Prophecy Update 2020 // Steve Whinery

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hey you guys [Music] let's get going here I know there's people still coming in but that's what you get are we good let's get started let's look spray before we start father we just want to come before you tonight and Lord you're good to us and one of the things that you said in your word is that you don't do anything unless you tell your servants the prophets and it's one of the cool things about being a Christian one of the cool things about having the Word of God the fact that we can go through and we can look at what you have to say and specifically tonight talking about the end times and like literally pick up newspaper articles that kind of stuff and just be going through and seeing that the things that you prophesied so long ago are either already coming to pass or they're on the verge of coming to pass and so Lord we just want to give you the night god I just pray that you'd help me to be clear in the presentation and Lord that you bless it tonight father we thank you for the people who are here or I do and Lord just want to pray for anybody that's here this evening it doesn't know you and Lord just asks that you'd draw them to yourself just show them how real you are Lord but most of all we pray that you'd show them how much you love them and so we just give you the night pretty bless it now in Jesus name Amen okay we're going to be reading in 2nd Thessalonians and before we get started I just wanted to say good evening to you this is our 2020 prophecy update obviously everybody in the room knows what this is about we also put this on YouTube and we put it on social media - on our Facebook page and so anybody that's joining us from YouTube or the Facebook page just like to welcome you all so and like I was saying in my prayer the prophecy update is all about basically I just go back through the last years pick out articles and pick out videos that have to do with Biblical prophecy some of the things that the Bible talks about and usually when I'm doing a prophecy update I'm I'm just taking an outline from someplace in Scripture so I've done it from the book of Revelation I've done it from the book of Matthew in chapter 24 this year I want to do it from second Thessalonians chapter 2 and so if you brought your Bible totally worth looking at and let's just let's just get into it and go over it real quick and then we'll get into some of the events that are taking place 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1 it says now brethren concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled either by spirit or by word or by letter as if from us as though the day of Christ had come let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he sits as God the temple of God showing himself that He is God do you not know do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things and you know what is restraining that he may be revealed in his own time for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who now restrains will do so until he's taken out of the way and then the lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power signs and lying wonders and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this reason God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness I'm not going to be able to give you something on every one of those topics tonight because I have a hundred and sixty-five slides already it would probably be about 300 if if we did that but I want to go through and just hit a number of issues here first one is in verse 1 there it says now brethren concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled neither by spirit or by word or by letter as if from us as though the day of Christ had come a couple things in that passage are gathering together to Jesus is called the rapture of the church thus the picture yeah it's called the rapture the church is it's something that takes place at the resurrection it is the next thing on the prophetic calendar when we were doing this last week one of the ladies asked about what was next on the prophetic calendar that's one of the things that I mentioned you know when when you go through and you you look at what the Bible has to say about the coming of Christ for us specifically a lot of times what people will do is they'll confuse the coming of Christ for the church with the coming of Christ at the second coming and at the second coming Jesus doesn't come for the church he comes with the church and the Bible talks about the fact that we're all gathered together with him and that we come back with him in fact in Revelation chapter 19 you see the church the whole church up in heaven is the Bride of Christ and so by the end of the tribulation everybody who's a part of the part of the church not everybody who's a believer but everybody who's part of the church is already in heaven and then when Jesus comes back we come back with him so in the rapture Jesus comes for the church in the second coming he comes with the church the second coming comes after a series of events and it's all the events that you see in the book of Revelation by the time you get to the end of the book of Revelation all the cities are knocked down the earth is cracked the Bible says Reles to and fro like a drunkard Tatars the Bible talks about the oceans being destroyed everything and the oceans are dead over half the population of the earth has just been killed in two wars and that's not talking about the judgments so you've got a bunch of stuff that's taken place before the sec coming of Christ so there are vents that lead up to that but when Jesus is talking about the rapture of the church it's a sudden event no man knows the day or the hour people are living their lives just like normal normal Jesus said it's like it like it was in the days of Noah and so in the days of Noah they were eating drinking marrying and giving in marriage and the flood came on them and took them all the way they didn't know it was coming it was an unexpected event jesus said that's what his coming for the church is gonna be like an absolutely unexpected event people are going to be doing exactly the same thing eating drinking marrying and giving in marriage in Luke chapter 17 Jesus talked about the rapture twice actually three times specifically he taught on the rapture of the church and so ones in Matthew chapter 24 one in one is in John chapter 14 another is in Luke 17 Luke 17 is similar to Matthew 24 but it's a different instance altogether he taught on these things more than once and in that instance he not only compares it with the days of Noah he compares it with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and so he says just like Sodom and Gomorrah didn't know that the destruction was coming and lot and his wife were saved out of it just like that and so again something that happens suddenly without any expectation and you can't say that about the second coming again there's a whole series of events that lead up to the second coming of them obviously one of them is the coming of the Antichrist and so if the second coming in the rapture the church are the same thing then Jesus cannot come today I cannot be expecting him because there is no Antichrist on the scene he is not here not to mention all the other things that you that you see in the book of Revelation and so the the rapture of the church is something that's an unexpected event it's specifically the thing that Jesus told us to be looking for as far as being the church and so we're not supposed to be looking for the Antichrist we're supposed to be looking for Jesus Christ Jesus is coming that's who we look for in this passage here these people are shaken he says now brethren concerning the coming of our Lord gathering together to him we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled neither by spirit or by word or by letter as if from us as though the day of Christ had come and so there's an event here that these guys are worried about and the reason that they're worried is because there were prophecies that were being given that's what it means when it says either by spirit the Spirit comes upon somebody and they prophesy and Paul isn't saying that it's true prophecy he's obviously saying it's false prophecy or by word that would be by teaching or by letter as if from us and so somebody had been forging Paul's name and telling the facility ins that certain events were going to take place in the events that we were going to take places the day of Christ in some of your translations you it has the day of the Lord in the passage it's talking about the same thing the day of the Lord the day of Christ the day of the Lord Jesus Christ are synonymous terms and the day of the Lord is the beginning of God dealing with the earth in radical ways specifically it's the beginning of the Tribulation Period daily Lord starts with a destruction of the armies that come down against Israel that we talked about last time with avi and it ends with the destruction of the old heaven and the Old Earth and the beginning of the new heaven and the new earth it's when God enters into human history and begins doing stuff coincidental with that is the is the rapture of the church in both instances that I just mentioned in Matthew 24 and Luke 17 where Jesus was dealing with a rapture he also dealt with destruction and you have the same thing in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 so in the case of Noah Noah and his family are saved but destruction comes up the rest of the earth in Sodom and Gomorrah lot and his family are saved well actually part of this family are saved part of them stayed in Sodom part of his family are saved and destruction comes down on Sodom and Gomorrah and Jesus said it's going to be exactly the same when you read in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 it gives a description of the rapture of the church and it says this for this we say to you by the word of the Lord verse 15 that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with a voice of an archangel with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the Lord therefore comfort one another with these words and then he says but concerning the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that I should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night for when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they shall not escape but you brethren are not in a darkness so this day should overtake you as a thief he goes on to say let us who are of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love as a and as a helmet the hope of salvation for God did not appoint us to wrath but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ and so in in speaking about the rapture Paul just like Jesus talks about this deliverance that takes place where Christ comes and takes the church out and then sudden destruction comes upon them and so looks to me like they're they're talking about exactly the same thing one of the things that you see in the book of Revelation that we've talked about before is that when the Antichrist rises up he rises up through warfare and if that warfare is the warfare that we're talking about in in the Book of Ezekiel where these armies come down against the land of Israel specifically Russia Turkey Iran on Libya Ethiopia and Gomer whatever Gomer is Eastern Europe or the Balkans somewhere in there when those armies come down against Israel they're destroyed on the mountains of Israel their homelands are destroyed and Gentile areas are destroyed also it says in that passage and it says that they're destroyed with fire and brimstone it comes down from heaven and so that could be a judgment of God it could be a war in any case you get to the book of Revelation it says Antichrist arises through war and in that war a quarter of the Earth's population is killed and so that's something that sounds like modern warfare specifically modern nuclear warfare and so I don't know that its nuclear Ezekiel may be describing something that's just like Sodom and Gomorrah where fire burns don't come down or he could be describing what looks to him like fire and brimstone what we would call nuclear in any case there's a warfare that takes place and it's in that war that the Antichrist rises up and it's a it's a general destruction that takes place on the earth and which a quarter of the people on the planet die and it looks like that may be what's being spoken about in Chapter five here so you have the rapture of the church okay these are these are some of the passages that we're talking about I've already read it read a couple of them first Corinthians in talking about the rapture of the church talks about the fact that it's something that sudden it's an event that takes place quickly he says behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep that means die but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed and again talking about that that changing that translation of our bodies into a body that looks like the body of Jesus so in the rapture the church what happens is Jesus brings the souls of those who have died all that all the believers who have died he brings them back reunites them with their resurrection bodies he raises their bodies from the grave they're the first ones that go on the rapture and then the Bible says that we who are alive and remain are caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the clouds in the air and so that is the rapture of the church it's also the resurrection of the church why don't you turn over with me to Matthew chapter 25 Matthew chapter 25 and this is part of a whole section where this is the what's called the Olivet discourse and it starts in Matthew chapter 24 I've already referred to some parts of this and after after Jesus gets done with the Olivet discourse or after he gets done with talking about the tribulation period he talks about the illustration of the days of Noah and that's that illustration where in Matthew chapter 24 in verse 38 it says for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and did not know until the flood came and took them all away so also will the coming of the Son of Man be then two men will be in the field one will be taken and the other left two women will be grinding at the mill one will be taken and the other left watch therefore for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming but know this that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into therefore you also be ready for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect and so when Jesus talks about his coming for the church he says it's at a time that you don't expect you have to be expecting all the time because you're not gonna have specific events that are gonna lead up to this now one of the things that I always do when we're doing these prophecy updates is I talk about events that go along with passages and like I said we're gonna do second Thessalonians 2 but we do stuff that goes along with the book of Revelation also and I'm not saying that these things are about to take place I'm saying that the you know this is like a chessboard and all the pieces are in place God setting this whole thing up and we can see the set up and so if we have a setup for the Antichrist for or if we have a setup for the apostasy of the church and we're going to be a talking it talking about tonight or if we have a setup for the for the mark of the beast' all these things that that we generally talk about if we see the setup for that then we know this event is all the more closed and we need to be expecting Jesus at any moment he in Matthew chapter 25 he gives another parable of this whole thing and it's the illustration of two servants one's wives ones wicked the wise servant is waiting for the Lord the wicked one it says begins to eat and drink with the drunkards that is totally appropriate for the church today begin to eat and drink with the drunkards a lot of Christians getting drunk and it's exactly what Jesus talked about eat and drink with the drunkards you begin to beat your fellow servants and you say that my Lord is delaying his coming and then Jesus goes on and says that the master of that servant will come verse 50 on a day when he's not looking for him and at an hour that he's not aware of and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth so an unexpected coming especially for a guy who's getting back into the flesh getting back into the world we don't want to do that and he gives another illustration of this in the passage that I wanted to read from Matthew chapter 25 verses 1 through 13 and this is the parable of the ten virgins he says then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom now five of them were wise five were foolish those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps but while a bridegroom was delayed they all slumbered and slept and at midnight a cry was heard behold the bridegroom is coming go out to meet him then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps and the foolish said to the wise give us some of your oil for our lamps are going out but the wise answered saying no less there should not be enough for us and you but go rather to those who sell and buy for yourselves and while I went to buy the bridegroom came and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding and the door was shut afterward the other virgins came also saying Lord Lord open to us but he answered and said assuredly I say to you I do not know you watch therefore for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming and so again talking about this sudden event he uses the example of 10 bridesmaids or 10 virgins in the passage basically what he's talking about is the church here and so the church needs to be ready for the coming of Jesus but he can't talk about it in terms of part of the church is ready and part of the part of the church isn't ready in the sense that the church is the Bride of Christ right and so what he does is he fudges the illustration a little and he uses bridesmaids and so you know I've done weddings where girls had lots of friends the the bride had a lot of friends and so tens bridesmaids and a lot of times the poor groom doesn't have that many friends so he's getting family members and any friends that he has and and that kind of thing but in any case it's the it's the same kind of picture but in Jewish weddings what would happen is the whole point of the wedding was to surprise your bride and so a lot of times just like in this story a bridegroom would be coming from his father's house because that's where the that's where the marriage took place he'd be coming from his father's house and he'd do it in the middle of the night because that's fun you're surprising your bride and so she had to be ready and so I imagine she had most of her makeup on and you know had her hair done and maybe I don't know a little shower cap on to keep it from getting I don't know what you do in the middle of the night to keep your hair good I haven't had hair for a while but doing whatever she needed to do and they hear the they hear the the cry that the bridegroom is coming and that's one of the things that they would do at that time to just prepare so they could you know she could do her last-minute preparations before they got there they they blow on trumpets - and again it's just a picture of the rapture of the church when Jesus comes it's going to be with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God and so you you an announcement that he's coming and there's a last-minute again in this instance the last-minute preparation and some of them are wise some of them were foolish some of them were ready and some of them were not they all looked the same they all have the bridesmaid dresses on and we know how that goes the bride's pick out the bridesmaids dresses and usually it's addressed that they will never wear again yeah but they they pick out the bridesmaids dresses and they you know they they they either color coordinate them or if they have different colored dresses it's you know some shade of the same thing but they're all ready for the wedding they look the same so they're all women there are all bridesmaids they're all sparked was supposed to be part of the wedding they're all dressed the same they all look exactly the same it's exactly the same thing in the church we go to church we're surrounded by people who claim to be Christians who claim to be following Jesus who have the words down who say they'll you know they have the lingo down they they look like Christians they talk like Christians and sometimes they even act like Christians and the question is are they really for real in this instance it talks about the the oil they're in oil is usually a symbol of the Holy Spirit and so it looks like some of these have the spirit and some of them don't and I'm not talking about the gifts of the Spirit I'm talking about the indwelling Holy Spirit that that that situation that takes place when a person really gives their heart to the Lord God comes to live inside of them and some of them have this the the oil and some of them don't and when they realize that they don't and again in that instance they would have these little oil lamps and you know kind of like Aladdin's lamp it's that kind of picture and they would have these little wicks that went into the oil lamp you fill it up with oil you'd light the wick and you would have light as long as the oil was wicking up into the wick obviously but in the same in the in the story here you can have the light - because you can light a wick without any oil it's just not gonna last is the deal and so again in every way they look almost exactly the same except for in one of the ways it's the most important they had to have lamps and they had to be prepared for these things my wife by the way when we got married her bridesmaids didn't carry flowers they carried lamps she had little lamps that that she that she gave to them and so we got that we got that specifically from this in any case the bright they say we're not going to share with you you've got to go get your own that's exactly what it is that's a that's a great illustration of what it means to be a Christian and the difference between being a Christian in the sense of a real relationship with God and being a churchgoer I can't give you what I have you have to go to the one who gives it and the one who gives it is the Lord Himself and so you have to go to those who buy in sells what they see what he says in this passage I can't give you the Holy Spirit I can't give you Jesus living in your heart it's something that you have to go to the Lord for now I can lead you to him point you straight to Jesus and say this is this is where you go this is how you do it that kind of stuff but you got to get your own I got my own you get your own you've got to get your own and so I can't I can't give you Jesus in that sense you have to go to them on your own every part every person who becomes a Christian is a person who becomes a Christian because they have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ himself and if you've never had that you're not a believer you're a churchgoer you may be a nice person but you're not you're not a Christian in the sense of the Bible talks about you have to have had this encounter with Jesus Christ where you've come to him you've confessed your sin you've asked him to take over your life and he's actually come inside of you and he's given you well God dwells inside of you that's the way that it's supposed to go so get your own I can't give it to you right and so when they you know as they're going out to do that obviously this is a this a parable talking about you need to be prepared for the coming of the Lord and at the time when they're going off doing what they should have done long before the bridegroom comes and they go back to the father's house and the gates are shut and they're not allowed in and so they miss the whole thing and again the the illustration there is given because Jesus says this event needs to be prepared for this is something that you need to be ready for it can happen in a moment of time and if you are not ready you are not going if you are not ready you are not going to be in the father's house and when they say to him Lord Lord open to us obviously they have some idea of who he is and he says but he answered and said assuredly I say to you I do not know you and so the fact that you know about Jesus doesn't mean that he knows you and what he means by this isn't that he doesn't know who you are obviously he knows you whom you are he's God it's he doesn't know you you know I there there are a number of people that I know about and so I know about President Trump I've seen him on TV I've heard him on the radio you know I've heard him on TV that kind of stuff if you walk in the room I would recognize the man right but I don't know him and he doesn't know me and that's the difference I can know about somebody but not know them and Jesus can know about me but not know me so in the Bible the Bible talks about having a personal relationship with Christ where you know him he knows you it's it's a personal thing and so that's always got to be taken places so that's the first thing that they talk about in that Paul talks about in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 our gathering together to meet the Lord and so he mentions that so the first thing and I'm that I'm talking about next thing on the prophetic connect calendar is the coming of Jesus to meet with us the coming of Jesus to get us and so in talking about this from the from the perspective of a prophecy update it's really interesting because we're not the only ones who talk about the rapture of the church there are other people that talk about the rapture of the church - who are not believers by the way in this passage it says in verse three let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition it goes on and says who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God and so on and so there's a misunderstanding of that verse verse three is kind of hard to translate because when you look at the passage for example in my Bible it says let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed and it looks like from that translation that the rapture which is which or specifically it's the day of the Lord takes place after the coming of the Antichrist after the apostasy that is not how it reads in Greek and so the translation is a little deceptive there here's this is out of Young's literal translation and in the passage he translates it this way that you be not quickly shaken in mind or be troubled neither through spirit neither through word neither through letters as though us as that the day of Christ hath arrived let not any anyone deceive you in any manner because if the falling away may not come first and the man of sin be revealed the son of the destruction who is opposing and is raising himself up above all called God or worship so that he's in the sanctuary of God as God hath sat down and as God has sat down showing himself off that he is God the day does not come and the point that he's making is when he's talking to these people you are not in the day of the Lord because if you were in the day of the Lord you would see two things there would be an apostasy of the church and the Antichrist would be would be present and so nobody who is outside of the day of the Lord sees the Antichrist you're not gonna see that and so a lot of times people are looking for the Antichrist I'm trying to figure out who he is and we've talked about that before and it's pointless because nobody's gonna know until later on he says the restrainer has taken out of the way guys get that okay so these guys are worried about being in the Tribulation Period basically and the reason they're worried is because they told they weren't going to be that's why they're worried and so Paul lets them know you're not in a tribulation period if you were you'd already seen the scene the apostasy and you would see the Antichrist so again what's the world have to say about the rapture of the church and this is stuff that comes from New Agers these are a series of quotes from the writings of various New Agers describing messages that they've received from various entities predicting an evacuation of backward-thinking people okay and it's really cool so when Jesus comes back and takes us out of here how is the word world going to explain the rapture and so the first one is evacuation by ET in an article by a former New Age participant Jim sales describes a prevailing belief among New Agers sales describes what Israeli psychic Uri Geller said extraterrestrials would not interfere until in a single night at the peak of the conflict they would remove millions of humans who resist this in each initiation into a higher spiritual consciousness and reeducate them before returning them to earth a few years later and so ET is gonna come extraterrestrial and he's gonna take all the backward thinking people who are resisting the higher spiritual consciousness take them away to their spaceships apparently re-educate them before returning them to the earth a few years later well this is how that goes et does come he's Jesus Christ he does evacuate us he does take us up and re-educate us what do you what he does is he perfects us and then we do come back a few years later the Satan's talking to this dude tell him the absolute truth with a little tweak on it right there's another one Chandler Thelma Terrell who goes by her spiritual name to Ella wrote a book called project world evacuation these are some quotes from that book there are messages channeled from a being who calls himself Ashtar the leader of an alien confederation our rescue ships will be able to come in close enough in the twinkling of an eye to set the lifting beams in operation in a moment and all over the globe wherever warrants it this will be the method of evacuation mankind will be lifted levitated shall we say by the beams from our smaller ships these smaller craft will in turn taxi the persons to the larger ships overhead higher in the atmosphere where there is ample space and quarters and supplies for millions of people we watched diligently the threat of a polar shift for the planet near generation such a development would create a planetary situation through which none could survive this would necessitate an evacuation such as I have referred to earth changes will be the primary factor in mass evacuation of this planet there is method and great organization in a detailed plan already near completion for the purpose of removing souls from this planet in the event of catastrophic events making a rescue necessary goes on the great evacuation will come upon the world very suddenly the flash of emergency events will be as a lightning that flashes in the sky so suddenly and so quick and it's happening that it's over almost before you are aware of its presence phase one of the great exodus of souls from the planet will take place at a moment's notice when it when it is determined that the inhabitants are in danger phase two the second phase immediately following the first the second phase is vital as we return for the children of all ages and races the child does not have the power of choice in understanding nor personal accountability do not be concerned nor unduly upset if you do not participate in this first temporary lift up of souls who serve with us this merely means that your action and the plan is elsewhere and you will be taken for your instructions or will receive them in some other manner do not take any personal affront if you are not alerted or not a participant in this first phase of our plan your time will come later and these instructions are not necessary for you at this time so you got left behind don't worry New Age author Timothy green Beckley writes more words of encouragement for those who missed the evacuation in his book psychic and UFO revelations in the last days many of the new-age workers and instructors who feel that they will be taken away or taken will not be taken right away but left behind to help mankind survived through the cataclysmic period that is their mission here's another view not evacuation by et but an evolutionary purged by Mother Earth New Age author K wheeler known by her spiritual name oz mana who describes herself as a play play at e'en star seed and channeler published an article entitled the time is now in the New Age Journal connecting link magazine she presented material that she had channeled from entities that called themselves the souls of light who claimed to be ETS from the seventh celestial plane of life who were concerned with helping earth evolved to full consciousness here she writes of the evolutionary purge the mother is desperately fighting for her life this is talking about Earth many of her vortexes have been drained she's in critical condition at this time and must turn her thoughts to herself if she is to survive that is why you see the many crises in the world many of these you do not hear about on your screen of lies there is much happening on your planet at this time the mother is cleansing it is all she knows to do at this time to clear herself of the pollution that exists within her body but as you but you as light bearers can help your mother cleanse in such a way that does not destroy all life on this planet much of this is necessary many of these beings have appointments to leave at this time Earth's population needs to be decreased to bring forth unnecessary changes upon this planet to move it into the fourth dimension your earth is a fourth dimensional being at this time she has moved into this energy pattern and those who plan to stay must be of this vibration many of these beings who are leaving this planet at this time have completed that which they came to do it is a time of great rejoicing for them do not feel sad about their leaving they are going home many are waiting to be with them again many beings must move on for their thought patterns are of the past they hold on to these thoughts that keep earth held back that's you that's me earlene Cheney channels and et who calls himself kethu me and in Cheney's book revelations of things to come this being speaks about the earth changes in the need for a cleansing the mother Deva where Mother Earth realizes that her matter must be purified her Akashic ethers must be cleansed of the dark thought-forces Barbara Marciniak is a very famous New Age author and Chandler in her book she documents what she claims extraterrestrials from the star system of the Pleiades have told her in her book bringers of the dawn teachings from the Pleiadians she also mentions the removal of a great number of souls the people who leave the planet during the time of earth changes do not fit in here any longer and they are stopping the harmony of Earth when the time comes that perhaps 20 million people leave the planet and one time there will be a tremendous shift in consciousness for those who are remaining what Paul says is for this reason God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie that's the truth tremendous shift Barbara Marciniak and Earth Pleiadian keys to the living library rights some of you want to pretend that the earth changes are not occurring however they are occurring and there is nothing to fear for there part of the process of the great shift whether you stay on the planet and alter your vibration or you check out and sit in the bleachers to watch the show there's some passage of passages in Revelation that speak about that or you check out or to watch the show doesn't really matter on some level in some avenue of existence you will participate and you will learn Marciniak in bringers of the dawn gives us a final warning if human beings do not change if they do not make the shift in values and realize that without earth they shoot they could not be here then earth in its love for its own initiation is reaching for a higher frequency will bring about a cleansing that will balance it once again there's the potential for many people to leave the planet in an afternoon solace stuff are things that people say that they're Chandler's are saying that their spirit guides are telling them or the ETS are telling them and obviously biblically a spirit guide is a demon and so you have people in the Bible who are called witches or they're called mediums that kind of thing and they have spirit guides Bible teaches that these are demons and so the demons know about the Bible the demons know about the rapture the church the demons know that Jesus is is coming for us and they are preparing these people for that event okay so in the passage not only do we talk about the rapture but we also talk about the falling away let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and so that's the word for apostasy the word in greek is apostasy and so is there an apostasy taking place are we seeing that about to come to pass there's a passage in 2nd Timothy 3:1 through 7 that says this but know this that in the last days perilous times will come for men will be lovers of themselves and every time you know that I'm teaching through this passage I'll take one of these phrases and just say you know is that going on right now so are men lovers of themselves yeah that's the primary philosophy that we have in the United States of America and not only in America but all over the world you just need to love yourself some more got any kind of problems it's not about loving other people it's about loving you in fact you can't love other people before you love yourself so you got to spend a lot of time taking care of you first before you can get ever get to anybody else so you got to love you a lot and then you can move on to someone else then we'll be lovers of themselves lovers of money is that does that go boasters does that go proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy unloving unforgiving slanderers without self-control brutal despisers of good traitors headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying its power and from such people turn away for this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins led away by various lusts always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth you don't ever want to be that last thing so do we have an apostasy going on check us out United Methodists proposed split the UMC to start LGBTQ approving religion while traditionalists formed their own denomination Leawood Kansas citing that the United Methodist Church is at an impasse on the issue of homosexuality a proposal has been put forward to mutually agree for a traditionalist United Methodist to leave and form their own denomination so those remaining can remove the biblical prohibition on homosexuality as encompassed in the Book of Discipline and thus allow for same-sex marriages and churches and the ordination of homosexual clergy and so we're gonna throw out the critic they're going to throw the Christians out of the church so that we can remove the the command not to commit the sin of homosexuality so that's the United Methodist Church here's another one United Methodist Church to split over whether or not to be Christians this is actually from a satire site can you see Mike no let's do this yeah it's Babylon be right here so this is a satire site I just thought it was hilarious and so Nashville Tennessee leaders from it so talking about the same issue leaders from the United Methodist Church have announced a tentative plan to split the church over differences on whether or not Methodist should be Christian or some sort of social group with a vague deist motif that makes up morality based on whatever it feels like there was just no way to reconcile differences said Reverend Lloyd Patrick one of those dismayed by the recent push by traditionalists to follow the Bible instead of each person's own heart a lot of people still want to follow Jesus a person from 2,000 years ago who made no statements about pronouns and thus has no relevance today you understand what they're talking about pronouns we call them they or he/she or you know whatever they changed what are your personal pronouns you know that kind of thing who made no statements about pronouns pronouns and thus has no relevance today which is just silly since we all know so much more now and have a better grasp on morality than a bunch of ancient people okay so that was my satire and then I actually Trevor Macduff is is a friend of mine he sent me this I thought this was another satire Church growth by kicking out old people and so you know he sent it to me it's on my it's he messaged me on Facebook and I thought it adds Babylon B or something like that and this is this is what the article said a vital growing church has lots of young families a church in Minnesota wants to be that kind of congregation so it's kicking out its current long-term members who are over the age of 60 Cottage Grove United Methodist Church in Cottage Grove Minnesota is trying this approach the denomination United Methodist has given them a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar grant to hire a church growth consultant who is overseeing closing the old church and then reopening it with new membership this is a 32 year-old pastor who's doing this the older members must stay away for 15 to 18 months after that time they may apply to come back they might be allowed to provide to provided that they accept the youthful new identity of the church to add insult to injury or injury to insult the banished old people are still being asked to support the church financially and to continue to help with the maintenance they want us to mow the lawn and shovel the snow complained in one senior citizen but they are not supposed to come into the sanctuary this is the this is the actual article this was this was on a web page but the actual article is best path to a younger flock church asks older members to worship elsewhere Duluth in and it's in the Duluth News Tribune and so I get this and I have it for a couple days I go and read it I come I get back on on Facebook and I said this is real you know you can't make this stuff up this is craziness and I'm just going to give you some more examples of obvious or obvious examples of apostasy prominent youth mister ministers sentenced to more than a thousand years in prison for sexually abusing teen boys Gadsden Alabama a prominent youth mister tella minister televangelists and the author Annabel Alabama has been sentenced to more than a thousand years in prison after pleading guilty to sexually abusing seven teenage boys and so it's not just in the United States I thought this one was fun gone I mean Ghana he passed her from Ghana bathes in Beryl asks congregation to drink the water for anointing a video of members of a so-called church drinking their church leaders bathwater has angered the Ghana denying came and say the word public the video which became an instant internet sensation for the wrong reasons had the so-called man of God directing his church members to drink water he had soaked his body and unfortunately a determined congregation who looked on as he soaked himself in the barrel of water with his feet and Underpants took turns drinking the water all in the name of anointing and so again craziness there's another one lesbian Episcopal priest named president of National Abortion Federation abortion providers are modern-day Saints the National aboard abortion Federation has announced that its board has appointed Katherine Hancock ragsdale a lesbian Episcopal priest to serve as its president and CEO abortion providers are some of my personal heroes and modern-day Saints she said in a statement it's an honor to be able to serve and support Naf members as they provide compassionate health care amid increasing attacks and challenges and so now abortion providers are Saints Swiss Protestant Church votes to allow same-sex marriages and so obviously in Switzerland the historic Protestant Church of Switzerland has voted to allow same-sex marriages in its churches the Federation of Swiss evangelical churches unites 26 regional Protestant churches in the Central European country after what was described as a lively about respectful debate during the Essie keg autumn assembly 45 delegates voted in favor 10 against and 5 abstained so that's in Switzerland decline of those identifying as Christians in the United States continues at a rapid pace according to study this is from October last year the Pew Research Center the religious landscape in the United States continues to change at a rapid clip in a Pew Research Center telephone survey conducted in 2018 and 1965 of Merit percent of American adults described themselves as Christians when asked about their religion down 12 percentage points over the past decade meanwhile the religiously unaffiliated share of the population consisting of people who described their religious identity as atheist agnostic or nothing in particular now stands at 26 percent up from 17 percent in 2009 so we have a decrease in people claiming to be Christian which is kind of good because I think a lot of people that claim to be Christian and actually don't know Jesus it would be better to know that you don't know Jesus than to think that you do when you don't here's here's another one this is another one of my favorite ones seminary students repent to plants confess and sorrow and prayer to vegetation in a chapel ceremony so this is September 2019 in a story that would seem to be some kind of a satire a Seminary where students gathered together during a chapel ceremony to confess grieve and sorrow and prayer toward an assortment of potted plants right here potted plants laid out on the floor actually took place as a part of an activity that school officials say was done to atone for the harm caused by climate change Union Theological Seminary a progressive identifying school located in New York City which is affiliated with nearby Columbia University tweeted out a picture and message on Tuesday from a chapel meeting where students gathered around various plants as an offering to the beings who sustained us but whose gift we too often fail to honor the tweet asks the question what are you confessed to the plants in your life in subsequent tweets following the initial announcement the school continued to refer to plants as beings and acknowledged they were worshipping and speaking directly in repentance what's different and the source of so much derision is that we're treating plants as fully created beings divine creation in its own right not just something to be concerned because plants aren't capable of verbal response does that mean we shouldn't engage with them another tweet s yes whatever so again here we are bowing Lotus position before the plants repenting to them look how nicely it's laid out to look at yeah I was when I was in second grade I did a funeral for a branch found this branch branch had died and so me and my buddies dug a grave for the branch out the field did a little funeral for the branch I was seven Bethel Church suggests lgbtq+ people who feel fulfilled and happy as you are don't need to change or repent this is from a social media post and this is the cogent passage God doesn't force people to change and people including Christians shouldn't force others to change either is that true does God for us achieve people to change does he compel them yeah shouldn't forth force others to change either we stand against any and all forms of shame does God use shame that's called guilt right manipulation force humiliation or physical harm and so-called ministry or therapy Bethel Church led by Bill Johnson is raising new concerns after it posted to its Facebook page on Thursday that its program for those who struggle with homosexuality has never had the message of all must change Jesus had that message if you don't repent you will all likewise perish words of Jesus message of all must change suggesting that those who feel fulfilled and happy as they are aren't required by God to repent there were some Facebook's posts that came because of this here's one that's a little sarcastic since Thank You Bethel Church reading for affirming me I love to steal and take things that aren't mine without a lawful transaction I come it a lot but I'm at peace with it I'm completely happy that gives me such a thrill and joy and coveting really motivates me when sarcastically commented so thank you for affirming that I just need to follow my faith according to my own personal convictions I know God says otherwise but he loves me anyways and I don't need to change that for him there you go yeah there's another one this is this is unfortunate also former Hillsong songwriter Marty Sampson renounces Christianity it's not for me I'm not in anymore Marty Sampson a former songwriter for Australia's Hillsong worship team and Hillsong UNITED announced on Instagram on Saturday that he is losing his faith in Christianity and then he's happy now time for some real talk I'm genuinely losing my faith and it doesn't bother me he wrote like what bothers me now is nothing I'm so happy now so at peace with the world it's crazy he also left his wife after kissing Christianity goodbye Joshua Harris marches in Vancouver Pride Parade and this was in Vancouver Canada a week after I kissed dating goodbye author Joshua Harris announced that he was kissing Christianity goodbye he posted photos to Instagram of his participation in the Vancouver Pride Festival and American in Canada marching with the British Consulate he posted another photograph of himself with Christian rocker Trey Pearson of every day Sunday who left his wife and children in 2016 after coming out as homosexual as well as Matthias Roberts a homosexual and mental health counselor who according to his website seeks to fight bad theology as he believes people in the church have been gravely wrong in stating that homosexuals aren't Christians people in the church didn't state that the bible does if you do these things you will not inherit the kingdom of God let's not just homosexuals it's thieves and it's drunkards and you know extortioners there's a whole list looking at 1st Corinthians 6 Harris who authored the books I kiss dating goodbye boy meets girls say hello to courtship and sex isn't the problem lust is had taught since 1997 that Christians should be different from the world including in their dealings with the opposite sex and so you have that one of the things that the Bible says about that is this little children it is the last time and as you have heard that Antichrist shall come even now there are many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time they went out from us but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us and I quoted that from the King James Version on purpose that's a that's the best translation of that they were not all of us and so again the the whole apostasy thing has been going on for a very long time it's just a major uptick in the times that we're living in and obviously it's going to get more radical after the rapture of the church the next thing that you see is the appearance of the man of sin it says in verse 4 he opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that He is God and so that's called the abomination of desolation it's when the Antichrist goes into the rebuilt Jewish temple sits down and proclaims himself to be God that's when basically heaven opens up and judgement starts coming down on the earth like crazy so some of the major judgments that you see in the book of Revelation after the the battle that kills 1/4 of the earth come after this point when the Antichrist does this this is also coincidental with the with the whole mark of the beast and that kind of thing and so we have the abomination of desolation and the worship of the Beast and I just wanted to throw in an article that has to do with cash flow Society because I do this every year and it's fun it's just fun plastic cards may soon give way to biometric systems microchip implants gait recognition and other technologies that aim to improve generate health data and monitor workers article goes on to say for many employees the workday starts by swiping a plastic ID card to enter the office but employers can't always be sure who's holding the card that humble ID badge is starting to be replaced by biometric identification systems microchip implants and tools that monitor workers gates or typing habits technologies that might not only make workplaces more secure and easier to navigate but also generate personalized health and productivity data however research shows facial recognition isn't always accurate particularly when identifying people of color governments are starting to draft legislation to restrict how it can be used several US cities have banned government agencies from using the technology Europe's privacy laws requires special safeguards to protect biometric data smartphones could be an easy replacement for traditional IDs because most workers already have them says Lars Eriksson of the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects activity a US government research arm motion sensors built into phones can record how people move around throughout the day to verify the right person is holding the device researchers are developing a technology called gait recognition which uses cameras to identify people based on their body shape and how they move and say it could one day be implemented in US offices and places with especially tight security several different ID technologies could be linked to repeatedly identify workers as they move around video cameras might recognize people's faces they enter a building later analyze how they walk to identify them again software could assist on an employee's typing to verify whether it's the same person identified earlier in the day some early adopters already offer employees the option of using microchips in their hands to open doors log into office computers reserved conference rooms and even pay for vending machine snacks roughly the size of a grain of rice the microchips are implanted under the skin usually between the thumb and forefinger or they cannot be felt and can then be scanned over chip readers the microchips can't be lost stolen copyed says yo and Osterlund chief executive of bio hacks international a swedish maker of implantable ID chips so unclear whether the technology will catch on workers may bristle at implanting hardware under their skin especially without knowing at future employees will use the employers will use the same method says Edgar Whitley an associate professor of information systems at the London School of Economics there's little research on health and safety concerns scientists have not found significant evidence that microchips cause cancer or interfere with MRI scans or pharmaceutical drugs according to a 2017 report from the European Parliament within the next three years mr. österlen says he wants to develop microchips that contract wearer's health data workers could opt to share details such as their stress levels and pulse rate with employers helping customers or companies determine whether an office environment is healthy says others also see IDs as the means to better employee health and you know in the future offices will likely be outfitted with many sensors to connect with employers employees devices and analyze data to improve their well-being and so on and so forth gait recognition could reveal how employees behavior and well-being change over time if people appear distressed or more tired than usual and so on the big corporation decision or change in working hours that could help managers decide whether to change strategy that ability for an enterprise to actually understand their workforce is something that could be critically important it goes on to say whether the ID card well go extinct is unclear many workers may continue to wear badges because they help them recognize coworkers there's a certain psychological benefit kind of like donning a uniform he says others say ID cards eventually will disappear when sensors and cameras analyze well-being in performance you'll naturally evolve to something where you no longer need the badge mr.white says and so again it's just another article that talks about the the use of different forms of ID and it's not confined to the chip you know the the chip is something that keeps come it's actually been coming up over the last 25 years or so they've been using it in different in different situations your dogs get chipped your cats get chipped children in Mexico get chipped you know that that whole thing and so that's interesting but they have tattoos that are RFID tattoos and they they can use invisible ink and again the point is that when the Bible says that there's going to be a time when there's a mark given on your right hand or your forehead and you can't buy or sell without it that's a cashless type assistance system we're living in the only days when that can actually work as a matter of fact in Sweden right now there's only about twelve to thirteen percent of people in Sweden that are using cash at this time these guys are way far ahead as far as the rest of the European Union and obviously the the United States he the the passage here goes on to talk about the mystery of lawlessness it says for the mystery of lawlessness verse seven is already at work only he who now restrains will do so until he's taken of we're out of the way and then the lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming and so you have this mystery of lawlessness that spoken about the Bible Jesus in Matthew chapter 24 talks about the fact that men's hearts grow cold and lawlessness increases during the last days and one of those things that has to take place is anti-semitism when we're going through the book of Revelation right now on Sunday nights and they're in in the book of Revelation there is an attack on the Jewish nation obviously we've talked about it before but they're specifically at an attack on the Jews the Bible says by Satan and by his man the Antichrist not only on the Jews but on on people who believe in Jesus at the time and so the fact that the church is taken out doesn't mean that God's not at work in the book of Revelation anymore or during the the tribulation time in fact the tribulation time is going to be one of the most fruitful times as far as evangelism goes at the earth the world has ever seen so in Revelation chapter 7 it talks about a great number that nobody could a great group that nobody could number of every tribe and tongue and Kidron a nation is seen coming into heaven and they're identified as those who are coming out of the Tribulation Period out of the the tribulation the great one it says in Greek and so there's going to be a persecution of Jews there's going to be a persecution of followers of Jesus and there is going to be that persecution is going to be going to include killing them there's going to be martyrdom that takes place and so it's a radical persecution so obviously when we were looking in the world we have to be moving in that direction and you know when I was first a Christian back in like 1975 and I was hearing this stuff I was like how are you gonna give back to persecuting Jews you know it had only been 30 years since World War two since the whole Holocaust and I did see some indications of that I knew you know I heard it some people who hated Jews for for no good reason but it has to be like a worldwide phenomenon for this to be able to take place again and so you look around in our world and is there an increasing anti-semitism that's taken place anti Israeli Israel activities on American college campuses are on the rise a new report published by an anti-semitism watchdog group a MCHA initiative on Tuesday found according to the research incidents of Israel related anti-semitic harassment jumped by 70 percent last year one main reason for this the report said was that faculty took a much more active and prominent role in academic BDS boycott divestment sanctions promotion and implementation and in the promulgation of anti-semitic expression used to justify academic BDS BDS is a movement where they're trying to basically do to Israel what took place with South Africa and so this is something that's common in colleges nowadays ouch' initiative director Tammy rossmann Benjamin stated academic BDS is more dangerous than people realize not only does implementation curtail students educational rights and opportunities its promotion on campus particularly by faculty who give it academic legitimacy is inciting an alarming increase in harassment against Israel's presume supporters first and foremost Jewish students there's a couple of movements that are taking place in the colleges nowadays and you know you may see this it depends on on which news programs you're watching because some of them don't show it but some news programs are showing some of the the protests on college campuses against Israel and against Jews you see signs that are anti-semitic they're taking place there's a reason for this and the reason is the BDS movements the two movements that are are basically the biggest one in the United States were both started by Palestinians and so one was started by Omar Barr Guti a founding committee member of the Palestinian campaign for the academic and cultural boycott of Israel co-founder of the boycott divestment and sanctions movement burgoo T was born in Qatar Qatar to a Palestinian family from the Barghouti clan and at age 13 moved to Egypt where he grew up in 1982 he moved to the United States where he lived for 11 years and earned a master's degree in electrical engineering from Columbia University this stuff is not coming you know just kind of naturally from American students it's specifically agenda driven by people who are Palestinian and so you have that going on Trump's anti-semitism executive order a game-changer special envoy car and here's a video I wanted to show you is a game changer and and what the president said is that no longer will US tax money subsidize anti-semitism and racism on college campuses most Americans don't know how bad things have gotten on many campuses where Jewish students face harassment intimidation discrimination and the president said enough is enough and so he signed this executive order that does two things first of all it applies title six civil rights protection to Jewish students and second of all it adopts the very important standard definition of what anti-semitism is that significantly also includes anti-zionism and anti-israel activity as defined anti-semitism would you say Ilan that we're seeing more of this now because of the internet because we've had guests on in the past who said look you know this Fester's on the internet and then we see a bubble up at campus there's no question the Internet is achieved victories of this disease but it comes from three sources there's the the radical left Israel haters there's the far-right ethnic supremacists and there's militant Islam what we're seeing on campuses is a combustive combination of all three just yesterday I was with a Muslim interfaith leader who I mean you can't make this up who was invited to a campus by a Jewish student group to talk about interfaith activity and because he wasn't anti-israel he was physically assaulted what's going on is is it times physical attacks on Jewish students on pro-israel students and the president said enough is enough let's take a look at some of the major newspaper headlines and mainstream outlets on how they depicted what the president did in The Washington Post why president Trump's executive order to fight anti-semitism is dangerous for Jews New York Times says Trump's order to combat anti-semitism divides its audience American Jews and NPR over on the radio dial Trump signs order against anti-semitism at colleges whirring free speech advocates yeah think of that well I mean that's crazy what's dangerous for Jews is is this drumbeat of anti-semitic intimidation and harassment on college campuses that's what's dangerous for Jews and that's what this executive order is focused on and and as the president's White House when he signed this he said enough is enough and if if universities are gonna tolerate anti-semitic bigotry they're gonna lose a lot of money it's gonna be very costly and so this is really a sea change in in the culture of anti-semitic hate that that is sadly alive and well on too many college campuses in our country un releases first-ever report on anti-semitism highlighting uptick the United Nations released an unprecedented a report on anti-semitism on Monday which pointed out that the frequency appears to be increasing and also linked to anti-semitism to denunciations of Israel as well as the Palestinian LED boycott divestment sanctions movement which calls for a boycott of all Israeli products the report stressed that the prevalence of anti-semitic attitudes and the risk of violence against Jewish individuals and sites is significant the report said that in the u.s. in 2017 58 percent of religiously motivated bias were driven by anti-semitic bias the Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN noted adding that it also said that governments enact laws and policies that restrict Jewish practice including limiting kosher slaughter methods or preventing Jewish people from political participation in higher office and so you have this on the college campuses in America in America that's crazy his replacement theology fueling anti-semitism in America in the wake of the piss Pittsburgh atrocity on October 27th this was from a couple of years ago 2018 the founder of a nationally recognized watchdog group active in confronting anti-semitism issued a stark warning about the dangers of replacement theology fueling an uptick in Jew Jew hatred you guys know what policemen theology is this idea that the church replaces Israel God's done with Israel doesn't care about these people anymore Church replaces them okay Laurie Cardozo Moore founder of proclaiming justice to the nation's cited the seldom recognized aspect of replacement theology as a major fuel for anti-semitism in America Robert Bowers a Christian nationalist this is he's a white supremacist quoted from New Testament Scriptures to legitimize his anti-semitic replacement theology doctrine as he murdered eleven members of the Jewish community in Pittsburgh to add fuel to this fire cordosa Moore noted anti-semitic and anti-israel content in our us textbooks and instructional materials has also given rise to violence against Jewish students on secondary school campuses we in America have witnessed a continuous rise in anti-semitic incidents on college campuses and on social media platforms with little to no response from university administrators she said unfortunately it took a horrific attack on a Jewish community for law enforcement the media to finally condemn the anti-semitic posts on social media then you have anti-christian attacks open doors 20:19 report persecution is on the rise globally figures for the persecution of Christians have shown a shocking increase according to persecution watchdog open doors our research uncovers a shocking increase in the persecution of Christians globally in China our figures indicate persecution is the worst it's been in more than a decade alarmingly some church leaders are saying it's the worst since the culture Revolution ended in 1976 100 million people were killed in that in a cultural revolution worldwide our data reveals that thirteen point nine percent more Christians are experiencing high levels of persecution than last year that's 30 million more people persecution in North Korea is worse than in any other country in the world and has been for the last eighteen years five years ago only North Korea was in the extreme category for the level of persecution suffered by Christians there this year Christians in the world watch lists top 11 countries live where persecution is extreme so five years ago was only it was only North Korea now it's 11 other nations so these nations are North Korea number one Afghanistan Afghanistan number two somalia number three Libya number four Pakistan five Sudan Eritrea Yemen Iran India and Syria over three thousand five Christians were killed simply because of their beliefs during 2018 in the north and Middle Belt of Nigeria at least thirty seven hundred Christians were killed for their faith almost double the number of a year ago an estimated two thousand Blyth said people need to wake up to the fact that the persecution of religious minorities is increasing these figures show were going backwards not forwards Christian persecution at near genocide levels persecution of Christians in parts of the world is at near genocide levels according to a report ordered by Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt the review led by the Bishop of Truro the right reverend Phillip Mount Stephen estimated that one in three people suffer from religious persecution Christians were the most persecuted religious group had found that mr. hunt said he felt that political correctness had played a part in the issue not being confronted it warned that religion is at risk of disappearing in some parts of the world pointing to figures which claimed Christians in Palestine represent less than 1.5 percent of the population well in Iraq they had fallen from 1.5 million before 2000 three to less than 120,000 evidence shows that not only the geographic spread of anti-christian persecution but also its increasing severity the bishop wrote in some regions the level and nature of persecution is arguably coming close to meeting the international definition of genocide according to that adopted by the UN something that's interesting about persecution in the Middle East is that in some of these nations whether you're talking about Iran or Iraq or Syria the Christians are being chased out of those countries what's interesting is it's those countries that are going to be involved in this battle that takes place and it may be nothing but God getting his people out of there obviously in those instances things that are going to be taking place anti-christian statements [Laughter] I just put that up there today this is what I had to eat three weeks ago this is Nancy Pelosi on inauguration day of the president inauguration on Morning Joe Joe Scarborough asks her but how do Democrats who have the right policies economically in their minds how do they cut reconnect with the middle America who feels like sometimes they're looked down upon because of their faith or their values this is what she said well thank you for asking that question because the cultural issue and especially when it comes to rural America the that the isolation that some people feel there plus they don't think that Democrats are people of faith when the fact is that we are and I say this will be a little not in keeping with the spirit of the day of unity but I say they pray in church on Sunday and pray on people the rest of the week and while we're doing while we're doing the Lord's work by ministering to the needs of God's creation they are ignoring those needs which is to dishonor the God who made them I love it when people like Nancy Pelosi lecture me you know what you guys I'm done being nice to the Democrat Party No okay can can you name one commandment that the Democrat Party is in favor of when you're talking about the 10 commandments first for all about honoring God can you can you name one thing that they do to honor God the Bible says that there's not to be any other gods before him they wouldn't agree with that don't take God's name in vain obviously they don't agree with that you know when you when you get past those commandments honor your father and mother they don't agree with that and what we're talking about is policy issues so just lately Democrats in our state have passed a bill that says when your kid is 13 years old when they're 13 years old you no longer have access to their medical records so that's between them and their doctor so they can the doctor makes decisions about what goes on with your 13 year old and you don't have access to those records thank you Democrat Party don't kill do they honor that one yep don't commit adultery don't take other people's stuff don't want other people's stuff that's called coveting don't steal don't covet every commandment that you see in the Ten Commandments stands in stark contrast to stated principles of their platform and so it's just ridiculous anyway here's here's an here's another one this is Joy Behar one of my favorite Americans the panel on the view mocking vice president Mike Pence for saying that he talks to Jesus watch I think when you have a mic pants that now sort of puts this religious veneer on things and calls people Values Voters I think we're in a dangerous situation I'm a faithful person but I don't know that I want my vice president you know speaking in tongues one thing to talk to Jesus it's another thing when Jesus talks to you illness if I'm not correct I'm hearing voices yeah what a blessing she is there's no one this is one another one of my favorite Americans Bill Maher attacks little I bleeped out Nick Sandman don't get what Catholic priests see in these kids left-wing HBO host Bill Maher launched a vicious attack on the Covington Catholic High School students on Friday describing student Nick Sandman as a little blank while also cracking wise about students being sexually abused by Catholic priests in his opening monologue on Friday's edition of HBO's real time Bill Maher took specific aim at the sixteen-year-old Sandman who was filmed standing face to face with left-wing indigenous activists Nathan Phillips as he beat on a ceremonial drum as different demonstrations took place at the Lincoln Memorial I don't blame the kid the smirk face kid I blame lead poisoning and bad parenting and oh yeah I blame the effing kid Maher said of Sandman what a little blank smirk face like that's not a blank moved stick your face in this elder you know elderly man's face in a statement after the footage went viral on social media Sandman said that he tried to remain motionless and calm in front of Phillips and even smiled because I wanted him to know I was not going to become angry intimidated or pretty provoked into a larger confrontation the smirking kid this was Bill Maher again the smirking kid says he was just trying to defuse a situation really next time you get into a fight try that like Mars never been in a fight it's a punk next time you get into a fight try that mark continued I do not spend a lot of time around Catholic school children but I do not get what Catholic priest seeing these kids that's the kid you know it's like you always see him with a ball cap on he looks older than that his teeth aren't even grown in he's just a kid and this idiot caps on him because he's Catholic Kamala Harris is outrageous assault on the Knights of Columbus this is an anti-catholic thing again but these guys they don't know the difference between Catholic and Christian so in any case they think we're all the same so what they do the Catholics they want to do to you no longer is the debate over Christianity in the public square it's over Christians in the public square Kamala Harris is set to announce her candidacy for president sometime around Martin Luther King jr. Day what sort of chief executive would she be well here's your first clue on December 5th Harris posed a series of written questions to brian Buescher president Trump's nominee for district court Nebraska the third question read as follows since 1993 you've been a member of the Knights of Columbus an all-male Society come comprised primarily of Catholic men in 2016 Carl Anderson leader of the Knights of Columbus described abortion as a legal regime that has resulted in more than 40 million deaths mr. Anderson went on to say that abortion is the killing of the innocent on a massive scale were you aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed a woman's right to choose when you join the argument organization follow-ups included were you aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed marriage equality when you join the organization and have you ever in any way assisted with or contributed to advocacy against woman's great reproductive rights what Kamala Harris is suggesting is that membership in a 2 million strong 100 36 year-old Catholic social organization disqualifies an individual from the federal bench she was joined in this line of questioning by some senator motsi Hirono of Hawaii or mazie Hirono excuse me of Hawaii the even worse news is that plenty of Senate Democrats agree with them they've adopted a strategy of interrogating president Trump's judicial nominees about Catholic beliefs and associations it began in September 2017 when Dianne Feinstein told Amy Kony Barrett now confirmed to the Seventh Circuit the dogma lives loudly within you and that's a concern my concern is the anti-catholic sentiment manifest in the Democratic Party last march Feinstein demanded no if Michael Scudder now confirmed to the Seventh Circuit worked with his parish to establish a residential crisis pregnancy center last May senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island asked Peter J Phipps now confirmed as district court judge about the night's last October Feinstein Harris and three other Democrats wanted to know about the relationship between fourth circuit nominee Allison Jones rushing and the Alliance defending freedom a Christian nonprofit that supports religious liberty last November Feinstein asked Third Circuit nominee Paul matey if confirmed will you recuse yourself from all cases in which the Knights of Columbus have taken a position nor is it only Catholics who are subject to this religious test the Democrats are ecumenical Baptists and Episcopalians are also under scrutiny in June 2017 Bernie Sanders clashed with Russell Vout now acting director of the Office of Management and Budget over a blog post out had written regarding Islam that several Muslim groups considered Islamophobic I'm a Christian and I believe in a Christian set of principles based on my faith mouth said by the end of the exchange standards said Sanders said I would simply say mr. chairman that this nominee is really not someone who is what this country is supposed to be about doubt as an elder in his church married and has two daughters the following month in questions - Trevor McFadden now confirmed a DC district court wise hot White House singled out McFadden's Church Falls Church Anglican for its opposition to same-sex marriage White House asked if McFadden agreed with statements made by his pastor so committed are these Senate Democrats through the doctrines of social liberalism that they are prepared to ignore the plain text of article 6 section 3 of the Constitution no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States so again anti-christian sentiment then you have mystery of lawlessness with disorder and Anarchy check this out [Applause] [Music] this is an important award [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you there's another one Colette writer and Ino roughed up at Portland and Tifa right-wing protests check this out I had to mute this because it's full of cussing that guy's a reporter like gutless pansies I have a hard time with this this makes my flesh they need Jesus the same guy had a bunch of antifreeze show up to his house on Halloween this last year and this is this is what these guys did they have masks on their face they took and made copies of his face with masks on your face trick or treat so brave I don't know I think I'd come out with a baseball bat and after I get done then I'd witness to him this is a this is an article I'm running out of time so I'm not going to read this one but it's a it's an article about the roots of radicals misery and it's it's pretty interesting there's some other stuff I wanted to show you though so I'm gonna skip over this one and we have civil war this is one of those things that I'm looking at more and more and more as time goes on and what I did here there we go this is something I'm looking at more and more as time goes on I've been kind of reticent to even talk about it for the last couple of years because you know you don't want to inflame this stuff but more and more people on the right and people on the left are talking about civil war and so you see these articles coming up all the time expect a terrifying year NPR host compares America in 2020 with the US right before the Civil War NPR host Steve Inskeep has written a terrifying column in The New York Times that compares the political conditions in the United States today with the conditions America faced during the 1856 election just five years before the start of the Civil War here's another article it's 1856 all over again immigration race demographic change political demagogy that year's presidential race had at all what can it tell us about 2020 miss trans keep is a host of Morning Edition on NPR and the author of a book about John C Fremont there's another article the Atlantic devotes its December issue to a special report how to stop a Civil War essays consider how America is coming apart and prospects for rebuilding a more civil functional and unified society the reason that this is important is because there has to be something that takes the United States out a Biblical prophecy and so we've talked about those issues before you know it could be nuclear war like I was talking about earlier maybe when we get nuked it could be a revival maybe most of people in the United States get saved and when the rapture happens we're all out of here that's my favorite one that's what needs to happen maybe it's an economic decline maybe we decide we don't want to be a you know in any part of the world anymore we see that with some of trumps foreign policy he'd like to withdraw from some of the places that were involved in but in any case when you when you're in the Bible you don't see America in places that America would normally be as far as being a world power so we see Russia mentioned we see Iran mentioned we see all these major plot China is mentioned most likely Kingsley's is what it's called you have all these major powers mentioned and we're not mentioned so why are we not mentioned and one of them one of the issues may may be civil war so we've got a bunch of things that are going on like I said it could be economic collapse that could be withdrawal and isolationism it could be you know too many people are gone when Jesus comes back there could be civil war it could be you know it all burns up it all falls apart we don't believe that the conditions in the United States today resemble those of 1850s America but we worry that the ties that bind us are fraying an alarming speed we are becoming contemptuous of each other in ways that are both dire and possibly irreversible do you watch the State of the Union last night writers rights editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg in the Atlantic December's issues how does how to stop a civil war the American experiment as we know it is not guaranteed to be eternal this observation Orient's every article an essay in the singular edition with today's best writers confronting questions of America's unity and fracture and working to explain our particular dispiriting moment or this particular disparate dispiriting moment as goldberg writes are in modest hope is that this special issue appearing on newsstands exactly 162 years after our first issue will provide at least a partial roadmap for a country stuck in a cul-de-sac of its own making as these an arguments that make up December cover package are divided into three discreet sections on the forces that pull us apart appeals to our better nation or nature and reconciliation and its alternatives here's another one bu historian answers are we headed for another civil war a recent Washington Post headline says in America talk turns to something not spoken up for a hundred and fifty years civil war the story references among others Stanford University historian Victor Davis Hanson who asked a National Review essay last summer how when and why has the United States now arrived at the brink of a veritable civil war another Washington Post story reports how Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King recently posted a meme warning that red states have eight trillion bullets in the event of a civil war in a poll conducted last June by Rasmussen Reports found that 31% of probable u.s. voters surveyed believe it's likely that the you name in the United States will experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years Billy Franklin Graham says our government isn't working says the divide in America could prompt a civil war evangelical leader Franklin Graham said the social divide in America could prompt a civil war if there isn't any intervention there's such a bitterness such a divide Graham said in an exclusive interview on Wednesday and it didn't start with Nancy Pelosi or Donald Trump it goes back to the Clinton years and I don't think it was Bill Clinton bringing that divide but I think it was the staffers under him as a result Graham said America's government is no longer working it's just getting worse and worse each year he said and if we don't do something I don't see the country able to stand I don't think we will make it another ten years if something isn't done because right now our government isn't working Graham said he encourages people to pray for politicians the Bible tells us to do that we're to pray for the president the vice president we're to pray for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Graham said were to pray for all those that are in authority and it's my prayer that God would just soften their hearts grams said the division in America could cause disillusionment it could even end up in a civil war I would hope that would never happen but it's happened once before in our history it could very easily happen again Graham said you know the Jesus said a house divided against itself can't stand and that's one of the things we're looking at Graham on on a Pietschmann our country could begin to unravel evangelist Franklin Graham issued a dire warning about the fate of the United States to the presidential impeachment inquiry started by the US House lead to president Donald Trump's owl stir our country could begin to unravel if and if an elected president is thrown out of office because of Lies in the media he said it could be a devastating thing we're in very dangerous territory I would encourage all the politicians to look very carefully at where we are and first of all make sure the truth is told grandma staunch Trump's supporters said the impeachment inquiry about Trump's interactions with the leader of Ukraine was a political move by a party that refuses to accept Trump's election victory three years ago Graham's defenses the president echoed that of fellow evangelical Robert Jeffrey's pastor of the First Baptist Church Dallas who was warned of a potential civil war at the house votes on impeachment and who has accused Democrats of worshiping the patient the pagan god Molech okay let's see oh this is interesting there's there's a did you guys hear about the field organizer for Sanders okay I'm gonna show you a video this is him he is actually this guy right here is him and he's a field organizer in Iowa and they caught him on video saying this check this out and I apologize I think pretty much we bleeped out most of the language but I don't know if I if we caught it all like free speech has Reaper so if Trump gets reelected what cities burn the only thing that matches understand plans so the only way to it's a directive for Bernie that we can't attack Warren I think it's also fan a point out that when we were in Moscow for example people here also were extremely impressed by their public transportation system meet Kyle Jurek a field organizer in Iowa for presidential candidate Bernie Sanders Jurek says cities are going to burn if Trump gets reelected these are worrisome words from someone who works for a man running to be presidents of the United States now the evidence shows Kyle jerk has been in politics since 2018 when according to these FEC records Jurek was paid $500 while working for the Democratic Senate campaign committee the FEC records also show he has worked for the Sanders campaign for over six months and so far Jurek has earned nearly $11,000 so they are scared senseless like even like even like the ones that are kinda like you know the right wing the only thing that works the only thing that matches understand violence so the only way that you can confront them violence so it gets reelected what cities burn yeah I mean we don't have a lot of time left we have save like human civilization and obviously it's wrong don't get making sure the world doesn't burn no awkward and start in Milwaukee and then when they be ready to be in Milwaukee for the DNC I plan on being there what about Des Moines does that mean remember what happened in the McGovern gap in Chicago in 1978 riots people getting beaten by the cops the cops are gonna be Missouri during all of the National Guard Jurek is clearly very radical but also very confused about his political history he talks about riots in Chicago in 1978 when George McGovern was running for president in fact the riots were in 1968 when Hubert Humphrey was the Democratic nominee McGovern ran for president in 1972 and there were no riots that year because we're willing to go above and beyond what the law says Oh free speech yeah like there they try to be like you oh you're a victim here you're you're against free speech no we're not against free speech we're against hate speech then if your speech priest free speech is something that like these people shouldn't exist then I don't give a if it's free speech or not you don't need like free speech has repercussions there are consequences here if your speech is calling for the elimination of people based on racial gender religious like for whatever reason like things that people can't change then you should expect a violent reaction and you deserve a pieman because like many people have suicided themselves that have been related to the Clintons in some way or its be insane so the question is baby revolution Hillary Clinton every night in this on let me tell you something buddy we don't gotta kill the Clintons we'll make him kill himself now that reign of terror it's clear and Jurek's idea of a revolution Democratic candidates like Tom Snyder and Mike Bloomberg wouldn't be safe and in his world networks like MSNBC or even moderate liberals wouldn't be immune [Music] guys like that we're gonna do with them gulag liberals get em all first what are we going to do with those people that resist the change that's a big deal oh I'll tell you what in Cuba what do they do to reactionaries they shot him on the beach do you want to fight against a revolution you're gonna die and so on this guy isn't the only one since that came out actually the morning of when when we were supposed to do the prophecy update before and so I thought that was interesting there's been three other guys in the Bernie Sanders campaign that are of the same sort they're saying that most of the people in the campaign are like this these guys have now been fired Bernie Sanders has not commented on them they're still in they're still in charge of what they were in charge of before and so you know here's a here's another quote this is from another guy named Weiss Berger I think I was radical radicalized from the day from the first day I was born my dad as a Marxist explained Weiss Berger who identifies as a communist all about the complete seizure of the private sector by the federal government my mom has really left as well but she can't make her views known because she works for WBUR which is NPR so she's more held back in the video Weiss burger can be seen declaring himself ready to start tearing bricks up and start fighting all straight up get armed I want to learn how to shoot and go train I'm ready for the blanking Revolution bro I'm telling you guillotine the rich and you know it goes on and so you know a lot of times this kind of stuff goes on people say well yeah you know they're just kind of extreme and maybe they don't really mean what they say and in that kind of thing you guys remember the the congressmen that got shot as a Bernie Sanders guy and so James Hodgkinson volunteered on Bernie Sanders campaign in Iowa it's the same place this dudes at the suspect on in Wednesday mornings shooting at Republicans Congressional baseball practice in Alexandria Virginia apparently volunteered in Iowa for senator Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign according to his staff the shooting injured Louisiana Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise and at least three other people and so you have that next article is actually there we go this is a poll first time below record low 47 extremely proud to be Americans first time below majority level sharp decline since 2017 among liberals Democrats I plant was 70 percent in 2003 this fourth of July this is 2018 marks a low point in u.s. patriotism for the first time in galip's 18 year history asking how US adults are asking you u.s. adults how proud they are to be Americans fewer than a majority say they are extremely proud and this is how it goes record lows it used to be up to 70% and now it's down to 47% latest results are based on a June 1st through 13th poll when Gallup first asked the question it was 55 percent of Americans up to 70 percent two years later this is this is what it looks like for different groups so the red is Republicans and so 71 68 68 72 74 and we're talking about 2013 up to 2018 and with Democrats it started at 56 goes down to 47 now it's down to less than a third of Democrats are proud to be Americans fifth for independence it's down to 42% so you have not American liberals are unlikely to say they are extremely proud to be Americans and so conservatives are up around 65% moderates are around 46% liberals around 23% and so natural national pride maybe just one of a growing number of issues including opinions about guns labor unions and the environment for which party loyalties are pushing Democrats and Republicans to adopt divergent views these changes are making each party's base more homogeneous or homogeneous but increasingly different from one another and so we have this increasing disparity between groups of people and again we see that in our politics all the time it's been like that for the last couple of years so then we have the lawless one the the Antichrist and the Bible says that this guy is going to be a false messiah says dear children last hours here you've heard that the Antichrist is coming and already many such Antichrist have appeared from this we know that the last hour has come for many will come in my name claiming I'm the Messiah they will deceive many than if anyone tells you look here is the Messiah or there is don't believe it from false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to see to deceive if possible even the elect and when you look at who the Antichrist is in the Bible first thing he's a self focused bragger Daniel 7:25 says he shall speak pompous words against the Most High shall persecute the Saints of the Most High and shall intend to change times and law then the Saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time by his cunning he shall make deceit prosper under his hand and in his own mind he shall become great without warning he shall destroy many and he shall even rise up against the Prince of prison princes and he shall be broken but but but not by human hand because in this passage it says he's destroyed by the brightness of Jesus's coming and so this guy's a self focused braggart so one of the things that with signs that we see that culture goes towards is that people are boastful in the times we live in and it's just this is something that you know I don't know I'm pretty sensitive to I don't like this stuff I don't like showboats in any case that's what he is he's all be he's always pictured as having a big mouth says they worship the Beast saying who's like the Beast who was able to make war with them and he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months then he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name his tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven Bible says he's gonna be a corrupt deceiver and so corruptions gonna be on the increase by his cunning he shall make deceit prosper under his hand and in his own mind he shall become great without warning he shall destroy many and he shall even rise up against the Prince of princes but he shall be broken but by no human hand Bible says Antichrist will tell people that he's the Messiah and people will believe him the Bible says the Antichrist will be a self-promoting braggart who tears down others and claims to be God and people will follow him the Bible says Antichrist will be corrupt in a promoter of deception and people will worship Him and I believe we live in those times Bible says he arises through warfare we've already talked about that and the book of daniel says it this way the King will do as he pleases exalting himself claiming to be greater than every God even blaspheming the God of gods he will succeed but only until the time of Wrath is completed for what has been determined will surely take place he'll have no respect for the gods of his ancestors or for the God loved by women or for any other God for you will boast that he's greater than them all instead of these he will worship the god of fortresses a God of God his ancestors never knew and lavish on him gold silver precious stones and expensive gifts claiming this foreign gods help he will attack the strongest fortresses he will honor those who submit to him appointing them to positions of authority and dividing the land among them as their reward and so again you have this this picture in Scripture then you have the war that the that the Bible talks about we talked about this last week and so in Ezekiel 38 1 through 9 again it talks about different nations and here's the nations that are coming Libya Ethiopia Persia - garma Gog and Magog and then Gomer and so those are the areas that they're coming from and that's the these are these are the nations that we're talking about check this out China Russia and Iran hold joint naval drills in the Gulf of Oman Russia and Iran began a four-day joint military exercise in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Vermont on Friday and amid ongoing friction in the economically important region between Tehran and Washington this is just December of last year second Rear Admiral Gollum Ariza tejani said the exercise will cover 17,000 square kilometers and consists of various tactical exercises the joint drills also serve as a signal to the world that relations between Tehran Moscow and Beijing have reached a meaningful level tejani said he added that it was the first time Iran has held a joint exercise with two major world naval powers at this at this scale and then you have quotes from Beijing the the thing that's interesting about this is the Bible talks about this first battle that takes place with Russia and all those other nations that come down against Israel but then later on it talks about another battle that takes place where the kings of the east you know Kings come from the east and then the nation from the far north comes down at the same time so Russia is involved in Israel two different times during the Tribulation Period once at the very beginning once at the end right before the second coming of Christ specifically their mention is coming from the far north with with the kings of the East coming in with them and so we see you know these alliances that take place Russia and Turkey sealed power in the Northeast in Northeast Syria with a new Accord and so again Russia and Turkey turkey being the sons of two garma and so again you have that in the Bible Russia has a plan for Libya another Qaddafi Vladimir Putin is working to fill voids left around the world as Donald Trump puts America first former dictators son sy follow Islam this month became the latest in a long line of Libyans to seek Moscow support as President Vladimir Putin steps up Russia's role in the energy-rich North African state with the us all but absent the Kremlin sees an opening to become the key power broker in Libya rudderless and divided since Muammar Qaddafi's overthrow and death in 2011 I have never understood the Qaddafi is one of those guys when he saw Saddam Hussein get taken out by the United States we talked to him and said you need to get rid of weapons of mass destruction you need you need to get rid of chemical weapons he did exactly that and then our State Department does this whole thing where they just allow them to be taken out and then we get all the junk that comes from that I never understood that from a foreign policy perspective I do understand it from a biblical perspective because Russia has to be in there in in contact with the Libyans West did everything it could to plunge this country into chaos head of the Institute of world economy and international relations set a state-run research group that advises the Kremlin now all parties to the conflict trust Moscow by hedging its bets keeping channels of communication open to all parties Russia is ensuring it will benefit regardless of the winner of the conflict or the peace deal in place said Ricardo fabiani Middle East and North Africa expert neither side in Libya can afford antagonizing or refusing to speak with Russia and then we have Ethiopia Ethiopia FM calls for strengthened Ethiopia Russian ties if the opiez Minister of Foreign Affairs work me work near gabay Yahoo on Monday asserted the need to strengthen the long-standing cooperation between Ethiopia and Russia in his meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Russia's capital Moscow capital Moscow on Monday gobby a who said the Ethiopian Russian relations which dated back some 120 years have good prospect and potential for further growth Ethiopia state agency reported on Monday and so Russia is involved with Ethiopia Ethiopia also Russia Ethiopia sign agreement on nuclear energy cooperation so Russia and Ethiopia signed on Wednesday an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes the deal link inked on the sidelines of the first Russia Africa summit and Sochi serve as a starting point for active dialogue between the two countries in the nuclear field the company said in a statement so when you look at the players Russia's involved with Iran Russia is involved with Turkey Russia's involved with Libya Russia's involved with Ethiopia they're involved with all the players and we've withdrawn from all these areas and so again it's a set up for what the Bible talks about this is this is one that that a lot of people haven't you know I haven't seen this in the news a whole lot but this is just shocking Russian government in shock resignation after Putin calls for reforms this is just January of this year Russia's government resigned on Wednesday this was the day of the prophecy update that I had to cancel Russia's government resigned on Wednesday after President Vladimir Putin proposed a shake-up of the Constitution in a shock announcement that fueled speckled speculation about Putin's future plans speculation has swirled about changes to Russia's political system that would allow Putin to stay on after 2024 when he's due to step down after a fourth Kremlin term some have suggested he would assume a new post or remain in a powerful behind-the-scenes role Medvedev resigned as PM prime minister said the constitutional proposals would make significant changes to the country's balance of power and so the government in its current form has resigned all further decisions will be taken by the president he had it that's Putin leading Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny said he expected any vote on constitutional changes to be fraudulent crap and that Putin's goal remained to be sole leader for life this is how the history has gone with Putin in Russia they had Boris Yeltsin during the 90s he got sick and he was dying Putin was his basically his second-in-command he became the president in the early 2000s and he served two terms the Russian Federation's institution was similar to the United States as far as the division of powers not exact but similar and so the President had four-year terms only two you could only do two in a row and so he served until 2008 and then Medvedev stepped in in 2008 as soon as he became president he passed legislation extending the term to six years but he wouldn't take that term himself and after four years in 2012 Putin got elected again to now a six-year term and then he got elected again back in backlash or back in 2018 for another six-year term and so they go in he goes in for two terms has somebody take his place for a term and comes back in for two terms and now he's gotten the whole Russian government to resign and he's reforming the government so in the Book of Ezekiel it talks about GOG in the land of Magog and it looks like in that passage GOG is a guy GOG is the king and Magog is the group of people that's coming down I think this dude's GOG the other thing that you have with that is it's not just a man because a thousand years later you have the whole Gog and Magog thing happen again happening again right before Jesus right at the end of the the of the millennium and so GOG is mentioned twice a thousand years apart and so it looks like GOG has to do with something demonic - something along the same lines as the Antichrist in any case that's pretty much it that's you know that's all like that's all I got for you oh I thought it was I thought I was earlier than that sorry but that's all I've got for you but again this is all stuff that I I had articles piled up and I had to get rid of all of them you know in in January and just went through and picked a whole nother bunch of articles and actually you you saw in some of this stuff that I've updated it just today even there's all these things that are going on and it's just wild how this is how this is coming down you know Paul the Apostle when he was talking about his conversion when he was talking about the the fact that he'd come to Christ he said that Jesus said this to him I will rescue you from both your own people and the Gentiles yes I'm sending you to the Gentiles to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God then they will receive forgiveness for their sins and be given a place among God's people who are set apart by faith in me when you when you look at all this stuff that we're talking about the reason that I do these prophecy updates is because they're so rebel relevant to what scripture has to say and so I can pretty much pick any passage that I want on on end times events whether we're in the Old Testament or whether we're in the New Testament and I can pick you out of article after article that talks about the fact that these things are on the verge of taking place if these things are on the verge of taking place that means the coming of Christ is all the more closed and you need to be ready for the return of Jesus and the way that you get ready for the return of Jesus is you get your eyes opened Jesus has to open your eyes to see where you are see where you live see what your relationship is like with God and see whether whether or not you actually have one your eyes need to be opened Paul thought he was following God in killing off Christians and what Jesus did was he knocked him off his horse and said no that is not what this is about he told him he told him you're like cattle you're not one of my sheep you're like a cow basically is what he said in the passage and then he tells him that he's going to send to the Gentiles to open their eyes that's what happens when you first start coming into a relationship with Christ you realizes where you realize where you're at you realize the fact that things are not the way that they're supposed to be you get your eyes open to the fact that God is real that maybe you need to make some different choices then he says so that they may turn from darkness to light that's called repentance way too many people are talking about having a having a relationship with Jesus and their lives don't change that's called hypocrisy the Bible teaches repentance that I'm not the way that I used to be I come into a relationship with God and the stuff that I used to do that was things that are displeasing to God I turn away from and I begin doing the things that Jesus called me to you can see a Christian you don't have to wonder you can see a Christian you can see the changes and so that's a question you have to ask yourself if people look at me if they look at my life if they if they if they look at what I act like what I live like what I talk like is there any evidence that I'm actually a follower of Jesus can they see it is there any turning away from sin and then he says from darkness to light from the power of Satan to God and they will receive forgiveness of their sins and be given a place among God's people who were set apart by faith in me and so in that passage when Jesus is talking to Paul he says that that what needs to happen in a person's life for them to become a believer as their eyes have to be opened there has to be a turning away from darkness and there has to be a turning towards God and then they'll receive forgiveness and be given a place among God's people not before those that has to happen but so have you repented have you had your eyes opened but more than that have you repented have you turned away from your set have you come into a relationship with Jesus and if you haven't done that you need to concern it well actually you don't need to consider you just need to do it that's crazy you know we're living in times that I'm just blown away you know it's in the last five years or so things have been been getting crazy on this planet and especially in our country it's been getting crazy and I I really seriously never thought that I'd be seeing the thing that I'm seeing I I have never thought in the whole time that I've been a Christian that I would be talking about civil war in the United States I've never thought that and here we are in this divide where we're half the people in the country hate the other half this is nuts but it's stuff that the Bible talks about has to take place there has to be these things that that go on to get to where we need to be for the end times to take place and so God's got his hand on this stuff that means things are going to be happening things are going to be occurring quickly and one of those things again that we need to be watching out for is the coming of Jesus and if you don't know him you're not going you'll be staying if you don't know him if you do know him you're gonna be out of here which is what I'm looking forward to I've got some family members and some friends that I'm that I'm worried about but I'm looking forward to going home to be with the Lord so do you know him have you given your life to him and if you haven't done that I'm gonna give you a chance to do exactly that the Bible says that if you want to be a Christian you have to call on the name of the Lord that's you do that through prayer and so you need to call on the name of the Lord you need to believe in Jesus and you need to repent from your sin and the the word repent means you do a 180 so your life's going one direction you stop you turn around this is all in your mind the where this goes on it's a it's an act of your will you decide I'm gonna stop I'm gonna turn around and I'm going I'm gonna go the opposite direction God expects this from you and so you have to repent and then you receive Christ into your life and he does the work you know all the Bible teaches as far as repentance goes is that it needs to be done as an act of the will in the mind and Jesus Christ comes inside and he begins changing the heart and making you the person that God wants you to be you're not in it alone this is not a self-improvement course there's a a situation where you're where you're looking at God and you're going god I'm not following you I'm not doing the things that that you've called me to I know that I'm wrong and I'm sorry I want to be what you want me to be that's repentance it's that simple and when that happens and you ask Christ to come inside he begins doing a work in you where you begin changing from the inside out and that's what a Christian is supposed to look like it's not a bunch of work strips it's not a bunch of you know the church attendance and all that stuff all those things are good but that's not what it's about it's about a change of heart have you had that change of heart does Christ come inside and if you don't know then he hasn't you get that if you don't know then he hasn't and if he hasn't again you need to do something about it and so I'm gonna give you a chance to do exactly that Jesus said that if you'll receive him that he'll come inside he'll make you a child of God the Holy Spirit will live inside of you and you'll be forgiven for your sins and it's really that simple you're probably here because somebody brought you here and the person who brought you here you know what they're like you know that things have changed you know that they're different than they were before and you've probably been attributing it to church or religion or that kind of stuff and they've been telling you that it's Jesus and you haven't been believing them and I'm telling you that that's what it is it's Jesus I'm not a religious person I don't like religion but I do love Jesus and that's what you need you need to love Jesus so I'm gonna give you a chance to do that I don't know I don't know all of you and so I don't want you to get out of here without an opportunity to ask Christ to come into your life to ask to be forgiven for your sin to know that you know that you're going to heaven so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pray and I'm gonna ask those of you who would like to give your heart to Jesus to raise your hand up and then I'm gonna pray for you and then after I pray for you I'm gonna ask you to stand up and I mean stand up where you're at and I'm gonna ask you to stand up and pray a prayer with me asking Jesus to come into your life okay so be thinking about that while we're praying let's thanks Lord again for your word thank you God for the times that we're living in I can't remember who the who the historical figure was that said that it's in we live in interesting times and it's a it's a cool thing to live in interesting times it's also kind of a scary thing the Lord as we as we talk about some of these things that that are about to come to pass and and the fact that your word is so clear on these issues and that they're they're so personal and they're so they're they're so close to us Lord we see these things happening around us and sometimes we're we're up in the air on why these things are going on and what's happening and and we don't really understand it but the Bible teaches that you have a purpose you have a plan you have a way that these things are going and your plan is going to be fulfilled we're seeing that happen all around us well you're obviously here you're obviously a God who's involved in the world you're obviously pointing things in certain directions and Lord it's obvious that we're accountable to you and father I just want to pray for those who are here this morning that don't know you excuse me this evening that don't know you that have never committed their lives to you God you you know who they are you're speaking to their hearts right now and God you I know that you want them and they're here for a reason they came here to hear these things but ultimately they came here to hear your voice father I just pray that you'd be speaking to them and drawing them to yourself well your heads are bowed your eyes are closed if you're here this this evening and you know that you need Jesus you know that you need to make your thing make make things right with the Lord you know that you need to be forgiven and you want to have that relationship with God that I've been talking about once you raise your hand up I'm gonna pray for you in the back god bless you anybody else raise it up I so I can see it up here in the middle god bless you over on my left bless you anybody else back in the back bless you and when I was offered this I didn't think it would work for me I didn't know if God wanted me and that's not true God wants you he knows exactly who you are he knows what you've done he knows what you've been and he wants to make you something different he wants to make you something different and so it doesn't matter where you've been what you've done God Jesus sees you and he wants you the Bible is clear on that the only question is do you want him so do you anybody else okay God thanks for these sort of raise their hands and lord I pray again that you give them the boldness to make a stand for you and just ask that you do this in Jesus name Amen okay you guys a raise your hands why don't you look up at me real quick I'm going to pray a prayer with you and this is a prayer asking Jesus to come into your heart but what I want you to do is to stand up right where you're at jesus said if you'll confess me before men I'll confess you before my father if you deny me before men I'll deny you also that's why I do that you need to be able to make a stand and say yes I'm gonna follow Jesus and not be ashamed of it and so all of you that just raise your hands why don't you stand up right now don't even hesitate back in the back over here somewhere over here well you guys stand up okay and I'm gonna pray this prayer with you and this is a prayer asking Jesus to forgive you and to come into your heart okay and I'm not the magic prayer guy you need to mean this from your heart and so you this is you talking the Lord I'll give you the words but when you repeat these words you just need to mean them when you're saying them okay and so just say this out loud after me Lord Jesus come into my life I know that I must Center and I've sinned against you I'm sorry forgive me please write my name in your book of life and make me a Christian I thank you that you love me and you died for me that you rose from the dead and I thank you that you're coming for me please fill me with your spirit help me to follow you I give my whole life to you now in Jesus name Amen [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities
Views: 77,204
Rating: 4.6926031 out of 5
Keywords: Israel, Middle East, Trouble in the Middle East, political Climate in the Middle East, Anti Semitism, The Bible, prophecy, current events, news, usa, Book of Revelation, Jesus, God, Calvary Chapel, Steve Whinery, christian, Ezekiel, Calvary Chapel Prophecy Update, Year 2020, Stuff happing over in the Middles east, fake news, not fake news, Truth, bible, Americas Collapse, Morality in america, American Students, new agers, Aliens, rapture of the church, apostasy in the church, end time
Id: 4tOyGIsP-7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 17sec (8357 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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