Cut and Altered Locations of Pokemon Red & Blue | Pokemon Cut Content

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within any rpg one of the most memorable features are its map it's where we look back and remember where we started where we struggled and where the adventure ended and pokemon red and blue are no stranger to that and in order to build a believable and memorable world many changes had to be made over the course of development last time i showed off some of these beta maps of the game along with some of the major changes however many of you requested for a much more up close and personal look at each town and route and your wish has been granted so today on cut content we look at the cut and altered locations of pokemon red and blue before we begin please hit the subscribe button and hit the notification bell too to further support us and keep creating new videos now as i mentioned last time there are 5 versions of the pokemon map to quickly review you have stage 1 the concept map that is a simple sketch that even features the desert which evolved into stage two this basic drawn map of where all the routes and towns would be and even includes this cut island location next you have stage three an in-game early map featuring completely different tile sets and different designs too which then evolved into stage four using our modern tile set that was incomplete as it even stacked one story houses to make buildings and towns that looked rather different and lastly is the final version that we got today stage 5. for this episode we are going to look directly at the in-game maps of stage 3 and 4 as they were made in-game to make matters more simple the older stage 3 maps are going to be referred to as the alpha maps while the later stage 4 map is going to be referred to as the beta map of course the place to start off with is pallet town which has the same basic shape in all three of the maps and having the northern exit as basically the only way to leave but everything else is quite different the alpha version only features two houses which line up with yours and your rivals housed in the final version meaning the laboratory may have not been planned yet or was in a different town or it could have even been one of these houses the beta version had all three however but yours and your rival houses were only one story houses instead of two like the final versions but otherwise the other distinguishing feature is the appearance of tall grass in both of these maps maybe in these versions if you stepped on them oak would grab you and take you to his laboratory much like the final game then one other neat detail is that in the alpha version the town was surrounded by trees while in the beta version it's surrounded by mountainous rocks both of which i think look more natural as barriers as opposed to whatever these are in the final game but moving to route 1 they look very different in these two maps in fact both the alpha and beta version have a similar layout and are a good deal shorter than the final games and also notice the lack of legends you jump over like in the final game it doesn't exist in the beta map which is interesting considering the alpha map has its version of the city here but i guess they hadn't went and made it yet in the beta version with the new tile set that is but comparing the alpha map to the final games all the structures are present in some ways you have an n in a very jrpg fashion in the alpha version which likely acted as the pokemon center back then here however i believe the structure has a writing that says pmg on it which might stand for pocket monster jib which might have been the pokemon gem back then hard to say if any of these remaining three houses were the pokemart or just regular houses though the one other interesting feature is that they have the road to route 22 blocked with construction posts a feature that is more common in modern pokemon games as a means to prevent the player from reaching an area too early i imagine once you had all eight badges the road would have cleared up now route 2 is wildly different in every version here in fact both the alpha and beta versions don't even have a viridian forest the alpha version is just one short walk the beta version just has a guard house that normally would lead it to the force instead it opens up to a lengthy walk that features odd houses here and there the alpha version has no house however inside a cave directly available to go to the tunnel like in the final version while the beta version uses a house instead on to pewter city which again is missing the beta map by looking at the alpha map we can see the gym is off at the exit of town and i'm guessing this unique building at the back with a pokemon may have been the pokemon museum the one odd point is this building that is a rather cross-shaped and this big winding building here too hard to say what they could have been but i feel this version of pewter city overall feels richer with content now with route 3 mount moon and route 4 it seems the alpha and beta map again had routes but no cave available the alpha version is a bare bones road which seems to have the number of the route on it too a trend that is to continue with most roads from here on actually while the beta map had a more complex route you can definitely see that they didn't have the modern tile set complete yet as they were using other ones that would existed in place until they made the rest now like the previous cities it seems the beta version here is also missing cerulean city now the alpha version is a very different city i don't see any sign of a pokemon gym here unless it hasn't been implemented into the city yet otherwise there are far fewer houses here and a massive pokemon center while i theorize inns were the old pokemon center in this build i imagine they were literal ends like in other jrpgs where you'd spend the night and recover and thus this speaks so big might have been simply because it would have fit a lot of people and pokemon in there now going to bill's laboratory in route 24 and 25 the alpha version is again very barren with its routes i think at this stage and at this point routes simply weren't developed enough yet the beta version definitely had it built up however a simple house representing the lab and definitely no path to build supposedly garden yet the rest of the route has different geometry with no water at the bottom areas and no unknown dungeon implemented yet now moving to route 5 with another barren build of the alpha map the beta version is in the nicest way possible and absolute disaster i get that the tile sets weren't complete but this is only a step away from joining glitch city well regardless like the final games there are three houses as there should be one might be a daycare the other might be an underground path that leads to route 6. now the third one isn't actually a pokemon gym despite it looking like one is just a placeholder structure for the gateway that will lead into saffron city and we know this too as the gym structure was used in various maps actually as placeholder structures like this tall building made of gems that we'll plan to visit later like again here in the beta map of route 6 the gym structure is again used for the southern gate of saffron city but as for the rest of the map it seems the other house that links up to their house on route 5 via an underground path is present as well the map is a lot more linear going into vermilion city and yes route 6 of the alpha version is simple here too so i'm moving on to vermilion city which finally the beta map has another made city here unlike the final game the beta map doesn't look very port-like i mean i see a little opening here that i imagine may lead to the saint anne however the gym is in the right place and has no branch you have to cut otherwise all the structures are in different places here though i do see the beta version of the area the guy with the matchup is pounding but it's kinda all over the place the alpha version is wildly different containing grass in the city and three odd structures again it seems the theorized png pokemon gym structure isn't here either as it may have not been implemented yet now moving to route 11 the beta map has a lot more of a linear path instead of using grass maze like in the final game that leads to what should be a gate to leave but it's kind of blocked off literally otherwise i imagine the diglett cave would have been accessible through this house here that links up to the other house on route 2. i guess it would have been more of an underground pass here if anything the alpha map of course is another simple straight line here now through cerulean city or the lack thereof and on to route 9. the beta map has a force element one crosses before getting to a mountainous path but it's a very linear path here compared to the complexity of the final games with all those cliffs that twitch plays pokemon especially struggled on the pathway to the power plant is here too though no structure is here yet other than a random door on the mountain but the door to the rock tunnel is here i'm also going to theorize that this should be the pokemon center but is using a placeholder house as they haven't made the structure yet which brings us to route 10 where the beta map continues its linearity and simplicity onto lavender town and yes route 9 and route 10 of the alpha map are still simple straight roads and cue the music we are in lavender town the first thing one notices in the beta map is that the pokemon tower is made up of multiple houses stacked on top of each other since they hadn't made the structure just yet while the alpha map has no tower and uses a very different town map i wouldn't be surprised though that this u-shaped structure could have been the burial grounds for the pokemon instead as it is the most prominent thing here otherwise the layout is very different both versions with more of a force build in the beta version while surprisingly having water in the alpha version now moving to route 8 the bait of map had a very basic shape that kind of resembles the final games including the house that leads to the route 7 map though this version has water actually and the pathway to saffron city was completely blocked off by these stones instead of using the guard house and these raja stones are going to be a common feature in more of the beta map 2 which has led me to theorize that they are placed in parts that are still being designed and worked on and once again the alpha version is barren now since we are going by the traditional order of the game let's skip right to route 7 then which i don't think i need to mention the alpha map here the beta map once again has the path to saffron city blocked though even without the guard house here two houses are still here like the final games with one that should lead to route 8. hard to say what the other one is however and here we are in the big city of celadon which exists in all versions starting with the alpha map it's definitely one of the more complex cities we've seen so far considering this city is based on shinjuku i would presume the massive department store would have been here this early too and it would have probably been this big structure in the middle otherwise once again no presumed pmg gym but as i've stated earlier the alpha version may have not implemented in all locations yet the beta map now is where things start to get familiar starting with the saladon department store being made up at four gyms stacked on top of each other since no structure of it exists yet in fact almost the entire city is made of gym structures since there are a lot of unique buildings here and they don't have them made yet including the seldom condominiums and what might even be the beta game corner now returning back to the alpha map what's interesting is that there's a dock right here unlike the final games what's so interesting about it well it's that this might actually have a very high chance of it being led to the cut island of the game now i've covered this island extensively in prior videos which i highly recommend you check out after but there was once an island that you could visit in the games alpha version it even has the presumed pmg gym that we saw in viridian and pewter city meaning it's possible that the gym locations were indeed different at this time also this truck which is the same one found out of bounce in the saint anne's dock in the final game actually i have previously theorized that the original path you might have taken was to take the sentence to this island and then another boat to celadon city meaning you would skip the rock tunnel altogether and since we know celadon has this dock too there is now even more credence to the steering now we are on route 16 17 and 18 which is blocked off in the beta version i can't assume though that this house here was the guard house to get the bike lane despite it being blocked otherwise it's a straight line down the beta map unlike the final games and it has no water or grass much like the alpha maps actually which is a clear smooth road all the way down these three routes though it seems route 18 in the beta map wasn't made yet so you'd just be sliding down to a watery grave so at fuchsia city now well this city was at least more of an afterthought it seems both versions definitely look like they didn't really spend too much time on them the alpha version only has two structures one of which being actually a pmg pokemon gym actually the beta version is a cluster of blocks much like route 7's guard house like that map i theorized that this massive blocks might have been there simply to indicate that they need to still design it in fact there isn't even a gym here in the beta map something that even the alpha map has but to my surprise here it seems that the alpha map of route 19 actually has a lengthy dock unlike the final and the beta map which contains a singular structure and even a pokemon center i mean the pokemon center being here makes a lot of sense too as it's a long path to cinnabar island after all well now tackling the other side of kanto here's route 15 14 and 13. all of which are straight roads again in the alpha version in the beta map it seems the guard house is once again represented by blocks but otherwise the routes are basically completely different from the final games 15 and 13 literally look the same and there is no wooden fence maze like in the final games and 14 hasn't been made yet then we got the wooden planks of route 12 none of which existed in the beta version being more or less just another super simplistic map like 13-15 no water present here either and once again it seems the guard house at the end leading to lavender town is represented by blocks do i even need to show the alpha mappa of route 12 at this point and after this big loop we are now at saffron city and it seems to continue the trend of underdeveloped cities in both maps the alpha version basically didn't even bother it's as barren as a route the beta version however is very interesting much like fuchsia city a large chunk of it is covered with stone which may indicate that it's still being planned now we know saffron city is based off the tokyo metropolitan area so i would imagine planning to adapt a big urban city like tokyo into a small map was a very difficult thing to plan though a point of interest is that there is water flowing around the center of the city too which isn't too different from the real life tokyo actually as it has waterways going through the city too otherwise it has a long way from reaching the complex nature of the final game now to santa bar island we venture by hitting the waterways of route 12 or not so the beta map has no water at all it seems it's all solid road to singapore island or rather cinnabar city here and still more land going all the way through route 21 as well all the way to palo town what's strange is that they took a huge liberty here from its real-life influence which is actually all water at an island like the final games but let's look at some of the details here of this land route 20 here which is made of a ton of cliffs that it seems that seafoam island wasn't actually a cave in this version and more rather a tower considering it's made of four houses stacked on top of each other which would have been pretty neat actually to face articuno at the top of the tower much like rayquaza was in a tower in gen 3. otherwise route 21's portion is unscalable from cinnabar island considering it's made of nothing but cliffs though there is a mysterious house on route 21 that is not in the final version now the alpha version interestingly enough is a lot closer to the final games despite being older as it still is all water with seafoam island and cinema island still being islands though route 21 versions has a bunch of small islands too which aren't too different from seafoam island size either speaking of which seafoam island itself is very barren here may not have even had a cave or tower planned at this point but once we hit santa bar island it seems they didn't even remotely develop this island yet in the alpha map and in fact it has the city number 9 on it that was on the concept map the beta map which as stated earlier wasn't even an island yet and it was just another city was in fact quite developed actually the gym and the pokemon mansion are here in fact with three annoying branches that you gotta cut to get in otherwise it seems more houses were available at this point too now with all badges collected it's time to hit up the indigo plateau by hitting up route 22 and 23. as mentioned earlier in the alpha map i imagine the roadblock would have been cleared up once you got all eight badges collected the rods surprisingly aren't fully developed here and it seems it is a very linear path however with grass and water being your biggest obstacle to get to the indigo plateau both of which were in the final game despite being more linear here but unlike the final games there is no victory road simply making it to the end and you are at what appears to be the entrance to the indigo plateau now with the beta map it also lacks a victory road but a simple guard house is there like the final version to let you through but it is a lot more linear than even the alpha maps which not even water is an obstacle here now finally at the indigo plateau in the alpha map which what i found interesting is that there are two entrances here while the center one is likely the main entrance is the one at the back more of a back exit a post game feature maybe even the original unknown dungeon perhaps but before we try to answer that let's look at the beta map of the indigo plateau it has four houses stacked on top of each other which might mean it had four floors one for possibly each member of the elite four even now if we also look at the top right much like the alpha map it has an odd entrance to the side too as such if my theory is correct and that each floor is for a member of the elite four then maybe that interest in both the alpha and beta version is actually where the champion resides and it unlocks once you beat the elite four to face him but as we can see the maps of pokemon generation one went through a lot of changes and evolution with adding whole different structures using existing assets as placeholders having old jrpg mechanics and even having a whole island that was removed later and even with these major differences it shows that idea of the general map did exist from the get-go something that radically changed when planning for the maps of generation 2 and something i do plan to cover very soon so hit the subscribe button for a plan to be back with more pokemon other games cut content too hit the like button too and comment below on which of these original beta map designs fascinated you the most so everyone thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: The Obsessive Gamer
Views: 29,787
Rating: 4.9173837 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Yellow, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Leak, Pokemon Unused Content, Pokemon Cut Content, Pokemon Gameplay, Unreleased Pokemon, Hidden Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery, Pokemon Datamine, Video Games, Pokemon Blue theme, Pokemon Gen 1, Capsule Monsters, Pokemon news, New Pokemon, Nintendo, Game Boy, Nintendo Switch, The Obsessive Gamer, pokemon red and blue lost city, Pokemon Green, Beta, pokemon sword and shield, Pokemon Cut Maps, Pokemon Beta Maps, Beta Map
Id: jH9x5lTpvg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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