BFB 13: Return of the Rocket Ship

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[water sloshing] Spongy, I THINK we should call it a day... I support you and all, but I've nearly drowned five times, we're running out of planes, and Four didn't even give us permission to USE them! You just don't think I can do it. Sure I do!~ Taco: BAARF BAAAAAAAAG One moment Spongy! I'm not forgetting about you! What. Please hang out with me!!! If you couldn't tell, I'm busy. Come ooonnnnn! You're basically the ooonly person I wanna talk to anymore and it's been soooo long! Yeah, but aren't you, like, friends with Lollipop or something now? I share a MUTUAL friend with her, thank you, and I don't even LIKE that friend at the moment but could you NOT talk about my team right now? Well sor-ry, but I feel like I HAVE to! You NEED to start caring what they think of you. You're a team! That's not helping! I can't heeeear youuuuu! Someday you'll thank me! Sorry about that, Spongy! How bout we play some table tennis? I'd rather play ping-pong. So she doesn't even want to talk to us! Look, Lollipop! She's the one who won't talk to ME! You exhaust me. [loud straw slurping] Oh hey guys! Why hello, Saw! Good to have you back. You!!! Care to t- - explain why you left us behind?! Oh Book, I've been on a Scent Cleanse. Scent Cleanse You know... pushin' the good smells in, so you b- the... the bad smells go out! It's been working really well! All the words I say are my own choice now! I told Lollipop and Taco I was gone... I thought they would tell the rest of you! Well, Taco's being shunned right now, and Lollipop just likes to know more than everyone else. So... yeah. Also, hey, Saw! Hi G8Y!!! Uh... you okay? I feel GR8!!!!!!!!! Lollipop: Are you absolutely positive those fumes are out of your system? Uhm, yea! All my number-yelling urges are completely S8ED!!!! What.! Why are you guys all looking at me like that? So this is how you distract from the fact that you ABANDONED US?! I-I didn't abandon you, I... I just came back L8!!!!! None of the rest of you are outraged?! She has a perfectly good explanation! What's your problem?! I could go on and on about the things YOU overreact to. Okay. We will NOT stand for this anymore. Wha? Book: We were neglected and mocked by our old team, but you all turned out to be no different! Um... And I think I speak for both of us when I say we want to see some change. Right, Ice Cube? Let me think for myself! Huh?! Icy, the whole time, I thought we were on the same page! I didn't know you didn't agree with me! Well, yeah, I don't agree! And I'm gonna do what I want instead of what you want! Well, what DO you want? I... I uhh I'm gonna switch teams!!! [all gasp] Can she even just do that? She CAN'T just do that. I hate to break it to you, but it's not BFDIA anymore. Coiny: OH MY GOSH I KNOW THAT!!! Gaty: YOU GOT SOMETHIN' YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT THERE COINY? Coiny: NO!!! Why do people keep distracting me today? A- as I was saying, Ice Cube! Ice Cube!!? ♪ dadadadada ♪ ♪ cake cake cake cake cake cake ♪ ♪ at stake! ♪ Four: Here we are! Four: The second failure of good ol' Team Ice Cube! Four: But Ice Cube! What are you doing here? Four: You're on another team! Ohh! Heyyy! ...Icy..! Gelatin: Aha I know our team name is confusing, but uhh Gelatin: YOUR team is THAT way! Go on now! (whispering) What do I do? X: It wouldn't hurt to let her watch, right? Fiiiiiiine. But first! Four: We have a large crowd watching us today! Viewers! Your character could appear too! Follow the link in the description! If enough of you recommend a character, there will be a chance for one of YOUR characters to join the show! Also, Today's safe contestants will be getting souped! While the most voted of you will get zooped! Barf Bag! You're safe! AaaAAAAAAAAAAAA! Four: Spongy and Gelatin? Also safe! ouw Wait wait! , could you cool down the soup before you continue? Fiiiiiiine! AAAAAaaaaaaaiiiii... Ewwwuh! Gross! It still made me soggy... Four: Donut and Bomby are both safe! Ah! Seriously? I JUST got him that banana. Naily is the last one safe! Yeah!!! I naaaii...ver expected THIS outcome! And Firey Jr is eliminated! With exactly 10,000 votes! [fanfare] Ten thousand is also ten to the fourth! Are... are you all mocking me?! Well no, but— You kinda deserve it... You weren't much of an... asset to us, so... maybe this is like your first small victory? Yeah. There's no one quite like you, but... you know, maybe that's for the best. I can't believe this! You know what? I never liked any of you! Who cares about Team Ice Cube anyway? You guys are all pieces of GAARBAAAAGE!! Good riddance, am I right? Well, I wouldn't go THAT far, but ...yeah... Yellow Face: Want a scrumptious dining experience, but never have the cutlery on hand? Then buy our recently patented FORK ATTRACTANT! It'll coat you with the most magnificent— Yellow Face! We don't have time for that blabber! I can't talk about my ad? Yellow Face has an ad?! I wish nothing more in this world than to watch this wonderful ad!!! Oh heavenly commercial, would you please bless me with your exquisite viewing experience? My body compels me to pleasure my eyeballs with the euphoria of Yellow Face's ad! All of you just quit it! We don't have time for this! And you! Not only are you NOT on our team, aren't you also trying to sell... the exact OPPOSITE product as Yellow Face? Clearly, you... don't understand market forces. Fries, Lolly may be a tad rude, but why are you getting your potatoes in a bunch? What's the urgency? The urgency is that Four and X are going to announce the next contest right now! I... don't see what you're talking about— No, Fries is right! Eraser: When they have that blank look on their face it means they're gonna say something! Oh. Really? Yeah! But it always starts with X floating mysteriously into the air! Eraser: That's right! Always the mysterious floating. Fries: Any second now. Eraser: When's it gonna happen? Fries: ANY second now. Are you guys sure about this? Eraser: Yeah, any second now. Fries: AAANY second now. Eraser: Come on come on! X is hurtling toward earth's center at 2763 miles an hour. Oh nooooooooo. Oh, and the contest is for us to bring X back to you? Pillow: Gosh, that's predictable. [echoey screech] Four, I hope you don't swallow! Gulp! Eh? [disappointed fart sound] Pillow is incorrect! X may be plummeting to the depths of the underworld, but... X is just looking for his treasure! I can't let that happen because I must be X's only treasure! So if you find X's treasure before X does, your team is safe. Go! [thick accent] Four. Can you recover Balloony? Four: Sure! Four, can you recover bottle? Four: Sure! Recover bubble! Four: Sure! Four, can you um, recover our (possibly) dead teammate? Four: Sure if you can tell me who it is! Uh Come on, Eggy! It's challenge time! Let's go! How are we gonna figure out what X's treasure is, if we can't read X's mind? What makes you think we CAN'T read X's mind? No way! Is that what I think it is?! Yup! I built an MMR. MMR? I love measles, mumps, and rubella! Well I HATE them. Fanny! What are you doing here? You're on the other team! AAaaAAaAAAAeAeaeaAaeaAEEAaeaaEAeAeEAeaAaeeaeaEAiaeAEaeiaeiaEIAEiaeieAiaeeiiaiAEeiEaiaaa eughh! Whoa! Fanny! You're back! And you're back in one piece! Not mentally! Golf Ball, I don't understand all your mumbo jumbo; what IS an MMR? Mutual Mind Reader. Golf Ball: If you point it at someone, it tells you exactly what they're thinking! Look! [thick accent] Cloudy: <I wanna collect X's treasure> Saw: <I don't H8 this CR8'S TR8S! I R8 it a' ST8 8 out of 8!!!!> Bell: <I'm glad the top of my string is connected to a giant—> Woah hoao!!! That's so overpowered though! But there's a catch! It's mutual. So they get to read one of your thoughts too! [thick accent] What's this? I'm Golf Ball the square root of 49 is 7? Huh? I hope nobody finds out about my square root obsessions? What the... now I need to send some people to my incinerator? Okay! Golf Ball: So let's get Tennis Ball to read X's mind, so we can determine what and where the treasure is! Okay GB, I'll do what you say... Now remember TB, X can read your mind! X is our host so don't disrespect him! Don't think X is dumb! Don't think X is whiny! GB: Don't think X is weak! Don't think X is horrible! TB: That's kinda hard when you're saying that out loud! Don't think X is stupid! Tennis Ball: <X is stupid.> Got it! X's treasure are various emeralds underground. Some of which are buried at the coordinates 133, -82, -7.63. Great work, TB! Now we MUST keep this secret, so we haf an advantage OVER the OTHER teams. X's treasures are various emeralds underground? Some of which are buried at coordinates 133, -82, -7.63? Wow!!! [disappointed fart sound] hh HUH!? What? Huh? W? Uh! Uh, huh? I heard Grassy shout, what does... what does he need? Heeyyyy Golf Ball, so um, can you tell me our team's plan, uh, for th- for the challenge? Absolutely not, Basketball. Why not? You're not high enough on the managerial hierarchy to be trusted. Hmm. Hey Tennis Ball, can you ask GB what's our plan? What's our plan? Dig over there! Digover there. Alright, thanks. You know Grassy, I'm not sure why Golf Ball distrusts me all of a sudden, but it's not fair! I'm Grassy!!! To be FAIR!, you WERE the~ impostor who turnedOUT to be Puffball! LAST episode! B'that's not MY fault! Okay alliance, we heard Grassy's orders! Yes we did! You realize the alliance is only you and Bubble now, don't you? Well, Ice Cube is in our alliance too, right? But she's on... a different team, so... I guess she can't help us out, even if she's on our alliance. Hmm, now I'm on YOUR team! You all know she can't do that, right? Shh! Let her believe what she wants! Homp! Ruby! Digging with shovels is faster than with teeth! Good point. Ruby: Dig, big boy! Don't call me big boy! Ruby: Sure thing, big baby! Ruby: Let's get to work!~ That's a big no-can-do from me. I hate digging!! Ruby: But don't you also hate hating digging? Oh. Well, I uhh yea I guess it is my job to do that. Ruby: Good. Now dig. Thunder! Would YOU like to dig? Um, are you talking to me? 'cause I'm LIGHTNING. Thunder, Lightning, same thing! It's really not! That would be like if I called YOU 'Shatter Sound'. Didn't need the death threat, but if you didn't want to dig, you could've just said so. Nonono, I really wanna dig! Let me show you! Yaaaaay! Fanny: I hate that X's emeralds are down this hole! Did I just hear that X's emeralds are down this hole? C'mon Team Icy! Follow meeeeee! Well, I guess since we're just a team of FOLLOWERS, we should go in too! Loser's spirit is commanding ME to go in as well! Hold it, Cake! I have a deep spiritual connection with Loser-as-well, but HE'S telling ME, Eggy: that if we just dive into that same hole as everyone else, Eggy: we're merely followers. Eggy: Obeyers! Failures! But we're not that. We're LOSERS. Yeah? Well, MY spiritual connection with Loser is STRONGER! And HE's telling ME to jump right in!!! You think you're so good, Cake? Well MY connection with Loser so strong, that when I crack, I BLEED Loser's color. And he's telling me, that we have to go our OWN route, because Loser stands for independence, perseverance, and dignity! I could really go for some chicken nuggets right now... MY spiritual— Whoa! Why are you guys yelling so much? Yeah! What is wrong... with this throng? Shouting strong... for too long. ...Okay? Death P.A.C.T.ers! Where do we think the emeralds would be? No clue. I heard rumors that the emeralds are lodged in the spikes of Evil Canyon, so let's go there! [all whoa] I'm SO disappointed in all of you! Haven't you forgotten, our team, is about, preventing death, you know, not only were you venturing toward the Evil Canyon's spikes, which would KILL you, you also didn't pay attention when one of our own team members just DIED. Ohh, you mean Pillow? Hmmmmmmmmm. Black Hole: (gasp) I am appalled. Okay. According to my GPS, we are directly above the coordinates! Robot Flower! YOU must get along with broken machines! What's that supposed to mean?! Go get my broken rocket! Everyone get in!!! GB, are you out of your mind?! Why would we go to space? There's no emeralds there! Besides! This thing's broken! Shut up, Blocky! And start rotating the satellite dish! Uh okay. Golf Ball: Ha hah! Emeralds here we come! iancians? I hear screaming above us! Ueh... you're probably having a sudden nightmare. I get them too when I'm around Flower— Hold up! I hear it too! Oh noio guys! I think the other teams chased us down this hole and I don't wanna have to forgive them for that! They're gonna fall on us and I HATE being landed on! They're falling so fast! We'll all die on impact! Heh heh... good thing I have my seecret weeapon. 9 Mohs hardness scale point activate!!! lllllaaaaaaaaaAaAAAaaAa Well isn't my life just great. AAaAaAAAAaaaAAaaAAAaAAaaah Ruby! Don't ever make that pose ever again! Sorry. But isn't it easier for us to just... dig sideways? Oh! [screams approaching] [all yay] Hnnggggg!!! Oh man! Bubble's still under that rubble? Oi am, but I can't hold them up for much longer! I'm gonna pop! And holy aphid! Flower: There's another team about to land on her! Hmmmmm! Guys, I have a plan. Follow me! Now everyone? I need you to BLOW that way as hard as you can! I hate blowing! Blow as hard as you can! [all scream] [all yay] We saved you, Bubble! You sure did! Woahaoh! What. Big fluffing deal, it's not the first time I've killed her anyway. Remember the finale? Whatever! You five get down here and let's keep digging! Seriously? You don't ev- none of you even care that Pillow was just killed? Wait. Why are we waving our arms? Ehehehe, I'm just doing it because everyone else is! No!!! We should be CARING about Pillow's death! Exactly, Pie. This doesn't make sense. If arm-waving truly means you don't care, why did I start doing that? Well, I'm glad you finally woke up! Pen! You were arm waving too! Remote? Hey! Remote? Everyone else stopped arm-waving. Huh. Remote's not responding. Okay, but if Pillow's been killed, shouldn't we go recover her? Good plan, let's go ask Four. Foour recover Pillow. nnNo. Why not. She's not dead. But Four, you ATE her! Correct! So she's been digested, I assume? Nope! Aaah, trunk this! Team, we need to go investigate Four's mouth. But... how do you open this thing? It, it won't... budge! Tree, step aside. Five! Nyes? Is. Yes? Greater than four! [Four screeching] Pen: Team! Let's go! Let's go! Huap! Gaty: Hey, guys! Gaty: Hello? Gaty: Look, I know SOME of us don't get along, but can we at LEAST come together to figure out where the treasure is? By SOME of us, surely you mean... Taco, right? Since she's all the way over there? Book: Not even standing with her team right now? Book: She doesn't even think to do the same? Gaty: Book, we need to talk, okay? Book: She doesn't even have the common decency th... Gaty: Come over here. Just, just follow me, okay? Come over here. Looks like it's time to get this book's cover... judged. You know? I've always H8ED that expression... Arright, Book, what is the MATTER with you lately? Oh... what's the matter with me? Why don't you a— Yes!!! What is the matter with YOU? You've gone from being one of my most clear-headed friends, to this irrational, aggressive, hotheaded... Gaty: I... I don't recognize you anymore! Okay? ...Me and Ice Cube joined this team because we were tired of being mistreated. Yet here we are again getting abandoned! And who knows what else! Oh Book, have you not been paying attention? The rest of us already realized we were being irrational about Taco... Book: (gasp) Gaty: ...abandoning us. How dare! You utter that traitor's name! Gaty: Taco. Book: ngah!! Gaty: Taco. Book: Huah!! Gaty: Taco. Book: Hnn! Gaty: Taco. Book: Nhh! Gaty: Taco Taco Taco. Book: Hwy hnn hng! See, this is what I mean about you being irrational. Gaty: Even if we WERE in a crisis, Gaty: the proper response is NOT to villify our allies. Allies?! She's in no way an ally! Arright Book, say whatever you want. But if you REALLY think you're in the right here, Gaty: If you REALLY think your yelling is somehow protecting this team... Gaty: ...and Ice Cube... ...then I have to ask you this: What were the first words you remember saying? I'm a dictionary, and you'd... better believe it? Exactly. Maybe it's about time you look into yourself and, see what your own definition is. Gaty: 'Think it may've changed. Just 'cause I'm a dictionary doesn't mean you can use me to— Gaty: Kay! Whatever... Book: Hey! Get back here! Gaty: aaaa ...Look myself up in me? I... I haven't done that in years... Hhhhhhhh. Maybe I am doing something wrong. [thick accent] Let's get out of here! Uh. Uh, Cloudy, I forgot to bring shovels. [thick accent] Wuh?! Didn't I recommend you start collecting them last week?! Well, um, I'm an airhead? Couldn't agree more... wuh wuh What's that, Woody? wuh wuh! Did you say salt and vinegar?? Let's DO this!!! INDUCE THE NAUSEA! INDUCE THE NAUSEA! INDUCE THE NAUSEA! INDUCE THE NAUSEA! INDUCE THE NAUSEA! INDUCE THE NAUSEA! INDUCE THE NAUSEA! Bl (gasp!) Bleh! Woohoo! Tongue it, my boyonoceros! waa [thick accent] No more tongueing! Let's jump in! Whoa... What IS this place? Gelatin: Oh my GOSH!!
Channel: jacknjellify
Views: 9,638,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bfdi, animated show, long videos, battle for dream island, battle for bfdi, bfb, bfdia, idfb
Id: QmP-K0zVoR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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