Bethel Ark UPCJ Grange Pen Friday Night /Youth Service (March 4, 2022)

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so [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he is [Music] say something good to him say something wonderful [Music] i'll be asking brother daniel to come and do our opening prior in jesus [Music] this evening lord jesus we praise you we adore you lord jesus we lift up your mighty name lord jesus thank you for bringing us here safely lord jesus thank you for keeping us to this week lord jesus thank you for for providing for us lord jesus thank you for for the people that have got saved the past few weeks lord jesus thank you for for bringing us to work to all our destinations where jesus safe and brought us back home lord jesus whosoever is is gonna is underway here lord jesus i pray that you you will bring them here save lord jesus and you'll take full control of this service tonight lord jesus have somebody to get saved tonight lord jesus as we say thanks in jesus name amen let's praise the lord everybody let's praise the lord everybody praise god we are here to worship tonight praise god we're here to worship the lord in beauty and holiness thank you lord thank you lord that you ever thought of me thank you lord thank you lord that you ever thought is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that she gave her to me thank you you [Applause] [Music] you foreign thank you thank you scripture shall i praise the lord everybody shall praise the lord please turn your bibles to ecclesiastics 12. we'll be reading from verse 1 to the end ecclesiastics 12 1 to 4 to 14. remember now that creator in the days of thy youth while the evil days come not though the years draw nigh when thou shalt say i have no pleasure in them while the sun or the light or the moon or the stars not be not darkened nor the clothes return after the rain in the days when the keepers of the house shall tremble and the strong men shall bow themselves and they and the grinder sees because they are few and those that look out of the windows be darkened and the doors shall be shut in the streets when the sound of the grinding is low and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird and all the daughters of music shall be brought alone also when they shall be afraid of that which is high and fear shall be in the way and the almond tree shall flourish and the grasshop and the grasshopper shall be a burden and desire shall fail because man goeth to his long home and mourners go about the streets or ever the silver cord be loosed or the golden bulb be broken or the pitcher be broken at the fountain or the wheel broken at the cistern then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto god who gave it vanity of vanities saved the preacher all is vanity and moreover because of the preacher was wise he still taught the people knowledge yea he gave good heed and sought out and said in order many proverbs the preachers sought to find out acceptable words and that which was written was upright even words of truth and the words of the wise are as gods and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies which are given from one shepherd and further by these my son be admonished and making many books there is no end and what study is wariness of the flesh let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter fear god and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man verse 14 and last for god shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evil hear another portion of god's holy word and honor by saying thanks be to god praise god at this time is that beth marian will be coming to lead us into a section of praise and worship shall we praise the lord saints of god come on let's just lift our hands and worship him praise god thank you jesus let's just get into our attitude of worship praise lord hallelujah thank you jesus something in my heart like a stream running down it makes me feel so happy as happy as can be but when i think of jesus and what's he has done for me there is something in my heart [Music] in my heart [Music] there is it makes me feel in my is oh is [Music] baby is lazy [Music] what's up please what's up [Music] oh for me oh oh oh them all away oh [Music] foreign for me oh can we worship the lord everybody can we shout a hallelujah prayers unto jesus hallelujah thank you jesus praise god praise god this time sister chamoya and sister joshua will be coming with the welcome and greetings they'll they will also be doing our testimony section in jesus let's praise the lord everybody praise the lord let's praise the lord everybody praise the lord welcome welcome one and all to this youth service as we worship the lord please don't be stiff your praises to god you freely give greetings pastor your lovely wife and kids so glad you are here in our midst leaders workers and all the saints welcome to you your presence we appreciate a special welcome to all visitors feel free to worship and enjoy this fellowship our youth president and all the youth the more than conquerors we salute be blessed tonight in the presence of the lord as we worship together and each other and encourage each other [Applause] at this time we'll be doing our testimony daniel's gone surely will deliver daniel's lord surely will deliver [Music] surely we'll deliver danielle's god [Applause] surely will deliver [Applause] [Applause] i'm sure he will deliver is know everybody hush hush [Music] oh [Music] us [Music] let's praise the lord everybody praise the lord praise the lord at this time we'll be taking the testimonies praise the lord we starting off on our left testify testify praise the lord um um um thank you praise the lord um amen amen more testimonies testify praise the lord foreign uh foreign some people go out and they didn't come in praise god hallelujah but we have been traveling day after day and you have to give god thanks it's not good that we have done it's all because of the love and the mercies of god and truly tonight i'm grateful and i'm thankful praise god to the man christ jesus who is the end of my life when i'm down on the valley when i'm up on the mountain when i'm sliding down when i'm gliding our praise god is still god one man said we must have prayed for the lord to to take the way in the mountain but to shore and to give us enough strength to climb the mountain praise god because when you climb the mountain the view is beautiful praise god hallelujah i think the view is beautiful praise god let's come to the stage on the lord's side allah because god means nothing but god hallelujah the testing trials will come but god's grace is sufficient your prayer my strength pray yours in jesus name praise god praise god any more testimonies praise god tonight i'm giving god thanks to be in youth service praise god praise god i remember a couple years ago when we were when i was a youth myself very young very active in the church praise god i remember the only choir i was not on was and the brother would choir we were very active and i remember every saturday night we would have to be at choir practice we are at church monday night wednesday night thursday night i mean no service missed us and it doesn't matter where the church trip is going we are there praise god whenever the choir is to go out brethren the choir director knows that we are up front and center and i remember one saturday night brethren i don't know what flying away i said myself on another church system other courts we said oh we're tired of church we need a life i mean church just take up our life we need a life and we're tired of church and i remember the saturday night we were to go to choir practice brethren and we did not go to choir practice and we did not call our queer leader and say that we will not be in practice so we planned a trip by ourselves and we went to walter fletcher's beach night beach and i tell you brethren when we went to beach that night i cannot swim so i i was lying in the water with my head on on on the shore and the other church sister was sitting on the stand and she was saying to me you know bevan i remember someone went to beach in on something beat them and you know so i was saying to her why are you telling me this no because i'm in the water and brethren not even five minutes after i felt something sting me right here on my left shoulder and i said to her you know sister and they saw you know something just sting me a while ago and she said stop play around man stop putting her on because she thought i was joking and brethren about three minutes after pian leaked me left right and center mighty god i i said to her no man i'm in pain so we get up and we went to the bathroom to change but when i went was walking to the changing room i realized that no man me i forgot guppa hospital because peon pee and brethren i don't know if it's possible but i swear every fluid run out of my body you see by the time i dried off and put on my clothes i was wet so we called our a vehicle to take me to the hospital i went up the man vehicle um seats because water i don't know where water coming from breathing when i went to the hospital you know i couldn't even register because i realized that it was an emergency i had to went straight into the doctor and when i went training to the doctor there was two injections one on the left and one on the right and she said to me don't leave sit down i have to observe you for about half an hour brethren i have a little clear complexion but yes when you look on me i was black black black yes when i look at my hand oh jesus it was like on a nancy webb red there was a hole in my hand right here what i could settle in it you see when i went back to the doctor the doctor said did you see yourself when you're getting here she said you looked awful you were black brethren a jellyfish sting me and i had an allergic reaction to it and brethren when i leave the hospital pain sunday i couldn't go to church pain monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday i cried i cried i cried i cried i could hardly move the hand brethren it took almost two years for the scars to come out of my hand i said to myself what i said to sister on this mother quote if we went our choir practice we would have practiced enjoy ourselves sunday we would be sitting on the choir worshiping because you know we are crazy worshipers at church i enjoy yourself and go home but pnp and pnpn brethren young people stay in church stay in church don't think that church is taking up your life like what we did mother courtesy never happened again every saturday night front and center i'm at choir practice every monday night wednesday night thursday night i'm at church i look if i clean with a clean church i'm there i learned the hard way brethren because i realized i could have died that night if we didn't say listen let us not delay let us go to the hospital i would not be standing here tonight brethren so tonight i'm giving god's hands because of that bridging church no miss mino anything will happen make it happen at church young people stay in church stay in god the mormon come please situation take over life is the best place to be god bless you in jesus name ben [Applause] one last testimony testify [Music] [Applause] in own way press alongside express along in god's own way persecution we must fear trials and crosses in our way all the other the better the sweeter the victory press along sings first along [Music] persecution [Music] is is [Music] firefox foreign is [Music] so [Music] praise god hallelujah [Applause] praise god can we shout out praise everybody hallelujah let me show it to another priest praise jesus at this time i'll be asking pastor or antipath to come and greet us my hallelujah music already you deserve it you deserve it all of the glory belongs to you i said all of the glory belongs to you turn to somebody and say you're hallelujah your hallelujah belongs to young people [Music] you're hallelujah belongs to him [Music] he deserves hallelujah [Music] belongs to him praise the lord everybody these young people's night and i don't want to turn this into a sings variation tonight so i'm gonna just greet and hand over to the young people because i want to hear the preacher amen it's good to see everyone amen hallelujah i wouldn't say aware of you it's a good amount of us and the amount that is here is worshiping hallelujah can we just clap our hands together right now the enemy thinks the whole convention the year shout out praise [Music] hallelujah ready don't stand me up with them tune them out hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i want somebody to help me praise jesus i want somebody to help me praise i need some where are the young people don't make me come up here come on like me you're good are you i need somebody to help me praise jesus i need somebody to help me praise i need somebody to help me praise jesus jump up [Music] jump onto your seater help me breathe jump or tie your seat and help me breathe jump under your seat and help me pray jesus leave candid [Music] uh are you ready for this worship god and help me pray worship that and help me pray worship [Music] young people you must fight be brave against all evil never run down here [Music] forgotten to right tell your name fight be brave [Music] fight fight fight be brave break break fight fight fight be brave fight fight lord jesus if i sing one more step sister listen to me recruit me for the youth choir somebody worships i'm coming down god bless you in jesus name that's all right [Music] [Music] praise god we're going to play a short sweating hand game we have to be quick to put on the preacher praise god if you have your bibles please get your bibles anybody need a bible so everybody knows the rule of this game right all right so we hold up the baby by the spine [Music] okay no phones that would be unfair to those who are using the bible all right so you're supposed to be holding the bible by its spine it's right ready all right so the first one is habakkuk 3 verse 13 charge 3 i'm not supposed to repeat 3d tissue read it joshua though though went is forth for the salvation of thy people even for salvation with that anointed yes you're correct you're correct okay next one sword in hand lamentations 4 verse 7 charge read her another rights were purer than snowden yes you're correct as long as she read it antipas okay sweat in hand sword in hand psalms 119 verse 163 charge i cannot repeat i hate an abortion you're correct okay next one sword in hand so i didn't hand lock up the bible fully open on a hand all right phil man one verse 23 charge nobody's going to find it where wherefore though i might be much bold in christ to enjoy that which is convenient incorrect yes phil mann one verse 23 there's salud correct all right next one sword in hand second thessalonians 3 verse 3 charge but the lord is faithful but the lord is faithful brother sherwin is correct sweating hand revelation 5 verse 5 charge and one of the elders says unto me we not read it [Music] all right disregard that one disregard that one sword in hand swearing hand genesis 48 verse 13 charge that that frontier bible you must can't find that one kavisha fish are founded correct thread in hand ezra 7 verse 17 charge correct sword in hand second chronicles 32 verse 22 charge we have a tie you know hurry up there's no verse 32 in second chronicles 32 second chronicles 32 verse 22. josh where you found it read it thus thus says the lord said correct sword in hand sword in hand sword in hand liberty cause one verse seven charge liberty cause one all right i'm sorry i'm sorry we should read it all we can read it isn't your bible different okay i have to my gallery um the sons of iran yeah you're correct all right sword in hand joshua 12 verse 12 charge and the what [Applause] brother sherwin i saw his hand one hand there isn't the king of eglan one the king of gizer correct two more sweat in hand numbers sword in hand ruth 2 verse 19 in charge and her mother-in-law said unto her correct all right two more two more in hand micah 6 by 16 charge for the statues of omari are kept on all the works of the halls of aham and he walk in there oh yes you're correct all right one more anybody get this one gain five points anybody get this one getting five points all right ready stored in hand acts 28 verse 31 charge preaching the kingdom of god and teaching those your courage [Music] okay so i have a prize for the first and second place you know so sister giovanna will be getting her credit and brother sherwin will be getting her credit so did we all enjoy that short game okay it's time for the preacher praise god i'll be asking our youth president to come and introduce our nice speaker in jesus name shall we praise the lord saint of god let's put our hands together for the young people praise the lord jesus praise the lord jesus hallelujah and let's put our hands together for everyone who participated a while ago noma told me i tried stop by the sherwin praise god congratulations to our winners amen amen praise god hallelujah it's praise god praise the lord jesus praise god tonight we have a wonderful speaker praise the lord jesus and i'm just going to invite us just to stand at this time everybody everywhere praise the lord jesus praise god praise god let's just lift our hands praise god and worship the lord the lord has been good to us amen praise god despite the challenges amen praise god our sister did not lose our host and that's something for all of us to give thanks for amen praise the lord jesus praise god we are here we are live and we are well anybody want to say thank you jesus thank you jesus we're in youth service tonight amen praise the lord jesus thank you lord even at this time lord we ask of you jesus just to have your way mighty god a young man will be coming at this time lord someone that has availed himself to you oh god in such a time as this is hard to find young men in the church and so even though lord i ask of you to touch him from the crown of his head to the soul of his feet can we agree in jesus name hallelujah almighty god i pray that your word will go forth tonight undiluted unashamed god almighty for god almighty just as sister lindsay has testified we ought to do your work mighty god from sunday to sunday and so god i pray you'll bless the young people and bless this young man to deliver your word have thine own way tonight let us leave god with our cops full and running over hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in the mighty name of jesus how can the people of god say in jesus name praise the lord jesus hallelujah i bring to you all the way from united states of jamaica praise the lord jesus a young man that loves the lord a young man that there's a clear zeal inside of him for the things of god amen praise god a young man that has one brother one mother one father amen praise the lord jesus and with praise god one lord one faith one baptism amen praise god so without any further delay i invite or speaker for tonight brother kahini help me saint's car cur and the holy ghost in jesus name amen [Applause] shall we praise the lord everybody shall praise the lord one more time amen i am really enjoying myself in youth service even though for some momentum if you said a bad ph of them kind of slippery you happy no matter how know i am trying to find the scripture up there so i ph them they give me a warm time but regardless we we had a wonderful time so far even with service going to get right into it i cannot promise that i won't belong but i'm just going as god leads 10 bibles to first samuel 16 will be reading from verse 5. and if you found it please say amen amen and it reads and he said peaceably i have come to sacrifice to the lord sanctify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice then he consecrated jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice so it was when they came that he looked at eliab and said surely the lord's anointed is before him but the lord said to samuel do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature because i have refused him for the lord does not see a man see sorry as man sees for man looks at the outward appearance but the lord looks at the heart so jesse called abinadab and made him pass before samuel and he said neither has the lord chosen this one then jessie made shama pass by and he said neither has the lord chose this one thus jesse made seven of his sons pass before samuel and someone said to jesse the lord has not chosen this one and someone said to jesse are all the young men here then he said the remains yet the youngest and there he is keeping the sheep and someone said to jesse send and bring him for we will not sit down till he comes here so he sent and brought him in now he was ready with bright eyes and good looking and the lord said arise anoint him for this is the one and we will go to first samuel 17 verse 39. and it reads david fastened his sword to his armor and tried to walk for he had not tested them and david said to saul i cannot walk with these for i have not tested them so david took them off then he took his stuff in his hand and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook and put them in a shepherd's bag in a pouch which he had and his sling was in his hand and he drew near to the philistine so the philistine came and began joining near to david and the man who bore the shield went before him and when the philistine looked about and saw david he dis he disdained him for he was only a youth roddy and good looking so the philistines said to david am i a dog that you come to me with sticks and the philistine cursed david by his gods and the philistines said to david come to me and i will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beast of the field then david said to the philistine you come to me with a sword with a spear and with a javelin but i come to you in the name of the lord of hosts the god of the armies of israel whom you have defied this day the lord will deliver you into my hand and i will strike you and take your head from you and this day i will give you i'll give sorry the carcasses of the camp of the philistines to the birds of the ear and the wild peace of the earth and all the earth may know that there is a god in israel then all this then all this assembly shall know that the lord does not save with sword and spear for the battle is the lord's and he will give you into our hands you sorry hearing little portion of god's holy word by saying thanks be to god you may be seated if i should bring about a topic to you it would be know who you are you were anointed for a purpose no david david as it as it was stated it takes david was not well known david was not high in society david was just a simple shepherd boy looking after his father's flock and somewhere and somewhere went to the house of jesse now when someone went to the house of jesse it is it is stated that elihib came before him but god refused him because god god as his ways are not always neither is his thoughts or our thoughts so god did not the man sorry man sees the outward appearance but the lord knows what our heart wants and what our heart is longing for so he refused him and seven seven nine other sorry nine other of just his sons came and god refused him but the one that was loneliest of them all the one that was taking care of his of his flock in the yes that place the red flag circuit in the field the he god chose him so really actually it is just saying that sometimes we as young people we are looked down upon because we are young because we are just you know we are just 12 we are just 13 we are just 14 we are looked on upon and some i mean actually some some churches are suffering no because of that because god has called young people especially for such a time as this and yet the people of god do not understand that we are the ones that will carry the banner high we are the ones that will stand up for god in times ideas and that is why we have so many young people backsliding now and and for those that are here within the church trying to stay within this apostolic doctrine we are coming under attack from the enemy amen amen so god chose david and and as i said before there were other there were nine others that god could have chosen but god chose david because god knew david's heart god know that god knows the beginning from the ending he knows what would have come out of choosing david he know that david would be the king of israel and that he would bring forth his work and he would do his will comes with me amen and so somewhere sorry somewhere anointed david and from that day forward the anointing wait hold on hold on okay and if you look in verse in chapter 16 sorry verse 13 it said then somewhere to the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers and the spirit of the lord came upon david from that day forward no didn't it didn't say that the anointed came upon david for that second for that minute just for that day only but from that day forward so really and truly it means that from you come here and from you accept christ from you let christ take control of your heart you have a mandate you have a purpose god has chosen you because he has chosen you to stand out he has not chosen you to fit into this world he has chosen you to be set apart he has chosen you because he knows what young people you are we are stronger than we think we are stronger than we think some people might discredit us some people might say oh you are just you are just young you are just you you are just 12 you are just 13 you are just 14 but as the bible said when elia came before someone god sees the heart so they might be saying that okay you're young but god is saying that you are a lion that will conquer you are some you are an overcomer you are a chosen people a royal priesthood god sees what you can do you are wondering sometimes you are wondering why am i going through this why is god putting me in this situation amen why is god putting me in this situation but god is putting us in this situation because he wants us to realize that we are stronger than we think amen so i remember i remember when i remember a couple of sundays ago that a message that my father preached and he said that god will not test you unless he trusts you no when we when we as young well i'm not saying yeah some people about speaking in general when we as the people of god are tested really and truly you know would i like to take pressure yes i mean it's just our truth when i like take pressure really actually but as brother as brother b testified today he said that a grape will not turn into wine unless it is pressured crushed [Applause] lord forgive me for saying this but sometimes we have to go through i'm not going to say sometimes you have to go through a lot of things in order for god to get the glory out of us so we are there wondering sometimes sometimes you just sit down and i say god won't make it go put me in this opposition you know sometimes sometimes well i'm not saying that anything is wrong with talking to god like you know you're my apart you know you're very nice i said god no i'll make her put me here so and the facts always i got no it put me here so and i hit my authority kind of so on yeah but sometimes we wonder why why why you decide to put me in this position why i'm why am i here why am i here why am i here and sometimes sometimes a question god i may ask why you are letting me go through this test why are you letting me go through this trial why are you letting me go through this tribulation why are you letting me go through so much hurt just to use me in my hurtful state that is simply because look here god know what i can do when you come under serious pressure it's not like he doesn't know so your dear ass you're asking why why this why that why it is why that take pressure and make god user if you're doing that if you do not take pressure if the grape is not pressured it won't be turned into wine if the metal is not beat it won't be turned into a fine end product and we as young people we have the tendency to run away from to run away from what god is calling us to do i am speaking as a young person we sometimes tend to not want to do this not want to do that but remember who you are remember thy creator in the days of thy youth remember who god called you to be when you left when you left from the altar you never leave the anointing with you here it goes with you wherever you go as i said when david was anointed it says that the anointing was with him from that day forward so when we are being called to do god's work yeah nineteen nothing nothing left bunny dresser at home you [Applause] god has chosen us for a reason god has chosen us for a purpose and especially in these times we realize in what direction the world is going now wrong is right and right is wrong and in these times what will be our response when the pressure comes what will be our response when they come at us with what they come at us with you're just too long you're living too hard you are acting as if you are the most holy person on earth you are too old-fashioned i am not old-fashioned but i am just maintaining the fashions of old [Applause] so it doesn't it doesn't matter what they say to you it doesn't matter that's what i normally because you know the end result what will come out of you being old-fashioned you know your reward after you have done being old fashioned [Applause] so make them tired let them say let them say you're just like this you're you're two with this or two that little dessert would that come make a come make a drink one two thing no mickey weed get a high but know whose you are and know who you are representing amen amen me do not be afraid do not be afraid of what people might say or what they might think of you so when pastor asks you to do something do it don't ask no question because sometimes he's not doing it of his own will and if you you do not know somebody can be blessed through you and you refuse to do god's work that will be on you god wants to use the young thing god wants to use us and all we have to do is make ourselves available to be used by him nobody when you come here nobody never said all right you have the holy ghost now you know i can't go home keep back relax not now um you want to watch your tv okay i want you to eat you know and just sit back relax you know pop champion angels you know go and do what you do and your one thing they say sometimes you want it sometimes we wonder when we go to school why these people don't like me why can't i not fit in why can't they just accept me for who i am we are supposed to be in the world but not of the world if they do not want to accept you so what if they do not want to call you their friend so what if they are going to criticize you for doing the things of old so what you were know who you are you were anointed for a purpose you were chosen to stand out not to fit in if god made you all right let me talk to you can understand if god make your phobia bends the way you operate like a lotto no really actually if god made you to be a bentley why are you operating like a crv god wants us to be who he calls us to be something jump up there whatever um hold on so in first number 17 verse 39 when when david was putting on saw's armor david fastness toward his armor and and tried to walk for he had not tested them and david said to saul i cannot walk with these for i have not tested them so david took them off the world should not dictate who you are supposed to be the world should not dictate what you should do they are of the world we are of christ which brings me to verse 45 of chapter 17 then david said to the philistine you come to me with a sword and with a spirit and with a javelin but i come to you in the name of the lord of hosts the god of the armies of israel whom you have defied now yeah i mean we are going to be intimidated we are going to be intimidated and the funny thing about it is that who are we being intimidated by the pastors that come that come to church and just let me stand up at the door the marxist person said do you know who i am do you know who i am do you know that i am doctor so and so i have my phd my dvd my cd my blu-ray design you are being intimidated by these people for what they come to you with their with their doctorate and their bachelor's and all that okay i see once you once you made jesus the center of your life he will make you talk he will make you walk you make you look like you have doctorate bachelor phd and we are being intimidated by these people because what they have all those accolades behind your name we are being intimidated by the people whose motive for the kingdom of god is wrong these same people that switch the bible to suit their lifestyle these same people that switch that that say okay okay people of god i will now be instituting airing pants falls here make up nails you can go on the road and show what the good lord gave you i don't have a problem with it and we are being intimidated by these i'm not even talking the young people but the the living church of god the ones that stand up for righteousness the ones that still maintain the apostolate doctrine we are being intimidated by these people for a while because what their change in the bible so that what they became of the big church big congregation get bigger offering and when cherished on the offering distribute among ministers run at the back it is time for the church of god to rise up what are we going to do what will our response be what will we do just sit down and take it as it is uh what will we do sit down and say okay you have your you know you're well educated you know your way around the prophet come and just give us a short a short exhortation in the church of the living god i don't know talking about knowing who you are you were anointed for a purpose no we can see where verse 46 says this day the lord will deliver you into my hand and i will strike you and take your head from you and this day i will give the carcasses of the camp of the filing signs to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth that all the earth may know that there is a god in israel if you know who you stand for and if you know who you are presenting why are you being fearful why is it that when the trial and test come you are backing down why is it that when they come and they defy the true and living god why is it that you are scared now is the time that we should not be scared now is the time that we shouldn't look here the devil doesn't sleep near slumber the devil does not sleep nor slumber now it takes a holiday neither does our god so why is it that we are fearful no it was said that david took five five stones from david took five stones from the brook and i don't know why i decided to go so deep into the biblical numerology but when i when i researched what five in hebrew numerology means it means anointing it means anointed so when david put the five stones in his pouch in a shepherd's bag he never put them in a shepherd's bag so the first one the mirror gang of escalators he did not leave it anywhere he carried the anointing with him to face the goliath and david used one stone now when i research what the word one in hebrew numerology means it means unity or oneness so i believe that i believe that david was you know saying in code that god has anointed me to bring forth his word god has anointed me to do his will and here you are define the true and living god hear o israel the lord our god is one so when they come to indoctrinate you when they come at school and give you and say you know the lord told me to do this the lord told me to do that you know but i tried to tell you that buddha is god allah is god your god does not exist what will your response be hero israel the lord our god is one if these people are brave enough to come to us and say that there is no god then why aren't we brave enough to tell them that why come to you with science with equation from the right of the chart board from the left of the chart both to the right of the chart board from the top to the bottom saying that okay the three dots therefore there is no god what will your response be the same god that defied the laws of physics turned water into wine defy the law of gravity walked on water defied the law of life praise jesus raised lazarus from the dead raised the dead and make the blind man see and you know what they are going to say they are going to say that well i have never heard of that since the way back then the church has never lost its pawn and it shall never lose its power the same church back then the same the revival that happened on elsa street azuza azuza as it was a street the same revival that happened at azusa street that same church right well it wasn't even a church but you know the same church but then it is the same church now and the same god but then it is the same god now never change and he cannot change it is now time for us to rise up if you look around you know the bible is fulfilling prophecy by prophecy by prophecy and what will our response be are we going to sit down with the anointing and not do what god has called us to do or we are going to rise up do what god calls us to do and let him use us let make ourselves available to be used by him god sees something in us that we do not see in ourselves and it is not by chance that our leaders see the same thing so in pastor i'll settle the praise and worship moderate preacher message god just give her even a short exaltation why are you running from it and i'm going to just see this then i'll close now when when moses when moses left egypt he went to i'm not sure of the place but he was there left egypt and he was just there and then it is not by coincidence that god caused the bush to burn and not be consumed you see sometimes we are sometimes we as the children of god we are looking for god to send a lightning bolt through the sky we are looking for god to send a big tree saying i'm just using the tree as you know a sign just to god is in a big tree when god has just put the acorn right there take it up you see another one take it up follow god's instructions when god said go right go right when god says stay where you are stay where you are he knows the beginning from the ending my my father always said is if mattel is a shark in our water take my word feet so if our leaders tell us not to do this listen and let's see if anybody got guy he wouldn't get this thing in the system but i have just said god knows our beginning from our ending so it is a reason why he says go right or stay right here so yes it's not going to be easy not going to be easy especially to be a child of god in times like this but you are a child of god in times ideas for a purpose and you have to remain you have to remain rooted and grounded so that you don't become as a tall tree left and right in the wind god is speaking to the young people and god has a plan for the young people in this time it might look hard it might look as if you cannot do it trust god if god tells you to do something and you do not see a way of provision go and do what god says you should do what will our response be and if you do not remember anything from what i have said tonight just know who you are who's you are and what you are called to do so don't look at brother judge and i say boy things are going for a better church you know can i try out for him advantageous you know try a thing but as we what has reached americans say qatar and darkness here look you don't know what they're going you are you they see at the end product our better church are doing that you will you are not seeing what it takes to get to that end product not every tree blooms in the same seal so probably right no it's a brother jared season so oh yeah watch out brother george thinking probably when your season comes you will have a greater yield than what brother george have wait on the lord wait on the lord know who you are you were anointed for a purpose these are my few words in jesus name [Applause] hallelujah can we worship the lord tonight everybody can we stand together everybody praise god we give a lot of thanks tonight i'm going to ask as a couple persons russia william to pray let's go and go and pray for strength tonight cover him let's come and pray for him i'm yours lord everything i have everything i've got i'm yours lord try me now and see see if i can be completely yours oh i'm yours lord [Music] let's sing it one more time i'm your hallelujah everything i am everything i've got hallelujah [Music] i'm yours try me now [Music] see if i can be completely yours [Music] completely when i sing it one last time i'm yours lord i have your everything i am [Music] everything i've got lord [Music] try me now [Music] i give the lord thanks tonight i thank him for this youth service tonight first one back in the sanctuary in such a long time and i bless everyone that came out tonight i bless you all tonight and i'm so thankful that there is a set of young people in this assembly and as a desire to be in the house of the lord tonight because there are a lot of young people around do not have the desire to be in the house of the lord tonight and for that we should be praising god that there is a young person [Music] that still wants to show up for jesus he's worthy to be praised what will your response be what will your response be the preacher preached tonight because there is a goliath out there taunting you and the preacher asks what will be your response will your response be like david that says who is this uncircumcised philistine that want to defy the armies of the lord jesus christ [Music] he stood up and the preacher is saying to us tonight your people stand up the preacher said tonight when they talk about your dressing talk about your old fashion talk about uh what will your response be he's encouraging us to stand up and to walk in the end did you hear the preacher tonight [Music] i'm so thankful the lord tonight young people hear the word of the lord tonight and i felt it i felt the word tonight i know he prayed about this word tonight [Music] and i want to say to the young people but i kind of the first time i came of the preach i was 17 i was 17 years old when the preacher gave me the bike and told me that i'm going to preach sunday morning is it your first time preaching have you ever preached on the morning before my first time on a sunday morning to you you did not make as much mistake as i made and i'm very proud of you tonight [Applause] i call to and i call and bought because i was so nervous i don't even know if they heard the full sentences but there was a burn in my spirit so look out for him he's coming he's coming probably up here but i forgot to make it bigger for him but i give the lord thanks young people young people you have your night coming up prepare yourself prepare yourself seek the lord ask for that kindly and do it in prayer in fast and him seek the lord there is no other way you just need to pray and seek the lord amen everybody i'm gonna ask all the young people to come to the altar right now we're going to pray for you tonight that you will avail yourself like david reveal yourself like david tonight carry your anointing the preacher said the preacher said carry you on 19. the preacher said don't leave your anointing in your closet empire dresser in your shoes box you heard the preacher tonight don't leave it lock it up on your own sangha school without it you must carry the anointing with you and you must stand up for god like oh david stood up and when you stand up for god like oh david stand up for god the lord will fight with you oh praise god hallelujah hallelujah just get your hands to worship the lord tonight i'm going to ask some more than conquerors to stretch your hands towards them and we are going to pray for them tonight is their first night back in the sanctuary don't get used to it again those give them some time to get it together amen but here they are at the altar tonight hallelujah all these young people my god my god one shall chase a thousand two shall put ten thousand to flight and they said that four will put a million to flight my god and listen there are more than four inside here so can you count four by four how much million that's two million and that's a that's three million that come on somebody put the enemy on the run we cover you tonight we put you in the hands of the lord again tonight hallelujah in the name of jesus we pray for a special strength hearing this word tonight we pray for a new and fresh seal we pray for a new and fresh touch we pray that the gifts that god has given to you will start to manifest will begin to pour out hallelujah in the name of jesus lord given the strength to stand up against the enemy like all david stood up against the giant lord help them not to want to fit in but lord let them to stand out hallelujah help them not to want to be popular but to be peculiar in the name of jesus lord god we strengthen them tonight in your name we speak strength tonight over them lord even now oh god i feel something in my spirit tonight even though as we stand here i'm thinking that there's some young persons who have a zeal in them that's bubbling my god my god that's what i feel in that was i feel in my spirit i feel it in my spirits like the young persons here that their spirit hallelujah to god that there's a zeal bubbling inside of them hallelujah thank you lord jesus somebody said bless them use them don't let that seal die don't let that seal die do not let that seal die lord god i pray that sin will burn inside of them that they will not be able to contain or to keep quiet but lord they will work for you in whatever area you call them to do hallelujah bless them tonight as they sleep as they eat as they are awake i pray that they will be sensitive to their surrounding that they'll be sensitive to the voice of god i pray that they'll be a mighty army and that individual they'll be equipped soldiers hallelujah i speak it over them in the name of jesus in the name of jesus that when they're apart in their different school they will be fully armored in the name of jesus when they're on the job at their different jobs that they'll be fully armored and when they come together there'll be a mighty army hallelujah in the name of jesus lord i thank you tonight for them i thank you lord do thy will in the name of jesus i pray tonight in the name of jesus help them lord through every temptation help them to overcome every temptation that the devil will bring their way and help them to pass every test that the lord will allow them to take hallelujah hallelujah comes up he will not give you a test if he does not trust you i hear the preacher tonight somebody lift your hands and worship the lord in the name of jesus and worship him and say yes lord is there a young person in here will say yes lord to your will come on young people begin to say yes lord to your will and to your way i say yes lord yes i will trust you and obey when your spirit speaks to me with my whole heart i will agree and my answer will be yes hallelujah lord pray that prayer tonight i'll say yes if you feel led if you don't feel like if you don't feel led to say it don't say it come on you know that song come sit as a prayer tonight i say yes lord yes to your will and to your way i say yes lord yes i will trust you and obey when your spirit speaks to me my god with my whole heart i will agree and my answer [Music] will be yes lord yes i will say yes i will say yes i will say yes lord hallelujah i get the lord thanks for his many blessings lord jesus i thank you for tonight i thank you for this youth group i thank you for the youth committee and thank you lord for all those who came out tonight i thank you for all those who participate that thank you for those who are online oh god worshiping and and blessing and encouraging and praying i thank you tonight lord god for someone that heard a word whether they were in the sanctuary or online we thank you tonight we place everyone into your hands lord god we pray for our coverage a special coverage even as we go home tonight we ask for your protection hallelujah hallelujah be [Music] offense all around us protect us from all accident all arm and danger and from every sickness every sickness and disease cover us under your blood yes lord those who don't have the holy ghost we put them into your hands and lord we pray that you'll pour out your spirit that there'll be a hunger and a thirst for you god in the name of jesus i pray tonight in jesus name and we worship the lord tonight hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord praise god praise god god bless you tonight brethren please young people today is friday tomorrow with the lord paris it's another day live at the feet of jesus what does what does that mean to live at the feet of jesus ah what does that what does that mean squint spend quality time in sit at the feet of jesus read the word of god we're in the book of exodus now for those who have the bible program we are in the book of so we have done all of genesis and nowhere in the book of exodus read it up amen read it up feast on the lord jesus even everybody young people that's what kept me and i'm sharing it with you read the word of god and sit at the feet of jesus amen amen everybody god is an awesome god praise god so god bless you tonight amen everybody god bless you tonight i want you before you leave i want you before you leave to bless somebody the lord bless you say the lord bless you the lord strengthen you and the lord keep you amen amen everybody amen everybody and so before you leave we're gonna sing um sister bet happy birthday oh can i forget to do that tonight huh it will be so unfair guys i'll be singing happy birthday to bet marie we're gonna
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Id: nYJpJAgRNf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 17sec (7577 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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