Why Twilight Princess Is The Most Underrated Zelda Game

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I feel like tp is considered one of the top Zelda games and is praised a bit so it isn’t really underrated. At least not anymore. I would understand if phantom hourglass or skyward sword was the most underrated Zelda game, but not really twilight princess.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/TheTravelingSiblings 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

There’s definitely a period where it might have been (TP had a weird as hell popularity curve), but TP seems to be the second most popular Zelda game on reddit at this point (behind BOTW). I honestly don’t think it’s too underrated anymore (though it’s “only” #4 for me behind Ocarina/MM/WW)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ScorpionTDC 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I wouldnt call it underrated, its tied for first for best zelda game next to minish cap

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SuperD00perGuyd00d 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
if i said to you right now what is the most underappreciated zelda game what would you say no really what would you say because just between you and me there have been quite a lot of zelda games like jesus christ oh my god that's a lot there have been 19 main release zelda games but if we want to get technical including all the spin-offs like hyrule warriors or the cdi beauties and also including the re-released versions of games there have been a total of 47 legend of zelda interactive entertainment experiences now which of these would you say is the most underrated yes you could be that one tool who goes uh the complexity of the game in which legend of zelda said has never quite been reached again by nintendo in terms of the code gameplay just shut up no one cares no one asks shut up to me when someone asks for the under appreciated title of a series i think the answer usually gravitates towards an entry that isn't obscure or rare to me something that is underappreciated or under looked is something that was quite big once upon a time but as the years have passed it sits on the shelf collecting dust okay i don't know why i'm pulling at your willies and teasing you've seen the title of the video the legend of zelda twilight princess is the most underrated zelda game and here's why [Music] oh by the way like master spoilers so basically just go play the game but anyways two zelda videos in a row let's go i don't even know where to start to be honest i just love this game so so so so much why is twilight princess underrated well in a series like the legend of zelda where every game is getting a 10 10 10 10 10. it can be a little hard after a while for the individual parts to stick out i mean let's look at the core 3d zelda adventures archangel time is still one of the most talked about action adventure games maybe ever he got everything so right on its first try and basically paved the way for not only nintendo but the rest of the video game industry as they vented onwards into 3d majora's mask whilst always suffering a little bit from younger brother syndrome was quickly noted by everyone as being a super unique and twisted approach on the so far child friendly franchise it's not that they suddenly started putting scary things in your face or braiding your eyes with jump scares but ijawanuma took the time to carve out a world with realistic reactions to the horror and grief of impending doom wind waker has had this completely bizarre turnaround where it was just absolutely hated by everyone at release due to its juxtaposing art style compared to what was popular at the time but now everyone looks back at wind wakers super fondly appreciating it for its gorgeous and bold aesthetic it's wholesome in cute direction and its attempt at the first truly massive open world zelda skyward swords split many people in general it felt like the division was mostly found between the critics and the fans with the former praising the game and the latter despising it like wind waker though its ban that supporters has come to fruition years after the game's release people love the orchestrated music the gorgeous french water painting inspired art direction the brilliant creativity in the world design and the man who awaken their sexuality giro him i mean come on his tongue is so long and of course we have arguably the next ocarina of time breath of the wild i already made a whole last video on it but basically it took open world games and made them really really really a lot better than they were and now everyone talks about it everyone talks about all these games a lot except twilight princess always seems to be left out of the discussion now why is that in a game-informed interview shigeru miyamoto says with every single zelda game they tried to reinvent the wheel yes that's right i did research for this video god i hope you're happy and again you can kind of see that with each game first 3d action adventure deep and believable world and characters first go with an open world-like adventure one-to-one motion controls and the reinvention of the modern open world when looking at twilight princess that doesn't seem to be quite anywhere near as much surface innovation what do i mean by surface innovation well well from a first glance twilight princess looks to be another run-of-the-mill copy of the previous games the innovations and step forwards are in all the less obvious bits the story the controls the music the world the humor in fact since there is no big innovation to this game except for link turns into a dog a lot of people see it as kind of unremarkable in fact a lot of people still claim twilight princess there's a remake of ocarina of time which i just that might be the single most stupidest thing you guys have ever said come on guys i'm the stupid one you can't go around saying stupid [ __ ] like that that's my job so too long don't read twilight princess isn't very talked about much anymore but here's why it should be because spoilers for the rest of the video guys the game is really really quite good this is easily my favorite filled world of any zelda game again a claim i barely hear anyone ever mention while link has gone on countless many classic adventures and endeavors at this point the world itself hasn't always been the magnum opus main focus archer of time is very bright happy and cheerful feeling very much like something you'd see in a disney movie wind waker is very much the same albeit with more style it's very bright filled with bubbly characters and gorgeously cute moments but if i'm gonna be honest a lot of the worlds of these two games feel quite hollow well there are definitely hubs of people and things to do there is a lot of empty room where it's just are we there yet no we have another four hours of sailing to go majora's mask improved on this tenfold well it feels less real in the sense that termina may be some dream like paradox state link stumbles into the characters and the scenarios we find ourselves experiencing are so detailed and responded to the way people in real life would react it can't not leave a stronger impression now twilight princess goes even a step further than majora's mask right from the get-go it sets up a world that feels more grounded and lived in one of twilight princess's biggest criticisms is its slow start and yes it does take you a good two hours to get to the first dungeon but it's all for an important reason padding no no it's up you spend ages as link in aldon village just being a normal person you heard goats talk to locals help out your neighbors and friends hang out with the younger kids flow with your childhood crush and more giving time for the play to explore link's ordinary farmer life achieves a couple of things firstly it gives us small routes for which to spur and grow from later on in the game you're going to be doing a bunch of [ __ ] cool [ __ ] so it's really nice to look back to a simpler time when you stared up at the sky and wish to leave your small village secondly it sets that one of the game's biggest strengths it's motivation in quite a small amount of time twilight princess gets you to care about thy neighbor whether it's the kids who look up to you the pregnant wife or the village mayor when the village is attacked and the kids are stolen you've just spent two hours getting to know these guys and so of course you want to help them twilight princess spends a lot of time establishing and delving into the characters of this world more than any other zelda game in my opinion this may be the biggest reason that twilight princess stands above the rest while there are prominent and not so prominent figures that have guided the story in previous zeldas they usually vary one note without much depth or color zelda's good ganon's bad sheik's philosophical etc etc okay maybe that is a little unfair wind waker actually did surprisingly well with its characters despite its deceptively cartoonish appearance giving ganondorf a real and justified motivation for his actions giving tetra this double life as a pirate and a princess and giving the king a redemption arc with his heroic sacrifice but when we put that next to twilight princess it's not even a question which one does better service of its characters twilight princess does this really brilliant thing where it makes you actually care about the characters around you at the beginning you've got these adventurous kids who are so impressed by you and your older brother-like skills of important notice is colin who feels kind of understated in comparison to the rest of the group he wants nothing more than to just grow up and be like you then of course there is ilia she exudes that perfect sweet childhood friend slash borderline crush vibe even the villages of odon form a connection it feels like a very tight-knit community in a way i don't think was felt in previous zelda games you help each other out in neighborly ways have chats and do your day jobs in the short time before the game really kicks off you get to care about the people of this village so when uh-oh happens it kicks off your drive and motivation thank you i now give a [ __ ] about what i'm doing because you took the time to quickly set up a level of care and that groundedness comes a little back into play again when the children are kidnapped the adults in order are freaking out and are upset and doing everything they can to get them back i didn't know this until my last playthrough but if you go back after you've transformed into link again you can find russell or bloodied and bandaged up trying to save the kids in a zelda game oh my god nintendo stop it you didn't and dude when you find those kids safe and sound it's such a rewarding feeling even if they can't see you and they think they're gonna die and they have to spend time with the weird bomb guy but then look at this remember that colin kid he lives up to his dream of becoming strong like link look at this heroic act even though it results in his kidnapping colin attempts to the selfless act of being a hero character development twilight princess is filled to the brim with interesting and memorable characters big and small you've got talma the sweet and sexy owner of a bar in castletown who also leaves a mini hybrid resistance you've got agatha a girl who is super obsessed with bugs when you collect them and give them to her she tells you a weird fact about them it's honestly kind of creepy oh you've got all the animals yes that's right you can talk to the animals in this game my favorite is thomas cat who always has your back and helps you out heaps like thanks you pompous puss oh and when you're in the dungeons there's this super bizarre bird thing called ooka oh and how can i not talk about melo i mean what the [ __ ] is this baby so serious so blunt and then out of nowhere becomes this evil capitalistic millionaire and then we have the oh [Music] i know it may be weird to fixate on such small characters but when you have so many minor personalities making such an impact it helps make the world feel important it makes you care about the place around you and again gives you motivation for you to save the people in the world but one thing twilight princess does really well is making moments out of its interactions take king bobin for example the first time we see this big dude he is kidnapping the only thing we really care about our friends the kids so when he pops up again and we're powered up a little we are fueled up with desire for revenge after the most bombastic field fight the series has ever had you have a showdown with him on the bridge the music in this bit is just brilliant and does nothing but help emphasize how intense this duel is after a nail-biting fight you finally beat him and when link does this awesome pose it feels earned if it was any other zelda game that would be the last received king goblin but no we get another bridge rematch and then we are surprised by him in arbiter's grounds for some hand to hand combat well sword to massive [ __ ] axe dude [ __ ] and when you defeat him what does he do burns the place down the nerve of this guy dude come on then right at the end of the game in the stormy atmosphere of hyrule castle you find him for one last fight not gonna lie it's kind of intense the few interactions you've had with him have been so memorable and this feels like the final showdown between the both of you when you finally defeat him instead of burning you or sabotaging you he concedes and speaks a monster in a zelda game speaks to you even midna weighs in on how serious that is it's moments like this that just make me love twilight princess instead of getting mostly 2d flat archetypes of characters so much thought and creativity went into making the people of heart will pop up the screen just that little bit more okay but of course i have to mention the one character who quite literally may be the single reason for this game's success the best companion we've ever had midna first of all what has been the purpose of a companion so far in zelda a literal navigation aid with navi an annoying sassy remix of said navigation with tattle someone to occasionally interrupt you for no reason with the king of red lions a [ __ ] annoying piece of [ __ ] fight basically at the end of the day they are there to help guide the player when lost while they experimented a little with characterization of the companion with tattle by the time they got to twilight princess they were dying to do something new midna is easily the best companion character of the whole series maybe even the best written character of the whole damn series unlike previous companions midna isn't just an unwilling servant to the demands of link if anything it's the other way around she has her own agenda and her own goals and link is just a tool for her to use to get it done she is very sassy very condescending and teases link at every shortcoming when you first meet her she mocks link with the faces of his kidnapped friends yikes at the start of the game she's very selfish she forces you to get her a sword and shield she ditches you when you're both trapped in a burning building she really has you by the ropes for the first leg of the journey but as you continue through this adventure and circumstances change you really feel like your relationship with her grows as she learns to change and adapt the more you travel together the more she opens up it's not until the third dungeon in which she actually tells you why she's been making you run around to do what you've been doing and the reason is really compelling then right after that you run into the big bad villain zen who after a quick tease at some lore defeats midnight and link in one easy swoop suddenly minna is on death row and you have to save her this beautiful piano track plays as you literally run across all of hyrule as a wolf desperately trying to make it through the rain and past the enemies trying to get her to zelda before she dies and why are you doing this not because the game is telling you to but because you actually care the game has planted all the seeds and has earned this serious moment with you when you do get a disorder her dying wish is to stop the evil of the world in a twist and turn of events zelda sacrifices herself for minna and you can see the panic in her eyes suddenly everything changes and midna now becomes super pragmatic and sympathetic about hyrule and wants nothing more than to take down zand it's just moments like these that really make twilight princess shine if minda wasn't in the game there is no way anything would be as good if it's not for her sarcastic and sassy comments it's her oddly relaxing spliced up voice for real you think it would sound like something out of banjo-kazooie but it sounds really good fun fact her voice clips are actually scrambled english sentences which one really have you made up your mind i'll take you there with my power what do you think happened to those who try to rule with sacred magic i have a request would you find a mirror don't go running off i'll be watching i guess you aren't stupid midna is literally the glue that holds twilight princess together well actually i guess that would be a poner horse jokes funny glue she really is what ties the world together and makes it so engaging and fun there are like a million moments i love with her i love before the arbiter's ground how she shyly opens up to link about the history of her tribe i love her bit of dialogue after agarock is killed and i love her despair field realization of her power when she kills zand oh okay bro now we gotta talk about zant zen may be one of the most interesting villains to date the first time we hear of him is in this boss ass cut scene his shadow beast just run in and storm the castle killing everyone and what does ant do just walks in so coolly the next time you see him is terrifying you just turn around and there he is bam with no resistance at all he just wrecks you and midna the next time you see him after that actually this one's kind of lame and no one talks about it so um yeah they should have kept that out no but for real the best part about zayn is how they set up this super composed diabolical villain for the entire game and then just chuck it out the window at the end of the game when you approach zen you're expecting the calm and collected badass but he just snaps suddenly he becomes this homicidal maniac he was screaming and jumping all over the place and dude it's so good his boss fight is so memorable because it's this wacky turned upside down boss rush of everything we've seen before but hosted by this jar jar binks homer simpson hybrid and after you defeat him he pays way for the real villain of the game okay i know a lot of people really don't like ganondorf in this game feeling he takes the limelight away from zan i honestly like it he's teased in a cutscene in the middle of a game and then comes back right at the end with the reveal that he was the one pulling all the strings behind the scenes and his design in this game just looks so cool he is so big and bulky and has such a demeaning look about him hold up real quick he looks great here but then here oh bro yeah why what the what what did they do to him and same with link look how they mask there's my book link is another big character i want to talk about oh my god i need to get this on my chest on the promotional line in pictures and smash in everything where they show twilight princess link he looks like this they show this super tough and edgy guy but that's not link from twilight princess this is super soft peaceful happy caring of course there are moments where he's all yeah but the majority of the time in this game link has a very soft look to him it frustrates me to no end that people look at him from other mediums and go yeah the edgy link like bro no he's not edgy he's not blonde he's not great he's like a sweet and caring older brother there are so many moments where you can actually see the emotion in his eyes as he looks down at the kids he saved or wakes up from the slow possession of dark power or panic when midna is hurt he may be as silent as ever but he feels a little more realized look okay i know i've talked about this point for a hot minute and a half now but i think it's what twilight princess does so well that the other games don't quite reach wind waker kind of set the seeds for this with having your sister be kidnapped but then the island just kind of chills out for the entire game really the whole world chills out they don't really care about anything that's happening actually do they even know what's happening do they but in twilight princess everything is in danger of being drowned and twilight or being shafted by big bad ganon so how do they make you care about that well they make link this average ordinary farm hand and make you form a connection with the people which then gives you a reason to care and go through on your journey a journey which is then propelled by the mystery and intrigue of your sassy companion midnight piloted forward even further by the insanity of the big bad villains and which is then stripped away at the last second for a classic battle between good and evil it's as simple as that okay seriously thank you for making it through this section that no one cares about except for me now what you really came for it may be clear after the last video and this last entire section gameplay isn't my favorite thing about zelda don't get me wrong if a game isn't fun to play i won't play it but having a world that's good and interesting goes a long way in keeping me invested it's lucky for us twilight princess does both really well this was the fourth 3d legend of zelda title by this point nintendo had a very solid grip on their ocarina of time formula you go to a dungeon get a new item from the mini boss use it to complete the second half of the dungeon beat the boss use that new item to get to the next dungeon rinse and repeat twilight princess doesn't majorly improve or shine in a bold direction with the gameplay instead i think where toilet princess gets it right is again with all the small things that changes for example this is the only zelda game where you can run and swing your sword at the same time it is insane to me how and why this feels so good to do it works wonders when running through grass or into a group of enemies going back to any other game and then trying to swing is just bro i need this feature back so bad do you know how good it feels to just run around and swing your sword like so good but in general link controls really nicely in this game his roles are a beautiful far cry from the sluggish stop and start of the n64 days and link has a great turning circle okay maybe a little too great okay somebody stop him the big innovative feature this time around is link's new ability to transform into a wolf it's definitely interesting i'll say that i can easily understand why people wouldn't like this there are three major sections at the start of the game where you're forced to be waffling for a long period of time i don't mind these especially in the hd version which shorten them from their anonymous lengths of the original but wolf thing can be really interesting it makes you re-evaluate the world and surroundings you find yourself in and forces you to figure out how to maneuver in a non-traditional way with midnight you can even jump super long distances and traverse in a super unique fashion and again a lot of the charm that comes along with wolf link is just getting an interaction time with midna she sits on your back and commands your steed as you run around the world barking growling and howling oh speaking of gone from the zelda game for the first time in a 3d titles link's musical ability there's no instrument linked plays no ocarina no conductors batter no [ __ ] bongo drums instead link can grab these reeds of grass and blow on them to call my ass oh yeah by the way you can name the horse in this game and i just think that's very funny the only other musical-like thing is through wolfblink who can howl to its tune goodbye old system and me picking the notes i play myself in summary i love wolflink it really gives this game a unique voice and charm and ties in thematically with the narrative and playing as link is fun whether it's exploring or in combat which is really similar to how link normally fights just with a mouth full of razor sharp teeth instead of a cool sword oh speaking of cool swords though this time around there is a greater focus on combat while the old technique of just waiting around and slashing your sword or spamming spin attacks does do work the game gives you a multitude of new options for fighting with you get the ending blow which lets you kill enemies who are incapacitated instead of waiting for them to get back up like the previous games you've got the shield attack a nice little push of the shield which can put enemies off balance the back slice a move from the wind waker which you can pull off at any time now instead of waiting for a parry the helm splitter where link just does a full [ __ ] spiderman and does a flip then there's the mortal draw basically you just walk up to a dude and go hey check this out you're dead i don't think it's very uh practical but it makes me feel like a cool samurai you've got an upgraded jump attack i i i don't really know if this one's that that useful though so um yeah then you have the great spin when at full health you can do a super powerful spin attack yeah whoa cool i love the idea of giving us more and more moves to take to the dance floor of combat it really mixes things up if you're sick of the stagnant and simplistic combat of the previous games the problem with the new moves though apart from like the first two is that they're not really necessary you don't need to use any of these moves you can just spin attack everything over and over again and you'll win in fact i have never gotten the last three hidden moves until this recent play through and it felt like i had to really go out of my way to find them but getting them is actually a super fun endeavor you go to these stones and howl at them and get this cute little wolf howling cutscene with a rather gorgeous scenic backdrop then you have to find a ghostly wolf who transforms into a big style folks which actually may or may not be the old link from ocarina of time dude what zero [ __ ] does to a guy another big change coming up the last couple of games is the removal of the magic meter dude that's pretty huge it must have been a late change because on the box up for the wii you can see an in-game screenshot and oops so if link can't use magic to aid him this time around how does he do any of the cool stuff we've come to expect well link is really buff i mean really buff he's throwing sheep throwing guns throwing this big [ __ ] metal ball around dude literally how does that work he looks like he's breaking his back just holding it what oh my back oh speaking of the items are quite interesting in this game you've got the usuals of course like the bow and arrow the slingshot bombs iron boots etc but this time around there are a few unique new additions we've got the aforementioned ball and chain which is as simple as the name implies we've got the spinner which again is kind of as simple as the name implies you can go to certain cracks on the wall and sometimes teabag holes in the ground so that's cool you've got the double claw shot which is a super cool upgrade to the normal hookshot by giving you another one now you can claw around like spiderman the bombs are really cool in this game because you've got normal bombs but then you've also got underwater bombs okay that's not that cool but what is cool is bomb arrows you can put them on the tip of your arrow and then shoot them and ah dude it's so cool one of the worst items though is the dominion rod it lets you control statues okay you only end up using it for like one dungeon so i don't know but i guess speaking of that's a nice transition too this may be twilight princess's greatest strength which i've said about like five different things now while the moment-to-moment gameplay and formula hasn't been shaken up too much the team really went to work at reinforcing and building upon the structure of the dungeons in this game they're all really good except for like one which is the water one but that's kind of a given and actually to be fair is still pretty good why are they so good you may ask well firstly they're actually pretty difficult i mean like any other zelda once you played it once it becomes a little easier to breathe through on replays but on my first playthrough i got very stumped a lot of times only in very rare instances do these stumps feel cheap most of the time they're well earned in the way they make you re-evaluate your situation the times they feel cheap though do kind of burn in snow peaks ruin there is this one block puzzle that took me maybe 30 minutes on my second playthrough i swear to god i tried every single combination oh that wasn't actually that bad oh that's right i forgot i'm stupid but come on guys this is snug boy you know it's not the gameplay of a video game that makes me care are you stupid man come on the best thing about these dungeons is how brilliantly they are themed from the music to the design to the concepts it's all just so much more special than twilight princess in a call back to ocarina of time our first few dungeons are forest fire and then water themed but even in this nostalgic return to coal the team tries some new and interesting ideas the forest temple is a giant treehouse powered entirely by wind power there are also like a million acrobatic monkeys for you to swing on and for a first dungeon it feels especially rank and dark and dirty and kinda spooky for a beginner temple i think it leaves a great impression and raises the bar for the rest of the game the goron mines is again another cool twist in a classic it's set in death mountain of course but it's infused with this industrialized mind setting and i love how you have to find the key piece by piece by talking to all these old goron dudes who are literally just vibing you also get this super cool gravity altering concept that has you flinging about onto giant magnetic lips but when you have to walk on the walls dude it's so slow hurry up but the gravity stuff has you solving puzzles in some super unique ways but the best part is how dramatic link is when he drowns in lava dude damn the oscars are cancelled this year put that away next is lakebed temple moving on arbiter's ground is uh okay fine we'll talk about lake bed temple i just think it's way too confusing it's not bad but i am really stupid and i just can't do it without a guide you've got to control the water flow with this stupid rotating staircase thingy that can just [ __ ] right off i can barely do the water temple man this just feels like the worst but but once you beat this dungeon the game really changes and puts itself into second gear next is the arbiter's grounds which is generally one of the coolest in the whole series it's this indiana jones-like desert temple with skeletons and ghosts and ghost rats and you get to ride around on this giant beyblade so i mean what's not to love the next is the fan favorite snow peak ruins well i mean you know the dungeon is gonna be fun when the way to get there is by snowboarding down a mountain snow peak ruins is actually very different from your typical dungeon because it isn't really one you're in the house of these two yetis one of whom is sick you're looking for a shard of twilight mirror and she keeps telling you where the key for it is but every time you go to where she says it is it ends up being a piece of food but you get to use this piece of food for a yum soup so that's great next is the temple of time and honestly kind of my least favorite thematically while it's got a very solid concept it does just feel like you're running all the way up and down a marble hallway then finally we have the city in the sky dude i love the city in the sky he finally made it to the home of ukra and they try speaking to you in this weird font like um i don't speak dumbass sorry but genuinely this dunnon is super unique and feels very weird and almost like something out of a mc escher painting and they really put your brain to use with the way you have to use the double claw shots and after that there are technically two more dungeons if you count the palace of twilight and hyrule castle which for some reason in my brain i always think of as two different things but if you aren't stupid like me and count it that way there are nine dungeons in this game eight being really good and one being that's right but the best part about the dungeons that makes them so good is the bosses these have to be hands down the best bosses in the whole series like damn well the first one does kind of leave you wanting more the second one first just gets you so excited for what's to come i think what i love the most about them is that they feel really epic yes i know that word is over saturated but it's really hard to describe it in any other way in a lot of them you feel like david and goliath as link has to take on this massive beast of an enemy that dwarfs him in size and what's great is that you have to use the item you found to defeat them in a way that feels a bit more clever than usual for example with virus you have to pull at his chains with the iron boots so he falls over or in more field oh wait i forgot to say remember how i said the lakebed temple sucks bro that doesn't count anymore because mawfield is one of the best bosses a water dungeon boss is one of the best there i said it i'm not afraid to say what's controversial one second it sucks ass as you just sit there waiting for the eye to go through the tentacle then all of a sudden he's swimming around and knocking pillars over and you're desperately swimming around this guy trying not to get hurt and then you get clawshotted to his eye and just stab him then back to indiana jones we get on our beyblade and have to fight this giant floating skull and it is so adrenaline-filled and brilliant another banger then guess what remember that sweet yeti well surprise surprise we have to fight her you've got to look at the floor of the new ps5 ray tracing reflections and avoid her shards of ice and when we beat her [Music] oh my god that is so sweet i i romance is alive and well but not for me anyway here's the worst boss in the game it's just a giant spider but okay to be fair you do get this pretty funny gag where you think it's dead but nope and then to top it all off you have argo rock it's a dragon come on dragons are cool now a big reason why these boss fights are so brilliant and why they stunt bosses from all the other games is for one element unique to twilight princess dynamic and adaptive music what's that well when you fight a boss in majora's mask let's say the game starts playing the boss music and that's it that's all you're going to hear while in twilight princess when you start fighting a boss you'll hear its theme but when you get into a moment of uphand victory the music changes to the triumphant and epic main motif of the game i mean it really is just that little sprinkle on top of the cake that makes the fight more intense more adrenaline filled and more fun and i mean now it's time to talk about my favorite thing about this game and that's the music [Music] i know all music and r is subjective but twilight princess has the best music in the entire franchise and it's not even a competition well every zelda game has really good music again twilight princess just feels like they took that one step up compared to the rest the score to this game feels like a true connected symphony as opposed to various chopped and spliced individual themes what do i mean well in twilight princess we get a lot of running themes and light motifs for example here is midna's theme instead of playing only when minder is on screen like they would in previous elders the melody is woven into a million different places depending on what is happening for example when we first see her we hear it in the background [Music] we hear it re-contextualized to a happier note with the boss battle defeated music [Music] and we here on the very triumphant title screen which ends on what [Music] midna's theme dude is this game about minda oh my god what another big one is link's heroic theme unique to this game of course it plays during hyrule field which by the way this may be the best hyrule field theme to date halfway through we hear this motif [Music] now whenever link does anything cool we hear that again one of the coolest uses of this idea of themes is during the boss battles which i already mentioned but i cannot explain further how amazing it feels to be sweating away at a boss to already amazing music and then when you get that chance to hit it you guys get that epic scene boys let's go it might sound small but having these themes and motifs weave in and out of the story makes the game feel more connected and powerful by having an interconnected score with themes lending a powerful hand to different moments it not only helps tie the world and narrative together but it just sounds great but aside from that when we're talking about all the individual themes i mean twilight princess just has the best music i mean hyrule field come on lake hylia come on ganon come on the house theme bro they added an extra part to the house team let's go but there are so many other tracks which no one gives attention to stance boss fight is literally the coolest thing ever just like him it's a deranged and degrading remix of all the previous boss fights speaking of the boss fights maybe some of the best boss music ever but after you beat a boss and the fight is all over and done you are serenaded with this beautifully relaxing mystical tune okay remember king bobin there is no way i would remember this moment with such delight if it wasn't for this amazing score you get this triumphant array of horns and drums and choir as you chase him down then when you get to the bridge what do you get this wild west one-on-one whistle and of course i can't not mention the hidden village which is just this beautiful homage to the wild wild west days of old the music of this game is a two-sided coin on one side it is very bombastic and triumphant and adventurous the other side is very subdued quiet and beautifully relaxing i mean here's hyrule field during the day yeah let's go then here's haroldfield at night that's nice one of my favorites is farron woods if it was any other zelda game it would probably have a big bright score that is very jumpy and quirky but here we get this very beautiful but ominous tune a lot of the music is so relaxing it is usually my go-to in writing or needs something easy to listen to in the background i cannot tell you how many times i listened to this video during studying in high school look basically what i'm trying to say is the music of twilight princess is super important to this game not just because zelda has a reputation for good music but because this time they really tried to go above and beyond with integrating it into the story and narrative and creating a richer world and they succeeded the music is such a brilliant narrative and world building tool and it all comes together perfectly for the final climax nothing makes me love this game any more than its conclusion because it's over joker it's like the stars of the narrative align and everything that has been set up thematically comes to fruition first you make it to the absolutely gorgeously atmospheric hyrule castle i thought i would be able to say that then it all comes to heat when you storm up those stairs lightning flashing wind hurling it's just so intense then you see him ganondorf daddy just the pure personification of evil there are a couple different fights we have to do with ganondorf between each fight however a nice piece of character interaction and story beats like midna trying to protect zelda zelda and link calling to the spirits and also before all of that men are turning into a [ __ ] beast and then link holding you like a little baby oh also this finale just has some of the coolest shots i mean look at this and i'll always love how time slows down as zelda teleports the pair away at the last second but nothing beats ganondorf's brutal death and how as he stands barely able to walk zan comes in and then maybe my favorite part of the whole game midna's reappearance the music swells and swells as link runs to see her again and then we get this you forget we do space it's the perfect thing for her to say then roll credits blah blah blah blah boom this is a marvel movie now there's a post credits scene but this scene is what always makes me so sad even though the world is saved even though midna has come to care about the light even though we've just shared this massive adventure together she decides last second to trap herself into the twilight realm for the rest of time the worst part is what she says to link i just can't do it i always get so emotional this ending just hits different and it's all because of minda she is the heart and the soul and the lemon and the line of this game everything she does and is a part of makes you care about this world and your objective and what you are doing i really love this game every time i finish it i just get so overwhelmed by emotions i just can't this is for now anyways my favorite zelda game of all time okay but sometimes the game is really [ __ ] stupid i know i just sucked the game off but god knows how long but let's take a step back and be objective what doesn't the game do right well just for reference i am playing the hd version i own the wii version but never actually got very far into it i mean i was a bit younger but that didn't stop me from complaining the other zelda games i think twilight princess has a weird progressive difficulty spike what i mean by that is you know when you're lost in a game and you have that feeling of where do i go well that comes up heaps in twilight princess on the original gamecube and wii version for instance in autumn village you have to get the fishing rod and then catch a fish twice for some reason why would anyone do something have it not work and then do it again thankfully they changed this for the hd version but there are still some weird instances of things like this when you need to get the reek fish scent for snow peak ruins you need to go to kakariko and talk to the zora prince maybe i've just done it wrong on all my playthroughs but i swear you talk to him once he says nothing and then you have to enter into conversation with him again for him to actually give you the fancy fish hook dude what the [ __ ] in general progression between dungeons can be less than optimal sometimes they require you to grab really specific items which can only be obtained in super linear ways sometimes the time between dungeons is super short but sometimes you've got to do like a million [ __ ] stupid things to get to it the journey between the temple of time and city in the sky just feels like the bullet to the ankle at the end of a 25k marathon you have to go to tama then go to kakariko then go to the hidden village do the sick ass wild west hidden village bit then go back to kakariko restore ilia's memory then go back to hidden village show impassio dudo dominion rod then go back to kakariko talk to the node in the basement he restores the rod then you've got to find the 12 statues or whatever then you go back again to kakariko to get the cannon or whatever then you go to like highly and then you get it fixed and then and only then can you enter the city in the sky dude oh what the [ __ ] especially at the end of the journey it can just be so exhausting and speaking of ilia's memory i've said about a million times in this video now i love how we have motivation to do the journey because we care about the characters or whatever but the whole ilia memory thing is just chucked out the window we finally find her again but she has amnesia then we kind of just forget about her until right at the end we're told we can restore her memory so we do and then there's this nice cutscene between the two and then she just kind of stands in a room for the rest of time like okay happy for you b also if we're on the topic of little story quirks i love ganondorf but why doesn't he do anything until we show up i mean he locks hyrule castle behind this big f off pyramid but then just sits there until we rock up like dude i've got four dungeons to go just kill the world already also at the start of the game people being drowned in twilight seems like this awful terrible thing you talk to people and they're in a constant state of fear and horror but then when you get to hyrule castle everyone's just living their normal lives i'm just like what does it even matter then that the twilight is here like they don't seem to care this dude seems as happy as ever i really wish they played into that more having it be this constant feeling of unease or dread or something i don't know i know i just praise the music wholeheartedly like five seconds ago but who the [ __ ] decided to make the music midi yes yes yes yeah i know the gamecube had a disc the size of a peanut but the music is just so left behind in its sampled form it's especially heartbreaking when we've heard the music performed by orchestras in the many concerts since the game's release listen to this and then this [Music] this that this [Music] that it's just a shame and speaking of music sometimes the game just reuses themes from the old games with absolutely zero reasoning apart from a quick nostalgia bar i guess when you're doing the wolf howling the song of healing is one of them that's cool i guess but what does it actually have to do with anything i know one of you guys in the comments is going um actually the hero's shade is linked from joe's mask so like i don't shut up the version i've been showing and playing is the hd remake of the game on the wii u problem number one it's stuck on the wii u when the switch came out i was so optimistic that it would be ported over alongside wind waker hd almost straight away how wrong i was it's been almost four years problem number two this is the original now this is the hd one oh wait actually sorry i swapped between the gamecube and wii okay now this is the hd one that's it yeah look they could have pushed it a lot more i actually think it still looks good and when you compare the original to the hd the improvements are actually very nice you don't realize how pixelated a lot of the textures were until you see them compared saying that though when wind waker looked like this and then wind waker hd looked like this oh my god holy [ __ ] it's just a little disappointing we didn't get some nicer looking shadows or whatever but the funniest part about the hd version is that it was ported over by an australian company how are you and the best part is how you have all these japanese names in the credits and then when it gets to the hd credits you suddenly get the most bogan sounding australian fans but the absolute worst thing about the port is the stamps remember the me verse it was nintendo's weird social media experiment thing there were actually some kind of funny posts made by stupid kids on there and there was this one guy who used to comment nice water on every game so that was fun but one of the cool parts was you could draw things and have stamps twilight princess hd thought it would be a good idea to make you find all these stamps in the game this is not a good idea imagine this you're splunking your way through a dungeon and you see a chest up high or in the distance or something you go out of your way to solve a puzzle or to pass an obstacle and when that magical chest is opened stamp and this happens like all the god damn time it kind of makes you not want to open the chest so yikes now the last thing i want to complain about is kind of a weird concept i saw this tweet being like replaying old games is a bunch of [ __ ] parts but when you finish it's a 10 out of 10. i think i get that a tiny bit with twilight princess gameplay-wise there are a few hiccups here and there skyward sword is infamous for its over-abundant hand-holding and coming out right before that one you can kind of see them lean into it a bit more and more there are times when you'll know what to do but midna insists you ask her anyways there's some puzzles which will just show you what to do even if again it's quite obvious like it's not terrible but i'm not dumb either dude i can figure it out and in dungeons as per tradition they give us new items to use which is cool but a lot of the time they become obsolete very quickly the slingshot the fishing rod the spinner the ball and chain the dominions rod these all feel very forgotten after they're one or two seconds in the spotlight but every now and then and it's rare but every now and then we get just a [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] part the block puzzle you have to complete before getting the master sword can just [ __ ] right off come on dude this sucks also i know i've spent a lot of time saying how i love that i care about saving the world in this game but when i say world i mean the people and like the two towns the actual hyrule field is a bit empty look i don't supermind because you're just traveling through it half the time and you can stop off to do little things here and there like explore a cave or whatever but it is a bit barren but look overall even with the slight problems here and there i really love this game [Music] i love the sound effect when you teleport and how you get turned into black little squares i love the way the sun shimmers over the horizon i love how wolf link can hold onto things by his two paws i love the sound effect of the text box i love that there's a free controlled camera with the right stick i love minda's voice i love when link opens a door he has to use two hands to push it up i love when wolfling falls and you hear him howl to his death i love how peaceful and quiet the game is especially the opening which is so soft spoken and hushed compared to the epic tales that opened the other games i love this weird and creepy cut scene with lincoln ilia i love that you can hold cats and dogs i love how the game is actually funny sometimes i love the music and the atmosphere and the riding of all the hidden skills especially that now well red line a sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage i love the way link sounds and i love the look of his tunic and i love his smile shigeru miyamoto has gone on record saying it felt like there was something missing from twilight princess this is also the guy who thought star fox zero was a really good idea i think twilight princess excels in what it's trying to do so incredibly well through its characters through its story through its music through its solid gameplay twilight prince has achieved something special no other zelda game has been able to reach it speaks in the super unique voice that i just resonate with a lot i know this has been a long video i know you probably don't care about it as much as i do but it just feels nice to love games to love something so much you get so excited and passionate and emotional when you play to write and edit a whole ass video about it to constantly force your friends to listen to your myriad of rants about how good it is when they really don't care twilight princess is that for me and frankly sometimes it feels like it's just me occasionally i hear a bubble or two from someone else who likes it but right now people are really overlooking this one twilight princess is a fantastic game and if you haven't you really should play it hey guys thank you so much for watching this video i know it was long i know it was painful but you guys don't even know my ass hurts my voice hurts my brain hurts if you play twilight princess let me know what you think in the comments below i actually really love the discussions we get going and i love the jokes tell me if i'm right tell me if i'm wrong tell me how i as always exude big virgin energy and guys please have a fantastic day stay snug see ya
Channel: Snugboy
Views: 340,074
Rating: 4.9019823 out of 5
Id: 0SbVF7cPA5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 33sec (2613 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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