Bethel Ark UPCJ Grange Pen Sunday Night Service (February 27, 2022) PART 2

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oh to finish this way that i have to be gone i wanna do that one more time oh the war of the world is took life lord still i'm going right home for the rivers i've crossed may be so deeply [Music] still i trust the lord [Music] i started out and i'm gonna finish this race i have begun the lord jesus stand with me and turn your bibles to first corinthians chapter nine and we'll read from verse 24 to the end bless the lord it reads no he not that day which run in a race run all but one receiveth the prize so wrong that he may obtain and every man that strivet for the mastery is temperate in all things now they now they do it to obtain a corruptable crown but we are incorruptable i therefore so run not as uncertainty so fight i not as one that beat it the ear but i keep under my body and bring it into subjection lest that by any means when i have preached to others i myself should be a cast away bless the lord jesus father in the name of jesus we honor you tonight we lift you up there is none like you and not to compare lord i stand tonight in this position i pray tonight that you will hide me beneath the cross hallelujah so that you can be glorified mighty god i pray that god you may speak through me tonight hallelujah let me not sin but lord that they will hear your word and i pray that the word something will be said and done here tonight that will reach the heart of someone tonight and that god somebody will want to continue on this race let your will be done in jesus name bless the lord you may be seated i am not a preacher bless the lord tonight my topic is finish well best of lord jesus and i'm here talking about this race bless the lord jesus and when we hear of race some of us think of the olympics the lord jesus and so i was there looking up some stuff bless the lord jesus and i was looking on some of these um great athletes bless the lord jesus how they would run the race bless the lord jesus but there are rules and regulations in race bless the lord jesus and so when you watch the olympics bless the lord jesus and you they line up for it everybody should be in their block their everybody should be in their lane bless the lord jesus hallelujah and so when that person wherever he is hallelujah comes off you cannot move unless you hear the goal bless the lord jesus hallelujah and so i was looking at i went somewhere somewhere somebody was talking about this and they draw for this um they were comparing usain bolt and all of us know about usain bolt and as usain bolt would ruin his race and would get excited and all of that but usain bolt when we watched the race and all of that along with his competitors bless the lord jesus as he would go up against these great athletes usain bolt is one that is not so swift when he's coming out of the block bless the lord jesus but when we look at ourselves for poor will you get old faster than you're saying bulls that's the lord jesus but when you're running a race you cannot watch your competitors you're looking onto the finish line you know where you're going what you want what you're all about that's the lord jesus and so even though i suffer poor will you would get out of the block faster than usain bolt i don't think that bothers you seeing both one bit because he know what he has inside of him that's the lord jesus and so as they would shoot out you would realize at a certain mat this stand down you seen both would just get up and you just shoot off let's tell our jesus that's the lord jesus and you know you're saying boy sometimes i watch there was a race with him i don't remember the guy but he was at a decent american runner and he was at our distance but when he looked and he realized that there wasn't anybody behind him he would he turned and he began to play with his competitors because he knew that there is no way they can pass him that's the lord jesus and so you know i looked at all of this which is the physical and i use it in the spiritual that's the lord jesus that's you know we as christians and we need to understand young people tonight is your night that we are in a race it may not be a race where your line up in line that's the lord jesus but this is a race and a race that we are in it to finish and we ought to finish and finish well mr lord jesus i looked at the different race they have won which is known as the trial race now when you hear the trial race we know that it is nothing of insa if it's not serious it is something that you strive to see or well you can manage certain race and whatever how far you can go bless the lord jesus and we have the other race best of lord jesus the early races you know there are obstacles and then they set them at distance and you will have to run and jumped over and we have the 10 000 meters race which is one of the longest race best lord jesus and so as christians when we some of us just started out we are trying out the thing bless the lord jesus to see oh well we can handle this christian pathway bless the lord jesus and sometimes in this trial race bless the lord jesus we are placed we are faced with a lot of obstacles bless the lord jesus and so because the trial race you know someone must even get discouraged in the trial race but some of us hallelujah bless the lord jesus work it's a start of it and nobody i don't think nobody expects of us blessed lord jesus to operate as if we have been in it a long time and that we are not going to fail bless the lord jesus because it's a trial but as we go along the lord he will give us strength bless the lord to go on bless the lord jesus and so as we continue in this trial race we realize that we meet upon the other race bless the lord jesus a lot of obstacles that comes before us bless the lord jesus what do we do when the obstacles are before us he said that we're going to just keep as we jump and we hit them over we're going to stop and look and say there's no need carrying on hallelujah because guess what i bumped my toe and i can't be bothered anymore that's the lord jesus the righteous nobody said the word is going to be easy but there's one thing we know that the lord has brought us thus far to leave us alone bless the lord jesus and so as we run bless the lord and we jump over the others don't mind you bumping on the first one just continue on hallelujah because we serve a god will crush on us hallelujah as we go on hallelujah they are the thousand meters a long meter sometime when i watch those rays i wonder if these persons they would practice hallelujah and their countries and run down some serious animals bless the lord jesus because i was i'm like these people they have guts bless the lord they have endurance and so as christians when we are running this race bless the lord jesus there's one thing that we have to have is endurance we have to have perseverance bless the lord jesus i don't think that when usain bolt started running he thinks that okay he's gonna get upon this win as he go on but as he looked and he said i know what i want and so he knows that i have to endure in order for me to make it i believe that as he go up on the field bless the lord jesus that e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e bumped hallelujah and he feel hallelujah is competitors let's the lord outrun him but what did he do i think he goes back to the drawing board that's the lord jesus and he watched his arm opponent bless the lord jesus i think he watched all day under the race and he said okay this is how they take the turn as they go to the corner bless the lord jesus and so he became victorious hallelujah these great men hallelujah they run the race and they run and at the end i would give them wreaths bless the lord jesus they would get armed medals bless the lord jesus that's their reward but as christians we're going to understand that there's a crown of life that awaits us hallelujah as we continue on this race hallelujah the lord did not ask us when we enter this race to finish it he did not ask us to finish you know what he wants us to do to have parents patience to have endurance bless the lord jesus he called us not to win but he calls us to finish the race god called us into this christian path not to win a race he caused each and every one of us to finish the race bless the lord jesus it's not easy bless the lord jesus but as i said before the lord he has not brought us thus far to leave us as we are running the race there are times we're gonna feel splinter in our feet bless the lord it's gonna feel blistered bless the lord jesus but what is it that we're going to do sit down and cry and pray a pity party i can't go on you have to get up sometimes um when i work and i work extra hard and bless the lord jesus my feet get tired i would just go to the technician and get a pedicure and so she would use this that sword something and some stuff and put it in the water and so as i saw my feet they feel way better and it gives me the strength to continue the next day bless the lord jesus some of us tonight we are running the waves hallelujah and the obstacles come hallelujah when our feet get blisters we're gonna learn to go down in faster than prayer bless the lord jesus hallelujah the writer said the race is not for the swift nor is the but for the strong but it's for those who will endure until the end bless the lord jesus sometimes hallelujah as children of god hallelujah i tell you growing up hallelujah it wasn't easy hallelujah was there and as i was going through this i remember because some people feel as if we um the fact that we are serving the lord we should have it soon bless the lord jesus but it can't be all like that and so i was looking at it i mean starting out this race you know i was going to school i got saved in grade five and that's the lord jesus i look as i was going to school there were days when i had no lunch money bless the lord jesus i'm in a race it doesn't matter what i say tonight it's still a race i mean how you handle it it determines all your endless race when the situation the obstacles and all these things come before your best lord jesus and i and i was looking at it bless the lord jesus and i was saying that i remember days i always tell my daughter every time she said yes i know you're gonna say no um a lot of children don't have this but you have but i remember as i was going to school bless the lord jesus and i had no lunch money and i'm a christian and there are days when you would have the nutrition come and so we get excited because we have money to buy lunch but when the beauty bomb don't turn up and i have no money to buy lunch there's this man that used to used to go to the degree of an online school and so he used to come by and sell party and all of that and sometime i have to go and help him and when i helped him he would give me a patio and i get so excited because of course i got something to eat then there are days i think he was saying okay if i give you is my prophet he said don't bother to help me bless the lord jesus i you know when i don't have anything to eat at walk when i see my friends coming and i don't have any money to buy lunch i'm like okay i don't want this today because i'm tired of eating that but if only they knew i had no money bless the lord jesus to eat hallelujah and a lot of us would have gone and would have sell out just to get what we want but i mean at grade five there's a lot in church i'm not saying that i did not fail the lord i did hallelujah but i did not allow these little things to deter me from not going after what i want bless the lord jesus and so sometimes i'd walk and you know i see somebody throw away something in a bag like a piece of coca bread and i would stand there and watch and wait until the place is clear and i took it up and that's how i eat and i'm still standing here tonight that's the lord jesus i tell you what there was a day i was in church bless the lord jesus worshipping the lord hallelujah that was in the wrist bless the lord jesus worshiping hallelujah and there was a it was a monday night service and the place was packed and been in there worshipping the lord my mother said to me don't go to church but i disobeyed and i went to church and when she came in church as a matter of fact the night when i went to church i did not expect for her to come home bless the lord jesus but she came and she came it it was two section so this is the entrance of the church one room and the further end and i was over that side and my mother stepped to the church over there and she held me in my clothes and she started to beat me in the church park with people did i stop going to church you know the next night i'm there bless the lord jesus because i knew what i wanted i knew what it was about hallelujah i knew that the race that i'm in i hope to receive a crone i hope to hear the lord says to me well done bless the lord jesus and when i think of all that you have gone through i said i don't believe the lord he has brought me thus far to leave me alone hallelujah and i said to myself if i can do it there's nothing it's not different with this generation don't tell me that it's different it's not different hallelujah your temptation is nothing different from what i have gone through don't tell me that okay i want to be a part of this and i want to wear the airing and hallelujah the music hallelujah is so good and okay i want to enjoy a little of the music thinking that okay we as christians we don't have this temptation brethren the other day i was walking downtown and there was a music playing with a rhythm line and i began to walk but as i walked the rhythm and i picked an after said okay hold your feet on your feet i'm not talking about gospel music now i'm not talking about gossip music we are to be real that's the lord jesus hallelujah it was a settle of music hallelujah but as i walked the music began to get to my brain hallelujah and understand that we are a human being hallelujah has begun to affect the waistline that you want to move to the rhythm hallelujah but you have to remind yourself that guess what that is not my race i am in a race i have to learn to stand firm hallelujah hallelujah and i have to lift up my head hallelujah because i can't allow anybody to say look at that girl who says she's a christian but yet still she is doing this and she's doing that the devil is a liar hallelujah are you gonna speak to yourself hallelujah when this situation comes you have to speak to yourself i gotta turn to say i'm gonna stand in spite of that's the lord jesus bless the lord jesus romans chapter 12 verse 2 said and be not conformed to this world we ought not want to be as christians running a race want to be a part of this world hallelujah but we've got to learn to be transformed bless the lord jesus holy one want to be different we're going to learn to be set apart bless the lord i'm gonna learn to stand young people with your shoulder hallelujah knowing that hallelujah he who that has begun this race in me he is able and willing hallelujah bless the lord jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus so i was looking at you saying boy the story i said that i watched him has he looked at his competitors and he began to cheer them in this christian race we cannot want to play with the devil it doesn't matter where you think you are in god or how strong you think you are we cannot young people older folks because sometimes we want to talk to the young people and believe in that they are the only ones that face things young old i'm not gonna call you all because i'm not old that's the lord jesus i'm speaking to eve one of us in here tonight don't try to play with the devil it don't matter how far you they come from our god you know matter you cannot just speak into the nfe tongues that you want to speak in the devil is not afraid of us that's the lord jesus hallelujah we can match up to the devil bless the lord jesus not try it stay in our lion because if you don't stay in your lane when you're running a race you're going to be disqualified bless the lord jesus so when we are running the race as christians we're going to learn how to run in our lane when you are running the ordinary the the water wisdom the button the really bless the lord jesus there's a certain way or you should pass on the button best of lord jesus and you cannot run out of your lion to pass on the button hallelujah so if as you are the older folks if we are not standing and living hallelujah but we're gonna be able to pass over the button onto our young people we're gonna learn how to stand up hallelujah hallelujah and that even when it is pressuring hallelujah when you feel as if hallelujah there's just no way out we're going to understand that we're going to stand we're going to stand firm there's a song right i said don't let nobody turn you around just keep your feet on solid ground it's not a play thing the devil afraid of me and no matter how long your injury is you could in the 20 years try play with him try it bless the lord jesus i was you know there and i was thinking the other day i said that i mean in this race everybody thinks that it should be all smooth sailing and we not supposed to be faced with anything that's the lord jesus but understand that whatever situation on your face it is not to kill you it doesn't matter what it looks like it's not there to kill you it is there to mode you it is there to perfect you fashion you into what god wants you to be best of lord jesus lord jesus i've been through hell bless the lord jesus i was remember i remember that i was going to fast in service bless the lord jesus wait minister lindo you know there are days when i got to fast and i would say to her when the pressure reached me that's the lord jesus i would say to her god is not real god is not real young people you're going to reach that point when you believe that the god that we are serving and you are not you are serving is not real and you're gonna say it bless the lord jesus but nothing is not wrong with you saying god is not real nothing is not wrong but god is going to bring things to confirm to you that he is real you know as i said it to sister lindo i remember one day as i was going through my going through here comes a lady because i was there cursing god you know you're all christians and all of that so you don't curse god what i do and i was cursing god you telling me you hear my i'm trying my best i am living the best way i can i am not perfect but i am doing my best and hear my praying and fasting but instead the situation gets better it gets worse and i said you're not a real god and as i was would talk sometimes sister linda would laugh at me and sometimes i look at her laughing i was upset you know because i like hear me telling this lady something and she's laughing at me but then she knew why she laughed but i remember one morning that's a lot jesus i was there telling god you're not real here comes this lady called my phone with the same situation that i was going through i forgot that i was i told god that he's not real and i've begun to witness to that woman the same god and i'm telling her god is able to do this and do that and i began when i was still talking to her i'm like okay so yeah hypocrites no and i would never entertain you she began to love us and say hi god i tell you god you will do conform his word bless the lord jesus and you know these things you know it helps me to be who i am today bless the lord jesus and so it doesn't matter what comes my way now i don't let that bother me best lord jesus because i know what i am about best lord in the world those who run the race they want to receive their reward that's the lord jesus but i know if i only continue on this race there's a greater reward that's await me up in heaven bless the lord jesus you know i i remember 14 years ago june 15 bless the lord jesus my mother-in-law mr lodges who went to the country i don't know i remember when we left the country the weekend the thursday she went to church bless the lord she used to attend the austin spring church christian natural and that's the lord jesus no we just saw her in the we on the weekend but the thursday when she went to church bless the lord jesus they said she was in bible study bless the lord jesus and they said that she what she was in church bible study they said she worshiped beyond measure that's the lord jesus she was just worshipping the lord in bible study but they say that when church was over and she came on the outside they said she lift her hand to the ear and she said i have run the wrist i have kept the faith now i have finished my course and she began to from they rushed to the falmouth hospital and she died bless the lord jesus there was a peace within me hallelujah because when i watched that lady as the way she lived her life hallelujah she'll live an exemplary life mr lord jesus she stood out hallelujah to the lamb of god and i said i want to be able to say i have run the race i have kept the faith bless the lord jesus i don't care what the enemy wanted throughout me i want to at the end of my journey as i run a hallelujah to finish well and want to hear the lord say well done the good and faithful servant hallelujah to the lamb hallelujah i want to give the lord thanks hallelujah for keeping me hallelujah hallelujah when it seems as if hallelujah i was about to lose my way the lord he kept me he cushioned me hallelujah erupt me in his arms that's the lord jesus and so the road may be rough the growing it gets tough but guess what i've come to the realization and this is my talk now i realize the enemy is gone over gone into overdrive best of lord jesus what is it that we are going to do as christian know that the enemy gone over into overdrive we're gonna learn how to cope in fasting and prayer we have to go into overdrive too that's the lord jesus we're gonna lose use the enemy's statics at him too bless the lord jesus understand hallelujah whose we are hallelujah and to who we belong hallelujah step into overdrive in fasting and prayer there are times when you're fasting and you're praying you're gonna feel weak and you feel as if i can't be bothered your body wants the food we gotta understand that we're gonna learn to kill this and strengthen the spirit hallelujah continue to pray hallelujah continue to fast there's one thing i ensure that when i first and prayer ask god for endurance i ask god give me perseverance that even when the problems come i said lord humble me teach me how to endure because guess what the enemy does want us you know to just let students get out and start to operate that's the lord jesus mc1 start to laugh at us but i'm not going to allow the enemy to laugh at me bless the lord jesus i am in a race hallelujah hallelujah somebody would say that from i was a baby i heard that the lord is coming and been in the race 20 years i can't see him i'm tired i'm on a backhoe but brethren this is not the time young people tobacco there is i remember growing up i would hear they say that um god god do this and the signs of that i remember twenty when the year 2020 came 2020 2000 yes sorry 2 000 and persons who are there saying that the lord is coming i remember you remember watch night service one minute to 12 o'clock church was packed and saved ran in the building because they thought the lord was going to come i don't know where they think they would go at that moment anyways that's the lord jesus but they run in the church that's the lord jesus i don't want that to happen don't bother to play with the enemy and say okay we can't see god i come to i'm gonna play a little that's the lord jesus because the moment you stepped out it might be just too late bless the lord jesus we can see the signs of the time they are everywhere that's the lord jesus the signs they are everywhere that's the lord jesus i have never ever seen so many children having children that's the lord jesus people getting married best elections are some of them break up in a month that's the lord jesus the bible talk about everything and so we realize no that there the war starts the bible is fulfilling and the word of god says before one of his word passed away heaven and earth will pass away young people the lord is coming he did not ask us just to come and run the race and to win it it says finish the race finish well that's the lord jesus finish well nobody said it's going to be easy and sometimes as christian we don't tell them that you're going to face with obstacles it's not going to be easy but you have to have a made-up mind that above all is i must be saved comes what me i'm going to make it you pray my strength while i pray yours as we continue on this race let us all purpose in our hearts that we're going to finish well bless the lord god bless you [Applause] ladies can you just pray for your sister amen amen sister pat sister lindo all these ladies just grab her and pray her up for me right now hallelujah well done well done well done well done what a word just clap our hands and give god praise hallelujah come on sister linda go and give her a hug amen hallelujah i've started out and i'm gonna finish this race i have begun though rough the road no hills decline still i'm going right on the rivers i've crossed they may be so deep it's same all lobes are gone the clouds and low thunders may roll still i'll trust the lord [Music] i've started out and i'm going to finish this race i have begun the rough the road though of the road high hills decline still i'm going right on hallelujah they may be so deep it seems all those are gone [Music] thunders may roll still i'll trust the lord and i'm gonna finish this race [Music] still i'm going right along [Music] [Music] i'll trust the lord [Music] and i'm going to finish this race hallelujah tell three person to finish your race it's not about who can jump the highest or shout the loudest who sing the best who preach the best who has all the gifts of the spirit it's about finishing your race give them a stern look again say finish your race finish your race finish your race tell me tell me tell me finish i want to finish [Music] hallelujah hallelujah lift your hands and say lord heal me to finish hallelujah help me to finish this race hallelujah anyone wants us to pray with you before we leave tonight this altar is open it does not take a minute or a second for the lord to move hallelujah the holy ghost is still moving in this place hallelujah hallelujah amen the reason for the altar appeal amen praise god one of the reason is that when the appeal is made it gives you a chance to step out by faith hallelujah hallelujah praise god hallelujah you see when you step out amen praise the lord jesus amen it moves the hand of god the word of god said without faith it is impossible to please god for whosoever comment to god must believe hallelujah so when the minister says come i god almighty hallelujah to god you have to step out by faith or stand up by faith and begin to stretch your hands in a position of receiving or lifting your hand the universal sign of surrender hallelujah to god saying i surrender oh glory to god my sister listen to come and sing that song hallelujah i surrender oh glory to god and i want you as the spirit of the lord is moving upon you to just worship god if you feel the tears coming down and i know your mind is at home right now hallelujah but that song amen it means a lot praise god hallelujah praise god so if you really surrender to jesus to jesus i surrender don't be distracted just worship everybody this is for somebody who is old and bad god cannot fully move until tonight is a night to get back in your lane if you have not been feeling the anointing lift up your head do not watch who is watching you in your mind [Music] again [Music] somebody need to surrender hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] worship the lord hallelujah come worshiping or stand up and just pour it out to the lord [Music] there's too much power in this place [Music] him in his presence [Music] i surrendered my oh i'm sorry oh your eyes [Music] to you [Music] everything i give to you [Music] with old and nothing [Music] i have a little boy here reaching out i need a brother to come and pray with him and i need another sister to pray with this young lady she's reaching out this little boy is really reaching out hallelujah [Music] hallelujah the holy ghost is in this place i give it all oh the devil can't stop the revival it just started nothing and the word of god is gonna accomplish what it is set out to do [Music] [Music] i give it all nothing come on let's put 10 minutes come on oh hallelujah sister daniel come and just pray right now before we go any further hallelujah i need another spirit of agreement stretch your hands people of the most high god hallelujah sister danny is going to pray she's going to break some chains right now and dispatch some angels come on we want to agree right now if we're gonna spend another 10 or 15 minutes let's give it our best shot hallelujah and you will make room for the gift hallelujah sister dania thank you just hold it a little bit musicians just pray just pray we worship you hallelujah exalt you mighty god you are god you are king the one that is still upon the throne the one that is still mighty hallelujah oh god that is still the king of jesus and the lord of lords mighty god you are the one with all might in your hands oh god almighty you are the one that breaks petals that breaks chains that command us hallelujah things to happen hallelujah that speak things into existence as if it was before oh hallelujah that's the god we serve tonight hallelujah we believe god almighty even now that every chain oh god in this place oh god will be broken hallelujah and every fitter will be broken in the name of jesus oh god loose your people oh god to serve you oh god almighty loose god almighty hallelujah your servants to give you all tonight in the name of hallelujah jesus oh god we stand as a family in agreement even now lord god hallelujah jesus that every curse is reversed and never shell from any witch from any wizard that has been pleased hallelujah is broken in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh god a night hallelujah we pray that your fire will reach down and consume us we pray mighty king jesus i have will cut you my god consume holy cross loose them for your glory consume holy ghost hallelujah god hallelujah mighty god for you are large and in charge hallelujah in this place mighty god hallelujah almighty god loose hallelujah hallelujah your people jesus hallelujah to serve you god almighty hallelujah can we say in jesus name hallelujah can the people of god agree and say jesus name hallelujah i want the people of god to know that god is still able to deliver oh god almighty we speak deliverance in the name of jesus we speak deliverance take on the bashandar we speak deliverance deliberate in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the blood of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on people i've got the blood the blood the blood prevails hallelujah come on somebody say the blood prevails that gives me strength hallelujah i want to say this to somebody what more do you want the lord to do to prove to you that he's a real god you don't need to test god anymore i'm gonna say it one more time what more miracle do you want god to do hallelujah for you to surrender to him you've been saying if god do this and that then i will serve him and i will jesus what more do you want him to do he shed his blood did many miracles even before your eyes oh glory to god he's in this place and he says everything that you need is in me come on somebody surrender we loose you by the precious blood of jesus and present you before the lord tonight oh the blood that gives me strength the blood that jesus jesus shared with me way back [Music] [Laughter] take your time take your time that gives me entertain the presence of the lord [Music] what more do you want him to do to the heart hallelujah that gives me loose [Music] your refreshing receiving the holy ghost [Music] anointing is [Applause] it was yes oh [Music] to the highest oh yeah [Music] today [Music] touching jesus [Music] [Music] and your life will never [Music] there is only one way only one way jesus [Music] reach out [Music] he's not so busy [Music] reach out and talk to the lord as he has oh yes that's it that's it that's it that's it somebody's worshipping it's not too busy the miracle is yours it's your season [Music] holy ghost holy ghost [Music] i love that song yes he's moving on you right now is the lord reach out and touch the lord as well [Music] i [Music] [Applause] take your time then i heard the voice of my savior speaking joy oh yes for the things this might be the last song for tonight but god speaking do i have a weakness [Music] that never ever i feel a different anointing moving right now [Music] god is in charge god is large and in charge right now holy ghost i wish somebody could say tonight is my night he is my god shut me and i'll call you out but i shun did i call you out holy ghost this is [Music] don't even think about it just take what god has given you take what god i lift it up this is oh [Music] [Music] burn out sin and carnal on behalf of weakness persons at the altar [Music] oh i feel jesus [Music] jesus i feed jesus [Music] and my [Music] soul down [Music] [Applause] in this place one more time i feel jesus the devil is a liar [Music] oh glory to god [Music] oh glory to god in this [Music] within me somebody just take a minute and just worship the lord a little bit [Music] before i dismiss just worship a little bit i know you feel tired just take 60 seconds of worship [Music] worship on behalf of somebody that is reaching out say god come down one more time one more time hallelujah one more time one more time one more time one more time one more time one more time only god can do it you know you know i've been at some holy ghost service and when everybody walking out when all your strength is gone that's when god moved because god don't want no man to get the glory that's all god work god don't want no man to get the glory so we're gonna dismiss for those who want to pray until 11 30. amen god the government said 12 o'clock now but those who have to go far have to go amen so pray with me the dismissal prayer and don't feel bad that you have to go because some have to go very far holy ghost so god if it's your will while we're praying do it again hallelujah sister donaik you agree with me do it again [Music] lord jesus we thank you one more time for tonight we thank you for what you have done we thank you for your word oh jesus reminding us hallelujah that we should finish this race doesn't matter what obstacle or what discouragement may come our way ah god we thank you for the strength [Music] to finish this race we pray that those who have jumped out will jump back in and those who are struggling oh we'll be strengthened to carry on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah breathe upon your people [Music] oh jesus assign your angels to them even now oh jesus hallelujah put your hands upon sister kedisha give her an anointing that will lose her tongue hallelujah glory to god fuller up with your holy ghost let it spring up like a well let her feel the fire of god that we have been talking about for herself i put brother shandy in your hands also mighty god that you will break every chain in his life and that he too will experience the miracle working power of almighty god holy ghost holy ghost touch everyone at the auto particle reaching out remind them that nothing is bigger than you oh god nothing is bigger than oh god i feel him i feel him i feel him oh anybody want to lift her pants and not no bigger than my god nothing is bigger than my god oh glory to god know i'm closing in prayer but i feel something hallelujah holy ghost oh nothing bigger than my god i cover you under the blood we cancel the assignment of every accident and every attack of the enemy and we declare that you're gonna have an awesome and a miraculous week this week in the name of jesus clap your hands if you believe it and as you step out step out by faith [Music] hallelujah tell your neighbor i'm covered by the blood of jesus and i'm stepping out by faith oh glory to god those who have to leave we understand but those who live right up there son yahweh spend ten more minutes fine amen it's wisdom that those who have to go far we understand hallelujah holy ghost we love you with the love of the lord and those who have an early assignment in the morning we understand some of the soldiers have to retire and some have to bleach oh glory to god hallelujah hallelujah you're bleaching are you retiring [Music] you
Views: 76
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Rvt_8rr-2pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 45sec (4545 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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