Beyond Time Space - Part 2 - Chuck Missler

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[Music] [Music] well we're continuing our review of the topic beyond time and space it's one of a series that we collectively will call the boundaries of our reality and so and we use this peculiar picture there just as a title thing and people ask what is that it's kind of a weird collection of things that's a calabi-yau manifold and I know you've always wanted to see one of those what is that that's a complex manifold that are higher dimension analogies of k3 services and watch the k3 service that's a complex algebraic smooth minimal complete surface that is regular and has trivial canonical bundles and in superstring Theory the extra dimensions of space-time are some times conjectured to take the form of a six dimensional calabi-yau manifolds which led to the idea of mirror symmetry and they were named the calabi-yau spaces after ecology and who first studied them and st yahoo proved that Calabi conjecture that they have Ricci flat metrics now if you understood a single word of that you are obviously in very on the cutting edge of advanced mathematics and if you want a shortcut to find out what those things mean you can just go on the internet and use Wikipedia and check it out you'll quickly discover your armpit deep in an extreme extremely advanced form of mathematics but I just was intrigued with that manifold so I use it as a title slide several people asked me what it was so I figured I owed you an explanation but I can assure you not a single word of what's on this slide will occur on the final exam okay so relax but last time we talked a lot about gravity and space-time and we mentioned that the influence of gravitational forces from the occur from the four curvature of space-time you know it's one way you can sir this space tells matter at home to move that's what creates that we notices gravity matter tells space how to curve and the curve in other words the whole idea of gravity and the curvature of space-time are intimately linked and so but what's interesting about the study from last time just going here if you highlights from last time is that the Hubble telescope is used is looking for the missing matter and one of the things if you read in this area you quickly discover that everything we know about the universe in terms of its physical matter and energy we know from only a 5% sample we can tell that there is 95% of the mass of the universe that's invisible that's why they call it dark matter you can just astronomical terms you can't see it because it's dark but they can't find it they know it's there because it shows up mathematically in number of ways and so they're trying to there's a huge search going on in the field of astronomy of looking for what they call the mass matter and that's not important to you and I accept to realize that it what we know it comes from a 5% sample and you would think that we'd travel those hallways with just a little more humility the professor's and astronomers and astrophysics talk as if they know no we should be talking as if we infer but we're inferring from actually a surprisingly small sample same things to in bio in biology as we study the DNA most of what you've heard about the DNA genome and so forth is from a 5% sample by the way that's a whole nother study we're getting off the track let's go ahead here as we explore our reality as we're doing the study time and space and we talked about the stretching of space and all that last time we begin to realize there's part of the world that is out of our reach and I'm gonna and this may have some relationship to the spirit world like 95% of the mass the universe is missing in the search for cold dark matter continues and that leads to thing you know we suddenly realized as we read the scripture there are aspects to reality that we don't normally encounter angels are one of them and Elijah serpent has that strange experience in second Kings six you know the the serpent wakes up the morning and they're surrounded by the enemy he's panicked Alijah very me says Lord show him and he sees that they're really surrounded by Chariots of Fire and say it's one of those rare places in the scripture where someone has given a glimpse of a broader reality but beside the reality that we sense ourselves there's also a case of one angel after dinner one night slaughters 185 thousand Assyrians not Syrians Assyrians 2nd Kings 19 and that's if nothing else - tells you you don't mess with angels 185 that's it that's huge and then of course there's the whole issue of exodus chapters 9 through 12 all the plagues of Egypt and all of that business and the Sodom and Gomorrah 19 there's a an inner intervention in their lives from outside what we normally think of as reality we even here we always think of guardian angels you know I always to think that guardian angels was just some kind of colorful little you know youthful is amused for trilled I was surprised in Matthew 18 it speaks of them yes there really are angels assigned and that if I have one I know he works over time you know okay and we know the third of the angels are hostile they fell with Satan and according to revelation 12 and other passages so so there is a spirit world and I'm not suggesting that that's isomorphic with the missing mass necessarily but the fact that we only experience the physical world with a 5% sample it sort of dovetails at least in my mind to realize there's there is part of our reality that is not directly perceptive by us except on occasion and so and then of course we have this whole business that B'nai hello team the sons of God these these these fall and these fallen angels in Genesis 6 that led to the Nephilim and all of that so so there is not only are there angels there's angelic warfare going on and Daniel 10 we get one of those glimpses of this world outside our normal reality because this this angel comes to give Daniel a message but he's held up by a power that he calls the Prince of Persia not the physical Persia the prints that the power that's behind the Prince of Persia and that held him for several weeks and he says once I give you him a message I've got to go back because the Prince of Greece is coming so you discover that these labels he's using correlate with empires of that time but there's two hundred years between those by the way but and we get a glimpse then of this spirit world in which God dispatches an angel to give Daniel a message Daniel goes into fast and prayer for a couple of for three weeks I guess it was and it took this messenger three weeks to get through the adversity he faced so we not only know there's a another reality outside our reality but it's a hostile environment Wow and of course who is the god of that world Satan and and so and we know we have personal warfare Paul warns us in Ephesians 6 to put on the whole armor not just a few pieces the whole armor and he goes in it and every one of you I encourage you to check out Ephesians 6 from verse 10 to 17 and and understand the weapons that are available to you in fact without them you're gonna be a sitting duck and we're right in a battleground ourselves we sense it you weren't talk about gunfire and moms we're talking about deceit versus truth never mind awareness I've been a Christian for over sixty years and I cannot remember ever a time when the environment is more deceitful than it is today you can't believe anybody lies deceit everywhere and and in fact we live in a culture that denies - I grew up and remember my parents who came from the from Europe you know the dream of going to college was to learn to learn truth the life science was a quest for truth and we live in a culture which denies its existence there's no truth you have your truth I have mine you know the relativism is nothing is an undermining of the whole pursuit of truth and are we surprised that the media is is corrupt and and so forth so we were plunged into evolutionism humanism these are all anti-god points of view well we've been exploring as we move around this area with what I call the boundaries of reality our reality put I'm using da Vinci's Vitruvian Man as a symbol of representing our anthropic reach if you will and last time and I'm using size horizontally at the bottom large being to the on the right side of the diagram small being at the left and last time we explored bigness and largeness if you will and astronomy astrophysics the universe that's we talked about that over the last time the main discovery on the largeness side was that the universe is finite it's not infinite and that's the biggest discovery of 20th century science it's funny might be expanding but it's it's finite and that's a shock and we demonstrated how we know it is less time I won't go through it all again so this time we're going to go the other way we're going to explore smallness okay and that this is going to plunge us into the study of what's called quantum physics subatomic particles and we're gonna study smallness and and it also is astonishingly finite and that's going to be more mysterious to us than the fact that the universe is finite and let me go into this here we discover that everything length mass energy time itself are composed of indivisible units called quanta and I want to demonstrate that means that that'll be let's back up a minute though when we were in school we probably indulged in one of the models of an atom the typical one will use hydrogen the simplest atom it's got a nucleus and it's got electronic and the nucleus is the center of the electrons on the outside now this is obviously not the scale okay if we were to build a scale model of this electron or this atom hydrogen atom and we used a golf ball to represent the nucleus the electron that we'd have spinning around it would be three football fields away okay just to give you a flavor of this thing now we know that the atom itself is in the neighborhood of 10 to the minus 8 centimeters point zero zero zero eight eight zero zero eight points it's a very very tiny part of a centimeter okay the nucleus of that that's the whole atom the nucleus is ten to the minus thirteen centimeters much smaller 1300 okay the important part isn't the absolute numbers are obviously very small the important thing is the ratio between them in other words whatever the nucleus is the electron is 100,000 times that size in radius you follow me so far that's linear 10 to the fifth ten to the fifth that's a hundred thousand bear with me here if I make the nucleus a golf ball okay the electron is actually I said football field three miles away right three miles away so if we were going to build a model we have an ambitious project if we make the nucleus as big as a golf ball our electron has to be three miles away that's just the linear distance follow me through that doesn't talk about the area that it goes what do I do to get the area I square it don't I right so if what I erase you then would be ten to the fifth times ten to the fifth or another way of saying it ten to the fifth squared or ten to the tenth the area except the molecule isn't planar it's three-dimensional isn't it so we have to go a third dimension so we have to have the volumetric ratio it would be ten and 15 so the fifth that's to the fifth or put another way ten to the cube or 10 to 15 say well what's what so I all these numbers have to I just wanted to get you a flavor of what we're dealing with here is that if I have a model of an atom the ratio of the part that's solid so to speak the nucleus to the volume that it represents as an energy field and so forth has a ratio of one part to 10 to the 15th volumetrically are we together so far let me dramatize what that may mean to you that has the same ratio as 1 second does to 30 million years so if I said that let's just use this podium as an example if I said this podium is solid and one of you said there's nothing here at all it's empty you're more correct than I am by the same ratio okay the solidness here is has the same ratio to the podium itself as one second has 230 million years why does it feel solid because the atoms here are an electrical collision with the atoms of my hand so it feels solid if follow me it has all those physical properties but it's really a cruise because of an electrical simulation okay the electrons are negative other than like it's the collision of those molecules that create the appearance of it being solid but it's mostly empty what do you mean mostly well that ratio one 230 million one second to 30 million years that sounds do the math sometime it's astonishing so that is this is is it empty space see conjecture two is more descriptive and one by the same ratio it's more empty space than solid by a ratio of one second to thirty million years and so that's I want you get a feeling for this illusion that we call solidity if you will now what we discover as we start examining things we discover that everything we run into is made up of indivisible units and what do I mean by that let's assume I have a piece of string that's of whatever length you choose I can cut that in half obviously and end up with half of what I had right no problem I can take what's left and cut that in half right do that again and I can keep doing that and you would think that I can keep doing that it might get so small that I can't really do it it's not empty but it conceptually whatever I have left over you figure I can cut in half right wrong it turns out I can keep doing that until I get to a distance of 10 to the minus 33 centimeters and then I discover if I try to cut that in half that thing is throughout the entire universe at the same instant it loses a property that physics physics called locality it is a longer local and they actually prove this in a laboratory experiment that every photon knows is connected with every other photon in the universe immediately faster than the speed of light nets that shatters many fundamental concepts in physics it turns out I've described it here in terms of length it's also true of time time is made up of units 10 to the minus 43 seconds is the unit of time there is no unit of time smaller than that is very small but there's nothing smaller than that that's a unit of time there's units of length mass energy and time are the example is you know on a violin you can get any town any tone you want by where your fret it right it's it's variable a piano gives you only the keys that you hit you can look at it in that sense it's digital we discover the universe is digital it and that turns out to have some profound significance there are two concepts that we can talk about in mathematics but we discover don't show up in the universe one is randomness and the other one is infinity those are terms we use a lot the the infinity in the macrocosm would say that we have a universe that's infinite except we know that we have a finite universe there is no infinity in astronomy we could talk about it mathematically we can't find it physically on the big side the shock is that we can't find it on the small side either there's a limit to smallness anything you talk about length mass energy or time there's a limit to how small it because it's granular it's made up of indivisible units that's what we call in contact now and so that's what the so we discover that we are the randomness thing if there's a new field of mathematics called chaos theory they discover that the you cannot get your hands on something it's truly random it's very elusive and that's a whole nother study but the point is we discover now that you and I are within a digital simulation and that's a disturbing discovery that what we think as reality is really a simulated environment it's almost like a like a virtual game or something that we find ourselves in okay so okay we've talked about these it's as if that this whole world that we experience has finite limits and it's a digital simulation now it's interesting at Scientific American in June of 2005 ran an article that included this is a conclusion that our universe appears to be but a shadow of a larger reality that's not a philosopher talking that is the Scientific American conclusion from the fact that our constants and physics seem to be changing and if they're changing maybe not much but they imply that the real reality is something larger than we're experiencing and Wow there's a movie that came out some years ago it didn't watch it was eclipsed by a matrix it's a more more popular movie so a lot of people don't even know if it's the existence but it came out it was called a 13th floor and has nothing to do with the story like so many this title just happened to come it's a computer story the computer that's involved was on the 13th for mobility it's just the arbitrary title but I wanted to mention this because it it's not that it's a great movie don't misunderstand me but it deals with some scientists that into in nominally 2005 in Los Angeles that have a supercomputer and build a super video game so to speak a super software system and what they attempted to do is to create a mathematical description of Los Angeles in 1937 they created a virtual environment sort of like a video game if you will but the great detail in it populated this virtual environment with virtual people and the idea is in this science-fiction type story is that a participant could get into this machine and exchange his consciousness with one of the program units as they called him and live in that world for maybe an hour okay and be in LA 1937 it would seem and all this is in the flavor of us a super videogame in a sense okay and so the virtual people they call program units in LA they have real people of course and the game is that real people can go there and transfer consciousness but through the skimming and and be in that environment except the problem is there's a murder it takes place the head of the project gets murdered and the number two guys getting framed for the murder and so he shook up by that of course as he begins to discover what's going on here and he realizes for some reasons I'm abour you with that the answer is he's got to go into LA 1937 and there's a note that's been given the bartender by his boss that he has to retrieve that will to solve his mystery and so he does that of course and I won't go to the whole story here but it turns out that some other people show up in this story and they apparently are from outside LA 2005 and there's some plot twists and other things I don't want to spoil the story for you but the interesting thing is the shock that occurs to our hero in the story and his friends is they discover they're not real people either that the real people came into this from 2025 and that they are virtual people in the virtual environment and they try to adjust to that discovery and some cute twists about the story where the mman has it has integrity from a plot structure point of view but the point is what makes this the reason I may even make reference to this it's sort of a microcosm if you will or it's just entertainment piece that deals with exactly where we are we are in a digital environment that's simulated and we also know that we are subject to those limitations of that environment but our reality exceeds that and we get this by people whether we call them angels or something else whatever from a larger reality outside the parallel is astonishing so I just share that with you to stretch not because it's a good movie I might push that they just to stretch your imagination to realize the predicament we find ourselves and is the same as these people that we are in a virtual environment not a real one and and there's a designer that's given us a handbook and tells us what to do about it and it's interesting that the Apostle John in his first letter we call that pistol Oh John he has s Restatement chapter 3 verse 2 he says beloved now are we the sons of God it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he Christ when he shall appear we shall be like him because we shall see him as he is that's a wild statement whatever peculiar dimensionality Jesus enjoys today and as it's certainly a hyperdimensional form of existence because he can enter and leave a 6-sided space without piercing any of the sick sides because he shows up and and he's not a phantom he says handle me and see a spirit does not have flesh and bone as you see me have whatever that incredible existence he hath we know that we will be like him because we shall see him as he is not a representation of them we will see him as he is that's what this is actually a physic statement or hyper dimensionality statement that John makes here in chapter 3 so I want to give you another example of some strange linkage between our physical universe and the biblical text that it turns out that scientists are concerned because they're beginning to realize that the constants of physics are not constant they may be changing and I got so a number of stories about that but I'll pass it for here and of course the sino-american thing I just quoted here that our three-dimensional existence is a shadow of a larger reality that's what the Bible has said all along in the first three verses of he of Hebrews 11 first Corinthians 15 I'll deal with this issue but I want to talk about there are among the constants of physics there are some that are dimensionless meaning their ratios that have no dimension they're true whether in inches or yards or miles okay and there are two constants in the universe at least we know two of them that are dimensionless in other words they have no dimension I'll give you a sure what they are one of them is pi when you're in school you discovered the ratio of the diameter of circle to the circumference is a fraction that is a precise number we usually use 22 sevenths as an approximation in school or whatever but if you're engineering you probably is 3.14159 and depending on how precise you want to be okay and so that's pi the other dimensionless ratio you probably have not run into unless you've been in engineering or advanced math and that's the base of a natural logarithm the log of e e this peculiar number e is another number like pi it's dimensionless but it has some very peculiar properties therefore it's very important in mathematics let's back up a minute if we want to talk about the creation there are two verses in the Bible that are pivotal for the creation Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 I want to take a look at Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 with a new light here Genesis 1:1 first verse 24 28 letters 7 words in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth how many knew that if you know that verse there's not another problem in the Bible little Bobby if you really understand that verse it'll answer everything else but in any case let's take a look at this verse in Hebrew now you know Hebrew goes from right to left all languages flow towards Jerusalem all cut nations east of Jerusalem go from right to left all nations west of Jerusalem go from left to right but anyway the point is Hebrew and Greek have the peculiar characteristic that every member of their alphabet has a numerical value and that's a peculiar property of those two languages only some Roman letters have some values but only six of them that's another whole story anyway Hebron Greene okay it turns out there's a strange thing that's discovered if you take the the number of letters times the product of the letters and you divide that by the number of words and the product of the words understand since each of those letters has a numerical value you can go through the rigmarole and pulling that together how many letters are there well it happens to be a 28 I believe and what's the product of them you multiply that out you get a number you take the number of words times the product of the words well okay you go through that rigmarole and you discover something very strange you come you get PI to four decimal places that's precise by the way that's more precise and most of us bother did use unless you were in an engineering curriculum 3.1416 four decimal places precision you say yourself well that's kind of weird somebody must have a time on their hands to even discover that and so so what okay but I'll leave you that and that's of course PI now there's a guy named a John Napier he's a mathematician in the sixteenth century he's the discoverer of what we of logarithms and there's a certain kind of logarithms that has properties that cause it to show up everywhere in mathematics so they call it a natural logarithm some people in his honor called an ax period logarithms after John Napier he also was the one that promoted the use of decimal point in fractions he happens to be an activist for the Reformation in the process affairs of Scotland incidentally that's a small footnote in some of the scientific texts but I thought it'd be interesting to conclude here the point is this he discovered E which is this peculiar number in mathematics the number is the most commonly defined as the limit of expression 1 plus 1 over N and as n becomes large it's defined by an expression it has some and its limiting value is two point seven one eight two eight one eight two eight and so on that now why is it so important mathematics because it happens it has some peculiar mathematical properties the number e forms the base of the natural material of rhythms where do you find it in wave mechanics it's a very key formula in electrical theory it shows up again and again in advanced math it's the sum of the coasts it's got a irrational part of the trig functions it's got the distribution of prime numbers follow that behavior the fact that Prime a distribution prime numbers follow any behaviors bizarre but it does describe the distribution of prime numbers it's defined by that limit that I just mentioned and it's usually approximated by 2.71828 one eight two eight and so on okay so much for that we talked about Genesis 1:1 as that one verse let's go to John 1:1 that's the other pivotal verse for creation in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God let's take a look at that in the Greek okay if you look about in the Greek again Greek every letter has a numerical value we're going to do the same thing we did with Genesis 1:1 we're going to take the number of letters times the product of the letters and divide that by the number of words times the product other words and what we get is e 2 4 decimal places now you say if you've been following this that has to stir the back of the neck here that is too weird to be coincidental not the four decimal places the precision there is staggering the significance of both of these they are the dimensionless constant universe and they're embedded in the biblical text how do you explain that you can't you can shrug it off watch just a weird coincidence except you start doing the math of that coincidence and it's ridiculously absurd I mean it's just that that's designed why why is there this innit by the way there's probably dozens more like this that link the constants of the universe to the biblical text we've yet to discover but these are so latent they're I mean a patent that they're out there I want to shift gears here a little bit though we are guilty of making linear assumptions in a nonlinear world the minute we discover that the world is digital that makes it by definition nonlinear it's made up of discrete pieces see it's sort of like having all the parts to a piano and trying to put it together so it makes sense you ask me you're still digital right linear assumptions we all assume everything linearly it's just intrinsic of course we think tomorrow will be like yesterday next week like last week next month like last month that's making linear assumptions now we do that because it's practical and yet in our heart of hearts we realize that there's a risk here of running into a non-linearity and we want to understand what mean to that see we this is motivated by false concepts of time time is a physical property subject to mass acceleration and gravity we need to understand that time is not uniform or constant now nonlinearities we can look at it like the straw that makes the camel's back for example what are known natural calamities are like fires floods Wars and earthquakes they intrude in our lives and they come at at really unpredictably on unpredictable occasions for the most part we have political nonlinearities empires fall rise whatever and rule once really it's issuing if increased taxation and lavish spending could save an economy a room would still rule the world I thought empires rise and they fall they don't they're not around forever and we need to understand that the average age of these by the way about 200 years ooh that's interesting physics have nonlinearities there are things we call boundary conditions their conditions are true up until this point we discover all through physics they're their boundary conditions nonlinearities there are black holes these are nonlinearities in quantum mechanics we've just looked at length mass area in time are quantized and we have a we're gonna we have a whole briefing pack on this called beyond perception that's another one that we're gonna take another look at and freshen it up it's you know now it's a decade old we can modernize it a bit just like we're doing a beyond time space here in cosmology we have the anthropic principle gonna talk a little bit about that here in a minute when we attempt to model what we know about the physical universe we discover that there are hue their hoop their huge number of factors that if you change them just an itty little bit it makes life impossible it's not just two or three there's dozens and dozens of these things that some of which are so precise they have to be exactly where they are in one part in 10 to the 15th that's hugely precise so that all argues not only that it was designed but there's somebody maintaining that design that's something that many people overlook well there's an ozone hole and if it changes one first 1/10 of 1% it's gonna bring cosmic doom really whose balanced it all this time that didn't happen by accident someone's watching that atomic physics we have strong nuclear force coupling constant if you change it atoms and materials disappear we don't have a weak nuclear force coupling constant electromagnetic coupling constant the ratio of the electron to proton mass the stability of the proton each one of these have ratios and numbers that if you change just a little bit the periodic table disappears you don't have metals you don't have you don't have anything the fine structure these are all constants that last one is the one that bothers the physics most but anyway would go on here and there are certain atomic energy levels that are not only precise where they need to be but read boil predicted a level that they then found because he predicted by applying this principle the earth the surface gravity if the gravity was any heavier would have problems it was lighter the thickness of the crust the rotation of the period the gravitational interaction with the moon the magnetic field of the earth the actual tilt the albedo that is the reflectivity of the earth the oxygen hydrogen ratio carbon dioxide and water vapor love any one of these if you change it just a little bit things are either too hot or too cold you have life as impossible it's astonishing to discover how delicately these have to be balanced to have what we experience including the ozone level the atmospheric electric discharge there's hundreds of these a seismic activity you know the seismic activity is essential for life it surprised me to learn this and the Sun factors the age of the Sun the distance from the center of the galaxy its mass its color its distance from the earth all every one of those if you change it a little bit things are either too hot or too cold you won't have life you don't have the carbon the hydro carbon cycle to create life and so forth and so the universe itself the gravitational coupling constant the expansion rate of the universe the entropy level the mass of the universe the uniformity all of these requires some sophistication of cosmology to appreciate but what you discover when you start modeling you change these just a little bit the universe doesn't exist it's astonishing the number of stars amazingly enough the distance between the stars those are all required that's an amazing discovery the rate of luminosity and so on now there's another discovery that's more recent that's all that what I've just summarized and we deal with that in another briefing back in detail so I don't want to do it twice we'll beyond coincidence is the study of the uniqueness of that the anthropic principle as it's called and they caught the anthropic principle because it's as if the entire universe was designed for man so secular scientists labeled it the anthropic principle and it needed the they may not have realized how accurate they were it was designed for math anyway but there's another discovery that's more recent that even even just as provocative and it has to do with the mathematical relationship between the Sun and the moon and the earth that where we discovered this and that's the discovery of spectroscopy it turns out the size of the earth the moon and the Sun are such that you can have when the moon gets in the way at just the right time the moon is exactly the right size and distance so that it will block out the Sun to give you what we call a solar eclipse but if the moon was a little bit smaller or a little bit bigger you wouldn't be able to see the corona and it was in seeing the corona that they discovered spectroscopy and that's a technique by which we can as we understand spectroscopy we can we can tell how much of star weighs what it's made out of the whole field of astronomy comes out of a technology called spectroscopy which was discovered because of the phenomenon of a solar eclipse well you turn that around and you realize known as the universe design for man it was designed to be discovered it wasn't just designed to be effective in terms of the fundamentals it was designed to be discovered and so our place in the galaxy happens to be an exactly the right place to be able to discover the galaxies were uniquely positioned there is Gonzales and Richards have published a book called the privileged planet how our place the inner cosmos was designed for discovery and they have a DVD out that's unbelievable very well done and it's an astonishing it's astonishing thing to to behold and I don't want to spend our whole time on that but we certainly could they spent a whole DVD beautifully demonstrating explaining the whole concept that death now that leads to another observation one week one of the most astonishing characteristics of the biblical text is that it anticipates our technological advances and we have a whole briefing on that called technology in the Bible or satellites gigabytes and satellites that the fact that worldwide television digital all kinds of things we take for granted were anticipated in the biblical text biblical text impacts our personal priorities even more deeply than just our intellect and so I want to talk a little bit further about this in this study because this is really the second of a two session thing I want to wrap up the whole thing if I can and that is the Bible is a message system and then itself is a discovery that you need to make personally 66 books that we call the Bible penned by 40 authors over thousands of years but with evidence of design from outside our time domain you can prove these you can't prove the Bible yes you can you've got to discover the integrity that message system yourself and then you obviously have to confront the fact that it had to come from outside the dimensionality of time and the I call this the grandest adventure possible the journey of discovery between the miracle of our origin on the one hand and the mystery of our destiny on the other that's the journey we're all on and the Bible is our handbook the only reliable one so these nonlinearities and science of course deal of course through the Big Bang Theory's the fact that and we have a whole briefing on that with Genesis and the Big Bang and so forth in the information sciences and in biology we have Bishop Polly's fabulous watch example often quoted and the digital context of one by land - I said Paul Revere again is digital the DNA has made up at a three out of four error correcting digital code many people there's probably one engineer in a hundred that knows how to design a digital detecting code certainly not a error correcting code and the DNA exploits a three out of four air correcting digital code and the design skill there is far beyond the reach of most engineers a few maybe I haven't and so the DNA and the RNA are made of a three it's the three out of four I'm getting all that here just want to call your attention to get into that and realize the distinctive nature of it now if you want a more detailed discovery on all of these things we do we deal with it in our commentary and the book of Genesis we spend a full session on each day of creation and touch on most of these topics in that area and there is a book out that is a recent book that I encourage you to get your hands on by Steven Mayer called the signature in the cell it gives you a whole history and explanation of what of what really going on in microbiology it's very understandable it's very dramatic it's a but it is staggering to realize that God's signature is written in ourselves and Steven Mayer does an excellent job at presenting that thing he's going to be a speaker in our conference and so on so let's talk about biblical nonlinearities the fall of man Genesis three is a gigantic non-linearity and that's where entropy is introduced that's where light begins to slow down and so forth we believe fall Oban another non-linearity he huge is Noah's Flood what a shock the planet have had the whole planet covered with water all but eight people and that was worn for four generations it come as a surprise for four generation it was preached on and and of course we have another nonlinear Israel its exodus from Egypt they went down as the family came out as a nation and the whole ups and downs of vicissitude nation all written in advance and yes the Diaspora the Holocaust all of the scripture predicted in advance of the Syrian conquest the Babylonian captivity and the Messiah and that's probably the most astonishing attribute in terms of trying to understand our position in time and space and of course the Diaspora is recorded in the Torah and the regather and so forth it's interesting that this this book that's in your lap has over 8,000 verses in it that are predictive in nature that dealing with almost 2,000 predictions on over 700 different matters this is by just one cataloguing by J Martin Payne and his encyclopedia Biblical prophecy different experts might parse it slightly differently but that's just one example clearly the Bible isn't just a few prophecy verses no it is predictive from cover to cover in more in more ways than you can discover in your lifetime let's just talk about the prophecies in the scripture that are quoted in the Gospels there's many more we've experienced but just take the ones that are specifically quoted in the Gospels that Jesus the Messiah was going to be of David's family it's all through the Old Testament that he was born of a virgin is all through several places he would be born in Bethlehem in Micah 5:2 he would sojourn in Egypt Hosea 11:1 he would live in Galilee in fact specifically in Nazareth in Isaiah 9 Isaiah 11 he would be announced by an Elijah like Herald according to several passages that would occasion the massacre of Bethlehem children we did learn in Jeff's 35 and Jeremiah 31 he proclaim a Jubilee to the world his mission would include the Gentiles that's not a surprise that was described by several places in the Old Testament Isaiah 42 being example his ministry would be one of healing we take that for granted because it's so familiar to us no that was predicted in Isaiah 53 he would teach through parables that's in the Old Testament he would be disbelieved and rejected by the rulers that's no surprise he's described several times in Psalms and several times in the Book of Isaiah among other places let's continue some others let's talk just the last week of Christ's ministry the last week of his earthly walk here you make a triumphal entry in Jerusalem according to Zechariah 9 9 in psalm 118 he'd be betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver he would be like a smitten shepherd his people would be scattered he'd be given vinegar and gall we've got the valley even the the technical details they'd cast lots for his garments his side would be pierced it's not a bone would be broken however he would die among malefactors his dying words were foretold in Psalm 22 and South 31 he'd be buried by a rich man he'd rise from the dead on the third day and by the way how many times in the Old Testament do you find that certainly Genesis 22 for that's instigated Psalm 16 it's indicated and Jonah chapter 1 verse 7 interesting ly enough that's the one that Jesus himself alludes to Hosea 6 and result so in history passage and judges 2 I keep finding more of those by the way they'd rise on the third day it's all it's laced all through the Old Testament pictured his resurrection would be followed by the destruction of Jerusalem that was all predicted now the big one that's coming in front of us talk about non linearities a period of history written in advance about which the Bible says more than any other and into which we are being propelled at the present time a seven-year period is on the horizon a specific seven-year period that's going to include a time of trouble the likes of which the world had never seen before and never would see again it's coming we're on the this huge non-linearity forthcoming in Babylon the Magog invasion and the coming surprise ahead of the Magog invasion Psalm 83 I invite you to check all of these up we've written breathing packages on Babylon on the Magog invasion and on Psalm 83 and so forth well you taught my Jerusalem Temple Europe China they're all laid out in the scripture and the greatest not only event of all time is forthcoming every detail of the genealogy birth mission and destiny of the Messiah Jesus Christ was written down in detail centuries before their realisation in history Mara noun understand a basic premise here the Old Testament was translated into Greek two hundred and seventy years before Christ was born call it three centuries before his ministry you can verify that in any competent encyclopedia the Old Testament whoever wrote it whatever was translated into Greek three centuries that's matter of documentation yet in that text the precise day that he was to present himself as a king riding on a donkey was predicted centuries in advance that's staggering to realize that's just a reality you can verify and there's no other way to explain it than to acknowledge the supernatural origin of the total package not just a little check for us here there and so for the most amazing passage in the Bible and the remarkable validations mission you want to study this this passage and you find it and learn the Bible in 24 hours you'll also find a special briefing called Daniel 70 weeks that goes into this and it's probably Jesus himself pointed his disciples to that very passage Daniel 9 as the as the key to endtime prophecy okay but what else is going on today you know we have a whole briefing on technology in the Bible two hours of listing things that have been that we take for granted in advanced technology we're laid out in the Bible in the headphone it's a whole study on its own there's another one Luke 21 everybody thinks look 20 once part of the Oliver disk in this course no it's not it was given in the temple and be until people recognize that you'll fail to recognize that Jesus has a prophecy that most people have overlooked he laid out the details of the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD with a precision that confuses many of the critics Ezekiel 37 talks about Israel reestablishing as a country as its own state isaiah briscoe can a nation be born in a day yes it was the fact that Israel is in the news every day is a testimony as a fulfillment not complete yet but if a partial film on Ezekiel 37 Ezekiel for there's a complex analysis there that predicts the exact day the exact day that that Jesus that Israel would be born as the state and that's cut to copy it's a study and its own right we deal with it in our Ezekiel commentary and as equal 38 the Gog and Magog everyone's talking these days about Gog and Magog because they see a lot of the pieces ready to happen and indeed they are not necessarily next month there's some preceding events that have to take place but it is certainly on our horizon it's a it's a major geopolitical issue on the horizon the role of Russia and Iran and the hatred of Israel and so forth but there's Psalm 83 that may be in an intervening thing that it may be on our more immediate horizon the only way you answer these things I could I don't want to agree on our whole study here on this topic but off it goes because I have something else I want to get into here we've been talking a lot about atomic particles and scientific things I don't want to leave us there I want us to come back to what this is really all about and that's our coming King and this little tour de force that I want to indulge here was inspired by pastor Lockridge some years ago speaking of our coming King he's the King of the Jews he's a racial King people wonder why there's a menorah in her house so you guys Jewish no but the God we worship is he's the king of Israel she says the king he's a national king many people don't realize that he's king of all the ages the king of heaven the king of glory and the king of kings and the Lord of lords the question is do you know him do you really know him he's a prophet before Moses a priest after a Melchizedek a champion like Joshua he's a offering in the place of Isaac they came from the line of David like a wise counselor even above Solomon he's but he was beloved rejected and exalted son like Joseph and of course far more the heavens declare his glory the firmament shows his handiwork he who is who was and always will be the first in the last the Alpha and the Omega the Aleph and the Tao in the Hebrew and the a and the Z in her alphabet he's the firstfruits of them that slept he's the ego Eimi the yahoo share a hawk v i am that i am the voice of the burning bush the captain of the Lord's host he was the conqueror of Jericho he's enduring strong entirely sincere eternally steadfast he's a morally graceful imperially powerful impartially merciful in him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily the very god of very God he's our kinsman redeemer but he's also our Avenger of blood he's our city of refuge our performing high priest our personal prophet our reigning king he's the loftiest idea in literature he is the highest personality and philosophy he's the fundamental doctrine of theology and he's the supreme problem in higher criticism he's the miracle of all the ages the participer LeTip of everything good you and I are the beneficiaries of a love letter that was written in blood on a wooden cross erect in Judea some 2,000 years ago they say he was crucified on a cross of wood yet he made the hill on which it stood by him are all things made that were made without him was not anything made that was made and by him are all things held together Wow what held him to that cross what held my cry it wasn't the nails see at anytime he could have said enough already I'm out of here what held him to the cross it wasn't the veils it was his love for you and me that's why he went through with it three times he prayed in if there's any other way any other way to take it let's take it three times there's any other way and by him is that prayer wasn't answered he was born of a woman so you and I could be born of God he humble himself so that we could be lifted up he became a servant so that we could be made joint heirs with him Wow he suffered rejections so that we could become his friends he denied himself so that we could freely receive all things he gave himself so he could bless us in every way he's available to the temptin cried he blesses the young he cleanses the lepers he defends the feeble he delivers the captives he discharges the debtors he forgives the sinners he franchises the meek he guards the besieged he heals the sick he provides strength to the weak he regards the aged he rewards the diligent he serves the unfortunate he sympathizes then he saves his officers are manifold his reign is righteousness his promises are sure his goodness is limitless as light as matchless His grace is sufficient his love never changes his mercy is everlasting his word is enough his yoke is easy and his burden is light I wish I could describe him to you he's indescribable is incomprehensible he's irresistible and he's invincible the heaven of heavens cannot contain him man cannot explain him the Pharisees couldn't stand him but soon learned they couldn't stop him the personal representative of the ruler of the world em couldn't find any fault with him the witnesses couldn't agree against him Herod couldn't kill him death couldn't handle him the grave couldn't hold him he's always been and always will be he had no predecessor and will have no successor you can't impeach him and he is gonna reserve his name is above every name that at the name of Yeshua every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord he is his is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen so what about your personal non-linearity the real you I can't see the real you I just see the containers you haven't been right now the real you call it soul heart spirit whatever it's software not hardware which means it's without mass which means it has no time you are eternal whether you're saved or not Wow that's the problem where are you going to spend your eternity if you're perfect no problem Ironside talks about a door I love this I remember it got picked up as a teenager I've loved it imagine that you're confronted with a doorway labeled whosoever will may enter now you've got complete freedom to go through that door or not you can go in or not it's up to you you choose to enter and when you go through that door you look back and you're shocked on the other side you find a banquet table set with individual place settings names on each place and there's a place with your name on it you are expected and you turn back and look at the door you just came through and it on the side it says foreordained before the foundation of the world I love that I've wanted to do that to our entrance here and to put it on but the security people say you know it would be we'd be denying because we locked the doors at night right anyway how do you tell if you've been predestinated there's big disguise about predestination how do you tell very simple choose him and he will demonstrate that you were yet it really is up to you it's only a paradox when you look at it from within the time domain so I want to put a challenge before you before we finish because for many of you this may be our first encounter together and I like to put this up on the screen because if you accept what I put here you've lunk the course I want you to challenge this outrageous statement put on the screen you and I are being plunged into a period of time about which the Bible says more than it does about any other period of time in history including the time that Jesus walked the shores of Galilee or climbing the mountains of Judea that's a preposterous statement that you and I are moving into a period of time about which the Bible says more than it does about the gospel period that's a preposterous statement I sincerely believe it but I want you to chalak cept it you flunked I want you to challenge that statement how do you do that you got your two things you got to find out what the Bible actually says now what chuck Missler says or anybody else find out for it's too important to delegate to anybody else it's written specifically to you personally now in our unique environment today you can do that more easily than ever before in history you can go to the original Hebrew and Greek without knowing Hebrew agree with appliances we have the computers the iPhones whatever you can get into the text into the Greek or Hebrew without knowing Greek or Hebrew because of the advanced appliances that we all have and the Internet you can put your little error on any word it'll pop up with what it said in the original and it'll tell you the parts of speech they'll even diagram the sentences if you want to and the software to do that is free for your computer you can do it on the Internet it's free on the blue letter Bible there's some other services if you're not in a small group you're not really serious about the Bible somebody says gee I'm released the Bible great are you studying the Bible and a small group during the week are you depending on a 40-minute sermon on Sunday morning is designed to the general public that's not going to cut the mustard no matter how good the pastor is no matter how effective the messages that isn't going to do it you need to be in the Word of God and the best way to do that in a small group small enough is you can ask questions about embarrassment small enough to hold each other accountable and the second thing you got to do is not as easy as that find out what's really going on you can't have a 10 o'clock news because one thing I think everyone's learned today they the media is so corrupt they take pride in shaping opinions rather than informing them so you got to do you got to avail yourself of some resources here pilot said what is true that's our challenge what is really true we live in the age of deceit so that's a challenge and there are resources I want to make you acquainted with to help do that they say well what do i do then check well the first question is what's your action plan a year from now you're gonna look back will you have grown a year and we'll just repeated one years experience another time after 10 years do you have one year experience repeated 10 times or you really progress what is God calling you to do that's the question every one of us needs to determine how many of you are saved let me see your hands what have you done with it why did God save you to accomplish something to bear fruit what have you what fruit of your board I'm going to suggest that every one of us me included needs to raise the bar on a personal walk and that may involve a number of things I know what it include and that's a to be committed to a systematic study to the word of the Word of God and so either you either join or start if you need to a weekly small study group you don't have to be a teacher to lead a group there's plenty of restore you can find a group of people over and pop a DVD in the thing and serve some coffee and donuts and just discuss it so you have to do the Holy Spirit will take over you don't have to be a teacher to lead a group just make sure one person doesn't dominate you know you maintain some order in here but whatever you're gonna do respond to is calling now now is the time so with that let's stand for a closing word of Prayer in reviewing beyond time and space and if this is your first encounter with some of materials we invite you to take up any of these topics that have tickled your interest and know that there's further studies behind them and perhaps one of the best place to start is just learn the Bible 24 hours which touches on most of these topics and a surprising amount of detail from there you go over to commentaries or whatever favorite books Thor puts in your path but I encourage you to do it through the Institute because then you can get university credit for it and a lot of other things you'll discover as you if you get a little copy of the little blue hand book it explains all that the handbook is free they're available it'll explain how this peculiar entity has emerged in what it does let's bow our hearts father we thank you for who you are we thank you that in your kingdom there are no accidents no coincidences that we're all here right now by your divine appointment and we would pray father that your purpose would be accomplished in each of our lives as each of us commit our way into your hands without any reservations whatsoever we commit ourselves in hands in the name of Yeshua our coming King indeed amen [Music] [Music]
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 63,082
Rating: 4.9094925 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: EvuqswMS5d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 27sec (3807 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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