Better Video Stabilization Using Apple Motion 5 (No Plugins)

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hey friends dylan bates here with the final cut bro today i have a user requested tutorial from my friend bez who is always watching my videos and commenting and liking and supporting the channel and i really really do appreciate it so i wanted to show some of the love back towards you my friend so thank you so much for all your support on this channel um today we're gonna be taking a look at the stabilization within motion five now you may wonder why would i care about the stabilizer within motion when final cut pro already has one built in well in my opinion which is probably wrong the stabilization in motion is considerably better than in final cut pro because it gives you a lot more manual control and several extra options so without further ado let's get started so the first thing we want to do is just bring our shot into motion and we will add a behavior here and we're gonna go down to motion tracking stabilize and once that's added we can come over to the inspector now it's actually quite similar to the motion tracker that's built into motion but there are a few different options one of which i really really like and that is the track region now the track region unlike the point tracker actually tracks a full section on your video and i honestly do not understand why they don't add this feature built in to motion's motion tracker much like mocha or something maybe there's licensing issues or something so you can click on this track region and it'll create this red box and whatever is within that box it will do a general um job of tracking that now it doesn't follow with the track you'll see as i analyze it it just you know it's just sitting there so it's all done and if we play through we can see how it's stabilized this particular shot and it's done a pretty darn good job of tracking it to that one spot now you'll notice the black borders and we can easily fix that if we come over here to the borders option we can select zoom and it will automatically zoom the footage in to fill the frame so you don't have to worry about doing that manually which is a handy feature but it's also nice sometimes to just not zoom in and you can add in like a clone layer or something that kind of matches what's underneath just to extend out your shot so it's nice having that option that's something you can't do within final cut pro we've also got a couple options the method is stabilized or smooth and they have different levels of varying success so you'll notice how this does far less movement but the movement's a lot smoother now so if i play through compared to the other one the other one like locked it down and this one just makes it feel more like a gimbal movement or something okay so this next one we're actually going to try and mimic that beats by dre earphone commercial we're going to track her airpod here so we're going to go into the motion tracking and stabilize there go over to our inspector we are going to come down to this bottom button and you can click add a tracker now you'll notice this red tracker here so we'll just bring that over to where her ear is and we'll get it right on that black dot which is a heavy point of contrast which is perfect um let's go ahead and drag up the look ahead frames and then we can just go ahead and push analyze a look ahead frames essentially gives it a better track it's a little slower but it can look ahead and say oh okay this object actually kind of looks like this um later on and so it does a better job tracking i like to actually drag the look ahead frames up quite a bit just to get the best track i can within motion which is actually quite terrible so um maybe apple will update the tracker in here someday but not today okay so we got that all tracked and we can actually see how it's performing so um if i just play back here we'll just notice how well this is sticking to that one spot on the screen and of course the frame is going like crazy so let's go ahead and set the borders to zoom now we can really see how well it's locked on there there's one more thing that bez had requested and that's just uh using the offset tracker now unfortunately this scene doesn't really lend itself to that but i will show you how to use the offset tracking just with the basic tracking so if we select our video go to behaviors and we'll do analyze motion we can find a point here and i'm actually going to find something that's kind of close to this side of the frame just to really showcase this so maybe we can do the corner here we'll drag that up and i will analyze this but this object is going to get pushed off of the frame so i'll show you what we can do to fix that and we'll stop it there maybe nope it didn't want to stop itself so we'll back it up just a little bit once we get to this point normally if i was to move this tracker and select a different section and then uh start motion tracking it would just jump all of these tracking markers way over here so what we need to do is actually make it an offset tracker so um i will find let's find a good point let's try there we'll hope for the best so if i come down here to the offset track and i click that and then i push analyze it will continue to track off of the screen here so push analyze and you'll see the tracking markers are going way off the screen which uh normally it couldn't track anything right now so that's a big improvement so you can use the offset tracking you know to stabilize a scene even if the markers go off of the screen you can track it to something else using the offset tracker so hopefully that makes sense and just to test this we could actually you know throw in an object i'll throw in a big square here we'll turn it bright red to really see it and we'll add a motion tracking match move behavior and so now if i play this back we can see it's actually tracking along even when that stuff is off frame now again motion doesn't have a very good tracker um i would probably want to do a like a scale and rotation track on here as well to get the best results but this is just a quick overview i'll probably do a more in-depth tracking tutorial later on so again i just wanted to say thank you so much bez for your request hopefully this tutorial was helpful to not just you but to lots of people and if it was consider pressing that like button and consider subscribing as i have brand new tutorials every single wednesday also if you guys have any requests please feel free to hit me up down in the comments and i will do my very best to get to all of those thank you guys so much and i will see you next week
Channel: The Final Cut Bro
Views: 4,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Final Cut Bro, final cut pro x, tutorial, video stabilization, advanced stabilization, motion 5, motion 5 tutorial, how to stabilize footage, final cut pro x tutorial, final cut pro, advanced, no plugins, motion stabilizing, stabilize video, how to stabilize, make video stable, fcp, fcpx, Motion 5
Id: cNptnvsjSbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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