50+ New Beta Pokémon Designs | Space World 1997

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[Music] hey everybody if you want to skip this intro and go straight to the part where I talk about the new Pokemon designs you can go right to this minute mark here some of you don't know the history but some of you do and I figured I'd respect your time enjoy the video we've talked about the Nintendo trade shows sometimes titled space world in 1995 96 and 2000 but somehow I don't think we've directly talked about space world 1997 before there was very little at this year's show in terms of console gaming with the struggling 64dd so this show us focus was on the upcoming Gameboy game pokemon gold and silver this demo version of the game came two years before the final ones were released in Japan and there were reportedly a number of differences in this version compared to the final games big reports I remember hearing over the years included talk of a skateboard that characters could ride instead of a bike different map locations and two starter Pokemon completely different than the ones we eventually got rumors about this space world demo have been swirling for 20 years over the last 5 years or so info has slowly trickled out about these early versions of gold and silver May 2012 a Japanese webmaster from the scrapped Pokemon Support Group writes about items and animations within the final golden silvers code that suggests the skateboard action was indeed real October 2013 an image of the back sprite of the fire starter is tweeted by Twitter user katsu nagawa the photo wasn't actually from space world but a very similar promotional event that happened in early 1998 March 2017 a translated interview from a fan who attended the original space world 97 is released on glitter Baron October 2017 Japanese footage lost four decades of the space world 97 event makes its way to YouTube one of the most interesting things from this demo is a prototype design for everyone's favorite mascot pop in late May 2018 Pandora's box is opened a ROM supposedly containing the space world 1997 demo is released to the wild a huge team at the cutting room floor had apparently been working with this ROM to compile information translate the demo and allow playability the debug menu there's an endless amount of information Maps data moves and most shockingly hundreds of sprites including a prototype Gen 2 pokedex featuring dozens of designs never before seen by the masses this is one of the biggest Holy Grails in game hacking history I'm always skeptical about stuff like this and this leak seems too good to be true but the entirety of the leak backs of all video images and testimonials from space world attendees over 20 years ago I know very little about the fine details of 1990s game boy code so if you're interested in hearing more about this projects research I highly recommend you check out both the cutting room floor and the recently created team space world Twitter for future updates there today I want to share some rapid thoughts about these never-before-seen designs while I could be here for hours if I talked about every single detail here I just want to talk about the designs that I found the most crucial or most surprising and even with those cuts that still leaves us with well over 50 Pokemon to talk about this leak is insane these designs have been hidden from the world for the last 20 years but let's dig in oh yeah and before I forget introducing the artist gallery I think it's truly amazing how many artists immediately went in to make their favorite version of all these new critters so I took to the world of Twitter to gather some of my favorites you can find each artists Twitter handle here and I've also linked each artists website in the description as well oh wow right off the bat before I can even get to the new stuff we've got a weird one Chikorita and Meganium look very similar to their final builds but bay leaf is a it's doing something else it looks like they went for a concept of a blooming flower here and while I'm released they decided to focus more on the lines legs and a sauropod like appearance this eye looking thing down here is pretty spooky kinda reminds me of Jirachi I like this Jirachi this Jirachi kind of scares me the next huge chunk of Pokemon that we're gonna talk about are gonna be the ones that are completely new designs not related to any existing Pokemon as of now here's the line I've been waiting to see for years han aguma biroba and Dyna baya make the firestarter line we've been speculating about for decades the back sprite with a small bear matches up with that tweet we found in 2015 as well also interesting information but the reason the Metapod appeared red I guess is because the player changed the color palette at some point in the super Gameboy menu I actually like this line the best of the original three and I'm curious why they were so adamant to alter two starter evolution trees after unveiling them to the public and here's the water line bringing another ancient illustration to life I can see some similarities and body types used for the water stirring lines in the future but in general these look pretty unlike anything we've seen before moving beyond the starters and into more new pokemon it brings us the water-type man ball one and the water and steel Akari I don't think that one is significant it looks like a remnant of an early naming convention where they would put what part of an evolution line of Pokemon was in Akari is one of my absolute favorite unseen designs of the bunch week later dude sharks and we later get anchors but this combination is equal parts silly and awesome it's pretty funny how many unused shark designs we've seen until Sharpedo actually became a thing yet another water steel type comes with guru tesu my thoughts immediately turn to huntail when I saw this little guy but I've had some people note similarities to Lantern who interestingly isn't anywhere to be found in this demo next up are the adorable Thundercats cateura and right aura these guys make me think of chibi versions of today's raikou this wouldn't be the last time Pokemon would make some Thundercats I just love a puffy and not intimidating this line looks moving to the spooky side of things we have the ghostly evolution line noir awara and kion pan the straw Buddha doll with a giant stake right through its heart is downright terrifying but net has a pokedex entry about sticking pins into its own body but this one is just letting it out for everybody to see well we haven't quite seen a ghostly jumping vampire panda since the closest modern Pokemon I can think of compared to this one is the Pancham line it's no secret that Game Freak loves cats and they've left even more off the table with the adorable dark type rinrin and b run run in the demo rinrin was female only and oh my god they are so cute baa Moo chica was one of the few newly revealed designs without an evolution line but the most interesting thing to me that this explosive seal had the unique water and fire typing we wouldn't see that typing officially until 2015's volcanion and our final two brand new designs go to the ice type roof oh man and wha roof ooh these designs don't immediately scream ice to me but I can definitely understand the warm coat for a cold climate thing I also kind of like the mimic you thing they've got going on here where the Pokemon looks like it's wearing the pelt of another Pokemon and we don't know what the real thing looks like that's hiding inside our next category our Pokemon that do exist today but have drastically different designs and we ended up getting milk towel for example was a whole lot rounder like kuku and it stands on one foot also like ooh hoo politoed had a grander and plumper appearance and in this game of all via an item called the hearthstone Mitsubishi here was apparently an early version of Letty I always thought it was weird that ledian was called the five star Pokemon and how so many of its pokedex entries mentioned stars in this back despite not really having stars on its back perhaps this design is some sort of missing link it's not the first time I've seen stars on a ladybug but I definitely do like the final ledian design a lot more i've always wondered why the very fish like remoraid evolves into an octopus but these older designs contextualize things a little bit both designs combined aquatic creatures with weaponry with the revolver like remoraid and the tank like octillery the final designs are a lot more subdued this wouldn't be the first time Game Freak combined fish with guns though check out 1994's pulse man may be an inspiration hitmontop has one eye port maybe these are the eyes and it's got another one of those doraji eyes in the stomach sprites are weird man and all I know is that this sprite did end up getting a lot less weird murkrow had a literal witch's hat on its head to go with its broom of a tail it's adorable but unlike rum raids line I do think the subtle final design works a little bit better porygon - is uh uh what that's porygon - so at a first glance this design bears a striking resemblance to pond a lion a popular mascot of Japanese donut shop mr. Dona however pawned a lion and the pawned a ring donut that it's based off of release until 2003 in the end I just think the design similarities between the donut dude and porygon 2 are just a coincidence I think what they were going for is the idea that porygon is this jagged and crappy polygon rendering while porygon 2 has a better computer so they used more advanced shapes like rendering spheres the final porygon 2 still builds on this rounded design but while looking a lot more like the original duck-like porygon oh boy you ready for legendary beasts because they all look super weird special use we Coon whoa these designs are way less coherent than the ones we know today and they all look completely different from each other and I think even Game Freak knew these weren't anywhere close to final designs their names are simply fire thunder and water clear placeholders I like to imagine that these designs were the ones that got cooked in the burns tower before ho-oh revived them and made them fabulous here's a concept for a Chauncey evolution that would eventually be replaced by Blissey what confuses me is that despite the giant heart on top of its head they did not evolve by hearthstone in the demo just regular level ups and here's a little guy that we saw at the beginning of this video hop it it looks like the original jumpluff line had no legs and was a lot more cat-like with a big tail I wouldn't be shocked if the name Hanako was truly a pond on that Japanese word for cat Nico after all it's so dumb but I love that stupid Cullen 3 thing the UH that it looks like there was originally plans for a Leafeon as early as generation 2 which would have made a second trio of Eevee evolutions also while the design hasn't changed much it seems Umbreon was originally a poison-type with evolution by the scrapped poison stone once again this would make a pokedex entry make a little more sense it's gold entry mentions poisonous sweat from its pores and speaking of evolutions that wouldn't officially happen until Gen 4 here's an early concept for a licker tongue evolution I honestly like this one significantly better than the final design no stupid Wi-Fi symbol and yes amazing mustache another one of my favorite designs of this batch is theoretically an early design for what would become man team come beer angle or ear devil another Pokemon fighting two halves is the early design for girafarig here a normal and dark type this is another design that had an artist's interpretation floating around the internet for ages I'm not sure why they ended up giving it a Chain Chomp but instead but this can't doglike design actually does make a lot more sense it's named in both Japanese and English is a palindrome spelled the same way going forward and back in that same vein this design is going the same way in each direction oh yeah and girafarig originally had a pre evolution to this floating ball called twins ooh a que twins and if we're talking about babies now it's time for a new section there are a lot of babies in this version of the game an absurd amount an incomprehensible amount for many babies that you know today their designs can be described in two words it's spherical so many old designs are just adorable little ball versions of what we know today my favorite of this pack by far is the early mr. mind baby variant there are just so many babies in this game some of them like this bear looking tie rope seemed drastically different while others like growlithe and Ponyta looked very similar to their original versions without a ton of changes of the fire types I do enjoyed this baby Vulpix a lot this one has only three tails which would build naturally into Vulpix is six tails and 9 tails is 9 you get the idea there's just infinite amount of babies baby Paris baby Goldeen baby Grimer baby doduo don't explain to me how we're supposed to go from three heads back to two and by far the most fan art I've seen of any design revealed in this entire prototype is a baby meow which seems to feature yen coins in its design to go along with me elfs koban coin and persians gem well I wouldn't call it a baby pokemon it seems there was a design for Pokemon basically just called turbine looking identical to slow Kings had nothing in the data suggests anything related to either of the shelter lines or the slowpoke lines so it is kind of a strange enough and the last maybe I found interesting was tangle a pre evolution to tangle up with one teeny little I mislead guys also interesting because it wasn't just a scrapped pre evolution tangela even had a scrapped post evolution as well for our final segment I want to talk about some evolutions that didn't end up happening here's the prototype evolution to tangela still so much tangle hair that you can barely see anything at the face but instead of eyes all you can see is this chest sharp cat-like smile it's kind of creepy gives me a vibe that reminds me of porky from the mother franchise here's a scrapped evolution for qwilfish despite the Harry Potter like lightning bolt over its face this Pokemon was coated simply as water type in this version of the game here's a unique scrapped evolution a branching evolution line for a Pokemon that already got one this tropical take on a stage after weepinbell would have evolved the a poison stone and would have been grass and poison just like victreebel poison stone is also how you'd originally get bellossom which in this game is also grass and poison to this version just like vileplume i like the idea of these alone forms before a lowland forms really existed but i am glad they gave blossom some diversity in the final version with its typing even far-fetched got an evolution with a Japanese name that roughly means Madame the leek became a cane we got a darkwing duck like mask this thing's got sass I love it another lost mask devolution belong to pincer this one looks like a mix between pincer heracross and a hollow from Bleach I think it would have been cool to see this Pokemon as a Dueling new bug type evolution to rival scissor but in the end it looks like they went with a completely different direction when they did finally get pincer a mega evolution and last but certainly not least is an evolution to my favorite Pokemon an Eman the metal code evolution for ditto is a national treasure his face is so silly just looks like he's perpetually screaming this Pokemon was still normal-type and it seems to just be a ditto with barely better stats it is possible though that this pokemon did end up influencing that metal powder item the generation 2 held items specifically made for ditto to increase its defense I think any montz face perfectly sums up how all this new info dropping makes me feel this is by far one of the most exciting Pokemon related discoveries of all time between this the scrapped designs passed around in the Satoshi Tajiri manga and a new game announcement all dropping in the same month it has been an absurdly hype time to be a Pokemon fan a huge thank you to all the artists who sent me something and a huge thank you as always to you the viewer for watching my stuff I can't wait to see what new Pokemon discoveries await us in the future
Channel: TheJWittz
Views: 333,977
Rating: 4.9368544 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokémon, Gold Silver, Gen 2, Space World, Space World 1997, Space World 97, Pokemon Beta, Pokemon Leak, Pokemon ROM, early Pokemon, unseen, beta, rip, TCRF, Playable
Id: ZpG7U7Z61HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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