Beyond Time Space - Part 1 - Chuck Missler

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[Music] [Music] well we're going to undertake a unusual kind of evening tonight we're gonna redo something that we did a couple of decades ago we're gonna do refresh some things we're gonna explore a little bit about the boundaries of our reality and so as we do any of these things let's start by going before the Lord in prayer father we thank you for the opportunity to gather together in your name we pray father through your Holy Spirit and your word you would open our understanding to what you have here for us and we do pray father in all these things that your purposes be accomplished in each of our lives as we commit this evening and ourselves into your hands in the name of Yeshua our Lord our Savior our coming King amen well I put on the screen this little idiom from Asher's famous artwork that an optical illusion of sorts but we also discover the more we learn about our reality we're going to discover it's an illusion of sorts also and so this can be the first in a series of studies that will explore what I like to call the boundaries of our reality because we are bounded and it's in discovering those boundaries that we learn a great deal so we're going to start this one with a study of beyond time and space both of terms we use very loosely a true physicist will never use either one of those terms separately a physicist if he's if he's diligent we'll never speak of time or space separately he'll constantly speak of space time because he recognized they're simply dimensions of our reality we have three spatial dimensions and one of time so beyond time and space is a study that we published a couple decades ago which focused a little bit on the theory of relativity and some other discoveries especially in terms of a biblical view of our origin existence and destiny and we may be startled to discover how much the the discoveries of science have helped us understand what the Bible's been saying all along so beyond time and space is one of these we're going to talk about beyond coincidence in another study evidence is of design the anthropic principle and all of that will lean on some of the discoveries from Steven Mayer and others on the signature in the cell and we'll discover the constants of physics are encoded in the Bible that may surprise you the implications being staggering actually and then we'll also have us a refreshment on beyond perception we're going to talk a little bit not tonight but in a subsequent session about particle physics quantum mechanics and the quest that we all have at all levels to understand our physical reality and so we're tonight we're going to explore a little bit some of the implications of Einstein's theory of relativity we use that phrase so casually in our conversation but there are some things about it without getting into the math there's some things about it that really will help us understand some of the things that the Bible deals with and we'll get a better insight into the biblical views of our origin existence and destiny we're also going to touch on both of this in the subsequent sessions about the fallacies that we fall into by making linear assumptions in what is manifestly a nonlinear world and don't stumble over that now I'm using mathematical terms there but actually that'll become clear as we go so that's just a glimpse ahead it's interesting to me to discover metaphors rain where mysteries reside often there's something that's mysterious who don't really understand and we hide that behind a metaphor and we want to pierce through those and understand a little bit better what's behind there we encounter paradoxes continually in fact one of the classic paradoxes from the beginning of of time was this whole issue of fate versus free will are we victims of fate or do we really have a free will and philosophers and theologians have debated that from the beginning of time some of the earliest documents we have attempt to deal that do we have real choice or are we predestinated both terms are implied in the scripture are we really predestinated or do we have free will and though that seems like a paradox but it's a paradox only when viewed from within the predicament or the constraints of our time to me so we'll talk a little bit about that and we'll talk about how all these things Afeni Kate the very word of God in our understanding so we're going to talk a little tonight about the nature of time we're gonna explore a little bit about both space and hyper spaces whatever those are and we'll talk a little bit further about this linear assumptions in a manifestly non linear world now many of you are probably familiar with many of the things I'm talking about here because we first probably some of this about 16 years ago and and they've been among our most popular studies beyond time and space is a little publication read this many years ago and we're we this is really a refreshment of that for two reasons first of all it's been popular it needs to be refreshed that it was quite a while ago but secondly and also so fundamental in our understanding of so many things that we encounter as we go through the Bible so this is a frankly an update of what was a what has been a very popular presentation so let's start with the nature of time and we're going to get some insights from modern physics here time it turns out is a physical property and that is not as obvious as at first may sound but it is profoundly important to understand because unless you understand that you will not fully appreciate much of the biblical text we know today that we don't live in three dimensions we live in four that's why physicists will always use the term space time and we'll touch upon Paul's revelation in Ephesians chapter 3 Paul highlights something that many people miss that is a profound significance to all of us we'll touch on that and we'll explore a little some lessons from geometry but it'll be a geometry that goes beyond the Euclidean geometry that you learned in school so we'll touch a little bit about that we're going to talk a little bit about the geometry of eternity sounds like a strange phrase doesn't it yes time linear and absolute most people presume it is and that we know today in the laboratories if you will that it is no longer linear and it's no longer absolute and that changes everything what we thought was a ruler turns out to be a rubber band it shrinks and the extends depending on circumstances and many assumptions that we make in our everyday life now prove to be obsolete due to recent scientific discoveries so we're gonna this is a part of what we're dealing with so the nature of time that's our subject for tonight and I want to start by reviewing some things that you learned in school in the field of trigonometry the study of triangles and we learned in school that if you have a triangle almost any triangle it always the angles that have a triangle always add up to 180 degrees right how many learned that in school okay good for you and it doesn't matter what kind of triangle you have any triangle it turns out apparently fulfills that room but suppose now Gary and I go out into a field a large field and we we have a we lay out a triangle and we discover the angles of those of that triangle that we laid out on this large field adds up to more than 180 degrees what would you conclude some some of you would say well that's what I expect from Chuck and Gary going on an assignment like that you know no so you recheck our work and you discover much to your amazement that it's more than 180 degrees and what we've discovered then is that those rules we learned are only true for a universe of two dimensions that's why it's called plain trigonometry or plain geometry because it's true for in a flat surface a flat okay now it turns out that if you start studying the globe and you start studying navigation you quickly discover that you have triangles all of of more than 180 degrees you can have a triangle on the planet earth that has 90 degrees in each corner okay that's more than a hundred eighty degrees by the way you can add it up and try it out okay it turns out that if you have angles of more than a hundred and eighty degrees what you discover is that you are on a convex surface not flat anymore if you ever if you ever encounter a triangle that has less than hundred a degrees then that means you've got a a convex surface rather than a concave surface rather than a convex surface and a hyperbolic paraboloid being a common example of that but I don't think any of you are worried about encountering one of those the real point is the realization that a violation of that little rule of 180 degrees is what led dr. Einstein to realize that he was grappling with the properties of space he began to realize that space has more than three dimensions and that's what led to the theory of relativity because he realized that Planck's constant was a four dimensional constant not three and so that's how he led to what we call Einstein's revolution his special theory of relativity in 1905 we're less in length mass and velocity were relative to velocity was part of it but then it gets generalized by 1915 and what his general theory of relativity theory of relativity usually mean his general theory of relativity in which there is no distinction between time and space we encounter three spatial dimensions length width and height and time a point a point in this space has existence not only in terms of three spaces but in a moment of time time is an intrinsic property of the environment that we're in there's no distinction between time and space in fact we now know that we live in a four-dimensional continuum and this has been confirmed at least more than 14 ways to over nineteen decimals accuracy so it's it's no longer really a theory there are aspects of implications that are still quite theoretical but the point is this is now a recognized highly can firmed thing here so I want to talk a little bit about the dilation of time there are atomic clocks that are located at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder Colorado and also at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich England these are very complex devices and they are very very accurate they're accurate to better than 1 second per million years and I remember vividly I was on Annika I was on the board of directors of a company that was acquiring another country a frequency time systems in Boston we were calling this company and the company were acquiring the president was giving us a proud demonstration of their product which was cesium clocks basically and at their accurate to better than 1 second per million years and I raised my hand as an acquiring director as there are only two questions how do you know and who cares well the way the way we know is it is from the natural resonance of the cesium atom which is what gives it this incredible accuracy and that we and who cares it turns out that the accuracy of measuring time determines the precision of your navigation and it's the accuracy of those clocks this is what makes your GPS operate it missed even when I travel it mystifies me that I can have a little thing it might put my phone on the car on the rail car and tell it where I'm going and where I want and it'll tell me which lane to travel in and it'll tell me that I'm not the right lane to make a right exit I mean the precision of that thing knowing exactly where I am whether I'm in the United States or in New Zealand driving on the left side that matter it knows exactly I'll never forget the first time I would happen to be many years ago I was renting a Hertz car that had a Magellan they call it was at for one of the early GPS systems and I haven't we talked to my wife on the phone and this woman's voice tells me be career to get in the right lane for the coming exit and man pretended not to believe me I tried to explain that just this search thing and of course she knew I wasn't she knew what it was but she wouldn't let go she just kidding that in the car with you you know but anyway so in today's world we're beginning it takes so many of these things so for so for granted and yet the part of this is because of the precision at measuring time but let me tell you something about these two clocks there's these elaborate highly precise devices one in Boulder Colorado and one in Greenwich England they're accurate to one second per million years and yet every year they're there's five millionths of a second off they don't stay in step so the question you want to ask okay which of these is the accurate one okay the the it's that the one in Boulder that's five seconds per year faster than the identical clock and Greenwich which one's correct they're both correct time itself is different there than here why because Boulder Colorado is at 5400 feet altitude it's not in the Denver area that's high altitude the one in Greenwich England is 80 feet above sea level so one is higher than the other if I had such a clock here on the platform and raised it one meter okay it speeds up by one one part in 10 with 16 zeros after not very much but it's predictable and measurable time changes with gravity that's the difference here is in gravity so these atomic clocks are faster by 10 one part in 10 with 16 zeros after for every meter in elevation so see a time measurement in a weaker gravitational field runs faster than one in a stronger field so if you're starting to talk about days or years or months you really have to say in what gravity field are you talking because they're different by the way near the surface of the earth there's this 10 one part in 10 to the 16th per meter and for whatever it's worth now they're they actually took some very accurate measurements in aircraft in 1971 JC Hale Halley and Richard Keating spent put four cesium clocks around the world one went eastward and one went westward and by the time you account for rotation and all that stuff it turns out that the one that went eat went eastward around the world lost point zero five nine microseconds well the one that went westward gained point two seven three exactly what when you take all the physics factors exactly what Einstein's theory predicted really astonishing but the one is perhaps more graphic and relevant if you pick up a textbook almost any textbook in physics that deals with this they typically will talk about two hypothetical astronauts and we're going to send them to the nearest star at one of them we're going to leave one of them right here with us and we're gonna send one to the nearest star which happens to be Alpha Centauri that's the one that's closest to us if you go to the night sky there is a star up there the closest one to us that happens to be called Alpha Centauri we're gonna pick that and in our imagination we're going to send one of these two astronauts they were both born to print the twins both mourn at the same instant and we're gonna send one to that star and back okay now the Alpha Centauri ship is the the Alpha Centauri is about four and a half light-years away a Lightyear is a distance a very large distance it's how far light can travel within a year the light goes pretty fast and a years a long time it's four and a half of those that's how far away Alpha Centauri is so we're gonna send this astronaut and we're going to imagine that we could send them at half the speed of light so he's going to go four and a half light-years away at half the speed of lights can take him nine years to get there right nine years back okay so that's on the earth here on the earth he will leave take nine years to get there and in nine years back you know on our logbook he will have been gone 18 years you with me so far okay now that's on the earth let's take a look at his logbook so to speak he's traveling in the spaceship and it turns out there's a Lorentz transform is a mathematical formula count it works this out for us but turns out that his clock well he'll come back from this trip and he when he gets back he will be two years and five months younger than his twin brother and if that doesn't bother you you weren't listening carefully okay in other words his time is different than our time here on the earth why for a lot of different reasons partly because he went near the speed of light and coming back you with me to dramatize this just a little bit further let's imagine that we could have sent him at almost the speed of light 99.99% speed of light okay so then his round-trip would only take nine years he's going twice as fast right okay so it's nine years except when he gets back he will have noticed only 33 days so when he gets back he says I sure wish I would have bought some of that Microsoft stock before I left is it or Apple or take your pick okay so the point is his time and our time is noticeably different and the issue here isn't this issue of space travels of the issues to understand that time is physical it changes with mass acceleration or gravity among other things so it's a physical property okay it's not uniform it's a physical property and it varies with mass acceleration gravity among other things if you get into the mathematics of this you quickly discover there's a whole bunch of parameters they have to be defined to get equivalence here okay now what this also means by the way is that you and I live in more than three dimensions yeah we have a length width in space Italian spatial dimensions we also have time that is measurable and physical okay how many many dimensions do we live in it turns out 10 is a current estimate more than three is the main point ok let's talk a little bit about the nature of God is God subject to the restrictions of mass I don't think so is he is it does does God accelerate or do you accelerate it I don't think so is God subject to gravity I don't think so so as God subject to time no of course not see God is not somebody with lots of time that's our concept of eternity having a lot of time no no no God is outside the dimensionality of time altogether he's outside those restrictions and that uniqueness is his alone that's probably not true of the Angels either by the way God alone is that you it's his personal imprint and he takes advantage of that to Afeni katehis message that's what Isaiah means when he says thus saith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth eternity what does he mean by that that he's lots of time no he's outside this realm of time itself and that has implications for all of us if God has the technology to create us does he have the technology to get a message to us of course in curious you certainly get a message juice the problem is how does he let us know the message is really from it let me give you an example let's assume you're an undercover agent for in a foreign country and you get messages from your superior from control or your capital whatever except you're in the host country is discovered that there may be a spindle a to create synthetic messages you're in your hotel room and you've got these ten messages that have somehow arrived to you how do you tell which one's authentic how do you know which one of these messages spread out on your bed here really came from headquarters and wasn't synthesized by the enemy how do you tell there has to be something about them that only you and your headquarters know some use of words some clever trick there's some method of authentication so you know aha that's the one that's real the rest of these are phony you got you follow me that's what we mean by authentication well how does God authenticate this man we have this collection of books in our laps called the Bible how do we know it's from him how many believe the Word of God is the word of God why why do you believe that well if somebody told me or it says so no way how do you know it's really from him how do you know it's not just a very ingenious collection of fables in something how does how do you know it really came from God well how does he authenticate his message so we know it's really from him and not some kind of contrivance or a fraud or a collection of coincidences or something well he declares the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done he demonstrates his ability to be outside time how does he do that by telling us what happens before it happens and I don't mean in a few hours centuries in advance he gives the exact day that certain things going to happen and he describes circumstances that are impossible and crazy and yet they happen exactly like he said and the more you see that the more you embrace them ascending you begin to realize you're dealing in a communication from with somebody Fitz extraterrestrial outside our time domain and that's so fundamental we also have another problem we think of time as linear then when we were in school the teacher went to the blackboard and drew a line from left to right and that and the left end was the beginning of something the birth of the famous person or the founding of an empire what have you the right end was the end of that there's a beginning in we how many made timelines in school how many of you went to school I'm known so what we do because of that background when somebody uses the word eternity we tend to imagine what that means it's like a line that starts at infinity over here on the left and goes to infinity over here on the right we think of an eternity as having lots of time that makes good poetry but it happens to be very bad physics because the eternities not having lots of time it's being outside the dimension of time altogether let me take this line that I've used and pretend it comes out from the screen towards you can I represent that sort of with this curve just imagine it's coming out at you you and I are at a point in that time called the present ok behind us is the past and the front of us is the future ok the past is a memory the future is a hope we're between those two that's why we call it a present it's a gift it's a gift see a little pun there I would buy you there sorry ok now see for us what's past is behind us what's forthcoming is coming and we don't know what's coming but if I'm outside that line all together in eternity it's conceivable for me to be able to see all three at the same moment so to speak God is outside the diminutive to him he can see the past obviously and the present but he also can see the future as clearly as he saw the past now that leads to another interesting conjecture I'll just leave with you to think about is those arrows can go the other way somebody that died a thousand years ago and someone that died yesterday and someone that gets raptured three months from now they all arrived at his throne at the same moment whoa that should alter your three-dimensional four-dimensional perceptions here but let's move on here I love one of my favorite quotes of dr. Einstein is that he says people like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between the past the president the future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion because he really had a grasp of time far beyond most philosophers of course now you and I are sitting here with a in our lap a collection of books we call it the Bible we use it singularly but it actually is a collection of 66 books and if you're not confused yet I'll point out - it's actually 70 not 66 but if I said that on the radio would confuse all my listeners because the Book of Psalms is five books and if you break that down you really have 70 books but if you start that discussion you get everybody confused okay no we will stick with 66 books that works for our purposes and they were written of a period of almost 2,000 years as by our reckoning now the interesting thing is as we discover that it was penned by over 40 different guys some say 44 there's a few that there's some ambiguity about because they're really edited and pulled together the point is there are more than 40 authors that pull these together over 2000 years and one of the incredible discoveries in my life since my specialty from the beginning was in the information sciences and as you study information Sciences you get that's a field that that is perhaps a little specialized but from that perspective I encountered two discoveries that changed my life the first discovery was that the 66 books even though they're penned by over 40 guys over almost 2,000 years isn't there in an int there an integrated message system now what do I mean by that I don't mean that there's a theme in the old that's fulfilled when new and all that no no no no far more than that be 66 separate books penned by over 40 different individuals who didn't even admit for a large but I didn't even know each other because they were spread over over 1,700 years but in this package of writings we discover that every detail is anticipated by an deliberate skillful design the very words the very letters the use of idioms I don't the text demonstrates an integrity of design that went far beyond the horizons of any one of the writers now when you grapple with that you first of all really a you have to you can't don't take my word for it you have to discover this on your own but as you do as you begin to uncover examples of this what you begin to realize is that the origin of that collection had to come from outside time itself it wasn't dreamed up by Moses by great insights it wasn't the these prophets didn't somehow accidentally lay out these genealogical and other details no no there's an architect organizing this from outside time and that's demonstrable by just studying the text I get so tired when I hear one of these well-meaning Christian kind of guys on the write on the television say well you can't prove the Bible but you there ought to make some very positive point but they seem to have to preference it with this presumption well you can't prove the Bible that just shows their their own lack of information they're uninformed yes you can prove the Bible by simply this by discovering the integration of that design and that's just a question of doing some homework and then try to explain the origin that design any other way than having come from outside time yes you can't prove the Bible and the fingerprints of the author are all over the creation and all over the Bible and they are in concert so we can explore a little bit as we go on here about the boundaries of our reality because the message we're dealing with this from outside our reality and I'm going to use da Vinci's Vitruvian Man as a representation of our anthropic reach we as men how far can we reach I'm just gonna represent that by the middle here we are man we're in the middle of this okay and we're going to talk more about the discovery by scientists that we seem to be dimensionally in the very center of the universe from the very largest very smallest we're right in the middle somehow and now come to that later but there we are we're going to explore tonight a little bit about largeness I'm going to take size as a horizontal ordinate here okay so things to the right are big things to the left are small bigger or smaller than man so we're gonna go tonight we're gonna go to the right we're going to go to bigness largeness if I can call it that and the ultimate largeness would be the study of astronomy astrophysics the heavens the universe that's focusing our attention to bigness if you will okay so the shocking discovery of 20th century science was the discovery and the realization that our universe is not infinite it is finite and if you haven't studied that or you don't realize that that comes as a huge shock to any thinking person because we've all sort of grown up thinking that the heavens go on forever we discover no they don't they are they might be expanding but they're finite and that's demonstrable it's now understood and accepted most these concepts get beat around for a generation or two or three but this is one that's been nailed it's finite and I want to explore that a little bit we know from the field of thermodynamics that there's a thing called thermal decay you know hot thing hot flows from hot to cold you ever notice that anyone wanted to make that we all have experienced that heat flows too cold right heat is something cold as the absence of that so the heat flows to where it's there isn't any right okay now if the universe was infinitely old the temperature throughout the universe would be uniform because heat is flowing from hot to cold so if it was infinitely old that would have all happened in other words the realization the thermodynamics is that age is a function of that disparity okay now since since the unifor univer Universal is not uniform that means it's not infinitely old that means it had a beginning Wow big deal science is still trying to wrestle with that reality they obviously know it had a beginning and the way they explain it is there was first there was nothing and then it exploded and if you think that makes logical sense you're in the wrong class okay no the universe had a beginning and attempts to explain that fall under a category of theories called the Big Bang and there's four or five basic ones and none of them worked by the way that's part of the deal that's why it's such a hot topic in physics or astrophysics is because each presumption you make turns out to be refutable well it oscillated well then there's a loss there's a there's a entropy loss issue and then you go on and on so the problem is they can talk about what they think happened in the first few seconds or whatever they can't explain how did it happen what started it there had to be something making it happen really okay it also means it's destined for an ending if heat is flowing from hot to cold and eventually that all happens and there isn't a more difference in temperature there is no more possibility of doing work in the universe all work is a function of temperature differences in effect energy differences and so we know it had a beginning and the shock is we know that some day billions and billions and billions of years from now or whenever it's going to have an ending okay now this is a reality we need to face the Big Bang is what we call the beginning of it and the heat death the ultimate heat death is what sine is called the end of this and the point is that it's finite at a beginning and an ending that's a disturbing thing to come to grips with worth in a temporary environment Wow that's especially disturbing when you discover that you are not temporary this part of you that has no mass it's call it soul spirit call it what you will it's massless so it has no time so your eternal but you're in a temporary environment Wow does that give us some insights biblically if you will now you talk about black holes in the idioms of relativity gravity distorts space-time and as gravity is stronger in the immediate vicinity of denser objects so space-time is increasingly distorted as an object with particular density shrinks that's changing time try to get used to that idea and a crucial size known as a smart shield radius space-time bends completely around itself cutting off the region of space-time inside whole from the rest of the universe they call that a black hole okay objects can fall into the black hole but within a sphere called the Schwarz filled radius nothing not even light can escape that's why they call it a black hole this is a twisting or a distortion if you will of space-time and it's obviously a subject of a lot of theoretical discussions and they do know of some of these that are identifiable in the universe and now surprisingly about this there are some solutions to Einstein's equations of general activity that appear to represent models that could permit loops in time that may shock you and this it's very it's it's argued about among the physicists but it's a concept I just want you to know exists there are there's an area of this virtual surface in of the hole that is a measure of its entropy or randomness if you will and if it should shrink entropy would decrease implying a reversal of time I'm just trying to stretch our I'm not trying to get to a point here other than just a stretch you're understanding here a little bit the time can time go backwards maybe we're not sure in quantum physics that's a topic for a future session but in quantum physics that study of tiny tiny things subatomic particles two representations of particle collisions in the Feynman diagram are identical but Feynman diagram I'll show you here in a minute an electron and the positron appear when they see in a cloud chamber whatever they seem to annihilate each other but that same event can be represented as the electron in a time reversal let me show you what I mean a Feynman diagram is where you have plot space against time and you have an electron a gamma ray and it breaks off two electron and a positron which when it collides with electron annihilates itself that's the way it's usually explained okay now except the same thing can be set the same thing can be represented another way and that is that that electron on the left is in a time reversal a positron is a electron and the time reversal is another way of looking at well see the real issue here is is do we have a positron or is that positron an electron and time reversal and a particle physics will tell you those are both equivalent is it possible that electron went backwards in time possibly we'll see now there are all kinds of paradoxes of time reversals in literature and there if there are events having no beginning and time warps there's also a lot of literature about trying to alter previously recorded events you have okay that shows up and literature all over the time machine being one of the classic examples somewhere in time a movie that that was popular for a while back to the future was a popularization of that idea the Terminator series was dealt with this whole idea of time warps and so forth and I couldn't resist the temptation of showing you what has to be the most absurd example of time wars we've all encountered some of these in literature and we find them entertaining we all realize they're not real they're just entertainment and Robert Heinlein is probably one of the most famous of the science fiction writers has contributed what has to be the most absurd extreme of this is classic and basically he talks about a his imaginary story a baby girl is mysteriously dropped off at an orphanage in Cleveland in 1945 so far so good huh Jane grows up lonely and dejected not knowing who her parents are until one day in 1963 she is strangely attracted to a drifter she falls in love with him but just when things are finally looking up for Jane a series of disasters strike first she becomes pregnant by the drifter who then disappears second her highly complicated delivery doctors find that she has both sets of sex organs so to save her life they're forced to surgically convert her to a him finally a mysterious stranger kidnaps her baby from the delivery room reeling from these disasters and rejected by society scorned by faith he becomes a drunkard and a drifter not only has Jane lost her parents and her lover she is he has lost his only child as well years later in 1970 he stumbles into a lonely bar called pops place and spills out his pathetic story to an elderly bartender the sympathetic bartender offers the drifter a chance to avenge the stranger who left her pregnant and add abandoned and abandoned on the condition that he joined the Time Traveler's Court both of them enter a time machine and the bartender drops off the drifter in 1963 the drifter is strangely attracted to a young orphan woman who becomes pregnant and the bartender then goes forward nine months kidnaps the baby girl from the hospital drops off the baby in an orphanage it back in 34 then the bartender drops off the thoroughly confused drifter in 1985 to enlist in the Time Traveler's Court now the question of the drifter eventually gets his life together becomes a respected an elderly member of the Time Traveler's Corps then disguised himself as a bartender and has his most difficult mission a date with destiny meeting a certain drifter at pops place in 1970 question who is Jane's mother her father grandfather grandmother son daughter granddaughter and grandson that are all the same person now this has to be the most convoluted conception the girl the drift of the bartender of course are all the same person and the paradoxes here are manifold terms of the twisted genealogy she's her own mother and father and so forth she's an entire family tree in herself so Robert Upton and whatever it's a silly story of course but he's probably well but I cannot imagine anything going we're getting sillier or more complex okay I'm reminding people of guys who believe in physics no it just takes you between the past present future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion I think that's Robert Heinlein challenge that I suspect but in anyway enough of this foolishness let's move on linear turn we tend to presume that time is linear we talked about beginning and end and so forth so we in time move forward don't we and we can look back we can't move back except in the fiction foolishness of these science fiction thing we can't move back but what can we look forward not really we pretend to we think they're mystics that try to but the only way those the futures God Satan and his minions may try to simulate that in various clever ways but that we can move forward look back we can't move back and we are not very good at looking forward and so can time really go backward if it could go backward how could you tell suppose at midnight tonight time started to go backwards so what all clocks so it all turns out it's a non-trivial way thing if you were suddenly disturbed if someone went through one of my talks on with and and you suddenly became concerned gee maybe am I in the time reversal how would you tell you can't tell by looking at a clock how can you tell if time's going backwards there is a very simple way to tell what you do is you get a deck of cards and you shuffle them and as you shuffle them they get more ordered you're going backwards see time moves towards randomness time goes from order to chaos always you ever notice that in your locker in school or the garage you spend a Saturday get it all organized for how long the closet and the front hall closet whatever goes from order to chaos that's just life that's true in every field of science it's called the entropy laws they have thermodynamic rules so if you saw a reversal of entropy you're going backwards in time one way to do that would be shuffle cards and if you did it and they came out in bridge order you'd be very uncomfortable would okay so the entropy the shuffling a deck of cards reminisce toward order would be a reversible entropy and hence time okay okay well let's we've talked a little bit about the nature of time I'm going to change slightly and we're going to talk about the nature of space and hyperspace is a bit we find the term throughout the Bible stretching the heavens we want to talk a little bit about the fabric of space as we think of it is this just a metaphor I saw the heavens stretched out is that just a poetic metaphor job says who alone stretches out the heavens and salminen for stretching out heaven like a tent curtain Isaiah 40 who stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in Jeremiah says he has stretched out the heavens the lord who stretches out the heavens zechariah also picks up and so forth i could go on and on like this in dozens of passages where consistently the Bible talks about the heavens as being stretched in fact it gets worse than that we know that space today we know it's you and I think of space as an empty vacuum you know we visualize someone in a spacecraft out there having to get out in a spacesuit for obvious reasons yet we presume that the vacuum is empty it's not empty that may come as surprise to you Isaiah tells us it can be torn Isaiah 64 the space can be torn it can be worn out like a garment really some hundred to Hebrews Haggai Haggai and Isaiah all speaks of the heavens being shaken if it's empty how can you shake it 2nd Peter talks about it being burnt up Revelation talks about it being split apart like a scroll rolled up like a mantle in Hebrews 1 and a scroll by Isaiah 34 now that's a whole big thing if the heavens can be rolled up in order for some to be rolled up it must be in some sense thin and it must have an additional dimension to roll it up you can take a two-dimensional photograph and to roll it up takes a third dimension doesn't it you see you see the idea of being rolled up or being scroll is additional dimension so there's some dimensions that which must be thin it can be bent so there must be some direction it can be bent toward so that all implies from this text that there are additional spatial dimensions spaces is three dimensional there must be four four any of these things to happen an additional dimension right so the properties of space you know you think you may think it's empty it may shock you to discover that the business will speak of zero-point energy the smallest point in space has ten to the 95th with 95 zeros after herbs percent cubic centimeter that's the most intense energy field you can imagine permittivity it has absolutely constant and has permeability that's a magnetic constant there's an if you're a radio ham or in the electrical engineering you know that space has an intrinsic impedance that's why you have antennas to try to match the impedance of space it has electrical properties it's not empty it has electrical properties the velocity of light is also associated with all of this and currently they're trying to study the speed of gravity there's experiments trying to chase that down now the other thing is light may not be linear see the key properties of vacuum of free space include permittivity permeability all these things I just mentioned if any of these change isotropically then both the atomic behavior and the speed of light could vary throughout the universe speed of light may not become so throughout the universe we're going to talk more about this in a more advanced session forthcoming but dr. Barry Satterfield his controversial observations about the he was the first to recognize the velocity of light is not a constant and over twenty years ago when I first got to know the guy and I started mentioning this in some of our studies I was visited by Hugh Ross and some my other physics friends very gently tried to help me counsel me so I wouldn't get caught with these heresies saying that the speed of light is not a constant and I look back at those days very graciously because they meant well trying to keep me out of trouble but I chose to stay with Barry and it turned out he's now been confirmed they now know the speed of light is not constant in fact they've in recent there's a lot of recent papers that explore implications of that but he's he what's disturbing he identified this more than twenty years ago and they don't give him credit for that it's just the field of physics is just as anyway we're going center field is yet he analyzed one hundred sixty four measurements of speed of light and commonly called C the speed of light velocity of light gathered over the last three hundred twenty years which reveal a statistically significant decay of speed of light and would coupled with the associated C dependent constants that includes them 639 now as measured by twenty five different methods it still didn't cause these people to pick up on it a comparison of dates of an orbital time from history archaeology archaeologically corals tree rings whatever with atomic dates or a variety of radioactive isotopes and it's bright some over thousand twelve hundred twenty eight data points over almost five thousand years and this is all exploited and our briefing of Genesis the Big Bang and other things here William Tift is an astronomer in Arizona the University of Arizona and he's been collecting data of about for about twenty years on what are called redshifts some of you may realize that the Stars if you take a spectrum of it they have a spectrograph the Stars seem to be shifted to the red and the the the theory is that the further they are the more they're shift and that's what they call Hubble's law Edwin Hubble first suggested that the reason that red shifted is because of the Doppler effect of expansion and that seemed to explain for most of them and so they call that Hubble's law and that's why the Hubble telescope is named after everyone of all that well William Tift was collecting data on red shifts as they're called that are not red they're going the other way there are a few they're called aberrant red shifts and they seem to Rick raise doubts about the possibility that universe may be expanding because if it's expanding some of them are coming at us rather than going away from us and so some of these clusters of galaxies and so forth he also discovered are all a multiple of a discrete value all the redshifts are not it's not like a violin where you can get any tone you want it's like a piano you can only get the key that you hit you follow me there's discrete steps well he's discovered that there's discrete steps of the red shift which implies that it's not a Doppler effect it's something else that's causing that it's digital is the point whoa Wow so if they're discrete quantum levels it turns out that they may correspond to discrete atomic levels and let me all derive from the speed of light changing Satterfield was the first to recognize that if Satterfield proves correct and this could explain the quantization of the redshift that still yet to be confirmed specific values of C or the velocity of light govern the corner position emitted wavelengths and that would result the and and since this was originally put together centerfielders confirmed that finite mathematically so there is a stretch factor having to do with the space that we're in and we understand that that stretch factor is in the region about ten to the twelfth ten with twelve zeros after it and we're indebted and that has to do with a quark Cohen fine but I don't want give him a lot here but the point is dr. Gerald Schroeder the nuclear physicist it resides in Jerusalem a good friend he's a Jew he's not a Christian but he has written a great book called Genesis the Big Bang he points out that the stretch factor is about the expansion of the universe in the neighborhood of 10 to the 12th and that comes from nuclear synthesis and some quantum physics information and he takes the exponential expansion of that and he relates it to the chapter 1 of Genesis where day 1 is 8 billion years second day is 4 billion years then to it anyway the net of it is the 16 million years times 365 days a year if we can use that number approximate 6 and a lot of zeros after it and what's interesting about that if you shrink that by the expansion factor you come down to six days so was the universe built in six days could be do they now appear to be 10 to the 12th could be so he sees that as strictly a stretch factor the same stretch factor of the expansion of the universe being correlative to the the difference apparent difference in our minds to the six days of creation in which only God's clock was running Adam just shows up in the last day right so who knows that's just one way I don't necessarily side with this particularly but it's just another way to show that it's it's it's another way to explain the apparent discrepancy to most of us but I'm more intrigued with what Paul has to say than what Gerry Schroeder has to say in Paul's letter to the Ephesians in chapter 3 Paul makes an interesting remark he says that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with All Saints what is the breadth and length and depth of Heights and to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God so it's a devotional tapestry here except on the way he makes a strange remark he says what is the breadth the length the depth of my height did you notice that how many dimensions are there for my goodness is Paul consistent with contemporary physics do you think he realized the universe has four dimensions I don't think so but the Holy Spirit was guiding it certainly knew all about it so Paul's expression here I believe vastly transcends transcends his own understanding if you take these terms in the Greek plot dos means the breadth suggesting great extent length refers to length as we think of it depth depth bathos that deep things like the deep things of God whatever and height of course is height of place hoop sews but the point is these are all four dimensions that are descriptive of the spaces we know what today very the Epistle to the Ephesians is surprisingly sophisticated from a physics point of view that leads us into this discussion of hyper dimensions that's just a fancy word for spaces that have more than three you and I are used to three dimensions right but if you can talk about spaces of more than three but then you're dealing in what's called hyper dimensions okay we've just gone beyond Euclid when you we were in school all of us had what's called Euclidean geometry which is the geometry limited to three dimensions naturally we had enough trouble with that we didn't need more right but in 1854 one of the most important presentations of mathematics was given on June 10th by Georg Riemann where he introduced the concept of metric tensors I won't get into exactly what they are it's an advanced form of mathematics that deals with hyper spaces it took 60 years before it was found practical application and it got application by Einstein's theory of relativity that was the mathematics that made his theory testable and and by the way Einstein went to his death frustrated he got his breakthrough because he moved up one dimension from three to four and suddenly the theory of relativity unfolded but he went to his death frustrated because there were certain things that he couldn't reconcile that after his death were reconciled by successes doing exactly what he did going up another dimension Koza inclined in 1953 were able to reconcile light and super gravity into an integrated presentation and it was in 1963 that yang and Mills fields were developed with but now they've unified all the four major force fields into a common rendering electromagnetic and both the nuclear weaken strong nuclear forces anyway so in today's world they doubt since 84 on you have all kinds of theories which has to do what they call super strings and they vibrating in ten dimensions the common understanding among people who deal with these things is that we live in at least ten dimensions and it fascinates me that in the Bible the only number of strings that mentions is ten by the way as an aside but perhaps far more interesting than that there was an ancient hebrew writer by the name of noch mana deez wrote in the 13th century and he concluded by studying the torah the book of Genesis he concluded that the universe has ten dimensions but only four are knowable and he concluded this in his commentary in Genesis that was published in 1263 why am i mentioning that well particle physicists today I should say the 20th century have concluded that we have tend we experienced 10 dimensions four of them are directly measurable three spatial dimensions of time we can measure those six of them are curled in less than 10 to the minus 33 centimeters and thus are inferable only by indirect means they clearly there they can prove it mathematically they can't get at it so their four are knowable six or not so our physicists have spent millions of dollars on atomic accelerators to discover what not commodities concluded it from studying is text of Genesis so there are only two kinds of people that can really deal with hyper spaces spaces of more than three that's mathematicians with special training and relax I'm not going to try to go that way okay here the other people I can deal with more small children small children have no problem they have they can deal with it now Edwin Abbott was a churchman in the turn of the century he wrote a novel called flatland and and his little novel is a useful technique to get we can't move up if I try to talk four or five dimensions to you we'd quickly be not communicating but Edwin Abbot played around the other way by imagining a universe of two dimensions and we can learn from some of the things he did this I want to introduce two people to you and I'm gonna ask you to be you know compassionate because these two people have a very serious handicap they live in only two dimensions mr. and mrs. flap but I'm drawing on Abbott's concepts here and their universe is two-dimensional and if they live and each live in their own universe two-dimensional universe they have no conception of the other they have no way to make the transition but if I come along as a three-dimensional person I can easily move that one into their universe for what to them is a miracle to me as casual right so we learn something that is something we can go further than that I also have some another capability I can incur a proximity to each of them that is more intimate than they can have with each other I could put my finger one millionth of an inch away from each of them no matter where they are see I can enjoy a form of communion with both of them that they can't even have with each other because I have the advantage of an additional dimension you begin to see where I'm headed we can draw some understanding of hyper dimensionality from this little exhibit here if I stick my finger through their universe what do they see they don't see a hand they see a dot that becomes a circle and then because you know what if they see the two-dimensional subset of what I am okay if a ball falls through their two-dimensional universe they see a dot that becomes a circle it becomes a dot and disappears they never see the ball they see the two-dimensional represent is that representation of the interference of that ball with their okay now how would you communicate a three-dimensional object to a two-dimensional universe suppose I want to communicate that mr. mrs. flat about what a cube is a box ooh it has four sides the top and a bottom how would I do that well one way to do is by a two-dimensional projection I could try project that box into two dimensions but that isn't very useful they wouldn't be able to grasp that two out if I take a three-dimensional excuse me a four dimensional cube there are such things and project them in three dimensions that you can do this on the Internet you quickly discover they're not at all intuitive why did you start playing with it there's a three dimensional projection of a four-dimensional hypercube but I didn't I couldn't do the simulation for a year not very useful in any case another way I might do this would be to unravel the cube to the two dimensions I can take the box and unfold it like an unraveling that'd be one way I could try to communicate a three-dimensional object to it into a two-dimensional universe right not still a bit awkward isn't it well it's there is there is a four dimensional cube that can be unraveled and it's called a tesseract or a hidden qubit and the only place I've ever seen this actually used may surprise you the only place I'm aware of this act other than in geometry class the only place I've ever seen this used is in a painting by Salvador Dali his representative representation of Corpus Christi is in effect a tesseract it's a four dimensional cube unraveled in three dimensions and I stunned me to realize that Salvador Dali had that kind of mathematical insight to understand what he was doing here phenomenal phenomenal hyper spaces we've talked about n dimensional spaces we've given you a two-dimensional example from mr. mrs. flat from Edwin Abbott's book called flatland and the hilbert space is also there is a space that is an infinite number of dimensions that mathematicians attempt to deal with but let's talk about hyper we talked about time travel let's talk about hyper dimensional travel is it possible if I have a six-sided space here's a six-sided space four walls at top of the bottom right is it possible to enter and leave that space without going through any of the six sides it happened the disciples were in an upper room frightened nervous confused doors locked windows shut nervous and Jesus shows up right in the middle of them there shook up understandably they thank you some kind of ghost or a spirit hey guys handle me and see a spirit does not have flesh and bone as you see me have have you got anything to eat my kind of guy no Jesus has the ability to enter and leave a six-sided space without penetrating any of the six eyes and yet he's physical but he's not limited to four dimensions mathematicians will argue that he has to have at least 10 to do that by some transforms well maybe but there's a very interesting whatever he has we will have one of my favorite passages is in first John chapter 3 verse 2 and unless you have a physics background you probably don't understand what John is saying here John says beloved now are we the sons of God and if not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is see I can show you a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional person that's called a photograph a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional person well John's saying we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is we're not going to see a 9 dimensional representation of a 10 dimensional being whatever it is that he has we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him because we shall see him as he is I think that's a statement that goes far beyond the the physics of the average reader in terms of what really is what the Holy Spirit is communicating to staggering gravity and space-time the influence of gravitational force and the curvature space and space tells matter how to move and matter tells space how to curve they're intimately connected do you realize by the way that what we know about the physical universe is limited to a 5% sample do you know that they now understand that 95% of matter is invisible they're hunting for Earth there are all kinds of theories as they know it's there mathematically they can't see it that's why they call it dark matter and there's all kinds of Astrophysical experiments to try to get a handle on where is it because it's that we only understand 5% of the total if you took a course in physics and got five questions right on the questions 100 what kind of grade would you get see that's that's that's that should lead to if nothing else do some humility the early scientists Sir Isaac Newton and others went after tasks in a in an attitude of humility before God their search was for truth we live in a culture in which it denies the existence of truth and it rejects any explanation that isn't repeatable in the laboratory it blinded ourselves to really understanding but anyway boundaries of reality now we've gone on the big side and explored a few things enlarged nests the next time we get together we're gonna go the other way work our talk a little bit about smallness we're gonna get it a little bit into quantum physics and subatomic particles we're going to deal with smallness and we're gonna discover something even more shocking than the fact that the universe is finite on the big side we're going to discover that the universe is finite in smallness and that will shatter our understanding of common things let me give you example if I have a line piece of string or whatever I can cut it in half right sure enough whatever it is and you I can take whatever I have leftover and I can cut it in half right and you would think I could do that forever maybe not physically but I meant in my imagination whatever I've got left over I can always cut in half right wrong turns out not to be true there is a length if I get down to that length and I cut it in half it suddenly doesn't disappear it's everywhere at once it loses the property that physics visits call locality and it's 10 to the minus 33 17 that's very very tiny but there's no length smaller than that anything that has length is a multiple of that it's an indivisible you they call that a quanta that's why the study of this is called quantum physics ok they lose locality there's a minimum length called 10-3 semies there's also a minimum length of time 10 to the minus 43 seconds time can't be divided any smaller that's the smallest unit of time you can imagine it happens to be the length of time that the speed of light takes to go through your iris that's called a twinkle of an eye not a blink of an eye trick living on ooh what could that possibly have I think there's a hyperdimensional transform that we call the rapture that's going to take place so we'll go in talking about linear assumption a nonlinear world when we get to next time and with that let stand for a closing word a prayer father we thank you for who you are we thank you that you care so much for us that you chose to actually enter our environment to become a person like us and yet with perfection and with an ability to demonstrate an eligibility for something that we could never make that you gave yourself on our behalf to pay our debts we staggered as we begin to discover how far you've gone on our behalf we thank you Father for the insights that you've given us in your word we continue to stagger as we discover that as advanced as we think we become scientifically your word has gone way ahead of us all along we thank you Father that you cared that much for us to communicate with us and to go to such extremes on our behalf we do pray father the three your Holy Spirit and through your word you would help each of us grow in grace the knowledge of our coming King we pray father through your word and through your spirit you would help us understand what it is that you would have of us in the days that remain as we commit ourselves without any reservations whatsoever into your hands in the name of Yeshua our coming King our Savior indeed [Music] [Music]
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 152,503
Rating: 4.8794074 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: HhjI6fbmnBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 12sec (4392 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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