminated with 12 113 votes no not again oh gosh I don't want to go in that scary BRB thing lucky for you you won't have to as we're going to meet the eliminated contestants to help for the final challenge hello you what do you want the contestants in the BRB can you snap them back here for me okay thank you X pat pat what's this gray box thing where's for oh my spark the speaker box is back hello hello announcery profound Siri hello profiley so leafy you'll be joining the other eliminated contestants in their role in helping with the final challenge ah Shucks you got eliminated leafy I'm so sorry to hear that thanks fiery I'm sure it'll be okay so uh what is the final challenge Boxster well considering this is the last contest of BFB It's a combination of all the previous contests the first person to complete all the contests in order wins immunity if you die you'll have to start all over again X can you handle the recovering please since you asked someone nicely okay luckily you and four Barely Used up the budget this season so we have enough money to pay for props from throughout the whole season okay guys it's all purchased and ready go here you go hooray stay here hooray whoa be gentle Roso thank you hey who's inside here anyway it's fiery fiery my friend I'm coming buddy oh why hello oh I remember saw saying that door smashed her head against the Jawbreaker [Music] teardrop what about our alliance go get a basket here thanks [Music] you know what I'm just gonna do what teardrop did sorry about the basket X slow down ah dang it my team never figured this one out loud how do I do this gelatin push my swing and help me complete the challenge and then I'll do the same for you fine how do we depict four properly there's already a plus here I'm just gonna pick it up place it back down I'm gonna cheat as well for this challenge you just have to take the twinkle from me and then give it back to me now I was instructed to make this hard for you but I want the twinkle back so give it back buddy yay I'm all twinkly again go on to the next challenge why am I in here again let's go welcome to the quiz what is my favorite way to experience nature [Music] that is correct in complete silence was the answer you may continue what is my favorite number gelatin what is my favorite number it's five nope what my mind is constantly changing right now I have a fascination with the number 362. okay 362 then nope I have a fascination of that number but it haha certainly is not my favorite sigh okay I'll just start from the beginning is it one no two no laughs oh the stairs contest and teardrops just not fair I'm still in this I knew I'd catch up here TDR lead in this challenge is oh coconut basket oh my God fine 102 no oh guess which one is really me I guess yeah it's pretty impossible to mess this one up go on through teardrop 2 356. nope I'm back here guess my favorite number of flower pen it has changed I don't know 2 357. yes that is correct you may continue finally finally it has changed once again to prove you won't quit our show you want to leave our show Even after what happened to four today and now you don't even care [Music] go hit a basket 4632 still no can I please have a new question okay am I gray ah uh yes very good you may now continue on are you kidding me but also thank you bye for this challenge you need to prove you won't quit our show okay I won't quit Okay on you go [Music] ah but X is right back there [Applause] hooray hey just guess which one of us is actually me really difficult I know Jordan I'd like to sit down with you for a good lunch and ask you how you could possibly think that was the correct answer for this challenge you need to prove you won't quit our show how dare you help I'm burning the audience really didn't like this last time hey I'm safe okay now I need to get back on fire for the others again ah I'm back on fire again why'd I do this it's be painful hey Woody here's a plushie you a fan of these yeah hope no one takes us back from me I'll be taking that help help I took my bed do you know who it was flower that was clearly lollipop wow congratulations flower or should I say detective flower if anything else ever goes missing I'll put you right on the case keep going a bit hard to do when he's gone oh don't worry I purple bro we have taken his place I don't care about that how do I get you out of there it's a secret I didn't see how this was done the first time this is unfair oh I remember this one this is easy my gosh you cut up awfully quick that's why they call me Speedy gelatin well they don't but I'm holding out hope it catches on I win on to the next challenge whatever there get enough not a party but I told him TD there's a cave right here let's go there I threw an actual party for the announcer let's go the totem challenge again huh well last time I just found a rock and that got me the win so I guess that's fine for me to do here too oh great there's tons of totems teeth sir let's get out of out of here gosh dang it flower did the rock trick again we're so stupid welcome for this challenge you need to eliminate profiling um loser I thought I already knocked you into a door oh whatever it doesn't matter profiley you are eliminated oh geez could this day get any worse whoa you eliminated them I guess go in the challenge flower the mountain is right ahead follow the both of you for the Chalice this day can get worse it did somebody help me well I guess that works too okay oh guys I'll get the head to the oven good luck so I believe this challenge has been simplified from last round all you have all you have to do is climb up the letters over here and climb straight out the top of the oven I Was preparing that speech all day yup and I saw it our double sliders secured into the ground they don't look that safe I don't care that's why they call me danger gelatin oh wasn't it speedy gelatin Katie come back here TD as actual members of The Alliance let's knock flower off this ladder one of us has to win I've already betrayed me in this oven before leave me alone I'm losing control what's up oh my God oh my gosh I've done it congratulations flower you win immunity into the final two what and that it was a challenge this time well you've thought wrong gelatin and tear drop are up for elimination you'll each get one moment to tell the viewers why you should stay in the game teardrop you first thank you now your turn gelatin alright so I think thank you what I told you you would get one moment you used it all up so viewers voters haters trolls and flimmers [Music] are you still buying random cred with the show's budget we have so much money it doesn't matter here watch this book oh some random investor just gave my fashion line fifty thousand dollars I should be able to open an actual store with this money okay you're just being Reckless with the budget now oh be quiet I'm not letting you do this boxer I'm telling X right now that should take care of that boy are you [Music] are you so blockster what do you think of my Hiding Place yeah a green bush in a blue desert what could go wrong shush it's not as obvious as all that hey Taco in the bush I know I'm miles away but I just wanted to say hello uh anyway I gotta get back to work let me know if the announcer spots me uh oh I wonder if you're bored so hard to read you sometimes block dude sorry but all you've done since X recovered you is just watch the talking metal box well it's easier now that I have my hiding spot oh hello Taco oh and hey blocky and Woody sorry I didn't see you two at first anyway I mean can you blame me for watching him for nine years he was gone and now he's just back for what reason why return at the end of the game and why waste our budget well you have a hunch he's wasting the budget you don't know that stop being on the boring Squad and join the wood stir and I on a brand new break hey guys blocky and Woody here for today's prank get a bunch of magnets and yeah no I don't wanna put them on the announcer uh what was that about okay talkster we're gonna need to get you a new nickname well I personally like talkster then whatever actually call me that though hello talkster and also you other two Taco uh announced you might have spotted you final three welcome to cake at stake as a prize for making it to the final three I have decided to gift you all with a makeover to the bus it is now made out of gold gold say blocky it could be like fake gold or something come on it's TV trickery it only cost about three million dollars my argument is falling apart at this Monumental cake at stake I wanted to top last episode's cake with a silver medal that's just for that you're getting a bronze medal for winning immunity fling whatever metals are temporary but my business is forever you jealous gelatin like this 50 000 bucks I'm gonna put together the best storm anyone has ever seen I own a steakhouse chain oh yeah well we'll have something even better oh a skyscraper my place will have a steak skyscraper gelatin teardrop one of you is leaving the game we knew this was coming but it's still sad for this Alliance to come to an end it's been so fun working with you teeth sir check out this massive cinema screen I purchased pretty cool right anyway let's share the votes time for a drum roll which I paid way over the necessary amount for [Music] thank you and many Teardrops are shed as our favorite little teardrop is eliminated with only 28 906 votes no bias of course but teardrop you have always been my favorite you played a great game and getting to the final three of any season is a magnificent feat why do you think it's time for you to talk right now just say your catchphrase there we go anyway thank you for playing teardrop here is a copper metal for your troubles oh where great question bubble just for that you get a platinum medal and for being such a gracious host I get a diamond medal stop giving up medals for being rude here is a wooden metal thank you but also what are we doing now is there a vote or a final challenge well under normal circumstances we just end the episode here and let the viewers vote the winner but I have unfortunate news BFB is canceled are you joking why budget cuts more like he wasted the budget told you something fishy was going on usually I tell you to stop freaking out but this is very scary news I myself am going to begin screaming huh anyway I guess none of you win the BFDI how unfortunate darn oh no this sucks how sad it hikes no uh is the Glorious BFB still up for grabs I want to see my cool little beatboxing skills again oh up no I guess you don't win that either so uh yeah BFB is canceled goodbye everyone so you're just leaving bfv is really canceled and checked out guys announcer wasn't lying this laptop says we have about 300 left in the budget who we're about to lose the whole show but that means we have time right if we have a few hundred dollars maybe we have time to raise some more and keep it going X yo announcer blew our whole budget we need your help to save the show what's the point points four is gone and the show is also Gone without him hi Miss little 44 he never ran into large budgetary issues he's been the only one close to finishing a season of the show in years and all of you sent him away while he's in the ground or something it's unclear regardless I'm not helping listen to me folks I have a history and advertising guys I know how to make money I have the ultimate plan everyone get in the bus anything purple must be at least slightly on the right page I'm in better to try something than nothing come on BFB game let's save the day Taco you coming no I'm gonna keep watching the announcer and find out what he's up to hey what's the point this may be the last thing we all do together don't waste it alone well I'm going to I need to find out what's happening bye blocky hmm good luck [Music] okay the golden bus was slower than expected but yeah we are an abandoned TV studio so what exactly is the plan here where's my new assistant we're gonna put on the best show ever take donations and hopefully put together my budget big enough for the grand finale do you guys like challenges right well here's the ultimate challenge him Blitz Camera Action welcome to the purple face variety hour it's time to save bfp yeah intro what's going on [Music] Pokemon welcome all to the purple face interview show today we're interviewing our finalists gelatin are you proud of yourself for getting to the finale of course I'm not exactly a guy who can win immunities so getting here regardless has been very rewarding I'm very proud of myself and you should be and flowered now are you proud of me what for what ooh bad answer flower you look like a real joke there viewers take notes of that so gelatin tell me your entire life story go everyone wants to know don't they all right from the top hey guys good old blocky here for a prank suspend X over a cliff and set gelatin on fire Woody go push gelatin into fiery now now now uh not exactly how I saw this prank going in my head I'm very uncomfortable and I feel like I just witnessed an awkward moment can I please leave what the I'm not here dread not here either what on four is he doing and then a like 15 burgers in one hole sitting 15 and then what happens jelly head I mean it's a pretty gross answer it's only Public Access television go ahead that looks like it might go on for quite some time hey Woody you doing okay buddy hi hi you don't like pranks do you no woody if you just did pranks and stuff to impress me don't worry about it I think you're cool you don't need to pretend to be someone else for me to like you I gave you my show because I believe in you and also because contractually I'm banned for quite some time for making it purely by myself but Woody I'm sure there's something else we can make together yeah yeah not good not good either wait never mind jackpot I knew you were up to something what do you think you're doing downstairs forehead my precious BFDI I found it and I'm taking it back not on my watch you're not em it was easier when you were Zapped away where's my little laser thingy you so gelatin what is your favorite thing about BFDI meeting so many fabulous people of course and flower what is your favorite thing about my master give me the same questions as gelatin right now no answer the question you don't have a mustache what are you joking what is this I thought I have always had one I've never looked into the mirror that's it we're moving on to our next segment sing it for me gelatin Lala a happy purpley I don't know I guess I have to do everything around here don't I it's time for purple faces torture time today flower will be stuck in this fun tank hooray this is Target I'm not scared of Tanks this is fine oh yeah look near your feet Little Flower Pots there's a bug I've been working on that too I've literally held a bug recently I've been making great strides getting over my fear of bugs you might be fine with one but how about 500 of them how about that white deer soil please now here they come viewers wait what no I don't want this help stop let me out of there hey not now Woody there's bugs everywhere power breathe in and out okay try it better I yeah thanks Woody and this is still the worst thing ever but this definitely makes me feel better thank you Woody that was amazing I'm so proud of you bro and I have an idea see where's thank you so much for watching the first episode of my good friend Woody's new show Woody's fear Destroyer International gotta figure contact us and Woody will help you take care of it please help me get out of here now please smile for the camera flower okay and now so start talking or I can break you apart just like that zapper why don't you trust me I knew you were wasting the money I saw it for myself you gave flour fifty thousand dollars for literally no reason well it's too late for anything to be done now the budget is depleted BFB will become yet another incomplete season yeah but why what's the point of any of this none of your business really you sure about that little speaker fine what do you want to know okay so we got a donation update that's great how much did twelve dollars what I don't think you know how to run anything like this oh yeah and how would you know huh huh I guess you're right hooray but fine truthfully this isn't going as well as I thought we need money Pronto gelatin we need a new act right now don't you worry little purple Speck of Joy I've had this great idea locked away for a while here are all the different ways I can pronounce my name gelatin tin no this is good television anyone can do that move it jelly boy there's a new star in town here are different ways to pronounce my name flower flower but give me a chance cut it out get off the stage that's for disrespecting us ing a girl or petalsake sounds buddy can we go help her now no I want to know why you took the bfp I don't really care about the BFB all too much but the BFDI that's the real treasure why wouldn't I want it I mean sure the BFDI is cool but is it this cool to Warrant this feeling you know after all these years of battling I'm not even sure I want it anymore look at it see I told you everyone wants it little update purple man the audience liked the flower thing we earned four whole dollars from that that's better than nothing right four dollars we started with 300 we're down to our last 50 now no sorry 54. yay that's the spirit always look on the bright side of things you're about to get turned off forever leafy this is bad news I'm sorry guys maybe this whole TV idea was terrible oh purple pants it was but that's okay we can figure something out oh I know how about we split our show into two shows oh wait we already did that didn't we I have the winning idea right here purple bro welcome to my show why I deserve the prize of this and All Seasons give it to me I deserve it handed over I want it I need it please give it to me the price I wanted I needed I needed I'm begging for it please purple man how much has this one earned us I don't even know how this is possible but someone donated mine this dollars we gave them money but under thirty dollars oh my scribble this is pointless give me the details man you want the BFDI so what why leave for nine years and just come back uh what um oh I've got it hey Taco what if I told you I've been here all along oh spooky let me explain remember back at Final 14 where if you move the camera to the right profiley was there well if you pan to the left instead I was there all along hey guys what's up skaters thanks for your lie but it's not getting by me little spiko everyone heard you were turning to Earth a few months ago yikes caught in my lice fine I'll tell you the real story BFDI ended and despite losing money producing the season I managed to regain most of our lost assets due to leafy's purchasing of Dream Island it looked like an end to BFDI but I wanted it to continue budget or not I fixed myself back up and returned to Earth wait you're on Earth all along be quiet I'm telling my story I wanted BFDI to come continue I contacted TV to put together the voting for a new season then I put together a list of BFDI game rules and launched it from afar hey what's this BFDI game rules I tried to run a season without being noticed luckily the contestants always found themselves bickering and arguing I was able to set up a wheel of challenges for the season you know to make sure things didn't drift too much off course without me I patted the prize wheel and challenge wheel for an entire season's worth but it quickly descended into chaos I had to begin spending again to create a personal speaker box for puffball and just when I thought my limited budget couldn't be stretched any thinner everyone kept dying I had to spend the last of my savings on an hprc to revive the contestants and keep the competition afloat but I must say during my time in the wings I kept myself pretty Incognito even when I thought I was caught I managed to evade questioning your box why what up no I'm not the speaker box I'm a tree see swish swish vicious once for me but all good things must come to an end BFDIA ended production and in turn I returned home until suddenly I was caught off guard by another season of BFDI and then I saw those two the ones who stole my show they took my creation my project and then he went too far they offered up my most beloved treasure want a battle to win a prize but what is the prize they took my show they stole my work they took my BFDI I waited for my moment to take it all back waiting for the cast to dwindle when fortunately that process was sped up for me when two arrived 40 contestants left and as the cast shrunk I planned my return the final four seemed like the perfect time to return to Earth barely any pushback I took back my show I own BFDI once again and now I own BFB and now it's canceled and since it's canceled no one can win this BFDI from me it's mine forever announcer we've been battling for three years for it come on you need to hand it back to us we've earned it it's too late anyway it's rightfully mine again what the what happened to us looks like the budget has finally ran out BFB is about to end forever no no I gotta warn the others right now good luck and that didn't sound as sarcastic as I wanted I'm not wishing you good luck is basically what I'm trying to say bad luck I suppose yeah that works guys guys announcer just confirmed to me bfp is about to end we have just moments to save it quick no gosh anyone got any last minute actual season ideas anything at all but if uh what if two never showed up and we continue to be a V16 like normal would people like that oh no oh no fine whatever you guys are too fast for me I guess loser and spongy can just rejoin the game what are you serious we've been battling for so long and you're just going to change the game rules mid-season Danny is right that's it force not good at hosting guys I say this exact group of 40 of us should leave this show and that group of exactly 14 can continue battling sounds good to me wait no stop don't leave our show phew luckily that never happened that timeline sounds so weird oh gosh look at us now I think this is the end fiery right now why on all days does this have to happen today I just wanna go to bed okay we need ideas now folks or else everyone will forget me I mean us again no does anyone have any money they can give to the show I got my box of paper slips but I think the budget is too low to even write anything on them anymore it's okay guys we tried our best that's all we can do spongy's right message effort does anyone have any flower you huh you you have fifty thousand dollars right but that's for my business not for BFDI this is for BFB if you don't save the show we've all been battling for no reason but it's my treat hasn't it been a dream of yours to get to the end of a BFDI season you're so close flower just do it don't be selfish please flower don't let our go petition and like these now we look even worse do you even think I purple bro would could possibly look any worse flower hurry oh my gosh outside okay your workout yeah it's okay flower you can always expand your business some other time maybe we could work on a business together yeah I guess you're right little Jello congrats on making it to the final two buddy thanks for saving the day final two maybe a chance I could get a thanks for my TV idea hello well whatever I guess you save BFB great you should all Pat yourselves on the back or whatever and in turn since the season is uncanceled you'll still be in the battle for a BFB and ab FDI cool not like hot care flour and gelatin the final two two underdogs a have not and a half cut immunity Beast versus someone who tries at immunities a first boot versus the only contestant to never have been eliminated in BFDI it all comes down to this viewers voters fans subscribers and others [Music] good luck on the Windflower you too jelly man say he's been gone for a while I wonder when Fuller's coming back [Music] uh flower what in four did you just do you think I did anything what the flower what happened what do we do what the pedal was that yo match check this out [Music] Tada ew and what's like that supposed to be anyway uh isn't it obvious it's my favorite host of course don't you mean like our favorite host look look four is here he's like here it's time for the grand finale I could never miss this where's my final two over here [Music] your obsession with Ice Cube confuses me but I appreciate it nonetheless and I have a much much lower appreciation of Ice Cube but I also agree you're probably better than her maybe everyone let's all Chan first name four four four four wow thank you so much for the support everyone coming back coming back for what does this mean no nothing it's nothing coming back did you go somewhere for wait you left where two four what did it mean coming back what happened like tell us already don't leave us like in the dark ah hello anybody Helm in there where did you go just let flower what important did you just do a flower what on four did you just do nothing I didn't think I did anything what the flower what happened what do we do what the pedal was that uh well whatever it was it seems to be over sorry it looks like that's all over real credit [Laughter] or we can keep the episode going or something maybe let's go help right now right now yeah that was my other idea and the episode or uh find help or whatever either works hello XE hmm you haven't moved in the good few wait I think this watch is off by a couple of minutes okay it's fixed so you haven't moved in a couple of months so I was wondering if you wanted to come join us in the TV studio or something no I'm all good stay right here thanks why there why not where I am or maybe here or why not here this is the exact spot where Fuller descended into the desert and I'm not leaving his side then I'll join you for a little bit we sure are good friends well then I uh will be thankful So yeah thank you my tone is angry because the first situation my thank yous are genuine So yeah thank you so much so bubble the grand cake isn't so hideous this time is it oh I don't know how to tell you this but it might actually be worse in denial I suppose surprise surprise guys we came here as fast as we could something really big happened you guys so basically true and that big thing is that the final episode has begun so let's begin it is quiet time for you let's begin [Music] foreign we have a large crowd watching us today [Music] wow what a big crowd um it seems I forgot to send out all the other invitations oh no don't don't worry one of me in the eye Beyond thems anyways that's good to hear today's cake at stake will determine the winner of this entire season of BFB that lucky munchkin will receive three prizes the most for one contestant ever Oh yay thank you birthday cake speaking of cake the first of the prizes is the grand cake it just looks a little cruddy I don't know I spent all day on it just I was expecting you guys to give a nicer reply after I said that whatever the second prize is the BFB yeah sick and finally the no what the sign the BFDI so without further Ado I'm curious eliminated contestants I wanna know your opinion on who you would want to win the season of BFB me my opinion is that it'd be pretty awesome if I could win bfv but blocky you aren't one of the possible contenders yeah I know that so why did you think that would but I just thought you wanted to know my opinion so I thought I could fudge the rules and lucky what stop talking back to reality now who among flower and gelatin do you want to win why not oh a gelatin voter eh I want to be a contrarian so all about flowers me too you get it fashion queen wait but now we're the majority opinion may I take my answer no you may not so wouldn't stop this I always appreciate a guy who knows how to strut his style than by impersonating my style and breaking the law and going to jail all right we'll just move on from that I guess you got this gelatin sometimes one vote can mean everything oh my bubble blower gelatin's just gotta win talkster made a great point about one vote meaning everything and that's why I'm voting flower thought we were buddies blockster oh right uh gelatin it is then huh hey Josh keep this between us okay announcer but I'm really gonna lock my vote in for flower [Music] I'm gonna vote my friend flowery too hopefully a vote from One winner to another flower go spent years and years with both of you so it's hard to choose between you oh that's so true profile these relationships with both of these finalists is so complex and dates back so far it must be so hard for them to choose but I'm feeling like a nature lover today good luck gal hey why do you get a vote him if funny Circle friend oh finally profile he can vote I can too and I'm voting gelatin is just a spite profile well I'm voting for flower lollipop why Nubia Lions remember because I gave you my coloring and you you purposefully threw it away how could you oh lollipop no I could never erase your Masterpiece it's actually way similar than that all that happened is I had a really painful fiery death and when I was respond I was just normal with me again oh so you just died I thought it was something serious or upsetting okay I vote gelatin yay I vote flower cause she's a plant and also she voted for me last time gotta pay it forward thanks plans buddy teardrop are you going to vote thanks teacher really appreciate it so it's all tied up seven to seven thanks for nothing I guess it all comes down to the viewers after all so finally we are going to need a drum roll don't worry I'll be of a eliminated contestants make a good old drum roll for our current contestants they deserve it bum wow another insanely close vote good job everyone this is clearly just paper I was trying to preserve your feelings by pretending it was closer than it was oh I see flower you received 48 891 votes out of a total of 77 131 votes congratulations you win BFB alongside the three prizes this cake at stake Awards you with oh my meat factory well I guess this makes me the runner-up congrats flower good game oh guys the bfp screen thing magic uh what's happening to him is this thing deep frying [Music] so beautiful [Music] wow there it is the bfv this is gonna be delish guys I knew it was tasty but with mustard no competition guys no competition now Where'd I leave my ketchup stop putting condiments on the prize of the Season flower here is the grand cake feel free to put condiments on this prize for the season yeah thank I guess and here's the BFB I still can't leave this is Heights again just slap me and Beyond with it don't worry nothing like that today I'm just here to deliver you your happy thoughts [Music] and the winner of BFB is gelatin yes I did it maybe Alliance we did it guys it paid off congrats Jello we did it buddy and here's your BFB of course yo let's go congratulations on the Wind gelatin you deserve it thanks so much flower you are a great competitor so what was the happy thought flower well you're my friend so I can trust you right so everybody I'm happy I won it all but I think I would have also been happy if gelatin one maybe it'll be cool if I shared a prize with him or something I'm not gonna tell you what to do with your prize because it's yours but I'll just say I had an opportunity to share my prize with someone close to me and I made a mistake whereas right now you have an opportunity flower hmm thanks fiery second place ain't half bad buddy I'm proud of you thank you I forgot we were competing for a while you what for how long three years or so yo jelly head hey flower congrats again on the win I think in a lot of ways you truly want gelatin huh how so you made jello a close relationships nothing beats that yeah I guess there is a victory in everything thanks flower I also think you've earned this what flower you won this right lollipop flower won this right okay flower you won this I wanted to win the show Jello I've done that I think you deserve this and you clearly want it this really means a lot to me thanks so much flower that was so cool all right jelly boy let's see how this BFB thing works anyway alrighty do I just open it like a book and foreign guys look it's all our little moments throughout the season uh why did my voice sound so weird back then look teacher it's you and OMG I gotta check this out here it is see it's pretty cool right folks and I thought once was enough no seriously once was more than enough gelatin take the hint once was enough sorry this is pretty cool though seems like four has somehow made this high-tech deep fried seasonal block that preserves all the video footage of this season fascinating I wonder if he was involved in the making of that BFDI prize too then beatbox the Sai yes gelatin beatbox but I wonder why four would go through so much effort to make these because he's dumb yes that is exactly correct and I believe I'm out one more prize a competition is a competition you've earned it here is the BFDI [Applause] the skeleton or flower having a BFDI I don't think so it's purple face time was wondering when you were gonna you know do what you do makes sense yeah it's mine I have a purple face you're not taking off with that prize that easily guys let's help flower grab her prize after purple Pro what's even [Music] the ultimate Escape I'll just hide the BFDI under this seat here and Thrive now I'm swiftly away from all those annoying consists I was relaxing here will you tell anyone where I hit the BFDI is this gonna be a problem I won't tell anyone if I can just relax here in peace then my lips are sealed click everyone or slowly we're not exactly in a rush here what Gus's you're somehow caught up quick too that you never know where I hid the BFDI purple face hit it under a chair of the rock of the boss [Music] you said you wouldn't tell anyone about that I said I wouldn't as long as I could relax in peace and you broke that deal dum dum hello once again yellow friend still here I see this is the last episode BFB means to him I just know come back so anyway can you explain this whole desert thing to me anyway where is he he's right here on the ground Pat okay and you are right here but but four is just living in their own head right now I've just been here watching all these weird BFDI episodes they keep scripting out wait what see he's making a season finale with pencil and braceletty right now well that's good news at least close to the end of the season this is the 43rd hypothetical season I've watched them run through their head ah not as good that is it say how did I do in this season oh you're not exactly in this season not in the final two because I came third I will take it oh yeah third let's go with that why not I suppose they're like escaping because they didn't feel wanted huh like with the speaker he host stuff I mean the whole pillory ruins too I guess remember when Thor was in jail and the party stuff no one cared and everyone loving announced reefer Foundry must have been rough I don't know no one wants to be forgotten and brushed aside I know that better than anyone wait so you think four would come back if we just showed him we care about him of course I mean that's why they left in the first place right what do we need to do is give for a big big hug someone help me guys whatever you do don't touch the cactus Let's ignore that last moment but maybe if I try hugging the ground huh yeah anyway thank you profiley I have to go oh so I guess I'll uh just stay here then we're finally in fourth time hey four can you hear me wake up four little forward start to wake up now wow I'm so glad I won the prize this uh this thing it's really good you're very welcome we've done so many seasons we were running out of prizes but thankfully that one is really good that's what I just said before can you hear me wake up four little four it's time to wake up now what's uh what's going on out there and who was that have you tried waking up wake up I don't want to tell about we don't need them for it you can stay here forever we all like you at least why did you emphasize sweet who doesn't like me oh like far you know the answer to that everyone except us but don't worry for I don't have a favorite number but I do have a favorite host you oh Ma'am I made you guys up didn't I none of this is even realism a great detective work buddy did that take you all day so even the fake version of you that I made up in my head still behaves like this huh even like your fake friends inside your own head hate you and it doesn't even stop here everyone up there hates me too don't say that Mike rejected me they liked their little speaker box well then they can have him I get it guys I'll never be as good but then why won't they leave you alone very good question match I'm you I'm a figment of your imagination remember ah yes I got that I'm just like pointing out that you just like complimented yourself on your own idea yikes I'm getting this conversation derailed rather quickly regardless they all pushed me away and now they won't leave me alone well you know what I say to that imaginary eight ball they don't get to have me back they can keep the weird speaker box forever they won't even care and you wonder why they all rejected you huh this is not my fault it's all for fun and you torture us with eternal math and get angry if we don't do it not to mention all the guilt-tripping and over possessiveness stop talking I don't need your imaginary folks anyway in fact I don't need any of you real or not please can you all help me whatever you need Little X don't I still need to avenge you for something or whatever never mind that help me with this and we'll consider the score even I need you all to help me save for Save four what if he pulls my fingers again and when he did pull your finger there was no punchline it also really hurt me yeah but the worst part was that there was no pull my finger punchline you want us to save form I mean four wouldn't save us you all chose to partake in for a show please just help me get him back if not for him then for me please ax never steered us wrong guys come on so what do you need pal just follow me and bring the BFB you got it buildings and castles minding my own business and singing to myself like the legend that I am yeah wait just one second my sand castles are good but I don't remember building that one am I right folks close your mouth and leave me alone you know it's kind of weird oh there's four talking now it feels like I'm seeing him everywhere I look spongy said the BFDI is under the seed quick let's grab it no no no no no no this is my BFDI now and forever why are you doing this purple breath I understand the feeling of wanting to steal something but why the BFDI purple man oh you wanna know the truth behind my evil schemes huh well remember back in the final 14. well if you move the camera to the right profile he was there well if you move the camera to the left announcer was there okay guys if you move the camera up I was there all along oh yes I am evil and I have evil big wings too actual answer right now because none of you respects me I was serious when I was sent away to the pillory ruins at first but now I realize that's the best fate for me alone and forgotten but at least stronger profiley what just happened over here sounded like four was heading back to the pillory ruins folks I know how to get there super fast oh no I thought this thing got wrecked well it's been a while Lolly I fixed it that's that's great no he's drinking Ruby you're so smart I know now everyone get in [Music] is there a radio on this thing that's broken but luckily I have my voice box Ruby don't you dare you guys don't thank me for my TV idea I keep being confused hosting stuff I I bet you guys wish I was back in my box don't you a little bit purple man I think your contributions have been great yeah remember the sweater I gave you the Earth took a major toll for that piece of art that's for sure true don't give me the bfbi right this second no I need something for my hard work backward belongs it's my show it belongs to me well I won the first season I deserve it the most well I want to re-watch the BART bag contest clearly my motivation is best so I deserve it I already let fiery lose one prize I won't let him lose another now am I fighting or else no one keeps it we deserve it four times the FDI stands for my very own show thank you it's mine guys hand it over it's mine we haven't seen four since the desert the lack of four sightings is alarming maybe we should turn around luckily we have a very special smart friend for this type of stuff droplet do you notice anything unusual nearby that could relate to four foreign [Music] just leave me alone already great working after him what the what just happened the world went sideways duh clearly someone didn't take gelatin's Earth class I think the bus is dangling from something you didn't stop the bus purple bro it drives by itself once I got it started you all distracted me this is all your fault not mine at all guys okay everybody just calm down just hand me the BFDI and then we can just all be done with all of this cut it out what has gotten into all of you the BFDI is cool but this is so reckless and ridiculous everyone get off of this bus before we all die nothing is worth this type of nonsense all right gang we're gonna need to climb up out of here quickly everyone uh where's flower guys and purpley boy and the speaker box don't tell me they all stayed on that bus the FDI is still in there too I needed more than anyone the FDI is literally mine I deserve this pretty please but I want it I haven't been paid all season this is payment enough for me I waited for years to return for this don't let it go to waste oh why is it so important spider face just get another copy that's exactly it this is the only remaining copy of the entire show we can see you for not a great disguise buddy questions I can't believe he's protesting this much BFB means so so much to him really why oh wow back in the day BFDI was his favorite show okay wait really so wait none of it is preserved like at all some clips exist on the internet but this is the last existing Archive of the whole show it's my life's work I need it Wanna Talk About life's work my entire life's work was I've only done enough things to fit on one hand Dave the hand gag is mine you're not giving yourself enough credit purple bro you hosted a cake at stake and explored an oven with us sometimes you can tell you aren't welcome if people questioned what you're around but I don't think anyone did that with you we got used to seeing you around and if anything it was nice to have a host around that we knew wouldn't blast a laser at us every three seconds truly you've been integral to bfp purpley we really like you being here with us whoa thank you flower it's the high-speed Express train thanks supervan you've done a great job fantastic use of the van Ruby it's great this thing is back in Action alright guys let's all board the express train we can beat four back to the pillory ruins [Music] maybe we shouldn't have announced our plans I feel conflicted on the one hand I find Forbes presence very scary and alarming but then he goes and says choo choo which must be like the least threatening freeze ever you know what I mean think again balloon buddy luckily we have a backup the theme train is still here excellent idea my friend everyone get on okay okay maybe I'm being selfish by wanting the BFDI so badly you have an interesting definition of the word maybe flower you earned it thanks for making me realize not just a dumb cameo in a commercial you know flower you really changed now I'm heading out see you folks outside well it's just us now I guess we can argue and argue over who gets it but maybe that's not fair you did win it nah I don't want it anymore what purple face just said that's worth the win in itself keep the BFDI buddy let's get out of this depth chart I've decided that the pfdi belongs to our speaker repel here anyway glad that settled I guess every finale has something wild in it but it's all settled now agree thank goodness there's not some other even bigger conflict going on that would be lame so is it just me that notices the desert is no longer blue we're not quite finished are we so what Thor was a big fan of BFDI you said yeah I mean we definitely have free time wanna explain that four wasn't just a big fan floor was the biggest fan bigger than you can possibly imagine he'd just sit and memorize bfpi episodes he was in love with it still watching that bfvdf by show thing are you uh-huh oh this is my favorite scene of this episode let's take some time to commemorate blocky's elimination nope let's not do that I agree one day acts people are gonna be quoting me I'm gonna be on that show really for the World's Gonna Know My Name I'll be the favorite I'll be the favorite what's the second season finished foreign [Music] and I think that might be the only preservation of the first two seasons left wow he was such a huge Super Fan and he got his chance to host the show end we all rejected him oh you just want to point out though four was kind of mean to us that's true too maybe all little me in here but we have time to fix any damage let's save our favorite alien friend hey that one of our favorite alien friends to hooray let's do it hello we're back oh why hello so what happened well you guys all left but then you came back did you somehow think we were asking you about what happened to us what happened to everyone else oh four became conscious again and fled to the pillary ruins I think what guys we need to go help right now we had to help they've got it covered I'm sure they'll know what to do so what are you suggesting we do in the meantime nothing actually I had a better idea I'm gonna need help setting something up folks where could he be I really thought this would be the landmark in the pillory ruins you would come to sorry guys I know one final place he might be and I Know It All Too Well yup guys I found them where balloony right up there [Music] to your job you know how to just run up this thing right then take it away tearster you got this buddy everyone hold hands and hold on tight we're heading up the BRB I asked you to leave me alone you didn't listen I asked to be here in the ruins by myself and you didn't listen there's only one place I can think of more lonely and empty than that place and you've all pushed me to this [Music] what on Four's BRB is going on up there I think he might be propelling home guys we're flying this is not a happy occasion Ruby [Music] I wonder how the saving for stuff is going about as well as I expected so far oh hey two you're more powerful than four right can't you do something about this sun thing I don't know where you heard that but anyways I'd rather stay out of this but the Sun is blue and I'm green talk to us for I demand it four time to chat now buddy can't avoid your best mate Ruby for long for it's time to chit chat please why won't you all just leave me alone you don't want me as your host I get it whatever I moved on so why won't you because we're mad okay we're mad at you for you come in and make us compete for these prizes and you hurt us and you're mean to us and then we all choose to still compete for your prize and you continue to hurt us and I don't know that oh pulling our fingers so we feel pain for your own benefit or like killing us or doing that weird thing where you spin us into weird shapes and you put all of us in cages for months we like you for that's why we stayed but you can't expect us to remain fully committed we need don't even treat us nicely maybe maybe I was too harsh there I just now you're right I'm sorry thank you and for what it's worth for we're sorry too we obviously enjoy your hosting this season people don't compete for 30 episodes for something they actively dislike sure some people did move on but what matters is that we stayed we were here for you buddy yeah we've had a great time being in your season four and we got cool sweaters and did weird different challenges like building a tower and stuff and to be fair while the BRB was rough we did get tablets and stuff to use in those cages it's been so fun if only there was some way to show you how we've had fun Flawless Segway loser but regardless we can show you how much fun we had for with the BFB [Music] you're a true blue friend [Music] now we're climbing a mountain [Music] it's been a really fun season for thanks for hosting it player you're a trail winner in my eyes congratulations on winning by the way flower one oh dear I had a lot of money writing on that oh no this is really like bad news guys maybe you can discuss this later you're back X it's great to see you you're a two yellow friends that's me can we leave the sun now three times here is overkill for one lifetime also I'm melting again out of here [Music] flower thanks again no worries Jello we should have been teaming up together for a long time seems like it's a good combination very true my friend thanks for taking care of the end of a season well it is mine I know auntie arsal and I'm sorry I took it from you I understand and without you we probably wouldn't have made another season and I wouldn't have had the original Seasons backed up either so I don't know I guess you are cool is Speaker friend uh no you're gonna thank me for hosting episode 29 all by myself two four you did he did he actually saved the series I up nearly got it canceled sorry about that well then I owe a big thank you to YouTube purple head yo yo really outdid yourself celebration but while those folks were saving you we were working on something a little cool oh gosh what is it your very own party for I know it didn't come through for you a couple of rounds ago but I hope this makes up for it everyone thank you so much it's perfect I mean it was a group effort but a lot of this was profile he's doing it was truly their idea you like it yeah yeah wow then thank you profile me clearly it was the right decision to let you join the game Direction night was always in the game well I don't know about that well I was so conversation over anyway I really appreciate it profiley thank you so much so we all had a fantastic party to finish the season we played games and ate food and just got to hang out without the stress of a competition holding us down Hey Brother Ruby what's up wanna help me eat this Grand cake it must be nice for flour and gelatin to actually like use their prizes huh well dream island is all in the past anyway onwards and upwards hey why don't we just find a new one what do you mean we don't have Dream Island right now but like we can always find a new island and make it our Dream Island you you want to do that cause that sounds awesome we have a lot of lost time to catch up on fireman let's do it let's go and we all just got to relax and have fun for a while and while some things stay the same some really cool new opportunities opened up too and while some of us relax and took time off some of us were Keen to think ahead to the future but really any pass seems like the right one to me as long as I'm with my best friends anyway so that's the comic I wrote inspired by teardrops Comics what do you reckon she'll think of it oh let me show you has anyone actually seen teardrop she's missing for like a day now hmm well I'm sure we'll see her again sooner than we think all right we got everything Fireball you guys sir this is going gonna be safe Shirley I guess just try recovering us every now and then in case you know good luck guys I hope you find the Dream Island you're looking for thanks friendo we'll miss you flower congrats on winning girl you deserved it we'll see you soon bye guys I'll miss you flower there you are blocking Woody need new guests for their show I thought you'd be an awesome partner want to go together that sounds awesome I really did win didn't I wait up gelatin wait for me [Music] [Applause] so fiery the first word of the season was hey yeah so I thought it'd be cool if we made the last word the same too right yeah hey why are you saying hey we're already talking no I'm saying hey like so it's the last word of the Season hey yo what's up you're not following me just be quiet hey I'm getting mixed signals you want me to be quiet but you also say hey just okay the last word of the season has to be hey okay sir hey hey yes we did it oh I kept talking darn Ricky mistake I see hey yeah no say hey hey But like after I say it hey I was midway through speaking how about this on the count of three we both say Hey Okay three hey that was my bad I meant to count down but okay let's try again one two hey I need to borrow this thanks hey
Channel: jacknjellify
Views: 2,369,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bfdi, animated show, long videos, battle for dream island, battle for bfdi, bfb, bfdia, idfb, tpot, the power of two
Id: uvQWKh9qTmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 261min 8sec (15668 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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