America's Current Predicament - Chuck Missler

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well good morning and welcome back to our conference on weathering the coming storm and we hope you had a good rest after last night's session hope you slept well on that disturbing news but we are here for the second session on the the second session on the national predicament we talked about the glow I took a global perspective yesterday but now we're going to focus on the national predicament we're just going to zero right on down as you can tell from your program and so we will be entering of course the Word of God in this presentation and we always want to do that armed with his presence and with prayer so let's bow our hearts father we thank you for this morning we thank you for the privilege of being right here we know father that in your kingdom there are no accidents no coincidences that we're all here by your divine appointment so it's our prayer father that your purpose would be accomplished in each of our lives in this coming hour we commit this hour and ourselves into your hands in the name of Yeshua our kinsman redeemer our reigning king we thank you Father for our Redeemer in deed in whose name we commit all these things amen he promises that where two or three are gathered together as the mischievous and we value just welcome that value that and trust him to deal with some very troublesome issues one reason we put this conference together is the urgency we clearly are on the threshold of a storm and we say that broadly no matter where you are in the world you'll be impacted by the events that we're dealing with and so we're gonna we've focused on the broader horizon as a warm up last night we're now going to spend on the we're going to focus on the national perspective here if we may and so we're going to talk about the life cycle of nations many people don't realize that nations have a life cycle they start and they go through a cycle in the end and we're good we want to understand the nature of the fall of Nations and distinguish between the symptoms and the real cause in all of that lifecycle of Nations it's interesting how that has been studied and studied and studied through the centuries and the conclusions are pretty much identical Alexander Tyler back in 1770 published the cycle of democracy and will grow on his model in a minute Edward given the decline and fall of the Roman Empire classic most of you are familiar with Toynbee's the study of history back in 34 and Joad and 36 and then Jim Nelson black when nations die in 1994 the what's interesting if you study each of these you'll discover the conclusions are quite consistent no surprises pretty straightforward I'll use Jim blacks summary is the summary of all of them there's social decay which is usually a crisis lawlessness that's different than breaking the law in fact that the laws are ineffectual the loss of economic discipline and rising bureaucracy these things seem painfully familiar don't they sounds like it's out of an editorial of today's newspaper cultural decay the decline of education it's astonishing to discover that the decline of education is not accidental or mismanagement it's by design and I hope you don't believe that and check it out you have to for that yourself the weakening of cultural foundations the loss of respect for traditional values it's amazing to discover how the Bible from cover to cover admonishes that said don't move the ancient landmark and it's not telling my property landmark it's an idiom a metaphor for much broader commitments that there's a there's a comfort a stability and tradition that is that is constructive and the loss of respect for traditional values accompanies the fall of Nations and of course the real root of all of this is moral decay the rise of immorality we're going to talk a little bit about that as we go the decay of course of religious belief of whatever kind and the valuing of human life goes along with us these are fundamentals that the that authors have noted throughout the centuries Alexander Tyler speaks of the cycle of Nations way that I think is so descriptive I just have to indulge in it people start in bondage and while in bondage they attain some measure of spiritual faith that spiritual faith leads to courage and from that courage they can attain at least some level of liberty and that Liberty then leads to abundance that's a pattern and that certainly is the profile of America it the the Liberty very led to an abundance that became the envy of the world watch out for that watch out for envy it's dangerous from that abundance what happens well you sleep pretty soon get to complacency and from that complacency it degenerates into apathy and I'm fond of quoting this I go down the street in America and ask somebody what do you think the biggest problem is in America is it is it ignorance or is it apathy and he'll say I don't know and I don't care and of course that apathy then leads to dependency and even in America with all its pride of so many other things over fifty percent of the population is on the dole with the government in some way or another there's an entitlement mentality that has taken over the culture and that that has disastrous consequence which of course leads back into bondage that closes the cycle that cycle throughout history usually takes about two centuries give or take a little about 200 years is the typical cycle and that's the cycle in America and a little overdue in the sense so have you ever wondered why governments always seem to tend toward corruption that's a phenomenon we observe and as a systems engineer I never understand it until I closed the loop if you will you see why are we surprised governments have always loved crises right they provide the rationale for increasing budgets and bureaucracies subjugating the liberties of the population that's what these things yeah that's why they're useful to governments you can Inc if you have a a crisis that gives you an excuse to increase by and also to steal freedoms from the population in fact you notice when new dictators take over a country they almost always create an external crisis a military crisis to consolidate their own power obviously and what they've discovered in America is that they that you don't have to have a military crisis you see social crises are just as useful to create an excuse to increase budgets and to steal liberties and so so there's an insight here that we should not overlook if social crises are useful to a government what causes social crises and the answer is immorality immorality is what results in social crises so let's diagram this as a system engineer with the government they love military crises because that increases their budgets and allows them to steal freedoms well we've discovered in America at least that social crises are just as useful as military ones and so what creates social crises immorality ok no surprise why are we surprised when we realize that governments have an incentive to promote immorality they should they they distribute free of charge condoms or whatever you can think you can make a whole list of things that governments do that in effect lead to our immorality which will lead to social crises which will help the government you say well that that sounds a little sinister no kidding that shouldn't rule it out of a government's agenda there anyway so what happens these things grow and get bigger budgets get bigger crises get larger and the liberties get smaller and so but we have so we've looked last night at a lot of different crises but I'm going to take the big one is the corruption in America and I'm going to use America because I know it best I'm gonna use America because what happens there will impact everybody in one way or another worldwide unfortunately and so what am I talking about see for decades now we papered over these problems with massive amounts of borrowing but now our debts exceed 500 percent of the gross domestic product and America is now the world's largest borrower we were the world's largest creditor up until about 40 years ago now we're not only a debtor we are the largest debtor by far on the planet Earth and the holes in our society can no longer be hidden so it's not just the finances I'm dealing with here for debt and so uh there's an impending implosion and we've lost our sense of honor humility and the dedication to personal responsibility that used to be part of our tradition for more than 200 years and that made our country for in the minds of many people that probably the brightest hope for mankind because of that route and now we have become a country who believe their well being is somebody else's responsibility that's a huge fundamental change in the psyche and the mentality of the succeeding generations something you don't change back very quickly lies and abuse of exploitation by our highest officials go unchallenged we have bald-faced lies continually flowing from the highest levels of our government and the scripture has a lot to say about that when the wicked rule the people mourn and we have lies and deceit and and illegal actions openly practice by the highest levels in our government and that gets replicated all the way down the hill you can even see this all the way down to the lowering of school standards the revising of the SAT scores the widespread use of performance-enhancing drugs in professional college and high school sports even and cheating has become a way of life in America I spent 30 years on Wall Street in as director of public corporations a dozen of them and those were different days back then I'm way out of date today the kind of conduct that is troodontid a was unheard of except in rare exceptions a few decades ago my word is my bond was the ethic that came from the street and it were for a good part of our history and today people executives so sue me it's a litigate of environment see liberty is not the license to do it one wants it's the empowerment to do it why not big difference big difference liberty is the harvest yield from lives of individuals who plant the seed of self-government within as the foundation of thoughts and intents words and the deeds of life that used to be our root ethic that we've built the country on the fruit of Liberty is than is national prosperity in all its multi-coloured forms however the price of Liberty is eternal vigilance because it is within the nature of those who are enslaved to their own desires and fears to yearn to enslave others and that's the dynamic that's going on if you get enough money together you can get a totally unknown person into the White House you can mask the the the pursuit of truth of all the mainline media if you have enough money and put a non-event into thee anyway on January 1st of 2012 New Year's Eve what will be remembered is the most trattoria s-- executive signing ever committed against the American people President Obama signed a bill on New Year's Eve which essentially eliminated the sacred Bill of Rights the Declaration of Independence the Constitution the Bill of Rights these were sacred documents in our culture so much so even as a kid you got tired of hearing about it it was so inculcate ydynt our culture and today there's probably a young person in it knows next to nothing about any one of those three and indicate any case they've been obliterated by executive order New Year's Eve in what was called the National Defense Authorization Act there's been an NDAA every year this one had a little subtle change in wording derived from the sacred principles of common law and that's something else by the way I encourage every one of you to do a little homework and understand the different between civil law and common law the traditional form of law throughout the empire from Roman Empire on was to protect the state we call that civil law the innovation that emerged out of English common law is so precious we need to understand its preciousness and its uniqueness because it's designed to protect the individual against the state there's a there's a tension between common law and civil law that you need to understand and it's something that every citizen should do a little bit of homework on anyway the the from the sacred principles of common law the Bill of Rights that has come to a sudden and catastrophic end with the president signing the National Defense Authorization Alpha zation Act it's a law that grants the US military were not targeted would they they would never use for law enforcement before no now they have the legal right to conduct secret kidnappings of US citizens followed by indefinite detention interrogation torture and even murder and if that doesn't shock you you weren't listening this is all conducted completely outside the protection of law with no jury no trial no legal representation and not even any requirement that the government produce evidence against the accused he can just disappear without any recourse it's a system of outright government tyranny against the American people and it effectively nullifies the Bill of Rights this is not a proposal this is not just a threat this has happened it's signed it's in place so we have the evaporation of the very roots that America was built upon the separation of powers there's no separation of powers the the executive branch totally ignores the legislative and judiciary and and vice versa the rule of law is no longer operative in America believe it or not check it out yourself habeas corpus Posse Comitatus these were sacred principles of the past gone done trial by jury no longer necessary and common-law versus civil I do encourage you to do some homework on that issue there's corruption throughout the executive branch we have a president in the White House who Kent who is clearly prohibited from being there by the US Constitution he has denied any evidence of his eligibility for the office setting aside many many other aspects of that the legislative branch is astonishing signing bills they don't read they should all be on trial for treason monthly they all took an office out of office to protect the Constitution and they ignore it those those are treasonous steps that every virtually every one of them are guilty of and the judiciary it's astonishing to understand how the judiciary will reverse jury trials will ignore legislative votes on laws that should be established there totally and there's a recourse that they are also vulnerable to impeachment they in the early days they could still be today if they had the political will within the legislature to improve but there's there is recourse that's not resorted to judiciary is unbridled and destroying the country and the media you know everybody in public life has discovered that the media has a liberal bias no surprise that's been that way all along probably for a lot of reasons but something different happened in the election of 2008 in the United States because all five of the mainline media conspired to hide the truth from the American people that's not bias that's treasonous conduct the purpose of the media is to inform the electorate of an in a democracy and they deliberately hid the truth of the primary candidate that's all so it should be a treasonous offense there's one voice in America that has dedicated his life to the principle that the media's role is to be a watchdog of the government and that organization is headed by an airman our favorite Arab I might add Joseph Farah and WorldNetDaily is a lone voice in the as a megaphone of the of freedom liberty and and and the root causes of truth and he's fortunately joined by some others but he's the conspicuous example and wall street I spent a good part of my executive career on Wall Street and let me tell you it was different back then I'm astounded this to watch the change of atmosphere ethical atmosphere between the street as it was a few decades ago I'm obviously out of data it's astonishing to see the the deceit and the skullduggery that occurs in the in the in Wall Street today and of course the schools I used to think that I I noticed that every year is a we spend more money per student hour and that results get worse we always spend more money and the results get worse I used to think that was just mismanagement I was shocked to discover as I started investigated that some years ago to discover no that's the plan they're following an agenda it's all published read the books as many of them written about bear Joseph's book brave new schools and others like that that is the that was the when David Brees I wrote the book the seven men who ruled the world from their graves he includes John Dewey is one of them and the whole agenda of dumbing down the American publication to make it a more manageable electorate was an agenda that they're following and I hope that shocks you enough to check it out it's amazing to realize that the school the generation is a deliberate managed result and so and the unionization of public officials you know the concept of unions make sense when there's an offsetting control if you have a skilled labor force that's doing that is working against some objective measure the objective measure becomes the marketplace when that when that group of skills gets too expensive to be productive it self-correcting in a sense in an aggregate economic sense but when you unionize a group of people who have no objective measure and that's true of a certain certainly to of public officials you unleash an escalation of cost that will come back to haunt you and so the whole idea of unionizing public officials is a contradiction in terms of new study through and that of course has destroyed the entire public environment in the United States I can remember as a kid that people who serve in public service did so at a penalty their salaries would not be as high as they could get in the corporate world but they did it out of a sense of dedication and commitment they found a sense of fulfillment in being a public servant in the true sense of the term and used to it used to be when you went to Washington you were frustrated because you had bureaucrats that were moving a little too slowly or something but they weren't hostile today you go into the bureaucracies and you find aggressive young attorneys out to make a name for themselves who have no interest in the public interest except as a as a as a cover so anyway it's things changed and just to keep you in as we start talking about it one reminds you about my lesson from yesterday of the lessons in quantities how much is a million seconds that turns out to be 12 days well how much is a billion seconds that turns out to be 32 years which I argue is qualitatively different not just a different magnitude numerically if you go to trillion that's 32,000 years it the thing that you'd grab you out of this is that those changes in magnitude are so gigantic as to not be comparable qualitatively well we take a look at our debt we at the end of 2011 we had six point eight trillion in Treasury debt eight point two trillion in government agency debt 2.7 trillion and municipal debt eleven point six trillion of corporate debt fourteen point six trillion and mortgage debt two and a half trillion and consumer debt plus six and a half trillion in other debts that's 50 to nine trillion call 53 trillion total and that's out of the flow of funds the United States and that doesn't count future obligation such as Social Security Medicare which add up to over 65 trillion and on top of all of this the US banks hold derivative obligations that are impossible to fully assess there's clearly exceed 200 trillion and some estimates go over a thousand trillion in ineffective overhang on the economy and that's from the office of the controller of the concerns that currency by the way so this debt is impacting over half of all the US states and thousands of our counties cities and towns and the police fire and other emergency services are being cut and health care services are being limited or as limited altogether and schools universities are losing their funding and they're forced to raise their tuition which is already sky-high and the maintenance of roads bridges and and electrical grids are being curtailed there are actually many counties that are plowing up their paved roads to put a make them gravel because that's cheaper than trying to maintain the potholes and stuff that occur from the weather there at we're actually going backwards in the infrastructure that made the country great part of the history of America was the upgrading of the intresting create in the infrastructure that created the prosperity of the past and we can't afford it so they're actually going the other way believe it or not it turns out to be cheaper to do that and thousands of state county and city jobs are being cut and they're in prisons that are being opened there in California 4,800 prisoners are put on the street because they don't have the budget to keep them in strangely enough so America is in moral freefall and this whole thing is not about debt as any businessman will tell you cash flow is a symptom not a cause it's a symptoms you're doing some things right the absence of cash flows means that you haven't done it right but that's a indicator not because the root cause in America and because it's in freefall is because of spiritual warfare it's totally failing its moral challenges we have a media masking the truth when its job is to present the truth to the American public and they are prostitutes chasing dollars that will buy them as the 2008 election demonstrates so graphically we have courts that are perverting justice we have judiciary's that reverse jury trial verdicts and so on we have a judiciary that it's making laws rather than evaluating them we have schools that are deliberately dumbing down our youth and I hope that shocks you enough to do your own homework you'll find it's well documented we have replaced our traditional heritage with multiculturalism revisionism values right you know it used to be my parents were immigrants and they didn't really understand a lot about the UN colleges but the idea to go to school is to learn right from wrong that was the mentality of my dad I remember that and and when I got the Naval Academy appointment he had a little different he could sort of relate to that that was different but anyway but I mean the whole idea of education in his mind was to learn right from wrong and now in our education is it demonstrates that there is no right you have your truth I have my truth their value relative is an astonishing retreat from Western civilization the great books of rushing world where man's quest for truth a desperate groping for what's true and today's youth are taught there is no truth then why study history you have your truth I have mine you know the is the nonsense that's being promoted and get to patriotism this has been probably the most painful part of my life in recent years and my wife and I have been through some pretty deep valleys we lost our firstborn son and that was traumatic we went through bankruptcy and we went through some believe we had some ups and downs but I can tell you candidly rather strangely perhaps the most painful time was none of those most painful time I've had is really started I guess at my 50th alumni reunion at the Naval Academy as I began to realize that what I used to regard as patriotism I now began to evaluate as an obsolete form of idol worship that it's phony I feel a sense of betrayal those that are products of the long gray line at West Point or the brigade of Midshipmen Abel Academy are beneficiaries of a hundred and fifty years of tradition into things that we took seriously we signed up for to give our lives to I now look back and see it as a con job phony a shell of things that are now out of date obsolete and that's a painful thing there's a concept that I use it called a painful blessing that sounds like an oxymoron a painful blessing is the puncturing of a delusion a five-year-old wind discovers no Santa Claus that's painful but essential right the Israeli peaceniks years ago discovered finally that their enemies don't want peace and that was a maturation of waking up if you will of that segment of the population most Israelis recognized today that there the problem is that their adversaries don't want peace well the other thing for some of us myself and some of my classmates is the realization that much of what we signed up for us thinking we were patriotic we were just chasing a myth that is that is that has expired if you will so that's a we're not Democrats or Republicans or monarchists today so to clarify that a little bit so the real problem you know you look is is the real problem a problem in America in the military you know some people are very concerned because most of the power in the military has been now relegated to the overt communication over combat people you know it's the SEAL Team six it's the Rangers these special groups that operate undercover it's you know you can go to war with a country without declaring war you slip in the Special Ops guys they're in and they out and they accomplish what they do and that's been that's increasingly become a way of life strangely enough some people are concerned about that what about political politics we have become unaccountable and totally corrupt there's no current I had the privilege of sitting on a board with Bill Simon bill some under the former secretary Treasury I hidden he he wrote a book when we secretary-treasurer call the time for truth in which he demonstrates why the United States is irrevocably out of control simply because there's no accountability the people had control the budgets the legislators and the legislators themselves are not accountable they're just worried about their two-year reelection cycle so and and on top of all of that we have the entitlement mentality everybody feels they're entitled to whatever not as a privilege or not something you achieve it's something that you're entitled to and that mentality is pervaded the whole culture and so the financial results are obvious the debts are driven beyond control simply completely but the real root of all of this is outlawing the presence of God that's no longer a society the if you look I could show you 84 charts of social indicators on America then up until 1960 were improving slightly but on the right in the right trend to add you know teenagers pregnancy there's all there's 84 different indicators and they were all improving up to about 1960 62 and every one of them has the same shape at about that time they start declining and they're plunging down ever since and what happened in those particular years that's when we had the Supreme Court outlaw public prayer that's when we outlawed the presence of God in the public schools and on in and all the other derivative aspects of that and so the we even at that just a few weeks ago found that God excluded deliberately excluded from the platform of the primary political party in the America in America and you know that I applaud the clarity somehow that removed any pretense of what that party stood for you now have pastors preaching from pulpits that any Christian can't in good conscience be a member of the Democratic Party there are people that we bother that's controversial obviously but I applaud the clarity of so that leads me to a key topic that we need to understand because we discover as we start studying governments and cultures and nations but god has several different rafts that we find in the scripture and I want to focus on the abandonment wrath as I mentioned last night and the question answers there's two when I have a question the answer period across the United States and large audiences there's two questions that always come up where's the United States and prophecy they always says there's somebody they're always used to ask that and why hasn't God judged America well the knight states and prophecy questions easy to dismiss most of the books they've been written about that are wrong and easily provably so and the main players eschatologically in the Bible are very well identified and the u.s. is not among them so you ferment there's a whole nother bunch of discussions but the other question that companies that this kind of thing by those that are more spiritually sensitive is why hasn't God judged America that's a good question and that's been echoed many times Billy Graham had this wonderful soundbite some decades ago now says if God doesn't judge America you'll have to apologize it's Sodom and Gomorrah that's a great soundbite it really nails it if you will and but it's interesting you'll discover that even Thomas Jefferson back in 1781 said essentially the same kind of a thing he said I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just and that his justice cannot sleep forever Thomas Jefferson had those concerns back then interestingly enough and so so while we chewing on this I can't resist including the ancient words of a centuries-old poem that haunt me they're carved in a Gothic medieval alphabet on a towering ornate Cathedral door right in the heart of a small town in Germany and if you translate it into modern English the words take a form of a frightening poem and here's what the poem says you call me eternal and then do not seek me you call me fair and then do not love me you call me gracious and then do not trust me you call me just then do not fear me you call me life then do not choose me you call me light and then do not see me you call me Lord and then do not respect me you call me master then do not obey me you call me merciful then do not faint me you call me mighty then do not honor me you call me noble then do not serve me you call me rich then do not ask me you call me Savior then do not praise me you call me Shepherd then do not follow me you call me the way and then do not walk with me you call me wise and then do not heed me you call me son of God then do not worship Me when I abandon you then do not blame me heavy stuff [Music] [Music]
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 307,263
Rating: 4.8803349 out of 5
Keywords: the, acts, of, holy, spirit, apostles, jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: RD7BnShjQRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2013
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