The Best Homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent for around 13 Cents per Gallon Recipe

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what if I were to tell you that you had two options you can spend about a $10 bill on a wonderful about a gallon worth of fantastic liquid laundry detergent or you could spend about $1 bill on 10 gallons of just as wonderful laundry detergent that you made yourself all right you decide which one of those you would rather but in the moments ahead stay with us because I'm going to talk about which one I would choose and just exactly how I'd go about making it stay with us [Music] as a good prep Studdard you know that there is a lot of importance on saving money but also learning how things work so today we're killing two birds with one stone we're going to make liquid laundry detergent that works just as well or even better than the kind you're gonna pay ten dollars for or there abouts at the grocery store so follow with me on the easy and simple ingredients you're gonna need there are very few but I want to talk through a few that commonly you're going to see in homemade laundry detergent and why you may or may not want to choose them this is borax and some folks think that it's unnatural it's actually been around for a hundred years or so since 1891 so it's been around a good long while and it's a naturally occurring product that is in here it's just a very strong product and so some folks are afraid of it this is a fantastic product to have around your home you're going to use it for a lot of other things besides laundry detergent but borax is one of the first things that we're going to want to make sure we have on hand nextly you're going to look for this laundry booster super washing soda that is put out by Arm and Hammer this is not to be confused with baking soda which is also by Arm and Hammer and comes in a similar colored box but this is in the washing powder aisle and you'll want to get a box of it now incidentally both of these are says three pounds seven ounces is what I'm seeing on the bottom of this both of these are going to be about six bucks each if you purchased each of those individually alright some folks like to go very very natural and use an all castile soap like this Kirk's castile slow soap there's also dr. Bronner's and several other wonderful companies that make an all castile soap also one that you're going to see that has been around for a very very long time is dispels NASA it says since 1894 if I think if I'm reading upside down correctly so this has been around for a good long while and does a phenomenal job of taking stains out of clothing so this is a great product that you might want to use well today going to use this product that is very common down in South America and in a lot of other countries don't see it as much here in the US but that doesn't mean that it's not as good or better than anything we've got here this is Zoet and it comes in two different ways this is a bar of Zoet as you see here solid or for the same price you can get it already flaked up now incidentally I'm going to tell you this is the secret to genius of this recipe this has actually more this is seventeen point six ounces whereas this is fourteen point one ounces right now listen they're both the same price this just happens to be flaked up in wonderful little white flakes same exact product you can get the bars in white or pink I just happen to have pink here same exact product and this just happens to be flaked up now this is the other wonderful thing guess what the price is on these 88 cents is what they are normally priced at and this is not even a sales price this is what you would get in a grocery store or Walmart and so this is what I strongly recommend when we're making 10 whole gallons for about a dollar this is one of the main key ingredients we're going to use all right let me tell you how easy this recipe is you want to usually make this outside because it's just easier you can make a mess and nobody will be around to tell you you're doing anything wrong what most folks do is the hard way which is not really hard at all but you can take this whole bar of Zoet which is very soft soap get out of your kitchen the grater that you would use for salad and you want this version of the grater this side of it you can grate all of this into a five-gallon bucket like I have here now that's simple enough but since you get even more soap for the money same price 88 cents you can get it already flaked up we're gonna use the already flaked up version so we don't even need the grater or the full bar for this recipe we're gonna put this entire box into this and then we're going to add almost boiling water I've got some I've taken just off the stove and it just has freshly boiled so it's gonna be nice and hot for us we're going to just add one gallon of of the boiling water to one box of the Zoet and we're gonna stir it up until it gets kind of thick and coagulated it's not going to be fully incorporated it's not going to dissolve completely actually wait for it to sit overnight for that to happen but you're going to get the idea as we put it in there so let's do that and then we'll add the other two ingredients after that the reason I chose oat for this product is partly because it has fantastic cleaning properties it's a true soap and even though there are a million different opinions out there about the ingredients it has it really only has two main ones you'll see them down here sodium Tala weight and sodium coca weight those are true soaps that are made the old version just like your great-grandmother great grandma's used with the lye and animal fat as well as coconut fat so they make excellent soap they do a great job and seem to take out even the smells so that's why I've chosen Zoet there's the inside of it there smells great has a wonderful smell to it just mostly very fresh I'm going to put all of that right into okay and now here goes the hot water get a close-up of that you can see how as I stir it's nicely incorporating with the water it's making it thicker but as we let it sit overnight it's actually going to pretty much dissolve completely so we can't show that on camera all in this one picture but once we've got this nice and stirred up really well and as kind of as incorporated as it's going to get I'm going to add another two pretty soon we're gonna fill up this whole 5-gallon bucket full of water but we're gonna add two more gallons of hot almost boiling water to this and stir it in real good before we add the next couple of ingredients but I'll stir this in real good first you won't see a whole lot of bubbles but it's going to make the most fantastic detergent there is so now with three gallons worth in here and still very hot I'm going to go ahead and add one cup of the borax I'm gonna get in about about a cup worth maybe a little more maybe a little less but I'm gonna pour that in there just get it all over that and I'm gonna put in a cup worth or a little more a little less of the super washing powder that looks good and we're gonna stir that all in so no difficult work yet this takes a little bit longer to dissolve fully you're gonna feel a little bit of a greediness in there for a little while but by tomorrow morning it will be very well incorporated now you're not gonna see this in the tomorrow morning state but it's gonna look just like this it's just gonna be a nice thicker thicker wonderful consistency just like you would get in your regular liquid laundry soap and my little secret that I like so much to make it special is to put in some sort of oh I've got eucalyptus or lavender oil here essential oils and that's just going to make my clothes smell wonderful at the end of the day when you wake up tomorrow morning and check this you'll we'll give it another really good stir you're gonna notice it's a nice thick perfect consistency just like commercial laundry detergent it's gonna work for your high-efficiency washers your regular washing machine and even your by hand or mechanical emergency style washing machine but what you're gonna do is since it's concentrated you're gonna fill up a gallon jug with half of this laundry detergent so fill it up about halfway just so you know I always recycle these wonderful jugs that come from my aloe vera gel that I drink so once I finished the aloe vera juice these are just the perfect because of their square bottom and recyclable reusable plastic that they're made of I fill them halfway up with the laundry detergent and then half the rest of the way with water and I put the lid on tight and give it a good shake and every time that I'm about to use it before another load of laundry you want to go ahead and just shake it up to make sure everything's very well incorporated because there will be just a little bit of selling of that the thicker gel kind of near the bottom so just give it another good shake you're gonna have ten gallons worth so you can share it with your friends you could sell it at the next little farmers market or whatever it is that you'd like to go to this is a fantastic recipe that I know you're gonna love I would love to know your version of it because there are a million out there this is just how I do it and it comes to approximately $1 per gallon which just astounds me I hope you give it a shot I hope you enjoy it share this with somebody else who will be blessed by this video and we'll see you next time [Music] hey before you go let me share just a quick verse of scripture with you this is actually out of proverbs chapter 23 verses 17 and 18 it gives us this promise it says let not your heart envy sinners but continue in the fear of the Lord all the day surely there is a future and your hope will not be cut off now go spread the word [Music] you [Music]
Views: 720,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Laundry Detergent recipe, zote, borax, washing powder, prepsteaders, homestead, survival, Washing Soda, Soda Ash, laundry detergent, diy laundry detergent, homemade laundry detergent
Id: _xdrmR5j2yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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