Best Voicemeeter Banana Dual PC Stream Setup Guide 2019. Super Easy to Set up!

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hello everybody this is pun the frugal streamer it's 2019 and I wanted to do an update on the voice meter banana dual PC streaming setup tutorial I think a lot of people are kind of confused still about voice meter banana it is overwhelming when you first see it but I think this tutorial will be a little bit better at explaining what voice meter does and just give you a general overview at the beginning of how its laid out and you know I guess help you better understand it when you go into setting it up to yourself or for yourself and with that we'll also walk through the setup process of setting up my pcs the way I have it and this setup that I currently have right now is just a little different than the previous setup in terms of where I've got equipment at and everything and so I think this setup will probably be a lot more like what people would want so I think you know overall this setup will help a lot of people out and I'm going to take it slow so I go ahead and apologize now the video is probably going to be pretty long but I think it's warranted because like said this is going to save you a lot of money when you get it set up properly in the end of the video I will talk about some peculiarities with software that you may need to be aware of okay so let's go ahead and get into the setup [Music] all right so the first thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to download and install voice mater banana you can find that by going to V B - select audio apps and then you have a bunch of different tabs now virtual audio cable is something you're going to need to download to get this set up I would say download three of them you can buy up to three the first one is free the next two you have to pay but you don't have to pay a lot of money five bucks five pounds for regular users is fine it is donate where and then I would recommend installing another one on your streaming PC I have a tutorial for that I'll provide in the description below do be aware follow the tutorial to the T that includes and it's most important that you run as administrator when you're installing each cable okay each cable is its own separate install okay so make sure you run each one as administrator or they will not work okay and restart your PC alright so to get to voice mater banana you click on a banana tab right here you also have regular voice meter which is a simpler version a little bit watered down very basic I do not recommend doing this you cannot do the setup that I am going to show you with voice meter you need to at least be using banana okay you also have voice meter potato this is the newest version of voice meter and it is very nice and to be honest with you I run my system all voice meter potato not voice meter banana but I have I know a lot of people get very overwhelmed when they see this because there are a lot of sliders a lot of inputs a lot of outputs a lot of buttons and people if you don't understand voice meter this is not what the software you need to get acquainted with first I would recommend you going through banana which is a lot simpler to understand alright so download banana you can download it here is a zip file or I recommend you downloading the executable this is the updated version 2.0 point four point seven I am currently running I believe the previous version so anyway download this you can donate you can try this for free first of all and if you like it and it works for you then you can come over and donate some your arrow or some USD if you want to five bucks minimum so anyway so once you download it run the executable install it restart your PC when you're done with the install it is very important that you do that okay and then you should be up and running and what you should do more than likely you're going to either do a search for banana like that or you can go to your Start folder and it'll be installed here under new programs or you can go down to VV - audio and you will have a folder here and you go to here and you run it okay both of those work alright so here is voice meter banana and I've already got the mic installed and so what we'll want to do next and I'm going to show you kind of a basic overview of voice meter banana alright so let's go over a general overview of voice meter banana I think it'll be important because you need to know about the inputs and outputs so that you can make the setup easier for your dual streaming PC alright so here's the general layout of banana so we have three physical inputs in two virtual inputs and then the same number of physical and virtual outputs which I have marked here in blue and yellow to designate what the differences are okay it's important that you know this because there is a difference between the two types and it determines what you can you know of course plug in to each of the inputs so first is physical inputs these are physical devices that can be plugged in directly into your computer via USB or some sort of audio jack or interface okay so when you think of that you think of microphones you think of digital audio conversion three amps okay four microphones if you have an XLR mic you plug it into a preamp the preamp is USB that you would then plug into your PC and voice meter will see that as a physical device that preamp would your microphone plugged into it you got musical instruments that you could plug in directly into the back your sand cart or again if you have a preamp or DAC you could plug in some according to that media players such as an mp3 player mobile devices such as your phone SEO devices go into your physical channels in voice manner banana and that's a little more advanced but I'm just telling you that's you know this is where you would do it at and then virtual devices that mimic a hardware device and in the instances that I have listed here voice audio or virtual audio cables which you just downloaded it's considered a virtual device that is mimicking a hardware device a windows looks at it as if it's a physical cable outputting from one piece of software and inputting directly into voice meter and it treats it like that in your playback and record sources another virtual device that I personally use is the virtual microphone yeah that is produced by voice mod ok so you can actually select the voice module microphone in any of your hardware inputs Gaon's and it makes it easy to incorporate voice mod into voice mean or banana as opposed to how it used to be when when the program first came out windows audio in the virtual va i/o inputs okay so virtual inputs are software driven audio devices so this would be Windows or any of the programs in Windows that you can set an audio output to you can use these virtual devices as the import output for that's piece of software so a Spotify for instance you cannot change the audio it within the program but you can do it from within Windows 10 if you have anything later than the spring update where they change how audio works in it and you can now do app specific audio and we will show you that in a few minutes but your default playback and record devices are that's where you're going to use them is with is the playback will come into one of your virtual inputs and your default record device will be one of your virtual outputs and then that will tell Windows you know that's what you're going to use to record and play to and then you could set any of your physical devices as an output to one of the virtual channels and then boom there you go you have a microphone you may even have two devices you might want to record to it if you want but anyway on this so that is what virtual channels to do for you next is V ban which is VB audio network okay this is essentially voice over IP over your Ethernet okay so you this is no wires other than your Ethernet cable and you have eight channels and of outgoing streams and it looks like ten channels of incoming streams what two of them one is the serial for MIDI and the other ones for ASCII I do not use those personally so we will concentrate on the first eight for the incoming so it's IP base you can send audio over your network it is virtually latent latency free and it's because of it being digital it reduces the amount of noise or virtually eliminates any eye line noise that you could get as like you would in analog devices so this is why I really like this okay so V ban is a good thing and it's very easy to do to note right here you can get the IP address of your PC okay at the top right here so that you can then know what to type in on the other PC to turn V ban on and off of course right now it shows that V ban is off you click on this button it will turn blue and it will say the ban is on you have a couple different buttons across the top you can reset your configure if it's messed up you can load a config that you've saved and of course you can save your config so that if say it crashes or you have a Windows Update that route that wipes the program of your settings you can pull the config up and it'll load that configuration so that's nice to know all right so this is how we're going to run everything so this is my game PC and how I have my Hardware going to voice meter so the first thing is my output speakers which is my sound card this goes out to my headset that I use for gaming which is a pair of audio technica sonic pros the second item is my microphone an audio technica 20 20 plus USB ok it goes into hardware input number 1 now again I could put it to any three these hardware inputs regardless of it being plugged in anywhere ok I could set it in any one of these three I just choose to do number one you can do whatever you want to do okay so I got channel one here and then what I will do is I will output this to be two so as you see here these buttons that are like this greenish blue that indicates that the button is turned on the gray indicates that the button is turned off so for me all these buttons would be turned off with the exception of b2 and then if I wanted to monitor my microphone through my headset I would turn on the a1 which outputs to the a1 hardware output to my headset okay and that is how the microphone will come in and then the second thing we will do is the discord that will come in directly into hardware input number two and this will be via a virtual audio cable as you can see here I've got red you can see the lines here this is a physical line meaning it's an actual cable and then the red lines here indicate that it's a virtual audio cable alright so then here's the rest of the setup alright so Windows audio in this light blue that matches a little windows blue as you can see here you've got the legend down at lower left comes in and then I will send this basically to my headphones and then if I need to send it over to the band to my stream PC I can do that using one of these other inputs but normally you won't have in this setup that I'm going to show you we're not gonna have to do that okay and then what I'll do now is I'll as you can see here I have Spotify but notice it's purple okay and the arrow is coming into it from the screen PC here on the left so this is gonna be a dban input coming from the stream pc going into virtual audio or virtual aux channel here and then of course you talked my headset I have a - ok - it's going to also be an output that I will turn on here on Windows audio and this will go to the elgato okay they'll got to is in the stream PC but this physical cable right here is an HDMI cable coming out of the GPU one thing to note about that to make sure this works you're gonna have to go into your control panel for your video card in case of mine I haven't a GTX 1080 Ti so I'll go into Nvidia control panel go into digital audio and then enable the HDMI output for the elgato okay for this to actually work and then windows will look at it as a you know playback device so I will set that up on the a2 and send that to the elgato in the stream PC and then that will input directly into OBS okay and then what I'll do here is I will output a three okay as a V band source for this chord to get to the stream PC and then the other source we have is we have the microphone coming out of B - virtual output and then going over V band to the string PC okay so that's what we're going to attempt to do first all right now we've got the streaming pc and i wanted to show you the microphone now coming in to the stream pc 3v band coming in hardware input number one and then spotify will be coming through a virtual audio cable and then this cord will be coming through v bay from the gaming PC and then stream labs alerts how I'm gonna bring that in is through a voice mentor Vai number one you can see this is the windows routing software audio and then I'm going to send the alerts over V ban out of the a two and then Spotify the same thing I'm gonna send it over V banned a three to the game PC and then there I can then send it to my headphones and I can hear audio I can hear you know hear music I can hear the alerts of course here is the HDMI cable coming out of game PC into my HD 60 Pro and then that'll go indirectly to stream labs of yes and then there's two audio sources that I'm gonna use from these virtual outputs my microphone and discord that will go in directly to stream labs OBS from voice meter and then I want to show you something special you see here I've got this red line which indicates a virtual audio cable going from Spotify directly into stream labs OBS so we'll talk about that also all right so now what we need to do is need to set up microphones but here you see this flashing red you have to set a playback output device to one of your physicals before you can do anything else so I set this to my aces on our sound card it goes to my headset now I'm going to go down here to hardware channel one select my microphone two ways you can do this using w DM way or you can use them to me I'm using Mme here switch it to WDM cheerless they can see that it's working but I think Mme is just better quality in the WDM so now we're got to go into V band and we got to set V band up so I'm going to turn V band on note the IP address there at the top again that tells you what your IP address is for your PC and I'm going to turn this first incoming or the first outgoing stream on and I'm gonna set this up for my microphone so I'm turning off all the inputs there and I recommend you do this for all of your channels at initial setup but I'm going to send this to Busby - this is where I've always sent my microphone to so here I'm going to type in mic now this is something you got to know about is your whatever you name it it is case sensitive and has to match exactly ok so now I've typed in the IP address of my streaming PC this is where I want to send it to my PC is I'll do is then I can go over to the gaming streaming PC go and do the same thing here where I need to set up a physical output so I can work on voice meter and then I need to go into V band here because I need to set the mic up to go into hardware input channel number one where you see I've made that label that so I'll turn V band on and then I will go and you can tell the V bands on with that little light on the top of the voice meter there and then what I can do here is I can right-click instead of typing this stuff and it should pre-fill everything for you you should get a list of all of the incoming streams now here I'm gonna set the destination to end one which is hardware input one okay and then I can as you can then see the video is now coming in or the sound is coming in to your hardware channel number one which is good and now the microphone should be working good alright this next thing we'll do is we'll go ahead and set up just cool ok so the next thing we need to do is need to set up Windows playback audio ok so what you're going to do is go down to the bottom here click on your speakers and you have a couple different options you have sounds you have open sound settings and if you have air trumpet you can go directly to playback and record as it's listed there let's go to sound settings so here you can set your default output output device here and so I have voice meter input Vai oh that is the number one virtual input the left one and then I for the four output device I'm sorry is that and then for input device I want that as the aux output nice purposely have one is aux in the other one is regular Vai just so I know I can separate them that's just my personal preference you don't have to do that you can select this and this is b2 by the way you can have it go to be one if you want it doesn't really matter either way works ok all we will get into this area here in a little bit but I just want to show you this is where we want to go for at volume and device preferences once we get to it it's also there alright so we got the default playback and default record there you can also go to the old way by clicking on speakers and going to sounds and then going to record and playback and you should have this as your default and which is the voice main your input and then this is your output The Voice monoxide put ok they all like there's many different ways to get to the same path alright so the next thing we'll do now is we're going to set up discord alright so the next thing we'll do is gonna set up discord so you need to open up discord or teamspeak or Skype of you Skype most people most people are nowadays are using discord because it's free and it has a bunch of different functions that you can use for your social media which is cool alright so go into voice and video about going into let me show you here go down to the little cog here user settings and then go to voice and video and you can set your input and output voice so here my output input device is the default record device for Windows which I've set as the aux output voice meter here you can actually choose a straight out of voice meter so it's really nice or you know if you want to use your mic directly you can still send your microphone directly into this bypassing voice meter that's your choice I personally recommend you do it through voice meter if you're going to use the compressor the noise gate the EQ that sort of stuff cause then those effects will come through on the aux output okay not through if you're choosing your mic you totally bypass all those effects and then I'm gonna output to this virtual audio cable which window again sees as a physical device and this will send over into Hardware input number two on voice mirror banana ok and so now what I'll do is I'll go over on the clues that right there and bring us over alright so discord I've already labeled out here I'm simply right click on that and type in whatever you want to call it and then hit enter and you can change the label that way so left click here I'm going to select the input device WDM cable a you can do the w in Windows digital media or you can do the Mme for the cable Mme and now you have the cable there and I should be able to run this test okay so what this is going to do is it's going to feed my microphone through you're going to see this meter highlight and then it's going to play back my microphone and that playback audio should come into voice mirror so let's click this let's check and check it out alright so I'm testing the mic and so yes you can see the audio coming in to voice meter the audio meter is going up and then what I've done here is I've turned the a3 on okay and this is what I'm gonna use to go through V beta okay so let's close voice meter now that we have that and so what I'm going to do is open up V band and what I've got here is I've got comm set up already okay so you need to turn this on I've got the bus a3 selected okay here I'm again just choose whatever bus you want if you're not using it for something already okay just make sure that you don't double up on the same buses because you're going to have audio looping which is terrible so I've named this comms okay capital C lowercase you know Oh mm s okay remember case sensitive on this if they do not match exactly it will not work I put in the IP address of the stream PC and let's switch over to extreme PC and what I've done is I've labeled comms here notice I don't have an input device selected what I'll do is I'll go into V band and I will turn this incoming stream on I'm going to right click and I have comms now set up on this list that I can slit left-click on and then it pre-fills and what I do is I'll go to hardware input number two this is where I want it to go and I should be seeing an input if I go and bring this court up on the game PC so I'll go back over here will spring up this chord and let's go into the settings again let's do this let's check thing and it'll send playback audio through an over to V band and then I'll bring up the string PC and you should see the audio and MIDI your own stream PC now go up and down alright so I've got this up I'm going to now switch to the game piece or to stream PC and now you see the audiometer going up and down on the stream pc okay so there you go now we have discord going over to the stream pc only thing left to do now is to get that going over to OBS again i'll show you that here later in the video so alright so the next thing we're doing let's go ahead and setup Elgato on the game pc so we'll go ahead and switch over that now alright so now we have oh god oh that we need to set up for it something on the Shayna I have an Nvidia video card if you have AMD honestly I'm not familiar with their control panel but for Nvidia I'm going to show you how to do it so good in video control panel right-click on your desktop and then you get a left-click on in video control panel okay then go to setup digital audio and then you have your HDMI is that the video card recognizes and here you would you know you make sure that your Elgato is selected okay and that is how then you would have the NVIDIA GPU feeding audio to the HDMI port that your Elgato this club to so then only thing you left to do really is to go and set up voice meter for it so again my windows default playback audio comes into VA IO and I will send this to the a to remember my a one is my headset so if I want to Mar any of these channels I can send them to a one okay but I do want this one this one needs to always be on a one because this is your Windows audio your game audio all that stuff you're going to want to listen to that okay likewise you're going to send whatever Windows is processing for audio over to your el gato so here I want to use a two and then go to the a two hardware output and find my Elgato and here it is right here WDM el gato and video high-definition audio and then from there which my internal capture card HD 60 Pro is in my streaming PC it receives the audio and from there you can send it directly to obs you don't even use voice meter on your stream PC for it okay so we've got the microphone we have discord we now have the Elgato I think that is all of the stuff that the game rig is going to send to the string PC so now we need to switch over to the streaming pc and then we'll get a stream PC set up for alerts and all that stuff so then we can have alerts coming back over to the game PC all right so let's go ahead and switch to that now okay so now we're on the streaming pc there are two things that we're going to want to set up to send over to the gaming pc prove even one is the stream labs alerts okay through stream labs OBS or if you use an OBS studio through the browser source with that okay and so that will actually come through your default playback device through windows or if you want to you can set an app specific audio source for it but I don't mind I'll use my one of my inputs here so I'd only use the default playback because for the stream PC I'm not listening to anything through my headset so here I will send this first of all you need to go make sure that you have it set up properly so go to sounds got to play back and you can go down here and here I have default playback set to voice maker input which is this channel here and that is good I'll check recording while I'm here too that should be the aux output which it is you can see my microphone they're coming up and down on the meter which is good alright so let's go let's see what do we want to do I'll tell you what we will use the a2 here we're not using it for anything and what we'll do is in V ban here is we're going to set it outgoing string so we're going to turn this on we're going to go and select bus a 2 and we're going to call this alerts okay and then I you can also wonder these things you can't type this in you can also right click and it'll show the IP address of this gaming PC and it'll pre fill it for you okay so that's not a little trick there I got a little sink light which is good okay and then we have this ready to go over on the game PC so we'll switch over to that and I should be able to go to this incoming stream here okay and notice I have alerts already prefilled here on the label going to her armpit number three okay so I'm gonna right click there is the alerts coming from my stream PC I've get the green sync light which means that the data is coming over and then here I'm going to select destination in three and that will put it to this hardware input channel now at this point especially if you're using stream labs over yes they make testing your alerts very easy okay we are on these stream PC you should hit the follow get the alert look at the end coming there let's switch to the game PC and you saw that it was coming in here on here so we got the but we got audio coming in then it's just a matter in there sending it to your headphones my headphones are on my speaker on sound card there the AC zone or sound card so I just turn on a one and I should be able to hear that in my headset now okay which if I were to go let me take my headset I will take it put it right here beside a microphone it'll be kind of well it's not going to sound great guys okay but just testing purposes you're gonna be able to hear it so I'll hit the follow button again all right so you heard that okay that is the alerts so we know that that is working and it's right into my headset which is awesome and so that is alerts not working so let's go ahead and now switch over to getting music setup okay so the last thing that we're going to set up to send over to the game PC from the string PC is our music now I use Spotify for my music so let's go ahead and bring up Spotify okay and we won't turn music on now you're going to need to do this because this is where I was telling you we're going to go into app specific device settings for audio and to do for Spotify to show up in that list you need to be playing a song okay so I'm going because it needs to be actually outputting so I'm gonna go in and I have this song playing here then you can go into sound settings this is the only way you can get here now open sound settings and then go down to the very bottom and select app volume and device preferences now here is your Spotify listed and what you can do is you can select different output other than the default which is your default playback device okay which in this case would have been the VA i/o channel okay so here I'm selecting cable B alright so it is going to output to cable B and then from there it will constantly save that and you can close okay if you're familiar with audio router every time you shut the app down shut Spotify down and brought it back up you'd have to reprogram that but Windows 10 you do not which is awesome alright so the only thing left to do now is we'll select music and we're going to select the cable B and I'm gonna again use the Mme I'll tell you what just cause I can't read it on me so now our voice meter audio input the meter is going up and down there I can output it to my speakers if I wanted to I can also choose another channel so what we won't since our V ban I can use my a 1 if I want to because it's just outputting to my speakers so let's do that because I'm not using it anywhere so let's click on V band I'll go down here we'll turn this on let's select bus a1 I'll call this music right click again we should get the IP address of the game PC we got the green light that is good all right so now let's switch over to the game PC and we're going to send our music over to voice meter aux here aux Vai that is where we're going to go this will be in number 5 or virtual number 2 I'm sorry which is alright program there very good virtual end number 2 we're gonna turn this on we should be able to right click and see music which we did right there so this is music from our extreme PC we've got the sink and you look on voice meter now and see the audio meter going up and down so it's playing the music and then from there I can send it to my headphones here ok and there you go so what music is now going over to the screen PC now let me show you something because this is important let's say wait a min let me think of something else here let me think of there's anything else we need to do so we have our mic going to stream PC we have disc or going to stream PC we have our alerts from the stream PC coming to the game PC we're listening to that we have our windows audio going to the stream PC and to our headset through the elgato to the stream PC we have music coming back which we can listen to I think that's really it for about everything I can think of that we would need to do so let's go ahead now and we're going to set OBS up to detect all these different audio sources all right so let's go ahead and set up of yes for all of our audio sources so what I've got here is I've got a new scene I'm calling it test scene so the first thing we'll do we'll set up the oh god Oh that'll be the easiest thing to do so we'll get the plus symbol Elgato is a video capture device so we're gonna select video capture device add source and we have existing sources already so let's select the L got to alright and then here you can click on it and bring up the properties I'll make sure capture audio is you know only is selected I mean you could you could output this to your desktop if you wanted to hear it make sure it's working but otherwise you will get audio over here which should be just fine okay alright so then the next thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to add a mic source okay so here you're gonna hit the plus sign if you do not have mic already here sometimes you will I've what I've done is I've I've hidden it so it's not showing up but you should have mic if you have mic there then it then uh it's just a matter going in and sledding selecting your your output where your mics going to on voice mater which in this case again it's going to be 2 which is the VI Vai aux output so here what you'll do is you'll do an audio input capture it'll select the source here I'll call it mic mic her microphone you can make whatever you want I'll call Mike which actually I've already got one and I see it so let's select the add existing source and so now you can see I have my microphone going into of yes if you have this already there and you just need to select properties you can go here select the little cog there select properties and then you know of course select whatever your output is okay so now we have the mic working so the next thing we want to do is only we need to get the music here now this is the important part I want you to show because this is something really cool I now this was an issue it used to be a problem with slobs and I think they fixed it but doing it doing what I'm gonna ready to show you it would not play the music to slobs but it would work an OBS studio I think they fixed in slob so that actually does work now but what it would do was it would not output the music even though you would see the music on your audio meter here which really was confusing so anyway what I'm going to do is I'm going to add another audio input source and I want to add that source and then what here is I'm gonna select music it's already an existing source but this is a VA see that I'm the VA see that I'm plugging into here so I'm gonna add the existing source let's go down here to properties because this is what you would see if you were to make this as a new option so here you go here and we chose cable things cable a woman there's a cable oh it's Vai what thank the over three let's go I think it's cable me I'm pretty sure it's cable oh it says Bai o3 that's right so it's V B oh yeah see the windows is mislabeled that's again for me thank you windows but notice just look what's in the parentheses and that's the actual source a VB audio okay so the music's coming in here us right and then we should be able to bring up stream Labs and OBS here and you can see the music's now playing in here and of course if you want to test this go to your mixer and then select monitor and output okay and then you should be able to turn your speaker's on turn that down and that's what you're playing okay so you know it's working so so let's turn the monitor off so it's just outputting only to your stream and so now we've got music we've got the mic we've got Elgato your alerts are going to automatically you know work inside OBS so you just hear that through your default playback and then you'll now you decide whatever resources you want but this is your audio sources going to your stream now you've got everything you want now the cool thing about this music okay and let me show you alright so I'm going to Jack this stuff way up so you can see it in the yellow here okay and then what I can do here on voice meter is I can control these volumes independently so I don't want to listen to this personally this loud while I'm playing my game okay so what I'm going to do is I will turn this down to a level and this will change the level going to your game PC remember this is going over v-band so this will change the level going over to your game PC so when you're in your game you can sit here and adjust the level on your screen PC without having to go out of full screen mode in your game or whatnot alt-tab to voicemail and change yourself just change it on your stream PC and this as you can see operates independently of what's going to the viewers on your live stream you can control the volume separately which is really cool alright so that is how you set up voice meter in a nutshell all right everybody thank you for watching this video I really hope it helped you out a lot and a lot of people have been requesting me to do an updated version of this and so I hope this again helps you with your setup in the end it's gonna save you a lot of money and keeps you from having to buy Hardware mixer and all these cables and then having to deal with all the hassle of getting all the cables hooked up and then you know of course you deal with all the analog noise and all that stuff so voice mater is a great program it's extremely cheap compared to other pieces of software that initially can do the same thing voice meter is really one of my go-to programs and it's one of the main programs I try to teach because it really does save you a lot of money gives you a lot of flexibility with your audio and once you get it set up and you get it working it's virtually hands-free now so I talked about a couple of cool ierra T's with this so if you are updated to the 1809 update for Windows 10 a lot of people are saying that their audio now sounds terrible and the reason being is because Windows shifts your bit rate on your cables and your virtual outputs and inputs possibly anyway not all of them sometimes you know but it for virtual audio cables especially you'll need to go into your playback and record and then switch that over back to either 44.1 kilohertz or 48 kilohertz and then your audio should be restored back to the way it was before another thing is sometimes Windows will update and it will reconfigure your device-specific audio so again you're gonna have to go back in and set that back up what I recommend you doing and let me switch over to the string PC real quick as I recommend you going and going to menu and then save settings you can go in and save your configuration and here I've got streaming config I will save my configurations there so that in the event windows does crash or it messes up voice meter or you know somehow or another you go play around with things and you end up messing voice mater up the easiest thing to do is just go back in here and load your saved configuration and then it'll load everything including v-band back up to what it was okay so you know that is really you know the only real issues I have with this another another thing I do just to remember is V banned v ban here you have your playback net quality okay so for me okay on my gaming PC or any of the outgoing streams the net quality setting the optimal works great for the incoming streams if I had it set to optical I would get errors so I've just chose fast and I don't get any errors there that might be the same for you you may actually be able to run in optimal and not get errors this is something that you're going to have to play with individually to figure out what the best settings for you are pretty much everybody on their outgoing streams can send everything optimal and for the most part from what I've heard everybody chooses fast and it works fine okay so that's just couple things I wanted to talk about real quick but that's really it for the voice mere tutorial I hope again then it helped you out and if it did please hit that like make sure you subscribe to the TFS channels I'll have more tutorials coming out in 2019 specific to OBS studio stream labs OBS OBS live with stream elements which is something dude I'm gonna start doing tutorials on and you know voice mod touch portal all these programs that are cheap alternatives to the expensive software's that are out there as you know this channel is geared toward trying to save you as much money as possible while still giving you a professional live stream so thank you everybody for watching I do appreciate it have a great weekend and we'll see you later [Music]
Channel: The Frugal Streamer
Views: 118,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voicemeeter banana setup, dual pc stream guide for voicemeeter banana, VBAN Guide, voicemeeter banana with discord, VBAN Guide Voicemeeter, dual pc stream audio setup, dual pc setup live streaming software, Voicemeeter Banana Dual PC Guide 2019, Voicmeeter Banana Dual PC Guide 2018, How to Set Up Voicemeeter Banana, Voicemeeter The Frugal Streamer, Voicemeeter Banana Discord, Voicemeeter Banana OBS, Voicemeeter Banana Spotify, Best Voicemeeter Banana Guide
Id: sXcfUh2bbnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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