Bethel Ark UPCJ Grange Pen Sunday Morning Service (April 11, 2021)

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out hallelujah to all god bless people in the house hallelujah [Music] check [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] um [Music] is thank you [Music] hey [Music] so [Music] [Applause] i love you more [Music] redraw [Music] sweet [Music] [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] today [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] oh my [Applause] god [Music] me [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah me are we [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] hallelujah love you lord [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] today [Applause] oh in moments like this [Music] in moments like this my [Applause] i love you one more time [Applause] yes [Applause] falling in love with jesus [Music] oh yes it's the best [Applause] i will is be [Music] with jesus [Music] [Music] oh yeah there is there is [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] is saturate me lord [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh yeah [Music] oh [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] oh [Applause] can we just lift our hands hallelujah let our hands lift our voices and just begins to worship god hallelujah i got to have more of your anointing hallelujah in our life hallelujah hallelujah we can do nothing of ourselves hallelujah we need the anointed hallelujah to bring us through especially in this time hallelujah we need the anointing hallelujah hallelujah in our life hallelujah to overcome our circumstances hallelujah we cannot stand hallelujah on our own hallelujah we need the anointing hallelujah hallelujah we need the holy ghost to guide us hallelujah to lead us hallelujah to direct us hallelujah to keep us hallelujah especially in this time so let us just lift our hands hallelujah let's just lift her hands and just begin to talk to god hallelujah you did not wake yourself up this morning hallelujah hallelujah i did not call you and say wake up hallelujah god woke you up this morning he's the one that said it's time to get up hallelujah hallelujah let's just worship the king of kings the lord of lords the lily of the valley hallelujah the family give here this morning hallelujah hallelujah the all-powerful god the unknown in god hallelujah let's just worship god this morning he deserves the praise he deserves the glory he deserves to jesus let's just take two minutes to give him thanks hallelujah hallelujah let's just take two minutes to give him thanks he's been too good to us for us not to say thank you he's been so good to us but not we're not saying thank you jesus hallelujah you are great hallelujah you are great hallelujah you are awesome there is no one else like you jesus there is no one else like you jesus ah there's nothing i forgot to do hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah the pandemic is all but god is still real hallelujah god is still god he is never changing god he never turns back on his word he never changed he's still god let's just worship come on let's just worship we normally praise god but let's just worship hey this is the time for the true worshipers to come out hallelujah and to worship god hallelujah we need real worship we need to worship jesus is worthy he's worthy hallelujah he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy hallelujah so you provide the fire and i provide the sacrifice jesus i feel you in here jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh hear me is oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] that is [Music] that is that is i wanna run [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] he will fill you up if you let him this morning hallelujah praise hallelujah god praise hallelujah hallelujah praise god i just want to welcome you this morning hallelujah to battle our upc grange pen hallelujah praise that to all our viewers hallelujah highly on our social media platform we welcome you this morning whether you're in your bathroom your bedroom your living room praise god don't be afraid to worship god don't be afraid to make some noise in your house hallelujah make some noise let your neighbors hear you make some noise that down the road here yo make some noise on the road here yo hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god hallelujah and grab a rock at it hallelujah grab a rock with you because you're gonna worship god like we're mad this morning we're gonna worship god like we're crazy hallelujah because this is the time that we should come out to worship god hallelujah to ensure that you have your worship rock with you this morning because we're gonna wave it down to the king of kings we're gonna lead you down to the hallelujah to the land of lords this morning hallelujah but before we go any further thank you jesus hallelujah i'm just going to call on deacon henry hallelujah to do our oatmeal prayer this morning hallelujah hallelujah in jesus name deacon enemy hallelujah praise god everyone bless the lord everyone hallelujah hallelujah bless the lord all my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name hallelujah hallelujah now we're going to approach the throne of god hallelujah in the mighty name of jesus i'm gonna ask us to be in reverence hallelujah hallelujah we may not be in the four corners of god four wars oh god hallelujah but we're gonna cry out to the lord together hallelujah from your home in your vehicle god where's whoever you are this morning blow your heads with me and let us all pray in the mighty name of jesus hallelujah the god of 20 years ago the god over 2000 years ago hallelujah the god of shadrach the god of mesha the god of jamaica the god of america hallelujah the god of the world universe hallelujah we approach a mercy seat once more in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah we lift you up god we glorify you god hallelujah we just want to tell a thanks for your grace and your mercy and the privilege in which which our lord and to us once more oh god to be standing on the top of our graves once more we just want to tell you thanks oh god to be in our right mind oh god hallelujah peace and what is taking place in and around our surrounding so many persons are losing their mind god so many persons oh god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah mentally oh god challenge right now but oh god you have been keeping us from ever since we known ourselves god hallelujah before i'm doing this pandemic you are the one that always been providing for us you are the one that always been protecting us god from ever since we have known ourselves god was being our sustainer you have been our provider and you are a god that has never changed and will never change god hallelujah situation will change god personally will change but you will never change jesus we are so grateful oh god hallelujah hallelujah for those that are tuning in oh god hallelujah that are clicking into their oh god hallelujah's physical wi-fi hallelujah without making me control by did you seller by lying but oh god we pray that god will ever help us as child of god to turn up our spiritual wifi oh god hallelujah that we can feel your god in the mighty name of jesus hallelujah god wheres wherever we are oh god you are god whatsoever we are going through god you are still god still god jesus hallelujah me praise you don't hinder you from being god i cause you to be god because you are god already hallelujah almighty god we tell you thanks for god we give you glory for every years every listeners every watcher is oh god let the senses that you have given us to us oh god being full operation today with a gift of the holy ghost god dwelling in our home visit every home right now hallelujah those that are watching that are not yet been baptized in the name of jesus give them conviction upon their life that at the name of jesus every knee shall blow and every tongue shall say those that are with all the gifts of the holy ghost the holy ghost don't only dwell in the church but it dwell in your homes you know dwelling place wherever we are filled up with the gift of the holy ghost he is those that are sick right now those that are feeling pain in your body are sent healing to their home right now i send healing to their body right now i pray for normality in their joints in their argon in their respirative in their digestive system god hallelujah go to the red and the white blood pressed god hallelujah [Music] hallelujah thank you for all that he has done and all those that you are about to do and because you are such a great and a big god anything that you refuse to grant it unto us god you know why hallelujah because you know what what's best for life and you are a god that does never fail and will never fail so whatsoever oh god that you see that you have installed for us we know that you will not fail to grant it unto us while it is your purpose and your divine plan for life in jesus name we say i will all hardly lift your hands and say in the name of jesus in the name of the name of jesus in the name of jesus come on let's say in the name of jesus let's say in the name there's nothing too big for god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah we just want to praise god this morning hallelujah we just want to worship him this morning hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah his presence is here hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah go ahead and welcome him hallelujah go ahead and welcome jesus hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus praise god hallelujah hallelujah i'm just gonna call hallelujah i'm just gonna call and sister fiona ray hallelujah to come with the morning scripture hallelujah in jesus name hallelujah thank you jesus praise god hallelujah thank the lord jesus we bless the name of your lord jesus hallelujah praise god the scripture this morning comes to us from [Music] second kings 20 reading from verses 1 to 7 praise god and it read us in those days was hezekiah sick unto death and the prophet isaiah the son of amos came to him and said unto him thus said the lord set thine house in order for thou shalt die and not live then he turned his face to the wall and prayed unto the lord saying i beseech thee o lord remember now how i have walked before thee in the truth and with a perfect heart and have done that which is good in thy sight and ezekiel wept sore and it came to pass before isaiah was gone out into the middle court that the word of the lord came to him saying turn again and tell hezekiah the captain of my people thus said the said the lord thy god of the god of david thy father i have heard thy prayer and have seen thy tears behold i will heal thee on the third day thou shalt go up into the house of the lord and i will add unto thy days 15 years and i will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of assyria and i will defend this city for my own sake and for my servant david's sake seven and last and isaiah said take a lump of figs and they took and laid it on the boil and he recovered air ends a portion of god's holy word we honor it by saying thanks be to god praise god hallelujah thanks be to god hallelujah anyone want to shout a hallelujah unto god come on is there anyone want to shout a hallelujah praise unto god come on let me hear you shout some hallelujahs go ahead and shout some hallelujah glory be to god hallelujah hallelujah praise god hallelujah we'll be singing from our pentecostal hymnal hymn 95 hallelujah i am determined hallelujah to hold out to the end hallelujah are you determined today in spite of the pandemic are you determined to hold out to jesus are you determined to hold on to the end hallelujah hallelujah praise god hallelujah thank you jesus when i first found jesus something hold me stone like lying in it went through me and glory filled my soul salvation made me happy and took my fears [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] he will lose so full of glory i am [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] singing [Music] is [Applause] is is [Music] me oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is oh [Music] is [Music] me oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] punch it up [Music] [Music] [Music] come oh foreign [Music] bye [Music] come on go ahead jesus [Music] [Music] come on we're gonna worship oh oh [Music] is [Music] oh i got it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] i got it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] yes i got it [Applause] i can't contain it but [Applause] do you have it today [Music] come on let me hear your worship [Music] [Music] holy [Music] come on let me hear shout some praise if you know that you got the victory shelter praise if you know that you've got the anointing shout out praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah we've got jesus today we've got jesus today but this is what we're pressing on we're pressing on to jesus lord jesus help bless the wise of mine hallelujah oh my god hallelujah birth of the higher calling we're gonna behave ourselves hallelujah because i feel like i'll just praise god all day because only god can do it only god can do it only god can turn it around do you believe that today that he can do it i know he can we believe he can do it and now he can i know he can't do it and now love me [Music] and at this time in my head praise god i'm gonna call hallelujah and our mother mr souza and the holy ghost to come with the greetings the welcome and the announcements praise god hallelujah yes i've got it do you got jesus today if you got through that if you've got jesus [Music] shout out [Music] praise god praise god hallelujah yeah hallelujah we praise the lord today for his many blessings for his goodness and his grace there is a worship in the house this morning praise god and i'm sure that we're home those who are home are feeling the presence of the lord today i greet everyone the precious name of jesus our soon-coming king i want to greet our pastor who is here with us today and all the members of the team that are here in the house i greet you all today in the precious name of jesus our soon coming king i also want to greet everyone that is viewing on live stream on youtube uh those who are just worshiping with us today i greet you expect a miracle from the lord as you worship hallelujah because we serve our omnipresent god who is everywhere hallelujah so the lord is with us and the lord is with you there and wherever the presence of the lord is expect something supernatural to happen and so as you worship with us believe god for your victory today hallelujah and so i welcome you all one more time and we're glad that you are with us today we know that it's been a while since we have gathered together especially those of this assembly bethel ark but we're believing god for a miracle soon amen so we can be together and worship together because our god is still in control hallelujah praise god let us remember that this is another week of the lord tarris it's one more chance again to give him praise and to do the work of the lord jesus christ praise god i want to remind us that uh this wednesday we have bible study at 6 30 on zoom as we've been doing for these past few weeks we are continuing our lesson on the tabernacle and we've been having a wonderful wonderful time with our lesson so please remember to join in it's the same zoom address and password there's nothing new it's the same one so go ahead and join on wednesday praise god 6 30 please note that at 5 30 thursday morning praise the lord jesus 5 3 5 o'clock uh this thursday a.m 5 a.m we'll have our early morning prior meeting praise the lord jesus and uh we're expecting god to move as he always does we had a wonderful uh uh prayer meeting this last thursday and i believe that god has blessed and touched and given some folks the victory and the miracles hallelujah that they have been praying about praise god also please note that thursday is our church fast so all of us should be on fasting this thursday seeking the lord and praying one for another praise the lord i want to also remind us for us to keep in mind that we have our month and fast coming up or three days of fast at the end of the month uh please make note of it we'll be fasting on thursday friday and saturday praise the lord if there's any changes of the last uh days of this month praise god if there be any changes we will let you know but please get your mind in tune for that uh weekend and also remember the last saturday of this month we're going to have our prior meeting again or pray for jamaica prayer meeting again let's keep in mind that we have those coming up praise the lord jesus uh if there is any other announcement we're going to post it in the church group for all of us to be informed praise the lord jesus also remember uh as i said before the details of those who need to pay their tithes and offering is also going to be it's also in the description on youtube and also will be in our church uh uh our church group so you can go ahead and you can do what you have to do praise the lord lead also remember that all our zoom services are the same password and passcode amen we have not changed it praise the lord jesus let's continue to worship the lord together let's continue to look the lord jesus because the lord is doing something let's continue to work for the lord jesus let's continue to check up on each other let's continue to call those we can call and and see how everybody is doing and let's continue to pray one for another praise god we're going to have the praise team coming again praise the lord jesus before the preacher praise the lord jesus hallelujah to god and they're going to be singing again before our preacher comes to bring the word to us praise the lord jesus we want to make sure that our heart is ready and receptive for the word of the lord jesus christ i believe the lord has a word for us that he wants to speak to us today and i pray that all of us will open our hearts and receive it hallelujah the lord bless you today as our praise team will sing at its time and minister let's go ahead and worship with them at this time in jesus name i feel a touch of hands so warm and tender [Music] in the path that i may trust i have no fear for jesus walk beside me [Music] and i am sheltered arms of god [Music] i feel the touch off and so warm and tender leading me [Music] in the part that i must and i am the arms of god [Music] me [Applause] foreign rise yes hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign rise [Applause] me [Music] oh yes i am let's go [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] okay one more time [Music] [Applause] yes oh [Music] [Applause] we believe that you are sheltered in the arms of god hallelujah so let the stars reach higher hallelujah hallelujah but they won't worry me hallelujah for i am sheltered i am sheltered you just have to believe it today you just have to believe it today holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah coming to us at this time hallelujah is a man of god hallelujah praise god i'm out of one wife two daughters hallelujah a man that is crazy for god hallelujah hallelujah no other person than brother hallelujah angel montacuo and the holy ghost hallelujah i pray that you listen hallelujah hallelujah to the word of god today god bless you hallelujah [Music] [Music] jesus glory of god [Music] [Music] glory you are my rock my shield and hide in place you are my strengths who are the threes you are my [Music] [Music] my shield and hide in place you are my strengths through all these ways you are my brain [Music] [Music] you are my strengths [Music] through all these ways for this hungry day you are [Applause] you are [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] through all these ways is hungry [Applause] [Music] in a [Music] [Applause] [Music] about a month ago i wasn't feeling so well and the lord just gave me that song hallelujah he said you are my rock my shield and hide in place you want my strength to wow this race god almighty you are my bread for these hungry days you are my rock you are my luck you are my rock my shield almighty the newbies jesus now do me this i feel you are my strengths [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are my stress [Applause] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] throughout this race so you are my lucky [Music] you are [Music] lord jesus hallelujah hallelujah anybody want to type in a praise i don't know if you can type tongues but if you can't type it typically hallelujah i feel a presence of god lord jesus lord jesus lord jesus anybody want to show hallelujah [Music] these are some hungry but god is our bread [Music] i heard david said he hided my soul in a cliff that shot my god god almighty jesus i feel anointing i feel the anointing hallelujah hallelujah i greet everyone in the name of jesus christ my pastor his wife hallelujah ministers everyone present physically and everyone who is present on the media i greet you all in the name of jesus christ our soon coming king hallelujah to god hallelujah i just want to say that this that we are doing is not a performance hallelujah this is not for any likes we are not doing this for subscribers and likes we are doing this because souls must be saved souls must stay in the kingdom lord jesus you are my rock greetings [Music] hallelujah if i if i don't say something that you don't like be upset with god because it's not me and i have no apologies because god's word must be spoken get me bow heads lord i thank you your words are yours they are blessed sanctified and anointed but as for me i am a no good i am not worthy i am not worthy of your goodness or your grace i'm not worthy even to stand here but i thank you for your mercies i thank you for your grace i thank you for that which you are about to do i speak victory deliverance healing hallelujah i pray god that your word will go forth without apology i pray god that the word will be in my belly like fire glory to god hallelujah and on my lips and my tongue like a hot piece of coal lord jesus i pray for utterance in the name of jesus i pray for revelation understanding i thank you for doing it now as you consecrate me a humble servant a sermon that is trying his best to do your will i give your glory in the awesome name of jesus hallelujah to god yes my wife is at home and she is watching it on my kids greetings sister monty q sister sabrina my sister akilah my mother too hallelujah god almighty hallelujah i don't know hallelujah there's a sweet anointing hallelujah hallelujah running through my body hallelujah to god hallelujah i greet all the wives and husbands hallelujah of grangspen hallelujah and other churches hallelujah the members that are watching musicians you're doing on an awesome job keep playing under the anointing keep ministering remember it's a ministry keep doing that in the name of jesus the technical team that's always working so hard oh lord god god bless you brother lord jesus brother jesus lord of his mercy hallelujah our teacher that is in our midst minister car hallelujah god almighty and i bless you all deacon henry hallelujah minister fiona hallelujah to god hallelujah [Music] moderating for us pastor now jesus hallelujah hallelujah i must say that god is indeed a good god and let me say this also contrary to what others are doing as a church on this platform this church is different we are not here to advertise nothing except the word of god glory to god almighty we are not true worship hallelujah we mean business i came in this morning and i said to pastor i'm a clock in i'm at work so i'm putting in my shift so you hear me so now little horse no worry about that ah jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god lord jesus glory to god uh just stand with me quickly glory to god hallelujah if you're at home i'm asking you please get a hat sister shanti said grab a rag grab something cover your head because that's what the bible teaches glory to god cover your head glory to god and we are a church your god is such an awesome god it is a good thing that the lord knows the end from the beginning and he says that we the people are the church so if you're in bottom pen pog wherever you are you're still supposed to be active as a part of the church this is just the building god is an anybody who said jesus jesus good bad god our good goodness let's get into this all right the scripture is from second psalm world chapter 9 and i'll just read it says and david said is there yet any that is left of the house of saul that i may show him kindness for jonathan's sake and there was of the house of saul a servant whose name was zebra and when they had called him unto devil the king said unto him art thou zebra and he said thy servant is he and the king said is there yet is there not yet any of the house of saul that i may show the kindness of god unto him hallelujah and zebra said unto the king jenathan yes jonathan had yet a son which is lame on his feet and the king said unto him where is he and zebra said unto the king behold he is in the house of makker the son of amio in lodibar the king david then king david sent and fetched him out of the house of mackerel the son of amil from lauribar now when mephibosheth the son of jonathan the son of saul was come unto david he fell on his face and did reverence and david said mephibosheth and he answered behold thy servant and david said unto him fear not for i will surely show the kindness for jonathan's thy father's sake and will restore thee all the land of saul thy father and thou shalt eat bread at my table continually and he bowed himself and said what is thy servant that thou shouldst look upon such a dead dog as i am my god and the king called zebra saul's servant and said unto him i have given unto thy master's son all that pertained to saul and to all his house thou therefore and thy sons and thy servants shall till the land for him and thou shalt bring him in the fruits that thy master's son may have food to eat but mephibosheth thy master's son shall eat all way at my table i want you to know that now zebra had 15 sons and 20 servants then since evil unto the king according to all that my lord the king hath commanded his servant so shall thy servant do ask for my feeble chef said the king he shall eat at my table make a note as one of the king's son make a note and mephibosheth had a young son whose name was michael and all that dwelt in the house of ziba were servants unto if he was so mephibosheth dwell in jerusalem for he did eat continually at the king's table and was a lame on both his feet you maybe see that praise god if i should bring a theme to you today the theme is lordy bar is not my final home the king is sending for me i repeat that lordy bar is not my final home the king is sending for me praise god now today hallelujah it's a great day to be in the house of the lord hallelujah i'm truly thankful to god for all the things that he have done for me if i should start to list the amount of things that god has done for me we wouldn't have time from where he has brought me from hallelujah to god to where i am today words will not be sufficient but i just want to thank god for being the kind of god who he is hallelujah when i was broken hallelujah the lord healed me hallelujah when i was in distress he came my way hallelujah when i was looked down on by others the lord picked me back the lord picked me up you want to know what it feels like to be broken ask me hello you want to know what it feels like to be forsaken ask me hallelujah you want to know what it feels like to be in a crowd but yeah you're all alone ask me you want to know what it feels like when your flesh and blood look at you and say you you will not come out to anything good ask me i wonder if we can i wonder if anybody can share the same sentiments you want to know what it feels like to cry day and night and it seems as if nothing will change ask me you want to know what it feels like when others look down on you as if you're an outcast ask me you want to know what it feels like when you're trying your best to do good and all that someone can see is evil ask me you want to know what it feels like to go to your bed without food ask you hallelujah you want to know what it is like when the doctor say to you you will not move again or you shouldn't do this or you shouldn't do that ask me god is a healer you want to know what it feels like oh god i'll make you cry until there are no more tears ask me no god almighty hallelujah god help me today hallelujah you want to know what it feels like hallelujah to have little or no arraignment ask me you want to know what it feels like glory to god to come from a less humbling beginning ask me you want to know what it feels like going to school glory to god you know how to get there because you have enough fear to go but you're not sure how you're getting back home ask me jesus now do this to me help me god almighty hallelujah to god hallelujah hallelujah to god you want to know what it feels like for someone to be laughing to your face and only as you turn it back it's a different story ask me god almighty jesus hallelujah hallelujah ask me god has been so good to me i just can't complain hallelujah to god god has been my my keeper god has been my sustainer i i just i know i'm talking to somebody god has been my strength he's literally been my bread he's been my rock in a weary land he's been my shelter in the time of storm he's been my bride when i was hungry it's been my water when i was thirsty ask me god almighty okay hallelujah oh god i know somebody may be hurting today but i've been there and god healed me can do the same for you jesus hallelujah you want to know what it feels like to be looking in yourself and there is no hope ask me you want to know what it feels like as a young man in church and before you even properly got saved people keep talking things about you ask me i was saying to a young brother this week he was telling me about some stuff and i was saying brother let me tell you this before i even got saved properly people already started to talk ask me i know about it ask me hallelujah to god hallelujah you want to know what it feels like in a church one click to the left one to the right and you're in this land by yourself broken wounded and hurt ask me god almighty so young people let me talk to you today hey carter who sat high if you're feeling any one of these symptoms and if any one of these signs are affecting you talk to me jesus will help you i've been there i've been there god brought me through he can do the same for you god almighty oh god no do this not do this jesus god almighty hallelujah ask me and i tell you how it wasn't by my mind nor by my strength but it was because of the blood and the spirit of god hallelujah so this lesson that we have today is a wonderful lesson and for us to really understand this lesson and and and and and the seriousness and why mephibosheth would call himself a dog and all of that in this particular story there's a little about a history that we've got to understand hallelujah god hallelujah back in first samuels chapter 20 there about it is said that david and jonathan they were closer than brothers some scripture penned it and said they were soul mates and i realized the other day i just want to address something the other day i was watching something i think on the internet and they are suggesting that david and jonathan were lovers the blood of jesus is against that a bind binder slime gave your spirit in the name of jesus that is a lie from the pit of hell and so it is said that hallelujah jonathan risked his life for david literally because if his dad had found us at the time what he did he would have killed him because he almost killed him already because he saw ordained fast to seek god for god to direct him against the philistines and he said no one should eat and the bible said because the people were weary and johnson wasn't there because he had gone further a day or two away to fight battle when he was coming back i mean he joined with the people he saw honey and he ate it and egypt lost the battle so saul and he said guess what you jonathan i already said this if anyone break my covenant or my commandment they should say i'm going to kill them sallam so shall the bible say the people rescue jonathan now jonathan as i said before literally risked his life for david and in the covenant in first samuel chapter 20 jonathan said my brother i want you if anything else you don't remember remember my house remember my name remember my posterity i'm paraphrasing now remember that i did this and i want you to remember my host when you become king because jonathan saw something in david that not a lot of persons saw god almighty jesus help me here so he continues to say that there was a time i'm coming down to the message to me to the matter it is said that jonathan was with saul and it was war hallelujah to god serious war was going on and the bible said that jonathan jonathan died saul died and two of jonathan's brothers died also in battle and for your information it is said that saul had about six children two daughters and four sons and one day three of the sons died god almighty hallelujah so the bible said that after they died the message got home hallelujah to god and when the message got home glory be to god the bible says that when it reaches jonathan's house because of what was going on in the lineage and in the lineage of saul there was a lot of war the captains were killing off the guards and the guys who are killing the princes because of power jesus christ i wonder how many of our church virgins are tearing down each other because of power god help us god help us god help us the bible says that when the message got to his house the bible said at the time mephibosheth was about five years old that's in chapter four second some words so his nurse grabbed him because she knew god almighty that when saul died and jonathan died and the other two sons died one was left but when she heard that she said yes i know and the funny thing about this it is not the philistine or the amorites not the parasites that were coming to get the sun these were the same persons that were in it that were in in israel the same tribe yosean church brother you see her sister who shall be looking out for you that was the same one that was coming to kill you help me jesus help me jesus so the baby said she grabbed him with an intent to escape she did but something happened that changed his life the baby said that while she was running out of house glory to god the little boy fell jesus christ the little boy fell and he broke both his feet so the nurse ran with him and took him to lordy bar and i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming so the story went on and we are chapter 9 now in chapter 9 glory to god hallelujah the bible says that david hallelujah remembered the covenant god almighty hallelujah he remembered the agreement that he had time help me jesus tell me let me back up just a bit let me back up just a bit the bible said that there was one son that was left and his name was east moshe that was the last son of saul god almighty the bible said that the two guards his two main guards came in while he was in his bed his chamber killed him cut off his head took the head to david and felt that they would have well they were rewarded because the bible says when they took the head to david david said you're wicked how can you kill a righteous man on his bed the bible said david said to one of his servants i want you to strike them how many of us in christendom when somebody bring our church brother's name to us and our church sisters name to us we would say no that's wrong how many of us we do that how many of us we're standing for our brothers and our sisters today i'm not expecting you to kill the the informer or the troublemaker but i'm expecting you to stand up for righteousness god touched her bosom help me holy ghost so the bible says in chapter 9 that david remember the covenant hallelujah to god and he went because what happened is that david now became the second king of the united kingdom because only three kings were part of the united kingdom meaning israel on a whole because israel was separated into another than southern i'm talking about a little history here work with me so the three kings were saw david and john and solomon so the bible said that because it was no king in his entirety because he was king of judah first he said you know what because i remember the covenant that i have with jonathan i'm gonna see if because now it seems as if the lineage was dying south lineage was dying and and jonathan's lineage was dying so he said is there another of the house of saul that i may show him kindness hallelujah the bible says there was a servant of the house of saul whose name was zebra there's always somebody so the bible said that he heard about david inquiring so he was messaged by david's servant to come to david the bible said that when he got to david he said yes there is a son of jonathan whose name is mephibosheth but i want us to watch this now but he's lamed in the feet in other words god god almighty he's from the lineage from the kingly lineage but he's not worthy to rule out to lead god tell me jesus help me help me help me because history would have us to know that even if you are second in line to be king once you have an ailment such as that or some physical disability you are incapable you are disqualified from the throne you know what that reminds me of and i just want to take it a little further you have some folks in church because you've messed up they think you're disqualified from grace because you got pregnant in church you're disqualified from grace that doesn't mean that you're gonna do it don't get me wrong because you committed fornication and you found out you're disqualified from grace because you're committed to adultery and it is known you're disqualified from grace no the king is going to sin for you no i'm not talking about you going presumptuously or doing whatever you're doing we are not in agreement in no form of sin but i'm saying in case you're messed up the king has not forgotten you help me jesus help me god i've been in situations where people look at me as if i was a dead dog and i was not worthy to even feel the anointing of god but i want to thank god for grace and mercy i want to thank god for salvation i want to thank god for jesus died on calvary i want to thank god for saving me when he did because he was lame in the feet he was disqualified from the throne hallelujah to god i want to tell you something when you look at the word lord power the word lordy by glory to god it says it is a place of dryness unknown productivity have you ever been at a place where it seems as if you can't touch god have you ever been at a place where it seems as if you cannot get a word from god have you ever been in a place that you felt so far gone it seems as if god is nowhere to be found but the king is gonna sing for you hallelujah i've been there i've been to the land of dryness i've been to the place of god hallelujah to god it also states that it is a place where no word no pastor and no communication in other words you're locked off your landlord from society you're ostracized you're forgotten have you ever just been walking down the road and you haven't seen some breathing for some 48 years ago from 28 years ago and because you were struggling when you said praise the lord they look at you as if you steal the boat have you been there i've been dead i've been there i've been there where people thought i would make it people stay on matter of evil against me oh god almighty but they did not know that i serve a god who has not forgotten glory be to god the violent sin are the rich of the blood you need to understand it doesn't matter where you are god has not forgotten you there is hope hallelujah to god there is hope there is hope and can i take it a little further i want you to understand something also that lowly bar hallelujah can be quantitatively expressed what do i mean it can be seen as good or bad depending on how you see hallelujah so in a case god glory to god where lord bar presents itself sometimes it is not your fault why you are there follow me now sometimes because of situations that put you there because some wounds are self-inflicted that is what i understand glory be to god and sometimes it is just some situations that place you there but lord remar is a good thing is a very very good thing and i'm going to tell you why one preacher said do not take the negative negatively if god did not allow some of us to go to lori bar we will never be here today lord god almighty lord do this jesus [Music] help me holy ghost if god didn't allow you to be in love for a time or a season you would not be here today jesus have mercy on me holy ghost help me holy ghost if you and i did not go to lordy bar we would have known who our friends were we wouldn't have known who our family members are we love those who are with us from those who are against us we will not know who all beside us are done beside us we wouldn't have known can you imagine for those who knew that mephibosheth was in lord about what they say about him god almighty jesus holy ghost glory be to god so in essence i'm saying thank god for lori barr thank god for the situation thank god for the dryness of the time thank god for the excommunication because even lord about god was still keeping [Applause] i feel the holy ghost i feel the holy ghost glory be to god hallelujah so the bible said hallelujah to jesus that when the king asked glory to god from february hallelujah to god ask if there's another that is of the house because we have to remember one thing if you can't keep a promise don't make it if you can't keep it don't promise it thank god for the anymore lord jesus thank god for the paradox in this situation let me testify to me tell you something i've been to that place and it hurts then but it bears now because i found out who was with me from who was against me i found out by the car david said if he was someone else from another place i could have understand what is my brother glory to god so god have to take us a lonely more at times to hide us to protect us and to keep us glory be to god hallelujah hallelujah to god hallelujah so the bible says hallelujah that oh glory to god hallelujah the king said i want you to go and fetch him i want you to do what go and fetch him so the bible says that when the female was sent for because of the history that was going on or that has gone on before with saul and david he must have been saying to himself lord god we did know the history is song was of a thing with an evil spirit of the lord and he wanted to kill david so much so just imagine you are now a big man big man and you hear that your father's enemy so to speak has sinned for you being a man of authority god god almighty your heart's supposed to drop to your foot bottom because you say yes me dead no but nevertheless the king was remembering the covenant so the bible said that mephibosheth was taken to the king hallelujah so the first thing that he did even though he was lame in his feet is that he prostrated before the king and he called himself a dog jesus you may not see yourself worthy of god's forgiveness he's reaching out to you hallelujah sometimes our situations and our sins take us so far that it seems as if there's no way back but god is searching for this hand of love to you hallelujah to god you might be lordy bar but the king is sending for you you might be in a place of dryness but the king is sending for you you might be in a place of our brokenness but the king is sending for you you don't have to try another source the king as a matter of fact help is on its way the songwriter says you may feel down and feel like god has somehow forgotten that you are faced with circumstances that you can right now it seems there is no way out and you but god's proven times and times again so many people say showed up at david's feet and the bible said glory be to god he bowed oh hallelujah to god before hallelujah the god david and he called himself a dog hallelujah and you cannot blame him because the name ephebri from the mouth of shame from the mouth of shame have you ever been in a situation that people knows about and you come to church just to feel god one more time and the embarrassment that you feel virgin i've been there um lord jesus i've built your brethren where it seems as if what i'm doing i'm doing the right and the right seems so wrong because of my state that i was in hallelujah to god so the bible said hallelujah to god my people said came and he bowed before him and said behold i servant what is it that you will consider me a dead dog but what messy bushes did not realize hallelujah to god that lordy bar which means no word no pasture no communication dryness was about to flip god hallelujah hallelujah through david as saying foreign which means drawn from the mouth of shame to a place that is now known a place of peace for vision and security which is jerusalem god wants to take you from your present situation and put you to a better place he's sending for you this word today is saying to your god has come for you hallelujah because you can imagine hallelujah messi would not have known anything better than lord bar a ghetto a dump god almighty you may not have known a better spiritual life because of where you are but the king is saying to you today i'm taking you to another place a different place an opposite place better for you a place of security a place of prosperity a place hallelujah of provision god almighty hallelujah to god so i want lord jesus hallelujah so when hallelujah hallelujah to god hallelujah when david we are sent for mephibosheth and he came everything about him changed he was crippled maybe short in stature because of his crippled feed but when glory to god the king regarding him he was no one of the tallest man in israel he could walk with his chest puffed out because glory to god of the father the king did not leave him in lord brethren that are watching bridging that are watching there's a hebrew term named aruka which means restoration today god wants to restore you he wants you he wants to draw you from a place of dryness to a place of plenty he wants to take you from the place where you are lame in your spirit and give your healing you want to take you to a place of brokenness and fix you you want to take you from a place of confusion and set your mind to soberness god wants to restore you today he has not forgotten you he has not forgotten your situation the the finals of the story said that when the king said to mephibosheth all that i saw all that soul thy father has or had it's yours oh god almighty a man that had nothing a man that was broken amanda was distant amanda was ostracized a man that was talked about that had nothing literally nothing he now became one of the most powerful man in israel one call from the king set everything in order one word from god today is gonna change your life god almighty but not only that the bible said that he did not only return all the that soil possesses to mephibosheth the bible said david said as of this day you'll be eating on my table in jerusalem god i'm mighty just imagine you're coming from a you know you know you know what's funny in my line of work sometimes i meet engineers and and pilots scientists researchers and it can be such a uh i wouldn't it's not embarrassing such a humbling experience when you sit at lunch with them and they say to you monty order what you want it can be such a homeless experience so i can imagine when god loved god almighty when when david took him from a place of dryness and said listen man do you see it right here is it hallelujah i can imagine when david said to him he said this seat right here belongs to you all the days of your life god almighty he know doesn't have to search for food he doesn't have to scream for food god god almighty hallelujah to god no more crumbs mister no more crumbs god almighty he cannot get rid of the crumbs just like you today god is taking you from lord deborah to jerusalem no more crumbs no more frustration no more backsliding no more looking back to you anymore mighty language when i look in my personal life lord god almighty and when i look and i i see how god just it's amazing i tell people my life is perfect comparing to where i'm coming from lord jesus holy jesus compared to where i'm coming from people of god and comparing to where you're coming from i don't matter where you are no you know comparing to where you're coming from a big life here i live right now because when i was in the state of lord by those years i was sure about dinner but ask me now i could hardly find clothes to wear back then in my lord of our situation were asking me about that no am i the king stable i'm at the king's table i'm in good places history i'm in good places so brethren my father god almighty lord jesus lord jesus lord jesus somebody said god god using my shoes yes i mean shirt yesterday we are nighting in the blood god is good god is good so brethren if you are in a place of dryness the king remembers you and he has sent for you to dine at his table what a privilege what a privilege now you know what the persons that used to talk about you the persons that used to ridicule you the person that used to put you down they have not become your servants lord jesus lord jesus because i can tell you that it's not all the persons that were in the house of mephibosheth when he came from lolita meant him good but they did not have a choice the bible says he shall make your enemy your fault god so don't worry about it if god has sent for you don't allow your situation to hold you hostage in lodibar jerusalem is waiting for you god almighty the house of bread and plenty is waiting for you god almighty clean water hallelujah a fresh anointing a fresh touch is waiting on you a fresh move of god in your life is waiting on you don't allow your present glory by situation to stop your progress hey catabol i know i just get you to somebody a while ago and now i'll just get to somebody however god almighty jesus now do me this love god hallelujah help me holy ghost lord jesus i love the lord today i'm a testament and a testimony of what the changes from lowly bar to jerusalem can do physically and spiritually god bless you god bless you the king sends you come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah what a word hallelujah from god today hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah bless him jesus in hallelujah you have fallen by the wayside of life dreams and visions shattered you are broken inside you don't have to stay in the shape that you're in [Applause] to put you back together again again in case you have fallen by the way trees and pigeons shattered you are broken inside you both [Music] together [Music] oh yes in case your [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh you are broken [Music] [Music] the king is coming to him [Music] is i give you jesus stay with jesus [Music] [Music] us [Music] [Music] give [Music] together [Music] [Music] came to david the first thing that he did was humble himself [Music] hallelujah but there's security in god i promise you that there is just he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high god shall abide promise you there's life in god there's security in god there are provisions in god [Music] are what you'll be feeding off and as a child of god we should not be feeding off scraps because he's the spirit of life lord jesus today we have presented jesus to you if you are not saved we give you jesus [Music] if you are struggling we give you jesus he has somebody's reminding me that he has sent for you today answer the call hallelujah today is your opportunity if you hear his voice [Music] don't allow your situation to death in your ears or blind your eyes [Music] if you take someone to take you to him allow the person to take with him because he's still standing for you it doesn't matter the medium that god uses he still remembers you and he's calling you from lordy bar [Music] i know some of you are struggling with some stuff some stuff that belong to lordy bar [Music] yes we all have and we all are but today's the opportunity to change that i give you jesus he loves you he wants to take you from nothingness to some things he wants to take you from adrenaline [Music] he wants to take you from egypt [Music] to goshen even though goshen is in egypt it seems that you are a universe apart he wants to change your situation and that's exactly what king david did for mephibosheth hallelujah what you have now in lauriebar cannot be compared to what god is about to give to you i bless you today glory to god glory to god and i present to us at this moment hallelujah to god our pastor in jesus name [Music] i must confess lord have been blessed but still my soul is [Music] oh me back take me back take me back i feel like i'm so far from you still [Music] those simple things that i want you i must confess [Music] is [Music] take me back remind me where i'm coming from [Music] [Applause] [Music] bring me to the place [Applause] to the place [Applause] [Music] [Music] i feel [Music] somebody out there but till i hear you [Music] the memories [Music] [Applause] just wave your hands in worship take me back take me back there lord one first time [Music] just worship the lord hallelujah right where you're standing or sitting right where you're laying down it's a time to pray right now amen let's get into the attitude of prayer amen praise god amen praise god amen some of us forgot where the lord brought us from we need to repent about that right now amen praise god hallelujah hallelujah praise god he took us out of the mess praise god and now we are in heavenly places don't forget amen where he brought you from praise the lord jesus amen don't forget where eve brought you where he first blessed you and upgraded you amen with a job with a house with a car with a ministry amen don't forget who gave you the power to gain wealth amen don't forget amen turn to two person and tell them don't forget don't forget hallelujah the song says how can i forget how he brought me how to how can i forget how he set me free the song says jesus i'll never forget what you've done for me hallelujah the song said jesus i'll never forget how you set me free oh god almighty [Music] jesus i'll never forget how never jesus i'll never forget what you've done for me jesus i'll never forget me free jesus i'll never forget [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay one more time [Applause] oh [Applause] set me free [Applause] is [Music] one more time like jesus [Applause] [Applause] you told me told me [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] set me free [Applause] oh get up again [Applause] [Music] just put your hands together [Music] hallelujah [Music] ain't nobody [Applause] [Music] [Music] say need to know [Music] [Music] everybody lift your hands we're going to pray right now grab a hold of somebody in your house hallelujah oh glory to god hallelujah hallelujah tell somebody pray for me hallelujah god because i'm about to pray for you right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i serve a god amen praise god amen that has no social distance when it comes on to a miracle when it comes onto your healing when it comes on to your breakthrough when it comes on to worship amen touching jesus is all that really matters lift your hands lift your faith hallelujah to god because the greater the battle the greater the victory i speak a miracle to you right now put your hands on the person and say i speak healing over you right now i speak deliverance over you right now i speak a breakthrough over you right now i come against every fatigue in the name of jesus i come against every spirit of depression i come against every oppression i come against every demonica hallelujah possession satan the lord already rebuked you and the people of god rebuked right now in the name that is above every other name the name of jesus elohim yahweh jehovah jehovah his name is jesus for he shall save his people from their sins receive a miracle right now in the name of jesus [Music] keep on praying somebody put your hands on your daughter right now and say the devil is a liar you are healed in jesus name your daughter not feeling well but put your hands on her now i say the power of god heal you the fire of god burn out every sickness out of your body right now in the name of jesus not because pastors say so because the spirit of the lord says so that your daughter is healed right now in the name of jesus because the blood still has miraculous power somebody shout i'm healed [Music] somebody you you need to show off you didn't feel like getting up oh cool [Music] but i speak life to your legs right now that weird troop is spirit all for you get up right now and walk around and tell the enemy there is a miracle in your room there is a miracle in your house with your name on it start shouting a praise unto god that's what the devil wants you to do he wants you to shut up but in the name of jesus huh i want to remind you that life and death is in your mouth and if you shut up your mouth you're going to die but if you open up your mouth and begin to praise god say i speak life in my situation i speak healing i speak a miracle in my body in every organ every muscle every tissue every nervous system to my brain left and right side i speak healing in the name of jesus clap your hands and shout a crazy praise i wish i could sing that song after all these years his blood still has miraculous power oh god almighty he don't sing it i just want to say that to somebody after all these years i feel holy ghost breathing in your house somebody said i feel the holy ghost breathing in somebody's i feel him in my atmosphere right now i see the glory of god over the band right now i see a cloud over you worship god on those instruments i see i see the wind of god visiting your house hallelujah to god god show me this morning that he's going to begin to pour out his spirit like never before somebody's going to begin to receive the holy ghost online while somebody's preaching up while somebody's praying for you yeah i feel the holy ghost i feel agreement in this place it cut the lord said some of you are going to receive the holy ghost right where you're sitting my god i'm not lying the holy ghost is in agreement right now lift up your hands and shout hallelujah seven times and when you feel the fire on your tongue speak as the spirit of god give utterance [Music] there is a miracle in your room with your name on it i'm just going to say that about three times i said there is a miracle in your room my god almighty what with your name on it you gotta put some worship put some worship on it [Music] hey some of you you've given god's six feet apart amen [Music] pride pride has caused you to social distance your god fear amen achievement i called you to social distance god but you need a hug of god right now amen don't let god give you a shock of your life don't wait to go into the hospital you need to wrap up yourself in jesus name because tomorrow is not promised with you you need a breakthrough right now somebody got up this morning you feel discouraged you felt overwhelmed with my name you're tired of the pandemic it's gotten so much to you hallelujah you want to give in and die the lord is sending a word to you right now he is sending the king to you right now hallelujah to god it's not [Music] on your situation in this room [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] so i'm [Music] somebody's feeling the anointing right now hallelujah don't resist the power of god god is knocking at your door right now hallelujah the god let him in he's knocking at your door open up [Music] the holy ghost in your house i didn't plan to come up here hallelujah [Music] but minister montague called me up here now holy ghost remind me right now that there is a lady you are preparing to do surgery oh glory to god hallelujah god but right now hallelujah the holy ghost is coming to you there is a pain in the bottom of your belly and you're contemplating to do surgery i'm a holy ghost speaking to you right now he said i'm sending jesus to you glory hallelujah to god and right now i wanted to put your hands right where the pain is hallelujah to god and say in the name of jesus hallelujah to god i'm tired of this pain and i god i want you to intervene god i speak life i speak healing i receive my healing in the name of jesus christ [Music] the pain is at the bottom of your belly ladies hallelujah woman you got a pain on your belly bottom [Music] [Music] let me tell you what the lord is saying to you i am the god [Music] that he let thee woman with the pain at the bottom of your belly i am the god [Applause] [Music] your disease [Music] sing it to your god [Music] stripes you're healed [Music] [Music] that your sickness is caused by a demonic attack holy ghost holy ghost and the only way out is to pray your way out until you speak out in another language pray your way out pray your way out this is a demonic attack that has caused your sickness somebody listening to me at times hallelujah i speak deliverance to you now in the name of jesus we push back the powers of darkness that cause that sickness to be on you hallelujah i loose you upon the authority of the power of the name of jesus christ of nazareth by the power of the holy ghost be thou loose from that sickness [Music] hallelujah hallelujah somebody has to do self-deliverance right now even if you have to shut your door jesus hallelujah just get in a place even after this program god wants you back in your prayer room he wants you back in your in your war room he wants you back in your closet [Music] that's the only way you're gonna get back to the king's table that's your only way back you are the [Music] lord he is [Music] somebody else just worship the lord god is still healing somebody [Music] amen you you you might watch this program amen even after the date has passed but this is for somebody who's going to watch this program not many days ends hallelujah to god hallelujah to god hallelujah the lord is calling you he'll send the holy ghost for you time is running out on you hallelujah waste no more time give your life to the lord surrender to him now tomorrow is not promised to you hallelujah to god hallelujah [Music] [Music] no other way even if things get better oh glory to god it's appointed unto man wants to die i see so many persons that they take care of themselves to 80 and 90 and 100 and you can do that as long as you want oh glory to god the outer man is going to fade anyway oh glory it doesn't matter what you do you're gonna have an appointment hallelujah some go early some go late some go by sickness some sleep away some never seek at all hallelujah but you never wake up oh glory to god your purpose must fulfill before you die the lord is standing for you [Music] [Music] worship i love this song holy ghost [Music] very slow and low [Music] from all impurity burn out sins [Music] there's not a friend [Music] no [Music] jesus [Music] every one of your troubles [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] no [Music] i just saw somebody amen with the pain in your hip [Music] it's on your right side put your hand right there hallelujah i speak healing in the name of jesus the lord is doing something different hallelujah and i feel a that connection [Music] is receiving their healing in their in their side right now hallelujah right below your ribs above amen between your hip and your ribs in the name of jesus god is performing surgery to that person right now oh glory to god hallelujah in the name of jesus cancel that pain cancer that sickness holy ghost in the name of jesus yes lord hallelujah do it lord heal that person now in the name of god oh glory i feel virtue is leaving heaven it's leaving his presence it's coming to you right now [Music] angel of the lord visit your people all over this world who got up with frustration i pray that you will heal their frustration oh god heal their mind remove every headache some of these headaches not even covered in the name of jesus some of these headaches caused from fear oh glory to god the lord wants somebody to know that the headache that you're feeling it's not from covid it's because you're worrying i rebuke fear out of your mind in the name of jesus lift up your heads and begin to worship god god is about to take away your fear even your breathing is going to aim and change right now you're gonna breathe better hallelujah because fear is leaving you [Music] hallelujah oh glory to god i find the spirit of fear fear is causing somebody to feel sick the lord is saying fear not my people i provided for israel even goshen and i am providing for you i am the lord that keep it and heal it and provide it for you lift up your hands people of god and receive that assurance that he is the lord thy god and he neither slumber nor sleep and he's taken and will take care of you nighty god jesus you don't have to like or subscribe but my jesus is real you don't have to like what we said i did today [Music] but all the other gods are the works of men and he is the only wise god he said to israel hero israel lord thy god is one hallelujah and thou shalt serve him only [Music] god is stirring up at eighth east right now but god is stirring up somebody who is a polyphase god is tearing you up he's giving you a divine visitation and he allow me to utter this word here oh israel the lord thy god is one somebody god is gonna visit you right now you you you're wondering amen you're between two opinions hallelujah to god hallelujah if god is one or two or if there is any god at all but there is a divine visitation coming to you right now because faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of the lord god is one god one god one bride one husband one creator one father [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] today [Applause] for you right now [Applause] jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you've got to run [Applause] don't get sick before you bow [Music] [Applause] [Music] time confessed everybody bow [Music] every knee shall be [Music] oh [Music] oh yes lord [Music] you're he's in your room he's in your room right now hallelujah visit somebody visit somebody is reaching out to your car [Applause] through a divine visitation [Music] thank you jesus everybody thank the lord everywhere somebody show thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus on the man shall thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah my hallelujah belongs to you come on do that do that with a keyboard do that hey my hallelujah yay [Music] i gotta give you one more before you go yo hallelujah [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah belongs to you deserve it you deserve it you [Music] all of the of the glory belongs to all of the glory [Music] clap your hands and give god praise
Views: 1,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fo9iRpUhFAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 6sec (11046 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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