Issachar Insight - Chuck Missler and Barry Setterfield

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you every once in a while we have the opportunity to introduce an old friend and also every once in a while we have the opportunity to have as a guest a world-class scientist and this particular time we get to do both because I've had a friend for more than 20 years by the name of Barry Satterfield and he became very famous many decades ago as he with Trevor Norman together predicted or understood I should say that the speed of light has actually been slowing down and they were greeted by a lot of guffaws from the physics community in fact I had two of my oldest friends that were very prominent in the physics world take me to dinner to try to give me guidance not to get caught up in this crazy idea that the speed of light was not a constant and they took me to a nice dinner and I listened politely but I privately resolved to ignore that and I chose to side my remarks in the direction of supporting a Barry Satterfield and Trevor Norman's disclosure the speed of light has been slowing down it was many years later that it became widely understood and acknowledged that they were right and so Barry Satterfield is a very familiar name to people in the physics world and certainly in the Christian world as a just a first class guy that's committed to the Lord Jesus Christ well a monograph landed on my desk a few months ago and it was on my desk less than a week or so when I realized I needed to repair a delinquency and track Barry down and so I arranged to stop by his home and the chat a little bit about his life work on the zero-point energy and so it's in that spirit that I want to have you join me as we drop in and have a candid discussion with the dear friend Barry Satterfield very nice to be with you again it is a joy to be with you I have to ask you I keep running into this issue of a zero-point energy I've heard it for a while I get the impression on the one hand it seems real and on the other hand it seems to be disregarded so let's start this exploration first of all what is the zero-point energy step one okay the zero-point energy basically is electromagnetic energy which fills the vacuum its intrinsic to the to the whole fabric of space its intrinsic it goes through everything in in the universe goes through you and me and so on and why is it called the zero-point energy okay let me put it this way check if you take a perfectly sealable flask and pump out all solids liquids and gases out of it you would think you had a vacuum a good vacuum that was the definition of a vacuum back in the 17th century ok ok then they discovered that ok that vacuum can contain temperature radiation turn or heat radiation ok so you then cool your vacuum down to absolute zero of temperature minus 273 degrees Celsius ok ok that's the zero we're talking that's the zero that we're talking about and that is called a bare vacuum ok now it was then discovered in the 20 20th century that that vacuum contains an incredible amount of energy it's called the zero-point energy because it's there absolute zero of temperature ok ok and what it is it's actually electromagnetic waves of all wavelengths that are appearing there and these wavelengths are distributed in an unusual fashion there are very very few long wavelengths but the shorter the wavelength is the more there are of them that would be ok ok and so it means that at the atomic level the zero-point energy is a seething mass of electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic waves and so it actually has a huge effect on atoms but it has very little effect on larger scale objects okay what puzzles me is that what you've described to me I think I understand and yet I gather that there's a lack of reality to it in terms of modern physics in other words run into physicists who tend to either dismiss or sideline or marginalize they treat it as just some kind of academic idea rather than in actuality so what's the history of it in terms of really discovery is it is it real and if so what is it is it significant okay first of all the zero-point energy was discovered as a result of a and anomaly which science had come up against in the late eighteen hundreds early nineteen hundred's theory and data were not agreeing in as far as radiation curves were concerned that tried all sorts of ways to overcome this problem and every every method of overcoming the problem had failed in 1901 Planck Max Planck overcame the problem in a very unusual way he inserted another term in the equations H which became known as Planck's constant okay later on and by inserting H this term into the equations he was able to overcome the difficulty now this was a pure mathematical device it was mathematics for the sake of mathematics and it worked and as a consequence it was accepted but this puzzle Planck because he was a practical man and he realized that there had to be some physical reason behind this constant in there and then after 10 years of working on this he came to the conclusion that okay we can rewrite our paper and he wrote his what is called his second paper in 911 it was published in which there is a good cool reason for the planck's constant-- to be there it was a measure of the strength of the zero-point energy and the zero-point energy was filling the whole vacuum this was work this concept was worked on by Einstein Stern Nernst and and others and was proven to exist in the early 1920s in the 20s okay yeah now the u.s. the reason why is this idea that there's it's maybe real it may not be marginalized knowledge on any physics in physics yeah yeah yeah okay this is reason behind this you see in the 1920s in the mid 1920s four major papers were published on the basis of Planck's first mathematical exploration mathematics for the sake of mathematics there is no physical reason these papers had no physical reason for what was happening but they use Planck's constant as a pure mathematical device to explain things and to explore possibilities and these this exploration led to what is now known as quantum electrodynamics or QED physics and that's the general understanding even to this day then that's the general understanding even to this day and as we based on Planck's first paper not his second one see I leaned on that a lot of our materials called beyond perception as I get into particle physics try to relate it to Genesis and the rest so the point is that I leaned heavily on what I gather is the classical QED point of view yes but you're telling me that there's another point of view under the under the covers emerging here yes indeed in fact up until 1925 when these four papers were published there's a whole discussion going on about the zero-point energy and its effects on on physics and so on and it affects on atoms and it does affect atoms because the the zero-point energy has a large number of waves of all wavelengths but the smaller the wavelengths the more there are of them so that by the time you get down to atomic size you have a seething sea of activity of these zero-point waves anyway what happened was that quantum physics developed using planks first paper and in the development of this all you had was a theoretical idea a virtual idea for the zero-point energy it wasn't a real construct it was only a virtual construct and this led to infinities and zeros in your equations by the time 1962 came around quantum physics had very very well developed but Louis de Broglie who had published one of those four papers back in the 1920s he had second thoughts about things he looked back at what had happened he said I think physics has missed a key point here it takes a lot of guts for a guy to shift gears like that in it it does I must hand him full credit on this as a consequence of his exploration Louis de Broglie said okay we should be looking at a real zero-point energy and classical physics in order to explain quantum phenomena and this suggestion was taken up by a number of folk and papers were published shortly after that in fact there are a number of papers paralleling the four papers which were published in the 1920s which set quantum electrodynamics on its path and these papers these papers published in the 1960s and 1980s and later these established stochastic electrodynamics q SED physics as a result and the word stochastic means random and you'll get coming this coming at this from the random waves of the zero-point energy coming in all Direction simultaneously and then in random the model is happening is that the the an electron or any subatomic particle is being battered by these random waves of the zpe and as a consequence of this random battering the particle is moving around skittering around like this so you have uncertainty and it's in its position and then it's momentum and in this orbit as an electron for example as being hit something like 10 to the 20th times per second by these battering waves of the ZPE and in one orbit around the nucleus an electron will be battered 18 thousand seven hundred times just in in one transit of its orbit so this is really what lies behind what we call the Heisenberg uncertainty principle isn't it there's a physical reason behind so many people take that miss apply it but that's neither here nor there the point is this is that's the dynamic it leads to the physical position is and and so now what is there are a number of aspects to QED that lead you to some very bizarre not counterintuitive kind of conclusions are these modified by the SI D okay all four start you have the the randomness of position the the random battering gives you uncertainty in the position and the momentum of your subatomic particles and there is a physical reason behind everything which happens in your quantum world and this physical reason is in fact the zero-point energy and as you have a look at there are whole papers have been published about this and take a long long time to go and explain them all but the point is that there is a fist now we have a physical reason behind it instead of just a theoretical concept okay does the sed impact our concepts of locality and non locality yes it does the idea that we have here in in sed physics is that you have a real particle it is in a real position that you have a real zero-point energy which is changing its location and as a consequence of this you can you can account for a whole host of physical phenomena I guess one of the questions I'm asking what's the status of sed in physics today is it is it starting to get traction is it starting to get it see because I would gather this is the kind of discussion that's relatively rare I don't know people just have embraced the QED as you pick up journals and Scientific American whatever they deal in those terms is the sed starting to get you know broader traction yes professional movement in fact the desert it is answering a whole host of questions that we've had that have never been satisfactorily answered before sed physics in fact has even though it's still a minority position as it is a kind increasing attention and what you must realize chuck is of course that QED physics had a 60 or 70 year head start on us sure as fara and so this QED has developed far more fully than sed physics has but sed physics is overhauling things as far very fast in terms of explanations for so many may be witnessing then some some overturning or some some major changes coming along and outlook currently I see some major changes in outlook because what we have in quantum physics is a strange behavior a strange inherent property of matter whereas in sed physics it says no matter as being perfectly normal it's just being battered by these impacting waves of the zpe so you can account for the de Broglie waves of electrons for example you can account for a whole host of phenomena here just using SED physics rather than QED physics now can you discuss a little bit to how that Planck's constant than the speed of light and the other how is that tied into these discussions okay this comes in from the origin of the ZPE you know when you take a rubber band and stretch it so you can hit the person over on the other side of the room or whatever okay you're putting energy into the fabric of the rubber band okay when you inflate a balloon you're putting energy into the fabric of the balloon when you release the rubber band it moves fast to start with and then slows down your potential energy of the stretching has been changed into the kinetic energy of motion same thing with the balloon what happens is that when you stretch your rubber band you're putting energy into its fabric when the heavens were stretched as a result of the Big Bang if you like or as it says in the scripture God created the heavens and stretched them out as we told this 12 times in the Bible okay so you have this stretching of the heavens when you stretch the fabric of space you're putting energy into the fabric of space and this energy goes in this potential energy and then eventually changes to become the kinetic energy of the ZPE of the zero-point energy and this process takes a little time it doesn't happen instantaneously you know when you have a kid on a swing for example you lift a swing way back goes to a high point that's all the energy is all potential you let the swing go it moves down and then at the bottom of the swing it's moving at its maximum speed doesn't happen instantaneously it takes time again if you put some cold food into a hot oven and it doesn't make it to the ovens temperature instantaneously it takes a while to build up so in exactly the same way the ZPE took a while to build up so and if the expansion went on the cpu was still still being built up so what has happened is that the cpe has increased with time now if Planck's constant is a measure of the strength of the cpe Planck's constant will also increase with time this is what we found from our experimental data they actually have the curve showing that Planck's constant has increased with time but consider this you have the vacuum has a greater intrinsic energy as a result of this buildup of the ZPE and with this greater intrinsic energy it means that atomic processes are slowing down and it also means that the speed of light is slowing down two things are happening at the same time here there's a reason for that let me see if I can get this concept across to you Chuck you know when you go down to the ocean you see a speedboat pass go past on the on the ocean waves where the two waves meet they crest and peak and you have Whitecaps for me like a concentration of energy okay where you have the ZPE waves meeting in they crest and peak you have a concentration of energy forming there now on Einstein's famous equation equals MC squared he's showing you that energy and matter are interconvertible and at these points where you have the ZPE strength being at its maximum you find that they can be brought into existence front for a fraction of a second virtual particle pairs these are positive and negative electrons positive and negative protons positive or negative pi ons there you have your positive and your negative forms so that space is electrically neutral okay these particles exist for a fraction of a second then they annihilate and it goes back into energy again what happens is that as the ZPE strength increases the number of virtual particle pairs in any given volume also increases today at the strength that we have of the Z P today there are something like 10 to the 63 virtual particle pairs in a cubic meter so in every cubic meter this at any instant there is 10 to the 63 these virtual particles manifest now what happens is that a photon of light comes through the vacuum it strikes a virtual particle pair it's absorbed and then moment or a moment later the particle pair annihilates the photon is emitted and goes on its way but then it strikes another virtual particle pair it's absorbed the particle pair annihilation that photon is remitting so the path of a light photon is rather like a runner going over it takes a while for the runner to get from the start to the finish if there are no hurdles he'd get there in a certain time the more hurdles you place there the longer it's going to take him to to get to his destination as the zpe strength is increased more virtual particle pairs per unit volume the speed of light has decreased its take in speed of light has taken as the ZPE increases the speed of light slows down yes and Planck's constant increases that's the key thing in other words the product of the two speed of light and Planck's constant is an absolute constant absolute constant yeah okay yeah now now that what what has happened to the ZPE during history that you say is speed now what has it been earlier in the earlier days of our universe it was significantly lower and more it was significantly lower this has some number of consequences when the ZPE was lower it meant the speed of light was higher atomic clocks also tick faster because the time it takes an electron to get once-around in its in in its orbit is determined by the number of impacts has by the CPU waves the number of virtual particle pairs it has to negotiate and so one form of atomic clock is the time it takes an electron to get around once in its orbit this is one form there are a number of other forms but they all basically behave the same way so that as the zp strength increased atomic process is slowed down so the atomic clock is ticking faster than the CPU is lower and so you're the mote the way scientists measured time today usually is by atomic processes by the atomic clock we're told in Genesis 1:14 that the Sun Moon stars would be for signs for seasons for days and for years and as you have a look at the whole business with the Z P turns out that our orbital time Tom takes the earth to go once around the Sun this is unaffected by any changes in the cpe but the atomic clock tick much faster when the ZP was lower and as a consequence when the speed of light would say ten times its current speed the atomic clock ticked off ten years in one ordinary year as in the sunlight traveled ten lightyears in one ordinary year so the previous high speed of light would have had in fact impact our whole ancient history wouldn't it it does it allows as you have a look at the curve for the ZPE which we can come to in just a moment and when you have look at the curve for the cpe you find that at the beginnings of the universe it was over ten million times the speed of light was over ten million times its current speed and the atomic clock was ticking over ten million times its current as its current rate so ticked off the atomic clock ticked off ten million years in one of our ordinary years and the speed of light traveled ten million light years so that has the effective teller plaque collapsing our age our history the history seems longer to us than it actually was as you say yeah the history in science that the age of the universe is impacted by this and you've got to reconsider the the whole age of the universe and the the age of the rocks that plants the fossils the stars these are all measured on the atomic clock and this was ticking faster back in the past so these these ages need to be corrected and the way to correct them is we have data on the speed of light and atomic atomic clock processes back to about 300 years ago three three hundred and fifty years ago in fact we can go back a bit further with some radiometric data which takes us back about three thousand years ago but the thing is that here's another effect of the zero-point energy they discovered in 1987 one of these SED physicists made an amazing discovery he discovered that okay first of all there was a problem the problem was that according to classical electrodynamics an electron traveling in a circular orbit or traveling in any orbit around a nucleus would be radiating energy it had angular acceleration and this acceleration meant that energy would be emitted and so as a consequence you would expect on classical electrodynamics for an electron to radiate energy and spiral into the nucleus of the atom and the whole thing disappear in a flash of light well it doesn't happen we're here the disk is here you and I are here the electrons are quite in quite stable orbits and when you ask a QED physicist why this doesn't happen he says or because of Planck's quantum laws and highs in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle they go back to laws instead of a physical reason why it isn't happening metaphors rain where mysteries reside we don't understand it we give it a nice label and then go on right exactly well what happened was that how pot off back in 1997 is it ok let's accept the classical electrodynamics is correct and on an electron is in fact radiating energy as it goes around its orbit says let's also accept that the ZPE is in effect there they calculated the energy lost by the electron they calculate the energy the electron gained from the ZPE and in the stable orbit the energy of the electron lost was equal to the energy that the electron gained and so this whole stability of atoms is is determined by this in fact how putt-off made a conclusion at the end of his paper he said every without the cpe every atom in the universe will undergo instantaneous collapse now that in itself is very important however the point that I'm coming to is this that the electron is maintained in its orbit in a similar way to what you have a lump of wood on the end of a piece of rope as you're whirls around your head you'll rope the energy that you're putting into that rope is whirling the the wood because you're supplying angular momentum the zpe is supplying angular momentum to the electron maintaining it in its orbit in a very similar way now if the cpe strength is increasing with time electron orbits are also increasing their energy okay when an electron drops from an outer orbit to an inner orbit it emits a photon of light of a certain energy when the ZPE is stronger as we come forward into the present if the electron orbit has more energy it is emitting more energetic photons of light and more energetic photons are those photons which have bluer light so as we look back into the past we're looking back in time we're looking back at galaxies more and more distant from us and these the light photons that we're getting from there are redder systematically redder the further out we go this is called the redshift and we can measure the redshift as a consequence of this measurement we can say what the speed of light was what sorry what the ZPE strength was back then and consequently we know what speed of light was and the right of ticking of the atomic clock so the redshift is really due to a broad structural change not the Doppler effect not the Doppler effect at all in fact the Doppler effect has been disproven on a number of occasions and first of all you find that the redshift is in fact quantized it goes in jumps and some of these quantized jumps go right through the center of some galaxies if the ridge if was due to motion it would mean that the galaxies were shearing a part of this isn't happening the Doppler effect was the basis of Hubble's law for which tissues the satellites payment of the telescope's made yes like that really is a in a sense an error of history we get an error of history although you I must you've got to realize this that Hubble himself was very cautious about making that application he he was very cautious about saying it is in fact a Doppler effect but still that's what he's named after and yes but the Doppler effect is still taught in school and it's wrong isn't it it's absolutely wrong it's why I make I make a list of these things there's so many things in science that our kids are taught that are just not true and we don't go back and correct the textbooks or the perceptions and that's what gives us impediments because my premise is the more you know about real science the true science the more you see the the the more comfortable the Bible reads that's why that's when my orientation but okay now if the ZPE going back in history it was it was lower back and lower back there what's the impact of that on organisms of animals and that's that sort of thing if can you talk to that then yeah okay it does have a surprising consequence here because as you have a look at what the cpe does to the vacuum itself you find that it affects the electric and magnetic properties of the vacuum okay okay so what happens is that as a result of this change electric currents were stronger when the CP was lower voltages were greater and currents move faster okay okay now as you have a look at a human being or as you have a look at animals like dinosaurs or whatever you find that all of us are behaving through the result of the transmission of nerve impulses transmission of nerve impulses is basically by an electric current when the ZPE was lower the currents move faster and this allowed you to have a much shorter reaction time as a consequence of this you could be grow into a larger size and still be an efficient being so for example today a dinosaur like Diplodocus and he would take it would take about 40 seconds to get a message from his tail to his brain okay in another 40 seconds to get a message from his brain back to his tail the Beast would be totally unfunctional he couldn't work as an efficient beast at all however back in those days back in the days when the dinosaurs were there it turns out that the ZP was so low that he could you could get a message from his tail to his brain and back again in less than a tenth of a second so he would be a very efficient Beast so as the ZPE strength built up as the speed at which the nerve impulses were transmitted slowed down and it was only the smaller varieties which survived so what you're saying but let me follow a little more carefully so if the ZPE is lower the speed of light is faster yes electric circuits go faster yes yes okay that's the thing it as a ZPE is lower there is is less resistance as a resistance yes okay so that could be a major factor in the fact that not only dinosaurs but certain kinds of plants and so forth rule larger back there right here yes so for example in the Adelaide Museum anywhere I used to live that you walk in the door there and there was a here a massive scorpion and a you rip Durand which was eight and a half feet long incredible today scorpions undergo about nine or ten inches this is fortunately fortunately yeah but Judith a stronger zpe the nerve impulses can't get can't make that a more efficient Beast it wouldn't be any more wouldn't be efficient if it was any longer than eight or nine inches this is what's so fascinating for us talk so affects our worldview to realize how much of history and the components of history are impacted by the the ambient conditions ZPE being but one of them and and the whole thing is an interactive design this the environment and the things in the environment are highly skilfully orchestrated that's what's so staggering so anyways as a ZPE starts to increase things get to the size that we're used to yes that's what you're saying yes okay is the decreasing in the size of a viable functional organism and we get a grasp of the ZPE by looking back through time by looking at distant galaxies yes and getting from them a measure of the ZPE right there yes that's all that gives us a way to calibrate what was going on in our create in the universe is wow so the whole idea of grasping then known as EPE but the whole stochastic electrodynamics is crucial in building a valid worldview this is that's one of the challenges we all have in our culture is to help our young people build a worldview that's valid rather than inculcate them with a worldview built on things we know are not true and that's what really bothers me because so much of what we teach our kids are things that scientists - scientists really know are incorrect I usually use the nebular hypothesis in astronomy as an example still taught in college and yet anyone that does the math realizes it's not a viable evil applause back when Sweden Berg first proposed it had the math background and-and-and hurt us all by not applying his knowledge to demonstrate it wasn't mathematically tenable but as it gets accepted then it gets inculcate it in the culture and now no one questioned but it's mathematically untenable as is what we call the theory of evolution which when we say that term we really mean biogenesis and it clearly is assaulted by virtually all the facts there's no way mathematically and that's you know Hugh Ross has done a good job I think in promoting the whole what we call the anthropic principle over 400 measures that if they any one of them change one part in a million life some possible well that's just a very elegant definition that life is a miracle yes and and yet we don't teach that in school if I flick points that I ought to pick you up on there Chucky first of all as far as the anthropic principle is concerned okay people look at this and say okay if the speed of light changed everything would be so different that the life wouldn't be you wouldn't it be able to live your life or anything okay the one thing which has happened in all of this in all these ZP changes is that energy has been conserved in your atomic systems so for example Planck's constant times the speed of light is an absolute constant energy is conserved you find that a equals MC squared as C was higher in the past M was lower so that energy e in that equation was conserved and so in if as the as you study the ZPE position and the sed position you find that energy is conserved with an increasing Z PE and therefore the application of the anthropic principle is again validated but on a slightly different basis oh yeah but yeah I understand the basis that gets into that leads us right into it another discussion that's about the fine-structure constant we run into that if you do some reading in this area run into that and to the layman it's not clear what they mean by that and and that may deserve a little illumination in terms of the Z PE and the rest oh yeah what is the fine-structure constant and how does it impact this okay originally the fine-structure constant was defined as the ratio between the speed of light and the right at which the electron traveled once around in us in the Bohr orbit in the first Bohr orbit so that if the speed of light was higher it meant that the electron was traveling around in that orbit much faster okay that ratio is a constant now as the way we have defined it today this fine-structure constant is made up of two sets of two constants each one is Planck's constant times the speed of light HC we we've already referred to the other is the electric electric charge on the the charge on the electron and the permittivity of free space permittivity yeah okay so II squared over epsilon is also a constant and as it turns out there for the amalgamation of all of those four constants again gives you an absolute constant now here's a here's a problem they have tried to show that the speed of light has actually changed by examining the fine-structure constant when you have a look at the formation of the fine-structure constant using these four other atomic constants you cannot find any change in the speed of light because there has been if you like a conspiracy between the constants so that there's an in there's inverse change its as h goes up c goes down so that HC remains an absolute product between those two more yes and so in a similar way you find for the for the other two constants in the fine-structure constant the same thing happens so as a consequence to find structure constants you do not expect to vary as an entire entity however the parts making it up will vary individually but in in an inverse relationship to each other i see what you say and so it has been a mistake by some to say that okay because the fine-structure constant hasn't shown very much change we don't think that speed of light has changed that is what the data show the data for the speed of light itself on its own does show a considerable change but if you just look at the fine structure constant you have this in conjunction with other atomic constants which have been changing inversely so that any ultimate change of the whole thing is negated but if the spirit is changing and Planck's constants will be changing yes fortunately unfortunately yes I guess okay now there's one other point that a lot to catch up on okay with use what you're talking about the formation of stars and galaxies and planets both nebular hypothesis and so on there's been another development in astronomy just recently and this is in the area of plasma physics and by plasma I'm talking about the fourth state of matter you have solids liquids gas then if you heat the gas at a high enough temperature it strips the electrons off and leave you with ions and electrons positive ions negative electrons this is a plasma and if you have an ion moving in one direction or an electron moving in the other direction this is an electric current so plasma physics involves the ZPE what is happening with the ZPE as the cpe increases in time you have electric currents slowing down so back in the past when the Z P was a very very low you have your plasma physics allowing you to have very strong electric currents moving very very quickly and strong magnetic fields now we know already from physics from the physics that we've already established that plasma affects an electric and magnetic effects are in space are something like 10 to the 39 times stronger than gravity and this is very familiar with that because I publish some briefing packages I call the one beyond Newton meaning that the astronomers have never read generally haven't discovered the Maxwell equations in other words they're the real reality outside the solar system itself you start getting those great distances gravity becomes negligible and they're really electrical issues and we've developed that pretty well but we did all all that without really a perception understanding of zpe so that's the dimension here that is refreshing and provocative so go ahead I didn't mean to stop you there no that's fine and what has happened then chuck is that in the laboratory we can see the interaction of plasma and electric currents in berkland currents in in filaments and so on and you can see how they form galaxies in fact we get miniature galaxies formed in the laboratory we can measure the right at which this happens you can measure the right of which these things pinched which is very quick isn't it very quick in the laboratory we're talking of minutes and seconds but what happens you then upscale that to outer space and then you realize how how long it would take out in outer space at today's ZPE but then when you factor in the change in the cpe into that it turns out you can get your plasma interactions happening in such a way that you can form a whole universe in six literal days of 24 hours each Wow now that that's a staggering declaration the entire universe demonstrably coming into existence in six 24-hour days that assertion is so exciting we should throw that out there as a challenge and the ZPE story defends that perspective so that really is a major major trump card for what we classically call the young earthers in other words the idea that the universe has a much younger history than we've realized is because we fail to really understand and apply of all things the zero-point energy okay so this is depend upon two developments one is the development of the zero-point energy which and I'm not an understanding of that which has happened since 1962 and the second one is the development of plasma physics which has only happened since 1992 and as a result of these two things combined together we have a very valid reason to believe that the Scriptures in fact correct so now our challenge really is to get people to examine and and repair their illiterate or physics illiteracy about the ZPE and the sed and of course the plasma physics that surround what we used to call astronomy that is much much a bigger subject these days so that's a that's exciting stuff and it's exciting for me because I'm fully aware of the fact you've devoted your whole life to really exploring zpe and it's derivative implications and so I want to encourage you to continue the website and continue the publications and I look forward to being back here so thank you very much Chuck has really been a joy to catch up with you again okay and I hope that this is giving you a deeper understanding understanding and from the from the moment that your your comb your life's work landed on my desk I knew I was overdue to get back here and to get re focused on the zero point energies vastly more significant than I had any grass before you
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 156,735
Rating: 4.8797469 out of 5
Keywords: Barry, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute, setterfield, ZPE, Zero point energy, zero, point, energy, Speed of light, Speed, light, Physics (Field Of Study), Quantum Field Theory (Field Of Study)
Id: wM1fJF7IIUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 28 2015
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