How to Setup Voicemeeter Potato for Dual PC Stream Audio [2021 Ultimate Guide]

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Hello, I wanted to share an updated guide I used to configure Voicemeeter Potato. Although lengthy, I found this to be quite helpful with getting my setup to work properly. Enjoy

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/jormungandrsjig 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
one of the most requested videos that i get on the channel is how to set up dual pc live streams with voice meter potatoes something i have never done but that's changing this video is going to walk you through step by step on how to set up your dual pc live stream with voice meter potato it's going to also include an overview of voice meter so that you can understand how voice meter works before we get into setting it up i will bookmark all the sections of this video so that you can easily navigate to the sections that you need this video is going to be very long okay so i want to go ahead and forewarn you so get your popcorn get your beverage of choice and get comfortable because we're going to do a deep dive into dual pc audio setup for your live stream unfortunately there's no express way of getting through this but speaking of express let's talk about today's sponsor today's video is brought to you by expressvpn the number one vpn provider in the world that gives you 100 privacy 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the interface five of these are physical inputs which you see here and three of these are virtual inputs very simple these are all considered pre-fade inputs what they call pre-fade in the professional world and then on the post fade section you have again five physical outputs which you have the controls for the volume here on the bottom and then you have the actual outputs that you could set up here at the top and then you have three virtual outputs that correspond with the inputs that we have and these are called vaios now what is the difference between physical and virtual inputs and outputs so physical inputs and outputs are actual physical like ports and things like that so sound cards uh the the different jacks on the back of sound cards usb microphones audio interfaces and mixers patch cables and devices connected to them like uh say if you wanted to patch your phone using a 3.5 millimeter stereo cable into your sound card that would be considered a physical input v-band is considered an input v-band vb audio network device uh we'll talk about here that here in a second vb audio cables another thing we'll talk about here in a little bit and then virtual microphones something relatively new that's been been uh on the scene for a little bit now and we're seeing this with rtx voice which is a uh ai-based noise suppression and voice mod which is a great app if you want to have a voice changer there's a virtual devices okay again vband can also be virtual devices as it can be used in those virtual inputs and outputs voice meter generated software inputs and outputs that windows can use for app specific audio devices okay and then software you know games spotify anything that produces audio in within windows is considered virtual inputs and outputs so we'll be using that for these virtual inputs and outputs in voicemail all right so eq controls so turning on your eq now we do have eq for each of the physical outputs and virtual outputs so it's very easy to do you just left click on this little button um when you left click on it it will turn blue you can see the difference between on and off in these channels here and then again if you want to turn it off just left click on it again and this is what the eq interface looks like this is a parametric eq you get uh one two three six bands here that you can use for various things where you can use a band you can use a notch a notch down notch up you got a a high pass and low pass filter you got a high shelf and low shelf that you can use for these for different uh things if you want to notch a specific frequency out then use a notch filter if you want a band of frequency like you see here around a thousand hertz um then you can use the band which is by default selected you can see these turned on here uh at the uh on channels three through two through six so frequency uh is controlled and red down at the bottom here and you can use this little button that operates clock both clockwise and counterclockwise to adjust the frequency of that band um to either boost or cut you can use this uh gain knob here uh right now it is uh set to at boost of 2.7 decibels and you're seeing this shelf that i have selected here uh this is a low shelf that i am using and then so the cue is a another way of saying bandwidth uh so here is set to a 2.7 q it is centered on this frequency that you have set here and i have it set at 51.5 hertz that is really all of the settings within the eq interface that you really need to be concerned with and this is a neat little thing to use um you can use it i think there's more effective ways of using a parametric eq but it is built into voice meter if you want to do some simple settings all right so let's talk about v-band v-band v-band is vb audio network that's what it stands for and it allows you to send up to eight low-latency audio streams or receive up to ten including one from anyone for your uh asking so if you're using a midi device you do have a dedicated channel you can send midi information over your network using vbn which is really cool so if you see a little arrow here this is where you would click to open the interface you just left click on it uh and when you turn vban on this will actually be lit blue when you have it in operation the interface is there for you to get going and this is kind of what it will look like once you have it set up for a channel so right now i have an incoming stream from my uh game pc coming into the stream pc here and this is a stream mix that i'm sending over um you can see that i have turned this on you can left-click and turn that on i have named the stream name stream mix now it's interesting with this you got to be careful because this is case sensitive including spaces um so if you have a name like this all you have to make sure that on both ends on your on both the game pc stream pc that they both match exactly now the easy thing about this is you can see this little pop-up window if everything is configured properly and windows is not blocking this through the windows firewall which often happens with people and something you might have an issue with if you do not like when you get a pop-up initially when you start up voice meter you should get a pop-up from windows firewall asking you if you want to allow this through make sure you say yes okay but if it is working properly then you should be able to once you have an outgoing stream on your game pc turned on you should be able to come over to your stream pc or vice versa and right click in the ip address from area and you should get this pop-up this pop-up will then show you all of the incoming streams that are available that you can set up and in this case all i did was i just went down and selected stream mix and it pre-fills everything for you so that's a good way of making sure that you don't screw up the stream name um because it it will autofill all this for you and again here i have four streams that i have available including discord music and my microphone some other things to show here that you can change uh pretty much anything that is black you can change so net quality you can change uh for incoming streams i do recommend you use fast for incoming for outgoing streams optimal and this is the default by the way optimal and fast this seems to work for most people if you are getting errors which you'll get these little red lights over here to the right where you see errors if you are getting those errors or and you can listen to your audio and you're getting some clicks or something drop the net quality down to medium inside of your incoming streams normally that will clear it up if none of this clears it up and you're having issues then it might be something beyond just voice meter you might be having some buffering issues or something like that where you need to dig a little deeper but regardless for the vast majority of us this works just fine okay the destination you can actually change this uh so here you have like you can see in number one and number two and number five and three so these are these correspond to the channels in voice meter so in three fronts would be hardware input three and one would be hardware input one um and then you also have the three virtuals that you can also send too which is really nice so that's why i was telling you that vband is both virtual and physical because you can send these to any of those channels which is really nice and adds a lot of flexibility for you all right so some other nice features um we have a monitoring bus here all right so it if you look on a channel here under your master section right here at the bottom right you have these select buttons this select button is a bus select switch so you can by select hit turn in this button on left clicking on it will then highlight you will then be listening to your monitor mix which you can change independently of your main mix and with this button on you can go and change these sliders and then when you turn this button off the sliders will go back up and show you what the main mix is you will hear the levels in your monitors mix stay the same but your levels going out to your main mix is really good so it's a nice little feature now only voice meter potato does this so that's why another reason why i definitely recommend you use potato for your uh stream mixes because this monitor mix is a huge benefit all right you also have some built-in reverb and delay effects this is more for some if you decide you want to do like music streams or music recording something like that you can use this for your vocal or you can use this for instruments and the delay is actually really nice except you got tap delay you got the reverb is really nice you got your basic plate room and haul reverb and then you have some presets for different for different spaces which is really neat i also have on each of the hardware inputs you also have a fixed compression and gate uh that is just simply you know just this one knob operates each one they are available again for each of the hardware channels and they are useful for adding some simple compression and gate to your microphone there are better ways of using compression and gait uh and more that gives you a lot more flexibility than this and i typically you know if if you want to really keep it simple then go ahead and use this but there are other more advanced ways that you can get better compression and better uh gate through voice meter using vst plug-ins and that is an advanced thing that i do have videos on that you can check out all right so you got hardware channel effects here too so you have echo and eq in this intellipan area here um simply by left clicking and holding this little block you can move it around and it will definitely change the effect of your audio coming in that channel all likewise you do have a modulation effect if you want to add modulation to your sound you could do that it is really kind of you know funny sounding definitely something that probably most gamers probably wouldn't use this uh for anything uh and then the last one is for 3d positioning which is nice to set your sound stage if you want to do some sound stage correction this is a great thing that you can use for this and then likewise if you don't like your setting then just double left click in any of this dark area here and it'll reset it to default all right so lastly let's talk about settings to access the settings uh inside of voicemeeter you would click on the menu button here in the top right and then you would go down to system settings and options and click on that and that will open up this window now some things do you should not generally go and have to change a lot of stuff in this for most people you should be fine but if you are having a lot of click issues and buffer issues and you have like an audio interface something like that like i have a a a scarlet 2i2 from focusrite it can be a little finicky with voicemeeter and you might need to play with some stuff there but generally speaking most people should be able to leave this stuff at default and not mess with it about the only things you might need to change in this is your preferred main sample rate which defaults at 44.1 kilohertz i've changed this to 48 kilohertz here uh because that is what i have all of my uh windows audio settings set to and you want this to match it's very key that these all match okay so uh let's see i think that is it for that also yeah down here at the bottom these are patch inserts for all of your uh hardware and virtual channels here that you can use and this is where i was talking about vst plug-ins this is how you would patch in a vst host is through these patch inserts for each of these channels so if you had a microphone you wanted to add some vst effects to your microphone say compression gate uh you know eq that sort of thing then you would use that vst host and patch it in through these uh patch inserts and that's what they're there for it's really nice and you can use this for a host of other things too including mixing and uh seo devices that sort of thing it's really nice all right so this is a one-line diagram section now first of all this is our goal and this is a normal scenario that i think most people would probably want to set up voice meter as and this is what i'm going to show you today so hardware input one will be my microphone hardware input 2 will use for discord that will come in to each of these channels separately and then what we'll do is we'll send spotify to hardware input number three now i will do this with discord and spotify using virtual cables if you do not want to use virtual cables you will note that on the virtual input area here i have to open virtual inputs you can use discord and spotify in these virtual inputs too if you wanted to send them there and it's a great option if you don't want to buy the virtual cables to do that so that's the flexibility of voicemeeter i'm doing it this way feel free to use the virtual inputs the setup is the same way you would just need to find those inputs inside of each of the softwares that we're doing and i'll show you that here in a second all right then what we'll have i will have my default playback in windows 10 set to this voicemeeter vaio so all windows default playback audio including my game audio that sort of thing youtube all that will come into this channel here now that for the outputs the physical outputs a1 is something i always use and i set to my headphones okay and then what a2 will be will be the capture card and this is how you would set up your capture card if you have one now personally i do not have a capture card that i generally use for streaming i use the thing called ndi which kind of works a little independent of this but regardless we can uh use a2 as a capture card remember you have up to five physical outputs that you can use for various devices including outputs to say other devices like a camera anything that can record which is really cool all right now down here at the bottom i have b1 this is going to be in windows 10 what i set as my default record device okay and then b2 i'm going to use as a stream mix so it'll be a mix that i want to send to the stream pc of each of these different devices that i have set up as inputs and i will send that over to my stream pc through vband which we just talked about so that's what i'm going to do so what i would do in this case is b1 i would uh i would definitely turn off except for my microphone my microphone would have b1 on and then for my stream x i would turn these b2 buttons on in each of these channels likewise you see that the a1 this which i'm using for monitoring to my headphones uh all of these are turned on i could turn any of these off you know too if you wanted to and that would you know then shut them off to your headphones the alternate scenario for the game pc and this is something if you wanted to use vband and you wanted to separate all these and you didn't want to send them as one stream mix uh you could send all of these over to vband as separate inputs to go to your stream pc that way if you're doing multi-track audio recording in obs and you wanted these separated so that you could then in post edit them out of a video say if you have people saying bad things on discord that you don't want in your video this is an option for you to be able to send separate inputs over to your stream pc to obs so then you could then edit that stuff out later but this is optional you definitely do not have to do that i think the normal scenario is actually the easiest way if you just want to get a good screen mix and you can use voicemeeter control all the levels of that uh you know separately so it's really nice so the severally we could send these over to v band and then again i have the v band set up going over to stream pc for normal stream mix if i wanted to still keep a stream mix going up so that's really about the only difference and this is the on the game pc the stream pc here is a little different now i also have spotify set up on the stream pc and that is because if i'm just using my game pc and i'm really not really doing any work and i just want to listen to some music well then spotify is set up there but if i'm live streaming i also want spotify on the stream pc because then you know my game pc the only thing that it has to worry about is the game every the stream pc will handle the load for doing all the co doing all the music and everything else so that's why i have it set up this way so what i'll do is i'll have my microphone coming in to the stream pc via v-band okay so this is going to come through v-band into this channel likewise discord the same thing this is also going to be through v-band coming into hardware input number two spotify is physically installed on the stream pc so i will have a physical connection using a virtual cable going into hardware input three for spotify and then the same thing for stream labs i'm going to actually use windows uh app routing app audio routing feature to send stream labs into a hardware channel that way i can control the alerts separate from the rest of the windows audio okay and then hardware input five will be the stream mix that i'm coming that i'm sending from my game pc into uh the string pc so that will come in through v band into hardware number five again i'm going to use voicemeeter io or the voicemeeter vaio input as windows 10 default playback audio i still have two open virtual inputs that i can use for other things as they come and then i will again be using a1 as my moderator output for headphones or speakers and then of course you see here at the bottom this hardware input 4 for your stream labs alerts i'm going to send the alerts back to the game pc through vban because that is going to give me alerts on my headphones that i will be using for gaming so that you can actually have a physical audio cue instead of having to depend on looking at a list on your stream pc again i will have b1 set as my default record device going into windows 10 and then b2 will be the stream mix output that'll come out of hardware input five i'll i'll turn the b2 on and then send that to obs as the stream mix so that that goes out on the broadcast that is the scenario that i'm going to try to do uh real quick on capture card audio let's talk about this because people are going to wonder but capture card audio does not go to voice meter on the stream pc it goes straight obs studio as a video capture device source the audio and the video will get processed there in obs so you will not have this inside of your stream pc alternatively instead of using vband to send your stream mix you can send your full stream mix to the hardware output that you use on the video capture device instead of e-band so let's go back here real quick so if you wanted to send your stream mix to your capture card and then let the hdmi you know digital audio send that over to your stream pc and into obs then you would just turn whatever you want to go to your stream mix you would just turn the a2 button on in each of these channels and that's simple that's a super easy way to do it so like i said there's just there are different ways to accomplish what you want and uh so i just wanted to make sure that you understood that all right so the first thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to download and install voice meter what i do recommend is that you go to voicemeeter's website and download voicemeeter potato why do i say that well when you download voicemeeter potato you also get banana and a regular voice meter all right so what you'll do is you'll go to vb audio's website at and you'll click on the potato tab here okay under audio apps you go down and what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to download this now i recommend you download the executable this is an installer super easy to do of course you can see the latest update for this was october of 2020 so just a couple months ago so once you run the installer um what you'll do is this will be a freeware kind of a limited version of voice meet or potato that you can try and see if it works for you if it does work then what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to unlock that by donating some money in the case here you can use it regularly this is donate where they have different levels of support the minimum support for getting voice meter uh potato is ten dollars so you can just add that to cart uh you'll make an account and what that'll do is that'll send it to your uh to your account once you've paid for this where you can get a challenge code and walk through the process of getting that set up all right so once you get that installed you'll need to restart your pc and then bring it back up and then we'll bring up voice meter and then that's where we're going we're going to go ahead and dive into this now what you'll need to do is you'll need to install this on both the game pc and the stream pc so get that done then come back to the video and then we'll go ahead and get into setting it up okay so we are now on the game pc again i will have a label up here so on the screen you will see whenever i'm on the game pc it will be labeled game pc at the top and for the stream pc it will be labeled stream pc that way there's no confusion so right now i am on the game pc i have installed voicemeeter potato i have also installed a couple of virtual audio cables now you can use virtual audio cables to connect software apps to voice meter through one of these hardware input channels and you can also output to what to virtual audio cables if you wanted to or you can use these virtual inputs would come which come pre-built into voice meter potato that is your choice that's the flexibility that it gives you if you want to use vb audio cables um you can download one for free and then there's two packs that you can also purchase through donate wear just like you did with voicemeeter potato i would recommend downloading the free one more than likely that is all you're going to need but for my scenario i do have all of the virtual cables and i'm going to use them for my setup if you come to a situation where i'm using a virtual cable that you do not have if you have a free open virtual input invoice meter potato or if you're deciding you want to use banana then you can use one of those okay super easy but the first thing that we need to do is we need to go here to your hardware outputs and you need to select a main output normally speaking this would be headphones or studio monitor speakers whatever you're using more than likely it's headphones for most people so here i am going to select my headset my corsair virtuoso wireless gaming headsets which are right here okay so i have now set that now once that is set you can now do settings other settings in voicemeeter otherwise if you did not leave this and this was flashing red there's nothing else that you can do inside a voice meter so all right so the next thing that we're going to want to do now is we want to set our default playback and record devices in windows to the meter va io input and output that you choose i as i said in overview i'm going to use the vaio input here this first channel that you see as my input device and then i'm going to use the b1 va i o output as my default record device so to do that we'll now go down here to the lower right hand corner and click on the windows speaker icon to open up your sound settings and you can go here to your pull down and select voice meter input now it's i think it's important that you really pay attention to what is labeled into parentheses because windows has the uh i guess infamous or notorious uh reputation of changing the actual windows name to something that doesn't necessarily make sense all the time right now like this one actually makes sense it says voicemail input but look at the parentheses that's really what you want to pay attention to so this is vb dash audio voice meter va io this is the first input uh it would say oxford a io right here that would be the middle input and vaio3 is the far right input okay so i am going to use this one as my default playback device and down on input this would be the b1 b2 or b3 output okay again i'm going to use b1 here it says microphone but it says here in the parentheses bb dash audio voice meter vaio okay so that will be the b1 output that i'm going to use again if you want to use b2 b2 would be labeled vb dash audio voice meter aux v a i o and then b3 would be vaio3 okay so thou now voicemeter is now controlling what window sees is my record device and you have the option to send as many devices as you want to that i really recommend it only be one thing and that be your microphone though okay so now that we have that set up what we'll do now is we'll go ahead and set up microphone now i said i wanted to use hardware input one for your my microphone if you don't want to use one you want to use three four five whatever that's your option okay i'm going to use hardware input one so to do that i am going to first left click on select input device and then i'm going to find where my microphone is selected to now mine is going to my audio interface my focusrite so i'm going to use the usb audio device here and i'm going to use wdm okay because that's the lowest latency of the options here and most people shouldn't have any issues using wdm uh if you do have issues with wdm you can can use mme but that is going to add latency to your signal and if you're trying to sync up camera you might have some audio desync and you'll have to deal with that on the other end okay so i do recommend using wdm um it generally works well for people um you can also use ks for uh people that are using seo devices and that sort of thing if you have that functionality you can do that but generally speaking most gamers are just going to use wdm okay so that's what i'll do here all right so i now have my uh audio interface lined up i do have a microphone here um this is a actually this is a dual microphone it's a usb and xlr microphone in one it's a dynamic microphone this is a samsung q2u if you're uh familiar with my channel you've seen me review this and use this i use this for a long time it's a great microphone it has an on off switch again it's dynamic in this configuration i'm using the xlr so i'm using the preamps on the focusrite to give it the power that it needs to give you a good audio signal so i've just turned this on you can see here down here that you see the vu meter the meter's going up and down it's currently in green i have adjusted gain to get it in the green and that's kind of where you want it you can if you have a usb microphone that does not have specific gain controls on the microphone or software that supports it then you would adjust it inside of the windows audio device for that microphone uh generally speaking i set the gain i get a microphone uh close you do not want it any further than that using that uh technique with your hand you don't want it any further than that from your mouth when you're setting the game so that you get a good level without getting a bunch of background noise in there so i have the level about where i want it at right now you can tell that it's working so what i will now do since we have set the default record in playback devices and i've set mine to the b1 output i'm going to turn on the b1 button now any software that looks for the default recording device from windows will use this output as its signal so now my microphone can go to all that software including my games that uses in-game comms and that sort of thing another thing that you can do is you can change the label here so you have hardware input one if you want to change that just right click on it and you'll get a little pop-up window where you can type in whatever you want i'll just call this mic all right and so that is uh now labeled properly uh you can add your compression and gate that we talked about earlier you can add some brightness if you want to move this up a little bit to you know somewhere you can listen to this and you can kind of you know maybe here's some brightness change what not uh that's an option for you too uh but yeah so it's there you got the mic working and you can also what make sure that you check the output vu meter over here and make sure that you're seeing your mic signal there too you should be once you turn that on if i turn it off it should go away which you see the signal dropping down now and i turn it back on and you should see the signal come back in so that tells you that that is working all right so now let's go and set up discord okay so go ahead and bring up discord now to bring it up and what you're going to do is go down to the user settings here at bottom left you click on the gear and then we're going to go to app settings voice and video now i have my microphone already working i've sorry set it to the default record device uh as b1 and windows so discord by having default set as the input device should see your microphone uh now you could go and set this to your microphone specifically uh as i could choose the focusrite analog one plus two there but i'm going to leave it as default since that's what i've got it set at it anyway through voicemail all right now the output device uh you could set this now i told you before uh you could choose one of the virtual inputs this is the voice meter uh input here's vaio three uh we'll look for the aux input again remember that this may be a a hunting peck here because unfortunately discord does not scale to the name nomenclature so here is the aux input there that would be b that would be the middle uh slider and so but i'm going to go ahead and select the uh cable since i said i was going to do that so i'm going to use cable c all right then i'll go to voicemeeter and i've got voicemeeter set to cable c if you just left click there you can pull and select the cable that you want and then if i hit the let's check it should show up inside a voice meter now so there we have the meter going up and down as i'm talking in the mic and we'll go to voice meter and now i have signal there so that's a good way to check to make sure that your audio is working for this particular channel okay and so there we go now we have discord set up inside of voice meter so what i'll do now is i'll go ahead and i'll rename this [Music] discord and now we're ready to go with our next one which will be spotify which we'll put in this channel here hardware input number three all right so to get spotify set up we need to open up spotify and you need to have it playing a song otherwise windows will not recognize the output of the audio and then you can't go into the app device audio preferences and change it to send it to a cable so you can get patched to voicemail so here i have audio running through spotify and then what you're going to do is you're going to go to sound settings and you're going to go to your app volume device preferences here and you can see now that spotify is in the list and we can change the output input now this is a great representation of a piece of software that is not allowed to have inputs and outputs change within the software itself but because of windows 10 you have the ability to do this where you can route specific audio to a specific device now and so it's a great thing about windows 10. so any device that does not have inputs and outputs like discord does or teamspeak um you can still change that within windows all right so i'm gonna go and i'm gonna send the output to cable d here all right and here are you remember i told you about the nomenclature and how windows likes to screw things up so here's a perfect example of this i just want to show you real quick it's cable c input but looking at parentheses it's voice mod virtual audio device so if i thought this was cable c and i were to send this thinking it was cable c it's not going to work because this is actually the voice mod virtual audio device the virtual microphone that voice mod makes down here is the actual cable c where it says vb audio cable c so remember look in the parentheses for the actual device all right so i'm going to go ahead and send this to cable d and then i should i've got cable d selected invoice meter here uh again if you just right left click on here you can select whatever device you want in the list and i've got cable d here and now you can see that the audio is coming in to voice meter okay so that is spotify really simple to set up and this is basically the same method for any device now say i wanted to set it up for a virtual input here and let's go let's send it to va i o three so i'm gonna look for va i o three right here vb audio voicemail vaio three and i would just send it there instead and now you have the output there inside of v8 i03 and there's another interesting thing about uh meter that i want to show you is that because of the windows 10 audio stack and how they have the app device audio preferences now we also have kind of like this mixing inside of voice meter so you can actually mix the spotify signal within the virtual channel here and you could also mute it so that's another little nice little option that we have in voice meter here so yeah so you don't have to necessarily use a cable you could use one of these open virtual uh channels that you have available so that is an option but i said i was going to send it to a cable so that is what i'm going to do so go back in here and turn it back on and send it to cable d and we're good all right let's move along i guess the only other thing really to set up is say if you have a video capture card so i do not personally have one but i'm going to walk you through what you need to check to make sure that it is definitely being seen by windows so again you're going to want to go to your sound devices go to sound control panel so you can pull up all of your playback devices and what you're looking for is you're looking for these outputs and in my case i have an nvidia video card so you should be looking for nvidia high definition audio or whatever the amd equivalent is unfortunately i don't know what that is i haven't owned an amd card in forever but for me the only the hdmi device or high definition audio device that i have using nvidia is my monitor okay but your video your capture card should show up just like this and it should be listed for whatever brand that you have and once you have that and you see that recognized and enabled inside of your playback devices then it should be recognized also in voicemeeter and what you should be able to do is you should be able to go to one of these other outputs that we have here and you should be able to select it in a list and you don't have to use a2 that's what i'm using because that's what i said in the overview but you should find the wdm nvidia high definition audio and the reason that is is because you're actually outputting to the hdmi cable coming out of your gpu that is connected to your capture card so that is why it isn't it is displayed like this so here i would select my high definition audio device in this case it's my monitor and then i can output that to you know any of these things that i want to output to the a2 i can do by simply turning on the button in any of these channels and this is a great way if you want to use this for your stream mix then you could designate these devices that you want to go to your live stream to the a2 and then that will get sent over to your video capture card and into obs as a video capture source so pretty neat way to do that i know i said that i was going to use v-band so that's what i'm going to do for my stream mix but in any way that is a great way to do that and that is generally how you would set up any video capture card okay so the only thing really left now is to set up our outputs and then get vband set up so that we can send whatever we need over to our stream pc all right so here of course i've already got the b1 that is designated for my microphone i do not want to use it for anything else i want to leave that blank because you you could cause audio loops if you have this selected to a bunch of these different channels and it can get confusing when you start hearing yourself repeating and it you know gets that crazy distorted sound and you know it's just best to leave it leave a designated output just for your microphone like i have here so i'm going to designate b2 as my stream mix okay so i do recommend that you do not add your microphone as part of your stream mix you can if you want to and if you want to do that that's fine i personally like to have control of my microphone separate so i will send my microphone as a separate v-band output over to the screen piecing now my stream mix is going to be designated as b2 so i want to make sure i send my discord i want to make sure i send my spotify over and uh if you want to do that if you don't like because i talked about earlier we will set up spotify on the stream pc but you can set it up that way if you want to use it on on the game pc and let's say we want to make sure we have game audio going over also we want to make sure we're outputting to our capture card that way we can uh if you have a capture card you want to make sure it's going to that a2 and then of course i want to monitor everything so if i want a monomer mic i'll turn on a1 and you'll see this will be your monitor channel for everything and it's nice because you know then you if you don't want to you know listen to something you just turn it off and you know that will take it out the monitor mix now what i like to do is i like to set my stream mix you know i like to listen to this and then set it to a level and then what i'll do is i'll go into my monitor mix by selecting this seo button on this a1 channel because again that is what i have selected as my monitor mix and then what i will do is i will go in and adjust these as necessary for my comfort level for listening because you definitely from especially from something like music you don't want to listen at the same level that your stream mix is going to have it as because oftentimes you're playing a game where you need audio cues and you don't want the music to overwhelm that so you can go and adjust that and then what you'll see is that your main mix is still there and your monitor mix is at the levels that you set simply by that push of a button so that is pretty nice to have that in potato all right so we have our uh stream mix set up here going to b2 uh just a few of these channels and now what we need to do is dive into vband so we'll go and click on the v band button here and we'll turn v man on and and you see that now v band is this blue and it is also lit up on this little icon there on the main ui and we're going to set up a couple of outgoing streams based on what we have turned on for these different outputs all right so for my microphone we want to go ahead and select bus b1 we'll turn this channel on and we will call this mic okay and this will this ip address too will be the ip address of your stream pc this is where you want to send it to to get that your ip address for the pc that voice meter is installed on is listed at the top so what you'll need to do is go over to your stream pc and get this ip address okay in the case of mine it is 192.10 all right so i will go and type in here okay so once this connection is made uh you should get a green light showing that this is now out on the network okay and you can look at the different settings here uh and everything should be good at default all right so we do have that set up because so that is our microphone so the next mix we want to set is our stream mix and so we said that we're going to choose that to b2 so we'll go to the source here and select bus b2 we'll turn the uh stream on and then what we will do is we'll call this stream mix okay and again we will type in hit enter and we have a green light and so that is good [Music] all right so that is mainly the two v-bands uh outgoing streams that i want to make for this normal configuration now if you wanted to make a separate discord in spotify then what you would need to do is you would need to use an open output that you have available it doesn't matter which one you use just make sure that it's one that's not currently being used by anything else so say for instance for discord we wanted to send it separate you could choose the a3 because we're not using that anywhere else all right and then say for spotify we could use the a4 okay and these are not outputting to anything i have not selected them anything so they're blank we're not really using them but you can still use them in v-band so here i've got a3 i'll turn it on i will call this this chord again 192.168 and then for the a4 that we selected i will call this spotify [Music] turn it on and again repeat the ip address okay so now we have four v band channels that we should be able to go over to the stream pc and uh see that listed on the incoming stream side up here okay so let's see if we got any streams coming over no we don't have any stream set up yet over there so uh that is basic video and it's very simple easy easy to do again i just wanna just i want to make sure you understand that this stuff is case sensitive when you're typing it make sure that it is listed the same on both stream pc and game pc because if it's not it will not work okay so that is it i think that is the basic setup for voice meter on the game pc so now we can go over to the stream pc and get that set up all right so now it we are setting up on the streaming pc it is important because you have installed voicemeeter on here that you need to go through the steps for your initial setup including setting up a1 and then setting up your default record and playback so that's what we're going to do now all right so first thing we'll do is we'll go ahead and set up a1 here so i'm going to choose my headphones that are going into my back of my microphone and that will be my monitoring device and then we need to go into windows sound settings and set the default playback which i have done here so i will go here set voicemeeter input this is the uh far left input here and then on the output this is b1 the voice meter output vb audio voicemail vaio all right so both of those are now set so now we can go about setting up our channels and everything so let me go and deselect all of these all right start out with a fresh slate here fresh pallet all right so the first thing i think is the best thing to do here is to go into v-band because remember we've set up those four channels of v-band streams so we can go ahead and bring those into uh our stream pc voice meter because that's going to be those devices that we're going to set up in these channels which i have labeled mike discord spotify streamix alerts so we'll go ahead and we'll click on the v band button here to bring up the interface and here we're going to turn on b band left click there and you got now v band is on you'll see this has changed now to blue and you will note on the incoming streams it says four streams detected so with that being said now we should be able to right click and you can right click anywhere here not just the ip address forum i i mistake that but you can right click anywhere in these two fields and you should get the pop down and this shows all the streams that are available so we'll go ahead and bring all those in all right so we got discord and we got spotify and then we can turn all these on and you should get green lights if you get the green lights here that means everything is good ensure now that you're looking over here in the errors and make sure you're not getting any red lights going in and any one of these five can kind of light up so by default this should work for like i said for most people right but we've got green lights we're good so now we can actually bring these into the various channels of voice meter so for microphone i said i was going to bring it to uh physical channel one so that is already set as one stream mix is going to number four which it is set discord is going to number two input number two which again is set and the same for spotify now if i wanted to send these to a virtual input i could choose one of the three everything is left or right here so virtual one virtual to virtual three is the channels all right so we've got all that set up so now these are feeding to our different hardware channels all right so what up what i will do now is i will check this mic and we will see if the path is there and so you should see the vu meter in uh channel one on the stream pc go up now check one check one check one check one yep we're good we got signal there so yeah we are working so we've got those set up now all right so with that is all of the streams coming from the game pc that we're worried about all right so we have windows audio coming into this channel we've got our stream mix we've got our spotify discord now we just need to set up alerts okay so the next thing we will need to do is we'll need to set up alerts going into voice meters it's pretty easy to do but you're going to need to bring up your broadcast software that you're going to use where you have your alert box set up at so in my case i'm using obs which i'm also recording with so this should be interesting so anyway we'll go into hardware input number five to do this all right so once you again you're going to go to windows app device audio preferences and you're under your sound settings click on the speaker icon go to sound settings go to app volume and device preferences and obs will be here now what i've done is i've selected this to go to vb audio virtual cable this is just the free one that you can get from vb audio [Music] as and then what i will then do is select that same cable output going into hardware channel number five again find it in the list here and there is the cable output for that cable and now we should have alerts so what i'm going to do is i have my stream labs account logged into and i'm at the alert box and i should be able to do a test follow and you see the audio coming into this channel now which is really good so i will go ahead and rename this alert and then what i can do is go because we need to send this back over to the game pc i'm gonna go into vband i'm gonna make an outgoing stream so i'm gonna turn this on i want to make this send this to an output so i'm just gonna use a5 because uh i'm not gonna use it for anything else and i will go ahead down here to bus a5 as my source and i will call this alert and then i should because i have both pcs now connected and they're talking to each other you should be able to right-click in the ifp addresses too and it should list the ip address of your other pc so this is the ip address the game vc so i'll select that and now i have an outgoing stream for on my alerts that i can then go over to the game pc and set up later okay really i think that is it for the stream pc uh we do have the monitor mix setup for the elgato or for my headphones going into my elgato microphone on the stream pc uh which i have all these channels outputting to a1 uh what i will do for my mic is to have this as a dedicated output i will turn this on again to the b1 which then you can use inside of obs as an audio input capture source and you can or you can go into the global microphone aux channel that obs has built in and then you can go in there and select the uh b1 output for your mic source and then that will work just fine uh discord if you wanted to output this to a specific channel you could separately again you would have to choose a virtual output for that so that obs can see it but otherwise you have your stream mix that you could choose now for my stream x i'm going to use b2 and then what i could do is i could go into obs and i'll drag obs over here so you can see me recording and you could go and make an audio input capture source and we'll call it stream mix and then find the b2 output which will be voice meter vb audio voice meter aux v a i o and now you have a stream mix dedicated stream mix in your audio here that you can control that will send all your game audio over so that is an option that's a way to do it likewise don't forget that you do have game audio specific coming into your capture card through the video capture device source in obs also so that's another option there too just be aware that if you have game audio going into your stream mix and you also have game audio coming over to your capture card you're going to have an echo so you want to mute whichever one that you don't want to use i would recommend probably easiest way to do that is to just mute the output to go into the capture card but that is just me all right so now let's go back to the game pc and let's set up the alerts coming into voicemeeter okay so now we're back on the game pc and we'll go ahead and go into vband uh make sure it's on and then we're going to turn on one of the incoming strings here and as as you can see on the incoming strings i do have one string detected so i'm going to right click and there is my alerts coming from the stream pc so now i'm going to turn that on and i'm going to send that into hardware input number four which is already there selected and so what i should be able to do now and let's uh go ahead and i'll label this alerts while here and i do have that turned on to the a1s so that should go to my headphones now all right so now what we'll do is do a test follow and should have it come over v band and there we go it's went over v band you see the alert coming in on the game pc side purely to give us an audio cue in our headphones that's the whole purpose of that so yeah that's uh alert setup on the game pc alright guys so i want to close out this uh first of all i just recommend that you know to make things simple if you don't want to do any crazy dedicated recording just to make a nice stream mix send all of your different audio channels that you want to go to obs or streamlabs obs whatever you're using for broadcasting make a simple stream mix it send it to one of those outputs like i did with the b2 output on the game pc send all of that over to your stream pc i just simplifies things instead of having a lot of dedicated outputs going over vban uh but if you are looking to have dedicated multi-track recording for all of those different options uh you know then you can go and you can do the altern alternate scenario that i showed in the uh powerpoint and what i showed you here while we did the uh step-by-step build uh other things uh just to be considerate of sometimes some of these might not work at the get-go it may require you especially with like spotify anything that you're having to go into the app device audio preferences there for windows 10 and change you might need to restart the app and restart voicemeeter to get it to actually register and work properly there's a number of times where i just had to go in and redo it over and over again because it just wasn't recognizing that the audio was changed so that may be the case for you it was for me a couple times so just keep that in mind other things to remember is the windows firewall okay that is a huge issue for a lot of people that is probably the number one issue from people trying to set up voice meter that i get on the channel you need to make sure that when you initially set this up it's going to ask you if you want this to go through your firewall you need to say yes both on the game pc and the stream pc it is very important because then that will allow v-band to talk uh without v-band uh you know working you're not gonna be able to do this kind of setup so but other than that i hope you enjoyed this video please listen i have bookmarks everything is set up at the bottom so you can revert back to this and use this as a resource when you're going and doing your builds i do appreciate it i do get a lot of people to come back over and over and watch these videos when they're going back in and rebuilding things oh another thing too about this windows is notorious for resetting audio when it doesn't update or if you plug in an audio device your default record and playback device will change and unfortunately that's going to affect voice meters so if you're going to buy a new audio device such as new headphones this is a great example my corsair headphones i just got for christmas anytime i plug them in and i turn them on windows will change that to the default playback and record device and then i have to go back into voicemeeter or back into windows and change the default record and playback to voicemeeter okay so just keep that in mind uh that's another issue that a lot of people have and they don't they don't think about uh when their audio is not working they think the voice meter was the problem it's not a voicemail it's windows okay so other than that if you have any questions feel free to comment i have a discord available with support quest channel there where you can ask for help i have a great community of people that are there to help you including myself and you can always contact me through twitter through my email you know it's all available all the social media links are down in the description below other than that i hope you enjoyed the video make sure you hit the like subscribe to the channel and hit that bell for notifications so you'll know when i have a video that goes live other than that guys have a great new year be safe out there and i'm glad 2020 is over i'm ready for 2021. so guys thank you very much i appreciate it have a great day bye [Music] you
Channel: The Frugal Streamer
Views: 23,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Voicemeeter, Potato, Livestream, Guide, Tutorial, 2021, the frugal streamer voicemeeter banana, voicemeeter potato, the frugal streamer livestream, the frugal streamer virtual cable, voicemeeter banana tutorial, how to stream with 2 computers, virtual audio cable tutorial, voicemeeter banana dual pc setup, voicemeeter potato setup, dual pc stream audio setup, voicemeeter banana best settings, how to set up voicemeeter, voicemeeter guide
Id: Jtt76TDn6Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 6sec (3786 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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